Анпилова Рада : другие произведения.

The Voice Inside Of Me

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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This voice wakes up when I begin to cry,
When I can"t keep the life and fall deep in the mourn,
When I hide from the sun and beg the burning dawn
To save me now, to teach my soul to fly...
It"s madly hard to speak again, to breathe,
It"s hard to fall asleep, hard to stay up all night, 
It scares to be at home, it scares to go outside, -
I hear it singing when it comes like this,
I hear it singing glory to someone,
Who"s been inside of me, my flesh, my skin and blood,
Who"s been abandoned and denied by every God...
I know for sure she has been never gone...
She saw what no one else could dare to see,
She"s been a fighter, born to live and die with sword...
No matter what you say, your words will no more hurt: 
She is the best, the precious part of me. 

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