Абрамсон Евгения Марковна : другие произведения.

Types of Teenagers

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   Education is a very important thing in the human live. Every year the millions of students receive Associate, Bachelor, or Master Degree in the colleges, universities, or institutes. Most of the college students are young people from 17 to 19. According to the responsibility of study, there are three types of teenagers: self motivated, going with the flow, and coming slow.
   Some young people have the mentality of adults. They want to increase their knowledge and try to receive work experience as fast as possible. Usually, they are full time students and have full time job. Students who do not need a teacher to push them have a reasonable motivation to study hard. As a rule, they are Honor students, received higher grade, and they are a self motivated.
   Another type of students can be called "going with the flow". This type of youth is most common in the world. Some of them already know their goal; some are waiting for some advice from teachers or parents. They do not like to study hard, but at the same time they do not like to receive a grade such as C or D. This type of students do their homework, try not to be late or absent, but they never do extra work, just the required minimum.
   The last type of the students is "lazy to study". Theoretically, they understand that education will helps in their life, but they do not have interest and energy to read books, write essays, or draw projects. Usually, this type of youth just sits on the sofa and watches TV. There are no reasons to study for this type of teens, just parents and teachers advising help them to continue education. As a rule, they fail some classes and their education in not complete.
   Most of students could be a different type at the long way on the education road. The character based according to responsibility, and there are hard studies students, regular, and slow.
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