The Hope
In a mist was rising in the memory of the past.
Sometimes Elk seemed that nothing had happened. Nothing. No flight to Mars, neither here nor space journey, nor her, Aelita. All was a dream.
Dream of the past.
She didn't have anything tangible. Only the image.
After returning to Earth a lot of time passed. At first he was counting the days, then weeks, then months. But all sunk into oblivion. Hope for a new flight, even теплившаяся it gradually died. Just enthusiasm Guseva, the boiling this man негаснущим flame, взбадривал it at meetings became less frequent.
Elk managed to create machines, such as those on whom flew Martians. They were manufactured in three useless copies. In the conditions of the earth gravitation they could hardly get up in the air just as you did on Mars. In addition, without a powerful pole stations, the construction of which for many reasons it was not possible, they were unfit for anything on Earth. Building a three cars, Elk gave that up, and fell into despondency from the consciousness of complete helplessness of their experience.
What gave this mission to Mars in addition to a short but turbulent noise in the press? Nothing. Only one memory warmed his heart. His name was Aelita.
Meanwhile Gusev continued violent activities. His "Society..." to explore all the new versions of the implementation of assistance by the Martians. He hadn't really thought about what happened on Mars since their retreat. Unbridled passion return to Mars forced to develop on Earth violent activities.
However, he observed that the interest to the Martian topic faded away very quickly. Gusev made desperate volitional efforts to revive him, and this struggle, though not give great results, however, was the element in which he used to live like a fish in water. He fought with the bureaucrats, seeking money to build a new interplanetary ship, like an enemy on countless fronts. Bureaucrats afraid of him, but money is not given, and the only possible avoided meeting with him. But Gusev found them again and again and shook, waving his fists, like a sword in battle.
This session took him a lot of time, and he somehow less and less seen a Moose. But one day suddenly worried to find him in his lonely unsettled apartment.
-Well, what else is there? "he heard behind the door, tired voice. It was a Moose.
He opened. Surprised emergence Guseva. Since then, as they returned, the fate never carry Gusev in his lonely home.
"It is I, Mstislav Sergeevich, - Gusev unceremoniously stumbled into the small room. Inspected the poor decoration, consisting of a bookshelf, table, stool, and iron beds. - Not waiting for?
-Waited - confessed Elk.
-Do You Miss, Mstislav Sergeevich?
-And what?
-Yes, I understand you, Mstislav Sergeevich. Time goes by, we must do something...
-Throw you! I left this venture. To anything it!
As for what?! surprised Gusev. "Now, I Mstislav Sergeevich, 'm doing live this dream. And not only live and fight for it! Happiness because in the struggle! So, don't be discouraged... frankly, don't want to go to Mars?
-Want - I hesitated for a moment, confessed Elk. Suddenly he truly felt a desire to fly again. Boredom last years of his life добивала it. But suddenly he caught myself. - I want, but I'm afraid. I'm afraid there's been all wrong...
-Yes, - Gusev guessed that he meant the Elk. "Don't be afraid, Mstislav Sergeevich, whatever it was, fly, and we fly.
-Do you think? Elk felt that hope, almost угасшая in him like a coal of a long-forgotten fire erupted with renewed force. He asked a question which suddenly gave the answer himself. - But the fly, by God, we will depart!
"Of course, " agreed Gusev, обрадовавшийся enthusiasm, a fire again in the eyes of his old friend. This light he had not seen for a long time, since they return to Earth. - Of course, we will depart! Give only time!
Since that time the Nadezhda again flourished in Los in full bloom. "Where are you, Son of Heaven?" - this question is increasingly began to emerge in his mind. "I'm here, I'm here, I'll be seeing you, Aelita! We will meet again and be together. Nothing can separate us."
How could he afford to forget about it? What had the right to bury a hope to return? But now nothing will stop him! He will return to Mars to find her! Yes, he will return!
His life flowed more fun, lively hope and sweet expectation of departure. Faith cheered him, threw off the burdens of the past years. He seemed younger, became more sociable.
Gusev now often visited him, cheering and strongly cherishing his hope. His courage and courage have inspired and strengthened hope. Gusev told him how things are going, what it does is to organize the construction of a new ship. There are many difficulties, but he will get it. They fly! He can't leave in the lurch unfortunate irresponsible Martians who cannot stand up for themselves in front of a handful of oppressors. They will certainly fly and help them.
One day he came and said:
"Well, Mstislav Sergeevich, I think I succeeded. Tomorrow, going to Moscow to sign the paper. A year or two and fly!
-A year or two? "asked Elk.
-Yes, maybe earlier. Everything became more difficult. Bureaucrats are like rats after harvest. But the most important thing is done! Already precisely will fly!
With these words Gusev left for Moscow.
Strange visit
Moose caught a cold and was lying at home. Gusev was long gone, there was a week or two, as he went to sign the paper. But Elk patiently waiting for him.
One of these nights waiting someone knocked on the door. Overjoyed, the Elk, forgetting about my cold, I jumped to the door and opened it, hoping to see a cheerful mustache Guseva.
On the threshold stood Skiles. Elk was taken aback. Its something he never expected to see on the threshold of his apartment.
-Hello, - smiled Skiles, as if they had parted only yesterday. - Do not expect to see me?
-No, to be honest - embarrassed, Elk. Come on, please.
He missed the visitor forward. Skiles went round the room, yawned, looking at her miserable, ascetic, almost Spartan interior.
-One live? - he asked Elk.
"One, " replied Elk still confused.
Skiles sat down on a lonely stool. Elk flopped down on the bed, almost fell, feeling again подступившее malaise.
-This must be?
-You did get sick? Asked Skiles instead of answering, огладывая flask with medications, standing on the rough surface of the old oak table.
-Support - nodded Elk.
And I to you on the case... If you don't mind, could you give me twenty minutes of attention?
"Say, " said Elk, feeling some catch everything that happened.
-You see, you know, that I am a journalist, began, from afar his uninvited guest. - I was very interested in your stories about Mars....
"But I have already told everything he could, " shrugged the Elk.
"I know, " agreed Skiles. - But this is not enough. I would be more full of impressions from the visit. This is mind blowing accident flight to Mars. You have opened there life, close in form to the earth. This is all very interesting...
Skiles paused, apparently not knowing how to continue the conversation.
-What interests you? Elk decided to keep the conversation. It was clear that just because Skiles would not come.
I am interested in a new flight to Mars, " gasped, finally, Skiles. The last sentence he was given hardly.
-No, there is nothing in sight shook his head Elk.
Skiles smiled, stood up and crossed the room. Sat back on the stool.
-You see, I know about the attempts Guseva organize a new flight, again he started the conversation, " but, you know, because of the difficulties faced by your country at present, it is not far advanced. It may take years before his plans have come to fruition. Your Republic now have enough worries on earth. So it is not up to any of Mars and problems with the flights. Whatever you say, the pleasure is expensive.
-My Republic - coughed Elk, and then did not feel much wealth in money, but...
-But the revolutionary enthusiasm, fever, tested all after the coup, made itself felt. Now you other times: on the ruins that remain from the past, you build a future. This requires real money, where your Republic no. So, I can assure you, Gusev return from Moscow. He's a good man. But on the same enthusiasm does not go far, though his character can be minimized and the mountains.
Skiles was silent, and they had an awkward pause. Elk tried to figure out what tends to his interlocutor, but nothing путнего think and couldn't.
"I'm trying to upset? He asked me suddenly in the Скайльса.
'Not at all, waved his arms American. - Believe me, I am your friend. Do you think that I could overcome this distance, only to sit now in front of you and try to spoil your mood?
-What do you want with his visit? "asked Elk.
American paused, smiling mysteriously and gazing at him, then asked:
-You want to fly to Mars again?
-Yes, - Elk could not keep his burning desire.
He suddenly found myself thinking that this question sounds to him the second time in such a short time.
"Well, now, shrugged his shoulders Skiles. - I propose to do this.
He told the Elk that in America there is a small but very powerful group of people close to the government and financial circles, interested in Mars. They can build a ship, if Elk consents to get started. And if he, Elk, wills, he can again go to Mars on one of these ships.
-In one of the ships? - surprised the Elk.
"Yes, " nodded Skiles, imagine that also kicks off several ships.
-But why? - surprised the Elk.
Skiles hesitated:
-You see, we, the American people are a very practical. You understand that all this is not just for fun done. You have found on Mars something that is very necessary in our country. And even if there is no life, we still would like to ask you to help us to take a flight on this planet.
-So you are interested in not Martians? "asked Elk.
The question sounded as denial, and Skiles regretted that he had uttered the last words. "The greatness of the Russian soul", - he thought to himself.
"You see, " he began again. - It is very good that you have found life there. Even if you did not find her, still your flight would be simply wonderful. But you found it...
-And what? Elk frowned.
You have found the more ancient form of life and organized than on Earth, with more ancient history.
Excitement Elk proceeded to fill a tobacco pipe. He couldn't understand what they want Americans found on Mars. And it bothered him.
Skiles saw the excitement of Elk and pondered now, how to approach the Elk, that he could not refuse.
Without his consent in America journalist was returning.
He also smoked.
You have found the history there, don't you Mr. Moose?
-What was the story?
-History Of The Earth. If you remember, you told about the IDPs from the Earth, who arrived on Mars for many thousands of years ago.
-Yes, Yes, " said Elk, descendants of civilization with the lost Atlantis.
"Exactly, " nodded Skiles. - A lost civilization. Its existence is still in question for us, the inhabitants of the Earth. And suddenly you find an echo in the history of the distant Mars. This extraordinary, fantastic discovery. Not less fantastic than the flight in interstellar space.
-And what?
-Now, the people, on behalf of which I come to you, eager to fill the gap in the history of the Earth. And since the proofs of the existence of Atlantis on our planet is not left, they will have to fly to Mars. Can you imagine what a revolution in the science about the history of the Earth and humanity will bring this expedition to Mars?
-Imagine - agreed Elk.
-A huge reservoir of knowledge of a vanished civilization is available again to humanity. And, taking advantage of its benefits, it will step forward on the path of progress. People will forget what hunger will be happier... after all, isn't that the Golden age, so much dreamt in your country?
-In our Elk and held up his forefinger, ' in the us, but not in yours. We want to save humanity from exploitation and enslavement, and you... In the basis of your ideology is the enslavement of some other...
-Throw you, Elk, " quipped his words Skiles, like around it circled the old slewfoot. - What enslavement may be, should we bring with Mars, secret of abundance? Do you think that after that, it's possible some operation...
"Well, if you find how to do it, " Elk.
Skiles realized that the conversation has to interrupt.
-Well, - he slapped his hands on the knees. - I leave you with your doubts... Until tomorrow. Tomorrow I'll come back to you again. Agreed?
"Right, " agreed the Elk.
He suddenly realized that it is real chance to return to Mars, see Аэлиту, connect with it.
Dreams suddenly swirled in his head bottomless perspective. Between words Guseva and offer Скайльса lying huge abyss. In the first case they together with Gusev were held hostage to someone else's will, and here -- here, everything depended on him, the Elk.
-Tomorrow I'll give you the answer, " said the engineer, seeing Скайльса over the threshold.
-I hope that he will be positive, ' smiled American.
Elk was left alone.
The evening was full of serious contemplation. "What to do?" - eternal Russian question tortured till late at night.
Midnight at the door somebody knocked on the door. It was Gusev. Drenched from the rain, evil, he stumbled into the apartment Elk.
"Bad news, " he said from the doorway.
He was terribly upset. Paper is not signed, and he had anything to return to Peter.
"But nothing, nothing, " he encouraged himself and Elk. - You'll see, I'm going to get from them. You'll see, we will fly.
Gusev left. The elk hadn't told him about the offer Скайльса. Why? He did not know what to answer the question.
The rest of the night passed in heavy thinking. However, in the morning, he suddenly realized that his hope that again kindled in him Gusev was now a dream, and the dream has come closer to reality when on the threshold of the house appeared Skiles.
Now he looked forward to the coming Скайльса. The decision has matured in his head.
"Away from the Earth. Towards Mars! Towards Aelita!" Excitedly he thought.
He even recovered from this thought. The disease suddenly passed, and the rest of the day he spent continuously Smoking a pipe and Merya steps room like a prison cell.
"Forward, forward!" - Sang a song in his heart, winged relatives dream come true.
Skiles came at the same time as yesterday. Elk he found a completely changed and very surprised such a quick and abrupt change.
Moose goes to America
The door of the apartment engineer sounded a cautious knock. Elk knew it Skiles. He almost glad вкрадчивому knock. He rushed headlong to the door.
Skiles entered with a tense expression. All the sleepless night he spent in thinking. He wanted very much to obtain the consent of Elk. The next day was decisive for the whole of his adventurous activities. From the solution of Elk depended much in American life. He played VA-Bank with the idea of the flight to Mars. Return it with the consent of the Elk cooperate, and he was afforded the wealth and honor. Get it waiver is his name would forget even in Newspapers and magazines. The thought of it gave him awake all night.
And there was all this now. After returning from Mars Elk and Gusev Skiles has published a series of great articles. They glorify his name to the whole country, the whole world. Besides Skiles did not fail in their descriptions of the boast of close acquaintance with Deer before the flight to Mars.
Article Скайльса had a great resonance in the minds of the public. He was on the crest of a wave of success and basked in the glory and splendor. All receptions his expected Royal honors. He attended all the speeches Guseva and Elk, and sometimes from such a rabid success felt euphoric, matchless. If he flew on Mars and was one of the heroes of the conquest of the unknown and inaccessible worlds.
Soon, however, the euphoria began to fade, and his glory suddenly began to fade, with her as with a tree in autumn, the leaves showered. Soon Skiles felt that he is not wanted. The audience waited for new entertainment and Skiles was nothing he could offer her.
The interest to the explorers of Mars has waned. To Скайльсу too. He suddenly felt how his fees sharply came down. Needed to have some fresh idea. And Skiles, as an experienced journalist, knew that in the wrong sensation nobody ever puts forth, so there was enough to want to achieve fame, success, recognition and wealth. Mingle with the others, finding new space aliens within meant to fall into that crowd, and a chance to get out of her riding some uncharted luck was quite small. It meant only one thing - the death of his brilliant journalistic career. So I had to draw from his Golden well that he found in Los and Mars. But what? He seemed exhausted to the bottom, and Skiles spent many weary months, traveling light, burning received fees and searching in their embezzlement of inspiration that was to fill the well of new life-giving moisture fame and success.
In the end, when his livelihood has suddenly been decimated, he found salvation ideas in a certain Mr. Крабсе, very influential master, with whom he had the good fortune to meet in one of the casino of Monte-Carlo, where the remains of the lost its status.
Mr. Crabs got interested stories Скайльса about Lohse, about Mars, about Atlantis, the amazing machines. In the end, he invited Скайльса visit him at the Villa in the Los Angeles and continued there talk about Mars.
Soon Skiles realized that Mr. Krabs interested in Elk own persona. And it would be nice to arrange a meeting for them. In the last of their conversations Crabs almost without hints gave it to understand, and few think about the current situation, enterprising Skiles got down to business straight.
So he mediator. His task is to find the Elk and achieve the consent to meet with Крабсом. He is interested in two questions.
First. What did he get for it. A second. That he should ask of the Elk.
Crabs, too, was a business man, and he is very pleased reacted to this turn in the conversation.
So. He needs a Moose. He needs at least all drawings, calculations and technology of construction of the apparatus. At best, it will need the consent of the Russian engineer again to fly to Mars and bring back all the Martian secrets and knowledge.
If Скайльсу will bring Moose and his drawings and calculations, Crabs pay Скайльсу one million dollars, if the engineer will fly to Mars, Skiles will receive five million.
They slapped hands, and Skiles went in search of Elk, again lost somewhere in Russia, such alien and inaccessible to the Americans.
"Wild country", - thought Skiles, buying a ticket on the transatlantic ship. From expectations that he will be back in a dank Petrograd, his chilly and shrugged. However, in the pocket was almost empty. Crabs not give for a deal no Deposit required, and Skiles went to Russia at their own risk. Obsessive he began to search for Elk, simultaneously collecting all the information about Gusev and its attempts to build a new spacecraft. Therefore, he knew all about the status of the project in Russia and understood that otherwise go to Mars as on the proposal from him, Скайльса an Elk.
But he was afraid.
From the Russians could expect anything. And Elk could refuse Скайльсу without apparent cause. He heard about the incomprehensibility of the Russian soul, convinced that, as difficult and unpredictable to communicate with Russian and was expecting them to just anything. However, this was probably the only chance to escape, and he hoped with all the strength that he might be able to persuade the Moose to go to America.
When he found Elk in his pocket he had a little more than two tickets to new York.
Night of heavy reflection ended забытьем. Waking up in the afternoon, Skiles loaded revolver with one bullet, leaving him in a hotel room. So he outlined the crucial importance of the coming evening.
Either tomorrow he went to America together with Deer, or he already would not stay there. He had nothing to lose.
Ordering in room coffee with cognac and chocolate, Skiles courage, hung around for something in front of the mirror, and went to the Moose in the apartment.
It found that in a very excited state. From yesterday's Moose without a trace. In the whole behaviour of Elk through the desperate resolve. However, Skiles knew that in Russian it may mean, as the final "Yes", and this inevitably resounding "No". He dug in his heels, as before crossroads of fate, one of the roads leading to his death, the other to fame, wealth and success. Skiles decided to behave as calmly as possible, without giving his excitement. Honestly, Skiles was confused before excited " Moose".
-Good evening, with difficulty, he said.
-Hello, Hello, " happy said Elk, having rushed to him, like a drowning man to a lifeline.
Skiles suddenly felt a loss of energy and hard flopped down on the stool.
-So, what's your decision?
-Going, going, I agree, excitedly almost cried Elk.
The Скайльса shoulders dropped a heavy burden, and in that moment he felt like returning to life. Strength returned to him, and Skiles felt again on their roof ridge. The excitement has passed. He picked himself up and spoke confidently and boldly.
-Well, in that case, tomorrow arrive in America. Morning will issue you a documents to travel to the conference.
From morning Skiles came for him to the car, he felt again that he has the right recklessly spending money, he took it with him. Half of the day they spent a visa. Skiles of the inherent пронырливостью quickly found a common language with all representatives of the young Soviet bureaucracy, and by the evening together they looked at the Petrograd from Board the ship, отплывающего in Stockholm.
Elk was still in a good mood, however, looked at уплывающий shore with sadness. Skiles noticed his distress and подбадривающе Pat on the shoulder:
-'ll soon be on Mars.
-Yes, absently agreed Elk.
He thought now of Gusev. We should have warned his friend everything. Although, Elk knew it, Gusev hardly would agree with his intentions.
Shore melted in the fog, окутавшем Baltic coast, and they got down into the cabin.
Elk was looking for now justified for his скороспелому decision.
Yes, he wanted her to see, he wanted to be back on Mars, and does it really matter who will help him to fulfill the dream. Even America. Although on the other hand, it was a betrayal. It is nobody's fault that the Soviet Republic has no money to new interplanetary flight.
Elk assailed with doubt. He became gloomy. Skiles noticed it and all the way trying to distract engineer from his thoughts.
After two weeks of navigation and moving they were at Villa Krabs. Skiles got your million, and dwelt in a very optimistic mood.
-However, it was about five millions, " he reminded Крабсу.
But Elk even not flying to Mars, " remarked Crabs, in fact, the money you got in early. I have no no drawings staff, calculation of your engineer, technology of construction. So I ask you, dear Mr. Skiles, stay somewhere nearby. First of all I need calculations and drawings Elk, second I have to personally hear his consent to cooperate with me in construction of vehicles, in the worst case, and, at best, lead flight to Mars. That's it! After the departure of the expedition you, I can assure you'll get your remaining four million. So while - you my debtor.
Negotiations and doubt
Skiles has got down to business. With new zeal, he organized a meeting Krabs with Deer. However, the first talks have led nowhere. Crabs was too energetic. He insisted that the Elk immediately signed a contract for construction of five interplanetary ships, and especially pressured consent Moose head interplanetary expedition.
From such pressure Elk slightly confused and left in the end in itself.
"Excuse me, " said he, " but I came here for the three and nine lands, in order to fly to Mars.
-You see, such a thing: a very large financial investment, and I, as its main financing the subject, I do not wish to so costly measure depended on the whim explained to him Crabs, - therefore, I ask you, Mr. Moose, do a little bit of formality and sign the agreement.
On this phrase negotiations stalled. Elk asked for time to think, and Crabs let go of him, left with nothing.
-You were too aggressive, " remarked Skiles, when the Moose withdrew. - With the Russians so impossible!
"I fear I am too early to pay you money, " shrugged the Crabs. - That's what. You that want to do this with your Elk, but I should be drawings, calculations and technology of construction of the apparatus of tomorrow. Otherwise you have to give me a million!
-Paper with you the day after tomorrow, Mr Crabs, promised Skiles.
-Well, - has shrugged shoulders Crabs. Tomorrow is the last time!
Skiles began to process the Elk. A grim picture of ruin, suddenly again замаячившая in front of him, forced him to go to all lengths to which only he was capable of. Moose and he did not notice how everything is laid out on his paper. Skiles portrayed wonder, astonishment, delight, and by evening the next day short description of everything that he asked for Crabs, he had.
He immediately gave all Крабсу.
-I think your scientists домыслят everything else, trying to inspire confidence Крабсу Skiles.
Crabs examined the paper, as the man is clearly they are not knowledgeable.
-Well, Skiles, I will give the paper its engineers. If they say this, they really enough million will remain with you, " he agreed.
Meanwhile Elk remained undecided. Doubt in the rightness of an act of the stronger overcame him. Moreover, this Crabs. Vile personality - this happened in his impression. These financial shark. Tears immediately. "He will not miss," thought Elk.
At this time to it was another knock. It was Skiles.
-Tomorrow you have still some negotiations, " he said Elk.
-You see, I want to go home, - confessed to him Elk.
Skiles thought.
"That's strange. But as the mission to Mars?
-I'll wait.
-What? Surprised Skiles.
-Until Gusev find funds to build a new ship. I'm sure he is out. Let the next year. I'll wait. I have already waited a long time. Wait. Your Crabs - just an abomination.
-You see, when you agreed, I spent quite a considerable funds to bring you here, dear Elk. Now you suddenly declare that refuse to work. Sorry, but I have no money to send you back to Russia. Have some work to do on this man, may you even disgusting.
-Well, - frowned Elk - in this case I will give a telegram Gusev, and he takes me. He will come after me...
"You think so?
-I am sure of it.
Skiles was confused. He met with Крабсом, and he informed him that, in principle, if Elk заупрямится, these documents will be enough.
-However, it takes a little longer than I expected, - he said reproachfully. - So you know that I was not quite satisfied.
Elk still sent a telegram Gusev, "Urgently come, I am in America." When a new meeting with Скайльсом he quite frankly stated this journalist.
"You are mad! - Outraged Skiles.
-I don't want to work with you, confessed Elk, and I want to go to Russia.
-Without you will work ten times slower pleaded Skiles, for the sake of my stay. Well, at least one ship build!
-No, - categorically cut Elk. Perseverance Americans began his допекать.
-I will give you, I promise money for the return trip. And so much that you can build your ship in Russia. Only build the ship Крабсу!
However, Elk was categorical.
"I do not profitable to let you go," thought Skiles, leaving the Elk. He has informed Krabs that Moose is going to jump back into Russia, and he offered to take Elk in a secluded estate, which belonged to Крабсу, near Chicago, where the Moose are unlikely to find at least three Guseva. "We make it work!" - Outraged Crabs.
The next morning the pretext that it agreed to send to Russia, Elk taken in the manor Krabs, where it was taken under protection. Skiles got there a little later:
"You see, Mr. Moose, in America, for each dollar you have to answer. So while you do not agree to work for Mr. Krabs, you have to stay here. Internally.
-Why are you doing this, - said Elk, - Gusev already know that I am in America. He would find me and take away, as you would I not hid.
"I doubt it, shook his head Skiles. "I suggest you agree with the proposal of Mr. Krabs and stop playing the fool.
Thus they parted.
Returning to Крабсу, Skiles learned that he would be immediately go to Petrograd and prevent Gusev get to America.
-Do whatever you want, Mr. Skiles, - Crabs was clearly annoyed. - Take any number of people, but I don't need the hype all over America in this regard.
-No hype will not assured him Skiles.
-I don't need at all, to this crazy sailor, or who he's appeared here. You understand me, Skiles?! - Crabs was furious.
The next morning Skiles left in new Йюрк, taking with him a couple dozens of young men from the protection of Krabs that there is sail in Europe and then in Petrograd.
Elk meanwhile plagued by remorse in prison. It is already nine times regretted, that have agreed to go to America. A pathetic romantic his soul! The haste of love! How could he allow so used these Americans!
But there was nothing to do. Could only wait Gusev come for him. He believed that Gusev can bring him out of captivity, and waited for him as God.
Skiles appeared no more, but now some other people regularly visited him and asked, does not change whether it is their decision, and not willing to start work on Mr. Krabs. But every time Elk categorically answered: "No!", and they left with nothing.
Meanwhile, Crabs not waste his time, and by the time Skiles reached Petrograd, the construction of five spacecraft launched in full swing. Its engineers have made the necessary calculations, ordered the hull, machinery and engines of the ship, restored formula fuel, used by the Elk, and promised Крабсу, that after a couple months of work on the construction of the ships will be completed.
Crabs rubbed his hands with pleasure. Expedition to promise him huge profits.
In Soviet Russia
The next day after Gusev came from Moscow, he again went to the Moose. He wanted to cheer his friend. He believed that everything will work out, but felt that the Elk doubts this, and because he was to strengthen him in anticipation.
However, in spite of the late visit, the engineer was not at home. "Where can he be?" Surprised Gusev.
He repeated his visit in a day, then went again. The result was the same. Gusev was worried. His restlessness increased when he visited the plant where he worked as a Moose. There he was informed that the Elk is not shown to work for a week.
With the police he hacked room Elk, fearing the worst. But there, in spite of his gloomy expectations, there was nobody. Apartment engineer was empty and abandoned.
Gusev sounded the alarm. "He could not leave without telling me," he argued in the police. "What happened to him could happen?" - surprised there. "I don't know, but you declare wanted - a person is missing!" "Said Gusev. "Well," agreed the police have announced the arrest warrant on Elk.
Meanwhile, Gusev did not cease to seek money to build an interplanetary ship. The disappearance engineer fostered his attempts. But responsiveness officials in connection with this circumstance became much more visible. "There is a silver lining!" thought Gusev, leaving the office with a signed paper. The matter suddenly went much more fun.
"And yet, where did Elk?" - This question constantly bothered Guseva.
A week passed, then another, month, and about Los no news.
"What was wrong with him? Where are you, Moose? Answer!" - prayed Gusev. Without elk construction of the device was not possible at all, even if it suddenly appears that the funds for a new expedition will be found.
Gusev was summoned to Moscow. In one of the high offices, where he felt, in spite of its good character, a little awkward and shy, it told the money to build a new spacecraft give. The Soviet government considers it very important to a new expedition to Mars.
-Build, comrade Gusev, a new ship - applauded одобряюще him on the shoulder.
-Well, - said Gusev.
He returned to Petrograd, and the first thing visited the apartment of an Elk. There was no one still. Gusev is not happy with the police. "Still nothing", - he made the head of the police hands.
-You understand that the expedition under threat, almost shouting, lashed out at him Gusev. - Our Soviet government allocated money for the expedition, and now we must begin to build a ship, and the chief man, which determines all in this expedition, no, and nobody knew where he has been already submitted.
From indignation Gusev even banged his fist on the table. This behavior is very scared of the head of the St. Petersburg police.
-Think, comrade Gusev. Our police is full of worries. Prostitutes, thieves, bandits, robbers, the - don't think we without you nothing to do. We investigate the disappearance of your Elk, but he lived alone, and therefore nobody has even seen his last two to three months. Would have been his friends. But they were not even interested in! All St. Petersburg's police knocked in his quest, but while no sense. We will search for it, to strengthen the work in this direction...
-Keep in mind this is a matter of national importance, - wagged a finger at Gusev.
Another week passed, and suddenly Gusev called the chief of police, with whom he cursed. Gusev appeared to him immediately.
I moved your Elk, comrade Gusev.
-Since I left? "Said Gusev.
-And so, here was the chief of the paper, permissive visa to travel abroad.
-And where?
-Who knows. Somewhere abroad. Denotes that at some conference.
-Yes, but if so, he certainly would tell me where and why...
-I do not know, - with the superiority head. That's a steamer ticket.
He handed Gusev a coupon of the ticket. Gusev puzzled them stared.
So now go and look for him yourself. Here, in Petrograd, and in the Soviet Republic it is no precise. As you can see, we do not lose time in vain. But now search for it yourself.
-But where?
-I think somewhere abroad, " shrugged the head of the militia.
Now in my mind at Gusev was a big mess. Elk left somewhere. But where to? And why not informed?
The thoughts of one another absurd swirled and succeeded each other in his mind. But no answer was, when he came itself...
A little more time, and one morning at the door Gusev postman knocked.
-Here's a telegram. From America, he said.
Gusev snatched the postman paper.
"I've been in America, come right now. Skiles deceived me. Be careful. Possible prosecution. I don't release the back. Forced to work on a certain Krabs. He wants to fly to Mars", - stated in the telegram.
"Damn! It still wasn't enough!" "Exclaimed Gusev and swore. - "Well, Elk, asked you puzzle me! However, its really be rescued!"
Gusev rushed to gather in America. The strange circumstances of the disappearance of the Elk and the telegram, sent to them from America, have done their job. From Moscow, where he immediately went, Gusev returned to Petrograd, endowed with special powers. The Cheka had allocated two people. Made inquiries, where to look for this Krabs, which is mentioned in the telegram Elk. Learned that Crabs really for the money, and he was a man of quite famous and rich manufacturer, builds междупланетные ships and is going to surprise the world with some stunning discoveries. Just American Newspapers began to fuss about the grandiose plans Krabs, that he organized the "Martian company" and invites all interested oligarchs to invest in this lucrative project and become his companions on междупланетному flight.
Full of indignation and resentment, angry myself Elk, Gusev, however, hastened to help him.
Petrograd - New York
Late in the evening Gusev with two companions sailed on the ship from Petrograd. Their route lay in new York, and Gusev expected to arrive in America through the week voyage. Had to cross even the whole of America to get to California, where he lived Crabs. Of course already, judging by telegram, Moose, just not released, and Gusev pondered how best to organize his return to the Motherland. It was clear that it was a struggle.
However, Gusev expected that it will begin in America, but she had already started on the boat.
As I recall, Skiles sent his people to Petrograd, that they have found and defused Guseva. When it was not known where Moose, they were already in Petrograd and was wanted by непоседливого Guseva, arranged an ambush near his home, but somehow that all has passed. Only at the last moment spies learned THAT Gusev sent overseas immediately to sail on the same ship.
On the ship, they have established a surveillance Gusev and found that he is accompanied by two strong men. When the spies found convenient to attack, the ship crossed half of the Atlantic.
It was late at night. Gusev did not sleep. He pondered how to behave properly in place, in America, not to make mistakes, to remain alive, but still get a Moose from captivity. One of my colleagues who accompanied him, was already asleep. The other took place in the neighboring cabin wall.
Suddenly thought Guseva interrupted sounds in the next cabin, where he lived one of his companions. He held her one, fellow he was, and at such a late time behind the wall was always quietly: well what the noise can create sleep?
Gusev listened, listened. Having the old front-line training, he was ready for any surprise.
Sounds behind the wall intensified. It seem that there is a war.
Gusev did not like it. He woke the sleeping next friend, and a sign showed him on the wall. They took revolvers and went out in the corridor.
The door to the next cabin was ajar. Gusev opened it and resolutely burst into the room. Behind he heard the breath will not step отстававшего from his comrade.
The first thing he saw in the cabin - распластанное on the bed body of a comrade. He lay without signs of life. Near him were two men in black, tight-fitting suits. One of them immediately pointed the gun towards вбежавших and shot.
Gusev, having a good dexterity and not a little поднаторевший melee and ranged managed to Dodge. Worked for years выработавшаяся in him throughout his military life savvy and enviable reaction. He flipped over on the floor, still not seeing the enemy, opened a cursory firing the revolver, releasing four bullets at random.
In response opened heavy fire. Some bullets fell floor next to him and whistled over his head. Gusev rolled, immediately raised his head and took a shot two more times. One of the strangers that were in the back, groaned, and fell on the floor.
Behind Gusev also heard the moaning. He realized that his friend just got shot.
Cartridges in the drum was no more, and Gusev rushed to blows on the remaining unharmed gunman in his opponent. In follow that mad and desperate throw it knocked this targeted him in the stomach gun, dropped him on the bed, and they began to fiercely fight, trying harder to hit and strangle each other.
The enemy was clearly stronger Guseva. Skiles long selected such heavyweights and strongman to make them work for sure. Soon forces began leaving Guseva. Realizing that he now stands to lose and it would be the end, Gusev managed a couple of times, as it should be, his enemy in the head with his fist, freed himself, grabbed with tables huge Desk lamp and a few times with all the forces that he had, put it down on the enemy's head.
The cabin was dark. Light broke.
Elk rushed to his friend, корчившемуся moaning on the floor, picked up his heavy body under the arms, picked up the revolver, and dragged him into the hallway.
On the ship I couldn't stay. In any case, Gusev feared that revealed himself. Yes, it was unknown how many spies still Packed with the ship.
With difficulty raising wounded stairs, Gusev has appeared on the deck. His thoughts were directed now to гидроплану that is attached to the stern of the ship. We had to fly the ship.
Gusev he reached the stern, here put his companion, who was unconscious on the deck and began reloading the revolver.
On the ship meanwhile rose in turmoil. Many passengers heard the night a furious gun battle in one of the cabins, and seriously concerned about the battle for peace boat, raised the entire crew. Everywhere now, again armed sailors. They Ude found the three in the cabin, where I heard shooting. One of them, order, stunned, trying to get to, but there's nothing more to be learned. The other two showed no signs of life.
The captain ordered to search the whole ship, and now the team ran across corridors and decks, ready at any moment to open deck. To stern haven't been reached.
Gusev dragged the wounded in the cockpit and now feverishly preparing a hydroplane to take off. Fortunately he was supplied and equipped. Gusev released the plane from the holder and now know how to fly up, looked at the instruments and levers, remembering their purpose.
A few minutes passed, but he was in a hurry, and it seemed to him that it had been about a half an hour. Having a bit of running seaplane, Gusev jumped out of the plane and rushed to turning the faucet to throw aside short takeoff springboard. When he did and has already climbed back into the cockpit to fly on the deck heard several shots.
Gusev turned around. He was found. Shoot the Maypole, which he his Desk lamp. With one hand he held the ушибленную head, and because of the shooting had been inaccurate. From the other end of the ship to him ran several armed sailors. We had to immediately take off.
Gusev closed the door and turned the key in start. Motor sneezed several times. Propeller couple of times lazily turned, but suddenly turned into a shining day. Gusev seized the levers of control surfaces, twisting on a trampoline.
Sailors joined верзиле and also opened fire. To them escaped several armed men led by captain of the ship. Each second of delay was fraught with death. Sailors fired more aptly, and several bullets in the door of the cabin. Yet a little while, and they riddled would plane.
Gusev decidedly added speed. Hydroplane slides, turning on the runners on a springboard. Shooting was further reinforced. Gusev, that there are forces that gave Gaza and pulled the levers of the elevators themselves.
Jump over. Machine plummeted down, falling almost flat, but at the water slowed the fall, went smoothly and began to gain altitude.
The ship quickly left behind, but the shooting, became very fierce, was still audible. Gusev relish swore to himself. He was always prepared, but such a drastic turn of events did not expect.
Next quietly moaning wounded comrade. Bullet had struck him in the neck, and he quickly lost blood, breaking off in his every minute. Another General remained on the ship. Gusev had to act alone, that considerably complicated the task. Besides, as he now saw, Americans vengeance followed him, and did not intend it to start up in America. Earlier he would not have thought that in his person could be so much attention. "Although the war to them, hell, pronounce this Elk and because of this Mars", - angrily thought Gusev, conducting plane on a compass to the West.
During the war, he had to fly. But that was long ago, and he kind of wondered, as he is able to land the machine, the more strange.
Much time has passed. It was already day time, when I struck the shore. Flying closer, Gusev saw that it was an unusual configurations, with the houses, similar to the cliffs, and such a height, which in Russia was not a single building, a city located on the coast of a huge Gulf in the middle of which stands on the island of giant statue of Liberty.
Was ahead of new York. He's been here after their arrival from Mars. Drove here Masha, his wife and participated in all activities organized by the Americans after their arrival. From the height of the town seemed подернутым gray haze, as if they both smoked all its inhabitants, grey and hostile. It is possible that the fugitives from the ship here waiting for and not with the best of intentions.
Gusev approached the Gulf and splashed down in the middle, close to the island with the statue of Liberty, then long taxied on the water, adjusting the plane close to the shore.
Comrade it wasn't breathing no more, Gusev touched his hand. She was cold. Gusev climbed out of the cockpit and started swimming toward the shore.
He reached the station, bought a train ticket and fear which darted at the police station, as if beseeching him, hastened near the train depart in the direction of the California, where he waited as the Savior, and Elk.
By the evening of the third day he came to Los Angeles. From there, having got to know how to find Villa Krabs, headed straight there.
The hasty departure of the
Having found the Villa Krabs, Gusev settled not far from her in a thick grove of trees in ambush, he climbed up a tree and the whole day watching from there moving through the HOMESTEAD on the approaches to it.
Elk he never saw. But several times visited his friend Skiles, who, wandering through the Park, talked excitedly, waving his hands, with some thick, big-bellied very short, which, apparently, and was Crabs. Apparently, they already knew what had happened on the ship. Who else could send meet Gusev murderers, as not Skiles with Крабсом.
Sitting on a tree, Gusev pondered how to get inside the estate, and find Moose, when, towards evening, he saw the large man, whom his head lamp. He arrived together with Скайльсом. His head was перебинтована. "Well I'm entertained! Involuntarily glad Gusev. Is thee for our comrades, whom you, you bastards, укокошили".
Crabs something eagerly explained верзиле with a bandaged head. Skiles only stood and listened. Then they left and Gusev thought.
Looked out across that Moose are not here. Protection of the Villa was almost none. Now that big somewhere went along with Скайльсом. "Where else they keep him, he decided, finally, after weighing up all the arguments Gusev. - It is necessary to catch Скайльса somewhere along the road to the Villa. He certainly knows where the Moose. I'll make this unscrupulous journalist lead me to the engineer!"
Late at night. Evening deepened. Gusev moved into the bushes by the road leading to the Villa Krabs. It has ripened firm decision to seize Скайльса and use it to find an engineer.
The events were not long in coming. After half an hour on the road seemed machine (which, as usual, came Skiles. When the car approached, Gusev saw that one person in the car. He was driving and it was Skiles.
When the car drew level with shrubs, Gusev scurried to the car, jumped on the bandwagon and in the open window pointing at the driver's revolver:
"Stop, " he ordered, " stop, you bastard!
Skiles, and it was really him to a halt.
Sidi, no sweat, warned him Gusev, climbing into the cab, continuing to hold the journalist on the fly, and, having put a gun to his side, he asked. "What, you expect?
-No, on the contrary, " Skiles.
-So badly waited concluded Gusev. - Well, tell me where the Moose? Quickly! And don't try to deceive me, I'm with flies are not put until Elk see.
Skiles, realizing that to argue with Gusev not worth it, drove him to the castle, where they Крабсом kept Elk. However, all the way, he tried to convince Guseva, that all his attempts to escape with Deer fail:
Elk too well guarded.
Gusev listened to the Americans, but the conclusions made. When they arrived to the castle, where he was kept engineer, he said Скайльсу:
-I do not need. But will you help me deliver a Moose, and then you help us until we are out of America. Then I will let you go. And now come out. And don't you dare to joke with me. I am angry at you. You started it, brewed this mess. You and pick up the pieces!
Together with Скайльсом they came to the gates of the castle, where stood guard.
Tell him Elk needed Крабсу, and you bring in the negotiations, " said Gusev, on his ear to his prisoner.
They are subject only to the Крабсу, and without his orders do nothing, shook his head Skiles.
The guard had already spotted them and headed towards. He was armed.
-Then tell me what you need to talk with Deer.
-I was already here today and talked to him.
-So what? Say that again need to talk. And don't do anything extra to do! Immediately shoot you! Warned Gusev.
Guard missed Скайльса, inquiring, who had come to him.
Is one Russian. I think it may be that way, you can agree with Deer.
-I'll report Крабсу that you have come, " said the guard.
"Don't, " said Skiles. - He knows all things. I myself will call him after the interview. Tell me, better hour in the house, so we were let into the room to engineer the Elk.
On the way Gusev noted that the guards in the house really a lot.
-How many people protects the house? He asked Скайльса.
-When the change of guard?
-In an hour, " replied Skiles, looking at his watch.
They went into the room to the Elk. First in Skiles. Elk turned around and saw him.
-I've told you. Nothing new for You I have not. I demand that I was allowed to go home, " he said Скайльсу.
Elk, my friend, it's me! - Gusev rushed to him.
Surprise Elk was frightened, but then happy. They embraced.
-I am for you! Dear arrived! How are you?
-Yes here! Fool свалял, shrugged his shoulders Elk.
-Okay, now is not the time to talk, let's get out of here.
Gusev turned around. Скайльса. While Elk and Gusev hugged, he quietly slipped out of the room.
"Oh, you bastard! - Gusev rushed to the door. Her already heard a quick step of a few people who went to the room Elk.
-Drag all toward the door, баррикадируемся. Quickly! "he commanded the Elk.
They started to block the door furniture. On the other hand it already tried to open.
-Yes, we were, with vexation concluded Gusev. - How did I miss Скайльса...
-Gusev, Elk, open. You here will not go, - was heard from behind the door a voice Скайльса. - Gusev, give up!
-Well, I Dudka! "Muttered under his breath Gusev.
The onslaught on the door grew louder. It tried to push to furniture, наваленная in a heap, collapsed.
-Open, will shoot! - Scream Skiles.
-Shoot will not, " said Gusev Elk. - Me they would shoot. But they need you alive. As if to get out?
-I have already thought about it, " replied Elk, helping to prop up Gusev barricade. - Under the window there is a ledge. It narrow and slippery, but it's possible to reach a drainpipe. However, if сорвешься...
-Nothing, go ahead. Go first. I'll cover. In any case, if't escape now, never shall be free. More nobody will come, - урезонил his Gusev. "Let's go. I will keep.
"How are you?
-I then, come on!
Elk crossed the sill on the ledge. To downspout had to pass it along a wall about five meters on the inclined railway slippery surfaces. Stay was not for that, and Elk, closed my eyes in fear, small steps began to move along the wall. His heart sank in terror at the mere thought, that he may slip or lose his balance and then fall from a height of thirty feet.
He moved further and further. From the room, where she heard sounds of a struggle. Several times from the window shown Gusev.
"You still here? "He asked. - Let's alive!
From the window he heard the echoes of the shooting. This shot Gusev. The guards with its onslaught on the door almost destroyed the barricade, and the old warriors had nothing to do but to fire at random through the door. In any case he decided to live not to give up, whatever happens.
After the shots, Guseva onslaught on the door stopped, but a minute later, the door resounded response shots. Bullets whistled very close.
Gusev rushed to the window. Elk down the pipe. "Well, well!" He tore the curtain aside and threw on top of the mountain сваленной at the door, furniture, took out a match and set fire to the fabric. Dear matter densely задымила, then through the smoke seemed flames. Door again began to break. Room clouded with smoke.
Gusev, пальнув revolver several times, and climbed out onto the ledge, nimbly as a cat, got to the downspout and quickly went downstairs and caught engineer.
-Fast pace, " he commanded.
They had crossed the Park, got over the lattice fence and got in the car Скайльса.
"Well, " exclaimed Gusev, is now in new York!
The machine is pulled.
That same evening they were at the airport of Los Angeles, where immediately flew to new York.
On the way Gusev everywhere expected to meet an ambush. But, strangely enough, no one prevented.
-We might meet in new York, " he said Elk. - So be ready for anything. You wanna go home?
"Yes, " nodded the Elk.
"Then listen to me! Oh, and has suffered a great deal to me you suddenly complained Gusev, recharging revolver. - Sorry, revolver one. The second would be for us now is not prevented.
At the airport they quickly left the plane, and Gusev dragged Elk in the direction opposite to a building of air terminal, where went the rest of the passengers.
-We are certainly looking for. He explained the Elk.
They reached the outskirts of the airfield and sat down to rest on the grass.
-So, - began to teach the plan Gusev. - Here I have left hydroplane, fill him, he took from his pocket a small Golden mantel clock in the form of figurines of Venus, I think this bourgeoisie-style junk enough for all of our costs.
In Gusev found the pawnshop, laid the watch. Then they hired a boat for the intent that he brought them to гидроплану. The owner of the boat Gusev instructed to get a barrel of aviation kerosene for refueling of an airplane.
In the evening nakrapyval small contrary rain. Gusev by owner boats poured kerosene into the tank by lifting up on the ropes barrel on the glider wing. Elk was sitting in the cockpit. Gusev instructed him to look at both of them, but through the glass, covered with endless drops of rain, almost nothing could be seen. It was getting dark. Elk pulled sleep from peaceful jiggle seaplane on the waves. He was fighting sleep, but still fell asleep.
His dream suddenly interrupted Gusev, влезающий in the cabin.
-Follow soon! his voice was angry.
Elk sat up. Boat off somewhere in the darkness. Its sidelights quickly removed.
-I asked in both watch! Reproached Gusev Elk. - While you sleep!
-And what happened? "asked the engineer.
-No, nothing, " said Gusev, taking the revolver Elk. - Save it...
He jumped out of the cabin and began to shoot. In return, shots were fired. Elk looked in the other direction, on the berth. And then he saw a few cars and people fleeing from them to the aircraft. In the dark sparkled flash in their hands. Several times, something clicked through the cabin. There was a crack of plywood.
Gusev исстрелял whole dryer, stooping, climbing into the cab, threw his revolver Elk:
-Recharge, quickly! And he began fiddling with the controls.
Listened to the roar of the engine. Elk bent over, pulled out of a bag box with cartridges and began to reload revolver.
Hydroplane twitched. The engine is already roared deafeningly. However, through the roar was heard, like the skin of an aircraft beats the hail of bullets, which is bursting plywood.
"It's lucky for us today, " concluded Gusev. - All the luck ... Yet with water take off ever.
He took the plane to the statue of Liberty, which was far away, lit by spotlights.
Suddenly shoulder Elk something annealed. He instinctively grabbed it from the pain. On the fingers remained blood.
-I think I'm wounded, " he said.
-Me too, " Gusev.
Only now Elk noticed that the man covered in blood.
The hail of bullets subsided. The Bank was already far away. Engine strained howled, and Elk felt his вжало in a chair. Hydroplane rushed over the waves, jumping up occasionally on their crests and from this swaying from side to side. Finally, he pulled away and walked slowly up. Gusev pulled the steering wheel and added gas to the limit. The plane lifted his nose and went up steeply.
Time ago, I have a bunch of stuff not drive, " he confessed. - But nothing - долетим!
They rose above the clouds, where it was still light, and, guided on a compass, Gusev sent a car to the East.
-I do not know, how have got, but while the engine is running - will fly. Not afraid, Mstislav Sergeevich?
-Stuck here in the ocean, - said Gusev.
I don't know, " shrugged the Elk, and I felt a sharp pain in the forearm.
Gusev noticed how distorted his face, and guess:
-Yes, it is bad that You are hurt. But it could be worse.
"It might, " agreed Elk.
Soon his inclined to sleep.
When he awoke, it was already day time. They flew over the ocean.
"Where are we? Asked Elk.
I don't know, hardly, answered Gusev. He was pale and looked tired. It would be necessary to alight on water, relax, wounds explore. Me on the leg hurt... but I must fly, though, and want to sleep. On takeoff got a lot goes, and it now has little...
Elk was surprised that the wounded, not выспавшийся Gusev still manages to control the aircraft. He wanted to say something, but the weakness is, apparently, навалившаяся on him because of the blood loss, клонила in a dream, and they would not talk at all. Elk fell asleep again...
-All came! - Exclamation Guseva woke him.
In the cabin stood a strange silence, and Moose didn't realized what happened.
-Горючка ended explained wearily Gusev. - I will try to plant.
Hydroplane more roll down. On them rapidly approaching the surface of the ocean. They entered the peak, and air howled in stopped пропеллере.
Before the water Gusev pulled the steering wheel, and the aeroplane moved almost horizontal gliding flight, but immediately hit floats on the water, jumped up, and again hit. However, the design of the airframe, although заскрежетала, затрещала all of excessive overload, but still stood. Machine dived into the water, broke the surface and swayed on the waves, slowly moving around the axis.
"Nothing, ..., приводнилась the ship. The main thing is that pontoons do not burst, and the потопнем commented on what is happening Gusev. - Make sure if we start to sink. However, it is unclear as to escape...
Gusev said literally falling asleep:
-I was just a little sleep...
A mysterious pipe
When Gusev woke up, he saw his wound, then Elk, and concluded that the wound was not dangerous. But they both lost a lot of blood and were dull and weak.
Gusev tore his vest on bandages and bandaged first shoulder Moose, and remains - his wound.
The ocean was empty. They even had no idea where they are.
The old soldier, Gusev pretty stocked up on food and water, and it now was used. He divided the water and the food into equal parts and calculated:
-We have enough food for a week, " he reported back to the Elk. - Water - ten days.
Pulled weary first hours, days and then дрейфования in the vastness of the ocean.
Sometimes raised easy storm, but gales and hurricanes pass them by.
The plane that was turquoise, barely visible on the surface of the waves at the time of utter calm, взмывал up, and then rushed down with a water cliffs, and then it seemed that he's not survive the onslaught of waves and goes down.
Even on the horizon appeared never anything like a ship. Sometimes not only for Elk, but at Gusev found despair. Provisions, as they did not try to save, came to an end, with the water of the case, too, the situation was no better. Now, seemed to come to an end.
Then, in moments of utter despair Gusev взбадривал himself and Elk memories of his experiences:
-Throw you, in fact, Mstislav Sergeevich, кручиниться. Our time has not yet come! We still fly! Even Mars ahead!
-How do you know, Alexey Ivanovich?
-Yes entirety! Look, in fact! We on Earth, it dear. This is not a boundless world space, where we nearly died! But not killed! For tens of millions of kilometres were from the ground, in a bowl, which was little better than a seaplane, this is if we take toward our position today to the scale of the global space. And if fate had not died! It is not yet time to die! We are waiting for a new mission to Mars! That's what I want! I miss the interstellar travel!
His carefree daydreaming, in fact, взбадривала and, oddly enough, was hoping, but no logic to regain confidence memories of past severe trials, it would seem, was not. In fact, they are the same on Earth, not even on Mars and on Earth. It's like at home, just not in that room! But they do enter into the other room, will visit.
Sometimes Elk recalled Аэлиту. It also was encouraged by, but not so empty and useless chatter Guseva. Strangely enough, but the image of Aelita, who would lead it forward, now in a critical environment endless and hopeless дрейфования in the world ocean, alas, is not encouraged. On the contrary, if not chatter Guseva, memories about Aelita dragged him deep in the wilds of gloomy despair.
-Random bullet, I дурней, Mstislav Sergeevich! - saying Gusev, climbing onto the top bunk of the aircraft.
He used every minute of calmness, in order to improve their situation.
Now he was engaged in the wings of the seaplane. Water supplies were coming to an end, and without waiting for this, experienced and intelligent leader, decided to adapt them to collect rainwater, which is generously poured from the sky during the storm.
Is that you, Alexey Ivanovich?
Gusev busily saddled his wing and began to cut down the upper wall wing fuel tanks, adapting it under a bowl for collecting rainwater. Tank design was disposed within and between the ribs wing, occupying the whole of its area, so when the rain water had to linger enough. I had to remove all the area of its upper part.
-Yes I mean, Mstislav Sergeevich that I, how many war was never afraid nor attack with his sword unsheathed fly, nor from the bullets not hide. But those who had been hiding from them - they had, their mother, so she -- she, Mstislav Sergeevich, too. Bullet - she is a stupid, clever, loves, and such as I, fool bypasses.
-Hmm, incredulously led Moose head, watching the inventive part of how to survive Gusev.
-Yes that's it, that so. Yes recall at least Mars. They saw that ентими Huguenots happened. Concessions they want, not fight! Here and had paid concessions! Yeah I was little пособили! One - he is not a warrior, even if the hero. He command is needed, courageous, such as he. But among the unconscious proletarian population Mars practically was not. That's the result...
Gusev busily настукивал chisel, occasionally погладывая to heaven, from whence his naked torso mercilessly жарило the sun. But to him it was like a balm, so, anyway, look the part. Elk presented himself at the place of sweating and tanned Guseva, and involuntarily shuddered at the feeling of utter discomfort. And Gusev was though that...
-...Now I remember Mars. What would happen if I Martian bullets for cactuses hiding? Yes there would have stayed, nor the hell would we not departed from Mars, there would remain. Therefore, I say: random bullet - my whole life experience it is. See danger - give her teeth to as much daylights!.. E-eh, what's there, Mstislav Sergeevich! you have seen! I you from America pulled on the same enthusiasm, no more than. Enthusiasm and courage - here is my weapon in the fight with any enemy, even here, the swimming in the vast ocean.
-Well, and how your enthusiasm here help? "asked Elk.
-Yes, it's the same as before! - no hesitation, said Gusev. - 'll get to the Russian Federation, be sure to get.
A few more weary days of endless voyage.
During dinner, when they eat the last crumbs of food, Gusev still rebuked Moose:
-You me, better Mstislav Sergeevich, tell me, as You head awakened in America go? And I said nothing! It W as a betrayal of it!
-The fact is, " he agreed, somewhat abashed, Elk, so as not expect all of a call for response from Gusev. - Frankly speaking, I myself don't quite understand how Скайльсу managed to persuade me. Like an obsession for some!
-Yes what a nightmare! - with slight annoyance whistled Gusev. - It's just your unconsciousness proletarian position manifested against the world bourgeoisie. Don't you see, what all happened, - Gusev shook his head, showing you around the never-ending surface of the turquoise. - Yes and how many comrades were killed hurl...
Elk frowned, and Gusev, noting that crossed the line stick, tried to mitigate this situation:
-Well, of course, security officers work like this - the danger is called. Ready they should be at any minute to repel enemy attack, as I behold! And they did wrong, not had the experience. Well, what really now...
Elk long silence, then he said:
-I thought that nothing would happen with the new flight...
-Cannot be concluded Gusev, - and believe it. Because before you believed! Without this would and did not fly to Mars. Even the first time that never flew, if I hadn't believed!
-Yes, you are right, Alexei Ivanovich, puzzled agreed Elk.
He was not himself. In fact, why all of a sudden he dared to doubt that Gusev only achieve? He long thought deeply about it.
Food ended a week. Thanks to the invention of Gusev water was better, though she gave extremely aviation kerosene, but better so than any at all.
When you are finished with wings, Gusev seriously engaged by a radio transmitter. Every day, when the light during calm the sun, he took his сдохший battery on a hot plating of the airframe and long held. By the evening, he sat behind the steering wheel and sent through a revived transmitter signals of assistance until the radio did not die again.
In the morning everything was repeated again.
Gusev approximately determined their location on a compass, the sun and the moon. They were five hundred kilometers to the North Equatorial waters of the Atlantic and almost in the middle between Europe and America. There was not a strong currents like the Gulf stream, therefore, hope that for ever make them to the shores of Europe, was impossible. Could only count on the fact that they still will be looking for.
Closer to the evening Gusev helped Elk tighten to гидроплану killed a self-made harpoon young shark.
These fish appeared for some time about their drift of the aircraft and is now steadily accompanied lazily navorachivaya circles.
'Aha, ' said then Gusev, as only the first time spotted this unwanted escort - waiting for the party! Early gathered! he angrily threatened them with a fist. Then suddenly his face lit up. - So it is to us to help! Well, Mstislav Sergeevich, акулятинкой not want to попотчеваться?!
-How is it? 't understand it Elk.
-And here's how! - the evening of the same day was ready harpoon from duralumin tube steel-tipped and hour of the float seaplane трепыхалась first shot them shark meat which lasted a whole week.
Now, pulling another nail-scarred harpoon fish, Gusev corner of his eye he saw a little farther, as something вынырнуло from under the water and disappeared again. Was like the tip of the fin whale, which are sometimes floated past, when the world moves. But it was too fast appeared and disappeared. Gusev threw harpoon rope, and then something strange seemed the second time.
Such a contraption he had never seen before, even though I could boast the disadvantage of their efforts, both on land and at sea.
-What the heck is it?! - banged it in the shoulder Elk, which now alone, pulled the bleeding shark.
Now and Elk looked.
From the water something выныривало disappeared something moving with great speed, like a big black Smoking pipe.
-Yes, it's periscope! - happy cried Elk and waved his hands above his head and cried as if this has meant salvation.
-Wait, but suddenly it was the Americans?! - tried to calm his Gusev, but then suddenly joyfully and energetically began to honk and yelling so, I heard that, I think half the Universe, which now looked the part of the Land where they were.
Periscope was fast approaching, more and more rising out of the water. Now already visible in the flagpole on командирском bridge, a pop-up from the ocean depths. On it, even from heavy water, hanging flag of the Russian Federative Republic.
They picked up a Soviet submarine, which is specially sent from Murmansk on caught from Gusev signals for help.
Finally their adventure in a few months-long over, and now Gusev and Elk feel at home on Board a close, smelling of oil vessel. Finally over their loneliness, during which they tried hard not to go crazy and not lose courage, wait until help comes.
But now they are at home!
Gusev greedily inquiring the captain of the submarine news from the homeland. Reluctantly he learned that Americans began preparing the flight to Mars. Once again he's in the hearts lamented the Moose, that he betrayed the secrets of the Republic of those suckers, but did not say anything, seeing as he painfully reacts.
And what could they do now? I did.
That Americans are willing to fly to Mars, blew Newspapers around the world.
Gusev shared an unpleasant news with Deer. Contrary to the expectations of Elk took the news calmly and soberly:
-There's nothing wrong there, Alexey Ivanovich! Judge for yourself, well, what's wrong?! Well, let the Americans will fly to Mars! Not us the same one fly! In the end, I dream about the time when there will be flying thousands of interstellar spacecraft.
"But Mars Soviet! "said Gusev. - We first were there!
-Of course, first quietly agreed Elk. - But the extra terrestrials, either the Americans, whether it be someone else, we are not intruding on Mars! You saw Alexey Ivanovich, that the two of us there life was hard!
-Oh, I don't know! shook his head Gusev. "I don't like your mood! Why I have you helped? What our comrades killed, you bailing out?!
Elk was silent, thinking.
Gusev immediately went on the captain's bridge and shouted to the captain:
-I Gusev, Alexey Ivanovich, special Commissioner of the Soviet government on interstellar flight to Mars, I hereby order as soon as possible deliver me and engineer Elk in Petrograd. Matter of extreme national importance! Americans may surpass with the flight to Mars. We have to be there first!
The submarine after the command Gusev took a course on Petrograd. Captain Gusev reported that next week they will be in place.
-A long, long time! - suddenly hurried Gusev, - it Should be possible, every minute counts.
However, despite all this, the mood Guseva and the Elk was excellent. They felt saved, every day Kok brought to him in close wardroom noodlesoup, which they couldn't eat. "And, though - judged Gusev, all going very well!"
There was a week of sailing and so on horizon familiar shores. Ahead began to loom familiar shape and spires of the city.
Delight Gusev, Moose, and all team joyfully cried out and began to throw his cap in the air and that someone had at hand.
In Petrograd were waiting for them and met with the orchestra, as heroes.
After the flight of an Elk Gusev Skiles long time did not appear in the eyes Крабсу.
In pursuit of the fugitives he got to new York, tried to catch them at the airport with a whole to the teeth armed police detachment.
From Krabs Skiles received a short telephone message: Guseva destroy, Elk return and get to work!
However, at the airport Skiles realized that he was dealing with an experienced opponent.
Gusev pulled it over on him, and left the stuffed with the airport police without any difficulty. He circled them around your finger as children.
Now they are lost in the big city, and Skiles long thought, where could they have gone to. All possible ways of escaping from America for Gusev and elk were closed.
First Skiles not worried that miss Gusev at the airport, but then, by the evening I suddenly realized that the Elk absent from him, if not to take some urgent measures. "If not Gusev, you would have never left!" thought Skiles.
Previously, he little attention paid to this husky. No, of course, he knew it even longer than the Moose, but I never really values his person is not betrayed.
And only here, in America, Skiles suddenly realized what the real danger is this Gusev.
"He is a squad selected thugs!" involuntarily admired Skiles, when Gusev cleverly escaped with Deer from обложенного protection of the castle.
Time is fast approaching in the evening, and nowhere never been heard. Gusev and Elk as the water had disappeared, vanished in new York. Skiles felt. That misses time, but could not understand, where there is a leak. Finally, he invited me to a large man, which Gusev his steamboat lamp.
-He flew in a seaplane! said the Maypole.
-Hydroplane! - exclaimed in a hasty guess Skiles. - Of course, seaplane! They would go in a seaplane! Immediately remove all the police force in search of places where it can be hydroplane in new York! "he commanded and looked at the clock. - We still have time until the darkness to discover them! They're in new York!
-But where to find this canadian seaplane! "replied the Maypole.
Skiles walked up to the glass window on the wall. From the height of the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper well you can see all the Hudson Bay. He was like on the palm.
Skiles understood that make some extensive search operations, it has no time. The day was drawing to an end. Crabs and then it broke off the handset, нервируя it more and more.
Skiles closed his eyes, folded his arms and silently stood before стопятидесятиметровой the abyss, on the other side of which, behind a thick glass lay the vast city. He tried to concentrate, he tried to draw her journalistic intuition, not once helped him find the right solution.
For a moment it seemed to him that he sees everything through the eyes Guseva,
He opened his eyes:
-They are there! he said, revealing the arms of the tube on a small warehouse provincial area of the Gulf, where there was a lot of small wharves and warehouses. - Urgently in there to give all the power!
Maypole and everyone who was in the room behind him, looked at each other in bewilderment: "how does he know?", - but then executed the order Скайльса.
Not trusting anyone in such a crucial moment, Skiles personally went to the neighborhood, who dreamed him on the fiftieth floor of a skyscraper. Ahead were dozens of police Voronkov. Here they drove into the area through reeked of rotten herring, where the narrow streets between the numerous warehouses scattered to the top ten small marinas, and struggled to the Gulf amid the bustle of the warehouse of life.
Skiles was left at the entrance to the fisherman's quarter. He waited to hear from the police crews to soar up from where the signal is routed.
Suddenly absolutely not far around the corner, behind a wooden полугнилым fence, on the other hand propped up by a bunch of grey-rusty wood boxes, heard shooting.
First fired a lone gun, but in response he залаяло the dozen policemen pistols. Their sound as a reporter начинавшему his career with the police chronology, was well acquainted.
-Forward! "He commanded the driver.
Machine dying through a couple dozen seconds was on a wooden jetty.
Skiles jumped out of the car and saw not far off about fifty meters away, seaplane, which desperately fired by the police.
From there, no one answered.
The Скайльса for a moment felt like it, that all who were in the seaplane, had already been killed.
-Careful! "He commanded that there are forces chief of police shoot on the motor! There in the cockpit of an important person! I need him alive!
Police focus fire on the engine of the plane. From seaplane no one answer to the fire. Still it seemed that there was no living, but suddenly зарокотал engine, spun the propeller, the hydroplane was moved.
The fire! Fire! he commanded the Skiles, feeling the luck turns away from him.
But all was in vain. Soon the plane disappeared in impenetrable darkness, but after some time its the sound of the engine was no longer available for the hearing.
"I don't understand! - justified before Скайльсом the chief of police. "My team is riddled this pot as a colander!
However Скайльсу it was all the same, because now you have no excuses could help him in the explanations of Mr. Крабсом.
Skiles suddenly ill and stayed in a fever for a week. When he recovered, he remained in new York for some time, thinking about is whether to return to Крабсу. Nothing good already not awaited, however, Crabs found it myself.
Surprisingly Crabs was configured peacefully:
-Do not worry, my friend Skiles! - such a familiar tone before had in their relationship. Skiles dacha shook his head, not a dream it to him what was happening, he wondered why this location Krabs, as if he did not miss, but on the contrary - and grabbed Guseva, and Elk. - Everything is not so bad! Concluded Crabs.
-I do not understand, try to understand what is happening, Crabs.
But the mood Krabs has not changed, he smiled, patting him on the shoulder, offered him an expensive cognac, which even in its present position himself Skiles could not afford.
-You've done all you could, well, almost anything! - continued Crabs in a happy mood. - You see, I see your bewilderment, you must not understand why I had such a good mood?!
"Yes, " agreed Skiles.
-Everything is very simple: the hype that accidentally got up to catch a Moose, I played unexpectedly on hand. The information reached my worst competitors from new York.
-And what? - tried to guess Skiles.
-I now have no competitors! Happily spread his hands Crabs. Now my partners by sending ships to Mars. My training costs are questionable, but promising project halved, in addition, in areas of interest where we had some serious friction, I now no tension, no!
-And what does it mean? - tried again invent Skiles.
It means that I am today richer than a hundred million! - отрезюмировал Crabs.
-Not quite understand, " Skiles was confused.
Crabs raised an index finger, calling interlocutor wait a bit. He disappeared, then reappeared, accompanied by a gentleman with a suitcase.
Crabs sat down on the wide leather sofa. Mr. with a suitcase approached it right. Crabs leaned on the back of the couch, the left came to him a servant with a tray upon which stood two broad Fougeres. Crabs took one glass, the second man came and put Скайльсу. Skiles pulled his hand and took the glass, understanding nothing.
Crabs pointedly silent. The Скайльса suddenly a false sense that they celebrate a kind of victory. Crabs remained silent and mysteriously and peaceful smile.
Finally, Skiles failed:
-Explain what is happening! he pleaded to Крабсу, and sparkling expensive champagne in his glass, отсвечивающее rich amber strongly заколыхалось.
-Here! - only and said Crabs, pointing to a man with a suitcase.
He put the briefcase on a small round ivory table between the sofa and Скайльсом and opened. The suitcase was Packed full of packs hundreds of dollar bills. Is you! Here are just four million dollars.
-For what? - the prisoner tried to protect himself, as if he took the money and not give it to him.
Crabs sipped champagne, then he set the glass down beside the suitcase on the little round table and slightly bent to Скайльсу:
-You are on Mars!
Skiles couldn't understand anything. Crabs, seeing his bewilderment, he continued:
-I'll build ships, the information received from the moose is quite enough! But I have no one who will lead an expedition to Mars. And I decided that it will be you! Good idea, huh?! Good deal! You get promised me money, but instead Elk are the head of my expedition. Honestly, Elk made me a negative impression. I think that you are reliable, kind Moose! So, what do you say?
Skiles looked at Krabs, full of cherished money bag to the servant standing in anticipation of the decision of what to do with the money. A few seconds doubt made him much sweat, and he anxiously gasped:
-I agree?
-Really? He Frowned Crabs.
-Exactly! - Already readily blurted out Skiles.
-Paper and a pen! " cried the servant Crabs.
"Not one, but three..."
Having arrived in Petrograd, Gusev first act enquired about the progress of the Americans. First he read all the possible Newspapers. But in Soviet Newspapers little written about America, especially about some there Krabs and his crazy ideas.
Then Gusev appeared in Petrograd ГубЧК and explained:
-I special Commissioner of the Soviet government on the organization and implementation of the second междупланетной expedition to Mars. I need information on the preparation of the same expedition to Mars in America some Mr. Крабсом.
The Cheka coped about powers Gusev in Moscow, and, convinced of the seriousness of his statements, after a few days have caused it yourself.
-We shall render you all possible assistance, comrade Gusev! - Assured him there.
After a couple of days next to the apartment, which now took comrade Gusev (the Soviet government allocated the family of the hero of the Martian flight separate two-bedroom apartment in the heart of the Petrograd) stopped a truck loaded with American and European Newspapers over the past six months.
-Read here, comrade Gusev, you ГубЧК sent! cheerfully reported Gusev, coming out of his apartment, the driver Lustig. - Where to download your wish?"
The newspaper moved into the basement, which relied Gusev to his apartment. They occupied all the space. It also became clear that a translator is needed: Gusev in foreign languages was not strong, only Martian something else to remember.
Soon the Cheka identified and translator. Now the work began. Translator from morning to night translated articles about the events connected with flight to Mars, with its preparation, by Mr. Крабсом, as well as with Скайльсом. And Gusev meanwhile started to the chief - construction of an interplanetary ship.
He found a new, more spacious premises to work Elk, and have somehow evolved now, unlike the first flight that is not Gusev helps Moose, but quite the contrary.
Meanwhile, back in Petrograd, Elk initiated new interstellar spacecraft.
It should now be more certainly than ever, so that it could fit a detachment of red army: so wants to Gusev. Yes Moose and he understood that even dozen Магацитлов't change anything on Mars: the too is not equal force.
However, the desire to fly grew at it now with every day. Elk now it seemed that it would fly even one, refuse Gusev from the event. And he would fly just to see her, Аэлиту, find out what happened to her.
At times it has all the same as sadness, fear. Grief that took so much time away from that which is dearer to life. And fear... fear of him was born from the idea that the entire flight will be in vain, because she is dead...
No, he does not need the conquest of Mars. He does not even see the danger, that the Americans will fly to Mars. Fears Guseva about the fact that Mars will be no longer Soviet, it also does not share, because, in effect, from the fact that two with Soviet Russia flew to Mars - nothing changed. Perhaps he still does not know exactly, but he sometimes appears that they dealt even harm the Martian peoples of their unbridled revolutionary activity. How many of them died! They cannot resist, and from what Gusev led a rebellion that nothing has changed. He taught them to fight, and only sent thousands to death, without even thinking about it. In fact, they helped Тускубу do his dirty work, to carry out his sinister plan to destroy Соацеры.
The only thing that it attracted now again on Mars is Aelita.
"Aelita! Aelita! Aelita!" - repeating over and over like a mantra Elk, and this to cheer him, forced to think sharper improve machine, to make it more successful than the one at which they flew for the first time.
Now it has improved the coverage of residential capsules, made the engine more obedient management, has created an opportunity to change the flight path in междупланетном space more freely, not to be hostage to the physical laws, which they almost became the last time.
Elk remembered: last time only a coincidence saved them with Gusev from the eternal flight in the void between the stars - now you have to exclude the impact of any accident on the outcome of the expedition. The will of the flight should control the person, and not be held hostage to the blind energy. The strength of the weakest in the ability to manage strong!
Gusev meanwhile learned more troubling news from his interpreter of American Newspapers.
It turned out that while they were drifting in the Atlantic, scientists and engineers Krabs have come very far on the way of creating prototypes of devices Elk. They were preparing to fly five междупланетных ships, each of which was five times more, which flew on Mars Elk and Gusev.
American expedition to Mars is to be headed Skiles. Upon hearing this, Gusev happy thought: "On Mars are considered, Mr. Skiles!"
And still, the anxiety grew. Gusev every day thinking about how to reduce the preponderance of Americans in a number of expeditions and eliminate the lag in time.
The money to build a ship, the Soviet government has allocated, but it was not enough.
Gusev again went to Moscow. It was a long time, but when he returned, he went to the apartment of the Moose joyful and excited:
-We will build not one but three ships!
Moose in a long time not looking at the starry sky. Before he did it often and dreamily, but after returning from Mars, in his habits dramatic change occurred: he suddenly forgotten how to dream.
It would seem, it's time to dream, because the goal is reached, междупланетный flight was a success. But this is only the beginning. Beginning of a new era, and opened it, Elk, its unparalleled journey. Now, when проторена the first track, you can safely explore междупланетные flights, starting with each time more and more ships.
But something has died. As if something was broken in his mind, some kind of screw отвинтился, хрустнула some spring. And all the...
As оборвало, he even has a thrust not left to the new flights, it seems like everything is already done.
Gusev - and he was задорнее and purposeful. Perfect their trip to Mars inspired him completely. Now he knew what attach great inextinguishable energy of its irrepressible nature.
Gusev watched the dramatic changes that have occurred with Deer, but could do nothing, as tried to encourage him. Elk was still sad, and the sadness, the strange and incomprehensible to Guseva, was also not пробиваема to outside influences.
The name of this sadness was only known to the Elk - Aelita.
From the moment of their destruction, when it was separated from him in a distant Martian cave, it all seemed a dream. A dream, where there were good things and bad things, but sleep.
And now suddenly he suddenly again learned to look at the sky as before, as then, before the flight. He seemed to come to life, he felt her taste. He suddenly realized what could see her again, that was the cause of his infinite sadness.
Now every evening, when issued days, and the sky was cloudy, Elk enjoyed watching the stars. And he dreamed. Dreamed again will make a flight to Mars again set foot on its enigmatic surface, like to see her...
He didn't want to think about what Aelita no longer alive. Earlier this thought, though he wouldn't let her into his consciousness, like a пригвоздила it to the condition of torpor in which he dwelt for several years. This numbness was the Keeper of the uncertainty in which there were his thoughts on the further fate of his beloved. Yes, and how could it be otherwise, when it was impossible to know anything.
Now he, knowing that is now about to be on Mars, drove away with even a hint of what is already not find her alive. He firmly believe that Aelita alive, that she is waiting for him and hoped that he will execute the given her when the promise. Otherwise, why should he was to fly to Mars! All he wanted to know about Mars, he had already learned. Him and that was enough for impressions for all life.
But Aelita! It was a reason to fly to Mars today, tomorrow, at least five hundred years. To know that she is alive and waiting.
"Thank You, Guseva!" thought to himself, Elk, once wondering irrepressible energy of his teammate.
Yes, if not Gusev, a new expedition to Mars will not happen.
However, no, because he offered to fly to Mars and Skiles.
Sometimes the ideas Moose racing. He did not know how exactly now refers to the fact that the Americans are going to fly to Mars, using its technology, expertise and knowledge. And he didn't know how to relate to the fact that he gave all his secrets Скайльсу.
When he thought about it, somehow he had immediately started a headache, and Elk quickly stopped doing it.
On the one hand, he was still that someone else will fly to Mars. In the end, the more on Mars will Earthmen, the better. In any case, regardless of all, they are closer than any Martians thousand times.
On the other hand, Gusev always invited his tumultuous performances before the public, where constantly argued: "Mars is a Soviet one, you'll see, comrades!". His performances were accompanied by a standing ovation and approval, universal jubilation, and then Elk really thought he made a big mistake by passing their secrets Скайльсу. Without it, no Moose, without his secrets, they would never have built their междупланетные devices.
Meanwhile, as time went by. The construction of the ships after the arrival Guseva whirling with a vengeance. Quickly erected stacks for two more ships. Drawings were ready, engineers knew their business, workers were collected all existing ship, and Gusev has now been a little more free evening time.
Once he went to the apartment to Moose late in the evening and found him in a dreamy mood, in which the engineer dwelt all last time.
Together they went out on the balcony and stared at the starry sky, spread out over Petrograd. Waxwings grasshoppers somewhere down in the twilight of the yard, in the cool summer faded day. Elk and Gusev together looked at блеклое sky, which did not want more to darken due next spring solstice. In Petrograd was the period of white nights, and for astronomical observations it was not the best time.
But Elk still trying to look on the bright horizon of Mars. Gusev watched some time for his unsuccessful attempts, then said:
Mars seek, Mstislav Sergeevich?
-Yes, dreamily nodded Elk.
Gusev was surprised, as if it was not of those years when the Elk watch was impossible without regret. "Why, that the dream does is thought to myself Gusev - with a man. I went into the water dropped and is now alive! No man will definitely need a dream! A man without a dream in life - пропащее thing!"
-Soon we will depart! said aloud Gusev. - Fly soon, Mstislav Sergeevich!
-Yes, - all is also dreamily nodded Elk.
Dreams about Mars
Passed a lot of time since Skiles decided to lead an expedition to Mars.
Now everything was ready to start. Five ships, such as the one which flew on Mars Elk and Gusev stood on the launch pad, protected from countless curious onlookers whole army of police. They were ready to fly away, and now Crabs urged Скайльса start.
But Skiles hesitated. He once again asked the engineers баллистиков calculate the trajectory of the flight apparatus. But those only provided an approximate result: never had to perform a similar work, and they couldn't imagine how to behave in the body in a vacuum. The probability of miss was high. Ships could just fly past the red planet and fly out beyond the solar system. Therefore, Skiles worried, and every time had to schedule a time to start putting it off for some quite trivial, far-fetched reason.
"Listen, buddy, one evening, when Skiles once again pondered the reason for the delayed start, said to him, Crabs, - I built for you the ships! I finally made you a very rich man! What is it, how much can I tolerate this your nonsense?!
Crabs was outraged:
-We are ready to start! All but one - You! So I urge You to gather and arrange the date of departure!
Skiles embarrassed silence. So with him before Crabs never talked. He just silently listened to his justification, and links to inadequacies and inconvenience devices that needed to be removed. It took time, and Crabs agreed with the arguments of the Скайльса, eliminating another detected defect.
And imperfections were such that, whether in its place Elk, and even more Gusev, they would watch.
So, for example, at the request of Скайльса Crabs increased the supply of provisions to the annual demand. Then was replaced all inside of ships, up to the fact that there were installed comfortable leather sofas, screwed to the walls of the apparatus.
The last straw of patience Krabs, apparently was when Skiles demanded in all units of machines for production of carbonated water.
Perhaps you there again and restaurant record?! 'retorted Crabs, but the devices installed.
But now he was not going to accept any more excuses. It was evident across his mind.
-Newspapers around the world trumpeted about our flight to Mars. I already invested significant sums of money and now claim their return, Mr. Skiles! - went on the offensive Crabs. - If you do not take the decision on the date of departure today, I'll do for you and I! I have a good reason, because I made you who you are today!
-Start tomorrow! - suddenly, unexpectedly for myself Skiles said.
It was so sudden that even Crabs stopped pacing on its spacious Cabinet, turned around, and some time experiencing looked at Скайльса eyes narrowed.
Finally he gained again the gift of speech, because suddenly he had received that which he was not ready - the solution to your headaches - and straightened Скайльса:
Three days! If tomorrow, I do not have gathered a sufficient amount of press for coverage of the process of departure! You know, dear Skiles, that designated for observation of the start I sell! And many of the publications Queuing for tickets to this event! But will not all! I should have time to hold auction! Every place will be sold as much as possible!
Crabs returned to his arm-chair, rubbing his hands with pleasure, summoned by telephone the Secretary and gave the order to inform the press about the auction for the sale of seats to monitor the start междупланетной expedition to Mars.
This night Skiles could not sleep. Fear of the unknown is so wrong. He thought about how these brave Elk and Gusev have ventured together to conquer междупланетное space. He would never have the guts to be a pioneer in this unusual and dangerous.
Even now, when I had to pass the beaten track, Скайльсу was scary. It was terrible to all. And leave the Ground and fly millions of miles in a vacuum of the universe, and to land on Mars. But even just get into this strange design and enable its engines - and this caused an internal shiver of horror.
"Yes, and there, on Mars, even if we get? thought Skiles, then sleep in предутреннем a restless sleep. - According to the elks, and especially Guseva, the Martians are not so friendly to newcomers...".
In heavy thinking Skiles fell asleep in the morning.
He dreamed of red Martian sand, ugly Martian person strange unearthly landscapes, machines, quaint building...
He dreamt a Moose, which puzzled looked at him, glancing out of a strange unearthly plants. Some kind of monster, which ran on a red Sands under the purple sky with Cirrus clouds not yellow, not orange. Gusev busily отстреливал them as partridges of a great gun incomprehensible design. Sometimes Gusev approached him and, still grinning in a contented, a wide smile, something stretched Скайльсу. The bottomless violet sky flew strange equipment, like a bird, not the kites.
Sleep was difficult and disturbing, and Skiles suddenly woke up, as emerged from the abyss for a breath of air, which he lacked.
The strong beam of the sun broke through the greenery outside the window, fun birds were twittering in the foliage, the morning air напитывался approaching midday heat.
In some vague anxiety and not retreating anguish Skiles spent all three days remaining before the start. But still, he decided that its way to an affluent life is through Mars. There was nowhere to retreat, he could not refuse the fabulous wealth, which has already received from Krabs and even partially spent buying a luxurious property.
"However, if I do not return, why do I need all this?! sometimes he asked himself, remembering their millions. - What's the difference, how much money will stay with me on my Bank account, dollar or one million dollars - if I never be able to use them?"
However, the time inevitably moves forward. And then came the day of departure.
Skiles, still full of doubt and fear, sitting in the car, in the back seat. He sat alone, occupying the entire spacious rear sofa limousine service. Far ahead, sound-proof glass was only the driver, who calmly, but quickly and deftly ran the machine, tacking on bends and junctions of highway, overtaking passers-by laying the dizzying turns. It was the best driver Krabs, which on the occasion of the memorable event was Mr. Crabs ordered to deliver Скайльса to a place of start.
It was early morning in the sky with no clouds, and the bright California sun, взбиравшееся across the sky higher and higher, has promised a new day, full of light and heat.
Night Skiles again could not sleep till morning, and now feel broken. As he dozed, he is immediately awakened.
The car was flying at full speed to the launch pad, which staged in thirty kilometers from the city in order, if that were to happen, there has been no destruction within residential areas and destruction is not involved in what is happening people.
Behind his machine followed the escort of seven cars. They barely kept pace with favorite Krabs, although also worked for him. In these machines were members of the Martian expedition Скайльса, who were supposed to fly together with him on Mars.
Just expedition consisted of thirty people. Five of them were trained to operate междупланетными ships, three scientists were invited Mr. Крабсом. In fact, Crabs offered much greater number of scholars to make a spectacular and totally free "walk" on Mars, but many consider it a risky enterprise, and managed to persuade the only three. Scientists Mr Crabs instructed to collect all kinds of artifacts, to delve into the unknown technology, and bring as much as possible Martian secrets and achievements of an extraterrestrial civilization in America. This was the main treasure, which, as believed Crabs, lift it to the new heights of wealth. That is why he organized all this expensive even by his standards expedition. Of course, he must obtain the flight profit, and one that I would repeatedly recouped its costs.
The other ten people expedition received training under the special program of the North American Department of defense. Within six months they were trained army units techniques of unarmed combat, shooting from all kinds of weapons and management of all kinds of devices, both for air and ground movement, which had only been on the Earth. These ten, were real soldiers, mercenaries and cutthroats, ready to fight with anyone, anywhere for good pay. Among them were three infantry officer, one of whom fought in Europe, the other two have just completed service in the French Legion, two front-line pilot. The rest were seamen veterans Atlantic American fleet also понюхавшими full of gunpowder in the battles on the ocean expanses.
Crabs laid out a lot of money to these daredevils flew along with Скайльсом.
The remaining twelve members of the expedition were volunteers, volunteers, each of whom agreed to fly to Mars for a hundred thousand dollars, having passed the selection process, which gave Mr Crabs. They arrived from many countries: Chinese, Mexican, Polish, French and even Russian. All they signed a contract with the company, Mr. Krabs, which was organized for the financing of a flight to Mars, and received an advance in half the amount. The rest of the money they were promised to return from the expedition.
Crabs and then it is called in the car Скайльса on the radio and asked, as soon as they arrive:
-There are already a lot of people! He shouted into the receiver so that it seemed he yelled in his ear, by sitting at the comfort of the couch limousine service. - It is time to begin! When you get there?
-Yes, soon, soon! - irritable Skiles, feeling the nerves of a voltage.
Why suddenly Skiles remembered that day when he saw an advertisement Elk, приколоченное carnations to peeling wall, приглашавшее everyone who wants to make междупланетный flight to Mars. Recalled him and barefoot young woman; little calico neat dress, which read it, moving his lips. Her eyes were indifferent, dark blue, with craziness.
"With craziness! - hysterically thought to himself, Skiles. - That's what makes all of these Russians! Only people with craziness in the eyes could think of travelling to Mars, without much apparent reason and risk their lives for some strange devices, design and reliability of which caused serious doubts! Fly like experimental rabbits! Voluntarily!"
The Скайльса starting to get hysterical, he wasn't going to act as a Guinea animal, which was now over in the strange car to an unknown location. "No, those Russians really crazy! he cried, conjuring aloud to himself. - And now I completely normal and sober mind people must follow their idea!"
However, everything was already decided.
Limousine Скайльса moved to the launch pad.
This building, resembling not amphitheater, not the stadium. A huge area with five pedestal surrounded by a semicircle high rostrum, such as those held in football and baseball venues. But more and more spacious.
Each pedestal went down below the surface of the site, like the field to play baseball or football, which, in fact, was a false bottom: she only covered the true lying below ten meters, concrete bottom of a huge swimming pool.
Around each of the pedestal in the site was a square neckline, window through which gases from the working engine spacecraft had to go down. From the concrete bottom of the pool in the direction opposite to the stands, walked a long underground trench in which stood a powerful fans. According to the idea of engineers, сооружавших launch complex gases at the start междупланетных ships had to leave following a false bottom, which served as the TV, who protected the public from toxic products of combustion, and through a trench отсасываться far from places of a congestion of people.
The stands were filled to capacity. In several places were installed tripod with cameras, and from there, and then the smoke rose from outbreaks of magnesium reporters produced photography. Also there were several huge sites with cameras and lighting, who made the documentary filming of the historic event.
Everyone present at the start of the viewer posted Martian Corporation Mr. Krabs for their place and right here is not less than five thousand dollars at auction. Last tickets sold at a price exceeding ten thousand dollars. It's been a mad money, so there could be only known money-bags, members of the U.S. government, as well as journalists and reporters, for which money posted откомандировавшие their publication.
Limousine Скайльса rapidly crossed the platform and described a graceful pirouette, pulled up to the shiny Nickel-plated railing made on the edge of the wide opening around the pedestal where through прогал deep in ten meters was spanned by a ladder to the ship.
The car immediately ran who was here porters and opened the door of the salon, inviting bow with mucking his hand in the direction of Скайльса exit.
Skiles overcame nerves and trembling at the knees and stepped into the emerald grass, fresh from a recent irrigation. He felt his legs as cotton and realized that he could not go.
Suddenly around like an explosion there was a deafening roar of greetings and applause. Over the stands flags were raised in the air that flew hat crowd drowned out the words of the leader, standing on a small podium before the stands and комментировавшего in microphone through the powerful dynamics all that happens below, on the launch pad.
-And now, you see, was the first party междупланетной expedition to Mars, its head, Mr Ska-a-айльс! - could be heard from the speakers from all parties, through the excitable roar of the crowd.
The excitement of the crowd suddenly cheered Скайльса, and he, having plunged in the warm rays of glory felt a surge of strength, raised up his hands in greeting, filled with himself the enthusiasm felt greeted him on his people. He immediately felt his legs cease to be slow, become obedient and fill with blood. Excitement, which was born by fears and doubts, suddenly changed excitement and delight.
"On the world, and death is red!" - suddenly remembered that Skiles saying that once heard in Russia. Then she very cool surprised him, because he could not understand its meaning, because had remembered. And now suddenly he understood the meaning of this saying.
From the stands viewers revealed a magnificent sight. Ahead on the vast green area perched on the concrete pedestals, like skyscrapers, five silver междупланетных ships. Each of them flashed in the sun, like a huge piece of gold. It was an exciting, unprecedented spectacle, meant the beginning of a new era in the history of mankind. And it could not leave anybody here indifferent. And the spectators roared.
But here on the site seemed silver limousine. He quickly rushed to the emerald field and elegantly turned and stopped.
In anticipation of unforgettable show the spectators jumped up from their seats, and their roar has become a continuous rumble.
From the limousine came tall fit young man in a gold suit that thousands of sparks were cast in the sun, and threw up his arms in greeting. The buzz of the crowd was just furious and turned everything.
That show more cars soon all members of the expedition were standing in front of their ships, waving in greeting the enthusiastic audience.
When the rumble gradually subsided, the platform ahead of the launch pad left himself Mr Crabs, founder of the Mars Corporation. He uttered a loud conversation and wished the participants of the expedition interesting experiences and success. Behind him were made by the representatives of the American Congress and the government, and then the master of the organized Крабсом show declared: "For a start!"
A crowd again drowned out his words.
Skiles, headed for the ladder, supported by the new surge of delight of the audience. Behind him to the silver skyscraper междупланетного ship headed for another five flying together with him members of the expedition. Other ships also started loading crew.
Skiles ducked and stepped inside the machine. Here was a spacious cargo compartment with water, food, weapons and equipment of the expedition, stepped on to the platform lift. When the last member of his crew задраил sunroof, he pressed the button, and they went into a spacious, bright and comfortable compartment.
Through large portholes of special heat-resistant glass were well visible, standing near the ships, emerald field and the stands with the audience.
Skiles is located on a leather couch, pulled out of the bar, a bottle of expensive champagne, opened it and poured the glasses themselves and even two members of the crew, the Frenchman, Marseilles, and Russian, Andrei, who stayed with him in the residential compartment. The other three, among whom was trained in the management of the ship, pilot, and went up the ladder to the top, in the nose of the ship, where the felling of control.
"Well, " I raised my glass of Skiles, the success of the expedition!
Wine glasses touched, there was a melodic sound.
Cool, sparkling slightly intoxicating drink got inside. His delicate warmth spread through the body.
Skiles put the wine glass on the table, привинченный to the floor near the deep leather sofa, headed for the ladder, ведшему the stairs to the control room on the floor above, and, taking hold of his silver railings, rapidly, in two huge jump through a few steps, went up there.
In the wheelhouse to control the ship was Sunny and bright.
Pilot Steven and two officers took their seats in leather starting chairs in front of the remote control. They looked at him and waited for his team.
Skiles plopped down on an empty start chair in the center console, next to the pilot Steven, buckled straps and looked up.
Through the transparent hemisphere dome felling of a thick heat-resistant glass, split powerful silver arcs six sectors, cuttings from the sky was bright sunlight. The sun was not visible, it was still just above the horizon, and therefore, a clear, pale-blue sky seemed particularly deep, almost bottomless.
Skiles took in hand the handset of the phone and gave a command to the pre-launch test for readiness of the crews and systems of all междупланетных ships.
Pilot Stephen, too, has to click on some switches and receive reports from the crew of the changes. He examined, as are the light filters and thick armoured shutters covering Windows in the residential section and on the ceiling of the control-tower, which in flight was to become the spaceship.
Скайльсу were followed by speeches from Steven and all other pilots междупланетных ships.
Everything was ready to start.
Skiles reported Mr. Крабсу about the readiness to take off. Crabs gave a General command to start. Speakers speaker's voice, the giver of the countdown.
"Well, that's all!" thought Skiles.
He wanted to be scared, but could not yet acted euphoria from the deafening exultation spectators unusual spectacle. Besides, we drank champagne turned on the nonchalant way.
Countdown ended: "...two, one! Start!".
Skiles clicked on the start button, запускавшую engine междупланетного ship. After a moment, throughout the multi-ton community ran strong shaking, I heard a roar into a deafening rumble. The ship moved, seemed покачался from side to side, and suddenly the sky has rushed at them with great speed, rapidly changing color, and becoming more and more obscure. Soon it became deep purple, and then suddenly a black carpet with a myriad of piercing eyes through the glass sparks stars.
Overload it was impossible to move a member of a trunk. The crew впечатало in soft deep armchairs. Скайльсу thought from the rush of blood to the head now he would lose consciousness.
When the speakers in the command was given at the start, the spectators in the stands silent. Standing polyphonic uproar stopped, and suddenly through the sudden silence all around, lit by the morning sun began to hear the words of the speaker, pronouncing the countdown.
After a loud "... three, two, one! Start!"
A second passed and thousands invited to the significant event suddenly noticed that under междупланетными ships emerged strong flash of flame. Immediately there was a deafening roar into a horrendous noise. Tribune also roared in triumph almost choked it.
Smoke escaping from the nozzles ships rushed beneath the surface of the stadium, and then on the concrete troughs to a special hole, выводившему gases in the atmosphere for a half kilometer from the stands. From there, it was well visible, as if from the mouth of the volcano in eruption escaped powerful pillar of blue-grey smoke, rushing up.
One after another междупланетные ships giant fireworks soared up in the sky. Soon they resembled a huge dandelions on the giant stems from the swirling blue-grey smoke, which grew, with tremendous speed soaring into the endless sky. A few seconds later the ships became five silvery stars high in the sky. It seemed even that they forgot to remove from the sky in the morning.
After another minute and they had disappeared from sight. And only five huge pillars of smoke, the peaks of which disappeared somewhere in the sky, скрутившись of earth into a giant funnel, reminded some time about the incident.
Crabs looking up at the cloudless sky, where dissolved and melted pillars of smoke, which claimed the bottomless unknown space nested his Corporation tens of millions of dollars.
"I hope that I pay off!" he thought, leaving my chic limousine with a start place.
After a minute he had already absorbed something else, as if no other междупланетной expedition to Mars never existed.
"Have you heard, have you heard?!.."
The door for someone very тарабанил.
Elk woke up and looked at his watch. The hands stood at the beginning of the fifth.
"That could happen so early?" surprised Elk, heading for a frantic knock. It seemed that someone wants to make him completely the front door.
On the threshold stood horrified Gusev. He was panting heavily, apparently he had to run.
-Have you heard, have you heard?! - he shouted, unceremoniously вваливаясь in the apartment.
Elk became alarmed and began to try to figure out what is happening. It seemed to him that probably occurred some problems at the construction междупланетных devices.
That happened? he tried to achieve at least something from ошалевшего Guseva.
He breathed heavily, apparently, he ran for miles, so that, despite his strong body, could not come to himself.
-But what, in the end?! asked Elk.
He later went and because of not enough sleep. As always lately debt dreamed on the balcony, looking at the sky over Petrograd, which is closer to the fall rapidly became more dark and deep, but because you can tell already, if desired, and Mars.
"You have heard, Mstislav Sergeevich?! - Gusev, finally able to speak, a little breathless. Americans flew! Skiles on Mars!
-When?! Elk surprise heard sat on the bed, feeling some frustration разливающееся on the body. He expected to hear anything but this.
-Yes, yesterday! Yesterday! still breathing heavily, said Gusev. "I learned so right to you to flee from the house raced!
Elk thoughtfully pursed forward lips, trying to perceive the news, which does not want to believe. He is now suddenly with obvious pain felt that shot, which made when opened Скайльсу all the secrets of building your междупланетного apparatus. Moreover, it was a pity that he could not do this, no one forced the issue secrets.
Suddenly the Elk was hurt that preceded him that flew without him, and instead of him using his idea, his findings. And if he had thought that it was nothing that the Americans will fly to Mars, now, when it became a reality, he just raged. Was indignant at all, and first of all on themselves, because their hands passed the keys from all the secrets in the wrong hands.
Informing the shocking news and breathless, Gusev and sat on the bed, and so sat silently, head down, clasping her hands.
Appeared awkward pause. Elk felt guilty in everything that occurs, but more than that, it seemed to him that it feels the same and Gusev. What seemed only a threat now happened, and this fact and had to put up, get used to it.
-Yes, - finally handed Elk, summing up with disbelief.
-Yes, Mstislav Sergeevich! asked how exploded at once Gusev. - Share the blame only you!
'Yes, I understand..! - tried to soften the situation Elk.
-No, you don't understand, Mstislav Sergeevich! you do not understand exactly what happened! The Soviet Mars flew Americans. Bourgeois! And flew thanks to You! - Gusev pointed his finger at the Elk, and it hurt, so he looked away. And Gusev not appeased, spilling the offense. - You and only you to blame for this. If not for your posturing, not your irresponsibility for the fate of the Soviet Mars, now would Mr. Skiles, his mother devils would take would sit quietly in America and пописывал would Wikipedia!
Gusev got off the bed and bent over the Elk, which all hunched under the yoke of his words:
-You realize Mstislav Sergeyevich, what kind of service you have rendered to the Americans?! Do you realize that the bourgeois flew to Mars! On our Soviet Mars! And that now?! They that there буржуйскую power will install?!
"We don't even know what happened there since then we flew away! - began to be protected Elk. Attacks Guseva seemed to him to be offensive, and overly aggressive. -
The rebellion has choked still with us! Certainly there is now still верховодит Тускуб!
-Everything is possible! - agreed Gusev. - But it is even more aggravates your guilt! - Gusev did not stop and was appalled, not make-believe. - Most likely, the Martian proletariat is waiting for assistance from the ground, because we have promised their help. You see, all those years, unlike You, Mstislav Sergeevich, I was a new expedition to Mars, created the society, trying to kick the appropriation for the new flight! And what? That, thanks to You received instead of helping our Martian brothers?! Gang Скайльса and Krabs?! Now to the one oppressors as Тускуба will be added and the second an oppressor of the Crabs with Скайльсом?! So, Mstislav Sergeevich?!
Gusev was furious. For many years since their arrival from Mars, he learned to push the fiery revolutionary speech. And now, in addition to the unprecedented warriors, whom he made the imperialist and then the civil war, he became a fiery orator, who could speak so that my heart start to pound wildly not only listening to it, but himself.
Elk, who watched the girl's oratorical quality Guseva, trying to calm him down and bring the conversation with emotions on logic, but it was bad.
"But if the Americans wanted, they still would have gone to Mars, and we could not stop them. Moreover, our ship returned to Earth on their territory, " he said.
"But that would be without your participation! - not appeased Gusev. - And so you gave them the way. Without you, Mstislav Sergeevich, they need much more time to achieve such a result. Five, maybe ten years! Yes I don't know how many, but certainly soon will arrange your flight to Mars, they would not be able to! And for this time we would not have time flew by Mars, Mstislav Sergeevich, and finally would have established the Soviet rule there. They would have torn the hell out of this Тускуба with his gang! And now what? Now Тускуб will receive support in the face of Krabs and Скайльса. And we, in addition, that fight with Тускубом have to Mars with the Americans fight! Well, great, really!
Their tough talk lasted for the whole day. But it lead to anything couldn't, because it's only emotions. And, knowing that we must act, Gusev evening, left for Moscow to seek allocation of additional allocations for acceleration send Soviet Mars expedition.
Vasilievsky island
The news that Americans rushed to Mars, strongly affected the Soviet bureaucratic machine. From the top was instructed: to Gusev and Elk assist in preparing for a flight to Mars.
Finances to fight broke Gusev before, fighting for every penny suddenly flowed a river, so that Gusev began to think: "do not lay whether the construction of two more satellites?". But it was a whim, and he knew it. Time to lose, nothing left at all, to have to go as soon as possible and not give up Скайльсу and the whole gang Mr. Krabs unkind Affairs of the Soviet Mars.
Gusev was called to Moscow.
In high office its cool to rebuke them for what he and comrade Elk made a backlog of Americans and enabled them to move forward in the race for influence on Mars, and then set the task: "Mars should be a Soviet!"
-Be Soviet Mars! - with the combat readiness reported Gusev and rushed in Petrograd run expedition. - After a week стартанем! he added last for greater confidence in him in high offices and heard in response:
-To start giving three days!
"Three days?! he thought to himself, a veteran leader all the way to Petrograd. - Perhaps, this is no small task!"
In Petrograd Guseva have already met the representatives of the regional Committee of the Petrograd and several of the ГубЧК, which Gusev well known during the time of cooperation with this organization. Here, probably already know about the problem before Gusev task.
-Slowly coming! - instead of greeting by shaking hands told him particularly concern the head of the regional Committee of the Petrograd. - It is necessary on the wings of a rush! We have already warned that if you for three days starting on Mars - all heads will be removed and here! - he waved his hand all the present members of the regional Committee. - And there! - pointedly he nodded toward насупившихся from a sudden hard problems of ГубЧК. "We sekir Baska will make, and it therefrom kirdyk will! he pointed at the sky and unequivocally looked back. - Cut!
-Yes, I was in курсях! - busily answered Gusev, he goes to the auto fast and in great strides, so that his long leather coat widely waved in разгоняемом powerful torso air, and the other could hardly keep up with. - Get done! Not only hinder it!
-Help you?! - whined looked in the beauty of the machine through a still closed door of the head of the regional Committee of the Petrograd.
-Yes disturb you only! Do not disturb - everything will be great! - sharply responded Gusev closed the door. He already know how to do it in time, and molestation official, suddenly подобревшего to him, forced down his sensibilities.
Machine rushed to Petrograd twice.
Ahead of the one in the car, pointing to the driver road with short, sharp as orders, gestures, and raced Gusev, followed неотвязным tail followed all with him at the station cavalcade. But it Gusev did not pay absolutely no attention. He had no time. He didn't even notice that all this chain of concerned their future officials and angry security officers circled behind him around the city, on a step of its holding.
Gusev went to the Elk. That was not at home. Then he went straight to the launch pad, which this time decided to arrange on Vasilievsky island, in order to less extraneous onlookers: from the past start to Mars went through the town unwithering rumors that many people suffered at the start of the apparatus, because close allowed.
For this reason, that the masses were not distract them from building a brighter future unnecessary ferment, and conjectures, access to launch междупланетных apparatus decided to limit severely, to make special invitations.
"Yes, and the rest of the onlookers may due to the Neva watch! concluded Gusev, having learned about such decision. - At the same time and air подышат fresh!"
Elk he found all in the same dreamy mood, and it Gusev did not like.
-This is no time to dream, Mstislav Sergeevich! - instead of greeting he said, holding out his hand. - We three days of launch vehicles Dali! Three days must fly away, though the blood from my nose!
-And who is this? asked Elk, nodding at leaving behind Guseva of several machines people.
-Well, it is! - Gusev turned around, and puzzled twisted his mustache, only now noticing numerous suit. - It will help! All Petrograd bosses! And security officers will be cared!
He turned back to the Moose and raised impressive forefinger top:
-The target is set from the top to start immediately, in three days! - mustache Guseva from what already bristled. - Here we are comrades and will provide any assistance!
-Yes, but still so much to do! puzzled Gusev said, surprised by the news of a rush-fly-off. - Don't double-check the calculations!
-Sir, consider Mstislav Sergeevich, for as long as three days and three nights! On Mars sleep!
Gusev busily grunted and went to cope about provisions and other reserves for the flight. On the way he called the chief engineer, who oversaw the construction and preparing the spacecraft for launch on something talked to him a little, sometimes showing the finger to the sky, then at the people who are a whole multitude stood at the machines, not knowing what to do, and went on to give instructions to the supply, отвечавшему material for the preparation of the expedition.
After the conversation with Gusev, chief engineer whether frightened, whether busily ran on the platform, running up to one surprise to another. And soon the whole building came in rapid motion, as if woke up after a long hibernation. All ran back and forth, up and down. Despite the approaching evening, the work began with a vengeance. The ground on which they were preparing to start ships, stood a long procession of cars with spare parts, supplies, materials, while waiting for unloading.
After three days, as promised in high offices Gusev, everything was ready to start междупланетных devices.
Gusev personally reported to Moscow, and from there sent a plane with a representative of the high offices take part in the launch.
-It would be possible now fly! - repeated quite himself Gusev, as if addressing the Elk. "So no, now expect the representative of the whole, when it will arrive! We b during this time already on Mars were!
He was pleased with myself that so quickly and smoothly finished preparation and kept at the top of the word, cheerfully walked down the platform, and подкручивал mustache, following his newly acquired habit. Now it was a military jacket and trousers with a ribbon of civil war, but only to пошитый. Gusev liked this obsolete and out of fashion form, because it reminded him of the times of his youth, and in such important and exciting moments he put it.
Here somewhere scurried security officers and the top regional Committee of the Petrograd awaiting the arrival of the messenger of Moscow. The island was cordoned off reinforced police patrol, and the onlookers, which turned out to be a great multitude, here not allowed.
Now and then on the eyes Gusev met the Chairman of the regional Committee of the Petrograd. His face was anxious and a little confused, but not like before, and of the forthcoming meeting of the Moscow envoy. It seemed that he could not find at the site of the rightful whether for yourself or for such an event designated.
When their paths with Gusev crossed, he somehow every time excitedly asked:
"Well, all right, " somehow looked Gusev eyes.
Since it was obvious that the answer Guseva comrade was not interested at all, and Gusev on this dog ate it, he, not even pretending not to stop and not paying attention to the official, answered in monosyllables every time one and the same:
-Normal-sized! - and he went on to lament himself that it was impossible to "quick start" right now, "as then." He longed to "quick start" and catch up Скайльса.
Playground was made in the middle of the island, on a vacant lot, so that at the bottom of devices to almost half closed trees and buildings. But all the same, if you look at them from beyond the river, междупланетные ships were clearly visible, and every evening during many months of the crowd of onlookers gathered on the quay look at this extraordinary landscape.
Gusev made in the construction of ships some changes, and now they looked more extended and close to the form of cigars. However, the lower part of them were still wider, and therefore created when you look at their contours strange impression that you are looking at cigar-shaped egg or яйцеобразную cigar.
In the design and the inner workings of ships Elk did not practically no changes. It only strengthened the case, bearing in mind that crashed while landing a few years ago, replaced the tires and more жаропрочную, which was manufactured on the same ...нском factory where they made and fuel for vehicles. And everything was still.
In each apparatus flew five people. Now when all were heard about distant past flight from those who want to join, Guseva and Moose and fly to Mars, there was no end during all the time of preparation of the expedition. So Guseva, which is now headed the flight to Mars under the banner of the liberation of the enslaved Martians, now was a good opportunity to choose the most worthy members of the expedition. He selected young, healthy, tall, educated, able to handle weapons and, preferably, who managed to war. Such criteria, despite the great number of people interested, amounted to only a limited number of applicants, and therefore the last two Gusev took already before the departure.
But here come the message that the plane with a representative from Moscow landed at the airport in Petrograd, and Gusev, realizing that it is now time to launch the spacecraft on Mars there are very few, gathered in the most recent briefing the entire team together. He planted them around on the lawn in front of the apparatus and, sometimes turning around and watching as the security officers and the head of the regional Committee of the rush past, hurrying to the airport, said:
-Radio communication between ships we will be guaranteed on Earth and arriving on Mars. In space there may be a serious interference. So after the launch, we are likely to get lost from each other prior to arrival at Mars. On Mars immediately set with each other radio communication and is determined who got here, and who where it landed. Will probably be a large spread on the planet. Therefore, each piece is one aircraft operating on a Martian powder and one motorcycle, with the supply of gasoline for three hundred kilometers. On Mars gasoline it is possible to find the Martians and stock up on them powders for the aircraft. All clear?...
Elk was also present at the briefing, who arranged for the members of the expedition Gusev. He is at once struck by his increased managerial skill, and thought about the imminent start to Mars, and did not believe that all this is happening with him in a dream and in reality.
Sometimes he for some, checking calculations of trajectories, though now it was already to anything. Apparently, was nervous.
"Wait!" dreamily and sweet thought the Elk.
He tried to think about Aelita, but the thought of somehow lost, as if ceaseless. And he couldn't concentrate.
Soon gathered all who are supposed to be present at the start междупланетной expedition.
Gusev built his command, and reported to arriving from Moscow to the Chairman of the government Commission, and then turned to the crew of vehicles and ordered:
"Take a seat! Lets go!"
This time speech to pronounce it was not before anyone. All the onlookers were left outside the place of start. Therefore, it was as if at the front, as in war. "Without unnecessary цацканий!" said to myself, Gusev.
-Well, we'll make! - between times, threatened somewhere in space fist Gusev, on parting with Deer. They decided to fly on different ships, and now from this moment up to the Mars were no longer able to see. Gusev was to manage the commander's ship, where were kept running all the phones: command engines at the start was supplied from it. Elk flying on one of the slave ships, which after start governed autonomously and can independently change the trajectory in space.
-Who they? asked Elk.
-Yes, and so, and others! - provocatively waved his hand Gusev. - And Тускубу, and Скайльсу! All together!
"We will see, shrugged Elk. I like that thought...
-Why do we fly like not for that! - Gusev went to the commanding the ship.
A moment later, he took on the radio from all the crews reports on the readiness, and then, to: "Start!", turned a handle run.
Over Petrograd there was a deafening roar into a roar, masking all other sounds.
"Well, let's go!" "came speakers all negotiating devices in междупланетных devices enthusiastic voice Guseva.
Elk with the power вжало in a chair in his eyes darkened from rapid acceleration.
Overcoming extreme fatigue from attacking gravity acceleration of the vehicle in междузвездном space again suffered shocks to the body at the start, Elk tried to focus and think.
Now, when the expedition consisted of three independent devices, each of which is itself moving междупланетном space, it is especially important that all ships successfully reached Mars.
Of course, it was great that they flew so much. Not like in the distant first time, when there were only two. But on the other hand their forces are, and now everything depended on a successful arrival to Mars, all three devices. Especially important thought Elk, to meet soon on Mars from Gusev. He remembered how cruelly with them punished army Тускуба.
After some time the apparatus reach a top speed close to the speed of light. Acceleration stopped. Lost наваливавшаяся on body weight, it becomes very easy.
Moose on the wall of the device, like a fly, got one of observational instruments and adhered to the microscope, peering through him into the darkness of the airless space.
Eyes pricked sharp rays of countless stars. Elk, turning перископическую tube of the device right and left, up and down, trying to find two other apparatus Soviet Mars expedition.
Finally he noticed a little below and to the left a huge star, shining particularly bright, прочерчивающую bottomless space, like a meteor. The rest of the stars, large and small, small and large, remained in place. Elk guessed that sees one of the ships.
He moved to the opposite side of the device, again, kissed observation pipe and soon found the same bright star, мчащуюся through the airless space on the other side of the apparatus, above and to the right.
All three phones were evenly, with the same speed, rapidly crossing the space between the planets.
Elk calmed down and started making ballistic calculations, writing something in his notebook. He appoints one member of his team to watch in devices of external observation, symmetrically residing along the whole circle of the device. Thus, they could see all the surrounding space. In case of some danger, the observers had to inform him immediately.
The fifth member of the team watched a vehicle's engine.
Periodically observers reported to the Elk that can be seen in the surrounding space and what happens with other apparatus, which, still, moved to the right and below and to the left and above the ship, forming a triangle, which is rushing to Mars with incredible speed.
An hour later, one of the observers noticed something coming towards him nebula.
Elk took his place at the Supervisory unit and began to examine the phenomenon.
Nebula clearly stood out against a black sky, dotted with stars. Situated behind at the rate of the apparatus of the Sun, подсвечивало her. It ran as some fantastic cloud somewhere in the immensity of space and disappeared into his dark abyss.
Elk adhered to the microscope on the opposite side of the device.
The cloud was visible here. It also disappeared somewhere in the abyss of the world space.
After only a very short time the cloud became wider, then even wider, and soon it was already half of the horizon, and its details are now clearly visible.
Elk increased the maximum multiplicity optics Supervisory unit and recoiled in horror from him: it was countless asteroids, small and large, the size of a small planet and such dust. All this ring is rotated at some distance from the Sun in the solar system and now stood in their way.
"Serious and dangerous obstacle! - communicated its views engineer crew. - It is necessary to inform about it to other phones and try to change the course!"
He again ran to арифмометру and notebook, make calculations, instructing наблюдавшему for engine Maxim Polezhayev make contact through междупланетное space with other devices and inform them about the danger that is threatened.
The radio was silent, apparently because the ships were moving at speeds close to the speed of light. Besides Elk in the result of settlements came to the disappointing conclusion that to avoid passing through the asteroid belt fails, or they would have to change course on such a hyperbolic trajectory that they will not be able to get to Mars and will be caught away into the interstellar space.
It only remained to believe that they and the other devices will be able to overcome the barrier without losses.
Elk again adhered to the Supervisory unit.
Now nebula was закрывшим all the space in front of the den of various sizes cosmic bodies, which are rapidly approached on the ship.
Suddenly Elk noticed the Supervisory device like a huge hole in the solid stone field. She was a little to the left on the course. Apparently this gap has done some recently great speed of the comet.
He sent the ship in the direction of this hole.
"It would be good and others report that there flew thought engineer. However, communications with the other ships were not.
As far as can be, they have changed their course, and at great speed flew tangent to the edge of the cleft in the dance of asteroids.
The other ships were lost from view. The Supervisory unit show only the gray haze from the brusque passing by at the speed of light masses of stones.
Suddenly it was over, and as if nothing had happened, around again was a black bottomless depth, strewn with innumerable stars, and constellations.
Now was visible and Mars. He was right or below the course, and adjust the direction of movement of the apparatus, the crew Elk went to rapidly approaching the planet.
Two other vehicles were not seen, and still Elk became alarmed. This sudden астероидное the field was very serious obstacle, which ships could shatter. At this speed collision in the next second would turn and apparatus, and everything that was inside, in the space dust.
Elk sad and even forgot about the preparations for the forthcoming emergency landing.
"Faith is the knowledge of ненаступившей reality! - used to say in early childhood Elk his father. What do you believe, will come!"
Sometimes, very rarely, Elk remembered these words. They emerged very slowly and неявственно of the most ancient depths of his consciousness, where there were remembering about the childhood and youth. This usually happened in the most difficult moments of life.
And now, apparently, it's time to believe. Believe in luck, fate, in a happy flight to Mars.
Moose not often allow myself to this, and now he found it difficult to rely on the faith, the fact that two other apparatus reached the red planet...
Mstislav Sergeevich, Mars! "he heard one of the observers.
In this second Elk felt a rising sense of heaviness in the body. The device has entered the field of attraction of the planet and now over nozzle motor forward on the course.
I had to prepare for landing.
Landing on Mars was rigid. The device, although it made a maneuver, and, as expected, turned back to the surface of the planet, but couldn't quite slow down the engine and hit on a rocky plateau, jumped again and again, each time taking off from the surface all less then suddenly as if воткнулся in him, stood up almost vertically, but after a moment with a shriek of Sandstone fell on its side, lurched to forty-five degrees, and suddenly froze.
Gnashing, the clanking of metal, the roar of the engines, suddenly everyone became quiet, and there was a painful silence.
The crew great потрепало at landing, but no injuries. All, including Elk, escaped with bruises, abrasions, someone still a dislocated arm. Now, coming to himself, they were preparing to open the hatch.
But not this worried now Elk.
Strange plexus feelings overwhelmed him.
He was glad, however, still not quite consciously, that again made a flight to Mars, and at the same time worried felt genuine concern that beside him there is no Guseva.
For some reason he suddenly remembered their flight from Mars. "Yes, if not Gusev, I hardly now would be alive," he thought.
He, as an engineer, it was clear that for tens of millions of km practically unmanaged flight difference between the trajectories of the ships will be huge. But what? It is possible that some of the ships and completely misses and, having Mars, will rush into the limitless expanse of space for ever. Yes even the астероидное field.
The thought Elk turned chill.
"Yes, without Guseva will be hard!" thought Elk, preparing for that, they will not be coming back.
Despite the fact that it was five burly guys carefully selected for flight Gusev, Elk suddenly confused as a baby.
He suddenly thought of the roar of the engines broke scarce in the Martian atmosphere for hundreds of miles around, announcing its inhabitants about their arrival. "The same roar to be heard and planting of other devices! thought Elk. Maybe focusing on this rumble, we find them?!"
But the engineer understood, that on the same screen can find them and others.
Of course, many years have passed since they left Mars, and are unlikely to have somebody waiting for: too troublesome thing is to wait. But still... here somewhere already landed Americans... if they flew.
After some time, they tested the radio station. She worked. Then began to gain the agreed frequency. However, in the air there was silence. Elk long listened to her, as if waiting for that now you hear a voice Guseva. However, nothing had disturbed the silence except for the crackling. Signals from the third ship has not been received.
All were anxious to get out of the apparatus to the outside. Do not believe that they tens of millions of kilometers from Earth. I wanted to taste what it is Mars.
-There need to be careful! warned guys Elk, when they отвинтили hatch and was going to open.
-And what? - they asked.
Is there any alien creatures usual place, " explained the Elk, with брезгливой trembling remembering the giant Martian spiders. - Even plants, cacti, like the meat-eaters...
In the opened hatch smell dry warm air. In the eyes hit a bright ray of light. The sun shaggy a lump rose above the close horizon.
All carefully climbed out of the machine to the outside, began cautiously to listen and look around.
Moose this picture seemed so familiar, as if he only yesterday left the Mars together with Gusev, and was weary years of waiting. And yet, he felt bored by this dull landscape that is not seen for so many years, but then I realized that perhaps this longing for a bygone youth, Aelita.
Heart ached painfully, and Elk tried to escape from those thoughts. He began to define the location of the ship, taking the astronomical instruments and making calculations.
His children, still knew that they do on unknown planet, but did not believe in it, apparently, to the end, now rejoiced as children first saw something strange and alluring as the sea. It was more surprising sea. It was Mars, another life, another planet for millions, tens of millions of kilometers from Earth. They frolicked, chased each other through the desert sand, slightly overgrown some vegetation, threw themselves into each other stones, high jumping up and down, taking advantage of a lower body weight in a weak Martian gravity, word fooled as they could.
The elk was not fun. Once you have located the ship, he realized that now they
Were much further South compared with the previous landing. They were somewhere near the equator. This was confirmed soon risen in the Zenith. It now glowed above the heads
There were practically no vegetation, the soil was different. At times, exploring the surrounding space, Moose it seemed that he just weaned from the Martian soil and vegetation, but then recalled the treated ploughed the soil under a cactus, and realized that here everything is different. "Maybe so different planet for the time that we had?" thought engineer, but then cast this nonsensical thought away, realizing that the Geology of Mars period of their absence is but a moment in the multi-billion dollar cycle years of life on the planet.
Here all were unknown, deserted and abandoned. The crew walked around a few kilometers, but haven't met channel no cacti, nor mysterious buildings and wells, or even the gigantic Martian spiders. It was a real lifeless desert, and now the Elk all the more it seemed that the first flight was his dream. Now Mars looked like he was supposed to look lifeless and empty. Neither Соацеры nor Aelita, nor even any of the Martians. Only they, shaggy Sun at its Zenith and sharply outlined lilac shadows on the rocky lifeless sand.
Elk shook my head, trying to get rid of delusions. Him stronger it seemed that he had come from another planet. He ordered to get from the office of the aircraft, assembled on Land on the Martian drawings. "If it will work - it will be the only proof that life on Mars is still there, thought engineer. Anyway, now, now!"
The machine was ready for a trial run. Elk took out a small bag with the Martian powder, which he picked up in last time with them, hoping to put it into production on the Earth, and covered powder in the box, leaving half a reserve.
-Run, " said Elk, and the machine immediately застрекотала and jumped aside under the inefficient rider.
Elk realized Martian civilization still exists, in any case, polar stations operate, although he had suspected that maybe they can function without maintenance and for some time, maybe a year, maybe a century after them the most recent touch. Elk did not know their device.
What we will do, Mstislav Sergeevich? asked Elk.
-Two stay here, the staff, " said the engineer. - They have small arms and machine gun, flares, as well as the supply of food and water for two months, while making prudent use. Their objective is to protect the device, not to allow anyone to him, is constantly in the air at the agreed frequency for detection of signals from other devices. Upon detection of other participants of the flight set their location and coordinate the unification of the forces of the second Soviet Mars expedition. The main machine one on which flew group Guseva. In case of departure to Gusev - leave the detailed record in the logbook where and how to look at and provide means of communication. In the event of a serious threat to hide inside the unit, Unscrew the devices of observation and, using them, as loopholes, continue to defense. Flares launch one every hour, but only in the most serious case. Three, we must choose who will fly with me on two machines on the North. In any case, we return to the unit not later than one week.
-If you don't come back, " asked the sailor Цацуля, Ukrainian, a native of Odessa, he was one of the first came when the selection in the command, and for his sense of humor, who fought his way to a place, and not to the place of Gusev several times wanted to exclude it from the expedition: "Humor on Mars to anything, Sasha, " he would say. "Yeah?" raged Цацуля. - Odessa not? Who Martians will laugh? Without this contact, not to fix! So, no I can not be".
-If not go back, Sasha, " said his Elk - you will wait till we have the opportunity and seek contact with other devices. No other choice!
-No, Mstislav Sergeevich, I am with you go, I can not be in place without twiddle! "replied Цацуля. - I'm a fidget! Leave somebody else, Mstislav Sergeevich that you should? And I still will be useful! We would like living Martians see покалякать with them.
-You see, Sasha, you see, " said Elk. - Martians enough at all, I promise.
-Good, - Sasha agreed, " but I am with you, Mstislav Sergeevich
-Well, pull the lot! "Moose said. "Anyone who wants to can remain himself.
Цацуля immediately took out a match from his pocket, made two short and extended his companions:
All were pulled to matches. Elk watched from the side. He could see Sasha's matches.
When there are two, one short and the other long - Цацуля was sweating, as he did not want to stay.
To matches reached soldiers Egorov, Elk saw, as he took a long match, but he held her so that he turned pale finger.
"Okay, " guessed Egorov, when I noticed that the match is pressed, and he can't get it out, " I so wanted to stay.
The team was divided into those who fly with Deer and two remaining междупланетного apparatus.
In Martian device loaded weapon, a week's supply of food and water.
After ten minutes Elk with three friends hoisted on стрекочущей car up into the sky and headed North.
Under their feet lay the orange desert dotted with canyons, craters and waterless valleys up to the nearest horizon. There were no signs of life.
"Strange, like another planet!" thought Elk, looking round him, and remembering landscapes, former Mars.
Ruins Соацеры
Shaggy Martian sun quickly turned toward the West. The air became cooler. The sky darkened, and lying at the bottom of the orange desert from that has become more and more saturated color.
Moose not the first hour, staring forward, counter-flow of the developed his hair. He tried to discern any signs of life. They flew to the North for about ten hours, and only now due to the close horizon seemed familiar, jagged mountains, sharp peaks, stuck in a purple sky.
Sailor Цацуля, who flew with Deer, happy showed appeared востроносые peaks, such unlikely to eyes, accustomed to observe the earth's landscape. Nowhere on Earth such mountains could not be in force by a big attraction.
He shouted, but his voice was drowned in стрекоте machines and howl wind. Elk nodded his head and hand showed that they were flying there.
Now he has become merrier: there was something familiar about the landscape of another planet. He suddenly surprised that not noticed this before: under them have long float dried canals расчертившие the surface of Mars in straight rows. His heart pounding with excitement and premonitions of meetings with the one that beckoned him over the years and through space. Enthusiastically and joyfully he touched his shoulder first Цацулю, and then two other of his companions, and showed the hand down, knowing that his voice will not be heard.
The guys stared at unprecedented Martian miracles.
Now then, there were destroyed hulls of some buildings. Some swam under the apparatus, other could be seen to the left, the right on the horizon.
Excited participants of the expedition something were talking very loudly to each other, by showing these ruins, emerging and уносившиеся away.
Elk gave the command to go down, and now became visible plantations cactus in the dry canal lining, wells with mirrors, skylights, sparkling lines running away to the horizon on the diagonals. He even thought that he sees between the gigantic plant runs black, shaggy body of a giant spider, he looks, but the staff quickly sweeping them further to the North.
Mars came to life before your eyes. Elk looked around and noticed in the sky black points, approaching them from different angles. If it were Martians, it was necessary to take precautions. He again touched Цацулю arm and pointed to automatic rifles, lying on the bottom of the flying boat, then looked hand to the sky and pointed in the direction of one of approaching points.
Sasha looked where indicated engineer, nose crinkling and сощурившись, and pushed two other comrades, shouting in his ear: "To arms!"
Black dots seemed birds interested prey. They came up to the boat and, curiously looking at her, flew predatory flock above, left and right, sometimes approaching at such close range that could reach out a hand.
All except Elk surprised at the appearance of strange unseen animals, he continued to stare ahead, gestures indicated Цацуле to kept them your eyes open:
-They can attack! - shouted Elk, depicting hand rapaciously клацающую mouth, do lunges.
Цацуля not heard, but realized on gesture and lips, raised his automatic rifle and wanted to give a turn in one of who Martian creatures, but Elk stopped him by a gesture:
-Keep ammunition!
Sasha still could not resist. But instead of fire, he moved bird butt when she flew very close and разинула beak.
Jagged mountains were much closer. Now they not peeking over the horizon, and were the horizon. It took another half an hour, and that's under them, they floated mountain ridges and gorges. The boat flew so low that sometimes pointy tops swam close or above.
Comrades Elk with astonishment around. Down in the twilight gap between the mountains sometimes be seen the remains of the broken Martian air ships, and newcomers on Mars was it unusual. Elk in this found only proof that it was not a dream - his first trip to Mars.
The mountain range was over, at the bottom again began to swim plain landscapes. Now there were flowing channels, green gardens, home. Everything was the same as when their with Gusev brought on the great military Martian vehicle.
"How long ago it was!" thought sadly Elk. Heart suddenly ached from anxiety. Elk looked into floating at the bottom of the channels, homes and gardens, and some anxiety закрадывалось in his heart. Something like in all предстающем view lacked something still, but he could not understand what it is.
To sunset they reached the ruins of the old Соацеры. Here all was still, except that a huge statue of Магацитла was destroyed and brought down to earth. On глыбам, валяющимся at the foot, one could guess her once-majestic contours.
Excited satellites and then it showed the elk down on one, then the other remains of the Martian civilization, but Elk only nodded in response, the head: to him it was all so familiar.
Of course, strange and unusual it was to see again after so many years, tens of millions of kilometers from Earth again the ruins, but only just.
Elk gestured ahead, they say, it will be even more interesting. All eagerly began to peer into the distance.
However, nearly getting dark. The sun already for a long time village close Martian horizon, and with every minute darkened more and more.
Elk noticed ahead, on a small platform on the slope of a steep hill combat the Martian vehicle. It was as if a whole, as if it's about to soar up. However, anyone around the ship was not visible, and since the powder was at the time of the Exodus, the engineer gave the command to sit beside him, showing that kept weapons in readiness for firing.
When the boat sank on a flat terrace, down in the valley, where lay Соацера, it was quite dark. At the site, where there was a Martian warship still брезжили twilight.
Elk gave the command to explore the ship, and took itself back to the edge of the area, which offered a view of the Соацеру.
It was dark below. Elk was hoping to see anywhere lights of the city at night, usually at dusk, drowning in the light of the lamps. But there was only midnight dark. This alarmed the engineer even stronger. Something unnatural it was all that was revealed his eyes this time. In all familiar were subtle signs unclear alarm, lacked something.
And here the Elk like a lightning прошибла. Of course, lacked the most important - a life! During the entire flight over Mars they did not meet any one Martian spacecraft, none of the flying boat. Even at the bottom there was not one time has ever one Martian. All this was very strange. Even now his hope to see in the darkness, at least one reflection not that electric lighting, but even a fire, even a small feeble flame of fire, is not justified. Ahead in the darkness is lurking Соацера, which had not a single sign of life.
Hearing Elk was attracted by some sound in the darkness at the bottom, under the hill. The sound seemed Elk friends. Some long-standing anxiety surfaced in the memory, but he couldn't remember where he had heard this sound, and what was related anxiety arose with him.
Mstislav Sergeevich, come here! - engineer called from the darkness voice Цацули. - Now this!..
-Go, Sasha, - he was distracted watching the sound at the bottom, and from their anxiety.
The average ladder warship was lowered to the ground. Elk accompanied by Sasha went inside, and found inside a strange sight. Two other comrades with оторопью observed around, as if in horror.
Circle in the rays of flashlights were traces of some wild battle, выхватываемые from the darkness.
Mixed lay the body of the Martian soldiers and giant spiders. Seemingly, the whole crew participated in this mortal combat and died on his ship.
-Urgently raise the ladder! "said Elk.
Now he remembered that this was the sound. This sound he heard then, together with Gusev, in the labyrinth of underground corridors, in that terrible pit from which raised tens of shaggy loathsome creature. Apparently, they are now flooded and the planet. But why, how it was possible to them?!
Everyone rushed to raise the ladder. It was set in motion, apparently, an electric motor, but electricity on the ship. The door with the ramp of the wall was a small arm with the disc, probably, it was emergency winch, which was to raise the ladder.
-Sasha, not a pen! - shouted Elk Цацуле listening to the growing rustling sound. - Faster, faster, guys, do not bring you to see it.
Цацуля that there are forces завращал handle. In all compartments of the ship broke out dozens of little green light bulbs. Ladder swung slightly and slowly began to move away.
Is a generator, Mstislav Sergeevich, manual emergency generator! Have to turn off the lights for all his power to send to climb the ladder!
-Not further now turn off! - said Elk. - All look for a switch!
He rushed to the bridge of the ship, the rest метаясь in the dark with electric torches began to look for a light switch on the walls of the salons.
In the wheelhouse to the Elk terrible picture appeared. In the chair sat management Martian, apparently, the pilot of the ship. Above it stood dead giant spider, while nailed to the ceiling of the cabin some tea?" Head Martian remained in the jaws of a large insect.
Elk shuddered in disgust. Squeezing past the dead bodies forward, Elk began to fumble panel beam of the flashlight, looking for something similar to the switch. One after another he transferred to another position encountered in the bright spot outlandish shapes switches and перещелкивая button every time squinting at the ceiling, where also uneven, pulsating lights flashed light emergency lighting. But she continued to burn, whatever he does.
In this moment of salon there was a crack queue, fired from an automatic rifle, some screams and cries. Elk threw a useless occupation: switch failed to find, and rushed back into the beauty of the ship.
In the uncertain light green lights he saw Sasha, who continues with one hand and rotate the crank on the wall, that second hand kept at the ready automatic carbine, aimed at opening the front door. Two other comrades were also here, preparing for the shooting and raising his arms. All three wildly screaming in terror, and the smell of gunpowder.
There was one more automatic turn. This again shot Цацуля.
Suddenly black failure of the doorway in the salon got some furry huge feet Martian spiders.
Цацуля lurched to the side, throwing turn the handle, and with two hands grabbed his carbine, preparing aiming to shoot. In the same moment in the cabin was in complete darkness.
Don't handle! Cool! shouted the Moose on the run, up the entrance ramp, there were still ten meters.
In the dark experiencing acute narrow sheaves flame that break away from the trunks of automatic carbines, again heard some screams. Not seeing anything under your feet, Elk stumbled on something and sprawled on the floor.
-Sasha, twist handle, pick up the ladder! - shouted Elk, struggling to get up.
Shooting was a messy. Through its crackling could be heard some screams. In the outbursts of flame, escaping from the barrels of rifles were visible giant hairy legs spiders that to get inside the ship, interfering with each other. People retreated deep into the ship from the entrance, which has already conquered a huge insects.
-Do not let them get inside! - shouted Elk, trying to drown the chaotic shooting. He made his way to the ladder to the touch, bent down to the floor, slipped under the hand of Цацули, scorching in short bursts in the direction of the access opening, and shouted. - Cover me!
Elk rushed to the entrance hatch, felt pen, and began to spin.
Again begin to dull greenish light bulbs along the perimeter of the salon.
Quite near, he saw the black hairy legs spiders, clinging to the edge of the inlet manhole. Bullets from rifles whistled, flying somewhere past his ear. They were sucked into the trunk of insects, and Moose in the face flew some filthy stinking sewage their innards, torn shots.
Ladder slowly, closing the entrance aperture. Heard the crunch of shells and paws insects, which weighed lock-up mechanism. However, three spiders the same ladder, closing, pushed him inside beauty.
One of the spiders rushed straight at Sergeant Сысосева standing in front of the entrance. He dropped his rifle and fell to the ground. Цацуля rushed to him and gave the head of the insect long line, on which the cartridges in his carbine and ran out. Цацуля turned the rifle and became the butt beat spider.
The second spider disappeared somewhere in the darkness of the cabin, and the third started Elk, touching his tentacles.
Elk felt sticky, unpleasant, cool touch щекочущих hairs antennae animal and the reflections of the shots saw somewhere nearby its huge unlikely black eyes. He stopped to turn the handle and move back from the entrance, however, spider followed him with his long hairy legs-stilts, paws caught his body and going sticking him with his huge fangs-sting, framing his mouth, with which oozed and sticky poured down on the floor deadly poison. Elk was unable to move more hand or foot. Spider without delay began to curl a cocoon around him his wide web, trying to limit the movement of the victim. Under its own weight Elk fell on the floor of the cabin, but the carbine in his hand became a vertically, leaning his butt on the bottom of the craft. Feeling that this is the end, Elk pulled the trigger, released at random all ammo, losing consciousness.
In oval portholes glimmer rays of dawn. Elk woke up, wondering where he is and what happens with it. Over him bowed her tired face Цацули:
-Woke Up, Mstislav Sergeevich?
-Yes, he said, sensing a weakness throughout the body. What happened?
-Yes I have the midnight of the web выпутывал. Infection, shook you, as запеленал, he would повитухой work! - outraged Цацуля.
"You know who, Sasha?
-Do you remember?
Elk turned around, studying the situation. The memory began to come episodes yesterday's massacre:
"I do remember, Sasha? What is wrong with me? he tried to move but couldn't.
-Yes you this filth seems to have bitten us on slightly. See, poison giggled paralyzing. But you its cool because they slowly cut, under vinaigrette, passed around, scraps lying around!
-And how is the rest? - weakly asked Elk.
-Yes, nothing of the kind, " replied Цацуля. - I do not suffered. Here Сысоеву go unscathed, Nikitin a seemingly got off lightly.
-And spiders? That spiders?
-The three men inside were all killed. One you vinaigrette turned, another I кокнул, and third - Nikitin.
"You're right, Sasha, I saw you fought bravely, if not you...
Elk groaned, feeling an ache in the whole body:
-Where is it me?
-In the shoulder, Mstislav Sergeevich wanted to see, in the head, but...
-It is clear.
-All night скреблись for the ship, " said Цацуля. 'There's probably hundreds were. I even thought that they were fighting among themselves, they drove off each other from the ship. See, prey is not divided.
For now, Sasha, now what?
-Yes seems to be quiet. By morning, something was quiet all. See, they hunt at night! And in General, something something, Mstislav Sergeevich! we got?
On Mars, Sasha, on Mars, dear!
The sun seemed from behind the mountains. I hesitated for a moment, Цацуля opened the door, looked around. At the entrance there were several dead insects slain bullets and smashed mechanism ladder. All around it was quiet and deserted.
-Need to get out of here, Mstislav Sergeevich, - commented on his observations Цацуля.
"Yes, " said Elk - certainly, at the bottom, in the city of them all lousy with it.
Injured comrade Цацуля and Nikitin moved into the boat. On a Martian military ship to find a large supply of powder and put into a boat a few bags.
-We fly, I know where else should visit! ordered, lying on the bottom of the boat, and Elk. - There, sure, quiet, not so much as here.
-Why, Mstislav Sergeevich?
Is far away in the mountains, " Moose said, but then I remembered that underground labyrinths are there, and it is possible that spiders prevail, and there.
However, they flew.
Flying boat jumped over the hill, and began to make a circle above Соацерой, heading home Тускуба. Elk, which helped get up, now hangs on the side fence of the aircraft. With difficulty he extended the arm, showing the direction of flight. Occasionally, to Orient, he looked down, but couldn't get to know the city. Below floated ruins. Apparently, the destruction took place a long time because everything was covered with a thick layer of sand, in some places засыпавшим the ruins of the high dunes.
Among the ruins can sometimes be seen huge insects, to appear, then disappear in reigned at the bottom of chaos.
Elk, who saw this city other, occasionally sighed.
House Тускуба
By noon, a little having strayed among the mountains, because Elk during this time, the procedure rusty guidelines on another planet, they reached the house Тускуба. Some time Elk was not allowed to sit, and they circled, gradually descending over the gorge and the lake.
Down among the lush greenery of the thickets of the Holy places, everywhere, were seen similar traces of the struggle that when approaching Соацере. Everywhere lay broken flying boats and several cores of large warships. But the house, a large house Тускуба, was intact, and Elk, every time the boat flew near, and looked in the hope that somebody's going to come on to the lawn in front of the house or they think that the stairs leading to the lake.
He knew whom he wanted to see, but would be happy if if there was anyone. At times it seemed to him that even if now himself appeared Тускуб, he was delighted would like saw a long-lost friend, with arrival on Mars, he had not yet seen any Martian, no living. In the ruined Соацере dominated by giant spiders. And now it seemed that if this happened there, the Martian civilization came to an end.
Elk did not want to believe it. He was not willing to accept that told him the logic of what was seen and experienced on the eve of the Соацере. It was like a catastrophe, for a few years to swallow highest form of life on the planet.
A faint hope gave working still pole station, with the flight of their boats. But what if they worked for many years already by themselves, without any oversight? For the mystery of their design was unknown to him. It is possible that their principles were based on the processes that do not require intervention for repair and maintenance over a long time. However, Elk tried to find the analogy, this assumption in human history and could not. All invented by man mechanisms and machines required constant presence and control on its part, otherwise they just got out of order, or they ended fuel. However Martian civilization had many secrets and technologies available and unknown earthlings, so it was possible to assume that their pole station can act themselves, creating energy field, dozens, maybe hundreds of years. But he didn't want to believe it, so it kept hope alive that part of the Martian civilization necessarily remained alive. And that is alive and Aelita. This means that flew it here not in vain. Even if you survived, she is the only one, for him it will be quite enough. He would not dream big happiness. He was to take her to the Land he longed to see. He would hug and hard kiss her, kiss hot in the lips and tell how much missed and longed for all these many years.
-Aelita, my love, where are you? - whispered Elk, feeling tears welling up in his eyes.
As a selfish love. That seems to be gone an entire civilization, the population of an entire planet. And he, an engineer from Earth, don't care about that. He thinks only about one being, about her, about Aelita. He thinks about her already countless thousands of days. He already got used, accustomed to this melancholy and the infinite expectation. And they were the deepest part of his nature during those years, simultaneously gave a reason to live, and забиравший his impossibility...
Suddenly, Elk heard the cry. He turned around. Screaming Цацуля. Sailor vigorously showed down somewhere, разгорячено something explaining but to parse his words was difficult due to the noise of the wings and the whistling of the wind.
Elk looked down, but had noticed nothing. But Цацуля continued to cry and show down.
"Perhaps he noticed the giant spider," thought Elk.
He gestures showed that the sailor crept closer and explained in his ear that happened, yelling through the noise of the wings and wind:
"Come here, Sasha! What happened?
-There, there, man, trying to catch his breath, informed him Цацуля.
-Where? Elk again tried to examine something in the direction pointed out by the sailor. - Really?
Ow, ow, Mstislav Sergeevich! Exactly saw slipped someone.
-May, the spider?
-Yes, well I, Mstislav Sergeevich, a man from the spider not to tell!
Elk shrugged, but gave a command to decrease.
Boat landed on the lawn of the house.
Just in case Elk gave the command to be alert. The noise of the wings of the flying boat verse, around the primeval silence reigned.
Somewhere near the lake birds sang, shaggy Sun was at its Zenith and shone with a cloudless pale violet on the edges and in the center of the dazzling yellow sky. Behind them stretched familiar azure grove, is the same as so many years ago.
Elk turned around. His heart suddenly ached so much that he froze. For some time it seemed to him that he, in fact, went back, and with Gusev only brought into the house Тускуба, and he hadn't seen Аэлиту, did not know and had no idea that it even exists.
Oh, love, what a strange thing this love. Suddenly one day something sink into the soul at the sight of a hitherto unknown personage, and already live without her it might as though all of life before and was only that Overture to this meeting. And it is not important to her, feels the subject-matter of the passion of reciprocity or not, quite on the contrary, does not even notice it, but love itself lives, loves, admires and can not get enough of the object of desire. And even if time or other circumstances prevent her, she just hides somewhere in the depths of the human being, and then suddenly, one day, quite nowhere flares up with new force on the empty seemingly place at any opportunity.
So with Deer now was something unimaginable. A love that seemed to be gone gone, had dried up in his heart, now blazed so, as if it was not these long years.
Suddenly hurricane broke out in the breast stormy flame of hope eclipsed his mind, and just as the boat came to a standstill on earth, it was not wise grey husband and the boy, мчавшийся headlong to the threshold of the house across the clearing, забросанную broken mechanisms - traces of the battle.
"Where are you, Mstislav Sergeevich? - only had time to chase him yell Цацуля, as the engineer had disappeared over the threshold of a strange house.
Groaning in frustration, Цацуля leaped over the side of the boat and with an automatic rifle at the ready, took out for Elk, shouting over his shoulder:
-Nikitin, a senior! Take the defense!
"And why should I told him I saw one at the bottom? "mused sailor over my stupidity. - The oddball a man. After all, wounded, barely pumped! What he's looking for? Is it really the Martians miss that so he goes?"
Sasha ran in the dark, as it seemed to him, in comparison with earthly houses the walls of the Martian buildings and expecting anything found in the next minute, took the automatic carbine bayonets, дослав a round in the chamber: "Well, hold on, sailor!"
Mstislav Sergeevich! - was heard in the dark corridors of the building, the hollow echo of his resonant voice. Mstislav Sergeevich! Please help him!
But there was no answer. House's corridors were in either side of the entrance, so Цацуля decided to stay and wait here.
Elk was far inside the house. He knew every corner, every turn of this alien dwellings where there passed some of the best days of his life, the days when he was with the object of his love.
He ran through the corridor outside the corridor, not noticing frightening boominess, пустынности and abandonment. Here's bedrooms, where they lived with Gusev. Here's library, here is the place - wide bench at half circle sea hold expansion of the room, and in front of her reading table with forgotten on the surface of white bone roller - where she worked with them the lessons of the Martian language and history Aelita.
There was all still. Also stood on the shelves of ancient books, the shined through skylights rays rolling to the sunset. Near the neat rows stood cylinders with rollers for viewing on the reading table.
But everywhere it was deserted, but clean and tidied. Although there were no signs of struggle and destruction, which are in abundance were observed around the outside of the house. It was strange. It seemed that the house still someone looks. Someone suggests order here. The feeling that the owners somewhere nearby, but only briefly left his home.
Elk crossed the numerous stairs and corridors huge house, coming in and looking into every room, in each of the veranda, in every area. Everywhere was still deserted, but the house was in order. Everything was in place, pure and clean. Even the dust was not on numerous domestic utensils.
Late at night, when the Moose approached in that part of the house, where were the chambers of that of which he so long dreamed of. In the excited excitement he ran into the bedroom Aelita and froze.
There was also deserted, as elsewhere. The last hope for a happy meeting began to evaporate.
Suddenly, in the violet half-darkness of the room, he felt as if someone's presence. He seems to have noticed the corner of my eye someone grey silhouette, standing at the side in the twilight of the evening.
Not remembering itself from переполняющего its excitement, Elk turned around and froze in surprise.
Right in the depth of the spacious rooms guess a silhouette. It was a woman, he could not be mistaken in the form of outlines, although feeble Martians were difficult to see, but still could have been guessed her narrow waist figures.
Heart pounding in anticipation of the meeting of the surging emotion. He stared into the dark, trying to guess, and more draw the image of that which was dreaming all these many years.
Yes! It was a woman, and now he is clearly visible. She clung to the wall, apparently hoping to go unnoticed, and stood so still. Of course, the woman was not worth shown unbidden guests, when that was happening around. How does she know that this is not the rebels and not soldiers of the Council of engineers - who is it there afraid of, and that he, Elk, flew over tens of millions of kilometers according to the call of his crazy love to meet her again.
Elk, overcoming сковавшее suddenly, numbness, took a few rapid steps into the darkness, and embraced a female being, прячущееся in the purple twilight.
His fingers felt the cool expanse dresses, silky skin on open from dresses parts of the body, which he embraced. He felt the woman tries to escape. She's still not understood. What is it, Moose?
His hands rapidly groped her, rising higher on the back of the head, neck. He did not believe his luck. So, suddenly, just after so many years of separation and wandering through the infinity of the world community, through tens of millions of kilometers his vast desert!
-Aelita! - all he could say Moose.
He tried to get her to kiss, because I was sure that it was she, Aelita. But the woman still resisted.
Suddenly she muttered at its bird's language. And Elk realized that it was not his girlfriend.
Its as if from head to toe прошибла lightning, and he flinched away, feeling the whole зарделся, broke пунцом shame.
Elk have not heard Martian speech that could not at first understand what the woman says, remained in the purple darkness at the wall. However, he recognized the voice, though he could not remember who it is. He feverishly chattered away in pockets in search of matches, and the next minute highlighted the twilight before it, so that it became visible face марсианки.
Standing before him was a Martian woman of average years. She was scared, confused and looked eyes, pressing his hands to the chest, as if hiding inside yourself. She stood motionless, still at a wall.
Peering at her features, Elk came closer, lighting марсианку raised match.
It seemed to him that the woman trembling with fright. He looked at her and could not find out who it is though its image pop up from somewhere in the depths of memory. He tried to remember the Martian words and could not, for so long did not communicate in this language.
When the match is already almost had burned down, and her light was off, Marsianka suddenly looked at him with her eyes, and Elk knew her. The eyes were the same as those many years ago. They - or he did - spreading the light of youth.
It was the LACs, and he knew it.
It seems that now it is also recognised the white giant.
While cheerfully screaming IHA threw herself on the neck of a Moose, jumping on him, as on a tree and her legs wrapped around his waist.
She chattered at his bird's language, and Elk tried and could not understand what she says. Joy stress of meeting the alive and unharmed Ихой, the same, but only the grown-up, choked him without reserve. He suddenly felt almost felt somewhere near presence of Aelita. Well, if he found Иху, Aelita is definitely somewhere near.
A few minutes they warmly embraced, and chattered at the LACs and pressed herself to the white giant as missed a child. Finally, when emotions have cooled a bit, Elk literally ripped off from himself марсианку and put her aside, hoping to result in feelings. But she could not recover from the joy that was not the end.
Elk tried to remember the Martian words, but then just asked her:
-Aelita! Where Aelita?!
The woman's face suddenly used, joy it is extinguished. She suddenly turned away, went into the purple depth of the room and there fell back in the huge luxurious bed of his mistress. When the moose walked up behind her to the bed, he saw that the LACs lies face down, her shoulders shaking. Elk turned her щупленькое body and noticed through the thickening purple twilight tears on the cheeks марсианки.
-What? What happened? - shook her terrified, engineer, and suddenly found myself thinking that speaks with her on her щебечущем language, as if he just could not recall a single word and understand that tells him the LACs.
However, she could not rest, her shoulders shook with sobs, and the maid could not utter a word.
The corridors of the huge house suddenly swept certain noise.
Elk started up and listened. IHA also stopped to weep and crouched, listening in the darkness. Rumble was repeated. Elk went to the door of the bedroom, to understand what kind of sound.
The corridors were dark and stuffy. The sun, apparently, was already down for the dear Martian horizon, and building plunged into darkness.
-I do not light the lighting, " came the woman's voice from the darkness.
-Why? "asked Elk.
-To think that there's nobody here.
-All. All who remained alive, - LACs closer in the darkness to the Moose. Her voice now sounded somewhere close!
Elk still listened to the darkness. However, the silence has not violated any sound.
-You arrived there one? in the voice of women moose caught notes of hope for a miracle. Elk understood what it asks Martian woman.
-Gusev flew too, Elk felt like thin fingers Ikhi with passion dug into his shoulder. But I don't know where he is.
-Why? - fingers Ikhi weakened.
-We flew on different ships...
Elk can't tell her, that doesn't know flew ship Guseva to Mars.
-And what?
-When planting our vehicles are scattered over the planet. Perhaps even thousands of kilometers. But I'm looking for him. Your ship, I left part of the crew, which should liaise with the ship Guseva.
-Why don't you seek him?
-You know why... when I was on Mars, as immediately rushed in search of Aelita. Where she is.
There was no answer. IHA was silent somewhere close by in the darkness.
-Listen. My crew was outside. Yesterday on us in Соацере attacked in the night spiders. We barely got out...
-Соацеры no more - sadly said Marsianka.
"I saw, " agreed Elk. - But there is no these ruthless creatures. They seem to be everywhere, in any case, I got the impression after yesterday's night.
-No, no, - these words марсианки Elk felt a relief - the entrance to the catacombs littered with powerful explosion. And through the mountains they are not able to get here. But it is now one of the few places in which safely.
"But what happened? Why did so many of these creatures? "asked Elk.
-Not suddenly. They lived for centuries under the surface of the planet, appearing only occasionally, mostly at night. But now... now they are everywhere.
IHA sighed:
-Great revolt which began Gusev, turned into a long and bloody war, сменившуюся battle. Соацера was blown up Тускубом as he wanted. Her street, the surroundings of the city and even fields of cactuses, everything was strewn with the bodies of the dead. They had no one to clean up. And it did spiders. They crawled now on the surface is not one but a whole hordes. Food for them in abundance. The insect population reached soon such an incredible amount of that alive and could not cope with the invasion. Soon spiders scattered all over the plain space for hundreds of kilometers from the demolished Соацеры. Now here no one else lived...
IHA paused and went down the hall.
Gusev went for it.
"You're tired from the road? I'll give you a bath!
-Bath? - impressed by the story Ikhi, Elk could not understand what she's talking about.
-But I am not alone.
-With whom? - surprised the LACs.
-With my comrades.
-Магацитлы? "inquired Marsianka.
-Yes. This time we flew in a great campaign. All we need to feed, drink, put to sleep. Once there safely.
-Well. I'll do everything. Only do not turn on the light.
Five minutes later they got out of the scum in the infernal darkness house Тускуба on the lawn.
Above the head is stretched like a convex cloudless sky filled with constellations. It seemed that the stars in the sky you can reach it by hand - so brightly they burned with colorful lights.
Polyana was dimly lit with their flashing lights, and in the dense slightly silvery twilight like ghosts rose покореженные spines broken warships.
Here the Elk was worried about the crew of his flying boat. He was so preoccupied in finding out what not noticed how much time has passed since then, as he jumped out of the boat and ran headlong away.
-So where your Магацитлы? - прощебетала the LACs.
I don't know, somewhere in the dark, " shrugged the Elk, he barely saw her in a shimmering reflections of the stars of the Martian sky.
"Who's here? - rang out in the darkness frightened voice Цацули.
"It is I, Sasha, " said Elk.
Цацуля almost came right up out of the darkness. The elk was evident as he squints, peering into the darkness ahead.
, Mstislav Sergeevich! I was worried even said the sailor, " that something happened.
-No, everything is fine, Sasha.
-And who is this?! - now Цацуля noticed Иху and of such suddenness anxiously jumped to the side.
Is Sasha, IHA - the first Martian creature that you see. Incidentally, female, star girlfriend comrade Guseva.
-Ah, - Цацуля stepped closer and reached out Ихе hand - very nice!
IHA puzzled, looked at the Moose, but then, probably, realized that the so Магацитлы greet each other, also held out her thin, scrawny hand.
-And we are waiting for you, waiting, Mstislav Sergeevich! Understand can not, where have you been all this time! And you won, what Martian steal led! "Цацуля. - Honestly, Mstislav Sergeevich, I would now борщеца навернул would, Ukrainian! I'm starved!
-Now, Sasha, we IHA something realize cheerfully answered him Elk. - Борщец Ukrainian won't promise, but a worm be - think of something.
He looked at Иху. She curiosity and interest listened to the alien speech.
-Yes, there is a rumble heard twice remembered Elk.
-Yes this is me with the rifle шарахнул in the corridor, confessed Цацуля.
-Why? - surprised the Elk.
-Thought - will respond! Where to go to find you in such a vast object, Yes in the dark? Here and blasted a couple of times. Maybe you rolled where, or who attacked. Little if any help was needed. You b in response пальнули, I would sound oriented and I'd run for help.
-And the guys where? asked Elk.
-Yes, the boat, the defense kept from the spiders, anyway, " I ordered.
-Here spiders no, Sasha, as IHA says.
Is good, Mstislav Sergeevich, and then yesterday I fear something has suffered a great deal! I now probably dream will at night.
Mysterious dungeon
IHA invited the guests in house. She led the Elk and its crew by some strange stairs. First of Elk and did not know about their existence. The stairs went to down.
Ahead was itself the LACs, lighting the way not that some outlandish lamp, a strange blue-green flame that burned without splashes, exactly, a dazzling, smooth ash in the form of a ball. In this ball poured something like a flame. But at the same time, it seems like behind a thick glass in a small aquarium, swimming some strange, translucent fish there very closely, and it pressed to the glass and look outward.
For Ихой followed Elk, then Цацуля and Nikitin, who carried the wounded Sysoev. He was practically unconscious, and slightly moaning softly with every step down the stairs.
The staircase was a wide, per-meter, three in diameter, screw is twisted around a round column diameter of five meters.
-What is it? asked Elk have Ikhi, showing the column in the center.
Is a lift shaft, but it is not working now, " replied Marsianka, turning slightly.
-Funny you трещите with энтой special! - laughed back Цацуля. - Well, like birds, щебечите!
Is their language, Sasha.
-Sorry I don't understand, " said the sailor.
-Soon you will learn, ' said Elk.
-No, - nodded Sasha.
"Why not?" - surprised the Elk.
-Humor me my Odessa will not allow so the tweet. I myself засмею shit such a фьюитьканье".
-And where are we? - again asked the Ikhi Elk. - Something I of this ladder before seen!
-You its just not shown, " she said. - Is the secret of the house. We descend to the huge bunker, which is located at a depth of a thousand steps (Elk immediately translated Martian measure of length in the earth graduation - it was about a hundred meters!). When it was built, I was still a teenager.
-What for? asked Elk.
"I dunno, " shrugged the LACs, but then Тускуб came to his current post.
-Hmm, odd, " said Elk. - As though preparing for these events.
"Yes, " agreed the LACs strange thing. Moreover, we have then was quite peaceful, carefree life. Anyway, so I thought.
Finally, they reached the flat area. Descent ended, and further IHA led Moose and his comrades through the wide entrance halls and corridors decorated palaces. The walls were обделаны white marble, the floor was covered in strange Martian carpets.
The woman come to some kind of ball hanging, like the air in the middle of the corridor, under the ceiling, and sent in his hand side. Immediately around became as light as day. Light flowed from nowhere. There were no lamps or Windows.
"Yes, we are to Mars technology is still very far away, thought to himself, Elk, seeing it, and suddenly surprised. "I wonder why we flew to them, not they to us? The Vedas their level of technology without labour would do it, if we could at their level of development do междупланетный ship".
Wide spacious white corridors numerous glass with gold door leading to different apartments. In the center of the corridor meters in length was a hundred wide entrance without a door into a huge hall with numerous tables and the oversight of them chairs, which crossed the corridor crosswise.
-Whew! surprised Цацуля, scratching his head. - Some bourgeois mansions!
Elk was surprised too. This Regal luxury was not even at the top, in the house Тускуба.
Цацуля went along the corridor, looking beyond the frosted glass doors with gold handles, patch patterns and loops, whistling, snorting in surprise:
-You see, what a beauty. Here, a huge bath, all of gold, Mstislav Sergeevich, and here, Oh, a luxurious bedroom. In the corner of the Golden toilet! Hey, I'm sleeping here! - Цацуля sold.
-Make yourself comfortable! "he proposed to the LACs. Her incomprehensible were the words and surprise Цацули. It was all she has long been known and familiar.
-But why I never showed it's bizarre luxurious place?
-First, when you Gusev flew for the first time, here in no man could walk. Even the servants of the house tolerated here for cleaning very rarely.
And now?
I don't know, days, probably, have changed. This decision Тускуба. Now I'm all guests Тускуба post here.
But we will not be its guests! "Тускуб.
IHA laughed:
-You are my guests, and let the Son of the Sky, for me to decide where you eat and sleep. Upstairs, there's no light, no hot water, there I can't cook you food...
She bethought:
-I went into the kitchen.
IHA retired, and Elk, as Цацуля, he began to wander through the strange construction, everywhere блистающему white marble, gold and light, flowing everywhere without any visible sources.
Going back a few minutes, the LACs called guest in the bathrooms and explained that everyone can take a bath in my room, since there are a lot of them.
Elk entered the spacious bathroom.
As everywhere here there was light everywhere, and it was not clear where it was coming from.
All the walls were white marble, and the only one made from a single piece of the mineral, like rhinestone. Behind the mineral was built a huge polished plate of silver mica, why couldn mirror amazing beauty and properties. It made the reflection of some deep, nearly three-dimensional, and it seemed that the next one more room.
At the other three walls were made of Golden bas-reliefs, occupying the lower and the upper third of the panels depicting scenes from alien life, concerning the toilets, including Martians taking ablution. But there were scenes of marine life, depicting some strange animal.
On a small marble table, made in the form of some strange marine animals, resembling the earth's huge sea turtle, the middle of the room there was a wide curved sloping edges and a wide shimmer slightly to the center of the bottom of the form oval bathroom, like a huge tea Cup on the saucer. It was made of pure gold inlay platinum veins, reminiscent of the orbits of the planets. Instead of the planets themselves in the bath were inserted huge diamonds, брызгавшие thousands of multicolored sparks. Only instead of Earth was pasted a huge glittering pomegranate ebbs thousands of faces Rubin. Platinum veins pierced body bowl bathtub through, therefore orbit were visible on the inside. Precious stones depicting the planets were inserted through holes, bordered, narrow platinum rings with a kind of colorless transparent seal replacement, apparently, rubber. Inside the holes, is mounted lights, why all the planets were shining from inside their own light. Jupiter was a picture of a giant diamond the size of Faro earthly motorcycle or car. In it some subtle way in depth was seated huge Topaz, depicting a spot on the planet. Around Saturn into the three recessed slots were inserted elliptic horseshoe, adjacent to the drive planet with open ends, depicting his ring. They were made of many small diamonds, collected in some mysterious way, just glued, but to exist separately from each other. Rings are also shone from inside and sparkled thousands of sparks. The planets were made in accordance with the scale of each other, and the smallest diamond was mercury. But even that was enough to overshadow the most famous diamonds of the Earth.
-This is a luxury! "asked Elk. - Here is how nice! No bath and the planetarium!
He counted sixteen planets. The earth, as it should be, ranked third from the Sun. Between Jupiter and Mars was still some pretty big planet.
Moose walked close to the bath, afraid, as if in a Museum, to break something.
Inside, in the center, instead of the drain housed something depicting the Sun.
It was slightly convex large disk, inlaid with thousands of small diamonds. The disk was divided into four parts hilt of ruby and sapphire veins. In each quarter rose граненной hemisphere precious stone, symbolizing the kind of element. Diamond symbolized apparently the air. Beside him in the disk were set three wavy, running parallel to each other lines of small sapphires. A huge ruby portrayed possibly fire. Beside him sparkled sapphire strips, like those on the Ground in some of the ancient traditions depict the fire. Emerald portrayed likely sign of the earth, and blue sapphire - water.
The disc was surrounded by sixteen sharp triangles, addressed to him from the narrow grounds of small diamonds and other precious stones depicting rays. The rays were divided into four groups that were long. First, the longest group, represented a cross from the diamond triangles. They have their peaks reached platinum shaved mercury. The second cross of small emeralds, rays of triangles which were half as long, was located across the first cross, dividing evenly in half angles between its rays. Narrow triangles-needle rays, with a sapphire and Topaz, cross shared their медианами angles of the diamond and emerald rays.
The bath in the marble floor lay a Golden ring with a diameter of five meters. To the bath from the white marble floor stretched two copper wide pipe oval-shaped, curved towards the tubs and tipped strange Golden cranes spherical form.
Came To The LACs. She caught sight of the Elk, разглядывавшего Golden bas-reliefs.
-On the planet was once a lot of water, " said the woman, seeing bewilderment Son of the Earth about the unusually large number of images of marine life.
A time?
-For a long time.
-And what happened?
-Is a mystery that are dedicated exclusively to the Supreme rulers. She knew her Aelita, as the daughter of Тускуба. To me it only once told this on the big secret, but did not disclose the fact.
At the mention of Aelita Elk again wanted to ask Иху what became his mistress, but she walked past him to the bathroom and brushed first one ball, and then to the other. From both balls in a tub of water flowed.
-I should be off, just touch me, to empty, click legs simultaneously any two balls in the Sun, - has shown it in the center of bath bowls, and retired.
Now Elk noticed, that the image of Mars on the other side of the bathroom is very different from other planets. In contrast, around the same platinum conductors were shown the orbit of a LUN, which was four. The moon were made of small diamonds, which were inlaid in a bowl bathroom inside, so and platinum shaved moons of Mars themselves and the moon are visible only to the one who was inside the bowl or just beside her. One of the moons was depicted with sixteen rays, as around the Sun, but only tiny, much smaller.
"It's just amazing! thought Elk. - Sometimes in the ordinary bathroom, you can learn more than in a library!"
Wide tub filled with hot water, and Elk suddenly remembered that he had not had since he left the Earth.
He undressed and plunged into the hot water, graciously took his body.
Immediately along the Golden ring in the floor, the purpose of which was unclear, there was something resembling if the ring screen of frosted glass, having come to the middle of the room height. It silently and soothingly poured white, gray and blue tones so that Elk start to get sleepy. Body sweetly sickened from выгоняемой from his fatigue. And only shoulder, which had been bitten by a spider, a bit sore, groaned, Recalling the yesterday's incident.
For dinner, we all gathered in the spacious living room. IHA is overwhelmed with a sumptuous buffet. There was a countless number plates, deep and shallow, filled with diverse food. In the middle of a big oval table, covered with white cloth from some thick elastic material, there was a big Cannonball vase filled with wine.
"Are you right закормить want! surprised at this, " Moose said.
However, all without delay began to eat, and the LACs in this time took the wounded, wiping his naked body sponge cloth, moistening it in a vessel with some kind of liquid greenish-brown color.
-What is it? - asked her Elk.
Is an antidote for spider bites, it is absorbed through the skin, - explained the LACs, tomorrow he will recover.
The story марсианки
Разморенные warm bath and happy, wholesome dinner guests had left on the proposed Ихой spacious and richly retracted bedrooms, rather like the rooms, in each of which there were a Queen-size bed adorned with gold and precious stones also surprising, as all around. Enchased mainly dominated by diamonds.
Elk hoped cause Иху to talk about Aelita, but barely touched large, flat, extremely soft pillows, and immediately fell asleep strong, healthy sleep.
He woke up from what someone shook him by the leg.
Elk got up and at first could not understand where he is.
Yesterday's impressions of luxury seemed somehow Golden dream.
However, around was the same richly adorned the bedroom, lit smooth soft orange-Golden light.
Woke him the LACs.
-What happened? asked Elk, although марсианке was evident that nothing happened.
-Son of Earth, I want to talk about Aelita, with some sadness said the woman, and went out of the bedroom.
Elk got dressed and followed her.
IHA was waiting for him in the great hall, which met crosswise with a corridor.
-Everyone is asleep, Son of the Earth! Very tired! said the LACs, a gesture inviting him to be seated next to her on white, like a leather sofa. - You sleep for two days!
Elk sat down and lit his pipe, preparing to hear something exciting and possibly unpleasant.
Some time IHA was silent, apparently, gathering his thoughts.
-I know that you came from Aelita, ' said the LACs.
Elk silently threw his head, listening to her every word. For some reason it suddenly hurt полоснуло in the left part of the chest, heart like a compressed in a fist.
IHA sighed with some sadness and looked away.
-Unfortunately, she continued to talk, " I have not seen Аэлиту since his father took her at the sacred Threshold.
Elk felt like a fist, clutching his heart, stronger closed down. Some dreary aches spilled inside, above the diaphragm, breath, and from spasm he began to cough and quit Smoking.
But I believe - LACs looked at him, " I believe, Son of Earth, that you would meet her. I feel, I know that Aelita alive. Don't you feel the same, thou Son of the Earth?
Elk was silent. Spasm, перехвативший breath, and gave to speak. He was hurt, but he tried not to show his pain Ихе.
-If you've never believed that Aelita alive, and that you would meet her, you would never flew more, concluded Marsianka.
But what Тускуб said nothing to you about it? Elk, finally able to speak, let go of the pain.
"He's very angry at me for something that I helped Aelita then. And if not for the circumstances of the servants, who had died and who had run off, and I'm the only one left from the old servants, who knows a house and can keep it in order, and you can trust the untold riches and the same dear secrets - Тускуб would have dealt with me.
-But why is he still mad at you, because it had been so long? And maybe the destiny of Aelita not the family secret, which you can you trust?
IHA paused in thought.
-That I was a very Aelita is a misdemeanor, which always made me an enemy of her father. Apparently, because of him I have to keep it somewhere in captivity, because I never saw neither here nor anywhere else. However, I don't go anywhere outside of this house. So all that concerns Aelita, for me now banned. I know many other mysteries. I could tell you that after your with Gusev go Талцетл Тускуб blew Соацеру and herd the survivors of the Martians on the underground factories. I am mandated to look after house Тускуба. Sometimes he comes to visit with his retinue. I could tell you that a month ago Тускуб brought into the house of a Магацитла named Skiles. It was received with splendor of a king, taught the Martian language. With him was a huge retinue Магацитлов. A week ago Магацитл Skiles with his entourage flew with Тускубом. I could tell you that in the house I do not light the light, so as not to attract the attention of pirates - дезертировавших soldiers Тускуба and some rebels.
Pirates? - surprised the Elk.
-Yes, pirates! excitedly nodded her head, the LACs. - a lot has changed since then. As you flew on Талцетл Son of the Earth. Pirates seized a lot of warships Тускуба and roam at night expanses of the planet, looking for something to make money. They are looking for at the bottom of the places where the light is, and then attack them the next day and Rob. Residents they suck too, paying them or pirates, or the slaves. Those who do not agree, they mercilessly killed. Usually Тускуб leaves me of soldiers to guard the house. But then it prohibits the lights to avoid unnecessary hassles. In the most recent Тускуб left for home security dozen soldiers and one warship. But the soldiers a few days in a row noisy celebrations Хавры, there were fireworks, sent rockets, Smoking prohibited хавру. Somewhere, brought women. House glowed all Windows of several nights in a row. Perhaps, among them a conspiracy, and some of them decided to go over to the pirates. And the day before yesterday pirates attacked. They possessed the gunship. Some of the soldiers moved to their side, and the others they had been taken prisoner and have also taken.
-Why haven't they robbed the house? - surprised the Elk. - Here countless treasures!
He eloquently looked back.
-About this dungeon soldiers did not know, " said the LACs. - Why pirates are not robbed the house? The pirates know that this house Тускуба and, despite all his excesses, not Rob him. Once, long ago, when the pirates still there, they tried to attack the house Тускуба and Rob him. Shipwrecks that lie broken on the lawn is those ships pirates. They fell during the battle, when Тускуб, having learned that his house was attacked off the pole station. Then destroyed not only these ships. All the ships in the moment of disconnection of polar stations were in the air, fell on the planet, as a pirate, and military. But Тускубу was all the same. He was furious. He promised that if his house again try to Rob, it will disable the pole station forever. All the pirates are aware of it, so his house not Rob. The same taboos of pirates on all the estates of the Council of engineers. But the day before yesterday pirates still attacked again. The house they did not Rob, perhaps, they needed a warship left on the protection of the house Тускуба. They attacked in the afternoon, at the same time that arrived the next day your boat. So when you arrived there, son of Earth, I thought that they returned.
IHA little she paused and added:
-LACs afraid of pirates. They will Rob the house, but take Иху in slavery. They immediately wanted to take Иху. But IHA said't tell Тускубу that attacked by pirates, and if they take Иху, Тускуб understand that here the pirates were again.
IHA breath.
-For Тускуба IHA only a maid who does he need to keep in order the house.
Elk sighed.
Hopes that the darkness of ignorance dissipate after the conversation with Ихой that he had experienced a few minutes ago, now collapsed. Nothing cleared up. The fate of Aelita was still unknown. And now he knew everything was resolved only when he meet her father.
He knew long ago, perhaps even then, still on the Ground in consciousness закрадывалась such a thought. But he chased her away and did not want to admit even to himself that meeting with Тускубом, one on one, face to face only, she allowed his question, and put an end his agony and anguish.
Now he suddenly realized - alive Aelita or not, they will be together, meet, there is only one stumbling block, slide which he can answer all these questions. And the name of this stone - Тускуб.
Guseva вжало the floor. Next распластались members of his crew, not expecting such an increase in weight. Rocket rapidly torn up, moves away from Earth.
Now, finally, it became easier - spacecraft gained full speed. Now all lost weight and swam inside the ship, like a fish in an aquarium, to adapt to the new environment.
Gusev swam to the tube of the Supervisory unit and looked out.
"Well! - voice of the brave guard corporal cavalry regiment Mirov, a native of Tsaritsino province, who first came to himself and rushed to another перископу. - I am темнотищи never see. And the stars-what! And look, eyes высверлят! And the sun! Glowing, radiant! Such on the earth not to see!"
Gusev also were visible and the stars and the burning, рдеющий unbearable, the dazzling radiance of the sun. But it is not unusual was seen enough already.
"Look, guys! - fun allowed Gusev. - How nice incredible! "he agreed.
All five guys, members of his crew clung to observational instruments, and Gusev meanwhile swam to the devices, look at their evidence.
Everything was normal. Somewhere down fractionally tapped the engine, giving apparatus incredible speed in междупланетном space.
"There Moose? thought Gusev. But most of all he was concerned by the ship, in which were only beginners. After all, he and elk have flown in the past, and could encourage, support, if that, comrades. - There are guys струхнуть can no joke! Well, nothing! Arrive! The rocket will carry them to Mars, and there взбодрим their fallen morale, as it should be!"
Alexei Ivanovich! - cried Moskvich Fedulov, a retired soldier.
Gusev disliked the capital, but the Fedulov he liked something because and took him in the expedition. "Even in the capital, there are such charming and nice people! - I remember surprised then Gusev and took Fedulova, although the growth was small, and physique khilovat. "Nothing, " was justified then Gusev before him, athletes have enough! And this is a good, smart, smart! And most importantly, responsive to someone else's need!"
-Sasha? he asked his bottom, from the instruments.
-There, ahead, white like a sheet, - Fedulov made an inviting gesture, and Gusev, slightly off the floor, ran up through the Bay, trying to grab hold of the handrail beside Федуловым.
Gusev again clung to the Supervisory unit and saw that the space in front of the filled in a white and grey stripe, rapidly growing wide. She stood in the path of the unit.
Peering Gusev thought at first that this kind of междупланетного fog.
-Wow! So it's a conglomeration of stones! exclaimed suddenly he finally looked at the others. "Well, mates, look out! Hold on!
He began to rotate the Supervisory unit, looking for the ways to overcome obstacles, and soon noticed the same прогал, which he used Elk.
-So! - Gusev rushed to the management engine nozzle. Nikolai! - he turned to the Mirow. - You said that after the civil war pilot sailed on a passenger boat on the Volga?
-Well, it was, Alexey Ivanovich!
-Now! See the trumpet, and shalt shew me the path! You see to the right at the top of the dark прогал? We get it!
-Well, quite the same! consumer Worlds.
-If you fail Nikolai, cake расшибемся all!
-See front fog?
So, it millions of stones! We вмажемся at such a speed - from us and wet spot left! Understood?!
-Right you are!
Worlds started, thought now his life and to everyone else who was in the machine, depends on him, and began to give Gusev commands to change direction.
An hour later they have overcome dangerous obstacle. Gusev already'm sweating from the effort. Several times something чиркнуло the boarding device. It seems the small space sand.
-Well done! praised his Gusev.
-Carried! - happy confirmed Worlds, too tired from a busy observations. - See ahead something like the orange billiard ball, Alexey Ivanovich.
Is Mars, Nikolai! The crew prepare for landing! ordered Gusev, and began to slow down, reducing the supply of fuel to the engine.
After ten minutes Mars shut my disc one-third of the sky ahead. The device was turned astern for a course.
So, guys, prepare for descent! "said Gusev. - Take your seats.
He began to turn rheostats, increasing the flow of powder into the engines to soften the blow when landing. He ordered Mirow, that watching through the glasses of the device facing the planet, provided the landing as close to the North pole.
Apparatus landed somewhere near peaked mountains. When Gusev opened the hatch, they seemed to be hovering right above междупланетным ship.
"Oh, well done, Worlds! "exclaimed Gusev, rolling through the hatch opening to the outside. - Almost to the point hit! There outside this mountain range, their main city - Соацера is, he jumped off the orange sand, захрустевший under his boots, dusted off like dust from his breeches, and his head almost vertically up and looking at the peak of the mountains, steeply rising to the sky a few hundred metres from the landing site, said. - Squad! Get in line!
Deafened and a little broken of the habit when landing, the members of his crew became one jump behind the commander, with surprise, looking around. Gusev was clear that the picture is unusual, unearthly landscape led his squad in some surprise, and even fear.
-So, not timid, comrades! - encouraged them Gusev. - We arrived here permanently set on Mars Soviet power, and not to be afraid of unprecedented Martian shop. We are not ladies muslin! Listen to my command!..
Gusev gave the command to recon the area, locate, connect with other междупланетными devices. But, as it turned out, landing radio station was badly damaged and out of order. So, leaving the protection of the ship two people, Gusev starts flying boat built Elk, and, taking with him Mirov, Fedulova and Minakova, pilot from the Pacific fleet caught in 1917 captured by the Japanese and escape from there only three years ago, is sent in Соацеру. "In any case, Elk, too, will come back, because he knows this place", - thinks Gusev.
-Watch out, he warns remaining on the protection of Vassiliev, V. V. Bykova, is there any suspicious animals giant spiders, birds some predatory, even some Mraz - so from the ship. Just that - got back inside. If there is any enemy attack, machine gun, you have to give a rebuff!
With these words Gusev gives the command Манакову start flying boat abruptly goes up in a purple sky, sparkling in the rays of the shaggy of the sun, that only appeared in the East because of unusually close horizon.
Two minutes later, the landing area междупланетного apparatus disappeared from view behind the mountain ridges, and Gusev looked forward, peering forward and pointing to memory path Манакову. Федулову he ordered to take a stand on the stern of the ship and just that shoot at any object, which decides to set off in pursuit of their boat. Worlds did the same thing, watching the space to the left and to the right. At times he lifted up his head in a purple sky and with astonishment looked at shaggy sun, which is so unusual for an inhabitant of the Earth, sometimes it attracted the attention of the remains of flying ships and boats met in the deep and narrow crevices between the rocks. Then he touched the shoulder of the Guseva and showed him down. He pointedly nodded, glanced down and подкручивал his moustache, as if the winding the watch mechanism of courage.
About noon they reached the place where the first was Соацера, and long swirled over полузасыпанными sand ruins, among which sometimes run here and there, giant spiders. The guys understood nothing, looking at the baffled Guseva, who sadly nodded. Noting, finally, place the first of the former huge star square, and now resembling rather a volcano crater around the sand dunes, with видневшимися in the middle of the remains of a large paving, Gusev gave a command to decrease.
It was quiet, hot and desert. Wind tightened over the hills once former beautiful buildings, small eddies of sand, which, поплясав a little, broke up and then appeared in a different place.
Leaving the flying boat at a machine gun, which is attached to the stern, as the тачанке, Manakov, Gusev headed a small team moved deep into the orange dunes, moved covering the ruined city.
-If you knew what it was flourishing, " he said to his companions.
Under the sand, however, to discern the outlines of the streets, which gave the dunes provisions districts and streets. Somewhere in the remains of buildings, covered with sand, remained doors, and they can come in. They gaped in the dunes like black ramparts, and when appeared around the corner of the next street, Gusev raised his left hand up in a sign of special attention and caution when traveling. From there he could jump out suddenly a big spider or... However, the Martians were nowhere to be seen in contrast to the spiders, a couple of times by one and in groups of three to four insects перебежавших road squad in two-three blocks dunes ahead.
The farther advanced detachment, the more Gusev knew that here there is nothing. No signs of the old life that was in full swing here during their first arrival. He already wanted to give a command to return, like suddenly from a sharp deafening. All at once fell on the orange sand.
Gusev, raising his head, listened, where comes the sound, and tried to understand what it is.
Meanwhile, the crackling of the rapidly moved collision course blocks in two somewhere to the left of them. Now he caught up with them and then sped past on a parallel street in the direction of the star square, which remained their flying boat, more and more silent. After a minute, the machine gun was heard from there. The sound of his was unusual in the Martian atmosphere. It seemed that shot some powerful automatic weapon.
-Forward! ordered Gusev and rushed back to the square.
The star square there was a fight. Manakov fell down to the "Maxim" and gave a short queue, turning it to the right, then left. From the streets between the dunes, засыпавшими dilapidated buildings, heard the crackling, which made the squad to drop to orange sand. He then approached, then withdrew. In the side of the boat, where he took up the defense of the Manakov, flew several high-sounding dazzling, sparkling balls, like ball lightning. They fell near the flying boat, raising a wide like cacti pillars of sand. There was a roar. Boat shake. The machine gun was silent, but after a few seconds, began to speak again. However, there are still a few balls exploded near the boat, and now the gun fell silent.
Gusev raced to the boat at full speed. "It started! - in his mind. - Early I buried Martian civilization!" For him, ducking, occasionally falling to the ground, so as not to become a target for a stray bullet, trying not to lag behind fled Fedulov and Worlds.
Gusev made the leap, the benefit of Martian gravity allowed to do these tricks, and впрыгнул at full speed into the boat. Immediately next heard two loud explosion. Pot shake, jolted up and was covered by the Sands.
"What have you? - rushed to Gusev Манакову. The smell of gunpowder, and the rumble breaks, the feeling of danger forced furiously pounding of his heart, which happily трепыхалось from forgotten boyish delight before the battle. How long has he had this!
Manakov tinkered with a machine gun, reclining, crouching low to see his back on Board flying boat.
Gun jammed, Alexey Ivanovich! Sand hit! with vexation said Manakov, looking at раскрасневшегося, with brightly burning from the excitement of battle through the eyes of Gusev.
-We in Samarkand with it so coped! - Gusev grabbed the gun arms, set him straight up and opened the lid, implying Манакову to continue to act himself. - Who are fighting for?
"But here, from the South-West...
Gusev peered over the starboard boats, trying to see something in that direction.
There, between the dunes, low hanging over the street combat the Martian vehicle. From there they heard the crackle and roar of explosions. Now silvery glittering balls with a crash flew off somewhere in the other direction, along the street that ran perpendicular to the radial, over which hung a ship exploded and crashed somewhere in the depths of the quarter. From there he answered weak dry cracking shots Martian guns.
-He is with someone else is fighting! asked surprised Gusev, нашарив on the bottom of the boat binoculars.
Manakov fixed machine gun, shut the lid and gave a ship is short burst. The enemy immediately сманеврировал, and turn tracers passed. In response towards the flying boat flew several high-sounding silver balls that impacted the it side, why the boat turned over on its side and landed on a few meters back, so that подбегавшие Fedulov Worlds and barely managed to Dodge the blow with it, falling back on a large cobblestones.
-In, gives! - outraged Gusev otryahivayas and painful Martian sand on the teeth. - Well, I shall show him! Behind me! - he turned to ошарашенным happening Федулову and Mirow and rushed to the parallel to the one over which there was the battle Martian ship, angular stretching from the star square street. - Manakov! Grab your gun and on the opposite side of the square! he turned on the go, the machine gunner. - 't distract his shooting and stir!
At the head of his small detachment Gusev оббежал around the block and was at the far end of the street, where flew silver crackling balls Martian fighting ship. He fell for a small sandy hill and put his binoculars to his eyes. After a couple of seconds to his right and left in the sand plыhnulis ' Fedulov and Worlds.
There, Alexey Ivanovich? asked Fedulov, panting.
-He did not understand? "replied Gusev, peering through binoculars. - Now I see the ship... yeah, that's it!
Now Gusev seen from the Windows and the door of the first floors dilapidated houses, covered with sand, firing back from the ship some Martians. They put out and shot in the ship, and then hid back. Several silver balls with a crash landed near one of the houses, and he collapsed, hiding under the immediately насыпавшимся sand.
-Forward! - he threw its fighters and went to Crouch over the face of danger.
Gusev run in the low door of a demolished house. In a small room with a single window that looked into the direction of the enemy warship, suspended in several tens meters from the house above the street, laying on the floor, five Martians. Three of them, apparently, were killed, two перезаряжали its funny, like a toy gun.
One of the Martians with surprise, widely having opened eyes and mouth, looked at Gusev and вбежавших behind him Fedulova and Mirow.
-Do not worry - its! - tossed him Gusev on the go, метнувшись immediately to the window.
Somewhere near there was a deafening gap, and in the window broke into a thick cloud of sand.
-That's the devils! - swore Gusev otryahivayas. - Fedulov! Worlds! Рассосредоточиться on the neighbouring buildings! Take positions! Beat the screws of this stuff. Shoot sighting! Keep ammunition!
Fedulov Worlds and hid behind the door, ran out into the street, and Gusev kissed to the sight of automatic rifles and after a moment gave a short burst. In response followed two deafening explosion right under the window of the house. Room was covered by a thick layer of sand, building wall затрещала and was ready now to fall.
-Go! - shouted Gusev glover. марсианину, but he did not understand it. Then Gusev grabbed him by the collar, like a kitten and dragged into the street.
As soon as they got out of the building осыпалось, and it immediately swallowed up the sand dune, докатившаяся to the legs of Gusev.
Wish I would have a couple of sticks of dynamite! said Gusev.
Immediately next to him there was a deafening explosion. He instinctively hit the ground, but shoulder scorched, and it just hit a loose stone chips. Somewhere near a another explosion, then another, and Gusev was covered by a thick layer of sand.
With star square came short thunderous queue machine gun. This shot Manakov. Apparently, he moved to it that he got shot, and then his new position, gave a short burst and again ran away to another place. Next, through the crack of shooting Martian guns was heard loud firing automatic rifles Fedulova and Mirow.
Gusev got out of the heap of sand, pulled the rifle, rose up on an elbow, aimed at the boxes under the rear rotating propeller Martian flying warship and gave a short burst, measuring its length: "Twenty-two!"
After the second shot queue rifle slightly jolted, but two bullets exactly went into the eyes of Gusev box under the screw shattered like glass, powder from her fan crumbled around, screw get there and then, loud хрустнув, crumbled. The blade of his whistling flew far away. Martian flying warship went to the stern, then stood upright and, finally tipped over backwards. The second screw the other crumpled up the housing of the device. It was quiet.
Gusev rose from the sand otryahivayas, and looked around. Martian, which he dragged behind itself of the collapsing house, lay, covered with sand, and only visible to his feet in a strange shoes. From the Windows of the adjacent building seemed Fedulov, a little distance from the door of another buried by sand the house, went out with an automatic rifle at the ready Worlds.
-Well, here's Mars! with a smirk, twirling his mustache, said Gusev. - There is who live? - he nodded his head.
"I've got two seemingly alive, " replied Fedulov.
And I have one added Worlds. - Strange such as teenagers!
From the twisted warship was heard screeching. Gusev instinctively fell on the sand, изготовившись to fire.
Opened the side door, gangway, which should serve as a ladder, climbed up, and of gaping holes showered down Martian soldiers with short automatic rifles with a disk in the middle.
-Wow! "exclaimed Gusev. - Not угомоняться in any way! Take a stand!
A dozen Martian soldiers in ovate helmets, silver-wide jackets with thick collars, covering the neck and the bottom of the person, scattered across the street and started to advance dashes, crouching on one knee and taking the aimed fire on a unit Guseva. They went before the commander in black, falling large folds of his robe. He didn't shoot, but only gave the orders to the soldiers on the bird Martian language.
Gusev took aim, and gave a short burst on марсианину maybe a black robe. He fell. The attack ceased. The soldiers stopped in confusion, not knowing what to do now. From the side of the star square spoke "Maxim", which flank dagger fire immediately disposed of the dozen Martian soldiers, both with children's toy.
Gusev stood up and brushed:
-Well, Manakov, even war has not given! again he shook his mustache and turned to Федулову. - Well, show me where your Martians.
Survived only three insurgents, they with astonishment at Gusev and its satellites.
-Hello, comrades! - greeted them Gusev. - Well, tell me, what is!
The Martians still astonishment at Магацитлов arising out of nowhere. In vain Gusev was waiting for a reply from them, then realized that I have to remember the lessons of the Martian.
-Only you do not laugh! he warned Fedulova and Mirov and защебетал-bird, turning to марсианину. It was evident that this is given to him with difficulty.
The Martian tried to understand what he says Магацитл, apparently, Gusev order rusty Martian language -- several times asked, and corrected it, then started to conduct a dialogue with him.
Five minutes later, when, pulling on the Martian orange sand gun, approached the Manakov, Gusev quite comfortable with pronunciation and already пересвистывался with Martian.
"That's odd! commented on what he saw Manakov.
-He warned me not to laugh, " remarked Worlds.
In the course of a short conversation Gusev managed to find out that the survivors of the Martians are a part of a small detachment of the rebels, who survived in the unending all this time the war with soldiers Тускуба. They hide under the ruins Соацеры. There are other units, but in the vicinity of the destroyed city there were only they. The once numerous ethnic group, which numbered several thousand rebels, now there are about three hundred. Someone killed during operations in Соацеру, someone in battles with spiders, some moved to the pirates. Now emerged with the collapse of civilization. Their detachment chairs someone tar he's not quite a Martian.
-As it is, not quite a Martian? surprised Gusev, and he was born a vague guess.
He half Магацитл, but it's a long story, " replied'lar, the so-called Martian, which spoke Gusev. All we can now, is a fight for its existence, " he finished the story. - We live in the underground labyrinths we have to struggle with the incredibly размножившимися spiders, on the one hand, and soldiers Тускуба who patrol the ruins Соацеры, hunting down and destroying the surviving rebels, on the other.
-What do you do on the surface? asked Gusev.
-There are several food stores and a couple of existing sources of water. We occasionally we get out to him when with food and water becomes very tight. As a rule, soldiers Тускуба us there and wait. This is what happened this time! The RAID involved two dozen insurgents. And now, we have only three, and then, thanks to your help, said the Martian. - Extract provisions and water is becoming more difficult!
-Yes, comrades Martian proletarians! shook his head Gusev. - Bad do you do! So, we are on time you are ready!
-We must go down to the underground labyrinths, said'lar. - This has not happened to the rebels shot down at least one ship Тускуба! Now for sure he will be looking for.
"Yes, " said Gusev, today battles, perhaps enough.
As if in confirmation of these words somewhere in the South-East from Соацеры came the sound of the flying boat. Gusev raised his binoculars in search of a battle ship, and far to the South saw in the sky a few black dots approaching Соацере. It was a flying boat, surrounded by predatory ихами.
-Does Elk?! surprised Gusev, but flying object was so far away that it was impossible to consider it in detail.
-Most likely, this intelligence boat troops Тускуба suggested'lar. - To take cover! We are leaving!
-All right, - agreed Gusev, lowering his binoculars. "If this Moose, we still meet!" "Take us to your leader! he said марсианину, and then Russian, so it was clear his companions, he added. - Want to see what kind of bird this tar - their leader.
When flying boat Elk flew to Соацере, the Martian rebels and the army Guseva were already deeply in the labyrinths beneath the surface of Mars.
Measures and Варра
Gusev were familiar with these deep wells, tunnels and places of narrow corridors in the depth beneath the surface Соацеры. According to him, they whisking off with Deer from наседавших soldiers Тускуба.
And now he moved behind Ларом, that lit them the way some device, similar to a strange greenish torch light without soot, some flickering light. Behind him walked Manakov, Fedulov and Worlds.
The rebels and the army Guseva long made their way along the corridors and tunnels of the labyrinth, down some stairs and wells deeper down. Gusev even lost count of how many they are in these catacombs. One thing was clear that they went somewhere very deep, because in the ears became a pledge from excess pressure.
All the way before walked in silence, but Fedulov failed:
Alexei Ivanovich, I'm afraid! he confessed.
-Yeah me too, Sasha, not myself, no joke, go into such depth, like in mine down. I am, however, a miner was not, but the impression is that they become...
-No, Alexey Ivanovich, I don't mind about that. I am so scared was not even when междупланетное space rushed. Like all its own. And here, going to some Martians. Maybe they us in his lair they pick up stuff, and we still do and we go?
"You what it is, Sasha? 't understand it Gusev.
-Yes I, Alexei Ivanovich, what on earth every man can be trusted, even rarely what you can say. Here we Martians purpose.
"Yes, " said Gusev, - ентим comrades trust is the last thing. They got me last time disappoint, the devils. I headed the rebellion, and they intestine Tonka was fighting!
-Yes I do not mean, Alexei Ivanovich - did not stop Fedulov.
-And what?
-And what we ourselves have heard - with the provisions them tight...
-You that, Sasha, implying? - Gusev was confused, why does he worry.
-The Aleksei Ivanovich, what they eat us...
-Ah, finally guessed Gusev. - Yes sure, Sasha, not living дадимся. We automatic rifles. For them, our rifles that for us guns.
-No, Alexey Ivanovich, don't want you to get me to understand. We here somewhere already spent an hour or award to be, deeper and deeper. There is no light. What if something happens, and the road ourselves back-we shall not find. And they wait until we обессилим, and eat us!
"Ah, come talk nonsense! "exclaimed finally, Gusev. - In fact, it's ridiculous!
-It may seem ridiculous, but alien beings...
"What, you're saying there? "inquired from the darkness, from somewhere in the front, 'lar raised long conversation Магацитлов.
-Yes here, comrade my experiences, that deep-got - back roads do not find answered him Gusev-марсиански and Федулову added. - All, calm down, Alexander, you see that the Martian comrades nervous start from our conversations. Told you - not living дадимся, all there is to it!
-Yes soon come, " replied Gusev'lar.
-Why is it so hot? - asked Gusev.
-We deep - 'lar replied. Here are closely spaced layers of magma. Yes now you see it.
They suddenly came out of a huge cave, a witness for the sharp turn of the next tunnel. The cave was lit somehow unclear orange-red glow, and it was clear that the ceiling is at the height of three hundred meters. With him were hanging huge icicles stalactites. Some of them reached the bottom of the cave and form columns, between which now making their way travelers.
-And what is that light? asked Gusev. - Where is he?
Is the river of Measures.
That river is just so? 't understand it Gusev, but here for the next ridge columns of stalactites, where the glow became much brighter, he opened a charming picture.
Ahead in a deep gorge in the midst of this enormous cave прорезавшем it from one end to the other, coming swiftly fiery red river of lava. From it came the heat and evaporation.
-Wow! surprised Gusev. - A lot of things I've seen, but never seen one.
His companions stood, unable to look away from the stream, blustering, клокочущего, shimmering heavy, elastic waves, sometimes even перекатывающегося through the rapids like water.
-Come on, - restrained enchanted strange spectacle Guseva'lar.
-What is this river of such Measures? surprised Gusev, coming to his senses and following along the rocky, уступчатого edge of the gorge on the narrow path followed by Martians.
Is an ancient river, " answered Her. - It stems from the volcano, located close to the sacred Threshold. There, in one of the secret caves since ancient time we have betrayed this river the bodies of their deceased leaders and rulers.
"I see, " concluded Gusev unknown Larue earthly language - like religion. Sect, in General.
-Now this river hides us from the raids of spiders and soldiers Тускуба.
Long they walked along the edge of the steep Bank of the gorge. Sometimes Gusev turned around and looked back. Cave stretched far away, how could see. Flame haired thread strange river was lost somewhere in impenetrable Dali. Ahead tall as the sky ceiling of the cave, lit orange-red glow, also continued, as far as they could see.
-Flow meters fifty, a hundred will, Alexei Ivanovich, - figured Manakov, in the diameter!
-Yes, something like that, Volodya.
-I have never seen! - join the conversation Fedulov.
"The cave long, probably about ten kilometers will be, and more. In any case, what you see, " added the Worlds of your observations.
-We have long? asked Gusev at Lara.
-Soon, " he replied.
Then their eyes appeared even more compelling picture.
The thread ended with something that Earthmen have not even been description.
It was like a waterfall.
From a great height, meters per hundred, lava flow was sliding down the steep precipice, and fell into the lake of fire, extending to all the ends of the extent could see. However, unlike water, the stream of lava flowing, not брызгался, and, possessing a certain тягучестью and viscosity, how would наслаивался on top slice of the fiery lake, forming a kind of ledged pancake that the bottom edge of all time, continued to spread and simultaneously immerse into it, until the top is over the new mass.
Far off in the darkness of the cave, were seen several similar лавопадов.
-Варра! with some respectful greatness commented sight of a giant lava lake Lara.
Gusev was not even words to react to what he saw. His companions also could not utter a single word from the incomprehensibility seen
'lar paused. This trail along the edge of the gorge ended. Now front and right was only lava, and on the left steep wall of the cave. If Gusev at this point could say anything, not taken aback by surprise unprecedented never before delightful and awesome picture, he would have asked: "Well, and where now?" But he stood fascinated by the magnificent and terrible spectacle, as if petrified, and only his eyes, shining from the reflection of the fire sea, distinguished him from the stone.
'lar put his hands to his mouth and gave somewhere in the darkness on the other side of the лавопада evidently prearranged signal of some распевных sounds.
Somewhere in the darkness came something square and a long rope, going somewhere under the ceiling of the cave. It was approaching. It soon became evident that something akin to the cart cable car, which on Earth is raised on the mountain skiers, and in some cities, where I managed to go Gusev after the first Martian travel, used instead of the tram.
Trolley crossed the chasm over лавопадом and drove up to the ledge on which were travelers. 'lar opened the door. The Martians came in a small, resembling a trailer, housing, and it was the turn of the detachment Guseva. The rebels stood quietly inside and waited Магацитлов.
-I will not go there! - Fedulova scared eyes bulged out. - I will not go there! he said, backing away and leaned against the hot wall of the cave, stretching upwards into his height.
-Calm down you, Sasha! "said Gusev. - Do not disgrace the Earth! Do you want to us by your mercy for cowards considered some Martians?
He first stepped through the birch прогал over the abyss at the bottom of which was flowing lava river, in раскачивающуюся on the cable cart, and he felt shy, feeling through the soles of her boots нагревшийся from источающегося bottom heat the metal floor.
-Come on! Come on in! ordered Gusev not so much for their comrades, how to encourage yourself and throw off the shackles of fear. "Don't worry!
After Gusev in the cart stepped Manakov, then the Worlds, however, Fedulov continued to stand pressed against the wall of the cave.
The Martians were waiting patiently.
What are you, really? again addressed him Gusev. - You that, I put in here?! Do not disgrace you in front of the Martians!
Words Guseva still affected Fedulova, and he jumped into the cart, closing the small metal door.
'lar did something, and they began to slowly cross the chasm over the racing at the bottom of the лавопаду thread.
-The horror! - outraged Fedulov. Alexei Ivanovich, why are we here?
"Take it easy, Sasha! Not робей! tried to soothe his Gusev, looking through the glass window of the trolley down at the fire-spitting manifestation of infinite power of the elements.
-Well, you and climbed, comrades! "exclaimed Gusev, stepping forward from the trolley, when he saw that they met on the Bank of the gorge, which was flowing lava river surprised so sudden appearance Магацитлов rebels.
In front of him were five people bristles with consternation their childhood ружьецами.
"Don't worry, comrades, we own! again stepped towards them Gusev, but the Martians retreated even further.
Suddenly through the crowd someone pushed forward.
For a moment Gusev thought he saw before him an Elk, only very young. However, speaking before a crowd Martian, although he was the growth in a half times higher than their counterparts, and on his head grew light hair was such a bluish skin, pointed nose.
Gusev, not believing his eyes, shook his head, his eyes tightly closed.
-These Магацитлы saved us! - made from behind Guseva meet a strange high марсианину'lar.
It sounded so casually and it's strange that you would think on their planet ran crowd Магацитлов, but these were good and they were saved.
Strange blond Martian approached Guseva and extended his hand.
-Tar! - he said.
In terms Martian loomed something that Gusev, терявшему guessing, became the hot then cold.
They were invited to a cozy house, cut in the rock, which was around seen a great many of different height from the wide terrace, the edge of which was lost somewhere in the dark, going up along the valley through which flowed a strange river Measures.
Here was spacious, light and comfortable. They passed through several rooms, where women were engaged in some of the household chores, and children playing, as probably all children in the world, in some Martian toys.
Everywhere glowed green lamps, similar to the torch, which dispersed the darkness, but the sense of a dungeon still remained somewhere in the mind.
Earthlings fed something resembling earth potatoes, and have put to sleep on the carved rock trestles covered длинношерстыми skins Hashi.
After Breakfast'lar invited Elk in the other room. Here he was waiting for tar.
-Greetings, Earthling! "exclaimed tar, lifting with thick wool rug, постеленного of the basalt floor, and holding out Gusev both hands.
Gusev shook his hands, again noting that they look more like human hands than the hands of a Martian, big burly unlike thin and narrow palms Martians, many handshakes with whom he remembered even on the first landing on Mars.
Tar invited him to sit in front, on the same fat, braided with white wool Hashi Mat. Between them there was a small round table of basalt stone on the low beams-the legs, elevates it just for a dozen of centimeters from the floor.
Came women, put on the table a glowing green ball on a small stand, a strange form of a jug with the Martian wine and a plate with some balls, reminiscent of earthly bread rolls, elastic, springy under your fingers and light, airy, almost weightless.
Gusev, groaning, sat on the rug in Turkish.
-I know your face! he said Packagings, peering at his traits and not understanding why this strange Martian reminds him of the Elk.
-No, shook his head tar, smiling at her wide, тонкогубым mouth. - It's impossible! My entire life has not seen any living Магацитла!
"That is strange! "said Gusev. - Tell me about yourself, and about your movement. Why you got so deeply in caves, in such outlandish and unsuitable for living places?
"I come from a ruling caste, " said Thar. - My mother - daughter Supreme Ruler of Mars - Tu...
-Тускуба, " Gusev, wincing.
-How do you know this name? - surprised the tar.
-I saw your grandfather! "exclaimed Gusev. - He crushed my rebellion!
-So, it's you that glorious Магацитл Gusev, which go for many years legends around Mars?! "wondered the hunch tar.
"Himself, " agreed Gusev, nodding his head.
Tar got up from the Mat. Gusev mechanically followed his example. So they stood opposite each other.
Tar folded his hands on his chest and bowed low Gusev. He couldn't understand anything.
-I performed in my memory cherishing memories of brave Магацитле Gusev, " said Thar, graduating with a bow. - And a great honour for me to take a brave messenger Талцетл, which marked the beginning of the struggle of our people for freedom.
-Thank you! - thanked him Gusev, then sat down on the Mat and put oval Cup of wine, and then sipping her, he added. - But I see that revolution is your very declined! You in some dungeons hid! Above - standard devastation. Spiders everywhere jumped, Yes soldiers Тускуба.
It is true, " agreed the tar. - Rebel troops from the very beginning led scattered fighting Тускубом, were divided among themselves. Each of the leaders of the insurgents thought to cope with the Council of engineers and seize power on the planet personally.
"Clearly, shook his head Gusev, not in revolution, in General, have turned into a fight for power to create the same despotism that was. Well, you became a leader of the insurgency? You're a grandson Тускуба.
-My mother - Aelita, and...
"Ah, that's it! - slapped his forehead Gusev from broke out suddenly in my head guess. The puzzle he has been all the time that he spoke with TAROM, could not solve suddenly developed into one. "Your father is ...
-My father - Магацитл Elk...
"I thought so! "exclaimed Gusev.
-You know him, as if confirming, said Thar.
-Yes of course! And I will tell you more! Your father, too, landed on Mars!
Tar started, jumped up as if ready to run somewhere. By this news, he's all excited eyes lit up so that he became even more like a Moose.
"Where is he? - impatience asked him tar.
-Here it is a wonder! "Gusev. - Well, I must! He has a son! And not just anywhere, but on Mars!
Noticing excessive anxiety Tara, Gusev said:
"Don't worry, we arrived at different междупланетных devices...
-On different devices? asked surprised tar.
-Of course, we now many arrived, not something for the first time. I now intention flew to bring the Martian revolution to victory, install you have here, you know, the power of the Martian councils, to bring all of you like these dungeons, include in the Ресефесеэр and build there a happy life and a bright future!
"But where is my father?! - Tar still stood, stunned by the news, impatiently waiting for a response from Gusev.
"Just be quiet, comrade tar! - Gusev motioned for him to sit down on the Mat. - Can we engineer Elk and organize you a happy meeting between father and son. Well, I must! again he cried, unable to restrain emotions. "So, tell everything in order, what happened while we were away, so that I can understand, with what, in General, to start the fight, and then we will think together how we discover your father.
The Fate Of Aelita
-Well, where Aelita, your mother? - asked Tara Gusev.
Tar sighed.
-It's a long story, but if you are willing to listen to her, the great Магацитл Gusev, I tell you.
-Of course, ready! "exclaimed Gusev. - Strictly speaking, the second Soviet Martian expedition and was only due to the fact that the engineer Elk, your father, without any end sighed and nix on your mother. I'm tired of looking at him, and I said to him: "Well, buddy Elk, flew to Mars to rescue your Аэлиту, and at the same time and finally set on a friendly Mars our Soviet power and organize Martians happy life! That's departed!"
Gusev sat satisfied, sipping некрепкое Martian wine and twirling occasionally his moustache, who pride so топорщились in hand.
-Well, then listen, " said Thar and sighed, as if with the spirit of about unpleasant memories began his story.
-As I already said, the great Магацитл Gusev, I was born Aelita.
My grandfather was the very Тускуб, which fought you, and now for many years I'm fighting - love me, however, strongly oppressed my mother. She was allowed to see me only a few hours a day, then I was taken away by soldiers and taken to the nannies will be.
Every time mother played with me, somebody was present and, as I later understood, followed so that she didn't say anything extra, like, " who is my father.
The first time after my birth up to seven years I lived with the mother. We lived near the North pole in Тасоцере, the city of a Thousand Suns. This is a huge flying island, secretly built by the Supreme Council of specially for the government, members of the Supreme Council.
Until that time, until there was Соацера, about the city Тасоцере know only a few people in the state. Even those who built it, did not know about the real purpose of the object. Work, plotting this giant construction said anything, for example, that this is a secret government warehouses. None of the workers, once taken to the North, to the secret underground factories of the Supreme Council, never returned back. They have since become slaves and could not leave already guarded by soldiers territory.
Since the army of the Supreme Council of destroyed Соацеру, workers seeking employment, since in Соацере no longer had no job, no home, no food, steel ship on military ships, often without families, promising good earnings, telling that be built in the North city of happiness. It really was a city of happiness, but not for these workers. They were kept in special camps, barracks, fed so that they only died of hunger.
Now, when Соацера was exploded, construction Тасоцера quickly neared completion. Daily battle ships brought thousands of workers on the Northern secret factories, and they immediately set to work.
A year after Соацера was blown up, the city of a Thousand Suns, Тасоцер pulled away from the surface of Mars. I was only three months. He now hovering over the Northern areas of the planet. The rich people live there, the members of the Supreme Council and top military commanders.
"That's odd! "exclaimed Gusev. "Why did he need?
-According to the plan Тускуба, " replied tar - Тасоцер, the city of a Thousand Suns, was to preserve the remnants of the civilization of Mars in order to restore its former strength and power. Тускуб plans to build dozens of such flying cities. According to him they will soar on Mars, and for the workers will be constructed small villages on the surface of Mars, where they will be working at the plants and grow cactuses on the plantations. But for this Тускубу must deal with all the rebels.
Here those times! surprised Gusev. - I would like to see what kind of a Тасоцер.
-When I was seven, - continued the story tar - Aelita told me about my father. She made the singing of a book that wrote itself, and secretly gave it to me. In this book it said about my father, about faraway star Талцетл, which flew my father, about her love and pain. This book I keep still...
-Well, what's next? - what happened next, are intrigued asked Gusev, in the excitement of twirling his mustache.
-After Aelita, my mother told me, who is my father, about the remote and beautiful Талцетл, about the rebellion, which raised the brave Магацитл Gusev and my father, about Соацере, I don't see her. She chose this moment to this story, when we were left absolutely alone in the room where I used to spend time with her. But my grandfather somehow learned about her affair - tar sighed and looked at Gusev their human, not like some of the other Martian eyes. - The story of my mother, perhaps, was the only story that she was able to tell me, so he's stuck with me as a bright wonderful dream. I never stayed so long with his mother one time. But then... I don't know how it happened, but she told me, putting my head on his lap, all of a few hours, constantly stroking my hair with its soft, warm hands and occasionally kissing me on the cheek. This I remembered...
-Yes, sad story! concluded Gusev, gasped and reaching for портсигару for a cigarette. - Well, we find, dear comrade tar, and your mother and your father, will you have a United, happy family! You'll see!
"I would, " smiled dreamily tar. He liked the irrepressible optimism of this valiant Магацитла, about which he had heard much. He liked that, despite the years passed and ordeals during this time, the share of the Son of Heaven, they did not break his character, and he could energize optimism others, who were much younger and healthier than it is now.
-Well, how did you become a leader of the rebels, " said Gusev. - How you got into Соацеру or whatever is left of it?
-After my mother to see me Тускуб gave me the education of the General Сергу. Тускуб planned to grow me a reliable ally and worthy followers of the receiver for themselves.
I was taught to the military action, shooting, management of ships.
Серг constantly took me a job to detect and kill insurgents. We hunted for them everywhere, where there were reports about their whereabouts. First he took me as an ordinary soldier, later appointed commander of the Department, then to the twelve years I was already over the gunship, and at fifteen I was subordinated to the squadron of five warships.
-Good military career! - said Gusev. - Almost like I have in the Civil!
-The rebels I was merciless. I well studied and thoroughly knew all inputs and outputs in the system labyrinths beneath the ruins of Соацеры, I was not afraid to take risks and descended into her tunnels and shafts, I arranged an ambush on revolutionaries where they had never expected to meet. The number of insurgent units, thanks to me, rapidly declined. Тускуб me couldn't get enough. The rebels were afraid of me as a wild and ferocious cha...
At this time in the room where talking tar and Gusev, entered'lar. In his face was a subject of concern.
Patrol top officials report that the Соацере sent several dozen warships, the whole fleet of Тускуба. Perhaps this is due to yesterday's battle. In the transmission system screens passed an angry speech Тускуба before the high Council. He promised to destroy all the insurgents in the area of the ruins Соацеры! And more! Soldiers Тускуба found in the ruins of the city here, 'lar unclenched his fist and showed something that Gusev immediately recognized fired casings from "maxima". - Тускуб said that on Mars invaded Магацитлы that they, apparently, are hiding in the catacombs beneath the ruins of Соацеры and helped the insurgents destroy civilization of Mars. He ordered the troops to find and destroy Магацитлов in the ruins of a city at any cost, every single one!
Thar looked at Gusev:
-We must prepare for the great battle, brave Магацитл Gusev!
According to Gusev nodded, quietly Smoking a cigarette. Any battle. More than it was planned, was to him a joy. The blood in his veins began to play in anticipation of a major battle.
The military Council
The next day tar arranged a meeting which Gusev participated as the chief military Advisor.
There was'lar and several other commanders.
Intelligence reports to the ruins Соацеры flies unprecedented number of warships seventy! Almost all the ships that have Тускуба! - gave a report tar. - Most likely, the ships will be landed soldiers, and those will descend into the catacombs, as I did! he pointedly looked all present look.
But since you defected, tar, - said the'lar, none of the soldiers Тускуба no longer descended into the catacombs!
-I know! agreed : tar. "But then why do so many warships? Тускуб knows that in the ruins Соацеры hidden Магацитлы! And this is the reason of this grandiose attack, most likely, not the rebels. Тускуб wants to destroy Магацитлов!
Gusev listened attentively to what he said tar, making his moustache and thought. From intense thought he got out his tin coveted cigarette case, a deft movement he pulled out a cigarette and smoked thoughtfully, not paying attention, that the Martians with surprise turned on Магацитла. In their memory still firmly sat Smoking ban хавры. But it was tobacco.
The meeting went on for several hours.
All agreed on the opinion that the soldiers Тускуба, exploiting their great number and a good automatic weapons, leave the combat aerial ships would go down into the cave beneath the destroyed Соацерой. Now they discussed a plan of where better to fight them. Three hundred people detachment of men, able to withstand the soldiers were about a hundred and twenty. According to the calculations of Tara on warships to the ruins Соацеры flew about a thousand soldiers.
-They have the cake crush! "Mattie said one of the commanders of the insurgents.
-Well, I would second "Maxim", Yes, on an even field to meet them cross-dagger fire! - said, Smoking a cigarette, Gusev, he for the first time in a long time meeting his voice. - I like them all in fifteen minutes, put all!
"If we don't put out, that the soldiers are unlikely to find us here, behind the river Measures! - 'lar replied.
-Immediately find agreed tar, but Тускуб put them to the task not to return until you have killed all the rebels and Магацитлы under the ruins Соацеры. We will sit here, but sooner or later the soldiers find their way to the lake of fire Варра. Even if they just arranged an ambush on the other side, we will soon possess the cable car ferry, because we need to constantly go to the surface in search of water and food for our women and children.
Gusev was silent again. He only smoked cigarettes and listened to what they said among the Martians. The rebels could not find a solution that promised would be the salvation of their detachment from the army Тускуба. Joined whether they fight on the surface of or behind their river Measures, met with soldiers fight in the catacombs or cowardly to run away from them - a victory remained with troops Тускуба. The Martians were in despair. They suddenly realized that this is the end. They will either die or surrender in slavery to Тускубу and condemn them to the conclusion themselves and hard and heavy work of their women and children. Nobody wanted.
For several hours tar and his commanders were looking for and could not find the saving exit from the impending threat.
-How many ships in the fleet Тускуба? - suddenly asked Gusev at Tara, swaying his many hours of silence.
-According to my information - about a hundred.
And seventy of them fly to the ruins Соацеры?
-Yes, the great warrior Gusev, " agreed tar.
"Where are the others? asked Gusev.
Five ships are on combat duty near the city of a Thousand Suns Тасоцера. Usually ten to fifteen ships undergo repairs on the secret underground factories in the North of Mars. And the rest, apparently, are involved in the battles with pirates, numerous bloodthirsty units which produce raids on captured Тускуба ships everything that you can Rob and destroy.
-Here's how! puzzled thought Gusev. - So, we strongly angered Тускуба that he sent against us so much of the fighting ships and soldiers.
Tar simply nodded, feeling that now brave Магацитл Gusev will any one of my original solution which will ensure your victory. All were silent, and also waiting for something unusual from the brave Магацитла.
But Gusev fell silent again, покручивая moustache and looking on to the folded out in the middle of совещающихся on the table a self-made map of the maze, wells, corridors and tunnels.
Not waiting for an answer from Gusev, rebel commanders again began to talk, discussing how to avoid the carnage or shameful, and hopeless captivity, and finding solutions.
-Tar! - finally, said Gusev. All fell silent again and turned to Магацитлу. "I think you have to surrender.
In the room there was a long silence. All were at a loss of words Guseva. Such a solution nobody expected.
Early in the morning, hardly in the East on the ridge Лизиазиры the sky began рдеть purple, heralding the imminent dawn, over the ruins of the once beautiful Соацеры came the roar of the hundreds of screws approaching from the North Armada of warships. A few minutes later they hung over the ruins, one could still see the orange sand, and became one go on the landing, looking for a place near a large crater in the middle of the dunes, the once former star square.
One by one the ships coming in to land. When their screws stopped, from the open hatches on откинувшимся ladders covered with sand paving square poured soldiers. They were built in the ranks and ranks, and soon, when over Лизиазирой sky bright red velvet have painted the first rays of the rising Sun, the entire area was littered with correct rectangles columns of troops Тускуба.
Such an invasion of armies Соацера not remembered from the moment of its destruction.
Before the formation of the rectangles someone appeared in the black falling in the folds of the cloak on the ground.
He beckoned to commanders of units and began to give them orders, casting a hand around and saying something.
Suddenly, with the highest ridge, under which was buried a huge building of the Council of engineers, a long procession of steps once looked on to a Torx size, shutting the hit "Maxim".
The first stage came to the retinue, surrounded chief of the troops. Was seen as falling off commanders, beveled bullets.
Troops scattered over the area. Officers were mixed with soldiers, and more of the following queues machine gun made this suddenly became amorphous mass of hopping on the area of the Martians.
A moment later, the troops already lay around high sand dune, which fired a machine gun, and returned fire.
After the short fight in a battle ship to General Сергу led two captives. One of them was a Martian, the second - a stranger with the Earth. After the soldiers dragged the machine gun, captured together with prisoners.
The General ordered to interrogate and execute prisoners.
One of them was the rebel'lar, the right hand of Packagings, the pupil in General, переметнувшегося many years ago on the side of rebels. Others, who did not understand марсиански, was Магацитл Manakov.
-What is the number of units? - tortured Lara officers Serga. - Where your leader tar? Where Магацитлы? How many of them?
'lar agreed to cooperate with the troops Тускуба and spend soldiers Serga to the lair of the insurgents through the maze under Соацерой.
Because Serga not been cards catacombs, where the rebels were hiding, he agreed to the services Lara in exchange for saving lives to him Магацитлу, плененному with him before a military court.
-However, in any case, you will go before the military court, and he will decide your ultimate fate, - concluded the interrogation Серг. - Much will depend on how you will help our troops to seize insurgent. The court will take this into account when sentencing.
Armed to the teeth, troops Serga began to descend into the catacombs under Соацерой. Ahead of the guide was captured rebel'lar. Beside him, in front of a dozen automatic rifle, moved Магацитл Manakov with hands tied behind their backs. Martian soldiers, despite this, cautiously avoided it, than in one and a half times the height and mass of the biggest of them.
Серг watched troops leave in a maze, standing in the middle of the square, near the line of battle ships.
Having learned about the number of rebels, he sent in the catacombs of all troops, leaving on a surface of only fifty soldiers to guard warships, quite hoping to catch the enemy by surprise. 'lar assured him that despite his sortie with a machine gun, the rebels plan to ride out the invasion army Тускуба in the catacombs, because the hidden places labyrinths unknown commanders of the troops of the Supreme Council. Therefore Серг could rely on the suddenness and the success of the attack. Tara he ordered alive.
A string of armed soldiers disappeared in the catacombs, and when they began to thicken twilight, the area was empty.
Protection during the day established around the landing site Armada high barbed wire fence and lit the fires, which were supposed to scare off the hordes of giant spiders with nightfall came to hunt in ruins Соацеры.
Personally checking exhibited on the perimeter guards, General Серг after thoughtful last glow of the sunset, went in my battle ship.
And everything could not be successfully for the outcome of this assault on the rebels. On the side of the troops had numerical superiority, well-armed, the suddenness of the attack, betrayal Lara, who was under the threat of death to spend armies to the rebel camp. But something in all this favourable circumstances, was a General concern, and he tossed and turned and couldn't sleep.
General recalled Tara. He remembered his неокрепшим boys, who ably led troops, arranged for insurgents clever ambush, knew most part labyrinths under Соацерой and could Wade through them to the touch, by leading the soldier and causing considerable damage to the revolutionaries. A large part of the rebels was destroyed thanks to the courage of the courage and knowledge Tara.
And suddenly, when victory, it seemed, was close, and the last rebels were now defeated under the onslaught of the brave attacks grandson Тускуба, tar suddenly disappeared in the catacombs together with двухсотенным division. For a long time about it was not heard, but then the insurgents suddenly appeared commander of the same name. Their operations against the troops of Тускуба, become more successful and speedy victory of General, promised at a meeting of the Supreme Council Тускубу, suddenly postponed for an indefinite period. The rebel movement came to life again.
In the morning Сергу received reports that in the catacombs of the troops advanced to the crossing лавовую river Measures, where the gunfire with few rebels are on the other side. Emplacements rebels were suppressed, and in the evening, engineers had to build a bridge for crossing the lava flow.
Everything continued to develop successfully, and the General could not understand why he was so restless. For many years it could not cope with the rebels. And suddenly loomed on the horizon such an easy victory. Old warriors did not like it, but he could not understand where hid catch. With some tense with anticipation General spent the entire day.
In the evening, received a report that the crossing was built. Troops are trafficked to the opposite shore of the Measure, occupy and expand foothold, meeting no resistance from the insurgents. Intelligence reported about a large village, carved into the rocks of the enormous cave ahead a few hundred metres from the bridgehead.
According to the rules of martial art that were well known Сергу, the first step was to take and gain a foothold on the bridgehead, and then develop offensive. The troops were doing, but something made of General experience anxiety.
The next morning, the military camp on the star square delivered the first of the captives. It was about two hundred women and children, all the families of rebels.
Troops, as planned, developing bridgehead. Reached villages in the rocks, and now scouring the house, terraces carved into the hillside caves, выволакивая of them residents. However, the insurgent camp was found.
The report indicated that, perhaps as'lar said, insurgents, avoiding clashes with troops Тускуба, went upstream Measure, but nowhere more crossing was not, and therefore commanders expected to drive the insurgents in the corner in the very near future. Troops were waiting for the order to continue the offensive.
Серг sat and pondered a report. He ordered to send prisoners to the North, and part of the ships flew into the morning sky, taking captive.
Now, when the rebels were deprived of their families, they had to surrender Серг understood this. Further the struggle was for them is meaningless. Its hour of victory over the biggest and most active rebel group, headed by TAROM, was close. The remaining few rebel groups, scattered across the planet, having learned about this victory, surrender themselves, and the barrier of the intentions of the Supreme Council and Тускуба transformation Martian civilization will disappear, will collapse. As a General Серг, deserve the glory and honor of the honored wealth, as the winner of the rebels.
"But why?" "mused General, and together with glee about close defeat the enemy continued to increase worry, everything is going too smoothly. General felt that something else happens, some not been compromised by the attacker process. But where and what was it - could not understand and therefore worried stronger.
However, he threw away all sorts of preventing him to make a decision doubts and gave the order at the latest offensive.
This is the third day the rebels Tara sat at the exit from the underground on the surface of the star square, in the secret room that the troops Тускуба could not, as suddenly scattered throughout the maze dull and powerful rumble shook the walls of the tunnels and corridors. Hum this meant only one thing: 'lar blew founded in the cache charge that before the invasion placed under the supervision of Gusev in a crack in the upper part of the base of the Peninsula on the shore of Measure where insurgents were at home, carved in the rocks.
Power charge was small, but according to Guseva it should cause the breaking off of a tall, weigh upon the passage of a Measure of the Peninsula, and to make it fall in the lava flow. Hum, раскатившийся through the maze, reaffirmed the adherence of its calculation. This meant that all troops Тускуба, came in search of his squad, were killed in the lava stream, as, however, and all that was found on the Bank of the gorge.
Detachment Tara rushed to the surface and creeping crossed a Torx size.
From four sides they attacked the camp Serga. Part of the ships have already left, having taken away to the North of them women and children. And now the rebels were decisively and irreversibly. They caught not waiting any attack protection, and after a short and rapid battle, captured stood waiting for troops fighting ships and the Serga.
The General was in perplexity and confusion. He waited for a fast meeting with TAROM, but not as a winner.
-And what are you gonna do? asked surprised Серг, when he saw that tar prepares ships to take off.
-Return our family, first, and give freedom to the workers, secondly, " replied the tar and ordered to take the General custody.
Surviving soldiers Тускуба tar invited to join the rebellion, explaining that they are fighting for the happiness of the ordinary man. Twenty soldiers refused to join the Container only three, and them together with Сергом taken into custody.
The sunset ten warships, captured insurgents Tara, soared above the sandy orange dunes, покрывшими destroyed Соацеру. Remaining in the camp Serga square forty warships were blown up, and now were burnt down, discouraging its glow выползающие of the catacombs swarms of giant spiders.
Gusev also heard reverberating hum, caught up with him at the exit of the tunnel leading in Лазоревую grove.
As they agreed with TAROM, he set off in search of the Elk, which he supposed, was to be in Лазоревой grove.
Gusev did not know, did Elk reach Mars, but he was sure that if he had, he now was definitely there.
Besides, if something went wrong, and the failure of his plan, and the rebels have been killed, then, in any case, Gusev brought'd plans until the end.
Exit was blocked up, and he was with the remaining with him Федуловым and the World, for two days they rolled the huge boulders, throwing away the stone, raking the rubble to pave its way to the surface. While there is little time to get out, their ears and reached a long and dull rumble to come across tens of kilometers from the site of the collapse.
-Well, all ребя! Gusev said once thoughtfully. - Give up!
He last left the tunnel, hesitating and looking around, as if expecting someone overtake them. At this moment Gusev thought about Манакове.
In his gentle rays emitted shaggy Martian sun, approaching the horizon. On the meadow in front of the house among the broken cores warships - traces of an old battle - Gusev found flying boat Elk. He recognized it at once. His joy was endless. But the house Тускуба was empty, though cleaned. It was obvious that someone looks.
Puzzled bypassed Gusev room-by-room, the corridor outside the corridor, occasionally shouting in the echoing emptiness huge structure:
Lo оось! AU-u-TOS!
Nobody responded.
Placing his comrades to rest in the bedrooms of the house, elk stepped into the clearing, wandered among the broken warships, looking for traces of Elk, and then went down to the lake and sat a long time, watching as much fun playing in the incident behind the mountains of the sun small waves of the beautiful pond. It was a place which, though somehow reminded him of the Earth.
Gusev remembered Masha and sad. Suddenly, looking at all this beauty, longed to home to his wife. Gusev tried to imagine how many tens of millions of kilometres away from the homeland, and his heart ached. "All this is the last time! If I'll with this adventure, you'll sit at home, drink with Masha tea, Yes, the view of the Neva! No more worries!" he thought.
Suddenly hearing of his ears perked up, coming from above, from the house. Gusev turned around.
The meadow, past the shattered the cores of ships was followed by a herd of long haired Hashi. Behind him customized IHA.
Gusev couldn't believe my eyes. It seemed to him that all he seems.
Hallucination! rubbed his Gusev their eyes in disbelief.
But a Mirage has not disappeared. Hashi still went on, crossing the meadow, in their camp, driven by the rear Ихой.
Here those times! - Gusev arose and покручивая mustache, quickly moved to Ихе, which was back to him and didn't notice the guest. - IHA! Ихонка!!!
Goose grabbed her from behind around the waist and easily, so lightly, tossed plump марсианку up so that she screamed in surprise and fright.
-That you визжишь, дуреха! Well, just as the earth woman!
Gusev spoke Russian, and, of course, the LACs could not understand him. But when he turned her to face him, she was beaming. She recognized the voice. These sounds, though it has been for so many long years.
Gusev pulled her away, trying to examine, as it should, but then again embraced, feeling the chest became warmer.
An hour later, when the Mars evening fell, Gusev already vividly discussed in the secret house Тускуба the events of the last days.
He haven't seen him in almost two weeks, and during this time every so many events have happened that would be enough for several years.
Рдеющая demonstrating happiness IHA and then, and brought them food, add wood wine into a decanter. Two units of the Martian expedition together with gusto and greedily her a treat. The Worlds and Fedulov and then, and looked around, wondering unprecedented luxury decoration, and Цацуля, Nikitin and Sysoyev, who by that time had completely recovered, spruce, regardless of blinding with precious stones and Golden beauty of any attention.
All share with each other news, rejoicing in the meeting.
What now? asked Elk Gusev, изложившего plan that he has matured away from the insurgency.
-North! Now, only North! briskly replied Gusev, inspired by a reunion with Deer. - We have them there to show gruel!
From Gusev Elk learned about the fate of Aelita. The news that he had a son, so shaken engineer, that he is not happy jumped on the spacious Golden corridors of the house as a child. Gusev said that his son, tar, should take part warships Тускуба and fly to Лазоревую grove. Here they are with Deer or yourself if you would suddenly it turned out, were to move to the North pole of Mars, in search of a flying city of a Thousand Suns - Тасоцера.
RSS happiness spun to the lofty points consciousness Elk, and he did not know how to deal with it. He had a son! The son of Aelita! How could he dream about! No, it was above all his fantasies, what only he could ever experience! Now he was ready to stay on Mars though forever! And Aelita! Hence, all the same, there is hope that they will meet with her.
Closer to midnight earthlings, after supper, have risen to the surface, waiting for approaching ships Tara.
Star sky stretched over the meadow like a fairy carpet, flecked with innumerable stars. In the air smelled of coolness.
Elk with hope listened in the silence of the night. He as no one else was waiting now arrival of these ships.
But here's the part Соацеры finally began to grow increasingly rumble their screws, and soon against the black sky seemed silhouettes ten coming one after another aircraft.
In the house lit the lights to the rebels did not pass by, and soon one after the other ships landed on the front lawn Тускуба.
Elk was impatiently. He wanted to rush to meet, but did not know which of the ships flew his son, how he looks, will he be able to recognize him. It made him a little nervous.
After a minute to Gusev, who stepped forward, drew nigh three Martians. The one who was the first was above the others, he had blond, немарсианские hair and eyes... the Eyes of these Elk could not confused with any other.
Gusev hugged each qualifying as an old friend, and then brought to the Moose, whom he immediately recognized his son.
-Here is tar - handed towards the Elk hand Gusev, is your father.
They stood for a long time in front of each other, trying to understand something unimaginable, to fit it into my mind, and then suddenly rushed into his arms, and Elk felt a burst of joy and happiness, which he had never in his life.
-Well, - concluded Gusev, looking at the scene touching the meeting. - Remained now only to мамку find! Аэлиту!
After a short rest, early in the morning, ten combat aircraft spun through the air, slicing through their screws his coolness, and painted in purple rays of the rising suns moved North.
Ихошка, happy, not remembering itself from joy, but upset as quick parting, and because sobbing and smiling simultaneously, stood and waved disappearing in the distance, above the jagged mountains, points.
Stone dance
Skiles recovered from the shock.
It seemed to him that he died. But now he regained consciousness to it.
From the rapid acceleration of the rocket its weight increased to a dozen times, and was unable to move hand or foot. Even open the eyelids was the problem.
When acceleration decreased, and the weight of the body was asleep, he finally was able to look around.
Beside him in the wheelhouse control of the ship sat pilot Steven. He watched devices and gave orders to his two assistants.
Through the transparent hemisphere dome felling of a thick heat-resistant glass, split powerful silver arcs six sectors, it could now be seen dazzling black sky dotted with unimaginable number of colored stars. From the side, from the outside, arc highlight the dazzling rays of the Sun that was not seen because it was left behind at the rate, and it seemed that they now here are melted. And only by the fact that this dazzling glow gradually weakened, and the metal is increasingly encroaching shadow, you could determine that the ship is moving. Actually his movement was so fast that Скайльсу even it was difficult to imagine that speed. It had nothing to compare, and because it was difficult to imagine.
-All good? asked Skiles Stephen.
-O-Kay! - showed the sign that all Americans meant that things go wrong.
"No, those Russians really crazy! - why it is thought Skiles, remembering who he went to this flight. On the other hand, I got rich thanks to this Moose! Yeah!"
The acceleration of the vehicle declined, and soon the severity let go so that now his body взмыло in the air. Noticing that started in the weightlessness, the driver and his assistants did to seat belts. And Skiles, using a steaming, slightly rebounded from his chair, and quickly rushed to the sloping ramp leading down. Grabbing it, he repaid its speed and, touching on a silver railing hands went to his cabin for the rest.
In the cabin heard uncontrollable laughter. Marcel and Andrew were happy like children, trapped in an amazing and interesting adventure. They released from a bottle of champagne and now chased his amber пузырящимися balls, which are flying around the cabin. Inside the ball of champagne bubbles of carbon dioxide, which grew uniting together, and then tore ball into several smaller ones. Floating in the middle of the cabins, over a leather sofa, screwed to the floor, Marseille opened a new bottle. The jet stream of foaming and rapidly growing in volume of the liquid flew toward the vast porthole, which glowed brightly huge, unlikely, though living Sun hanging in the black emptiness, scattering the hundreds of balls and balls, and its like a rocket landed in the opposite direction to another huge window, which rapidly decreased bluish-white ball of the Earth. Andrew, keep it fun, pushed off from the ceiling, about which hung, and ran to the stream of champagne, ударяющейся of thick glass window procession Sizzling sparkling balls, брызгающих in all directions piercing rays refracted light falling on them from the world of space, and bounce back like a diamond necklaces, trying to catch their mouth when they come by.
"Like kids! surprised Skiles. Like an amusement ride hit, and not on a dangerous journey into the world space!"
He looked at receding at an incredible rate, rapidly decreasing ball of the Earth, and he was not himself, when he presented the bottomless emptiness through which they were very near the walls of missiles, показавшимися suddenly such fragile and unreliable in this black, vacuum vastness. Even the Earth now seemed so dangerous place, that it could not guarantee protection against this all-consuming emptiness.
Commander asks rise Mr. Скайльса cabin control! - was heard in the speakers.
-Marcel! Andrei! Stop messing! said опьяневшим fun and champagne young people Skiles. "I forbid you to open more champagne! And connect with other ships!
This meant that Marseille and Andrey should establish a radio connection with other ships, and if it failed, then duplicate contact visually, using three large Windows providing panoramic view, discover the other four ships of the expedition.
That they ceased to fool around and started radio communications and search for other ships through the thick glass Windows, separate the crew from the bottomless emptiness, Skiles, hand over hand on поручням, flew into the room.
On seeing him, Stephen showed up at the ceiling, now served with a porthole:
-Ahead of some nebula, sir!
Skiles looked up.
Powerful silver arc between the dome of the ship six sectors, now were in the shade, and thought that they are about to melt. Through the glass window, I could easily see that in the blackness of the world space, dotted with distant stars, they rapidly approaching something, spread out across the entire sky, vanishing in the dark arc from horizon to horizon.
Stephen kissed the telescope, directed forward.
Is a big mass of the asteroid, sir, and we fly right at him!
-And what? - Skiles felt a threat in this message, the said so calmly melancholic pilot.
-Sir, if we don't find the passage, these rocks will be the last that we will see!
-Well, so look for it! - outraged Skiles and said into the microphone, intercom. - Marcel! Establish contact with the other ships?
-Yes, sir! - was heard in the speakers in the control room. - But only visual! Radiocommunication no, sir!
It's hard to say, sir!
-O-Kay! Please tell all of a General alarm signal! Let them be ready to change course after us! Ahead is a serious danger.
-Yes, sir!
In case the radio in space for some reason will not work on the perimeter of the hull near the portholes was given a special wide light bar, which according to the signals from the saloon flashed brightly, thereby providing the transmission of signals in Morse code. The answer took visually observing similar bands on the other междупланетных ships of the expedition.
-Received a response from the three crews, sir! One ship is not responding!
-What do they do? - worried Skiles.
-It is hard to say, sir!
-Continue to send them a command!
-Yes, sir! - voice Skiles felt that Marseille took a little champagne.
-I found the passage, sir! "said Stephen. - Have to slightly change course, but it's better than to become absorbed into the wall of boulders at that speed! The passage is very narrow, sir we must give all command to follow exactly for us!
-Well, Stephen, do as you wish, but, more importantly, bring us to Mars! "replied Skiles and said into the microphone. - Marseille, give order to become a кильватерный system! Let follow us deviate from our course neither the tenth grade!
"Understood, sir!
A moment later, the ships started to disappear from view, taking place one after another in the Wake of the leader. Stephen, rejecting the engine nozzles, began to lay the turn, making maneuver.
"Sir! - reported Marseille. - The fifth is still not responding and not rebuilt!
'What about him?! - outraged Skiles.
He went down in the REC room and anxiously watched as not feed response signals the spacecraft stronger diverted from their course, continuing to fly in a straight line. Andrey, taking the place of the continued tapping signals, hoping that the silent ship finally respond.
Voltage Skiles clenched his fists, looking like silver shining hull is removed, turning in a thin shining needle, then in the dash.
Half black blotted out the sky like a grey cloud, leaving a giant ring into the distance. It grew rapidly approaching. And now it became apparent that this dance of millions of stones of different size. A few more seconds, and the ship had to Tinker in this circling orbit around the Sun a lot.
A faint silver point of which was the ship did not match the signals as rapidly as they are, but very far off, rushed to this stone хороводу.
-It commander, I задраиваю the hatches. warned by internal radio pilot Steven.
-O-Kay, Stephen! "replied Skiles the intercom and at that moment, I saw, like a nightmare, like a silver point, the barely visible already, suddenly became a bit bigger and brighter. - We lost ship! - fists Скайльса powerless relaxed, and Andrey stopped морзировать and puzzled leaned back on the sofa, looking at him and not knowing what to do now.
After a moment thick armoured curtains closed the large panoramic Windows in the cabin for crew rest, and instead of dazzling light, flowing into them from the Sun, the interior has covered small paintings on the walls. Although their light was pretty bright, but Скайльсу thought he was in a poorly lit dungeon.
Ice cap
-I think, sir, we can open the blinds! - addressed him in a pilot Steven.
-Open! - agreed Skiles.
Here already about an hour they flew with closed Windows.
First heard something hit shell ship, like the rustle of sand, falling on the body. But now it was quiet.
In распахнувшемся nasal illuminator ahead of the ship was Mars. All has bewitched this unprecedented spectacle.
Skiles was not sentimental dreamer. But he couldn't tear his eyes and sat in his chair next to Steven, raised his head and held his breath.
First Mars was the size of the moon, as it can be seen from the Earth, but only orange, like orange, with his two companions-moons. But it is rapidly approaching, and now closed all the space, visible in the bow window.
It was a tremendous view of the unknown, strange, inviting the world to himself. Skiles suddenly felt a passionate desire to be on the mysterious planet, which had not noticed. He was well visible craters, plain, peaked mountains, droppin distinct shadows on the orange Sands, pink clouds. In some places, anyway, so it seemed, glistening blue water surface. From indescribable spectacle Skiles stopped breathing. He suddenly with uncharacteristic him romanticism thought that was worth to do this dangerous path even just to see this unforgettable spectacle. This sight was worth a million dollars from the four that were now Скайльса! No, maybe it was worth all the four million! And Skiles the first time has not regretted, that go to Mars.
"Yes, he thought, not accommodate all overwhelmed by his emotions - these crazy Russians are not so crazy! From this, and in truth, you can go crazy!"
From the bottom of a saloon heard enthusiastic cries of Marseille and Andrew, who had seen all this fascinating splendor of the side Windows.
-Prepare for landing! ordered the pilot Stephen, when the disc Mars looming over their heads, closing the front of the sky. - Take the seats!
He was cool like once a week drove a hundred million miles of the Martian picnic.
Now it became apparent that there was an attraction, growing with each passing second.
The ship turned over, and instead of Mars over the head of the huge window, we can now see was a fantastic sky in which there hung two Martian moons, and thousands of stars cut the darkness of his piercing rays. "Unbelievable! Amazingly!!! unable to restrain his emotion Skiles. "Fantasy!"
Pilot Steven meanwhile made rapid braking, full-turning engines, and all again вжало in the chair, as during takeoff.
Taking reports from his two assistants, watching for the instrument readings, pilot Steven watching now in a special viewing device for the position of the ship above the planet's surface, began to maneuver reduction.
In contrast to the apparatus engineer Elk American ships had a spring shock, and had to extinguish the speed of the motor and actions of the pilot.
Performing a flight mission, the pilot Steven began to maneuver nozzles, trying to land the ship as close to the North pole, and he was describing a hyperbole, curved to the planet's surface, illuminating soon almost horizontally to her, gently falling on the Northern ice cap.
A moment later, with a tripod supports, in the form of three arched pillars of triangular section, emerged from the enclosure from the nose to the ground, the spacecraft slowly went down for a second hanging above the surface on the ice. Gases that break away from the nozzle, instantly we melted ice, and soon around the ship formed a lake. The ship, despite the widely spaced cage supports, first sank into it up to a half, and then lurched and fell on its side, поплыв to the surface as a silver cigar. Steven turned off the engines and removed the tripod legs - in this position she was useless.
"Sir! Landing is made! - he reported in Скайльсу.
-Arrived! ordered Skiles, impatient to land on the surface of Mars.
-It is necessary to wait until all freeze, sir! "replied Marseille, which when dumping ship was cast into the room.
The lake is frozen around the body междупланетного ship in about three hours.
Americans are impatient, got out, stepping on thin yet, but quickly gaining thickness of the ice. Onboard instruments showed the temperature behind minus fifty. Skiles figured that night should be two times colder.
The sun was far to the South and barely rose above the horizon. Above their heads, quite low, hanging purple sky, covered with frilly pink, moving to the South clouds. At the edge of field of view, the казавшегося near the horizon there was a cigar another ship of the expedition Скайльса. He fell, and stood on his widely like, like spider legs, tripod, sowing, apparently, on a rocky breed.
Pilot Steven rolled out of the cargo hatch cross-country vehicle electric storage cart, not resembling the platform, not the outdoor car, not the pickup with a broad thick, like balls, tyres, covered with the metal studs for better adhesion with the surface. The crew set about loaded equipment, supplies and weapons.
Soon the Americans have moved, rolling on hummocks, to standing on a tripod supports on the near horizon ship.
In truck is mounted to a radio station, and, a little later, when Marcel tuned it, Skiles, sitting in front, in the chair next to the pilot, already reported the commander of the second ship, Martin, French canadian, wrapping her in fur overalls with a hood and hiding behind the lapel of fur gate from the counter-ice.
How was landing, sir? "asked Martin, Horny flight. - We're all right, sir! And you, I saw, was covered on the side, sir!
-Yes, Martin, " answered Skiles, But this is not the worst! We lost ship!
"I see, sir! I'm sorry, but it's a risk, sir! This could happen to anyone.
-Yes! - agreed Skiles. "Who was that?
't understand, sir, but certainly not Steve. Ship Steve South from me, twenty kilometers, within the visual visibility!
-And another ship where?
-Sir, nobody else seen!
Martin, hurry! Here frost - fifty! saying this, Skiles felt cold penetrates into him with each word, is taken under the fur clothing. Such a cold, he felt only once, when he was traveling as a front-line correspondent by TRANS-Siberian railroad, and somewhere in the taiga near Irkutsk had to wait until mended guerrillas exploded rails. - The night will be all minus one hundred! This is a very, very cold! Frankly speaking, I cannot imagine such a frost! Should get out!
"Shall I cook airship, sir?!
-Yes! How much time will it take?
-Three or four hours, sir!
-Well! - Skiles gave the distance that they have overcome the cart through the icy cold to виднеющегося the orange and purple horizon silver ship. I think by this time we just get there! By the way, contact all the crews on the radio, give my order to prepare the airships, put the lights a-flashing, wait for our arrival!
-Yes, sir!
In contrast to the officer's vehicle, which was laid for the construction of the first and now do not have to change its design, the rest of the upper part was separated and подвешивалась under the thin metal dirigible, gathered from a removable segments of the inner cladding and system of tubular struts dismantled with the rocket body.
Clever design allows to quickly gather the airship, three members of the crew, while the other two were engaged in removing the nose cone with the chopping management and wardroom from the bottom of the rocket. After Assembly, a cigar from her откачивался air, and then, using its ascensional force, shot from above the nose part of the hull междупланетного ship and used it as a gondola.
Panel of the airship were covered with a special substance, creating electricity from captured sunlight and field of Mars polar stations, if they were removed, as suggested by the scientists involved in the creation of the device, not more than a thousand kilometers. That is why, not knowing the exact distance at which the airships will be able to produce enough to supply electric motors with propellers of electricity from the Martian field, the place of landing of the expedition Скайльса identified as close to the Martian North pole.
Losing the last battery life on the wild frost, truck Скайльса reached the ship Martin.
The sun during the day кравшееся through the unbearable cold orange-red disk, throws a long rays in a purple sky, along the lines unusually close horizon, suddenly got fully immersed for him. After a short sunset quickly darkened, and together with the darkness on the ice cap fell unearthly cold, drenched, it seemed that time itself. Even through the warming lower part of the face fabric thick woolen scarf, which he tied Skiles, breathe now was unbearably painful on such a cold.
The crew Martin already beheaded his missile, and the ship was reminding futuristic steel barrel.
Next ended for the Assembly of the airship.
In the air hung steel cigar held from взвиться in the back six cable struts, from the bottom to the blimp was attached to the upper part of the rocket with the chopping management and wardroom. From the huge Windows mess-there was a bright light illuminating the platform on which it is produced installation. Light this meant that the planned engineers and scientists in the device works, and the substance on the body of the airship catches the Martian field, and it exists. Otherwise, or without or without the other, expedition Скайльса would have to be tight.
To the trolley ran towards Martin, covering her face fur cuffs and collar. He yelled:
"Sir, the airship is assembled and ready to ship!
-O-Kay! "replied Skiles, feeling that the Martian polar cold becomes unbearable. - All aboard! "he commanded.
Twenty minutes later the airship, dropping hindered its files, went up. Going up several hundred meters above the surface of the planet, Americans noticed in the impenetrable darkness under the bottom four brightly burning point magnesium signal torch ammo, and Skiles ordered to fly to him. These were the lights that gave the crew of the Steve. Where else had seen the lights of the fourth ship, but there was only visible to the black night.
Airship went to him, and in an hour Martian black sky, dotted with innumerable points of stars, moved strange building of the two linked to each other steel cigars, poorly отблескивающих in the night reflections of the stars, with suspended under them gondolas, the light from the Windows of which was visible from far away.
All continued to stare into the darkness below, hoping to see signs of the fourth ship, which was never released on bond. Скайльсу't want to think that he has lost another междупланетный ship.
Flying pyramid
Search fourth междупланетного ship lasted until the morning, but to no avail.
With altitude kilometer above the Martian surface Skiles tired, bleary-eyed looking at rising in the East shaggy unearthly sun, drinking just-brewed coffee from a small porcelain cups. He was looking inside the yesterday's delight, but could not find it.
At the bottom stretched icy space. Skiles on the second presented, as there are now cold.
He was approached Martin, the airship which leads out into a hitch, he flew. With a Skiles left pilot Steven and his two assistants, Robert, a German officer, pilot, who emigrated after the imperialist war over the ocean, and Vladimir, Ukrainian, бомбившего in the war the Germans on the vast Russian bomber "Ilya Muromets", a nephew of a Sikorsky, inventor and aviation engineer-constructor, also moved to America with the beginning of the revolution in Russia. Sikorski took a leading part in the creation of междупланетных ships for the expedition Скайльса and set a condition to Mr. Крабсу to Mars took his brave pilot. Despite the fact that the war was long over, the relations between Robert and Vladimir Skiles noticed explicitly сквозящую cool. But this in its suit.
Marseille with Andrew Skiles sent feed the observer and the gunner on the slave airship, because communication with these two restless and jokers its getting a little tiring.
The coupling of airships resembled Скайльсу somehow Petrograd trams, Martin seemed a main вагоновожатым, and it amused him.
-You need to relax? Martin, like everyone else looked tired all night, none of the expedition couldn't sleep a wink in hopes of finding the last of междупланетных ships.
Skiles only smiled and went to another window.
With the sunrise motors began to receive much more power, and airships flew faster. By order of Скайльса they now fly around the pole in the latitude of landing, still hoping for a miracle.
On the horizon there was some strange cloud. Skiles has already got used to pink smoky clouds of Mars. But it was dark and resembled a huge thunderstorm cloud.
-Look there! - he turned to Martin, whose neck hung a pair of binoculars. - Strange cloud, right? Do storms on Mars?
Martin put his binoculars to his eyes. For a long time he watched, and then said with a strange intonation in his voice:
Is not a cloud, sir?
-Then what? - tensions in the voice of the pilot passed on Скайльсу, and he suddenly his heart beat excitedly inside in some obscure anticipation. Waiting for explanations, Skiles even stopped drinking coffee and the entire alert, drawing closer look out the window.
-I can not say, sir... See for yourself!
In his impatience, Skiles snatched the binoculars from Martin's hands and pulled him mechanically to her strap left on the neck of the pilot, having to hold the device to the eyes.
At first he could not understand what he actually sees. In binoculars saw something dark закрывавшее the entire field of view. Skiles had contrived for themselves sharpness and barely released the binoculars out of hand. The sight his eyes was incredible.
He saw the oblique rays from some great glittering gray shades prism or a pyramid. It hung in the sky and floating among the clouds. The base of the strange object hovered above the ice surface three hundred meters, and the top is cut through the clouds.
-What is it?! - astonishment exclaimed Skiles on looking through binoculars an amazing sight.
-I can not say sir! - has shrugged shoulders Martin. - But it's something huge! To it kilometres fifty, a hundred!
Now all that were in the mess members of the expedition have noticed that with such unusual excitement discussed Skiles and Martin, and were against two illuminators, pointing towards the object, having opened their mouths in surprise and sharing impressions from the fantastic film.
Now it was noticeable that this is something that has a correct forms and has clearly artificial origin.
-Course on this object! - ordered Skiles Martin.
"Yes, sir, a course on object! - Martin answered and gave the order on internal radio cabin management.
From flying pyramids separated some tiny black points. They began to grow, and soon all were surprised to see that it is flying ships, just as described them as Elk and Gusev in their speeches after arrival from Mars - shape of every silver трехмачтового of the skeleton of the ship resembled the Punic galley with three pairs of sharp, flexible wings, stretching from the sides, vertical screws on the extreme short masts that support it in the air.
Flying alien machines were heading in their direction.
Just in case Skiles, experiencing extreme excitement, ordered to change the course so that they can take on a fly. Two aircraft coupled machine guns, bow and stern, turned, ready to fire in the direction of six flying up Martian ships.
"Shall I open fire, sir? "asked Martin.
-No-no! While nothing! - shook his head Skiles.
Volatile ships quickly approached дирижаблям and began to describe circles around them.
-What they want, sir? asked Martin, watching a fight for their string describing the dance.
-Apparently, welcome to visit! "replied Skiles. Anyway, I would like to believe in it! Martin, give the order to turn and smallest forward to the pyramid.
A string of airships, like caterpillar, slowly turned in the sky and cautiously went to the strange flying mount.
The Martians have stopped spinning, lined up three from each side of them, one ship above, another level and third lower than the newcomers, and flew to the same course, accompanying them if convoy.
-Captive took us?! - worried asked Robert behind Скайльса.
-Not yet, - said Vladimir. - we are armed! Just that - will shoot!
When accompanied by Martian warships airships approached the pyramid, that nobody had the words to describe what he saw.
Skiles once, traveling in search of journalistic materials on the middle East, visited the pyramids of Egypt. But compared to this they were toys, quite unimaginable way pyramid floating in the air. And if at a distance it could still be taken is this some kind of optical illusion, now it was just amazing how this incredible mass of flesh the size of mount Everest, hanging in the air, gradually, faintly покручиваясь around the vertical axis.
When approaching the nearest inclined plane pyramid was noticeably down on it slipped three square plate, with, in her mid-three wicket. They were giant gate leading into.
Skiles exchanged looks with Martin.
Apparently invited inside, sir! suggested pilot.
-Yes, certainly! - agreed Skiles.
-What do you want, sir?
-Follow the invitation, Martin!
Ships Martians slightly lagged behind from airships, waiting, apparently, until they залетят inside the pyramid. Skiles ordered to be sent in the middle gate.
When the airships reached the entrance, the gates were even more than was seen from the outside. Together with them at the same time they could fly about ten same airships.
Once the expedition Скайльса was inside a huge dock with a metal mirror floors, reflects in itself the glowing iridescent greenish fire ceiling, who accompanied them, escort flew after him, and the great gate had approached from below, closing all three outputs.
All were against illuminators, watching in dumb amazement unprecedented picture.
Around stood still several dozens of military volatile ships. Pointing at them, Skiles " he said to Martin:
"I think I did the right thing by not giving the order to open fire, Martin?
"Just so, sir! agreed : pilot. "Shall I make a landing!
-Yes! Do we have any choice?
Hitch airships slid the metal floor of the aerodrome. Propellers stopped spinning in hanging on the sides of the steel body aerodynamic gondola. People in indecision waited for the signal from Скайльса, and he paused, pronounced himself experiencing the wild excitement, which somehow collapsed while standing knees:
-On the way out, Lord! On the way out!
On ladders Earthmen came down to metal, as smooth as a mirror, all reflecting the floor with surprise and fright looking around. That would now not happened, they were in the power of the owners of this strange giant building.
High ceiling over the airfield evenly lit greenish-white, iridescent light, гулявшим on it some shadows. Long walls of the pyramid disappeared somewhere between dozens of volatile ships, standing here.
Of the six volatile ships, which accompanied the airships to the pyramid on откинувшимся лесенкам down quickly went down and lined up in ranks of the Martians in the same, ovate helmets, silver, broad jackets, with thick collars, covering the neck and the bottom of the face. In the hands of each had automatic rifle, short, with the disk in the middle.
The last one with each ship went down a Martian, dressed in black, falling large folds, Bathrobe. One of them went to the Americans. Open his head was bald, in cones. Безбородое, narrow face - bluish color, with prominent, light, icy eyes.
He took a long look at the Earthmen, then, apparently realizing who among them chief, went to Скайльсу, lifted the tiny thin arm in a wide sleeve of his strange apparel, and said high, ringing voice of the bird's words:
- Талцетл, AIU утара шохо, дациа tuma RA geo талцетл.
Skiles first regretted not taking the lessons of the Martian language Elk.
Meeting of worlds
The metal floor, as if from nowhere, arose a mother-of-pearl circle, and then arose and became like the round pavilion with walls of gleaming yellow metal. The Martian in a dark cloak made a gesture of narrow brush with the bluish skin, making it clear that invites Скайльса and his people to be in this huge cylinder. Skiles, leaving on the protection of the airship pilot Steven and his aides, and instructed the others to follow him, and went inside strange cabin through the wide doorway. All followed him.
Inside was spacious. From the ceiling of the cylinder was pleasant greenish light.
The Martian accompanied by four soldiers followed by the Americans.
Cylinder walls were closed, and all felt for a few seconds weight of their bodies suddenly became much more. The walls of the Elevator again opened, and they were in a huge square hall, which would probably fit a football field.
As soon as all get out, cylinder disappeared in the floor, as if it never existed.
The ceiling of the hall was lost in the sky. Through the transparent wall that served Windows, light poured shaggy Martian sun, всходившего all of the above. Somewhere down below the floor of the hall sailed pink, swirling lambs of the cloud envelope of the pyramid from all sides. Across the space between them was a distant surface of the ice cap.
In the midst of the hall hung a big white screen, in front of which stood a lot of chairs and tables.
The Martian gestured satellites Скайльса be here, and his alluring movement narrow bluish hands invited.
-Martin! Make yourself comfortable, I soon! - threw on the run Skiles.
-Yes, sir! "replied the pilot and became a place travellers in chairs.
The corner of his eye Skiles noticed was heading to his people string of strange dressed creatures, apparently, women, each of which bore in the hands of some items, food and jugs. Apparently, the Earthmen were going to feed.
On the other side of the screen from the ceiling of a new Golden cylinder size is much less than the first. He sank to the floor. The Martian walked inside, and invited the Скайльса. As soon as he entered the cylinder walls were closed, and for a moment he felt again overload.
When they came out of the Elevator, hit the top of the pyramid.
There was light and spacious. The building appeared to be in the form of a small pyramid, all the walls and Foundation, served as the floor of the hall, were of transparent material. Shaggy sun, поднимавшееся in Zenith, splashing him with his light. Here was so high that was not visible even clouds beneath us. Under the transparent floor, something shone played, licked, and Skiles not immediately realized that his legs a huge pool of water. It floated some strange mysterious creatures.
In the middle of the hall at the table of the same transparent material sat Martian, who was expecting their approximation, in the purple, embroidered with intricate gold ornaments dressing-gown, with a thin as a thread lips and a long gray beard. When they came, he stood up with a black, like a leather chair and held out his щуплую scrawny, as a teenager, bluish hand.
-Шохо Тускуб, - прочирикал accompanied Скайльса Martian.
Skiles shook stretched out to him brush. Martian with a grey beard extracted from the robe a little white ball with a wide red ribbon and had not Skiles and recover, deftly put it in the ear of the Earthman.
It will be better! heard from the ball in the ear.
Skiles mechanically touched inserted in his ear device fingers went through what silky to the touch and piping.
The Martian pulled the robe another one just the same ball and stuck it in his ear.
-Now we can talk! - heard in the ear, in which you have inserted the ball. The other ear Skiles heard bird tweet this Martian.
-Amazing! - couldn't keep it the rapture.
"Yes, " said the Martian, with a grey beard, is an invention of my daughter, Aelita.
-Aelita?! surprised Skiles, realizing, finally, with whom he could communicate, and from having been surprised even more.
-You know her? - also amazed Тускуб.
-I have heard a lot about it from Elk and Gusev...
Frankly, I'm surprised! "exclaimed Тускуб. - Despite all the events that have occurred since the arrival of these two, I never thought that the name of Aelita is widely known on another planet, Талцетл.
-Do you mean on the Earth? - Skiles said.
-Yes, Aelita has created a device that produces a gradual mutual learning languages, hoping that Магацитлы come yet and they will be many. So it happened. It has a good gift of foresight, and, may be, hope... by the Way, Gusev or Elk came with you?
"No, " he shook his head Skiles, - they would not.
In the figure of the Martian occurred a change. It seemed that the Martian until it was severely strained, and now, suddenly, somehow relaxed, calm down. And even his tweets слышавшееся in the right ear, which was not surprising ball, became more melodic, more pleasant to the ear.
-General Серг, you can go, " said Тускуб, inviting gesture Скайльса sit on the armchair facing the Desk, and he went and sat down.
Accompanied Скайльса Martian disappeared in Golden cylinder.
-No, I've never seen! "Skiles, sitting down.
-What do you mean? 't understand it Тускуб.
-Here it is! - Skiles made a gesture showing all around.
-Yes, but you and Tume never been урезонил his admiration Тускуб.
-This is no Moose, no Gusev nothing told!
-Listen! - Тускуб leaned forward. - Mr....
-Skiles! - finally had a guest.
-Mr. Skiles! - mention about these two gives me unpleasant experiences. - So ask! As regards the city of a Thousand Suns - Тасоцера in which we find ourselves, it is a top secret project. I worked on it a secret for many years. Only a few members of the Board of engineers were dedicated to its creation. Even my daughter, Aelita, did not know about this grandiose project. And why he had to know some Магацитлы who took me a lot of trouble! In fact, if they came from you, I don't know what would! I understand that arrivals Магацитлов are now seems inevitable evil, and to be ready for it and we are doing it. But Elk and Gusev... Consider it a persona non grata for Тумы. And if they appear...
Тускуб seized up a piece of a beautiful green ball светившийся inside iridescent green light, and crushed it in his narrow brush. The ball has issued a strange sound and crumbled into a hundred fragments, посыпавшихся down glittering sparks. His face contorted hate and malice.
Skiles sat anxiously wondering how to conduct themselves. He was not clear to this fierce anger of the ruler of the civilization of Mars. He never expected such a display of emotions. To distract Тускуба, to steer the conversation in a different direction, Skiles said:
-Where is Aelita? I can see it?
-Why? asked Тускуб, насторожившись.
-Well, I heard so much about it in the end. She probably I owe my arrival on Mars.
-Why? surprised Тускуб.
"You see, " Skiles selected words to formulate a response, avoiding sharp angles. - I think that without Aelita no more would междупланетных flights were not.
Тускуб long thought, trying to understand what is heard, then said:
-It is not with us...
Skiles suddenly felt some disappointment, as if something inside snapped. Him somewhere secretly wanted to see the creature subject of passion and love Elk, caused such a revolution in the conquest of interstellar space. He always wanted to understand what was so special about this Aelita. And for this purpose it had to be seen. Although... the purpose of his arrival was a very different place.
"She sleeps, " added Тускуб.
-Sleeping? - Skiles felt a new sensation, promised to carry out hope and to satisfy the curiosity. "But then I would like to get acquainted with this, undoubtedly, charming, special, when she wakes up.
Тускуб sighed:
-She doesn't Wake up.
Sash Golden cylinder silently opened, as if lost. Skiles and Тускуб out of it once in the hall, which is barely noticeable glowed Golden ceiling. The walls of the halls were hidden by heavy black-out curtains, not пропускавшими light outside.
In the audience was translucent Golden hemisphere of some strange material, woven like from the smoke. When they came nearer, Skiles realized that this is the smoke that something, some force is forced to comply with a hemispherical shape. Skiles looked at Тускуба.
Is Havre - Holy smoke, " he said, realizing his unspoken question.
They went inside. The walls of the hemisphere freely missed them and closed them again.
In the centre of the hemisphere of the shimmering, living smoke stood transparent sarcophagus, in which lay a beautiful unearthly creature. Feeling strange excitement, Skiles approached and saw her Аэлиту.
Whence from above through the smoke-colored hemisphere fell faint light column, bounding around the sarcophagus Golden circle on the grey floor rooms. He gently down on the crisp white sheets, pillow under her body, her grey curly hair, raised up on the pillow in the strange hairstyle, harvested outlandish comb with long teeth, adorned with several large diamonds, отсвечивающими sparkles in the dusk.
It is as if asleep. Forever enormous eyes were closed. The whitish-blue cheeks elongated quiet and peaceful person проступал faint blush.
It seemed a little while and Aelita Wake up.
Diamond fever
The next morning, barely color purple in предвестии dawn East, two dozen volatile ships left Тасоцер, heading South. A few hours later they had already sat on a blossoming meadow in front of the house Тускуба in Лазоревой grove.
IHA, they heard the noise of Armada volatile ships, left home to meet the owner.
She stood at the door and watched as the soldiers poured on to the platform, arraying themselves in straight rows. From the middle to the house of the ship cleared Тускуб accompanied by a retinue.
And suddenly Ихе was not myself.
For Тускубом was not a Martian. He leaned out of a flying ship, bent at the door, and with astonishment looked around.
It was Магацитл. Behind him seemed to another, then another.
Ихе felt faint, and she almost lost consciousness. Hood covering her head, ran off to the side.
Skiles Martin, Stephen, Vladimir and Robert descended the stairs flying ship. From another ship came in, accompanied by Martians Marseille, Andrew and the rest of the Martian expedition.
Now all of them with astonishment looked around, looked at the big green meadow with star-heading it tracks of orange sand scattered her mangled skeletons of dead volatile ships, видневшуюся away dark blue, smooth surface of the lake, which reflected the top of a rocky mountain, the weeping trees along its shores, the reflection of which barely moved in the water, sullen, with sloping walls, grey house, which stood in the depth of the glade of grass, and a strange creature, with surprise waiting for them at the door.
To the lake sloped white, overgrown with moss staircase. At the bottom, in the bend of the coast, on the sides of this moss stairs that ran into the lake, there were two huge, human statues, cracked and covered with creeping vegetation. The meadow, at the bottom, there was a grove, where among the trees with the sky, sky-blue foliage, there were brick, low buildings. A herd of strange undersized, long-haired animals, black and white, were grazing on a slope, поднимавшемуся from the grove.
Emerald grass, watered only that the last rain, the rustle of turquoise implausible foliage, splash water all пьянило after unbearable cold, proven earthlings on the Northern ice cap, after his imprisonment in the belly of the missiles during междупланетного flight. Created a false sense that they returned home.
Skiles looked around and couldn't believe his eyes. He saw now what he had heard so much from Gusev and Moose, but could not imagine that such a charming, kind of akin to earth, but still strange, alien, beauty is possible.
The elevation of the sun in Zenith, and now shone magnificently, generously giving their warmth.
The guests were taken across the clearing to the house where they were met by nothing more understanding, if half asleep, the LACs.
-IHA said to her Тускуб when she bowed to him in реверансе, summing up the hand Скайльса, is my guest.
-Магацитл? - surprised the LACs, not daring to raise her head, but curiously glowering. From where?
-With Талцетл, - Тускуб said it so casually, as if on tuma every day fro someone from a distant star. - Take the guest and his retinue in the lower building, understand?
-May I ask? - the face of the maid glowed crimson. - Магацитлы Gusev and Elk also arrived?
Face Тускуба was bent in неприязненной grimace. For Ikhi it was a sufficient response. She bowed again Тускубу and quickly disappeared in the house, прошмыгнув forward master.
The guests were taken along several corridors to a huge round the column. Тускуб he paused, waiting for something. Came forward the General Серг. He held out his hand and touched emerged from the ceiling of the corridor silver ball. Wall ahead disappeared, giving the owner, his guests and their accompanying passage inside, in the familiar Golden cylinder, which were used to move the floors in Тасоцере.
After a moment all were already down in the wondrous beauty and luxury of the dungeon, struck Скайльса their wealth.
Visitors sent to the baths.
IHA, after recovering from the surprise, already commanded two dozen brought Тускубом servants who were working on a buffet for the guests of the house and its master.
Skiles went into the bathroom, which was more reminiscent of a hall, richly decorated with frescoes, изображавшими extraterrestrial life.
His attention riveted oval bathroom, like a huge tea Cup and saucer, the middle of the room with many diamond planets on the platinum orbits. In silent amazement he walked up to her and felt along the long incredibly huge diamond depicting Jupiter.
A moment later followed him into the bathroom entered two slender ash-gray girls-марсианки in purple robes, resembling повязанное towel over your chest.
-We will help you wash, Магацитл Skiles, - прочирикали they.
Skiles made an inviting gesture and involuntarily digress from околдовавшей shop diamond gold baths.
The girl came closer. One of the Martian vestals touched the gold balls on the end of copper wide pipe oval and bent over the bath and started to get water into it, the second habitual traffic letting themselves was before the Martian nakedness towel-robe and, deftly throwing slender blue-white legs over the edge, was the second in a Golden bowl, inviting Магацитла. Her hand appeared narrow vessel, like an icicle. Marsianka opened it and poured the contents in the fast arriving warm, clear water.
The water bubbled Golden bubbles went white foam, echoed around the aroma of unimaginable fragrance that Скайльса dizzy. He undressed and followed the Martian весталкой in the bath. The second one a little later joined them.
Skiles suddenly felt bliss, which had ever experienced.
After pompous dinner, arranged in cross " hall, where Тускуб presented Магацитлов the assembled members of the Board of engineers who flew behind his Armada, the guests left by опачевальням.
Skiles, разморенный bathtub, lunch and devastated Martian wonders, too, wanted to go to the dedicated him chambers, but Тускуб stopped him. Gesture he offered to walk behind him.
They passed the whole huge hall, which occurred lunch, and discovered that his back side there is a secret door, which Тускуб opened some key. She was deaf, thick, opened slowly and heavily, and led to the underground greenhouse where trees were blooming flowers, murmured water in streams, shifting from one small pond in another, and then a third. Ponds these, coming down the stairs, walked down and got lost in the emerald green of the strange garden. Highly on the top of a hundred meters, one could see the ceiling of the Conservatory, made of glazed large grating, through which it deep penetrated the light of day. The grille was on the roof of the upper house Тускуба. In the middle of this space was held the glass cover, which served as the top floors in the room. It was arranged so cleverly that air and light penetrated through it freely, but were upstairs and did not know that them fifty meters emptiness.
Тускуб, like walking, going ahead through the paths of the Orangerie gardens, down alongside the drop-down cascade of ponds, flowing into one another. Skiles was behind him, trying to understand why after such fully расслабившей his baths, violent speech, a hearty lunch owner of the house, and of the entire Martian civilization it took him to take walks, when he wanted only one thing-to take a NAP. He was flattered by this attention, but it was beginning to seem that it is already too. In seeking an answer to a question Skiles himself started a conversation, just poked with a stick in the field, strewn with mines, not knowing what to expect next:
-Good you bathrooms! - he expressed his admiration impression, which in fact did not leave him.
-What do you mean? - half-turned Тускуб, glancing over her shoulder at him.
-Well, gold, diamonds!
-And it is! said Тускуб somehow casually, why Скайльсу thought he ask brilliant Jupiter, and he give him his. - Carbon! We have it a lot. Is it on the Талцетл no carbon?
But in other forms, " replied Skiles, starting to understand that the old марсианину know what untold wealth he possesses.
-We make of carbon glass! - continued to tell Тускуб, stepping through the roots of trees вылезшие from under the ground on the sandy path. - This floor above, the panel Тасоцера, mirrors in the house, but much more - all made of carbon.
-On the Ground of this type of carbon is called the diamond.
-And you as much as we?
-Fully! - why is lying Skiles, but then recovered. - Only to have it in a slightly different form.
Actually Скайльсу wanted to yell at the top of his voice: "No, I'm such enormous diamonds never seen in my life!!!"
He barely saw her briefly figured the bathroom, where he is today bathed. Probably, it could buy the whole of America! In any case, any of diamonds embedded in it, it was more expensive than those four million dollars that remained in him on Earth!
When thinking about diamonds his mind began to burn. The more he thought about them, the more humiliation was willing for having these stones. He wanted to fall before Тускубом on your knees and beg him, pulling and pulling the edge of his hard black robe, embroidered with gold, so that he gave him, and then he, Skiles will do everything that he wants this ugly alien old man.
Something the temptation to make Скайльса do it, and he barely kept myself in hand, knowing somewhere in the depths of the mind, that if he would fall to such an act in fact, it is no longer climb in the eyes of Тускуба to such a level that he spoke with him as an equal. If it happens, it probably Тускуб will despise it as Guseva and Elk, and, maybe more.
It seems Тускуб not paid attention to the last words Скайльса, and suddenly realized how lightning struck, прошило through, that not only overlap at the top, in this house, but all the huge pyramid Тасоцера made of thick diamond!
Skiles saw the thickness of the plates, in the morning when they opened the sluice gates of the dock to release Armada volatile ships Тускуба. "At least ten inches!" he then came to the opening goal. But he thought it a glass. And it was a diamond! Huge, polished to a mirror finish diamond plate! All this mass of flesh hanging in the air, was covered by huge diamond plates!
Skiles remembered pyramidal Cabinet Тускуба at the top Тасоцера! Its walls and floor - huge slabs of polished diamond! Even the buffet, transparent Desk in the office Тускуба was a diamond!
"Why should they so much!" - eagerly suddenly thought Skiles and felt that now rush to strangle the old Martian, he went ahead and not a suspect, what a storm of passions overcomes his guest. He tried to restrain himself, understanding that it would be very stupid, but it's been difficult. Never Skiles never thought I had to lose a human face. And finally it happened!
Appeared ahead blank wall. Greenhouse ended.
Conversation in the greenhouse
Stream from the last pond disappeared in a small round hole blind wall, in a triangular cleft for several meters rose up above it, up to the top covered with thickets of plants like ivy.
-According to my calculations it goes somewhere towards the sacred lake Соам said Тускуб, not paying attention to the state of the interlocutor, staying here. - To me this place symbolizes the birth, new life.
-Yes, a good place, " agreed Skiles, a little distance, looking around the narrow cave, triangle рассекавшую wall from below, in a round black hole at the bottom of which, with the murmur of twists and ran away, carried away, away in the unknown depths of the water, of a little lake, a few meters in diameter, обложенного white stone, flowing through the cascade of ponds through the whole of a Conservatory. He still could not cope with the diamond fever, possessing him like that, and he had to escape from this obsession of some trifling conversation. - For some artistic perception allegory quite matches the character.
This little river flowed here thousands of years, continued Тускуб. - It's flowing now and will leak and even a thousand years. It stems from the lake, to which descends the stairs from the meadow at the top. I came across it when he built this part of the house at a depth of one hundred meters from the surface. When I created this greenhouse, then decided to make the water of this river flowed through a system of ponds and went into the wall. Working patched this cave above the hole, part of its natural channel, but after a while the whole sealing fell off, even though it was done very well. The fallen building material blocked the exit, and the water became soaked and greenhouse. Then, after cleaning обвалившегося stone, I left the cave untouched, as it appeared to me when builders only took out the ground for a device that part of the house.
-Symbolic agreed Skiles, still hoping that Тускуб not stop its long and let go take a NAP.
-You know, construction of: hall, where we had dinner, bathrooms, bedrooms - all, where we have now arrived, started from here. First, I decided to do under the house secret rooms, as he understood that the man rule the planet ever will require the asylum, where per minute testing nobody can you discover. I wandered through my house, and behold, in one of the rooms, it struck me. I had workmen digging here pit. It dug to a depth of one hundred meters, and found this river. Then I decided not to go, and began to expand ownership under the house.
Тускуб said something, telling about the construction, that even his daughter, Aelita, did not know about this huge building, situated under the house at a depth of one hundred meters, but Скайльсу already was not interesting. All the delights of this strange Martian elder he was tired.
Greenhouse, without doubt, a wonderful and amazing, especially, its ceiling. But Skiles had already been looking for a reason to round off the conversation and find a convenient excuse to go into the bedchamber.
He wondered why, why, strictly speaking, Тускуб brought him here and show you all like it is the buyer's possession. The impression that the conversation is about something important, but Тускуб does not find the approach to a sensitive topic. First, it is very intriguing, but now it waft boredom.
-I like you, Магацитл Skiles! said Тускуб, suddenly making him an unexpected compliment. - You're not like Gusev and Elk. I immediately saw the barbarian origin. These savages can do nothing else but the destruction of the already created. Yes, destruction are sometimes useful. And this, undoubtedly, Gusev and Elk have helped me. But that's all! Their mission is done, but my contempt towards them remained the same. In addition, this savage, Магацитл Elk, quite brazenly having been my daughter some romantic gibberish, like обкурив her хаврой, sowed the seed in her womb. Her purpose was not supposed to know of her husband. I eat it, I should have to condemn the daughter of the terrible punishment for such a daring breach of the Covenant of her life. I myself covered her from legal punishment, let her give birth to a child. I raised my grandson, hoping to be able to grow from it assistant, and, in the future, and change yourself. When the boy grew older I started to attract him to the hunt for insurgents. With his help, I did one more successful extermination of revolutionaries after the other, and had very little time before the rebels had gone, cleared me the way to further saving the transformation of civilization Тумы. But the story only the fact that like produces like. And the son of the savage, even Магацитла, can't be nothing else savage. In the Prime of his career, when I had prepared him for a worthy place in the Board, Council and was going now to dedicate it to the innermost secrets of the world, is only available to me, so I can keep all my life power over this planet, tar, my grandson, suddenly disappeared. He was lost during one of the most successful operations in ruins Соацеры that promised a final victory over the rebels. General Серг, his patron looked for him for a month, but searches led to nothing. Suddenly, the rebels under the ruins Соацеры appeared a new leader, someone tar. And from that moment they became quite successfully resist my soldiers. In any case, their complete destruction dragged on now for several years. At first I thought it was some kind of a name match, and may be just the trick by revolutionaries killed Tara, and decided, therefore, giving his name to a new leader, deliver me a lot of painful minutes and vent their anger. After all, it is clear that send the soldiers to fight its own grandson, even with his name - is not easy for the heart of the old man thing. But in the course of one fight, some time later after the appearance of this new leader, General Серг was confronted face to face with him. It was tar. He recognized his commander who fought with him rebels, and all my doubts disappeared completely. My grandson, continuer of the rulers Тумы, which was to be the next great, incomparable power over the whole earth, all the power of the secret knowledge, which enabled him later to strengthen its influence and rule until its next heir, suddenly for no reason, no reason flopped over to the enemy and led a miserable detachment of rebels under the ruins Соацеры before very successfully destroyed! He traded treasure in stone, what are countless lies under your feet. I've been thinking about this, trying to understand what the reason for such action. And finally realized that the blame only its origin from the seed of Varvara. Even despite the fact that the Elk too Магацитл, as you are, but it неблагородное origin visible to the naked eye. I just one glance at the man. As for Guseva, then he doesn't deserve any attention on my part...
Тускуб talked, talked, and Skiles gradually came to himself. Crazy shroud diamond fever gradually let go of him, now he became quite adequately perceive it Тускуба and could sustain a conversation, for which maintenance and asked:
-Why have you destroyed Соацеру?
-To save the Martian civilization from disappearance, raised his grey eyebrows Тускуб. S it's time to just disappear, as the time comes over everything that there is in this world! But I knew that I could and should prevent this. Of course, disappearance, death is only the beginning of a new. That is how this world. And before me there was a choice - either change nothing, and then after a hundred or two hundred years from the Martian civilization there is nothing left, or perform a surgery to remove a diseased organ and update the life on the planet, not bringing it to the Apocalypse. I chose the second option because I had absolute confidence that my plan will allow not only to prolong the agony of civilization, but to revive her to a new life. If you do nothing, tuma doomed, no doubt about it. Forty thousand years we don't have enough water, the first of which covers the whole tuma, leaving its inhabitants only a few Islands that now just high plateau. The disappearance of water reduced the mass of Тумы half, kept its orbit from the Sun, increasing the annual cycle of circulation around him, stretching the change of seasons. Changed the duration of day, broke the polarity. Due to reduction of weight of a planet could not keep the atmosphere as before, and tuma started to rapidly lose it, it became much colder, increased diurnal and seasonal variations in temperature, who are given many plant and animal species to extinction. Climate has changed dramatically. The extinction of some animal and plant put on the verge of extinction standing up the food chain. Animals and plants began to disappear one after the other, turning tuma from blossoming planet in the wilderness. And this process is continuing now!
-But where was such a huge amount of water?! asked surprised Skiles.
Тускуб remained silent for a long time and watched Магацитла. At this time Скайльсу thought the Martian ruler performed some strange malice, which is about to come out.
-Correct question to ask is - how and why began to fade water! - it was felt that Тускуб executed of some inexplicable anger. - I'd give anything to reverse the history! I'd give anything to give back to Tume its water!
-But from where? - amazed Skiles, trying not to show that an evil excitement growing interlocutor, begins to scare him, because he was in his power and he knew that at any moment of the guest of honor he may become a prisoner. Yes, it was very convenient! Invite messengers of the Earth to his guests and here, feeding ублажив and having lulled their vigilance, destroy or capture. After all, with them they have no weapons, nothing would defend! The strange speech of the Martian ruler became more and more threatening. And now Skiles more reproached himself that he did so recklessly! Who knows what the mind of this crazy geezer-Martian?!
-All of our water is now on Талцетл! - in a rage, cried Тускуб. - And I want to put water on tuma!
The head Скайльса was followed by a round dance thoughts, instantly changing one another.
The first thing that came to his mind, is the question: how much can you earn on sale of water Тускубу? How to request for a ton of water delivered to Mars? Million carats of diamonds, ten million? They have Тускуба, as he saw, in a zillion? But Тускубу not needed water, measured in tons, thousands and even millions of tons! Even a few billion tons of water, not staged! He needed all the water that was on the Earth!
Great! If Mr. Crabs heard about the possibility of such a deal! This expedition to Mars promise him untold profits, costs for междупланетного flight in comparison with which looked now just ridiculous! And, of course, Skiles not miss the chance and get the due lion's share of the jackpot!
But still, this is too unreal!
But as you want to put water on Mars?! surprise asked just in case Skiles, realizing the absurdity of the planned Тускубом and without a doubt this is not possible. - Carry it on междупланетных ships? Even if you build a very large ship, which, we assume, will be able to deliver thousand tons of water, and I think that is the limit for technologies, in any case known to man, all the same, to deliver on Mars cubic kilometer of water, need to make a -- a million flights!!! Even if every day send a hundred междупланетных ships, and I think that's the limits of the possible, the transportation of one cubic kilometer take, in the best case, twenty-five or thirty! What is a cubic kilometer of water to feed the planet such as Mars? This is, you know, a drop in the ocean... still trying hauled in buckets ocean! On the Earth for about a million cubic kilometers of water. Need to continuously send междупланетные ships over the years, commercials, million twenty-thirty, - counts Скайльса completely comforted him and therefore gave determined to start a transaction before be realized ideas. This is absurd, impossible and impracticable!
-Everything is not so simple - relented Тускуб, seeing that Магацитл inclined to discuss his plan, you saw Тасоцер, the city of a thousand Suns, huge flying pyramid!
-Certainly, amazing creation! - once again admired the Skiles.
-Its volume, which you can use to download, is one hundred and fifty cubic miles! I want to build a thousand like him. Now in the depths of Тумы Martians finish five more flying cities!..
A vague guess was spinning in your head Скайльса, but he could not grasp its tail to understand their concern.
-Your Тасоцер... he can do междупланетные flights?! asked Skiles, finding the tail disturbing his thoughts. - And to bring water?!
He remembered, as seen under the diamond floors in the office Тускуба a huge pool of water. Undoubtedly, this was only part of a volume.
Тускуб a long silence, thinking, and then said:
-Why do you think I invited you here?
-Probably, to tell me about their plans to return the water! - has shrugged shoulders Skiles.
Is I could have done in the dining room, " replied Тускуб.
-Well, there's probably a lot of superfluous ears that want to hear this! - parried Skiles.
"You are right! But I have another goal of our journey!
-What? - Skiles conjecture, not knowing what else to expect from this crazy Martian, and even sweating: after all, not a very great when the master you have a purpose, and you don't know about it, and you have no own!
"I want you to someone introduce!
-With whom? pricked up his ears American.
Is my teacher and mentor. Since I built this greenhouse, he settled here. The time comes, I'll be a part of it, but until I get it from him concealed knowledge not available to others. When I need advice in a difficult issue like this, I always come to him... You don't mind to meet?
Strange acquaintance
Тускуб taking silence quite опешившего Скайльса for consent, turned his face to narrow triangular gorge, in which the murmur of the water flowed put his hand in the small lake in front of the round black hole entrance to the cave at the bottom of the chasm, for a moment held her there, as though something whispering, and then raised up, how many allowed its growth.
After the hand of the Martian reached the water column, as if frozen splash. When he became the highest Скайльса hath seen the inside of him, become like now on mercury, her reflection.
-Hello, Skiles! - heard him.
-Who is this? Who says that?! - he turned round to ask the Тускуба, but the water column like обволок it, and I was nothing but a mirror of the space in which there was only the reflection of it. Skiles wanted to get out of there, but wherever he went, he walked inside this post, and when stretched out his hands, mirrored walls relegated to the extent that he could not touch them.
-Hello, Skiles! again repeated the voice that was familiar.
-Hello! he replied, surprised that no chirping of the Martian language in the ear, in which there was a ball of Aelita. - Who are you?
-I? I can be called differently: the mirror of the absolute knowledge, the Keeper of wisdom, a reflection of the mind. I have many names, but, in fact, I - your inner self, which is in each one separately and all rational beings together! Actually you speak now with himself, only with the deep, not accessible to you! I'm the mirror, which reflects the secret essence of your being is hidden from your consciousness for a thousand veils, as in кочане cabbage.
Very interesting... and nice to meet you! "to the extreme excited happening Skiles. Though I didn't understand anything! Well, nothing! But you hit me from the mirror bag?
-Don't rush things, Skiles! If you got here, then it is not a coincidence. Few merit the honor to meet me. For a hundred years that we communicate with Тускубом, you're the first, with whom he introduces me!
-Really? surprised Skiles. - What do I owe this honor?
"Perhaps you are the key to solving the tasks which he lacked. If there our acquaintance - the way it is. Let me tell you something?
-I see, do nothing else! - has shrugged shoulders Skiles.
"Listen, then! A long time ago tuma was on the size and weight is the same as Талцетл, both planets revolved around the star Соацр in the same orbit.
-Really? I can't believe this! This is impossible!
Why? Orbit been close to each other parameters. Speed of rotation of the planets were such that they were diametrically opposed to each other, were on different sides of Соацр. And on Tume in those days never seen Талцетл, and residents Талцетл and had no idea that there is tuma. Tuma was full of water. Талцетл was маловоден. In those days, the evolution of this system planets engaged in the Verkhovna civilization Соацр, Атила, lived on Олимпусе, the largest planet system, which had a mysterious knowledge, necessary for the emergence and development of various forms of life on the planets, then it was sixteen, and, on the basis of окрепнувшего diversity of life, the subsequent произращения mind. Before this civilization goal was to...
-And what was the purpose? hastily asked Skiles, to cope with nervous tension, all the more возраставшим it from the unexpected and unusual way of communication in a closed mirror space.
-The purpose is perfection transformation of the matter, making the plant produce and enhancement of the mind, filling them to the worlds of the Universe. This goal is, in fact, is eternal, but it has certain stages. The execution of each of them is a necessary condition of civilization development, adopted confidential knowledge and undertake the obligation of the service of this knowledge, and thus responsibility. The Verkhovna civilization, Атила lived in Olympia, only the beginning of his Ministry intimate knowledge and claimed responsibility for planting and growing sprouts of life and mind in the planetary system Соацр. The diversity of life that contributes to the birth and growth of the mind on Талцетл and Tume, owes its existence to this decision.
"Is that so? I thought...
-I know that you thought Skiles, I know your every thought, because I is the inner, deep part of you, I is the field where it grows in your mind who thinks he's the best! A child! May he thinks so! And it is good! Every sprout on me thinks in a similar way. The mind that thinks he is the most-most, is not worthy of existence... the Knowledge of the people democratic, but because limited. The fact that they know, cannot be true. Than the hidden knowledge, the more limited access to it, because it generates power, and power without responsibility, the worst enemy of the mind.
-But on Jupiter live a whole civilization, which had a mysterious knowledge of the universe! How is it?
-Intimate knowledge generates serve him, and responsibility for its use. Gaining intimate knowledge gives civilization universal name, which no young planetary civilizations. Civilization Атила, like any other, had hierarchy, the top of which, in fact, devoted in secret knowledge was small. She served as the knowledge and had responsibility. The rest of civilization Атила knew about this mission, but complied with the social functions for internal service life of civilization. That someone could do from home on the outside and inside the house must heated, covered, heated. The Creator of life and the mind must not think about daily bread, otherwise he cannot create. Since the lion's share of the resources of civilization takes on its own life support, maintaining its viability, it is engaged and most of its representatives. Service to the higher purposes, thanks to which shall climb all civilization on higher levels of development, sold secret knowledge about the universe is only a small group of its representatives. She and visible, as the tip, the tip of the iceberg priests young child civilizations, and not unaware that their development they are obligated not to ten mythical characters mention about which is present in many epics mythology residents Талцетл, for example, in the Greek, as against the gods, lived on Olympus, and a huge, powerful and influential starry cultures, bearers of light and wisdom, the holders of esoteric knowledge. It is this small group of creators of the Verkhovna civilization Соацра, Атилы, carried out the colonization of the life of the planets around the stars Соацр and was responsible for its development...
-To whom is it? - again off Skiles.
-Before became by the time of the Higher galactic civilization, IOM...
-Very interesting. Well, the one before someone also said so?
-Civilization, responsible for the development of the galaxy, along with others such as she is, is responsible for the use of esoteric knowledge which it was given, before the Supreme intelligence of the Universe.
-Clear, and the answers before someone...
-Is the World-mind, which governs the Higher minds of all universes.
-Well, he?..
-The circle closes! You saw the image of the serpent, кусающего own tail?
-Well, Yes! I had to get acquainted with Eastern religions.
Is a symbol of the universe. World mind bears the responsibility before all, and serves all living creatures, including you, Skiles.
-A very interesting theory.
Is not a theory! Theory - this is speculation people, is a minor detail that has истинообразную form, but still bears the surface, descriptive value phenomena. Theory created by people of science based on their empirical observations and measurements primitive level for people who reject religion...
-Well, here, and religion - it is the highest knowledge, it appears! I'm an atheist and I don't like when people start кликушествовать.
-Then for you theory is paramount! People загораживаются from the light of esoteric knowledge, try to go the other way and there find the light of truth, using a set of theories that we came up with ourselves. But it's like looking for a black cat in a dark room in which it is not, although during the search, it seems like you it's настигнешь. For the most part, theory - just the excuse of ignorance and unwillingness to comprehend the truth, seek it. Religion is a reflection, only an image of truth, confidential knowledge, this произвещение that secret knowledge exists. But religion shows the path to the truth. Secret knowledge is sacred and is available only slightly over the age of wisdom, to enjoy it. Your right to use the theories, because you are given the freedom. But remember that the word theory comes from the root Theo - God and the meaning of this word is a substitute for the divine. You're a smart man, Skiles, and you should look into the essence of things and words, including. No unnecessary names. Originally endowed with meaning. But the secret knowledge is not a set of theories, because any theory is just a set of истиноподобных delusions. Civilization, possessing mysterious knowledge, are responsible for its application. The universe just can't differently exist... However, this conversation could go on forever, and we will discuss with you on these themes, when you join me. Now I need to tell you about the relationship Талцетл and Тумы. Creating them planetary civilizations and, subsequently, to the development of their own kind is the first step that stood before the Verkhovna civilization Соацр, Атилой. At its completion stage would Атиле new, higher position in the hierarchy of the universal mind, opened the front of her new horizons intimate knowledge and provided her transition to higher level of development. Атила would begin service to open her Supreme intelligence of our Universe, Gore, new, higher knowledge, and would have taken the responsibility for the development of mind on the higher galactic level... Any notable civilization of the Universe grew from planetary, such as living in the Талцетл or on Tume. As the child is born, grows up, becomes an adult, typed forces, knowledge and skills, and then gives life to their children and raise them until they, too, will not be able to give birth to their children, nurture and care for them, and the Verkhovna civilization Соацр, Атила, at first, was one of the many born parent civilization IOM, has passed a difficult way of development, sometimes coming to the edge of death, but has reached maturity and the level when it had an opportunity to pursue the development of a planetary civilization, acquired for this service system planets Соацр, as a field for the application of their efforts, and began to sow here the seeds. Its creators cared about life originated until the first glimpses of the mind, the beginnings of new civilizations. Then shoots child civilizations out of infancy and have reached such a level, when able to develop independently, only slightly feeding from Атилы small bits of the initial universal knowledge - food for the brain. Since the development of the child civilizations technical knowledge, science, transforming matter technologies they reached the level of an adolescent, and maternal civilization was seemingly not worry about their fate. But it is not! The first stage - to bring the child of civilization to the level equal to the level of development of the mother of civilization, on which they are able to command planetary systems and inspire them a new life, give them a secret knowledge and provide a field for activity implementation. Only then Атилы could've ended the first stage of the ascent of the pyramid of the mind and the child of civilization to start the first self-service World mind. Having cultivation of ten planetary civilizations to the level of the Verkhovna civilization planetary system some star, the parent civilization becomes Higher galactic civilization rises to a new, higher level of initiation, gets access to more intimate knowledge and assumes responsibility for the next galactic stage of development of the mind. Атиле left to grow two child civilization. However, on the path from the origin of life before the formation of such a Mature form of the device of the mind there are many dangers and threats, capable to destroy even the great, having secret knowledge, renowned civilization. With the mind the same thing happens as happens everywhere with material goods. Like other material benefits, raised mind swap, buy, in the end, just select, win or entice. The sign of belonging to the parent civilization is religious worship her or her direct recognition at higher levels. And here there is a struggle for resources, and the grown life, and the mind that has achieved a level of at least planetary civilization, is a limited resource, necessary for development, and value, which are ready to put a price. Universal hierarchy puts on a high level, those who grew larger number mind on the planets, more sovereign civilizations in stellar systems, higher civilizations in galaxies, officials at the World mind. Therefore, all of civilization, from the smallest to the greatest struggle for limited resources of the mind, compete with each other to reach the highest steps in the hierarchy. But, besides the internal struggle for position on the pedestal of the achievements of civilization must resist very serious external enemy. There are universal power, directly opposing the Global mind. The fate of even the most powerful civilizations depends not only on the number mind their grown, many of them subsidiaries of civilizations began to self-service World the mind, but from the ability to withstand the Global chaos and protect from him their achievements. Not all of civilization, reaching the level of development of the high civilizations of the planetary systems of stars, stand in the path of service to the World of reason. Other, instead of becoming intimate knowledge commit fall and side with the World of chaos, destroys the mind, planets, stars, galaxies, and even the whole universe. These civilizations lose their names and numbered. They have their own hierarchy, based on the number and extent of the power of the afflicted them civilizations and destroyed their cradles of origin of the mind and its habitat. They destroy life on planets, star systems and mind in the whole constellations and galaxies, exploding stars, confronted each other the whole system of organized matter, turning them into star dust. Black holes, the abode of the World of chaos, I am absorbed in itself the whole worlds. Die or move over to the side of the World chaos sometimes even experienced intimate knowledge of civilization, such Атиле. Hundreds of times on Талцетл and Tume, Мебусе and Zor, at Fira and Зерке new creators Атилы sown seeds of life after another devastating catastrophe, arranged низвергающей into the abyss of civilization 666, performing their raids from the planet Тмус, выпалывали planetary weed, like ancient dinosaurs, завров, Талцетл, cropped servants of chaos. Hundreds of times entered Атила in a struggle for the educated her mind, rejected the proposal from its competitors on the exchange or sale of their planetary civilizations, reflect an attack servants World of chaos on the planet, filled with grown her life. Even your current planetary civilization on Талцетл not time passed from hands in hands, in whole or in part from one of the parent civilization to another. The system of planets Соацр originated more than forty planetary civilizations, daughters Атилы, of which only eight were awarded the Ecumenical name and began on the path of service to the World of reason. The rest are either died, or went on towards the World of chaos. Planetary system is a garden, the parent civilization - a gardener, and grown by it the mind is the flowers. Mind in the Universe is the same value as for you, Skiles, diamonds, or for Тускуба water. Someone is willing to give lifeless Galaxy for the only planet with the beginnings of civilization, Тускуб agree anything exchange for the water that will breathe new life into his dying planet, you crazy diamonds and are ready to leave the planet without water...
I didn't say that! "replied Skiles.
-Skiles! I am your inner self and know you better than you know yourself you. In your head already had a plan, and to make a decision other than to exchange water Талцетл on diamonds Тумы, you need to make to resist this great effort of the will. But that's not all! Even if you find the strength to do so and reject this exchange, then the rest of your life you will reproach myself for that missed his chance like that appears only once, to become the richest in the Талцетл. This experience will kill you so fast that you don't have time to even suffer from the realization of overlooked. After all that you've done the deed and rejected the glut of wealth, billions of carats of diamonds, which will belong only to you, for the sake of water Талцетл that belongs to everyone and no one, not know any. Even your vanity will not be satisfied. And you're quickly going to kill yourself daily reproaches for this blunder, which instead of immense wealth and fame will bring you stagnation in obscurity and poverty. Besides, it will miss you make yourself do contrary to its nature. To realize it, we must love all those to whom you give a possibility to live, and this despite the fact that no one will ever know. You cannot do it! I know it! More than anything else you love yourself, Skiles, and no one else!
-Maybe you're right!
-I'm right, Skiles! After all, you're just a blade of grass in my field, and I know thee a thousand times better than yourself. In the end, Тускуб can find another contender for the deal, but until he chose you!
-Like all difficult! "exclaimed Skiles. - My brain is already struggling to perceive all of the above! Too many strange and new information!
-Come tomorrow! Tomorrow I'll finish my story, and you give me a definitive answer, and this will depend on your destiny!
Mirror bag disappeared.
Around was the same greenhouse. The water column, similar to the frozen splash, slowly sinking into a small lake in front of the round black hole entrance to the cave at the bottom of the chasm.
There stood Тускуб looking at Скайльса.
-What happened? asked Skiles, understanding nothing.
-Nothing, - in the ear of the American, where there was a ball of Aelita, again unpleasant засвербело bird chirping alien language. - I think you should take a NAP, Магацитл Skiles!
Skiles now clearly felt sick and tired of the conversation in the mirror bag.
"But here, I won't come back!" he decided.
Скайльсу not sleep. Strange familiarity and even more strange story haunted him. He hadn't wanted to take away the disturbing thoughts, trying to finally go to sleep, but they all climbed and climbed into his head.
Yesterday he got so many such unusual information, the truthfulness of which believe that was hard. Heard not only in his head. However, it was difficult to believe in the existence of Mars highly developed life, and even more so in that the Supreme alien ruler is going to put water on Mars, once supposedly, somehow, a witness on Earth.
On the other hand, Skiles knew that somehow he was a unique chance to participate in the deal of the century, and in the largest and most unusual transaction in the history of mankind. And he well knew that with or without him, but Тускуб happens. In all appearance Тускуба read something dark and sinister determination. But he was more interested in the question, what is so unusual was it? Why Martian ruler so focused on his person, began to show some unseen miracles, to initiate him into the mysteries of existence of which no one else and knows providing unheard of trust of an alien from another planet, from another world. It bothered him the most.
Already one type of flying city was enough to understand that the Martians are ahead of the development of the earth technologies on the order. If flying pyramids Тускуба are able to overcome междупланетное space if these fantastic designs are able to stir in itself a hundred and fifty billion tons of water each, if their number will be measured in thousands, then what is the role of Скайльса in all this alien plant? Why did you do such a deep reverence, if Тускуб could easily do without it! But he for some ordained him into their secrets and plans! And it bothered American sleepless night.
Several times he got up with his four-poster beds, embroidered with gold, decorated with diamonds, for which he has already (in fact, tell someone not believe!) tired of admiring, and went on with his huge sleeping hall, without window, lit a pleasant weak pale-orange, лившимся from the ceiling.
"No, " thought Skiles, - from a deal to give up, because a deal is just a pretext game. There is something else that prevents Тускубу do without me! But that?!"
By morning, he finally dropped off in a short heavy sleep. He dreamed of some nightmares, and apocalyptic scenes of the armed people, the Martian volatile ships. And when he awoke, the same two vestal virgin, who were present with him on the eve in the bathroom, Skiles thought, clutching the трещащую head that it would be better if he didn't sleep.
Марсианки clean her helped to clothe. The servants had come all the way to the sleeping hall of a small silver two-storey table on wheels, covered with a Breakfast. After Skiles finished eating, one of the марсианок said:
-You will find our Supreme ruler, Тускуб, Магацитл Skiles!
He rose and accompanied by марсианок passed the white corridor to the room where the day before luncheon, and through it - to the familiar door. It was open, and when Skiles entered the Conservatory, it closed behind him.
After yesterday's route along the cascade of ponds connected small waterfalls, he found Тускуба at the same place, as if he hasn't left. And only now he remembered the promise not to come back here, but it was too late: the Martian leader noted it and now turned in his direction, intently watching him, as a target, waiting until one was coming.
The old Martian was calm. He made a narrow brush inviting gesture, reserved showing the space beside him, and never uttered a word.
Skiles stood silently beside him, internally strained, as if prepared for execution. Despite all his journalistic curiosity, he did not want again to experience yesterday's feelings. Although it was painless, and it is not claustrophobic, but, nevertheless, in yesterday's experience, he found nothing pleasant.
Тускуб turned in his direction head and finally asked:
-How did you sleep?
"Thanks, not bad, why is lying Skiles.
"You rest? - questions Тускуба seemed машинальными.
-Yes, thank you, again lied Skiles, although he was keen for some reason right now to lie in bed and sleep for at least twenty hours.
"Then let us go, " concluded Тускуб.
He again leaned down to a small lake in front of the round black hole entrance to the cave at the bottom of the chasm in a solid rear wall Conservatory, again lowered his hand, for a moment held her there, as if whispering something, and again raised behind his hand the water column.
Skiles only wanted was to ask him why all this is necessary, because without that agree on everything, though Тускуб him anything specific and offered, as again found myself in the mirror bag.
-Hello, Skiles! said yesterday's voice. - Your head is aching! I'll...
After a moment he in truth no longer felt the headache.
-Today, Skiles, I finish telling you of all that you're supposed to know!
-I only wanted to ask, why should I?! Masorin long tormented his question.
-A reasonable question! But aren't you interested?
-Yes, it's interesting, but the knowledge of a burden!
"You're right, Skiles, knowledge is a heavy burden. Not everyone is able to bear. But you have to bear it, if you communicate with me. And I can't finish what you should know to go further...
-Where? Where to go?! - outraged Skiles, he did not like that his life was going to manipulate, however, he understood that this is no longer allowed himself to do it with you when you became involved in the capture of Elk and agreed to fly to Mars. If Elk flew on Mars for the first time from romantic motives, and in consequence in search of his love, Skiles flew only for the money...
-Don't rush things, Skiles! I won't answer you this question! Everything has its time, and let's not waste it!
-Well! - agreed to an American.
Suddenly, instead of the reflection Skiles saw around open междупланетное space. At the bottom, at a distance of several tens of kilometers, was kind of a planet around in black silence shone spikes, hundreds of thousands of stars.
It seemed to him that he falls down, and from this sensation's breath away, and from the throat to spontaneously cry burst.
-Do not be afraid! - sounded around the familiar voice of an invisible interlocutor. Is just an image.
-What is it? asked Skiles, having recovered from the shock.
-Today I will show you all and to answer your questions if you don't understand. This tuma, a hundred million years ago. Look at her better.
Skiles looked. Below stretched a shoreless sea water, покрывавшее planet from edge to edge. Only here and there were small Islands sushi. Above the endless ocean high in the sky party overlooking the clouds, it rained, lightning flashed. The sun was so close that it seemed that this orbit
-And now look at Талцетл that time! a voice spoke, and Skiles suddenly saw a blood-red planet devoid of water. Only here and there on her lifeless body was full of small lakes of water.
-And this is the Тумы climbed water, " said the voice.
The picture changed. Now it can be seen some giant starry construction.
Over Mars hung man-made sun, the satellite, which was depicted on the bathroom Cup which is bathed Skiles. It was blazing hot, revolving around a planet. Under the influence of its heat water from the ocean, completely covering the planet, now powerfully evaporate, forming a giant clouds, extending to the upper layers of the atmosphere, in the place where over Mars took the unusual orbit satellite. From the top of the clouds, the hottest orbiting the sun to the tremendous temperature, space stretched train pair that bit further cooled down, turning into billions of tons of sparkling in the sun rays snowflakes. Snow settled on the fourth satellite of Mars, which reeled as if to himself sparkling train, following after him hand-made satellite of the sun. When he reached a certain size, some unknown force tore it from orbit, and the satellite was removed from Mars, and instead of it began to grow in the same way other. Skiles looked carefully and saw that the basis of these ice giants are pyramidal constructions on like the one that built the Тускуб. They seemed quite tiny, but Skiles know what were the real size of these giants. Pyramid rotated, and the ice train, coming from Mars, started наматываться on it. The formed ice balls the size of the moon, were from the planet at a considerable distance, standing in some sort of intricate shape on the side. When they were eight, one by one, they left their places and jib rushed somewhere in междупланетное space. In their place have come to occupy these ice giants.
The picture has changed. Now Skiles had seen below already another planet like he guessed, the Earth. Around her circling familiar icy moon. Some of them went to the rapprochement with the Earth. When they got her to the atmosphere, rapidly rotating, started to decrease rapidly, leaving a juicy, diverging cone-shaped train, clubs, superheated steam, заволакивающего the entire horizon. Couples went below, cooled down and turned into clouds from which to Earth in buckets continuous streams were Livni.
When the ice ball completely истаивал, обнажалась pyramidal structure, its core, which is rapidly уносилась away from the planet. In its place immediately rushed other icy moon.
The picture changed again. Now Skiles was at a considerable distance from the Sun. And Mars, and Earth were now visible to him as if from the outside. Time seems to have accelerated in the dozens of times. Planets circled in their orbits, with the speed of the electrons, and was seen as Mars, followed by sparkling orbiting the sun, gradually slipping away from the Sun, and the Earth, on the contrary, притягивалась closer.
And now the new picture. Again under Скайльсом Mars. He is not so affluent. More than half of the planet, as if dried out, naked bottom of the ocean, краснело now is not so hot rays orbiting the sun.
It was good to see how from the depths of interstellar space to Mars is rapidly approaching another planet. Now they have had to face.
Fatal way descending to Mars planet interrupted his companion, a man-made light. They faced. All around brilliant flash lit up. When she went out, they were seen numerous fragments of the planet, растягивающиеся in long train on its orbit. On Mars same sparkling rained down fading remnants of the artificial sun turned into a diamond blocks.
-That is why on Tume so many diamonds! explained a fantastic vision of the voice.
For the next six days Скайльсу displayed a strange pictures, of which he learned more about the history of Earth and Mars.
He was informed that on Earth to the people there were five different civilizations-the predecessors, which could not develop to the level of the Verkhovna civilization and sad completed its history. He seen a picture of their death. One destroyed itself. Another died from lack of water. Third, on the contrary, from its excess. The fourth civilization has lost spiritual development benchmarks and moved to the side of World of chaos, in consequence of which was exterminated creators Атилы. Fifth perished when the civilization 666 with the planet Тмус managed to populate the Earth weedy species of life, such as dinosaurs, пожиравшими everything in its path.
"The last, sixth civilization talked to him a voice, continuing to show a weird picture was formed on Earth by the representatives of the four Supreme civilizations. Due to a long struggle with the forces of World chaos Verkhovna civilization Соацра, Атила lost a significant part of its power and was forced to surrender three-quarters of the impact on the planet by the Supreme civilizations of other star systems, why have different race."
On Venus, mercury, Saturn, Phaeton and other planets of the solar system creators Атилы also, in different time developed the beginnings of life. There also existed civilization, many of which could not survive and develop.
Martian civilization, too, was not the first. Predecessor also could not withstand the surplus water and its scarcity, attacks of Ministers of the World chaos and colonized with them parasitic forms of life. But the biggest blow for life on Mars was, of course, excessive movement of supplies of water on Earth. Technology Атилы when she completely lost its power, and its balances, except for the creators moved for life on Earth, were intercepted civilization 666, which decided to completely drain Mars, turning it into a desert, and flood the Earth, to destroy the remnants of the former Verkhovna stellar civilization. Twenty thousand years ago, this plan was realized, after which the Earth sank world then, and Mars was almost completely dehydrated. Then on Mars flew Магацитлы, descendants Атилы. However, the remaining on Jupiter creators Атилы latest efforts turned back the flooding of the Earth, and sent several ice balls, bound to their ships, with water from the Earth as a giant satellites of Saturn.
Skiles was very tired excessive knowledge, reported him by a voice in the mirror bag. Each time where he went to the Conservatory, someone asked Тускуба to him nothing more reported. He was have had enough information that does not fit into his head. But Тускуб every time listening to him, silently repeating the same procedure.
Finally, he said:
-Yes, that's all. Today you come here for the last time.
He picked it up again out of the water the water column. Around Скайльса again formed a mirror bag.
-Hello, Skiles! said yesterday's voice. - Today I meet with you for the last time. Today I'll tell you what is required of you to get from Тускуба what you need. You still want to get diamonds?
"Of course, " agreed Skiles.
-Then here is what you must do...
Valuable cargo
The next day the entire expedition Скайльса together with Тускубом and his retinue left Лазоревую valley.
IHA stood at the entrance and watched as the Armada volatile ships one by one went up from the lawn in front of the house and headed North, glittering in the rays of the rising sun tens of silver points, until it disappeared beyond the peaks of jagged mountains.
None of the American expedition to Mars knew more about the deal between Тускубом and Скайльсом. Therefore quite a surprise when, on arrival in Тасоцер, volatile ships began to deliver to one of the междупланетных ships boxes with the goods.
Loading lasted three days, after which Skiles ordered the crew of the Steve completely go home to Earth.
Before the start of the Skiles, again trying to get used to killing all living things жгучему cold, went with Steve on his ship, to check that the load is secured and closed, then closed with the commander of the starting междупланетного ship in the control room and something for a long time with him there discussed.
The night before the start of the crews of all three ships gathered together, took a bottle of whiskey and arranged a farewell party.
Skiles seen how glad the lucky ones to whom he gave the order to return to the Earth, and how envious of them remained with him. Despite all the wonders seen on another planet, obviously, was that everyone wanted to return home to their homeland, which got lost somewhere in the infinity of the world space for tens of millions of kilometers, and it was not clear to now how to get there.
Улетавшие said bye to me. And it was clear that the last joyful and sad second.
At five in the morning, when hardly began to red close horizon above the Martian ice cap, shackled creepy Arctic cold, volatile ships Тускуба delivered expedition to междупланетному ship. Followed did not go out of a terrible cold, and only Skiles left the ship to look like sent to the Earth its countless treasures.
Silver утолщающаяся down candle stood a kilometre from the flying ship of the Martians. Skiles remembered start on the earth: warm, Sunny morning, thousands of enthusiastic spectators on the steep, high tribunes, wild roar of the crowd. Now there was only ice, silence and unbearable cold.
Barely the tip of the candle ship stained in red approaching from the horizon the sun from under the ship broke white clubs gas from engines, and immediately shrink-wrapped in the lower half of its body, is spreading around, on an endless icy wilderness. After a few seconds until Скайльса heard a roar and the shock wave from the explosion. Mahina shuddered and jerked up, засверкав purple. Few moments, and she disappeared from sight, turned into a brilliant point, for some time, сверкавшую in the sky, as the bright morning star.
The farther North advancing rebels, led by Gusev, Elk and TAROM, the more холодало. When their volatile ships reached the Northern ice cap, cold overboard increased so much that at times became suspended screws on some matches, and the ship squated on the stern or the nose and rushed down. The buildings намерзал ice, and fly became heavier.
Here's the third day they were looking for North pin station.
First, when they left the Лазоревую valley, Gusev has devised a plan to find Тасоцер, make a battle with Тускубом and grab a floating city. But Thar finally dissuaded him.
"You cannot imagine what a mass of flesh! - long proved obstinate as he, but deeply respected them, brave Магацитлу. - Even hundreds of volatile ships will not be overcome Тасоцер! He is well armed! One only throwing machine is worth something! It is capable of producing tens of charges huge ball of lightning in a minute, each of which one will be covered by the dozen volatile ships. Even without fleet, Тасоцер unapproachable!..
Gusev every time frowned, turning their топорщившиеся mustache, puffed his cigarette, the stock of which is captured by an междупланетного apparatus, came to an end, and pointedly was silent, looking askance at прохаживающегося before him and waving hands Martian offspring Elk.
Only when they reached the cold latitudes, which passed the edge of the Northern ice cap, only then the insurgents ripe final plan of action - find, capture and blow up the North polar station.
Before that Guseva, Elk and Tara held a difficult conversation:
-After the explosion of the polar station, said the tar, no flying ship no longer be able to take to the air. And it means, that all who will be in the Northern polar cap, never be able to leave its limits and sooner or later die from the cold...
"Yes, " agreed with him Gusev, we will need to send in flying ships to the South all who will not participate in undermining!
-Destroy the achievements of the Martian civilization! raged Elk. - I think that undermine the station must be only in extreme cases! Yes and how it can damage the flying city Тускуба?
-Тасоцер uses the energy generated by them of the magnetic field as well as the flying ships, " replied the tar. - I am familiar with his device. However, instead of powder and screws, it is supported in the air антигравитационным engine. This is a huge wolf, consisting of two piercing each other встречнонаправленных tetrahedra, carved from diamond stones, cut in a special way that when rotating around a spinning top accumulated energy.
-Wow! "said Gusev. Is well, it turns out, diamonds, or what? Yea it is worth to grab this your Тасоцер! If mashke such a present!
-The entire floating city cut of diamond plates, so it is extremely durable and is invulnerable to any known weapons. The technology of its buildings Тускуб borrowed from some powerful an alien civilization. As he got nobody knows. The only thing laments Тускуб, one day when me he allowed himself is that he failed to have the technology saturation energy, anti-gravity engine Тасоцера from the sun, which once used mighty aliens. "If I did it, " he lamented then in a fit of revelation, " I could make междупланетные flights departing from any thing having a considerable mass, as if making a jump!"
-That's it! - continued to admire Gusev. - How much weight this Тасоцер?! Millions of tons! Yes where you took as many diamonds Yes, of such size?!
-Over Тумой once burned own sun, which was a satellite of the planet, - explained to him tar. - Once it exploded, and its fragments hundreds of years fell on tuma diamond rocks.
-When we catch this Тасоцер continued excitedly Gusev, certainly распилю it on diamonds! Soviet Republic will be the richest country on Earth! So many diamonds!
Before leaving Лазоревой groves he выковырял of gold baths in one of the baths of the big diamond, depicting Jupiter, weighed, perhaps, ten kilogram.
-Oh! "exclaimed then Ихошка. - Тускуб will kill me! Why do you разворотил bath?
"Don't worry! I реквизирую буржуйское junk, the plunder of the Martian working class! "replied her Gusev. - And Тускуба we liquidate! He don't you get!..
But now, after the story of Packagings, the trophy seemed to him a doddle compared with Тасоцером, from which you could make thousands of tons of diamonds for the Soviet Republic. "That's bourgeois of all the Earth взовьются from envy! Die of boredom! Themselves удавят! We all instantly обесценим! And then the world proletarian revolution are now going to win." - with pleasure dreamed Gusev.
Elk listened to his teammate междупланетным flights with undisguised displeasure. He does not sympathized with plans Guseva destroy the unique achievement of Martian civilization for the sake of even a whole bunch of useless sparkling stones.
-And what will be after the disappearance of the magnetic field with Тасоцером? he asked her son. - Of course, it will fall on the surface of the planet! But what will become of him?
I don't know - shrugs tar.
-Here would he kill himself to death! delightedly exclaimed Gusev, imagining, as брызнет millions of fragments diamond mass of flesh, that he, the truth, and in my eyes something not seen and hardly imagined. And there will be less hassle when распилке!..
-Yes stop you, in the end, Alexey Ivanovich! In fact! raged Elk. - This is a unique achieving progress!
-Nothing in it of a unique no, " retorted Gusev, - except that he is the whole diamond!
-No, probably, design Тасоцера will stand the blow of surface Тумы reflected tar, and he would remain unharmed...
"Pity, " commented Gusev, - more fuss!..
-But now the antigravity engine! - went on to explain father tar. - This design, in which саккумулирована enormous energy. And she held him only thanks to сверхбыстрому rotation of the rotor around with the same breakneck pace rotates huge ring of heated to millions of degrees plasma. From the shocks and shock rotor might fly off with axis. Then the plasma nothing will hold in the ring. I don't know what will happen next! Imagine what the energy is concentrated in a donut. She pulls away from each other, the total mass of hundreds of billions of tons!
-Yeah! Will be a big boom, Bang! "said Gusev. - As I say - less work proletariat cutting debris bourgeoisie-style monster on the Soviet diamonds!
Alexei Ivanovich! - осаживал his Elk. - I ask you - урезоньтесь! I think that if this happens your "boom", from Тасоцера, on us collect nothing will! We разлетимся with you to atoms!
In the end, the leaders of the Martian rebels decided that polar station took, but blasting will be only because of extreme necessity.
-It will be necessary before this, send our children to междупланетные ships that moved them here, " said Gusev. - How you think, Mstislav Sergeevich, our devices can make the jump from the mid-latitudes of Mars on the pole?
I don't know, Alexey Ivanovich! thoughtfully answered him Elk. - Devices are intended for междупланетных flights. It is difficult to say whether they implement such a maneuver! Anyway, I think this is possible, but only under the guidance of a skilled pilot! You must make a difficult calculation for inclusion and stopping of the engines tenths of a second, to get the path in the form of hyperbole and the device was near the polar station. You need to take into account the effect of engine thrust, the force of gravity on Mars, the speed of its rotation - in General, a huge number of parameters.
-Hyperbole! Hyperbole! I not going to die! "said Gusev. - I arrived here to finally establish the Soviet power and overthrow the Martian bourgeoisie! And you tell me about some hyperbole to tell! I still mashke need here енту here штукенцию give! - took from his backpack big diamond, barely him;, zealous soldier. Cabin illuminated by thousands of sparks, резавших eye. Gusev gently stroked his cool, sparkling, maddening trophy, thinking about long-wife, presenting, as of the surprise widely opens her mouth when she will present this gift. - You are telling me about a hyperbole say! "he repeated thoughtfully and dreamily.
Polar station
The sun was beginning to set, heralding the onset of the extreme cold of the polar night, when Gusev reported that ahead of some large object. He went to the wheelhouse control flying vehicle and looked forward in his coveted front of the binoculars.
His eyes saw a group of domes in the North-East on the horizon. The largest dome was in the center. Around him, radially placed six smaller domes. Design merged with the white desert ice cap, and it was noticeable only because the sunset painted white surface domes red reflections.
Gusev, though not doubted that he found what he was looking for already three days, still called for cutting Tara, because he knew how to look polar station.
Thar looked through binoculars. In the last rays of the sun dome were fiery red.
-Yes, it is confirmed guess Guseva Martian.
-Tomorrow before the dawn started to storm! "said Gusev. - Draw me a diagram showing the location of forces.
All night the rebels were preparing to attack. Volatile ships landed a few kilometers from the polar station, and Gusev convened military Council of the commanders of the insurgents who he formed before leaving Лазоревой groves.
Through the darkness and cold flocked from all ships in the collection to Gusev commanders, overcoming the cool wind in my face ice pellets and freezing on the go.
In close cabin stood a large table, on which was arranged station scheme, drawn from memory Tar. Gathered around and bent over the table comrades Guseva. All were talking loudly and puffed папиросками. Martian commanders to feel uncertain, but tried to also join the event. Tar translated words to them Guseva, Bravo водившего scheme as a pointer pencil and would occasionally at her notes:
-Two hosts Mirov and Цацули seize control and communication! Detachment Martians under the leadership of Tara blocks the barracks, and the garrison of the Mara - guardhouse. Does not give anyone from there to lean! Detachment Lema captures warehouse weapons and troop Закра - food warehouse. Fedulov by the flying ship returns to междупланетному vehicle and according to the scheme which now counts engineer Moose moves... hyperbole, - he could not recall an unfamiliar word to the polar station. - Garrison polar station I will be asked to give up and go on the side of the insurgent proletariat. In case of failure - all at the expense!...
Before dawn in the impenetrable darkness under the frigid polar latitudes climbed ten volatile ships. One of them toward the South, and the others rushed to the rush on the polar station.
Garrison her rebels caught off guard. Nobody expected, that among the cold and darkness suddenly, as if from nowhere appear dozens of armed revolutionaries.
Detachment, led by the World, secretly removing this posting, tricks, seized control station so rapidly that are on duty there, operators could not render any resistance. But in the corridors of the centre had also emerged firefight with which оборонявшиеся Martians were locked in the Central post communication, замуровавшись for трехдюймовыми armoured doors.
Alexei Ivanovich! - reported Цацуля, штурмовавший communication node. - Замуровались, devils!
-Explodes, Sanya, them to the dogs! Together with all ентим communication explodes! We talk not with anyone! "said Gusev. - More тротилу founded to shreds all been blown!
Soon the side of the canopy, under which there was a communication centre, there was a huge explosion pledged dynamite. The flying ship, where Gusev was the headquarters of the great shake, barely broke the portholes. When the smoke sold, it became clear that from a large domed building was gone.
The guardhouse in the predawn darkness was a fierce battle, heard the sonorous breaks silver balls that are launched from a catapult from under the roof of the dome structures, and a dry crackle Mars automatic rifles. Gusev threw aid stormed the guardhouse Martians part of a detachment Mirov with a machine gun. Soon came a precise and powerful sound of shooting выкаченного to the position of "maxima", принявшегося crumble their bullets building guarding buildings, breaking off a huge pieces. He heard a series of powerful, roaring breaks grenades thrown inside. The catapult was destroyed, the resistance of the guard broken, the shooting stopped.
Barracks tar picked up without a fight, and suggested captive soldiers, продиравшим sleepy eyes, move to the side of the rebels.
When the sun coloured the polar ice caps in the morning colors of pink tones station came under the control of the attackers.
Gusev, sitting at the very Desk, which have been arranged scheme polar station, took the reports from the commanders, counted loss, gave the orders, puffing on his cigarette. When the station was captured, he visited a Central remote control, the design of the radiator under the main dome, choosing the correct place for laying explosives, and gave the order to mount a defense. He was informed that more than half of the soldiers agreed to join the rebellion. Affiliate Gusev told them to put under the gun, and the rest of the lock until destroyed in the guardroom and take custody.
It is too bad that the node is not immediately captured! - he complained to the newly assembled military Council. - Could manage to pass Тускубу that we polar station captured! We must wait for the guests! Explosives lay here, here and here - took it by the scheme pencil, making crosses notes. - Worlds - I assign it to you! Take Цацулю, check everything! It's serious. Should a jerk so that the restore was impossible!
By noon, when the shaggy Martian sun, as if on sledge came on the horizon up to half his way, flying ship, raised in the air for observation, said at the South-West of the appearance in the air a huge object.
When Gusev reported, he ordered to take off their headquarters ship, reaching a height of observers, put his binoculars to his eyes.
Towards the station was moving something unimaginably huge. It was still at the horizon, but, judging by the tiny points dozen accompanied object volatile ships, dimensions flying monster zhahaly.
-Well, here! concluded Gusev, with unimaginable tranquility on looking through binoculars fast approaching whopper. - Our guests! Take the defense, to prepare the station to undermine!
Soon Тасоцер hovered above the polar station, closing a half frozen polar sky, in which even during the day were seen the brightest stars. None of the rebels, but Tara, before seen this gigantic flying structure, and now all turns out in the bitter cold and stood with his head, watching this miracle, built engineers Тускуба. The Supervisory ship insurgents around somewhere far below the flat bottom of hovering over the station of the pyramid. Around him described circles several army volatile ships, which have remained from the previous Armada.
Gusev also went out of his headquarters and quietly watched a fantastic spectacle. He ordered to send the Тасоцер that the polar station is in the hands of the rebels at any moment, on his orders can be exploded, and now waited for a response Тускуба.
And that's where above us, flying inside a flying city seemed to another army ship. He was rapidly declining, choosing a place to land, and soon landed near the ship Guseva. After a minute of him on a ladder on the ice, accompanied by several Martian soldiers came down Skiles. Hiding her face from the icy air a wide fur collar, he went to наблюдавшему him with equanimity Gusev.
"Well, mister Skiles, I was not even surprised to see you on the side of Тускуба!
-Why?! - Skiles approached and held out his hand.
-Yes, because the bourgeois are the same everywhere! That Mars on Earth! - Gusev looked at the hand, but not shook it.
Skiles hesitated uncertainly, and his hands back into the warm fur suit, then looked back down to the Martian soldiers in silver suits, continued:
-I invite you to the talks, Mr. Gusev!
-What are the negotiations?
-Well, you tell us your requirements, what you want, Mr. Тускубу, and he...
-And did not know what we want, and Mr. Skiles? We have one objective, and that are in Earth, Mars! Down with the bourgeoisie, and long live the proletarian revolution! All power to the Soviets of workers ' and peasants ' deputies!
Well, you are here right revolutionary agitation launched, Mr. Gusev! Don't you think that this is not the most suitable place for such an appearance?
-Yes is not a speech, Mr. Skiles!
-But then what do you want?!
-Blow up this polar station, - Gusev waved, turning behind.
-What for?
-To destroy this flying edifice! - Gusev poked up, stretched out over the station on the bottom half of the sky Тасоцера.
-But what will it give you? asked surprised Skiles. - Now we will hang over the station until you leave!
-We didn't leave, Mr. Skiles! You understand that the retreat we now have nowhere! Because this is our only guarantee. You know a Russian fairy-tale about Koshcheev Immortal? Where his death at the end of the needle?
-Well, Yes...
"So, I am now the needle firmly in my hands I have, Koschey and trembles. But let me leave the station - put the needle in the hands Koscheyu, he immediately destroy me!
-I guarantee you that you are leaving the station, can freely leave! - Skiles was losing patience; to speak пятидесятиградусном cold was unbearable.
-Mr. Skiles, do you really think that my troops take thousands of miles, and found a striking seized this polar station only to wait until you appear on the flying of the Martian pyramid of Cheops, and allow us to freely leave her?! with a mocking grin from under растопорщившихся, заиндевевших Usov asked Gusev, and at this moment, Skiles noticed flashed in his eyes the Russian сумасшедшинка that always threw it into confusion and scarecrows.
-Then what? he asked cracking voice.
-I said that we will workstation, with equanimity answered Gusev. - And I advise you to quickly get out with this flying boat, because, when it will fall down, you will not find it.
-But Тасоцер collapses straight to the station! again raised his voice American, trying to find a thread of mind in the arguments for the opponent. - You too will all perish!
-Will the working class! said to him in answer Gusev, and Skiles realized that talk further about.
Some more days passed. Тасоцер still hung over the polar station like a great cloud. Flying through the sky light pink clouds fly around his whopper with both sides.
Gusev planted Supervisory flying ship rebels, because the lookout for anyone else had opponent was hanging right over your head.
Army flying ships occasionally performed reconnaissance flying around the polar station, trying, apparently, understand that the more rebels. Guseva is sometimes подзадоривало, sometimes just annoying.
In the afternoon, when the cold was not so fiery, as in the night, he was walking on the station accompanied by Mirov and Цацули, looking up with a squint zeroing in on how the hawks in search of поживы over them enemy ships.
-That's her God, Alexey Ivanovich! Now scoot "Maxim" and me work-out to knock down these bastards! - spoke to him Цацуля.
Quietly, Sanya, уйми temperament! - he answered, turning around, Gusev. - I should I practiced! Hands itchy shoot! But we must keep ammunition! You saw the Maxim here, such as gun on Earth - the power! Therefore обгоди yet!
-But they can also night landing and try to attack! - not appeased Цацуля.
-But that's another matter! - raised index finger Gusev. He immediately went to their headquarters and ordered to send a telephone message on Тасоцер: "Revoke their volatile ships! In the future when you are prompted them without consulting with us, we will open fire for effect! Commander Gusev".
Fifteen minutes later the buzz in the sky above the station stopped flying ships Тускуба soared upwards and disappeared into the belly of a flying city, silently hanging in the polar sky.
Gusev came out of the staff of the ship and commented with satisfaction:
-Understand the devils, that's not a joke! - and turned to Цацуле. The situation is exacerbated, Sasha! Command to redouble their vigilance and to enhance the protection, especially at night.
After a few days on the phone to the rebels turned Skiles.
-What do you want, Mr. Skiles? asked Gusev, when he was told that an American trying to get in touch.
-I would like to talk to Mr. Elk with the help of the screen came from the intercom.
-What is it?! - outraged Gusev, realizing that Skiles trying to find a weak link in their defence. - We martial law and conversations with the enemy are only authorized comrades!
-But isn't Mr. Moose not among them? surprised Skiles. - As far as I know, he headed the Soviet Martian expedition.
Gusev some time to deliberate, then summoned the Moose in a command ship.
-Hello, Mr. Moose! - went to him with a small screen Skiles, when he entered the cabin staff of the ship.
-Hello Mr. Skiles! confusedly greeted Elk, he did not expect to see her kidnapper on a Martian screen.
-How do you feel? asked sympathetically Skiles.
-Thank you, nothing! - nodded Elk.
-And your wound?..
-In what sense?
-Well, you found that you were looking for, for the sake of what, actually, as far as I know, you and flew again on distant Mars? You have found Аэлиту?
-No, - Elk lowered his head dejectedly.
"Would you rather see? asked Skiles.
-Of course! - was hoping to engineer.
She was there on Тасоцере! he replied, Skiles.
-You lie! asked Elk.
-But why? surprised Skiles.
Once you have deceived me...
"Not at all, Mr. Moose. In fact, I have not cheated! I offered you go to Mars, and you agreed, but then somehow change your mind... So what was my cheating?
Elk thought, trying to figure out what was really Skiles has not justified his expectations.
-Now, I'm not kidding! - the advantage of a pause, continued Skiles. And I can show it.
-Why show? - surprised the Elk. - Why can't I talk to her? She still alive?
"She's alive, Mr. Moose! But she sleeps...
-In what sense? 't understand engineer.
-Something like a lethargic sleep, " continued Skiles, see for yourself.
The image on the screen changed, and Elk saw the dark hall in which glowed faintly Golden ceiling. The walls of the halls were hidden by heavy thick Golden curtains, and in the middle of it there was a translucent Golden hemisphere of some strange material like smoke. In its center stood transparent sarcophagus, in which lay a beautiful body still young Aelita. It seemed that she was asleep. Forever enormous eyes were closed. The whitish-blue cheeks elongated quiet and peaceful person проступал faint blush.
-It's horrible! "burst out suddenly, impulsively, Elk.
-You do not believe what I do? voice Скайльса from somewhere behind the image. - Then invite You, Mr Elk, Тасоцер, you yourself, with your eyes can see it.
At this time in the cabin looked Gusev. Seeing a strange image on the screen, he was indignant:
Is that here for the imperialist propaganda!
Is Aelita! - turned to him Elk, on his wrinkled cheeks tears.
-Aelita?! surprised Gusev, moving on top of her head like a cap, a familiar gesture of surprise fur hood of his картуза. - Well, the works! Where is she?!
- On Тасоцере!
- On Тасоцере?! And this is not a replica? "said Gusev. - Mozha, what a doll and put entice You now, Mstislav Sergeevich?!
-What are you, in fact, Alexei Ivanovich!
-Well, anything can happen! - урезонил his Gusev. - Remember me you rescued from America?! Yes that with her, why is she in some box transparent?!
-She sleeps, she's something like a lethargic sleep! - cried the Elk.
- She sleeps! And you believe this bourgeois propaganda?! "exclaimed Gusev in the indignation of the whole process. - Probably some dummy shoved!
-Skiles invites me to Тасоцер personally look at Аэлиту! through взрыды heard the voice of the engineer.
You'll go, Mstislav Sergeevich?! After all that you did this америкашка, go, believe him?! Yes same trap! I instinctively feel that this is a trap! - not appeased Gusev.
-But I want to see it! "drawled in supplication to Gusev hands Elk. - What do I do, Alexey Ivanovich?! Frankly speaking, I am only then flew to Mars to see her!
Gusev finally flung back his head with a fur hood and scratched his head.
-Well, I don't know, Mstislav Sergeevich! "he said, and again scratched his head. - Okay, I think that the world revolution is a matter of survive! In the end, I understand - too man! Yeah! And there is such a love is out! I would like you went, Mstislav Sergeevich, we want to be on this flying masterpiece from inside to have a look. Yes, only now, not who do I leave the defense of the station. Here the iron hand of need, in the sense, not to waver, when it will be on the button to press in which case, Yes derail this imperialist Hydra! Can't rely on anyone! And Worlds, like, nothing! Yes and Цацуля! But I fear that the хлипковаты will be in the decisive moment! My hand will not tremble! - Gusev knew that he hears Skiles and, apparently, specially blew on the fear. - Okay, let go of You, Mstislav Sergeevich, ентот the Тасоцер, but pass them that I had a hand will not tremble in which case! Means, do it like you Тасоцер, look at Аэлиту, and Mr. Skiles to visit me at this time! So, just in case!
The flying ship that brought Скайльса the rebel camp, now ran into a huge gate. After landing from it, accompanied by soldiers in glittering costumes came out Elk. It was held at the Cabinet of Тускуба, and together they went descended to the floor, completely occupied with mourning hall, which was a sarcophagus with Аэлитой.
Moose walked up to him and gazed at his beloved.
-Leave us alone! he said to her father, and he departed.
Elk Turkish sat on the floor in front of the sarcophagus. First, he long and wept bitterly, but then calmed down and began to tell Aelita its long history of lonely universe loneliness and immense sadness about it. He talked and talked, and tears all flowed down his face. These were tears of joy, because he again saw one that was dearer to him life, and at the same time, they were tears of immense sadness, because his beloved sleep the eternal sleep, which, perhaps, will never end. But at the same time, they were tears of gratitude for what Aelita gave him the fruit of their love, give birth to his son, and tears of hope, because he believed that one day, when she wakes up, he finally kiss her lips...
Skiles long pondered proposal Guseva. He understood that, going "visit" to the insurgents, he has in fact become a hostage. But, in the end, agreed, deciding that reside on Тасоцере was no less dangerous until Gusev held his hand on the button explosive device.
Gusev did not let go of a single step, fearing that Skiles can arrange exploration their positions. On the eve they agreed that the Elk will be on Тасоцере twelve hours, and the same on a polar station of insurgents will have to be Skiles.
First Skiles't know how to approach Gusev, he was frowning all the time puffing cigarettes, showing her that is not going to communicate with буржуйским прихвостнем. However, over dinner Skiles took прихваченную a bottle of whiskey and suggested Gusev. Gusev, a little пошмыгав nose, still agreed SIP стопочку-other, previously having given an indication Цацуле: "If me what happens shoot this bitch son and hit here енту button!"
After drinking two pairs of shots of whiskey, Gusev mellowed a bit and began to talk:
-Well, that's why you, Mr. Skiles flown on the Mars! Who asked you to?
"I signed a contract, Mr. Gusev, and do it, " replied the American, inspired by a change in a person. "You have heard that there are contracts?
-A contract! - feeling a bit high, continued Gusev, again tilting стопочку. "I will blow up the едрене-dryer polar station, and all!
-That "all", Mr. Gusev?
But the fact that you also cover! All there in ентой flying pyramid of Khan!
-Well, you?
"And I? It will be necessary, 'd give my life for the cause of the proletarian revolution! - Gusev took out his cigarettes, pushing the empty plates.
-And you never thought that can cause harm to mankind their reckless actions? - Skiles extracted from the pockets of the tube, a tobacco pouch, a lighter and began to fill his pipe tobacco. - Do you, Mr. Gusev, with all my due respect, never thinking that the cooperation with the Martian civilization can free mankind from poverty, hunger and disease? Well, at least to advance on this way, to give a new powerful impetus to the development?
-We have heard already енти your songs, Mr Skiles! - Gusev poured himself another стопочку whiskey. - I Elk talked about, when we are in the ocean on lined aeroplane month бултыхались! Beautifully know how to say! Only I don't Moose, Mr. Skiles! I a revolution in my gut, my stomach, heart, it's in my blood! Me to you your cheap propaganda not lure! I am with you and am now just because your whiskey gave my nature gentleness and kindness! And so I would take you with pleasure in the consumption of him. You contra! Played with Kontra and always will be! Yes, and here you are now, only because Moose I'm sorry, how many know it, all the ентой марсианке dries. She Baba, of course, nothing cute, unusual bright! But in the Republic we have such galore! Only open your eyes! Their darkness around! Choose - don't want to! Well, it is very Moose people shy, unusual, they no case manages than the mind. Romantic it is! That's it and throws millions of miles in search of love, and then his whole life on it dries away! And I look at him " I look, and I pity him to tears... sorry! Unlucky he, my friend Moose! That's because you are here with me talking about. So it sat on ентом Тасоцере, the mother of his leg, and would wait for, покендова I have you all there bourgeoisie send to the dustbin of world history, downhill... Since here the first time appeared commander Gusev, this Soviet territory, Mr. Skiles! And now you invaded its borders, as интервент, and colluded as Kontra with gourmet top. I you see inside out!
Some time passed, Elk seemed an eternity. He is not crying and not talking, and sat silently and looked at her lover, warming the heart of a quiet, subtle joy.
Somewhere he heard soft footsteps. Someone approached him in the hall at the rear. But Elk have not seen nor heard. He sat lit by a quiet joy unrealizable happiness that suddenly allowed to touch myself. Before his eyes and there it was only, Aelita.
Someone sat down beside him.
-And you let your Gusev destroy Аэлиту, my only daughter? - there was a dull voice Тускуба.
Elk sat and answered him nothing, as if the silence was a lifesaver. He did not need to respond. It seemed that he achieved some substance infinite bliss and now was ready to sit here beside her forever, turned into a strange plant, which has grown roots in the floor of the sarcophagus sweetheart.
-If Gusev destroy polar station, Aelita to die together with Тасоцером! - spoke again Тускуб, trying to Elk heard. - I Aelita the road just like you! I am surprised and touched by what you overcame many years and millions of kilometers in search of my daughter! And, it is possible that now, whether she's all right, I would not be against your marriage! But I protected it from imminent disastrous reckoning for violation of the vow of virginity, to whom she was devoted! I raised her son! I keep her body next to him in the hope that she'll ever Wake up, even though I know that it's not going to come true!
Тускуб looked at Магацитла, trying to understand whether he is alive. Although Elk and sat with eyes wide open, but it wasn't any signs of life. It seemed even that he wasn't breathing. Тускубу thought that somehow, Магацитл fell into the same condition, and that his daughter, and he was very much afraid, and so I kept on talking, watching it does not follow the reaction from the side of the guest:
-I know that my daughter very much love you! Otherwise she would not dare to break the vow and custom! But she broke all barriers and ruined my life! Yes, I think she ruined himself, surrendering to you, Магацитл! You do not deserve it! And she knew it! But I did not know when allowed her to be close to you, that is such a strong feeling, as love! This feeling, роднящееся with ancient Hao! I don't know what love is, and I am grateful that I did not know this! This feeling destroys! Yes it is capable of removing all barriers on the way to your goal! I know this sad experience, having lost because of the notorious love for his only daughter, who before was sweet and obedient to me, which followed her destiny!.. And suddenly, all at once collapsed! I had been warned that this could happen, but I do not believe it! Was not on Tume no one who would be able to light it this raging fire! And suddenly you appeared, Магацитл! How could I know that the heart of my daughters shall fall at thy feet!" What she found in you?! I look at you and can't find one reason why she would prefer you to himself, to his fate, his destiny, his father, his people, his Tume! But she did! And I was shamed love! Oh, if I could know that the lights in it, the wild fire that would destroy her! I would ensure that you bypassed each other tenths trails to you are not approached each other a hundred miles! But I let you be together! And now I'll blame and kill myself for it all my life! Oh, love! I lost my daughter! But that you have acquired, Магацитл, from this love?!.. I look at you and I see only suffering! Years passed, and you suffer today from her, from this strange love, or you wouldn't be here, wouldn't be sitting here, выплакав all the tears, before the sarcophagus destroyed love Aelita! I want to understand, answer me! That gave you this is your love?! I want to know what you traded your quiet and peaceful life to the endless torture, of hurling through space and time?! Answer me, Магацитл! That gave you this love?!
Finally Elk alive. He turned to Тускубу his tear-stained face:
-Love? What are you talking about, man?! I wasn't looking for never love! And I don't know what love is! I just met her, the most beautiful woman in the world, more expensive for me no, and never was! And am I to blame that it belongs to another planet, another civilization, another world?! What is my fault?! Yes I suffer, I suffer all my life, since meeting her, my Аэлитой. But this suffering is not a payment for something, for some acquisition. I have not bought anything for their suffering. I just spent all these years, and know that somewhere far away, a million miles from me is the more expensive of which there is not anything or anyone. And I was terribly hurt, sad and lonely, that we share the millions of miles of space, that we belong to different worlds and can't be together! I wasn't looking for love, you're talking about! You think that love is something that is an acquisition which you can buy, sell, find it or lose it! But no! I do not know this love, and don't want to know! Now I'm just sitting near the most expensive me being in the world, and is ready to sit down yet realize myself, that's all! I need nothing else! And leave me with their incomprehensible questions that I found and what you lost, the love that I have changed. I just lived and live! Once I met the one, which is the light of my eyes, and now everywhere I looked for it on the dark sky of life. I don't know what leads me to it! But here I am beside it, and I need nothing more. I am ready to sit and look at her so on to infinity!
Тускуб paused, then said, getting up:
-Unfortunately, Магацитл, I can't afford it! Your twelve hours have expired! I have to ask you to leave the place of rest of my daughter! Otherwise this crazy Gusev destroy Тасоцер, you, Yes and Аэлиту.
Elk like a stunned to somehow forgets himself followed Тускубом that led from one Golden lift cylinder to another. He could see nothing around, before his eyes was still beautiful, sleeping undisturbed sleep Aelita. He did not notice anything around,
When they were flying ship, and Тускуб pointed to a ladder, Elk suddenly as if he regained his senses waking from a state of trance:
-Listen! Better give it to me! - he rushed to Тускубу. He is my and we must be together!
Soldiers in silver suits barred his way dense circuit, pushing ahead automatic rifles.
Тускуб was silent, looking at Магацитла. The soldiers pushed him to the ramp of the ship, forcing climb aboard the ship.
-Give it to me! - shouted Elk. - I will take her with him to the Ground! I make Gusev won't explode polar station, will leave you alone and come back with me on the planet!
Тускуб said nothing but listened Магацитла. The soldiers pushed the Elk to the ramp, then two of them picked him up and shrink-wrapped inside a flying ship, Elk something else continued to shout.
Difficult conversation
"You're mad! - shouted Gusev Elk, being left alone with him in the cabin of the headquarters of the ship. - Betraying the revolution?!
Indignation was so great, that a voice was heard far from the staff of the ship frozen district.
With Тасоцера Elk came back, not himself. It seemed to have changed or was drugged with than, and Gusev have simply couldn't talk to him differently. Before him was not Mstislav Sergeevich, and completely out of control unconscious decomposed element that could undermine him all of the discipline in this decisive moment of confrontation with the enemy. With Deer, like опоенным some potion, urgently needed to do something, to return it to its normal state, and Gusev did not know that, and therefore used all sorts of methods of thinking, including those such.
Traitor!" - upbraided Gusev Elk.
-I don't know what was happening to me, Alexei Ivanovich, but I want to go back to Aelita, to sit near her, and sit and watch it until the end of the age...
-Yes, - Gusev was walking close to the cabin, flying ship, and the grass does not grow! Well, if I only knew, if I only knew! No he would have! Sent engineer Elk, my comrade, and in return received кисейную young lady! What is all this!
Three days Gusev was trying to get a Moose in feelings, but then gave up, suddenly realizing that lost him as a fighter.
-Okay! - he went to the Moose on the fourth day. "I see, Mstislav Sergeevich, I can't get back into! Say what you want! Maybe you have a plan?
-Yes I have no plan! Alexey Ivanovich! No! I just want to be with her next and all!
-What about the world revolution?! - asked again Gusev, but I realized that in vain. - Okay, I'll think of something! he added, and walked off.
That evening, the on duty on takeoff летучему ship through a Blizzard snuck some people. The rebels, who carried the watch, he opened the hatch and lowered a ladder.
It was the engineer Elk. The Martians discovered the Магацитла. He told them to take off and take a course on Тасоцер. Because the insurgents know that Магацитл Elk has the authority to give orders as Магацитл Gusev and tar, they obeyed. A moment later, the flying ship has already flared up through the raging storms. Reaching a mirror-smooth bottom Тасоцера, he flew under him for a few miles, and then when it ended, soared over, lifting now along the sloping wall.
They noticed the gate, run inside the ships were opened, he silently and easily moved down, opening like a great jaws, entrance to landing.
The flying ship rushed inside and landed in the middle edge of a huge mirror surface, illuminated from below weak greenish glow. Gates задвинулись back to the ship and rushed soldiers in silver suits, taking it in the ring. Ladder leaned back, and from the ship went Elk. His eyes were some feverish, he edited the feverish glitter. It came to the commander of protection in a long black, falling folds down cloak.
-I need Тускуб, ' said Elk, as if not seeing anything around - I want to make him an offer.
Gusev, checking the posts, had already gone to sleep in close cubicle next to the cabin in which he conducted the military advice. The bed was soft, but it is very small, as if calculated at a teenager, and because his feet dangling in the air, why he always felt a strong disadvantage when trying to fall asleep.
Ворочаясь, Gusev thought about the Earth, about St. Petersburg, about Masha. All this Martian adventure he is tired of it. "The years are not the same! thought Gusev with some satisfaction, continuing to look for a comfortable position to sleep on tight and short beds. - I shall come back to St. Petersburg, and no more marsov! Enough, it is time to rest! Fishing rods, birds singing in the morning, Mary, happy that I'm near you! E-eh, заживу! It's time to rest!" From the pleasure of an anticipation of a future serene peaceful life he even rubbed his hands: "Mars let the others win, young! A new generation has grown! They should give way! Won Цацуля and Worlds - not the bad guys! Of them would be good commanders came out! We must return to recommend... And Manakova sorry!.."
His thoughts began to flounder, and he dozed off, more and more immersed in sweet oblivion. Suddenly his dream has violated some noise, Gusev jumped up and, нашарив revolver, leaned out of the cockpit to the cabin, where burned dull greenish light.
Past the table with extended schema polar station someone the way. He snagged set aside chair, who fell and made so much noise.
Gusev recognized Цацулю.
-Sasha, what happened? "he asked.
Цацуля approached. Fur hat back on his head, revealing his wet under her from running light brown hair. He could not speak, trying to catch his breath, then said through his deep and frequent sighs:
I don't know how to report, Alexei Ivanovich!..
-And what? What happened?! - strained Gusev. The whole appearance of the former sailor inspired fear of a major and serious incidents. - We were attacked?!
Gusev began to frantically pull the pants.
-No, Alexey Ivanovich, worse! I don't know how to say... the Engineer Elk flew away.
-As a go?! - started Gusev. He felt a catch in the whole behaviour of the Elk, and now his fear began to come true. - As a go?! Who allowed?! Where to go?!
-And who will allow him! surprised Цацуля. - Is he from the commanders! Not a member of any!
Gusev popped out at night snowstorm and, despite the fierce cold, from which even breathing was painful, rushed to the place where you would stand on duty flying ship. Finally there, looking, why go up in complete darkness, falling asleep cereals prickly, like needles, dry snow, Gusev wandered back into your ship staff.
-To strengthen the protection of!- he gave the order Цацуле. - Now you can expect! From this moment on take-off clearance volatile ships give only I!
Clearly, Alexey Ivanovich! - Цацуля disappeared through the door.
Gusev was sitting at the table, panting and trembling very wondering what to do now.
Light a small screen. It has Skiles.
-Hello, Mr. Gusev! - he said once cheerful and enthusiastic.
"Good night, Mr. Skiles! I understand that the engineer Elk again have you?
-You are right, Mr. Gusev!
-What is he doing there, if not a secret?
-He is now on the negotiations with Mr. Тускуба! Mr. Elk flew to make him an offer!
"Tell Mr. Тускубу, that the engineer Moose not enough authority to conduct any negotiations! - Gusev turned away from the screen to Skiles not noticed, it is raging fury: "If Elk thinks I'm his sleeping Martian Babu trade polar station, he is deeply mistaken!"
Screen out by then, but after a while the lights up again. Now next to Скайльсом it seemed tired and sunk face Elk.
Mstislav Sergeevich! You that! Henbane overeat! "said Gusev. - You why there flew again?!
-I did Тускубу offer! "replied wearily Elk.
-Yes what is the proposal might be?! I you, Mstislav Sergeevich, powers to negotiate with not played with Kontra gave up!
-I showed him an ultimatum! "Moose said, not paying attention to the astonished his words Скайльса.
-What is the ultimatum?! "said Gusev.
-I demanded that the Тускуба give me Аэлиту or...
"Or what?..
Or I bid you blow up the polar station!
For a moment Gusev taken aback by impudence Elk. From him he was not expecting this. However, as an experienced revolutionary, Gusev since then immediately involved in the game Elk. He realized that Skiles hears everything, and about internal conflict or disagreement between them, immediately becomes aware Тускубу.
"Ah, there you what, Mstislav Sergeevich! Well, you are, of course, soon! But that Тускуб?
-He was forced to agree!
The head Guseva feverishly spinning thoughts. He understood that the Elk played VA-Bank, has arranged a true corps de ballet instead of a clear plan for revolutionary action by them. And it was another пижонство Elk, is the same as his departure for America. It was selfish trick, which is not only harmed the revolutionary plans Guseva, but, in General, made them full-stopper. But if Gusev allowed now feel Скайльсу and Тускубу that the words Elk nothing that they have no real power and reliance on the actions Guseva, for the fate of the engineer was difficult to guarantee. And this Gusev was unnecessary. "Ah, Elk, Moose! What are you doing?! he thought sadly. "You will get killed, and then us too, as smoke one перещелкают!"
The trick is lost his head Elk could put the beginning of the end insurgent troops on a polar station. And now Gusev understood that the further fate of all the insurgents, suddenly put on the map ошалевшим engineer dependent on only his words correctly and from fidelity to the action. He had to show Скайльсу, and therefore Тускубу that they are together, they at the same time, and Moose not отколовший decaying element, and slightly ahead of the event a participant of the revolution.
-Certainly, Mstislav Sergeevich! Pass Тускубу that, if he does not fulfill your requirements, I will blow up the polar station! continued Gusev, feeling that the situation is still well played out, and he перегибает stick.
-Yes, Alexei Ivanovich, - it was clear that the Elk felt his support. - Тускуб knows! I will fly to the station!
Gusev didn't ask her why. The screen went dark.
Crazy plan
-I demanded that the Тускуба, so he sent a sarcophagus with Аэлитой accompanied by Tara on my междупланетный apparatus, remaining near the equator of Mars! excitedly explained Elk сердитому and насупившемуся Gusev.
-Well, and what of this? - asked one so ready to explode at any second, that even смолил as usual cigarette.
He agreed! - enthusiastic as the child answered Elk. His extreme agitation was either mask, trying to hide the offence for which another Gusev without thinking, would have put to the wall, or a symptom of paranoia mad love engineer. "I will send междупланетный device with Tar and Аэлитой on Earth, and after that, accompanied by soldiers Тускуба be back on Тасоцер.
-And what's next, Mstislav Sergeevich?! - more than said elk, the more Gusev understood that he endangers his plans. - What next?
-Further? I haven't got it! - embarrassed, Elk.
-Now, see, Mstislav Sergeevich! You continue to not come up with! And that is not only your adventure, search your sweetheart Aelita, some romantic impulses! We are here - the envoys of the Soviet Republic, and we need to establish here the Soviet power, that's the most important thing! Don't forget that we're on Mars for the second time and our main goal yet to be achieved! Meanwhile, Тускуб became even more powerful than he was! Now it hangs over us in the flying pyramid weighing hundreds of millions of tons! It must be stopped! Otherwise the case of the Soviet power on Mars is in mortal danger! We are few, Mstislav Sergeevich! Us too little! These Martian rebels without us?! Тускуб crush them in a jiffy! I wonder how they do so much stretched, шныряя in the catacombs, like rats! Unless it was a revolutionary struggle?! It was agony! They beat them, as partridges! Soldiers Тускуба flew in ruins blasted them Соацеры as hunting. There was quite a bit to their hollow destruction. We arrived in time and managed to catch a falling banner of the proletarian revolution on Mars and to lead it again! And now, you see, we ransacked and burned air army Тускуба, captured the polar station, forced to tremble for fear of imminent death Martian bourgeoisie! Yes, Тускуб hanging over us in your floating city. But I know that he is trembling and shaking with fear, expecting at any moment that we'll blast the station and turn it into a heap of rubble! Yes, perhaps we perish, but he knows that we do not fear! We have nothing to lose except their own chains. And we keep Тускуба by the throat, ready to break it, and do away with his power!
Gusev took a deep breath, sat down at the table and paused for some time, as though gathering strength. Elk listened carefully and guiltily, more tilting your head in the consciousness of his iniquity.
-And you with his love, Mstislav Sergeevich! I always knew that you were not a revolutionary, you romantic! Of course, the revolution is also need for romance! But romance, dream about happiness of the people! And you, you and only scampering all these years with his Аэлитой... of course She is beautiful - there are no words! But, Mstislav Sergeevich! You put on the scales of his love against the rest of the proletarian revolution! All these long years you have dreamed of and sadness only about his sweetheart, and I was You humanly pitiful. But all these years I thought about our Martian brothers, oppressed Тускубом that we failed to help the first time. And if you were hoping to meet my love, I hoped that he arrived again, finally свергну Тускуба and build on Mars Soviet power. That's your son tar - very suitable for the role of the proletarian leader of the liberated from the slavery of Mars. And you have it on the Ground want to send! Why?..
Gusev paused, as if waiting for a response from Elk. He sat silently, with bowed head, and listened to heavy words of reproach, that he had nothing to object to. The truth was Gusev.
Alexei Ivanovich! - finally spoke, slowly raising his head, and Elk. "I promise you, after I hit send Аэлиту on the Ground, together we blow up the fucking polar station!
Early icy morning, when the sun showed above silver ice cap, massive gateways landing deck silently hovering in the sky above the polar station Тасоцера smoothly slipped down on its Eastern, glittering purple mirror inclined plane, revealing, like Zev, carnivorous, feeding his gates for fugitive ships and letting the floor flight berth first, окрасившие all inside of him in purple rays of the luminaries.
Along the perimeter of the landing field lined up in a caret soldiers in white, sparkling and отсвечивающих crimson glow of the refracted light skin-tight suits, marking the beginning of the farewell ceremony.
Soon the Golden lift cylinder, which at the floor, slowly rolled transparent sarcophagus Aelita low gold catafalque, followed by Elk, Скайльсом and Тускубом surrounded by a retinue of high military ranks in the long black, hanging folds on the floor, shimmering gold jointing raincoats. Father Aelita went ahead, as though showing the way to the катафалку with the sarcophagus of our sleeping the deep sleep daughter. Skiles and Elk followed behind the whole procession.
She reached the middle of the huge platform where waiting for loading stood a silver flying ship, waiting for откинувший on the deck of his ladder, and stopped.
Тускуб turned back and walked over to her daughter lying behind the transparent diamond glass. He stood a long time motionless and looked at her, saying goodbye, and though his face was cold and impenetrable, arrogant, and he did finish it, feel that inner grief that he could not feel, seeing Аэлиту the last time.
But he leaned to the glass and made something like a kiss, and then stepped aside.
The hour is highest military ranks, who accompanied him everywhere, started катафалку from all sides, gently and slowly, as if afraid to Wake sleeping in it pretty марсианку, raised on the shoulders of massive transparent structure and the ladder slowly and briefly stepping made it into the silvery flying ship. Elk followed them for a moment pausing at the entrance hatch, turning around and seeing what the Тускуба. He stood, his eyes lowered, floor flight of the site.
Ladder went up, roared with screws, and silver flying ship, accompanied by a pair of combat ships majestically flew towards the one who has entered over the closest ice horizon косматому red sun, signified its appearance to the beginning of a new day. Circled over Тасоцером, Troika volatile ships headed to the South.
Lock gates quietly, slowly and heavily hit bottom hatches gate and closed them.
Egorov and Polezhaev warmed themselves by using their bodies косматому the Martian sun, выкатившемуся in the Zenith of violet sky, and looked at the passing over a rare pinkish-yellow cloud. They have long since lost count of the days that were left alone near междупланетного apparatus. Communication with other crews install and failed, and they are tired of guessing what is going on and where all those damned
Occasionally violated their peace predatory ikhi, Yes sometimes in the evening on hot during the day the sun plateau ran outlandish huge, insects arachnids, which bypassed their camp party. They spent the night inside the unit, задраивая hatch, as at night the desert, anhydrous plateau lived a cockroach in the darkness of life.
Egorov, разморенный sun, lazily looked at the sky in search of some interesting animals. But the sky was empty. Finally, on the horizon from the North came three flying beside the point.
-Oh, look, Maxim, again fly these strange birds!
-Let's fly! - although not responded Polezhaev, even without taking off from the face of the накрывавшую his soldier's cap. He had long since tired of the poor rarities of the Martian lifeless plateau.
Point grow, increasing in size, and Egorov, as senior on watch, troubled:
-Something these birds some big! Well, took out a gun, just in case!
Polezhaev rose on his elbow, looked at the sky:
-Yes, it's not a bird does, Sergey Egorovich!
Some aircraft!
-Yah! Well, then, the more! To combat готовсь!!!
Now to them clearly came the sound of many screws, разрезающих air.
Describing above the place of landing междупланетного apparatus circle, flying ships went down and sat in a hundred metres from the vast burnt eggs. Screws tar.
-Charge! ordered Egorov, falling on the sand with a box of ammunition. - On-отовьсь!
Polezhaev stretching out through the gate патронную tape, shut the lid and pressed to the sight "maxima". Egorov was lying on his elbows close, staring at the passengers in binoculars, is about to targeting.
That's ship the ladder fell some creatures, like people in similar ovate helmets, silver, broad jackets, with thick collars, covering the neck and the lower half of the face. In their hands they had some weapons. They lined up in two rows on each side of the ramp. Next appeared a few dressed in black flowing folds cloaks figures, which provide a shining in the sun flashes, exactly mirror, large box.
Egorov put his binoculars to his eyes, looking at the unexpected guests.
We dressed in black cloaks human creatures were bald, in the flower head, безбородые, narrow, bluish color of the face.
-Цельсь! - ordered Egorov. Watching through binoculars. - Wind side five right, above, three...
Silver ship seemed to someone else, it was considerably larger and higher than the щуплых figures. It was something familiar. Egorov I looked at it and learned engineer Elk.
A атставить! "he commanded the machine gunner. - Almost Mstislav Sergeyevich did not shoot!
-What are you?! surprised Polezhaev.
-For yourself! - offered him a pair of binoculars Egorov.
"Right! And who are these with him?!
-Probably, the Martians! concluded Egorov, again putting binoculars to his eyes. - And a box with a strange kind of drag! Glass? That box?! I do not understand!
Together with Deer descended the ladder a lanky, blond Martian, dressed not like the rest. Behind them appeared four more in the same silvery, broad jackets. They carried a large cylinder rod and started to spin in the direction of the underlying machine gun at a loss Egorova and Polezhaeva.
Soon after the orange песчанику laid bright green, with gold track.
When the Martians, укладывавшие were already very close with them engaged in laying carpet, Egorov and Polezhaev had turned the gun aside and covered him some подвернувшейся under the hand of the cloth, and then stood up to meet them, ready to mutual greeting. The Martians had passed them, a sham path to the shell itself междупланетного apparatus, leaning towards him rolled in a tube balance, and went through the sand, not stepping on it, not making even no attention to them, as if they were not.
After towards междупланетному ship is laid track moved slowly, as if it was hard to bear, the procession of the Martians in black cloaks with their heads uncovered with a glittering in the sun box.
Behind them, with bowed head, slowly walked Elk. Next to him there were others.
When the procession approached were guarding the междупланетный apparatus saw that in the box on the snow-white bed being is dazzling beauty. Court on features and figure, it was female.
Transparent sparkling in the sun box placed at the end of the track. Martians in black cloak stood around.
-Hello, Mstislav Sergeevich! - Hello Egorov with the commander, when he came up after him, and looked uneasily at up next to him of a fair-haired, tall Martian, which was something strange, guessed some human, even familiar seemingly features. What is happening?! Who is in a box lying down?
-Hello, Sergey! This is my Aelita! She was asleep! he replied somehow nervous.
-But why? surprised Polezhaev, too, with interest in looking at who accompanied the head of the Martian expedition.
-Because her son - eternal! - mysterious, still thoughtfully and even angry, as if it distract you from something important process, answered Elk, not taking his eyes from the sarcophagus.
-A-a-a - handed Polezhaev, as if understood something, but ask for more did not.
It turned out that the sarcophagus fails entirely to hatch междупланетного ship, and the Martians in black cloaks, stripped him of the top cover of diamond glass to register it first.
Elk bent over his beautiful lover. So close he never approached it in years. It seemed that Aelita just sleeps and wakes up. Ash and her hair flowed the snow-white pillow. He bowed low over her, and remained so long, peering into her face, as if trying to infiltrate them, in their essence, trying to understand that, that's still hidden in them such that does not go away from his memory all these long years, and no loneliness, no separation could not erase this image from his mind. Elk knew that Aelita not Wake up. However, he could not hold himself in the minute vicinity to her beautiful face and did what so sweet, so painful, so long dreamed of all these slow years of yearning and longing: he warmly, sweetly, and in the same time endlessly passionately kissed her slightly parted lips.
Kiss, though it took no more than thirty seconds, in some other dimension lasted so long, so infinitely that turned into coitus. Their bodies have become a single entity, and Elk already in a dimension not understand, where is his body, and where it begins. Through tightly clenched her lips in a kiss all this infinite time some mysterious life force riddled with them both, as if the beneficial discharges life-giving lightning, and both of them, as one, all the more performed fragrance of life, which was oozed, flowed on them to the members of the juice of love and eternity as the single vessel...
Around all gasped.
It was a sound of surprise and horror before the miracle.
Aelita opened her eyes, as if asleep only one night, and behold, in the morning, sweetheart woke her up from the dream of your tender kiss.
-Aelita! said, slightly aloof in some surprise, and the blossoming of joy, and Elk. And in that sound, вырвавшемся from his breast, had everything you could talk endlessly long. In this word has filled his whole life, and life in pain, alone and waiting, life in hope and faith. It could read something like the Bank and cherished it in his heart the love of all these long years, as carried it in him through the years, through all share their distance, as believed somewhere in the hidden depths of his soul in their imminent meeting, that he may again see these very dear for him the light of the eyes, in the depths of which lurked quietly, intimately and joyfully his happiness, the happiness that cannot be measured either by time or distance limits, nor what the world-known measure the happiness of the one hundredth fraction of a second his equals eternity and is identical to the execution of the purpose of his life in this world, that happiness which makes it senseless further meanings of existence.
"My husband, my beloved! Can it be you?! - reached out to him Aelita, привстав with a snow-white bed.
He passionately and joyfully embraced and kissed her again. Tears of joy, tears of happiness flowed down his cheeks two undeterred flows, irrigating the meaning of life.
His flight to Mars, his pursuit of goals, and, if it is our fate, his life, were completed.
Gusev докуривал last seized with междупланетного apparatus cigarette, thinking about the vicissitudes of fate.
Behind вьюжило and strongly Melo barbed like needles of ice порошей, so out of the fierce cold, not like, but you had to go check guard.
Because tar flew with Deer, it now возлегла and additional load to check the service of the Martian rebels. Gusev was surprised to find that it's his trouble, and he still lingered leave a warm and cozy cabin. As if to justify its delay it now, why it again studied the scheme polar station drawn TAROM, and did her any senseless tagging with a red pencil.
However, the cigarettes Gusev't worried. He was sure that in a very short time sent them on a mission Fedulov do calculated Elk maneuver and will plant it междупланетный apparatus near the polar station. Wait a little. There was a whole box of cigarettes - year supply for the whole crew.
"Now, " thought with pleasure Gusev, " as soon as I have a междупланетный machine, I Тускубом talk differently! Now due to the lack of other transport, I'm dependent on the magnetic field emanating from the station. But when will the device, then all - AMBA Тускубу and the flying diamond rock! I'm right here взовьюсь on the machine and see how everything here will go hell! Скайльса a bit sorry. Man is not a Martian, what, and there, with them will go! I told him - fly away from here!.."
A small screen in the cabin suddenly lit up, and it accumulated person Скайльса.
"Good day, Mr. Gusev, " he said Skiles.
-Hi, Archibald! - Gusev even seen a Скайльса jaw dropped in surprise: he, apparently, and he could not remember when he allowed himself to go to it. But Gusev remembered - never. Why are you bothering me?!
-Yes here, like to congratulate you with the victory, " replied Skiles.
Is what?!
-Well, what? Elk received Аэлиту. Now he sends her to the Ground...
"But for me, this is victory? 'Gusev. - For me it's just the private life of my friend Elk...
-But you were ready to blow up the station!
-Yes! lied Gusev. - But only for the sake of Moose! Station I still blow up, - Gusev noticed the slip, and they promised Тускубу't blow it! - But if Тускуб not given to the Elk енту his Martian woman...
-Аэлиту, " Skiles.
-Well, Yes, Аэлиту! - agreed Elk. - Beautiful, a plague, but Baba Baba is even a Martian - some trouble and disturbance revolution!.. Now, if Тускуб not given to the Elk Аэлиту, I pulled before!
"Wait a bit, Mr. Gusev, caught him on the word Skiles, and here Gusev realized that screwed up. - You have promised in return Aelita on his return Mr. Elk leave polar station. Goes, you can't believe?!
"Oh, Yes, " corrected himself Gusev, - заговорился, guilty! Of course they will...
Skiles hesitated and was silent for a while, something over.
-And I want to offer you, Mr. Gusev, celebrate your victory!
-Yes, what is a victory! No, thanks for the offer, but thank you! The case! - he wanted to say goodbye and to repay the screen, because without that lingered with checking Karaulov.
In fact, why? - not appeased Skiles. - Remember my good whiskey! It was pleasant to you! We are now almost no enemies! Like all questions have been settled arrangements have been made! Come on, Mr. Gusev!
Gusev thought that if he will упрямствовать, Skiles suspect something was wrong, and this could jeopardize the fulfillment of his plan. He let slip, and now it was necessary to show that this is really just a reservation. Yes and whiskey Скайльса was really what I needed. And tobacco!
-Well, I agree! - Gusev depicted leniency.
-Then I will fly, Mr. Gusev!
-But! - Gusev and held up a finger. - Only one ship!
This time Gusev never went to check the posts. He decided to entrust this matter to Цацуле and Mirow: "Let the train guys, look into the army."
Having met the flying ship Скайльса, Gusev took him to their headquarters. How can always кутался in a long fur collar from freezing cold and among prickly vortices ice crumb.
They sat down opposite each other at a table. Gusev turned off and removed the eye diagram of the station, took out a stack asked to bring something to eat.
This time he was sure that the whiskey nothing is mixed, besides Skiles drank with him along.
-I am afraid, Mr. Gusev, confessed him an American, when dinner was in full swing.
"For what?" surprised Gusev, even stop eating.
-Well, you said that you still do blow up the station. I am very worried!
-Well, what are you, Archibald! - last call Gusev took manner фамильярничать with him and kept now in the same spirit. "I gave my word that if Тускуб give Moose
Аэлиту, we go!
-But why? - not appeased Skiles.
-That why? 't understand Gusev.
-Why suddenly in you there was such a drastic change?
-Well, you've been so categorical, and suddenly...
-Suddenly it? - Gusev tried to understand how his gaffe sowed a seed of doubt in the opponent.
Now he went out of his way to show that they are afraid of Скайльсу and Тускубу there is nothing more that he was just waiting for when he will return Elk, and together they leave the station. He фамильярничал, drank imported whiskey, showing their confidence in the guest strongly represented a regular guy. But Skiles hesitated, because Gusev be thinking, how would now have that calm down.
Suddenly you become so agreeable, that have made such a stupid step! Exchange козырного ACE on a lady! It's not your style! - Skiles said. "I know you have learnt during these years, Mr. Gusev. And I understand very well that you're some kind of double game...
In the words of an American, felt a hidden threat. But Gusev could not understand now, that started the enemy. Of course, the myth that he agrees to give its strategic superiority over the enemy for the sake of Elk found peace of mind, was хлипковат. Hold them could think of a simpleton. And as it Gusev gave himself a fool, to convince oneself that Тускуб and Skiles believe it. Too хлипковат was a myth.
Now Gusev was thinking, what can take the enemy-he's still not bought raffle! But maybe, after all, bought it?! Maybe it's just doubt Скайльса who were born just now, when he let it slip out! We must then convince him that it's a reservation! Well, if they plan to pretend that they believed Gusev?.. He just had to urgently work out a new solution. The most important thing was to win time. Because Fedulov had now come for междупланетном apparatus...
Skiles continued leisurely dinner, glancing occasionally at the master position and reasoning:
-Well, in fact, Mr. Gusev! Because our agreement with your hand just a gentlemen's agreement, is not it? And you're not a gentleman! We have fulfilled our part of the contract - gave Mr. Moose Аэлиту! And you? You didn't lose anything! Incidentally, Aelita - only daughter Тускуба, and him, believe me, it was hard to take such a decision...
Gusev, narrowing her eyes, listened attentively to his opponent, trying to find background discussion:
I don't understand, Archibald, where you're getting? he was sick фамильярничать with an American, but he was forced to do to not show the change in his mood.
-Well, what? explained to American, gesticulating silver knife and fork and continuing to feast. - About to return Mr. Moose, and you say, "I changed my mind?" and what are we to do then?
-Well, Elk return to your ship! In fact - he is your prisoner!
-So what?!
As what?! This is a strong argument to make me leave polar station! - strained Gusev.
-I agree! Knowing how you value your friendship with Mr. Elk, because you risked their lives to rescue him from Mr. Krabs, " I have no doubt that this is a strong argument! - Skiles poured him another whiskey. At this moment, Gusev seemed, in fact, full nonsense to Skiles doubted. They drank, and he gladly gave another стопочку dispersing the printing blood, stagnant stay in infinite пятидесятиградусного frost whiskey. "But I know something else! -
Gusev alert, listening attentively to the words of the guest but noticed that his reaction was considerably worse from a large number of drinking. "I know, " he continued, too drunk, Skiles, then what Moose you needed to fly to Mars. You need was a revolution on Mars, and without a master Elk your dreams would burst like a soap bubble! When you freed him, brought back from America, you risk not only for the sake of your friend Moose, but also for the engineer Elk, and thus for the sake of your dreams! Today you came to Mars, and sit on a polar station, заминировав it, and holding your finger on the shutter button of the remote control explosion. Today you have an advantageous strategic position. Тускуб missed this point. He could not imagine, that the insurgents can grab polar station! Without you would not have been able! Today you on top of your revolution. Press of a button is half done - as you well know! And please tell me, do you, desperate soldier, заматерелый in countless battles, will not be able to sacrifice your friendship with Deer victory for the cause of your revolution. Moor has done his duty, the moor can go...
Skiles talked quietly and continued to have a snack, but Gusev instinctively opened under the table leg holster and touched the pocket radio remote control explosive device.
-I still do not understand, Archibald! What you are driving at!
"What is there to understand! - Skiles looked at his watch, something counting. - I't believe you! And what you оговорились or проговорились - call it as you like for all I care - another proof! I said no wonder that too well you know, Mr. Gusev! If on one side of your weights put the life of Mr. Moose, and the other - your proletarian revolution, as you think, Mr. Gusev, what will outweigh?
Gusev was silent, wondering what to do next. Drunk alcohol in the way. We must act immediately. But shoot Скайльса is the first thing that came to mind was not the way out. We had to something else. Take Скайльса hostage? Hardly for Тускуба Skiles is of any value. Then what?..
The cabin door knocked.
-Come in! ordered Gusev, welcomed what it is, probably, Цацуля and Worlds came with a report after inspection posts.
But nobody has entered. Somebody knocked in the door again.
-Yes enter! - Gusev glowed with fury, jumped up to the door and opened it, intending to cool teach Joker: no-one allowed himself such liberties!
Behind an open door stood several soldiers in silver broad jackets and яйцеобразных helmets.
Surprise Gusev recoiled back and wanted to grab the revolver from his holster, but suddenly everything around was darkened, and he collapsed on the floor next to the table at which sat quietly Skiles, чиркая electric lighter. Until Guseva twisted, he told him:
"You see, Mr. Gusev, I got a little secrets! Pleasing me, you are not afraid to drink whiskey, although it might be poisoned. Whiskey really not poisoned, but it contained one substance that is activated in the body from the slightest electrical discharge and temporarily causes fainting, loss of consciousness and paralysis! Unfortunately, I had to use them, Mr. Gusev. I very much respect for you and because I learn from you how to deal with the enemy. I hope that you will appreciate me as a good student!
Тускуб walked on its huge пирамидальному Cabinet on the very top of the Тасоцера, nervously, and looking at his watch. It has been three hours, as Skiles began developed by them capture operation of the polar station, and from there was not yet any news. Below, on the station there could be anything, but Тускуб hoped that the events develop according to their plan. If everything went wrong, maybe very soon came the explosion would, and Тасоцер would have collapsed down, and then...
But every minute nothing happened, and that wearied his fear of the unknown and uncertainty.
Тускуб knew Guseva still on the first landing, and therefore knew what danger he puts his creation.
On the eve came to him Skiles. At this time Тускуб sat there and was sad about his daughter. It has endless longing for the dear creature, which he would never see.
-That's what I think is immediately posted Магацитл. - Gusev, first, bluffing, when the Moose stated my ultimatum. He wouldn't blow up the station, if you refused to transfer the sarcophagus with Аэлитой Elk.
But that would then did they do? surprised Тускуб.
-This all was calculated, that you will believe in seriousness of their intentions!
-Why did you not say it then? surprised Тускуб.
"I know about this now, to come to such a conclusion I needed a rather lengthy analysis... besides, there is no guarantee that it would actually!
-Yes, it's a pity that far greenhouse. If she was right, this is a trick them failed! He sees right through everything!
Skiles guessed who you are talking about, and from the memories of his reason, and shrugged.
-What else? asked Тускуб, intending to complete an audience.
-Secondly, continued Skiles, as though he had not heard the question, I think Gusev not to leave the station.
"Why not?" "the old Martian.
-Yes, because Gusev - born fighter. His whole life with someone fighting for the idea. But even if it was not the idea, he'd find something to fight! His credo is a war! He even flew to Mars, to fight. What he managed to capture polar station is a good strategic position. While at her, his throat keeps the ruler of the planet, and thus the entire planet. Is this not the cherished dream of someone who hates the ruling class and dreams that dominated working?! And you think that he voluntarily, even for a very important reason, for example, an agreement with You, will relinquish its dominant strategic position?! Yes for anything!
-What about the contract?! asked surprised offended Тускуб.
-He wanted to spit on contracts! Besides, I know Mr. Gusev is not the first year. Treachery against the enemy for him, no question. In his concept of the enemy does not agree, the enemy deceive and destroy. I can assure you that he already hatching a plan to blow up the polar station, and to get away with impunity, avoid death and lead risen after the death of the ruler of the planet labour movement!
-But how?! surprised Тускуб. - Тасоцер hangs over the polar station, and in the case of the death will destroy everything within a radius of not less than a thousand kilometers! I think Магацитлу Gusev know.
If only I knew how! "Skiles. - I myself Gusev at the polar station, as a knife to the throat! But I'm not going to guess the tea leaves! I propose to act! Once Gusev вероломен, I suggest we get ahead of him in the perfidy! I devised a plan - Skiles took from his pocket a sheet of paper and laid it on the table in front of the Martian leader. - Today I напрошусь on a visit to Gusev on the occasion of his victory. I'll take one ship, because more suspiciously. Besides, probably, cautious Gusev not allow me to accompany you. It is necessary to failure, as far as possible the best, your soldiers, several units, which after planting, when I'm with Gusev went out, рассосредоточатся and start acting. We have a defector from the rebels. A soldier of the guard station. To not share the fate of their comrades, he agreed to join the rebels. He flew back to my vehicle during last visit to the negotiations. Defector told, where the rebels are holding a General Serga and the soldiers that have not agreed to join the rebels, and as their guard. He drew this a detailed scheme of the location and change of posts at the station, so I know where the rest of honor. Using it, we can quietly and quickly to defuse the time, and the next, and the whole guard. While I distract Guseva, your soldiers take over the station. I подмешаю whiskey in a special substance, and give them Guseva. By sparking electric discharge it paralyzes human for a while. I myself in advance will receive the antidote, and to me this stuff won't work. So I'm sure my plan succeeds, and we will capture station. Besides, after the departure of the Elk and Tara, the rebels have little commanders, who are able to effectively organize a reliable defense and the absence of the leader of the rebels will play into our hands!
"Why not?" asked Тускуб.
-Now more than half of the rebels is your former soldiers who went over to the rebels not from a desire to fight with the authorities, by virtue of the choice: or captured, or under the gun to the revolutionaries. Many of them, and this confirms the defector, just waiting for a chance to escape - Skiles paused, watching the reaction Тускуба its a risky proposition. - In General, now and only now, when Gusev in the minority, convenient and is the only appropriate time to capture station.
Тускуб long sat silently and pressed his rare grey beard, thinking over dangerous plan, which, however, promised deliverance from sudden headache - Guseva with explosives on a polar station.
-Well! But in case of failure?! finally he asked.
Skiles shrugged, making извинительную grimace.
-You understand that in case of failure to pass that to happen anyway, even if you do nothing - Gusev explode polar station! I assure you, and I know Guseva many years, that he will blow her anyway! Sooner or later, but will explode!
Тускуб was thinking again, weighing the words Скайльса. He was thinking so long that the American turned to go, deciding that his proposal was rejected.
-Well! - agreed Тускуб. - It is necessary to develop a detailed plan of operations!..
A huge screen in the office Тускуба lit up. On the screen was satisfied, drunk Skiles. In the background the soldiers twisted stunned and paralyzed Gusev:
-The transaction is completed! - reported Тускубу satisfied, Skiles. - I took a rebel guard and freed from the captivity of your General Serga!
On the screen next to Скайльсом appeared gaunt cold and imprisonment old General. Despite its pathetic, he immediately reported:
-The rebels scattered, my commander! A few managed to capture! The station is fully under our control!
From the pleasure Тускуб rubbed his hands happily:
Go with him on Тасоцер, Skiles! And you, General, organize the protection and defense of the station. I'll send to you a new garrison! Set the double-help! Locate and disarm explosives! Give the order to the soldiers to comb the area around the station and of destroying all the remaining insurgents! After that take the best soldiers and go in pursuit of Аэлитой and Магацитлом Deer! They flew to the equator, and I cannot get in contact with the commander of their ship!
-Yes, my commander!
Guseva, Цацулю, Mirow and several insurgents were taken on Тасоцер and thrown into the punishment cell in the lower floors of the flying city, not far from the burning of millions of degrees plasma anti-gravity engine.
Skiles personally saw to their securely locked and vigilantly guarded. Going back through the corridors of the dismal prison where hardly places was dull greenish lighting, he asked the chief of the prison guards, why there are so hot, humid and hot, and besides, you hear a strange noise.
Is from the engine! explained one and spent Скайльса to a very small window-the window in a massive blast door at the end of the prison corridor.
It Skiles saw the huge hall, whose walls were lost somewhere in the twilight. In the centre it was huge, dazzling hot, thick ring of plasma.
Skiles nodded with understanding the chief of the prison and went to the cylinder lifts that on the lower floors of the city were steel with bright white light.
Now, after the elimination of resistance it is time to think about his own future.
Скайльса concerned by the shipment sent to междупланетном ship on Land. He needs to invent something and leave immediately after his treasure, and Skiles pondered how to convince Тускуба that he needed to go for a while on Earth. However, back he hoped never to come back.
Skiles left the quiet Golden cylinder lift and was in a huge office Тускуба. He did it in the center. Skiles went to him, not knowing how to start a conversation about what he wants to fly away, now, back to the Ground.
Тускуб, on seeing him, went to meet him and, unexpectedly, having inclined to himself, embraced.
"You have saved the Martian civilization from disaster! - he said. - I am very grateful to you!
-Thanks, I'm touched! - happy Skiles, here on this positive note, and you can leave.
-But! - Тускуб took it back under her back and led him to the table. - Not everything is so good!
-What's wrong?! surprised Skiles.
-General Серг has already left outside the polar caps and managed to contact the commander of the ship took Аэлиту! - Тускуб stopped and paused.
-And what? also sympathetically stopped Skiles. Actually he now wished only one thing-to leave this planet and be on the Earth, where there was a fantastic wealth.
We're too late! Междупланетный device with Аэлитой was launched to the Earth! But the most striking thing is that before the start she woke up, came back to life! the eyes of an old, сморщенного Martian tears trickled down his blue-violet, with плешинами senile age spots cheeks.
-How woke up?! As expect?! surprised now and Skiles.
I don't know! Since destroyed planetary system of screens, allowing to communicate with any point of the planet, communication with objects crossing the horizon bad and unstable!
-Understand! shook his head Skiles. - Well, Elk, too go?!
-I do not think! - nodded Тускуб. - The commander of the ship, they went to the equator, was a clear orders to Магацитла back on Тасоцер! And it takes! But not the important thing now!
-And what? surprised Skiles.
-Aelita! Aelita! - Тускуб Скайльса took the breast, his arms raised high. - You can fly follow and give me back the Princess Тумы. She must not leave the planet!
-Well! - glad to this turn of events American. - The chase, chase!
Sleep of reason
Until Egorov and Polezhaev prepared междупланетный apparatus to launch, Aelita, and Moose, like children holding hands, sat near the orange взгорке close to the start place, surrounded by a ring of soldiers, standing under the hill, and looked to each other.
He sat in silence, silence, which was more than if they told each other about their feelings, their love! They sat and saw nothing around. In the whole world, in the whole universe wise. And every minute of their meeting was equal to the boundless ocean of infinite bliss.
No one would hear them talk to each other on only understand them in two language views words:
-You waited for, my beloved! I died, my beloved! The pain and anguish, my beloved! They pierced my heart captured!
-And I, my darling! I have been worrying myself, my beloved! I was waiting for you, my love, through a thousand nights! I lamented my favorite! I was dying, darling! But I was looking for, my love, look, the light of your eyes!
-I without you, my beloved! Sleep sleep, my beloved! That forever! And now, you're here, my beloved! And you're with me, my beloved! And I again alive! I thy life, my love! And you're my, my beloved! And I was drunk, my beloved! Thee I am full!
-And I, my darling! I was waiting for you, love, my! I believed that we meet! That's what saved me! It seemed to me, darling! That's all, my beloved! That's the end, my beloved! But you saved me! Because you was with me!
-You are my life, my love! You are a sun beam, my beloved! You, my pain, my beloved! You're the light of my eyes! I'm all yours, my beloved! And I'm with you, my beloved! And you're with me, my love, on a thousand nights!
In you my soul! You are my life, my love! Found you, my beloved! Now we forever!
-Do not forsake me, my beloved! Not I live without you, my beloved! Do not forsake me, my beloved! My beloved husband!
-With you, my beloved! I forever, darling! Forever you, my beloved! We are together forever!
The hour of parting close so quickly that it seemed, nothing was. Междупланетный apparatus Elk was ready for launch. Egorov and Polezhaev downloaded the latest belongings. They were serious, but on their faces walked the shadow of happiness: home!
The Moose approached the Martian in black, drop-down large folds down cloak and touched his shoulder, waking him up from this dream in reality:
-We say goodbye! Магацитл Moose!
He turned around, like waking and confusedly looked around. Now a reality again broke into him, destroying the bliss of a strange, sweet забытия.
Elk took Аэлиту hand. She rose from the orange sand.
-You're gone? - throb Aelita.
He did not answer. They went down the hill to междупланетному machine. Elk was suppressed.
-What did you do when asleep? he asked, to cope with the tears that threatened to choke him, received by the throat.
-I dreamed a dream, - replied dreamily Aelita, lost in memories. He was happy and infinite! It was you that we were together, we were so happy. I saw the sea! We lived on its shore, and every morning I came down to him and bathed in the blue lagoon with Golden sand! I dreamed of your planet, your Талцетл! We live on and be happy!
-You shall see her, Aelita! The earth is beautiful! You will be happy!
-I am happy where you were! Though tuma, though Талцетл, let it be near the sea of your planet or orange Sands Тумы for all I care, just next would be thou, Son of Heaven!
I'll be with you always!
-If the Son of Heaven is gone, I fall asleep again that dream!
-Aelita! Elk turned to her and took her pale blue, narrow, cool hands in his and closed them in the boat, hiding inside. "I'm sending you down to the Ground!
She stood and looked at him with her beautiful, large, ash eyes.
"And you? You, my love?!
-I am!..
Aelita leaned forward, trying this impulse to merge with him, hug him. But he stopped her:
I promised to your father! But I will come back! Wait for me! I for and take you with me to never to leave!
He brought her to a young светловолосому марсианину.
-This is our son, tar! "Moose said
Aelita looked at her adult child. He has changed beyond recognition, shot up again.
-How long I slept! "she said, looking at his son.
'Mama! - Tar ran to her and hugged Princess of Mars.
Her age, in any case, it seemed hardly exceeded it.
Polezhaev, Egorov helped Aelita climb the hatch apparatus. The last rose in the device tar. Luc apparatus were just about to batten down.
Aelita again appeared in the doorway entrance. Elk waved her hand. Tears streaming down his cheeks, he could not keep.
-Do not forsake me, my beloved! - she arches held out her hand.
-Aelita! My love! My life! he instinctively rushed to her, but the soldiers in the broad white jackets hard to hold it. - Fly and wait for me! I'll soon be with you!
-Rather get back, my beloved husband! 't take it I painful separation long!
-You are a strong, my Princess Тумы, you can get everything! Wait for me! I will soon next!
The Elk came Martian in a long black, drop-down folds down cloak.
-Магацитл Moose! - he said. - It's time to say goodbye! - he turned to the междупланетному apparatus, from which pulled to the beloved hands Aelita. Princess Тумы! I'm glad your waking! But the time! Good-bye!
He made a wave of the hand facing the выглядывающему for my mother Met: close!
Egorov and Polezhaev removed Аэлиту from the hatch and began his задраивать. The soldiers dragged resisting Elk to летучему ship.
After a few minutes there was a deafening roar from under the burnt eggs in all directions spurted clubs grey smoke. The device trembled and jerked upward, leaving the grey, thick, Kucheryavy post.
"I don't give up!"
Скайльса was given a spacious living-room when behind him were all the same vestal virgin, who accompanied him from the start stay in the society Тускуба. He just finished his own Breakfast, he wondered about how he would quickly go to after his first междупланетным ship, loaded priceless treasures. All his thoughts were now on Earth, and he did not want to remain on Mars more than a minute.
-You will find the Supreme ruler Тумы, Магацитл Skiles! - they told him, and he, without delay, headed by a spacious streets-corridors Тасоцера to the place where arose Golden cylinder lift.
This morning, the General Серг delivered Тасоцер Магацитла Moose! - informed him Тускуб when Skiles walked over to his Desk, standing in the middle of the pyramid of the Cabinet with a transparent floor of a thick diamond, under which the greenish water and swam some mysterious creatures. - I made the decision without delay destroy Магацитла Guseva and all rebel! They are extremely dangerous! What you think about it, Магацитл Skiles?
Is Your business, " shrugged the American, he thoughts had not yet returned from the Earth.
Grimace Тускуба expressed satisfaction with the response.
-With regard to Магацитла Elk, then I have some doubts, " continued the Martian leader. - I was told, as I have already told you that my daughter, Aelita, my only daughter, I can't not entertain a parent's love, woke up shortly before the start of the Тумы on Талцетл. This was, as now, after returning General Serga, I knew touch Магацитла Elk, or rather his kiss!
-An amazing fact! - Skiles almost don't listen to him and ignored everything that has been said, thinking about her.
-Certainly! - Тускуб rose from the table and began to stroll around, continuing on thinking and thinking. - The best specialists in all areas of knowledge could not do anything to arouse her from this mysterious sleep. Even my patron and counselor with whom you communicated in the greenhouse, couldn't offer me. Aelita and not die and was not alive. Although her body was here, next to me, she was in any middle world, which is not available neither from here nor there, where lives my patron and where after the end of existence for all. I confess I didn't know what to do and, although not show his grief, my position does not allow to show weakness - but, you can say, extremely suffered from the loss of a daughter. And here's touch, but rather, kiss this very Магацитла Elk, which I really hate, trust me, and gladly would destroy it along with Gusev and all the other rebels, impeding the implementation of my plans, brought her back from the dream to life. Now my daughter is alive again!
-Yes, it is a wonder - again agreed Skiles, still twisted in the clouds and maintaining conversation only because of his position, which obliged him to do so. Actually, and Elk, and Aelita, and all other interested him less, and he's just waiting for will be able to leave Mars. Crews of both survivors междупланетных ships of his expedition, remaining on Mars, for a week already prepared them for a return flight. Martian volatile ships scurried back and forth, bringing them crates with a cargo.
-So, now that I think about Магацитла Elk - Тускуб stopped and took up his chin, at times, stroking and squeezing the rare grey beard. - It can not be destroyed!
-What? - Skiles depicted surprise. It was beginning to get annoyed that Тускуб hesitates to his departure.
-Yes, because he is the guarantee that my daughter is alive. How surprising! continued Тускуб. - Yes! Learning that Магацитла Elk no more, my daughter, Aelita, may once again indulge in a dream oblivion. With me, that is enough! Besides waking her will be no one left! So I leave Магацитла Elk alive!
-Very good! - agreed Skiles.
-Yes does no good! "replied Тускуб. - This is a forced measure! At least, in itself, without this Магацитла Guseva, which does not destroy the spirit of rebellion, Магацитл Elk is not dangerous.
-I think Yes! "nodded Skiles. He looked forward to when Тускуб orders to be sent in pursuit of Аэлитой.
-I have the impression that you are not here, Магацитл Skiles! suddenly noticed a Martian. - I don't like it!
Remark caught the Americans by surprise. He looked up from his thoughts, but don't know what to say to the ruler of Mars.
Now Тускуб stood in front of him and stared прожигающим through heavy eyes.
-I can fly? asked finally Skiles, not finding anything better to give their thoughts.
Тускуб turned away and began quietly to pace the floor, staring eyes in the transparent diamond floor, where greenish water splashed a huge reservoir, which were visible silhouettes floating several mysterious animals. Then he went for his transparent, made of diamond plates Desk, sat down, and again stared at Скайльса.
Have Americans on the back somehow crept down my spine.
-You return to Талцетл, find Аэлиту and return with her back to tuma, said Тускуб after long consideration.
-Of course, - confirmed Skiles.
-Then proceed with the implementation of our plan.
-Yes, Lord! - agreed Skiles, lowering his head.
-You know, I have no confidence that you do at least something out of this!
-But we have agreed! "replied Skiles.
-Yes, we agree! - confirmed Тускуб. But here is the question. Tell me, what prevents you break the agreement?
-Well! - Skiles started finding appropriate arguments, but the Martian already continued.
-I was by chance it is known, that you have deceived me!
-Actually this processed carbon - Тускуб drew out from underneath a huge, with a soccer ball, a brilliant, shining with its many faces - in your world has, is, of great value! This took away Магацитла Guseva, during his captivity! Some simple questions of your assistants, who spent after that my officers, led me in amazement! It turns out that the pieces of stone that even our masters don't take into processing, you are valued as a treasure extraordinarily large, fortune!
"Well, yeah, " Skiles, realizing that exposed.
-But you said that this mineral you too!
-I didn't lie! "replied Skiles. - We, on Earth, carbon really a lot, only in a slightly different form. Perhaps you misunderstand me!..
-I don't grudge you the carbon Магацитл Skiles! I abound! But as trust someone who deceived?!
Skiles wanted to protest again, but Тускуб stopped him by a gesture forward her hand with the open narrow grey-blue hand.
At this time, with a quiet, subtle buzz in the office Тускуба, behind American appeared Golden cylinder lift. From someone got out and headed in their direction.
-Here who will fly instead of You, Магацитл Skiles! "drawled Тускуб hand towards подходившему.
Skiles turned and saw myself, or an exact copy of his body, which drew near and stood beside him.
-Who is this?! he asked surprised, turning to the Martian leader.
My scientists have grown this creature from the cells of your seed! explained Тускуб.
-But why? surprised Skiles. - And how is this possible?!
-Why? asked Тускуб. My protector advised me to do so immediately after your first acquaintance with him. Unlike me, he doesn't need discernment to look into your thoughts. How is this possible? I decided to apply my latest developments of scientists and engineers. Vestal virgin, who were always with you, provided us with access to your body, my patron during your communication in the Conservatory received the exact replica of your consciousness. And then it is not so difficult with our engineering accomplishments in the power of which you can verify. We've raised your body and put him in your consciousness, removing all unnecessary parts that will interfere with the performance of the task. Such copies of your body I can make you a hundred, a thousand! Unlike you, this creature is totally dominated by me, and do all that I shall order him! I haven't given him a name, but may also be Skiles! In the end, your crew should not notice the substitution!
But what about our agreement?! cried Skiles, realizing that his fate is also solved.
-I had only time! "replied Тускуб.
To Скайльсу rear approached the two soldiers in silver jackets, came out from the lift together with its copy, and, seizing him, tied his hands. The Martian in the black cloak, drop-down on the floor folds, approached him and knocked the weapon, he said:
-Follow me Магацитл Skiles! You this is no longer necessary! he yanked from ear ball Aelita, and now American began to hear only the bird's chirping of alien speech.
In the chamber, where they took Скайльса, it was dark. The door leading into the corridor, closed after swallowing the last glares разгонявшие darkness.
-Who is this? "came a voice in the dark, and Skiles learned Guseva. He remained silent, but the voice asked already somewhere near. - Who is this?
Is it me? "replied Skiles English.
-A-a-a! Contra! - happy in the dark voice Guseva. And you're here!
Gusev groped in the darkness Скайльса, grabbed him by the gate, apparently swung:
-I can now, Kontra, 'm hurting! For all the answer!
-Wait! - tossed him an American. - Тускуб wants you to destroy!
-Scared, skin sales, strong proletarian fist! - shouted Gusev.
"Wait a minute! "I heard another voice in the dark. It was a Moose. - Deal with it you get time always! Need to figure out what he knows. Besides, if Скайльса threw us into the camera, it just sucks!
-Yes, Yes, " stuck to his guns frightened Skiles, - Тускуб wants to destroy Guseva and all rebel!..
-Well, now I'll ask you, bastard! - not appeased Gusev, cots into the darkness American collar. Apparently, someone was holding his arm, preventing hit. - Yes let go of you! Who say! "he shouted someone. - I still пришибу!
Alexei Ivanovich! a voice spoke Elk, apparently, he had his hand, not giving the blessing to venerate Скайльсу. Is always plenty of time! Cool it! We must do something! Цацуля! Worlds! Help!
-Yes release my hands, I say to you for the last time! - shouted Gusev.
A romp in the dark camera lasted for some time until, finally, coming to the aid of the Elk Цацуля and Worlds torn Guseva the Скайльса.
Quietly, Alexey Ivanovich! Quietly! Get yourself together! - continued calm his Elk. - First, let all know! Mr. Skiles! - he turned from darkness to забившемуся fear in the American corner. - Tell us all you know! I give you my word that Gusev more you will not touch!
After the story Скайльса, which finally went away in terror, and uploaded all that he knew, in the chamber of silence, which was heard only rapt snort.
-Yes! Тускуб all объегорил! - said, finally, Цацуля. - Скайльса even out how! As a child - and kings! And all at the expense!
-Well, what did you want something?! - voice Mirow. - To us regret?! We can let him blow up like!
-Fedulov should fly up! Gusev said. - I have one last guardian angel. Would have realized that it is necessary to do!
-And what's the point?! - reasoned Цацуля. - polar station certainly cleared and took under protection! Nothing Fedulov one going to do that!
-Why one? - not appeased Gusev. - To fly Vasiliev and Bulls!
-Well, and that the three of them together against the whole garrison?! "replied Цацуля. - Remember. As we stormed the station! So on our side was the suddenness, and the number of us was whoopee! And that three of them will do?! Nothing!
-Yes, ' agreed the Gusev. - The situation!!! But still! We must act!
-How? - not appeased Цацуля.
-Blow up out of the engine of this stuff! After all, it can be damaged! - reasoned Gusev. - Give it something to be jammed!
-Up to get it! "replied Worlds.
-To throw something useless! - allowed to notice Skiles, a little bolder. - Around the ring plasma temperature of millions of degrees. All that will be left, only to join this plasma. And getting to him at the end of the corridor door! There, by the way, the soldiers dumped trash and sentenced to death!
After comments Скайльса in the dark the camera for a long time was silent again. Apparently, everyone, including himself suddenly realized that they were on the edge of destruction.
-All the same! suddenly a voice Guseva. - There must be some way to gain control of this thing and send it down on the polar station! When we start to withdraw, to throw in at the door, must be a jerk all the time, to deal with security, acquire weapons, find out where control and there! Nothing had a song sung! Random bullet, and I дурней! I don't dayus, Mstislav Sergeevich! I'm not giving up, guys! I don't give up!
Observation Observatory
On the evening of 15 March 19 .. in the spacious room in the Villa Mr. Krabs the phone rang. At this time he received found in the Pacific ocean rescue inflatable plotike members of the Martian expedition, sent to Earth Скайльсом.
Commander междупланетного apparatus, the pilot of the British air force, retired, captain Steve, occasionally промачивая throat expensive champagne, told about the miracles seen on Mars.
In the study, despite its huge size, was closely. Gathered around correspondents, photographers the most prestigious publications, which imaginable money bought Mr. Krabs the right to be present at the event. Chroniclers of the most famous film companies have placed tripod our cameras and filmed broke them a pretty penny film.
Mr. Crabs was happy with and was in a good mood, despite the fact that междупланетный the ship on which returned the participants of the expedition, was sunk somewhere in the deep waters of the Pacific ocean. However, Crabs expected to find him and bring up, reasoning that if he managed to take a flight to Mars, that's a matter for him nothing. He ordered to send to a square from which the signal was received "SOS" from members of the expedition landed, a whole fleet of ships with sonar, that they combed through the ocean floor, meter by meter, and therefore thought that the call of concerns about it.
A servant brought Mr. Крабсу telephone.
"Probably already found! he thought. - Now sell reporters another pleasant sensation!"
"Yes, Mr. Crabs at the device, " he said.
-Hello Mr. Crabs! a voice on the other end. - You worried about the head of the astronomical Observatory that you are instructed to observe Mars...
-Yes, and what?! "enthusiastically asked Crabs. He was already configured to accept an avalanche of good news that is sure to now had to give in abundance.
-Mr Crabs, " said the voice. - The North pole of Mars noticed some unusually bright and powerful flash...
-That means unusually? asked Crabs, which has already started to lose interest in the news, as she did not promise any sensation.
-Actually, the comment is fair, because on Mars, in General, before never had seen a single flash for the whole period of observation...
-I do not understand, Mr.... uh, how you got there?..
"That, Mr. Типсон! I do not understand why you got me in trouble?
-But the outbreak was extraordinary brightness, and, therefore, power and force.
-How? asked Crabs. - Maybe it's a meteorite?
-Maybe... But then he has to be very big!
-How? - asked again Crabs.
-Well, simply monstrous proportions!
-Well, Mr. Типсон! Sort things out there with this meteorite and tell me about it later! And now, I want you more than me is not distracting! I have important scientific conference returning from Mars members of the expedition Mr. Скайльса!
-Sorry, sir.
Crabs hung up and again plunged into the atmosphere of triumph and sensations.
Once monolithic door camera slithered up on the wall, opening the way into the corridor, Gusev a fast-flat rushed into the bottom slot. Behind him rushed Worlds and Цацуля. The guards did not expect such pressure, confused, and have returned from the camera prisoners gets them killed, mercilessly destroying right and left without any mercy and parse their fists.
Leaving one, Gusev forced him to unlock the camera with the insurgents and released them all in the corridor. Prisoners were armed, taking the weapons from the interrupted protection. Gusev returned to his cell, where they were kept.
Mstislav Sergeevich! You go? - he sat on his haunches Elk.
-Yes, Yes, of course! - I came to my senses that from her dream, was wiping his back wall, and went into the corridor.
"And you, Mr. Skiles?! asked Gusev. The tone of his address was not friendly, but it sounded a little truth to which it was impossible not to listen: stay here meant certain death.
Skiles said nothing, but only a little awkwardly followed the " Moose". In fact, his hopes for a fabulous wealth burst like a soap bubble, and as sulphur now seemed reality, to go with the rebels was better than to be thrown through the door at the end of the corridor in a ring of burning hot plasma.
Gusev was merciless. He used to deal shortly with enemies, but now, when over him took over and led them away captive, and fought with such a fury, which did not remember from the times of the bloodiest battles of the civil war.
Wrinkling his protection prison, the rebels moved to the elevators, opening the road all new cameras and freeing all prisoners without discrimination. Most of the released prisoners immediately included in the bloodbath on the side of the revolutionaries. Tangle battle rolled through the corridors.
Gusev managed to capture a Martian in a black cloak.
Where is the control center of the colossus? "he asked. - Who controls Тасоцером?
-Тасоцером manages the Supreme ruler Тумы, " replied the frightened captain.
-How?! 'Gusev. - How does he do it?
-It gives a mental command to animals, chuangyi who live in the basin under his Cabinet, and the change of parameters of flight!..
-How?! - shook his Gusev.
-I don't know! - shook with fear Martian.
Gusev violently flung off the prisoner, clenching his fist, which he clutched his throat so that he felt the crunch of his bones.
-Forward! "he shouted, trying to shout roar grinder battle. - Getting to the flight deck. We must seize the volatile ships!
On deck there is a real battle. Now the rebels together with the affiliate to them prisoners were so many that they are armed with a batted the soldiers ' weapons were smashed troops Тускуба. Soon they managed to seize several volatile ships.
Soldiers rolled out from somewhere heavy machine and began shelling the rebels ball lightning. From captured ships rebels answered counter hail Sizzling balls. Everywhere was the fire, and heard the cries, cries, moans, explosions.
Dragging the Elk, Gusev a fast run to captured Цацулей and Global ship. Next fireball exploded, and hand scorched like boiling water.
-Bloodsucker - Gusev grabbed wounded place. - Climb inside, Mstislav Sergeevich! "he was going down to the flight deck gangway flying ship.
"And you? asked Elk, ducking and climbing the ladder. After Deer silently, like a shadow, and wading Skiles, also trying to escape from flying around the fragments, the sheaf of sparks, pieces of a covering, bullets, fire balls of various calibers.
-I need to catch someone who will open the hatches. We need to fly out of here!
Gusev rushed back to itself formed the front line and, taking with him a few volunteers, rushed headlong on the positions of the troops. Soon it was obvious as he wielding there fists, crushing right and left, firing from his leg and crushing the resistance of running up from him in horror soldiers Тускуба. Capturing a Martian in the black cloak, Gusev, firing back, dragged him by the neck through empty space to their positions. Volunteers, who walked with him to the attack, noting retreat, also backed away, losing from its ranks all the more fighters.
After a minute Gusev interrogated prisoner officer in the flying ship, forcing it to open the hatches.
For several days have passed, as Fedulov carried out flight calculated Elk, and now watching through binoculars for polar station, understanding where did Gusev, Elk and the other rebels. Through binoculars it was obvious that the polar station are regular troops. There could be no doubts: white wide jackets, black cloaks - he knew well that uniform.
When the machine was coming down the tunnel, then early on the calculation of time hit on some surface, then some time like slid on it, and squeaking, and when the strange sound stopped, fell several tens of seconds down, and only then hit shock absorber, and jumped several times.
Fedulov got out of the eggs out, but I did not see anything in the pitch darkness of night. It was so cold that his mittens stick to the skin of the apparatus, and he got back. And only in the morning he began to understand the reason of such strange descent: head over to the horizon hung an enormous, fantastic pyramid, поблескивающая with its polished bottom and visible him sides in the rays of the low rolling over the southern edge of the sky the sun. Somewhere in the North under it could be seen the white dome of the polar station, and it seemed that this aggregation their's crush
Long he and his comrades, Vasiliev and Bulls with their mouths open, gazing at the amazing sight, вылезши to warm the device on a frost, which спирало breath.
-What is it? they asked him.
-I don't know, shaking his shoulders Fedulov, - when I was leaving, that was not...
-And where Gusev? Where the engineer Moose?
-I have no idea, scratching his nape of the neck instead of the back fur hat Fedulov, were polar station capture, but there still government troops. 'll be waiting...
-How much? - interested in the negatives shivered comrades.
-While we do not find answered Fedulov.
-Yes anyone! Get back inside! It's warm and the food is!
Fedulova, Vasiliev and Bykova woke great roar coming from the outside, even through the thick lining of the device. They отдраили hatch.
Recourse to the side of him were visible the open holes, out of there fast, one after the other were flying ships, ball lightning, some debris was flying thick black smoke, as out of a chimney. High in the sky silver balloons exploded, turning bright pink flash. Some ships are burned. Others were on their way down, разваливаясь. To replace them from the pyramid flew others. In the air was some kind of commotion.
-There he is, Gusev! guessed Fedulov, looking at the aerial slaughter, in which nothing could be dismantled.
One of the ships separated from the aerial battle and went to him.
-Oh! - pointed the finger at him Fedulov. - Seem to have noticed! Squad! In a gun! Vasiliev, prepare the gun!
After a minute silver ship landed near the apparatus. The crew met him through the sights of weapons, but when there jumped out of breath Gusev, all joyfully rushed to meet him.
-Once cuddle! - shouted Gusev, choking frost. - See what's happening! he pointed at the sky behind me, where the background of fantastic, pending the pyramid was developing stronger air battle. Now the sky was like a cast into the fire sparkled silver balloons, endlessly clapped breaks, rained down burning debris and skeletons of dying volatile ships. - Fedulov! Well done, that performed this task, drove the device!!! We now need! In the apparatus, the crew!
From the gangway of the ship escaped disheveled and lost engineer Elk. It seemed that the battle woke him up from sleeping peacefully, and now he could not understand where he found himself. He rushed to Gusev.
Alexei Ivanovich! What are you gonna do?! he yelled, looking, as he hurries Fedulova climb the hatch, patting his back.
-You picture "the Destruction of Pompeii" seen, Mstislav Sergeevich? asked Gusev, himself down inside the device.
No! puzzled answered Elk, Recalling something.
-Well, then see! - Gusev wanted to slam the cover of the hatch, but for a minute late. - RAM I will station, Mstislav Sergeevich! I advise you to fly away! However, after a couple of minutes field disappears, so fly is probably not worth it! I would advise you to hide, but I don't know where...
-But why? - extended a hand Elk, like trying to reason with. Alexei Ivanovich! Why?!
Mstislav Sergeevich! See what's happening! This is the only chance to save the Martian revolution! About ten minutes and get the rest of us to едрене-dryer!..
But, Alexey Ivanovich!..
-I know, I know, Mstislav Sergeevich! I also want to live! I also want! I love life, Mstislav Sergeevich! You know that! Maybe more love than anyone else! But what to do?! I was! And want to, let's go with me! Who knows, maybe уцелеем in the egg, and?! If you stay alive, Mstislav Sergeevich, mashke my greetings, and all comrades and send to: Gusev died the death of the hero in the name of a future free of the Soviet Mars!
The next day, after a phone call from the Observatory to the Villa Mr. Krabs one of the famous American tabloid Newspapers published on the last page of a small note in category "Curios and incident":
"According to the Observatory, a leading observation of Mars, yesterday on its surface was recorded unusually bright and powerful the outbreak in the North pole. Scientists believe that this was the result of falling on the surface of the planet with a giant meteorite! On the point of impact, пришедшегося on the polar ice cap, a considerable dark spot, which followed the melting of polar ice from the heat of the explosion. Court on his scale melting happened on the square of the radius of more than five hundred kilometers! Observation of the red planet last!"
Love is alive
Aelita looked at the sea. It was reflected in her enormous gray ash eyes, why their pupils played small sparks sun glare. Warm rays of such unfamiliar bright and big sun pleasantly warmed her body under a light dress of unusual material.
Waves gently lapped at her feet, and she was surprised watched the foam of the sea, шипящую, bubbling, disappearing among the gray pebbles beach.
Sit was unusually hard. Earth, such a huge and massive drew to itself is much stronger than her own tuma. But it was well worth it, this heaviness. In the end, it can be used to. And this fabulous full of paints world around was simply amazing! Emerald foliage boundless forests, huge, blue skies, investigating the deep blue sea! The chirping of birds, the traffic going around ants, покусывающие slightly finger tips, when the clear water of the aperture on for some time, little fish, protein, a pine-tree near it, who sat on the hind feet and грызущая lump watching for her black beads in her eyes people there, crouching on a pebble and watching the enchanting Symphony of the sea!
"What?! - Aelita thought. How could leave this amazing planet and fly tens of millions of kilometres in darkness, to land on a remote, desert orange Tume! Why?! For the sake of what?!"
On the edge of the water went a happy young man. He looked at the sea, sometimes, to consider the passing away ships, he put his hand screening his forehead, lifted from the earth flat pebbles and threw and, crouching, so they jumped, Bouncing off the surface of the water, as far as possible. Sometimes pebble met on the way покатую wave and disappeared forever, sad булькнув. Then the young man slightly angry and sought a different flat stone, repeating all over again. His bluish white skin unusually stood out against passing the local boys, all tanned, dark-skinned to brown and purple, and those огладывались and, apparently, trying to understand the origins of this голуболицый, strange guy, something to be discussing on the go, but went on without stopping too любопытничая: here come the different people and they have different've seen enough.
On Аэлиту too few people paid attention. She sat in a large white hat with vast fields, закрывавшими from sun up to shoulders. Easy white silk blouse covered her hands with his sleeves up the brush. Long calico skirt...
She liked this earthly garment. She liked this huge, to the distant horizon, turquoise sea, which is there to last forever and extended, it would seem, to infinity. She liked these amazing dolphins, whose language was a bit like the language of the inhabitants of the now distant Тумы, small groups бороздившие sea and выныривающие at the movement of the water as if giving her an idea. She liked the snow-white ships. She liked загорающие and bathing alone and in groups of people. She liked couples kissing at all and not turning anyone attention, as though they were alone in this world. She liked everything on this planet! Aelita was very, extremely happy. Happy as never before!
-Tar! Come here, my boy! called Aelita son. - Are not you tired? she asked, as he approached her and sat on the warm pebbles.
"No, Mamma!
-You know, son, what do you recommend to refrain from long walks!
'Nothing, mother! The son of trustingly and gently pressed it. "It's no longer as difficult as it was in the beginning!
-And then, if thou wilt, let us go into the house, rest! she suggested.
"No, mom, thanks! I like the sea!
-Me too, son! - Aelita glanced at the azure sparkling sunlight-the azure expanse. "You know, I never thought that I would see him awake. I once had a dream, a very long time! This is the sea! And strangely, I had a dream exactly like that!
Some time they sat in silence and looked at lapping at their feet gentle waves.
-Say Mama, that the sea is another! - noticed tar.
-I heard about that, son! "replied Aelita. "But you know, it's still great, it is the sea! And I see him the way I dreamed it! I think I dream it?!
-No, not a dream, mother! But you know what?..
That, son?
-It is so great, so good... But I don't have one...
"What, my son? - Aelita already guessed. This conversation took place almost every day.
-I miss the father!
"I know, son! Me too... but I hope that it soon will be with us...
-Do you think?
-I am sure of that, son...
-But when?
I don't know, but soon, you'll see... When he will be with us, you will understand that waiting for him quite a bit, and wait time will become only a brief moment and you will be surprised that so quickly waited...
-How do you know, mother?
"I know, son! I know! We just wait, believe and wait! And I believe I wait and you'll see, we'll soon be together!
Aelita talked and talked, and a thin trickle of tears barely rolled down her bluish cheeks, dropping a pebble and merged with disappearing into her sea foam.
In the evening, she stared into the cloudless sky, опрокинутое over her, like a bowl with beads. In the sky flashed their lights unfamiliar constellations, but each time she easily found tuma, which she once showed her request. She heard her and was looking at a small inconspicuous among the other stars of the planet that was left now her lover.
"How strange! thought Aelita. - I was on his planet, and he on my! And again we wait on each other! And this is, probably, there is some irony of fate"
Tuma rolled across the sky and disappeared, accompanied by Аэлитой, and then, when she's had to disappear again, after she flew quiet, barely audible to an outsider, the words: "Where art thou, Son of Heaven?"
June 1998 - August 25, 2009
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