Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

A stranger on a street

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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The dark has changed the sunlight
And each of angels hid,
So I will not be blinded
Or poisoned from their sweet. 
I'm walking back from graveland - 
His last Eden and Hell,
Where he's so free from hatred
And miracles Gods sell.
He knows I feel so lonely,
So incomplete again...
He knows he's been the only
Salvation from this pain,
From every tear of sorrow,
From touches of disgrace...
Among eternal horror
No one can take his place,
No one can love so purely
Or go nowhere so far...
No one can learn so early 
The million prayers by heart,
So he was mine in burning
Blooddrops on snow-white sheet...
Untill tonight I saw him
In stranger on a street:
He's been enjoying with secret
And looking through my flesh...
He chased the dark of sacred
Memories by bright flesh,
But just to melt, like vision,
To leave so soon away...
I keep him like a treasure
Since that invented day. 
I'd be watching him, haunting
Wherever he would go...
I'd feel obsessed, I'd want him
By body and by soul,
Because he did enslave me
And made me crawl like doomed
Across the roads from safety
To endless search for truth.

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