Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

If we lived in perfect world

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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All around this world, faraway from home,
Following the route nobody knows.
Happiness of mine is rushing all the time
Anywhere with you through the night. 
Further I go, I will never return,
I've made this decision on my own. 
Let the highway light conduct us in this flight,
Let it tell I wish you were by my side. 
Like a winter for the snow, 
You're someone special in my soul,
You have finally brought me a warm. 
All the things you did say I shall keep like a pray
Inside of me untill the last day. 
How do you think, if we lived in perfect world,
Would me and you ever find each other?
How do you think, if we lived in perfect world,
Would we meet tonight?

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