Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

I've lost you

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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It's true or just next strangest nightmare,
Poisoning my mind? I could not dare
To learn it: answer is too clear.
You seemed to be turned in dust and gone,
Melted in fog and left me alone
Another time within my fear.
You threw away your flesh like a clothes,
You hid so far that you are almost close,
And nothing but the death's between us. 
You were a beast, born in the cell,
My holy doom, sent from very Hell,
You burned me, like the freaky fevers.
Nights, spent with you, made me obsessed:
More, than to hope God's saved me and blessed,
I wanted you to damn and hate me...
What can I turn into without you?
I drank the life only from your bayou...
I'll steal your sinful soul from Satan.
Time was illusion we could change or destroy,
And whole the world seemed to be just dumb toy
We played with in the past and future.
You were inside of me, like a blood,
You licked my skin and were tearing my heart
In pieces in the sweetest torture -
And then you just made a slight step,
Fell and could not rise again from the depth:
Your Bible's written, all is over.
You wander where nobody has been,
You're watching me, but you couldn't be seen -
I've lost you, master of my horror,
So wait for me, we'll soon meet again:
I'm suffocating and drowning in pain -
Don't save me, it is no more needed.
If I'd just have one more life, one more chance,
I'd ressurect you by blood from my veins
And maybe wouldn't solve false this riddle...

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