Анпилова Рада : другие произведения.

A Song for Antichrist

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Why should I lie? I"m not ashamed of blasphemy - not now.
I sing to him and think of him like none of you could dare,
I scratch my skin, moan through sewed lips and lustfully fall down...
I write these lines for him, I crawl through corners and I stare
Inside of mirror surface with a plea to meet his sight,
I call his names and I imagine that he"s rushing here,
I feel his might, his presence in this strangely peaceful night: 
He"ll break that peace to smithereens, he"ll poison it with fear...
I can"t stop raving!... nothing makes me scared, because I"ve learned:
His cruel frenetic feast keeps getting closer every moment,
And so I hold my breath, prepare myself for his return,
Prepare my mind and flesh for his immaculate lewd torment,
Prepare my voice for singing glory and my knees to bend, 
Prepare my breast for pain, my blood for toxication... 
Let this mute sky collapse right now - I won"t even pretend
That I deny my Beast or feel afraid of the damnation.

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