Анпилова Рада : другие произведения.

Let him get inside

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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My little girl, why do you tell me that he"s always far away?
He"s never further than your thoughts, so rapid, lewd and luscious.
No matter who he really is, what role he"s doomed to play this day -
Call out his name, invite him into mazes of your conscious,
And he"ll reply to you, he"ll slip inside through darkened windowpane:
Just take his hand and let yourself realize that he"s embodied,
God, he"s perceived and he"s learned every step to pleasure out of pain,
Now it"s your turn to choose, you may stay innocent or muddy, 
May scream for mad depravity, beg for the shiest gentle kiss, 
May give him any destiny, zodiac sign, hometown,
And he"ll be speaking language you chose for expressing perfect bliss...
So pull the pins out of your bed, take deep breath and lay down, 
Turn on the music, hear his voice filling the room and free your mind:
Imagine your desires pulsing in the veins, being scarlet,
From toes to apples of your eyes - then break him, let him get inside, 
Then tear his milky skin and moan your lungs out, like a harlot... 
And then just blow the traces of his lips away when sun wakes up.
The morning freshness will just smash to pieces your temptation.
My little girl: there was a time to act, now it"s a time to stop.
He needs to leave you, to return in present incarnation. 

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