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Lover from Sodom

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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He who has learned how people go mad,
Neither alive, nor buried and dead.
Everyone"s searching, but no one can find
Him on that endless road of delight.
He comes together with rain from the skies,
He never feels scared, so never needs lies. 
He has a body and soul made of flame,
He leads the path to pride from ashame,
He has been saved from city of bliss
With the damned souls, been sold for his kiss, 
He"s everywhere, with me and with her,
With blessed Maria and Babylon whore,
He"s everywhere, in every dark thought,
In virgin"s silk heart and everyday hurt. 
He never leaves, he strokes, licks and bites,
But no one could see the place where he hides.

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