Вашему вниманию предлагается свободный перевод рассказа итальянского писателя Луиджи Пиранделло, лауреата Нобелевской премии по литературе. Очнень трогательная вещь, и поучительная....
A sneakiness in Russial politics is artistically presented through the prism of state cinema money. On the screening of the film "Dear Comrades" by Andrey Konchalovsky and Alisher Usmanov at the Venice Film Festival. The note.
Mar(s-x)ism of a manned cosmonautics. The non-permanently (impermanently) inhabited space station will become the prototype for modules with crews, with a large number of specialists. A memo.
In honor of Victory Day. The exhibition of photographs and postal documents of participants in the battle in Rostov-on-Don on November 20, 1941. A culturological essay.
A hunting for a large beast. A hunting buckshot with satellite tags (ST), electronic chips (IC), QR codes and navigators-transmitters in the night forest. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
Glushchenko. Andryushchenko. Yeshenko. Plushenko. Ishchenko. Yushchenko. Morales. A mysterious play on the stage of history. The Story in the style of "mysterious stories"