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Г.Ф. Лавкрафт: Жизнь
С.Т. Джоши
по изданию Necronomicon Press, 1996
5. варвар и чужак (1908-1914)
Основная астрономическая работа
Th' untravell'd student, close within his doors,
The lofty peak and crystal lake explores.
The club's foundations by your hands were laid;
Beneath your rule its guiding laws were made;
Your efforts caus'd the social band to gain
The pow'r at once to teach and entertain.
With careful thought, its policy you fix'd,
The grave and gay in just proportion mix'd;
Nor let its frequent meetings know a dearth
Of lofty learning, or diverting mirth.
I next climb'd on a car northwestward bound,
And soon 'mid swarthy men myself I found
On La Collina Federale's brow,
Near Il Passagio di Colombo.
Oft to the village drove good Farmer John,
To stock his larder, and supply his barn.
'Mid shady streets he sought the village store,
And hail'd the rustics cluster'd 'round the door.
The village rings with ribald foreign cries;
Around the wine-shops loaf with bleary eyes
A vicious crew, that mock the name of "man",
Yet dare to call themselves "American".
Когда встарь Боги Землю создавали,
Юпитера обличье Человеку дали.
Затем создали меньший ранг зверей -
Но непохожи вышли на людей.
Связать с людьми, исправить сей изъян,
Замыслили с Олимпа Боги план:
С людской фигурой тварь изобрели,
Порок вложили, НЕГРОМ нарекли.*
In yonder reedy pool we half expect
Some timid Nymph or Satyr to detect:
Our raptur'd eyes for fleeing Naiads scan,
And ears are strain'd to hear the pipes of Pan.
Does Mr. Lovecraft think it wise
With such long words to criticize
An author whom we greatly prize?
That's Freddie Jackson.
What vig'rous protests now assail my eyes?
See Jackson's satellites in anger rise!
His ardent readers, steep'd in tales of love,
Sincere devotion to their leader prove;
In brave defence of sickly gallantry,
They damn the critic, and beleaguer me.
Now fairer forms from out the ranks emerge;
The Amazons in reckless fury charge.
Good Madame Loop, like Crean of Syracuse,
Protests unkindly `gainst the words I use:
Whoe'er this lady's firm esteem would seek,
In monosyllables must ever speak.
Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"