Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

You are too late

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Wearing my last dress,
Waiting for the death,
I've only asked from God to let me look at you,
To open you my secrets,
To set you free from regrets,
And then to hold you tight before that cruel "goodbye".
Till the last of breaths,
I was in lonliness,
And maybe you were really trying to come at time,
It all has lost the meaning,
The truth about my feelings
You'll maybe hear just from the birds one sunny day. 
This is my new home
Of the ground and stone:
You'll surely never come here to remember me.
Gifting me two flowers,
You're waiting for the hours
You will spend somewhere faraway from here.
Too late, you are too late,
Wishing to be here, to knock the door.
If I could have just a minute more,
I would open you my heart,
But too late, I am too late.
You are all I'm really scared to loose,
Your love could be love I'd not refuse
And life with you could be the life I'd choose.

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