Абрамсон Евгения Марковна : другие произведения.

When I move...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   The character of human behavior changes with changing surroundings. People, who immigrated in America accept characteristics that peculiar for people born and grow up in this country. When I moved from Russia to America, I changed my behavior in three significant ways such as: changed filling, got new knowledge about work policy, and accepted new polite form of greetings.
   Firstly, and most importantly, my family and I slowly started to feel physical
  safety. That feeling let me walk alone around my apartment building in the evening time or keep the door of my apartment unlocked. In my country, I felt nervous if I had to go to anywhere in the dark. Also, everybody who lived on the first or the second floor, had a metal fender on their windows. This country gave my filling of physical safety.
   The second way is that I changed a little bit some of my knowledge about work policy since I came here. American workplace policy that I learn from work in a small architectural company is more tolerant, patient, and friendly. I tried to change my behavior in that way. Knowledge of communication and American ethic help me to feel comfortable with team environments in this country.
   The third way comes from thinking about the behavior of American people. When people such a neighbors or coworkers smile at me, I thought that they were deceptive. In my country, the smile means: I am your very good friend, and I am very happy to see you. Later, I figured out that the smile in this case is just an element of politeness. I started to follow this rule, because it is better to see faces happy than a preoccupied or anxious one even thought the person may not be your friend.
   I am sure that my behavior changed during the past four years. Also, I know that I am still the same person I was before, but I got new characteristics that attribute American people. By changing my filling, my knowledge, and my thinking, I believe I change my behavior in a better way.
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