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The Pluto's City

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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On the way to Pluto"s city skies will be smiling just for both of us. 
On the way to Pluto"s city pain from the fading past will turn to dust. 
On the way to Pluto"s city none of the angels will give us a hand,
Sing the useless glory, obey, draw Eden splinters on the frozen sand. 
On the way to Pluto"s city we"ll see them praying for the life no more,
Those who have the swords are going to be defeated at final war,
Those who read the stars can foretell: not even wind could hear their voices here.
Those who run away can stop: now they"re out of the reach for every fear. 
Those who shed the tears can smile: sorrows of past will never find this place. 
On the way to Pluto"s city we"ll find the thread, that"s leading out of maze.
On the way to Pluto"s city Devil can try his white wings on again.
On the way to Pluto"s city freedom is what can never turn into chain.

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