Анпилова Рада Владимировна : другие произведения.

You are the guard of holy place...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

You are the guard of holy place
Between the dark and light.
You keep the key from shadow gates,
From mine and yours last night.
You are the ghost of sacred love
We crusified on cross,
You're sinfull passion, flying above
Invisuable cold Earth.
I've learned your mysteries again -
I drank it with your blood -
And now I dare to say your name
I have heard on Grave Yard:
You are beloved son of the Moon,
Another homeless beast,
Named so for searching for the truth
You since the birth did miss.
You'll be my guide to emptiness
Behind the mirror glass -
We'll follow our lonliness
Until the end of path.
We'll watch the dying of the day
And wash the faces in
Every touching us red ray,
We'll turn into the dream,
Nightmare, breaking human mind,
The painful comatose...
We'll be glamour of suicide
Of last innocent souls.
We'll be the water of Dead Sea,
That washes tears away
From face of Savior whom we did
Not recognize today.
We'll rise there, higher than the birds,
To fall down with a snow
In furnace of the bless and curse
World hasn't ever known.
We'll be the same part of the One,
Two squeezed and pulsing veins...
We'll be he odes ever been sung
Within this freaky space. 

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