Иватович Константин Валериевич : другие произведения.

I Am A Freak

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    *there was a cry in the ocean* Butterfly hidden in the desert, I no trust to the people,

I Am A Freak

*there was a cry in the ocean*

Butterfly hidden in the desert,

I no trust to the people,

Seen too many people

...hope inside me, after people-cocrach 

Is silent with sad.

Blood coctail ingridient!

I fuck with yourself

Thousands waite for fuck with i am

(I squander all odds - do not regret)

The essence of people do not change,

It is Samsara wheel

After all? Hope for change? 

No, no more ...nothing to say,

Only hellish pain from the Living Dead 

Alive, i will tried, hidden in darkness

Grey soul go to the end

So... it`s i am... Fool.

No hope, only heart pain.

Do not worry - i`m steel in alone.

My line - freak.today.com

After: inside only 

- Pain -

In the middle of me - Isolation.

From the fucking World.

Do not worry - i`m die alone.

P. S. In this emotional desert,

where cash is king, trash and sex ruel,

I'm just a freak devoid of tomorrow.

Just ur Sad Boy

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