Ясинский Анджей : другие произведения.

Part 1, Chapter 3

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  I was sitting by the wall trying to get a handle on my situation. Unfortunately, it really did look pretty bad. I lost consciousness in our company office's basement and woke up who knows where. Most of the time, people don't travel in space from an electric shock. In fact, many people simply die. I can only assume that this is the result of an unknown series of events and that the electric shock was only an episode within the chain of events. Well that, or my actions caused current to go to the factory's power system causing something to turn on. The factory was originally built by the military and was terribly secret - although a few dozen years passed since then. Who knows what they used to do there! In addition, I had a strong suspicion that it wasn't simply a factory, but also a research laboratory. There was a strong premise for such thoughts. The place I ended up at looked like an alien spaceship or station. A brief examination of the corridors and "control room", as I called this room, spoke in favor of this theory. And what I discovered in the chair, also confirmed it.
  I carefully approached the chair from its side and looked at him. My heart almost stopped beating. My nerves were already on edge and now an ugly, frighting monster looks at you with a grin on its face. Only later, after calming down and going back to the chair (I didn't even notice how I ended up at the other end of the room), I realized that it was not actually a monster, but instead a mummified creature very similar to a human being. Strangely enough, the clothes of the creature did not decay with time. Obviously, they were made from some kind of special material. The fact that the mummy was not human was visible by its skull (it had a third eye in the middle of its forehead, albeit a small one) as well as a slightly different structure of its hands. On the head of the creature was a simple diadem, without any decorations. I probably just stared at him for around half an hour with a blank mind. After finally waking up I went to investigate the equipment. Although I'm a quite knowledgeable in electronics, I could not determine the purpose of the devices. Everything was completely embedded into the metal, on the surface of which were numerous inscriptions or drawings, similar to those on the walls. In general, the metal seemed to be strange. It didn't seem to be just a cover, perhaps it carried a different purpose. I tried to scratch it with a knife, but it didn't even leave a scratch. After wandering around the control room, I returned to the chair and the console in front of it. The console was also made of metal - not even a single button or display. After a closer inspection it became clear that the inscriptions (or drawings, but for simplicity, we'll consider these inscriptions) carry meaning. They were grouped together in a certain way, while some of them seemed repetitive. I did not think of anything meaningful right away, so I decided to sit and think.
  So, here I am sitting and thinking about my options. I can explore the station. Although it is unknown for sure what it is, I will consider it a station. However, I might run into some unknown danger. Another option is to first try to investigate the control room itself in greater detail in order to figure something out here. Unfortunately, this option also has a problem - there is nothing to eat, and who knows how long the investigation will take. Both options have their own pros and cons. However I still don't feel any hunger - whether because of the water I drank earlier or my raw nerves. Although it's unknown if my body really does not need anything, or if I will die of hunger without even feeling anything... Okay, I'll do this: I'll deploy my computer here for research, set it up and while it runs its calculations, I'll go on a walk nearby. Thankfully, I didn't lose my powerful subnote - there I have software for pretty much any occasion and most importantly, the numerous analytical programs developed by our company (some of which I created). By the way, among them there are also programs for linguistic analysis. Previously, one of our company's clients gave us an interesting order: a rich relative of his died hiding his savings so that not even his relatives could find them. The only thing that the deceased left was a piece of paper with an encrypted letter that no one could read. For a small percentage of the inheritance, which was huge, we set to work. Surprisingly, we managed to complete the task. It turned out that the letter was actually not encrypted, but simply written in one of the dead languages which are ​​known to only a few world-class linguists. The deceased was one of these world-class linguists. That guy really had a strange sense of humor. Overall, the development of the program took several months. Naturally, using our company's analytical system and some linguistic algorithms that we found in the internet. We even had to contact a major linguistic institute for consultations. After that, it took another week for the program to run its calculations. As expected, the letter contained information about the money of the deceased. The joyous client even ended up overpaying us. It turned out that the relatives of the deceased appealed to his coworkers, but they all refused to help, justifying their refusal by a personal request from their late colleague. Probably, the deceased wanted to take revenge on his family for something. As it turned out later, the institute where the late linguist worked took two years to decipher this dead language, while we did the same in just six months. That's really something to be proud of! However, at our company we had a supercomputer, which we assembled from purchased components, while now I only have a subnote. Of course, it is weaker than a supercomputer, although it's much more powerful than a body-comp... I hope I will not have to wait around here for months... At least there will be no problems keeping a constant power source - a few years back power sources based on radioactive elements became available on the market. One should last for a few decades... Anyway, enough thinking, it's time to get to work!
  I decided not to move the mummy since I was very reluctant to touch it. After pulling out the subnote from my bag, I turned it on and left it to start up. Meanwhile, I walked around the perimeter of the room, making a panorama of the inscriptions on the walls. Then I took pictures of all the inscriptions on the consoles, trying not to miss anything.
  Returning to the subnote, I saw that it was all ready to work. Now it will take quite some time to set up the analytic system and the corresponding linguistic modules. I worked on this for several hours (periodically going out to drink the "Living water"), trying to ensure that all of the test cases ran successfully. Then I uploaded the images containing the written language and within a few hours converted them into the required input format. By now, my back and neck already became so numb that I could barely stand up. After a small warm-up for my muscles, I returned to the subnote and started the process. Unfortunately, it was impossible to calculate how long the decryption will take, so I began to think of a plan for my next actions. First I need to sleep, but then I will go out and explore the nearest vicinity of the control room, maybe I will find something interesting along the way. Now my minimal list of things to do is complete and its time to start working on it.
  Although it was unpleasant to sleep indoors with a mummy, I did not want to go into the corridor. In addition, the dead don't bite, as I assured myself. Fatigue eventually did its job and I fell asleep.
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