Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Shadow Dweller (Stay Gracious)

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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My doomed shadow dweller, I'll fall asleep soon:
Please listen to prayer I have learned by heart.
If this is my very last night under Moon, 
No one, except you, will protect me from God.
If this is my very last minute on Earth,
No one, except you, will forgive my mistakes...
But more than compassion I do need your oath,
That we are immortals when this world decays.
I beg you: if suddenly you see the knife
In hands of the murdered, tormenting me,
Stay gracious and present revenge for my life,
Stay gracious and don't crush in splinters my plea.
I want nothing more than eternal cold peace,
I want nothing more than the touch of your hand...
Stay gracious and help me stand up from my knees:
I want our pain to approach to the end. 

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