Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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It was the scariest fable 
Of the thousand arabian nights:
Like in coma, I have seen myself 
From the new another side,
Seen my body, buried in the soil 
Of the saint city, colored by blood,
And my soul, feeling that sweet breath of freedom,
Has been treated from every wound.
I have been wandering alone inside
Of the graveland and wasting the dawn,
And I wished this coma could be endless,
Wished I couldn't die and couldn't be born.
I have found there a grave with my blessed name
And with silver orthodox cross above...
There was a sign: "It's a Devil, who loved to hate,
It's a Devil, who hated to love".
Then I left that small temple of the death 
And appeared somewhere on the streets,
Where I joined the bright crowd of the damned,
Who were crying about Bethlehem kids. 
Someone's shown me a path to prison-palace,
Where I was dancing under moonlight,
And when that stranger touched my hand, oh God,
I swear, his beauty has made me blind:
I've been burning on the fire of his blue eyes,
I've been strocking his skin, white, like a snow,
And he's been smiling by the smile of Satan
And we've been speaking language we both only know.
There was a parade of the extacy
In the blessed by Darkness city Aleph...
And when I asked him for his name, he said,
He was an Angel, who's gifted me half-life and half-death.

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