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Call Me Angel

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

I've come into your cosy prison
To learn the simple needed truth.
Trust me: I'll never think of treason,
No matter what I'll hear from you,
No matter what you'll do tomorrow -
I'll better die than bring you hurt.
When you were screaming out mad sorrow,
I was the only one who heard
Each of your words... I could be reading
The toxic thoughts, splitting your mind.
I caught your hand and I was bleading
So close from you at freaky night.
I've never pictured you as stranger -
Even before the day we met...
But why you couldn't call me angel
Instead of names "insane" and "sad"?
Because you saw the spots of ashes,
Still left on hair, face and neck,
Left from the burnt in Hell white fleshes?
Because you saw my wings are black? 

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