Абрамсон Евгения Марковна : другие произведения.

Manuscript Speech - Delivery

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   The way to evaluate my speech skills seems to me like the way to improve my language. Any time that I learn new words and try to use them I feel more comfortable in explaining my thinks. In this case I just try to delivery it with the eye contact, emotions, volume.
   At first, I took time for preparation for this speech. I wrote simple text in English, just basic idea about my best things that I have been done in USA. Then, I look for some words in Russia that I would use in this text, translated it, and putted in the speech. Then I read my speech a couple times and tried to memorize the text. After 5 or 6 times I felt like I will be able to have eye contact without loosing the line of context. After review my speech, and seeing video tape, I can say that more than 50 % of the text was delivered with eye contact.
   Also, I thought how to have facial expression, be emotional. I was going to tell people about my best, but also to share my experience. It was successful experience. I think that my way to get a job was one of the real ways. If somebody just follows my way, he or she will also be successful. I tried to be honest in what I said, just tell listeners step by step what I did. For example, I explained how I received the names and a telephone numbers of 500 architectural companies and then call directly to the owners. I believe in this very much, it will work, and I should believe to get expression and emotions. I think that I delivered my believing to the students.
   The third part is volume. Unfortunately, I do not know how to speak with using diaphragm. My voice is so low. An additional to that, I was very nervous at that time that I started, so my voice was trembling. For example, with the fist sentence it jumped from one word to other. At the time I stand in front of people I thought that podium was shaking. Also, because of nervous, it was too many pauses and articulations. This part I figure out after seeing my video tape.
   In conclusion, I would like to say that I do not like to have a speaker in front of me like I was. The voice should be calm, serenity, like a musical voice, with a changing volume in some cases, where it needed. I think that I should practice more, that means for me speak for myself, in the shower, in the car, in the class, anywhere I can practice. Practice to delivery with eye contact, emotions, and volume
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