Эсаулов Александр : другие произведения.

Love story

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Love Story

You're like the morning breeze
I dared to inhale,
like cure and disease.
As wild as autumn gale,

you swept my long ill-fated life
away and said: 'Don't mind.
Belong to me, my petty prey,
and nothing leave behind.'

When I regained my heart and breath,
I knew my fate and task
and cleared air from my chest
and threw away my past.

This love was but too much for me,
for me alone too much, -
my heart was bound, yours - free,
unbowed, untouched, detached.

I was unfit to move a foot
from where I stood like tree,
but then you cut me from my roots
with heart detached and free.

With all your tenderness and might
you made me make a step.
Or was it fall? Or was it flight?
And nothing after that.

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