Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

Without you

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Thousand nights, thousand days
Have been sencelessly rushing away
Far from me, thousand ways
Have been crossed, marked by blooddrops, in vain.
Every step I have made 
Always turned into step back, nowhere,
Being alive, I feel dead,
And I wanted to speak, but couldn't dare...
...I felt scared. Without you
Whole the world seemed to be nameless grave,
Without you I was doomed,
Never hoping I could be at safe
From this curse. Without you
I was bleeding bird with broken wings
In beast's paws. Without you
I'd not been set free from the Hell rings.
I'd not keep wisdom in my hands,
I'd not leave lifeless burning lands,
I'd not blow masks from face of the truth,
Being someone without you.
I'd be thrown with black dust at skies,
I'd watch, like I did, by blind eyes
At the light, at the darkness, I'd have no mysteries to rush to,
If I couldn't find you...
...Above earth, above air,
Higher than even God could realize.
Without you I'd not care,
If I'd stop breathing till new sunrise.
Without you heart and soul
Would be frozen and prisoned in ice.
Without you I'd be doll,
Lost in maze of her silence and cries.
Without you I could learn
Only things blessed by God, freaky false.
Without you I'd be born
From another of Babylon Molls.
Without you, like a pent,
I'd be crawling on my knees at cell,
And the dreams I have kept
Would be turned into cheap toys to sell.
Without you I would drink
Blood I'd steal from my own cut off veins.
Without you I would sink,
Like if been thrown at bottom in chains.
I'm still trying to learn who you are,
Demon of Lucifer's bright star,
I'm still trying to see face of Him, whom
I'd belong without you...

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