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The Last Days of Lucifer on Earth. Part 2

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    The real story of our days, which happened on the lands of Jordan. The energy of the most negative character of the Divine Mystery of the Universe - Lucifer - has embodied on Earth in a human body of, at first sight, an ordinary man, a taxi driver, named Mohammad. This story tells how the God's Plan on eliminating and putting an end to the existence of the Lucifer's Energy in the Universe was implemented.


The Last Days of Lucifer on Earth

Adi Shakti

Part two

The new events did not take long to happen. The Universe provided an opportunity and launched the next program on the eradication of the Lucifer's vasanas, which enrooted in many ways of the human Being, as an old tree. Step by step myriads of evils had to be burnt to ashes without any chance for recovery. This program was much wider than the one before - it was needed to overthrow Lucifer from his throne and bring down his 'illusory crown'.

His body continued to hold on to the same vasanas, recorded in the memory, even though the vitally important sources of energy were cut off from him. It happened this way as those who were with him every day in his ordinary life gave him 'energy and power'.

I had to 'enter' their clan, to see with my own eyes all those, who gave him birth (first of all his mother, it was very interesting to see, who could agree to bring the Lucifer's body to Earth one more time); those, who were around him in his childhood, who agreed to become his wife and those, whom he brought to this world. All these reasons quickly formed the new, even more interesting events.

After a while L. started to write me that we would never meet again, that he could not forget me, that he loved me (his confessions of love did not mean anything for him, as it appeared that he wrote 'love' letters to all women he knew, proposing himself to them). He explained that the ugly situation with our deportation was not his fault, but he blamed his friend instead, as if he did not want to give me back money that he had borrowed. As usually, lies flowed like endless rivers from him, they were inexhaustible.

To draw attention of everyone, who was involved in that situation away from his fault, he started to file complaints against both the owner of a flat, where I lived in Aqaba and a manager of his company. He appealed to a court, accusing them of insulting him. L. constantly resorted to such manipulations to 'clear' his name. He had no conscience. His virtue was on a zero level. He did not mind using any dishonorable means to rehabilitate himself from his deeds in the eyes of those, who were around us.

I just replied that he must withdraw the complaints against completely innocent people from the court. I wrote him that I did not have any claims against him and did not feel angry at him and that everyone would get what he or she deserved, answering for his or her actions before God and by the Will of God.

He proposed to meet, promising to do everything he could to revoke deportation, telling me that he had a 'powerful uncle', who could resolve any question.

And only when I received a question within, 'Will I be able to see Baba in him?' I agreed to meet with L. Although, I must tell it was difficult to do it. There were two reasons for me to agree. On the one hand, all this situation was proving that everything was happening by the Will of God (namely the role of L. in the deportation and the spread of the message about Sai Baba); on the other hand - the task to penetrate into the Lucifer's clan.

Turkey became the place for our meeting. Everything was seething inside. The whole Universe was close to boil up, full of the Rudra's Energy. But once again I was not allowed to show my emotions. There was just the Great Game of the Creator, the Game of the Universal scale. There were no questions 'what?' and 'how?' I just had to hold down the wrath, which boiled up when I observed his foxery, falsehood and trickiness. Nothing had changed in him through all that time. Evils had been gushing forth from his substance.

We talked about the consequences of all deeds through the lenses of Karma. Without a single sign of remorse, he insisted and tried to convince me that he was innocent and that he wanted to help me to leave Jordan before deportation. And this lie - was his standard behavior in all cases of his life.

Starting the 'Game' I proposed him to run a business - to supply Russia with fruits from Turkey. He 'turned on' and stepped in. I had to do everything in a way that he would not understand that he was 'being dragged' into this Cosmic Game. We were in Turkey not for too long. He made selfies everywhere and talked with his relatives through the video calls. I had already seen his mother and children. He promised that soon enough I could come to Jordan to meet his family. And this was exactly my goal.

Although communication with him was extremely difficult, tense, insincere and hard, the 'Game' was led on my terms. I had to go until the logic end of this part of the Plan of the Universe. His mood was changing like the weather in spring - one moment he loved me, the next moment he wanted to kill me. Sick perception of the reality, low self-esteem, and complexes (he humiliated others to compensate for them), rampant jealousy for no reason, fears and the lack of resources took the form of arrogance and fake cockiness in his behavior. Manipulations were his trademark. And all negative aspects were boiling and seething within him, waiting for an opportunity to come out.

I continued communication despite of his negative behavior. After one more quarreling he accused me of 'adultery' (the fantasies that he had out of jealousy, gnawed at him within, as profligacy, depravity, immorality, hypocrisy and falsehood were his very nature) and started to write the vilest messages about me in the social networks. He wanted the whole world to see me as a wanton and a dissolute woman. I constantly forced him to delete everything and he continued to write again and again...

In the meantime, understanding that Lucifer would not do anything to revoke the deportation, I started a procedure to change my name and surname to open the only opportunity for me to enter Jordan once again. The instruction from the Divine was to come to Jordan by the end of March of 2019.

I had to decide what to do with things and belongings, which had been left in Aqaba, where to bring them to and how. The rent for the flat in Aqaba was paid until May.

As for Lucifer, I had to 'outperform' him. I invited him to Russia. We met in Istanbul, applied for a visa for him and when it was ready, we went to Moscow. He started to tell me that I just wanted to kill him slowly. He got very sick and spent all days lying in bed. He did not have any strength or power. We went to St. Petersburg. He got to know my new name in the hotel there. He was happy and told me that now I could visit Jordan. The whole family was waiting and wanted to meet me. I agreed.

And then March was coming to its end and I was preparing for a journey, although I was a little bit anxious about the way to enter Jordan. I had the new name, but the biometrics of my eyes and hands were taken at the deportation. I asked a lawyer from Amman, what would happen if I entered the country with the new name and he replied categorically, 'Do not do it, do not take a risk, this is very dangerous, it is the straight way to the jail.'

The Lucifer's family was preparing for some celebration and his son was inviting me to come over again and again, as if everyone wanted to meet me so much. That time I was in Antalya, so I bought a ticket to Amman from there. 'Yes' and 'No' were resounding within me. To go or not to go. But anyways I went to the airport. My heart was beating strongly, the mind was turned off...After check-in I wanted to go back to the hotel, not to take the risk. In the autopilot mode I approached the gates. There again, 'No, I do not go anywhere!' I set in a far distance from my boarding gate, pulled a jacket over my head and just heard that they were calling my name, inviting to proceed to the boarding. I just wanted the boarding to be closed quicker and the plane to take off. I had been already imagining, what I would tell the officers, when I would leave the airport.

And suddenly a man run up to me. He called my name, took my things, and brought me to the gate. I just prayed so that everything was alight. The moment I went into the plane, the doors were closed, and we went to the take-off strip. Everyone had been waiting just for me.

During the whole flight, which lasted only for 1 hour 20 minutes, I was asking Swami to change my eye's retina, otherwise I would not be able to go through the passport control. My heart was beating as a hammer in my chest. There was also an understanding that whatever happened, would happen by His Divine Will.

We exited the plane. The passport control was in front of me. Nobody was there nearby the officers (his son had promised me that they would meet me, and everything would be alright). I came to the officer and gave my passport to him. He asked me to look at the camera and then... stamped my passport and returned it back to me. I was quite shocked. And went out to a meeting zone. Nobody was there too. I started to call M.; he did not reply. In about 20 minutes M. called me and told that they were in a police office. The policemen discovered a gun (it was the duty gun) with his brother and they were taken into police custody. I asked where we were going. They said we were going to their mother.

Eventually, a meeting with the main hero of that journey had happened. The mother was playfully smiling and sleepy. They showed me a room, where I could stay alone, and everyone went to bed. Finally, we had met with the one, who gave birth to the flip-flopper, hypocrite M. She was as cunning, flexible, lying and possessive. A manipulator, psychopath. Every family member was spinning around her, feeding her with energy and emotions.

I was received warmly. Children were hanging on me as garlands and told me that they fell in love with me. They took care of me as best they could. Everything ran smoothly.

Once again, as before I was not allowed to 'give myself away' and reveal the real purpose of the Divine Visit. Everyone had to believe that we were 'in love' with M.

M. brought me to some ancient places, nature was beautiful there. And there were many places, connected with the Roman Empire. I just observed everything and everyone. I did not have any interest in anything everyone was doing.

The daily routine of this big clan was quite specific. It deserves a separate story about life in Patala.

I had never met that much lies and hypocrisy in people throughout all my lives.

The mother of the household settled everything with tricks, lies, screams, and cries. However, we lived peacefully with her. Sister of M. called me an 'ATM' as I was paying for all expanses by myself and did not tie any financial bonds with them on purpose.

I truly wanted to see the wife of M. But she did not come down from the flat to the common area, when M. was at home. His children visited mother of M. His wife lived on the higher floor. M. had 5 children, who were simply ignored by him except for the youngest one - his daughter. But once I got a chance to go up to his family's flat and meet with the wife of M. She talked very warmly with me.

The regime of this 'kingdom' was very strange. Everyone was walking around, eating, drinking coffee, discussing something loudly, often shouted until 3 - 4 AM and in the morning I had to go through the sleeping bodies to the kitchen, as everyone was sleeping with the dead sleep until afternoon. There was always eternal mess and disorder everywhere.

During the first short trip I could meet all members of his family. They welcomed me warmly everywhere.

While I was there, I had to keep the purse out of my bag, as M. had a habit of going through the bags and even stealing money. And after all he could do it once. He picked out JOD 100 (USD 140). As it had happened before in India, when he stole RUB 5 thousand (USD 65) and told me that somebody else had done it. It was very easy for him to blame somebody and shift his wickedness to other shoulders. He was a professional thief; I was told about it far back in Aqaba. And many things had been lost there.

I had to cover my eyes and ears not to react to everything that was happening there. They were not familiar with such qualities as conscience, honesty, sincerity, truthfulness, purity, and righteousness. And I had to 'grind' all those evils. My presence always had launched the transformational programs everywhere, but this was the rarest case, incredibly difficult and unique, one of the kinds.

I told M. that unless he repealed my deportation, his Karma would suppress him and his relatives. And we agreed that I would help him to break through the bonds of his fateful Karma. He agreed to it and promised and vowed that he would do anything he could to revoke deportation, continuing to lie that he did not write to the police in Aqaba.

Upon the arrival to Russia I started to prepare the documents for the marriage with a foreigner. In a month everything was ready, and I went to Amman again.

During the flight I heard from Swami, 'Forgive me that you have to go through such challenges. If not you, who would do it?' That moment I burst into tears. Even when God compassionates for us, He often sends us to complete His tasks, as His instruments. The Game is the Game!!! Physical consciousness is for the world, Divine Consciousness is for the Universe.

I went through the passport control with the strong heartbeat and with the prayers on my lips. M. met me and we went to his mother once again, even though I did want to stay there at all. I asked him to help me to find a nice flat with the good interior.

I invited a girl I knew to come to Jordan, so that she could help me to bring furniture from the flat in Aqaba to Amman. And we equipped the new flat with the necessary facilities, not knowing again for how long we would stay there.

We applied for marriage with M. The procedure appeared to be too long. Some permissions and my identity verification were required everywhere. Every time at the visits to the police, everything tightened within me, the wrath towards M. was bursting the memory, but I had to hold back so that the Divine Plans would not be uncovered - I had to 'ENTER' his family, the clan of demons and belphegors.

When we drove my acquaintance to Aqaba, so that she could pack things there, I could not appear in that city, as many people in Aqaba knew me and the story about our deportation. On the way back to Amman, for the first time in my life, I saw a coming sandstorm. I immediately understood that the Wrath of God, the Energy of His Indignation took such form in the Nature. There were other external events, which gave the same signs. The Universe 'led' us to the new events in the fight against rakshasas or demons.

There was one more indicator of the wicked character of M. - no one from the people who knew us wanted to see M. and communicate with him. The owner of the flat in Aqaba, the manager of his company and other people, associated with the last year's events, just refused to communicate with my acquaintance, when she went to Aqaba to collect my belongings, as they thought that M. was together with her there. And only when they got to know that she was alone in Aqaba and were certain about it, they met with her and gave her the keys from the flat. They could not forget, how much harm he did to everyone. And this was his ordinary nature - to spread evils and sins and destroy goodness and virtues.

On August 6, 2019, our marriage was registered. I had to adopt Islam on paper. And when all documents were translated into English, I saw that he was married to his wife and they were not divorced. Even though he was frothing at the mouth, telling that he had already divorced her long time ago. His falsehood was the foundation of his whole being - both at the small and large scale - endless lies were everywhere. I could not trust him, even one of his words. I wrote his son that we had registered the marriage, and M. became violent. He shouted that he would have problems with his wife. And once again he tried to persuade me that papers meant nothing in Jordan and that he was divorced. I just expressed my gratitude to God for giving me patience in such situations.

M. could not work. He constantly was sitting with a phone. Although he had not stopped to communicate with women, watched porno, he still lied that he did not communicate with anyone and that he deleted all applications - lies, as a deep rivers were flowing down from his substance.

I started the process of opening a company to work in Amman. He followed me everywhere. Everyone was always talking Arabic everywhere. Once again, when the documents were translated into English, it appeared that his name was in the list founders of the company. At that point it became clear that the beginning was the immediate end as well. I played for time, hoping that he would do something to legalise my stay in Jordan, as it was the main condition for my agreement to marry him, when we made a respective arrangement, but M. did not do anything to atone for his sin, when he betrayed Swami so easily and even reported me to the police.

I covered all the expenditures, associated with my stay in Amman, including the rent for the flat, utilities, food products, petroleum, and journeys. As he could not work anywhere, he started demanding money, as if he was working as a manager for the company. As usually, M. was slithering like a snake, lied, made excuses, and justified his actions, got angry, when I refused to give him money.

We had a good office, where everything was furnished and decorated in the best way. And everyone, who we had to meet and communicate with, considered us a very strange 'couple'. We confused everyone when they saw us as the 'couple'. Nobody understood what could unite us, so different we were both internally and externally.

One woman even asked me, 'Where did you find this devil-in-the-box?' I could not tell and explain anything to anyone. I just silently went further for some finale, which had not been revealed to me that time yet.

Every morning I begun with the appeal to God, so that this story could end sooner. And every morning I did not know what would happen with me until the evening.

Every evening I did not know would I survive to the morning or not. I could expect anything from him. M. was always dangerous. Sometimes his eyes showed all his anger and hatred. But I moved forward. I knew that he was 'disconnected' from every Divine source of energy. He often fell sick. He could not work. He did not have his own money. And he could not change anything in his life. Relatives of M. did not conceal that they were eagerly waiting for me to bring products to Jordan, hoping that all of them would work for the company. Everyone had already found his or her 'golden' corner in it. I told M. that I would not go any step further, unless he legalised my stay in Jordan. Time moved further and he still had not done anything.

By the Will of Fate, during my short stay in this country, I was able to get acquainted with our women, who got married to the Arab men and had been living in Jordan for the long time. Everyone was truly surprised with our 'couple'. They did not understand how I was related to M. So far, this secret had become an unsolved mystery, which could not be understood by anybody. And it continued to be like this. Even until now.

I joined the meetings with the Russian-speaking women, where some discussions were held. They also studied Arabic and Al-Quran. All my meetings in life had been always special somehow. If something developed contrary to the Divine Plan, then everything stopped quickly, and if something moved in unison with the Plan then everything progressed further.

Let us come back to the family of M. Even though they knew that he could not work, they constantly asked him for money. He asked me for them. He told me that I had to pay him a salary of JOD 400 (USD 565). He used to use women that way in the past. It was easy for to live as a gigolo. And the lack of any shame and morality helped him to live without blushing for something or being ashamed of anything. I told him about these things, he got mad and hastily ran away, leaving the flat and the office in a fury.

Within me it was told: 'YOU HAVE TO SEE [something].' And this happened repeatedly. I was just waiting... waiting for the events on the next page of this story.

On October 26, I was sitting and studying Arabic. M. came back home in the evening and was doing something in the kitchen. Then he brought two glasses of tea. I was surprised with it, 'Why would you make it?' M. replied, 'You are studying, just drink tea.' It was tea with milk. When I tried it, it was oddly bitter. I tried it once again and felt the same bitter taste. Then I took the glass of M. and tried his tea. His tea had a normal, ordinary flavour. I gave my glass to him and forced him to drink from it. He pretended to try my tea, but he did not drink it. He quickly went to the kitchen and poured out tea from my glass. Then I told him that there was no point in trying to poison me, as it did not work on me. I was under protection of God Himself.

Couple of hours earlier that day we went to the bank together and I withdrew some money there. He did not know how to steal them and decided to either send me to sleep or poison me, treating me with this poisoned tea. He hoped that I would not recognise it. He kept a wary eye on me, and I was sitting and singing Bhajans. His eyes were full of bewilderment and fear, and I was just praying. In the morning I looked at his face and noted that it blackened. M. was very angry. I just asked Baba to quickly bring me through this odious trap. And just gentle, 'Be patient, YOU MUST SEE,' kept me there, resisting from the will to leave everything and go away from this place.

In the evening of October 27, in a day after his attempt to poison me, he called me and told that he was caught by the police and was taken to a police station. He added that he did not know the reasons to why he was caught.

I had bought a ticket from Aqaba to Moscow for October 29, but on October 28 I decided to change the route and bought a ticket from Amman to Antalya. Nobody knew I was leaving. His brother asked me to visit M. in the police station. And then I SAW...

M. was led out of the general detention cell in handcuffs. His eyes were full of tears. I gave him money. He explained that Omar (the owner of his former flat that he rented in Aqaba) submitted a claim to the court against him for non-payment of the rent. Through that situation God showed that Lucifer's invulnerability and impunity from all his evil deeds did not work as before. And that the owner of the flat in Aqaba, who innocently suffered much from the harm done by M., had become an instrument of the Retribution of the Universe that moment.

In the evening I was leaving Amman already. And immediately his relatives, as a bunch of wild vultures started to ask money from me to help M. One was asking for JOD 500 (USD 700), another one for JOD 1500 (USD 2100). The total amount was constantly changing. I told them that I did not have any money. I added that when M. reported me to the police, nobody, but God helped me. I told them to let him pray. And I also noted that if all his relatives could collect JOD 100 (USD 140) each, they could pay for all his debts. The relatives were grinding their teeth, yelling, and slinging mud at me. There was no connection with M.

On November 16 he read my messages, but 'proudly' did not reply.

On November 19 I arrived in Amman. I got to know the reasons for his arrest from my acquaintances there. It appeared that M. gave Omar a fake cheque with no money on it to pay for the bills. In response to my messages M. started to send me rude words and threaten me (same as he did in Aqaba previously), he promised to report me to the police. And he told me that he would give me a week to leave the flat and Jordan. His style and text had not changed in a year. The nature of the Lucifer's vasanas or habits reemerged back and clearly showed up on the surface in the common environment. Lies, rudeness, humiliations, assaults, and threats abundantly came out of him. This way he was trying to maintain his image of a 'hero'.

We were approaching November 23, the Birthday of Sri Sathya Sai Baba. M. suddenly appeared. His face was blackened, he was scruffy, he disgustingly smelled with the cigarettes, and was evil-minded as in Aqaba in the past. He said he had been ringing the doorbell for the long time, and that I was with a man. He added that he saw somebody exiting my flat (his regular sick fantasies, coming from his lifestyle in the past). He collected his things (there were not many of them) and went out. His psychopathic Ego turned everything inside out of him. And his messages were full of endless treats... treats... treats...

Once again, I wrote to the same girl in Moscow, who helped me with the things in Aqaba and asked her to help me. She arrived immediately and very quickly, just in two days, we collected all things and brought them to one of my acquaintances in Amman. And exactly on the same day, approximately one hour after our departure from the flat, M. came there with his sister. When they saw that the flat was empty, they started calling me and shouted that they would call the police and tell them that I stole everything from the flat.

This situation proved once again that they had been planning to push me out of the flat beforehand, being sure that I would leave everything and go. Lack of shame would let them happily use the flat and everything that was inside of it, everything that was bought not by them and not for them. M. continuously called, yelled at me, and threatened that he had already reported us to the police, that we stole his documents and that we would not be able to leave Amman. If only we had a little bit more time (we were in rush to leave Amman), I would better give all my belongings and furniture to the Palestinians, rather than to those rakshasas or devils. Meanwhile we were on our way to Aqaba with my friend, as the next day we had to go to Russia from Eilat (Israel).

At the border we were held for a long time. Many people, who came to the officers and submitted the documents after us, quickly received them back and went to the territory of Israel. As for our passports, the officer held them in hands and showed them to these officers and other officers of the border post. We started to call the Russian Consulate to inform them on the delay with our passports. The moment we called them, the officer brought out and gave us back our documents. If I was there alone I would not worry that much, but I sincerely did not want my girl to suffer in this uneasy situation, as it had happen before in Aqaba, as a result of the Lucifer evil attacks on me.

The officers frisked us and our things very carefully in Israel. These were the same evil energies following us as a 'tail' from Jordan. This special tension 'filled' the space until our very departure. Thus, God of the Universe 'guided' us 'out' of the space of hatred and malice of Lucifer.

I always recognise that something significant for the Universe should happen on this day - November 23, the Sai Baba's Birthday. At the moment, Jordan is the most problematic place on Earth. All this time I have been there for a reason. There was a reason, that I was there exactly on November 23, as on this day the Jordanian borders were fenced off with the Shiva's Trishulas, with their pikes directed downward to the ground and the territory of the country was covered by Shiva's Trishulas, with their pikes directed upward to the sky. This fact proved one more time that Jordan would face new developments, which would purify its space.

Extraordinary processes started much earlier. Many life-support and survival systems of M. were 'cut off' from him. But his habits of living, resorting to manipulations with other people, automatically came out to the surface. He easily outfoxed the owner of the office, as many other around, when after my departure he took out all furniture, which I bought for it. As easily he hoodwinked the owner of the flat in Amman, when he lied to him that he owned the furniture in the flat. And he was telling unimaginable false stories about me, spreading gossips and wrongful accusations. Both the owner of the flat and the owner of the office were shocked with the happening events and incoming news. They were writing me and offered me help with any issues.

It is impossible to describe the power of Divine Wrath that time (and not only that time). Soon enough all the scenes that had happened there, were enlightened by the light of the Divine Plan. I just had to wait and observe the subsequent events. It is clear as day that M. has no future. His moral, spiritual, physical emptiness and the absence of the resources are apparent. He did everything out of his inner anger, jealousy, and envy, covering his every wickedness with endless sophisticated lies. One more time he took up arms in an open battle with the Energy of the Creator without any resources, any wisdom, backed only by advices of his mother and sister, not atoning his guilt for the wrongdoing in the past, which causes 'an audio feedback loop' in the whole Universe, not to take into account his previous malice acts. The result of this fight is predetermined and would not take long to be seen. This the Fact.

All expectations of the clan of M. turned sour. They wanted too much, seeing me as just one more ordinary Russian woman in the life of M. They would be happy to lay their hands on all my belongings, flat, adding to the resources and my Soul... And these all would not be enough to satisfy them.

Soon enough M. turned on his old phone number, opened all applications, which he used to use for communicating with tourists (although he was constantly foaming at the mouth and telling that he had deleted everything and all numbers had been lost, that there was nothing left, which would connect him with his past - all these were his ordinary and standard lies).

But, when Rudra's Energy comes into Its Own Rights in the Universe, it only means the eradication of all negative settings, however strong, deep, and ancient they are. Decades, hundreds, and thousands of years - it does not matter. Rudra's Energy is RELENTLESS IN THE RE-ESTABLISHMENT OF THE UNIVERSAL EQUILIBRIUM. The Law of the Universal Equilibrium is FIRM AND KNOWS NO COMPROMISE. The Judgement of God proceeds with THE DIVINE JUST RETRIBUTION.

Now all the resources are cut off from M. Even the pandemic closed his tourist business, and he cannot return to his previous life, as he would want to.

At the moment, all borders are closed. But I am yet to see another Jordan. I know that all this time, when I am not staying there physically, my image is present in this clan, as an eternal phantom. They nervously shiver each time, when I appear in the form of images and scents before them. They constantly feel my presence around them. Their centuries-old demonic living foundations set by Lucifer have crashed. Mentality of M., which was ill before, has led him to complete madness.

The connection with him has been lost. He does not understand that all stench, which had been being produced in the Universe for centuries, was coming out of his evil-smelling substance and produced by him. And he writes that he wants to get free of dirty me. His inappropriate request, 'Do not write me', when I have not written him for a long time, proved his Madness one more time.

The Lucifer's story is very toxic, disgusting, and long running. And it seems that it is my destiny and duty to dissolve this substance on the verge of the Universal Transition to the Golden Age - the Age of Sathya Sai. THE AGE OF PURITY, RIGHT CONDUCT, NON-VIOLENCE, PEACE AND LOVE.

P. S. part two.

Nobody and nothing have the right to stop the Course of the Universe or influence it.

Time for belching out the negative outbreaks into the space and their evil deeds has come to an end.

From 17/09 to 18/09/2020 we have received the news that the mother of the M.'s clan has left her body and Earth. She was leaving with great difficulties: screaking, screaming that nobody wanted to save her, that she wanted to live... But...

As if the largest radix was 'uprooted' from the Earth's deep interior. And that coordinating center, which demanded unquestioning fulfilment and submission from everyone was gone. The center that demanded the execution of all her orders, which were largely absurd, mean, and sneaky, masqueraded under the mask of righteousness.

Now, this Patala is to go all to rack and ruin; it will destroy itself very quickly.

They were given the chances for changes, but the large, centuries old EGO and false pomposity have become one big obstacle and hurdle on the way to break free of the consequences of their shared clannish demonic Karma.

The Law of the Universal Equilibrium is rigorous and relentless. Only Time gives 'extension' for the execution of particular actions.

Nevertheless, Time itself chooses the events, places, and performers for the re-establishment of the Higher justice in the exact period of time, set by It.

We are grateful for the events of all days! May Earth clear Itself from everything that is false, evil, immoral, and soulless. May Peace, Calmness, Purity and Love be restored and enthroned on Earth!


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