Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Ariadna's thread

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Wait for the darkness. Leave fears away. 
Remember: you're not what you were yesterday.
Light black candle on. Kiss it's dancing flame.
You have a new destiny, flesh, soul and name. 
Make twelve slow steps. You must feel strange cold. 
You'll squeeze Ariadna's thread. Her love's not sold. 
Find a small key to the silver locked gates. 
Come into the garden of broken gloom fates.
Follow the path. Count the roses and stones. 
Pick fallen raindrops up: it will treat her wounds. 
Stop next to asylum. Look through window glass:
You'll see your obsessions, desires and lust.
Let grave silence stay. Is now your heart sore? 
Fill it with your love. Unlock the white door. 
Enter the labirynth. Kill dreadful beast. 
Read last revelations in language of east,
Of the pervertion, of  bliss and of pain.
Enslaved Ariadna is torgued in the chain:
She's in the trap, hidden under the shell,
She's dressed in the vice, stolen out of Hell,
She keeps on moaning, she looks like insane...
But each messiah gives her name "the saint". 

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