Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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You can take my sun, because my guide will be the moon.
You can take my lie, because nobody needs a true.
You can take my life, because my saint mother's Death.
You can take my words - they're useless in this emptiness.
You can take my past, because my future has been learned.
You can take my voice, because it never could be heard.
You can take my mind, poisoned by thought that I am doomed.
You can take my heart - it anyway belongs to you.
You can take my soul back from the smiling Devil's hands.
You can take my blood, can drink it out from my veins.
You can take my pain and drown in my silent fears,
You can bring the rain and cover by it's stream my tears.
You can be the God, who curses humen everyday.
You can be the hate, that always touches by the flame.
You can be the mourn, because there's not a place for joy.
You can make me free - I am a storm, born to destroy.
I can be your sword - I came out from the hell alive.
I can be your child, can be your mother and your wife. 
I can read the prayer, can be your angel on the earth.
I can be your sin, can be your pleasure and your Cross.
You can be hangman - torments are kept inside of me.
You can be the dark - because there's nothing left to see.
You can be my judge - and I will answer what I've done.
You can be my priest - as my religion has been gone. 
You can do the things you really want to do right now.
You can bring the peace and war above the wings of crow.
You can burn the land - because this dirty water kills,
Can try to predict - if you know language Tarot speaks.
You can give me hand and save my life for one more night.
You can prick my eyes - but it will not break my eye-sight.
You can leave me know - because eternity is yours.
You can read my poems - because they sing about force.
But why all these words are so necessary?
We're both are just shadows, waiting to be buried.

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