Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Die living, live in death

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Die living, live in death,
Love it's sweetness: don't be scared of it until last breath,
Learn it's wisdom: live dying, die in life
Everyday, laughing through your tears and crying in laugh,
Gift me hate like you would gift me love. 
Die living, live in death,
Hear my whisper: God is nothing but the emptiness,
Senceless sorrow - trust never to no one,
Who could say all the human souls are blessed by only Sun,
Don't feel sorry for the sins you've done. 
Die living, live in death,
Like in pleasure, deeper, than the pain of loneliness -
Drink this poison, pour slowly in your veins
To let it show you freedom, torgued with you in chains
And born with you under cold bloodrains. 
Die living, live in death,
Save this secret, buried with your enemies and friends
In the same grave: be poet of the end,
Of the night - you will be the first who'll understand,
Today Savior will give us His hand. 

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