Собещук Илья Владимирович : другие произведения.

Short poem or a song about the absurdity of the way the things are.английский, язык оригинала, выбран автором

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Short poem or a song about the absurdity of the way the things are.
   As you see
   I can see that
   You can see nothing in me.
   I can see nothing in you.
   What would you do?
   Would you dance?
   Would you glance?
   Would you stare at me?
   For the rest of your life
   It means nothing to be.
   To become like some
   To come home
   And to phone
   To stay alone
   Would you say that's all?
   Would you say no?
   I see nothing at all.
   I feel and you kill
   What I see, what I feel.
   Am I am still?
   To bring back
   To come back to the rest of your days,
   To the crossroads again,
   And forgetting all pains,
   You think lost you are now.
   You think why?
   You think how
   To see the sea,
   To breathe the air,
   To watch the sky,
   How to fly?
   Isn't it fair to be in despair?
   To be, to see.
   And then to die?
   You think why should I?
   You can play,
   You can pay,
   You can say nothing to me.
   You are something to be.
   Something is nothing.
   Nothing is something.
   You can fight with your might.
   You can be like a bee.
   You can be like a fool.
   Your life would be full,
   Full of sorrow.
   Fool you are.
   You are scared of mafia.
   Mafia turns you on.
   You are to live and to go on.
   Be on your guard.
   Listen to your heart.
   Love and cry,
   And say good by
   By an by
   The good days fly
   You must turn your life on,
   You should go on.
   You are to live.
   You are to give.
   You ought this
   You ought that.
   Don't forget.
   You are a rat?
   Rat you are or not,
   You are not an animal.
   That's hot.
   You are young
   Or you are old,
   Souls are sold.
   You caught a cold.
   You took an aspirin for that night.
   You should be healthy.
   You should fight.
   You are strong.
   You have excellent eyesight.
   Find your place
   To be your home's site.
   Felling low and feeling blue
   Find a friend or find a crew,
   Find a company and lose yourself.
   See if you need it for yourself.
   You can cry
   Or you can laugh.
   Be healthy
   And don't cough.
   If you are sneezing,
   And feel sore in your life boat.
   It means you got a sore throat.
   Throat you've got sore or not
   You can blow
   And you can find a foe.
   Foe can find you in a day
   Or a few,
   You will find something new.
   If you stay alone,
   Don't be sorrow.
   Don't be gone.
   Pray and play.
   Fight or yield.
   Stay alive or be killed.
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