Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Don't pray to the sun

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Just next day I'll say goodbye forever
And fly away from warm and peaceful home.
I know I leave the deepest love whenever
I could be presented by in this world.
There's nothing to change - I'm sorry.
Choises are done, the last magic's gone,
But in sadness and fun, when you are with no one -
Don't pray to the sun,
Don't share with a secrets of your heart.
Don't pray to the sun,
Don't share with a secrets of your heart.
No, don't pray to the sun,
Don't say we won't always be apart.
No, don't pray to the sun,
Don't ask it to take me back to you
Or make all your dreams of me come true.
And don't sure yourself that I'm the one -
Don't pray to the sun. 
Just next day I'll start to read new pages
Of the book, describing all my life.
And soon I'll face a good or scary changes,
But, right or wrong, you won't be by my side.
Don't look in the sky for my trace:
My life, oh, my love, past has gone, 
But in sadness and fun, when you are with no one -
Don't pray to the sun.

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