Илимов Пётр Андреевич : другие произведения.

An Inflatable Ksenia Sobchak

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    Прозаический перевод на английский стихотворения, прозвучавшего в эфире МузТВ 03/02/2007 в передаче "Блондинка в шоколаде". An Inflatable Ksenia Sobchak, unrhymed translation from Russian of a poem aired on February 3rd, 2007, on MuzTV(a Russian Tv Channel).

An Inflatable Ksenia Sobchak

What a mood I am in! Talk about happiness of the spring!
My eyes are sparkling.
I got as a birth day present an inflatable Ksenia Sobchak.
Friends have left the party; dishes have been washed.
My present lies on the carpet with green stripes, just out of the box: 
It is Ksenia, just like the live one only flat.
Eyes on her rubber fuck face are intelligent and beautiful.
You can see right away she is no half-assed product,
That jewel of Russia"s genetic pool, so to say.
Her whole physique is much to my liking:
Tits, ears, nose.
Having read carefully the manual,
I put pump into the girl"s ass.
Ksenia is slowly shaping up.
My mind is totally celebrating and singing.
Literally I like everything about her.
My penis turns into a serious boner.
Here she lies almost fully inflated;
Her mouth is invitingly half open.
Who said that Ksenia is fucked up?
That she is screwed at the Dom-2?
Who said that Ksenia was gang-banged for Cartier glasses and Chopard watches?
I say to them you are mother fucking fagots.
Ksenia Sobchak is not like that at all.
Ksenia is good and intelligent,
As well as gorgeous. Look at her!
With my mad hand I am whacking off the pump;
Tits are probably size C by now.
Who said that nightly at the Dacha club
Ksenia sucks off any willing body?
He who said that is a prick, an ass-hole and a loser;
Gentlemen don"t say such things.
You, mongrels, don"t see the essence
That Ksenia has a kind soul.
Perverts! Are you not ashamed of yourselves?
What wrong do you find with the girl?
By the way Ksenia is industrious,
She presents many different TV shows.
Not my Ksenia of course but the real one.
I love her and I don"t give a fuck.
So near are moments of my pleasure!
I am pumping with last remaining force.
Looking forward to various moves I"ll do
I am praising those who bought her for me.
To make it totally awesome experience I pushed the pump couple more times.
That was the fucking end of it:
Ksenia"s head has exploded.
Whistling through ungodly trajectory
Ksenia blew herself into the ceiling.
That"s my sad story:
It"s not for me to fuck Anatoly Sobchak"s daughter.

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