Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

They read to God so perfect plea...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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They read to God so perfect plea,
That He couldn't not to despise me:
They kissed the dirt in front of Him,
Then fell down their knees and did scream
Deceiving words to Saint Guard,
That I bring destruction in my heart,
That I turn into night each day,
Just as I denied to live their way.
They said I killed their pure blessed lamb,
'Cause I never needed someone's help,
They said I burned their hopes in ash,
That all damned temptations pierced my flesh. 
They said I came to steal the light,
Before they all throw stones at my side
And swear to hate me till last breath,
Like if cause of me Christ took cross death,
And I was just a nameless doll,
So scared of herself, of whole the world,
I wandered through so nasty pain,
That I died for million times of shame
And rose up 'cause I had to know:
Somewhere you, the one I've done it for,
Are waiting for me for so long
To gift me the true when I am wrong... 
I forced myself to be so sure,
That you were born to become my cure,
That you were angel of disgrace,
Who could show me exit from this maze,
Could dry my tears of endless mourn
And who never would leave me alone...
I wrote new Apocalypse for you
To let only understand my doom,
And was your guide in memories,
Because you must learn who it all feels -
To share my fear. 

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