- Аннотация:
In this book we formulate and prove the variational extremum principle for viscous incompressible fluid, from which principle follows that the Naviet-Stokes equations represent the extremum conditions of a certain functional. We describe the method of seeking solution for these equations, which consists in moving along the gradient to this functional extremum. We formulate the conditions of reaching this extremum, which are at the same time necessary and sufficient conditions of this functional global extremum existence. Then we consider the so-called closed systems. We prove that for them the necessary and sufficient conditions of global extremum for the named functional always exist. Accordingly, the search for global extremum is always successful, and so the unique solution of Naviet-Stokes is found. We contend that the systems described by Naviet-Stokes equations with determined boundary solutions (pressure or speed) on all the boundaries, are closed systems. We show that such type of systems include systems bounded by impenetworkrable walls, by free space under a known pressure, by movable walls under known pressure, by the so-called generating surfaces, through which the fluid flow passes with a known speed. The book is supplemented by open code programs in the MATLAB system - functions realizing the calculation method and test programs. Links on test programs are given in the text of the book when the examples are described. The programs may be obtained from the author by request at solik@netvision.net.il