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North-West suburbs

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   There are a lot of the beautiful places to live in the Chicago area. Some of them located by the Michigan beaches, another on the very South from the downtown, and some of them on the North-West side of the city. I think that the North-West suburbs are a good place to live because it is a quiet area, full of space, and the locality in a green environment.
   First of all, the North- West suburbs are the quiet place of residence. The living area separated from shopping and offices areas. In the morning, people start to work, so the streets are empty. There are just a few cars on the roads and the people on the sidewalks. The parking lot near the shopping mall is almost empty. There are no human voices or car"s horns you can hear during the day. Only postman that brings letters and magazines might ask you: "How are you doing?" North-West of Chicago is a silent area.
   Another good thing is that the Chicago North-West is a space full place. For example, every time when you go for a sopping or visit a doctor or somebody you need it is easy to find a parking space for your car because of the spacious lot . Usually, there is no traffic during the day, and you do not fill tight on the road driving your car. Also, the Glencoe Beach, one of the beautiful beach in Chicago area is almost empty. There is no human activity on it, just a couple seats on the bench and enjoys the weather, or a few people run with their dogs by the edge of the water. In the North-West suburbs you will never fill crowded.
   The third think that I like is a green environment in this Chicago area. There are a lot of garden areas or forest preserves in the North-West suburbs. You can go for a picnic or for a bicycle ride and enjoy breathing fresh air. Also, some apartment buildings have professional designed landscape such as a few small lakes around houses that give us a gorgeous view as well, as many fir- trees that smell nice. In addition to that, Botanic Garden, one of the beautifies and biggest garden in the Chicago area located on the North-West. Green area surrounds this suburbs.
   In conclusion, each reason give us the idea where is the best place to live. People think differently and they chose the comfortable place for themselves according their character or money they have available. Because of quietness, place fullness, and green environment, the North -West suburbs are the good place to live.
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