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  1.Современное состояние науки в вашей области.
  The modern tendency of the thermal engineering development in the direction of researching methods of existing boiler-plants
  into the *IPP regime conversion.
  The theme of my thesis is research and working out methods of industrial and heating boiler-houses conversion into mini power station regime by means of back-presser or gas turbine installment and estimation such projects feasibility.
  Polemics in this field of science began in the 90-s, when our country lost possibility to deposit in large-scale projects. Since that time a number of industrial and scientific organizations have been working out the theme.
  One of the first efficiency of Heat and Power Engineering development in this direction pointed out professor Hrilyov, who insisted on importance further constructions of electrogenerating output as the new mini power plants or instead of existing industrial and heating boiler-houses.
  The results of research concerning gas turbine superstructure expediency were adduced by professor Dlugoselsky. In his opinion, gas turbine installment gives a number of advantages: 1) possibility of reliable power supply for own needs; 2) economy of the noble fuels; 3) uninterrupted power supply of boiler houses during repair situations in power system &, in consequence, reliable heating of dwelling districts and industrial enterprises; 4) keeping interrelation with power system so that in case of breaking off electricity feed from Gas Turbine Units or system, power supply of own need is normal; 5)as a rule capacity of the installment more than own needs therefore there is an opportunity to supply to consumers electrical energy except heating.
  Existing boiler-houses of 116 and 200 MW were reconstructed at the "Belenergomash". Economy of the fuel after that made up about 20-30 %. The prime cost of the electrical energy was 17 % below than from "Belgorodenergo"; the prime cost of the thermal energy was 8 % below than before reconstruction. As a result the gas turbine installment in the boiler-houses gave essential rising of all index efficiency.
  Professor Milman, jointly with specialists of "Turbokon", carried out test of units with the back-presser turbine "Kuban-0,5". According to them, the project value including project documentation, commissioning, investment in equipment and building works in dependence on installment conditions and the distance between the turbine and boiler-house is 2-6 times lower than value of new mini power plant construction. The fuel rate in this case can be 2 times lower than in the large power plant with steam and gas cycle. Duration of such conversion is approximately 6-8 month; compensation period is not more than 1,5 years.
  I hope that my personal contribution in this field of Heat Power Engineering will become research of such reconstructions technologies and conceptions, finding out the best ways and working out conversion measures for existing industrial and heating boiler-houses with estimation of these enterprises feasibility.
  *IPP - Independent Power Producer
  2.Роль эксперимента в вашей работе.
  The role of an experiment in scientific job.
  The success of the completion of the thesis greatly depends on the chosen research methods, because they help to achieve the necessary purpose.
  One of the empiric methods of research is experiment. It supposes interference into natural conditions of the things and phenomena existence or reproduction of certain aspects of these phenomena. Experiment must meet a number of special requirements: activity, systematic character, clear purposes presence, a good plan.
  The experimental research has a large quantity of advantages such as: 1) an opportunity to research phenomena in the "clean" conditions; 2) researching qualities of real object in extremity; 3) it"s repetition; 4) experiment can be carried out both with real object and their models (if direct study is difficult or even impossible).
  The experiment must inform us about objective qualities and relations of objects and phenomena to become a basis of following theoretical and practical activities of people. As to me I"m going to study a number of real industrial and heating boiler-houses and on it"s models find out the optimal ways of their reconstruction in mini power station regime, what improve reliability and effectiveness of boiler-houses operating.
  3, 4.Актуальность ваших исследований. История вопроса.
  The actuality of my research work. The history of the issue.
  At the beginning of 90-s a lot of negative tendencies appeared in development of heat-and-power supply: 1) the equipment of the large quantity of power plant had physically and morally grown old; 2) the reducing of the fuel rate had slowed down; 3) the period of power plants building and mastering of the heat capacity of the turbines had considerably increased; 4) the underground pipelines had become damaged more frequently; 5) heat had supplied to consumers insufficiently; 6) the level of heat distribution system equipment had become low.
  To change these tendencies our State plans to work out and realize a number of large-scale measures. However, the social changes in our country and new market relations influenced on future ways of the Heat-and-Power supply development greatly. At present, the system of assured state investment in Russian Power Engineering isn"t regulated well. Therefore, Russia can"t finance from the budget the expensive and long-term building and reconstruction programs for the huge power plant and extended heat networks.
  Thus, general economic situation in our country hinders further development of Heat-and-Power Engineering in the way of heat and power production concentration. Market relations between power industry and consumers, increasing of the tariffs when production is practically monopolized give possibilities of applying innovative technologies. That"s why individual industrial or power engineering companies and utilities turn to not very big power-supplier building using their own money and ideas. As long as many of them have existing boiler-houses, they can lose investment and construction period for new power capacity by means of gas or back-presser turbine installment there. Besides that, it can be more environmental friendly.
   As to me I research technologies and conceptions of boiler-houses reconstructions, work out conversion measures for existing heat and industrial boiler-houses, research estimation methods for such projects.
  5.Научная работа и достижения вашей кафедры.
  Scientific work and achievements of our chair.
  During me studying I had opportunity to get knowledge from remarkable teachers like professor Nikiforov, candidates of science Tihonov, Ignatenkov, Michaelov, Kabanova, the former practitioner Zalensky. Everybody of them has achievements in heat-power engineering, makes research in this field of science, publishes scientific works, takes courses of lectures, carries out seminars, tutorial and laboratory works. Much time they spend in library finding necessary information for their classes. Some of former teachers help me recommending useful books, articles or research methods. I especially appreciated my scientific adviser professor Borovkov, who gives me his newest articles and leads me in my way to the truth.
  I want to notice that on the Thermal Engineering Chair of St-Petersburg Polytechnical University, where I work now, we have many gifted students and postgraduate students, who had won some prizes in the competition of research work devoted to 120-year of electrical Petersburg. Many of them take part in different scientific conferences and seminars. As to me, I have 12 printed articles, took part in several conferences (in the Moscow Power Engineering Institute and it"s Smolensk Brunch, in International High School of Management, etc.) and seminars ("The problems of Thermal Engineering" of Russian Scientific Academy, "Conversion of boiler-houses into mini power plant regime" of Sevzapvnipienergoprom, etc.)
  6.Университет, как научный центр.
  The University as a scientific center.
  I graduated from The Smolensk Brunch of Moscow Power Engineering Institute. It"s one of the most popular university in Smolensk region, which was founded in 1961. It has a Preparatory Department made to help for Russian and foreign students entry, three daytime faculties, which train specialists in different fields of Engineering: 1) the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Electronics; 2) the Faculty of Power Engineering and Electromechanics; 3) the Faculty of Economics and Management.
  The main specialties are electrical engineering in the field of industrial, urban and rural supply, power grid and systems, industrial heat-power engineering, automation, computer engineering, etc. Students body of the Institute exceeds 4000. During the terms students attend lectures and practical classes, carry out laboratory tests. At the students disposal are design bureau, the library, gyms, laboratories, which are equipped with up-to-date devices, instruments and installations.
  The course of study usually lasts 5,5 years and after that students become engineers. They can also graduate from the Institute after 4 years of studying with the Bachelor Degree or after 6 years with the Master degree.
  I entered the SB MPI in 1994. My speciality is Automation in the field of industrial heat-power engineering. After 4 years of studying, I got the Bachelor Degree of Technics and Technology. My bachelors graduation project calls "The proportional-integral-differential regulators". After 5,5 years I became engineer and my diploma work calls "The automation of the tile producing conveyer line". Both works were estimated as "excellent" and collective body of the Thermal Engineering Chair recommended me to the postgraduate course.
   I entered at the St.-Petersburg State Polytechnical University in 2001. I had been an external postgraduate student for 2 years, now I"m internal postgraduate student of the Thermal Engineering Chair and my scientific adviser is the head of this Chair professor Borovkov. The theme of my thesis is "Reconstruction of existing boiler-houses into mini power station regime by means gas or back-presser turbine installment and such projects feasibility research".
  7.Роль иностранного языка в работе над диссертацией
  The role of foreign languages in work on the thesis.
  I suppose that to know foreign languages is very important for research workers. As to me, I study English because it"s a world language, universal language of progressive science and technology. Hundreds of scientific books, magazines, and newspapers we can read in English. It"s about a half of the world"s scientific literature.
  Besides that, written informational sources enable to be well informed about up-to-date researches. In addition, English language helps to communicate with scientists of different countries directly during international scientific conferences and seminars, by means of e-mail or phone.
  Another good thing, that scientist, who knows foreign languages has chance to take part in work on probation of scientific centers abroad, to carry out joint experiments and researches.
  As to me, high level of language knowledge gives me opportunity to get necessary information via Internet, from world famous magazines like "The Modern Power Systems", which published in Great Britain, or, for example, "The District Heating" Danish magazine, printed in English and so on.
  Therefore, to know foreign languages is necessary for every educational person, especially for scientists now.
  8. Международное сотрудничество в решении научных проблем.
  International cooperation in the solution of the scientific problems.
  Scientists of the developed countries have firm connections between each other. There are two main ways of there communications: firstly, the information systems creation (such as bibliography publications, research survey publications, automatic information systems); secondly, direct contacts (exchange of the knowledge and experience during international conferences and seminars, programs of work on probation for foreign students and employees, acquaintance with the industrial enterprises and researching centers).
  The first way exist to inform specialists of new achievements in the world science and technology. For example, a lot of interesting and useful information can be found by means of the Internet, the global web net, which contains great quantity of the various companies and universities sites.
  As to the second way, I was on the industrial acquainting practice myself. It was in Germany (Hagen) in 1998. Our student group took part in the seminars devoted to the purifying of drinking water "Trink-wasser fur Hagen" (Stadtwerke Hagen AG). We went to the purifying units, to the dam with the artificial lake for use as a fresh water supply and to the main control board of them. During our excursion we learned a big quantity of important things, which can be applied in Russian companies of this type.
  9.Мой научный руководитель.
  My Scientific Adviser.
  My scientific adviser is professor V.M.Borovkov. I firstly saw him in 2000 when he suggested me to enter the post-graduate course of St.-Petersburg Polytechnical University. In spite of he is slightly overweight and round-shouldered in his 70 years old, he is always cheerful and good-looking. His hair is gray and he has many wrinkles on the face however he always has bright look and serene smile, which make him younger.
  His biography includes 17 years of work at power plant as engineer and 30 years as a teacher at Polytechnical University. He has published about 200 scientific works and articles, had about 50 inventions and patents. Due to his great contribution in Russian science he has been conferred many honorary titles and state awards.
  Borovkov is incredibly energetic person and he's always busy deliver lectures for students, leading researches of 15 postgraduate students and chair teaching work, communicating with great number of industrial engineers and scientists from another institutes our country. To tell the truth he looks very exhausted at the end of the working day and I often surprised how he manages to find new strength for following day. I admire his good spirit and willpower and suppose that my scientific advisor is the person, who completely fulfilled himself as an engineer, as a scientist and a personality as a whole.
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