Рада Анпилова : другие произведения.

Learn by heart

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Please, help me learn these words by heart,
Say how to finish and to start,
Please, do not leave me there alone for ever. 
I'd give you everything you need,
Cause you're the one who sets me free,
Cause all I want is stay with you together... 

I am star, you are star: that is how it began.
Always close, always far, but explain me to me then:
Are they searching for me? Are they searching for you?
Can they see what we see? Don't be kind, tell me truth!
We belong to nobody, like an air and stones, 
Put your hands on my body and never leave me alone. 
You can run, you can stay, you can take, you can give,
Breathe and die just your way, but never ask to forgive.
I am yours, you are mine - this is way life should go
All the things would be fine, if you only could know. 
Share your pain, share your tears, and do not be afraid
This is sky, these are rivers - check it all what we made!
Very bad, very good, but I have made my mind
And I will stay with you, even if it's not right.

Live your life, make a choise and do not listen to them:
Your heart's voice is only voice, so listen to it and scan!
I love you, I want you - if you'd tell me the same,
We can be, we can view, we can get close to flame.
So let's fly to this night each of us to belong:
Nobody cares, is it right, nobody cares is it wrong. 

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