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The way out...

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
 Ваша оценка:

   What was the way out,
   But there wasn't any...
   I was just shouting loud,
   I wasn't really ready.
   It was the worst day
   Of my crazy life.
   I asked you to stay,
   And you preferred to die.
   To die for me
   To live me alone.
   I never thought it would be
   So hard to control...
   Yeah, to control...
   To control what I feel.
   Does it seem for you wrong?
   Stop this or I'll scream.
   Please, stop influence
   My mind.
   Stop telling me...
   What's wrong, what's right.
   Think about everything
   You've said me before.
   Isn't it horrible...
   Don't wish to hear more!
   I'm shocked...
   And I'm out of control in this second.
   I'm locked...
   Like in cage and I'm going to break it!
   You don't want to hear it,
   But I'll make you listen!
   All this was your fault...
   Oh, Lord...you are the reason!
   I'm screaming and shouting
   As loud as I can!
   Ok, let's stop fighting...
   I'm leaving you man.

 Ваша оценка:

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