Постарiє синочкова мати: Не для того народжувала, Щоб пройдисвiту їх убивати I ховати в рiллi край села... ............................... Дикопiллю не вiчно буть диким!
Власне, декомунiзацiя в Харковi почалася задовго до цих зборiв. I розпочали її так званi... комунiсти. Це розпочалось вже тодi, коли вони ажнiяк не вiдреагували на знесення алеї молодогвардiйцiв у скверi Перемоги, за "Дзеркальним струменем"...
Над чорною рiллею - Ниви жовтизна, Над ними - небо голубе; То друге знамено; А вище вiд усiх - Прадавнє княже знамено - В нiм вiчна наша Воля - В золотi заграв!
Вiдпочиває. А в ногах у неї киця. Проходить повз балкона якась бабулька: - Ой, яка кiшечка! Як же тебе звати? Другого дня те ж саме: - Кiсюню! Як же тебе звати? Лiдусi набридло i вона як гаркне щодуху: - Йдiть геть! Бабуля аж присiла вiд несподiванки: - Хто це? - Я, я - iди ...
"...А зрештою - всi ми Коханцi у долi, А врештi - всi сiм*ї - Є бранцi юдолi... Юдолi, - мов долi - Христа, чи Iуди, Дитини в подолi, Йоана - на блюдi..."
Подаруй менi Нiч, Подаруй менi пензлик - I тонкий, i гнучкий, I ...широкий, мов лан, Подаруй менi Нiч, фарби - Соковитi, мов Небо, Соковитi, мов Море, Як полум*я Кохання!
"...Гей, прокиньтеся, слов*яне! Саме ваша - краща нiша! Що ж ви у кутках принишкли? Не в пустелях, не у маннi, Ви ж в раю - "хрущi i вишнi"... Прокидайтеся з дурману!.."
Її не руш, - була б, - сказала мати, - Мене не руш, - сказала та сама, - - Дивись, i все, - не вздумай же займати, - - Бо захворiєш, - наче б я - чума!
Заспiвай-но, пташко, пiсню заспiвай - Колискову - на нiч - про наш рiдний край, Про наш край квiтучий, наче рай... Ляжу незворушно - заторкала душу - Пiсня, мов пташинiї крила, - Заторкала душу - ляжу незворушно, - Де ж, пташино, досi ти була?
Версия 1.4.5 от 21.06.13. Дошли руки. Вычитал, поправил. Отловлена куча блох. Опубликовано на сайте журнала "Время Z" в проекте "Зазеркалье им. Кэрролла" http://www.ytime.com.ua/ru/50/2691
Это отдельный файл, где будут подробно объясняться некоторые моменты, события, обстоятельства, вещицы и штуки (нужное подчеркнуть!), происходящие в романе "Звезда Демонов"
Многострадальный перевод коротенького рассказа. Мне просто очень обидно читать, как люди плевались, прочитав перевод Лагутиной или Кузовлевой. И вот - не побрезгуйте, прочтите, я старался. Upd.: Готовлю вторую редакцию. Обещаю выложить до Нового 2011 года.
Я предлагаю новеллу классика украинской литературы Василя Семеновича Стефаника (1871-1936) о том, какую медицинскую помощь получали крестьяне Западной Украины сто лет назад. А проблемы здравоохранения остались таковыми и сейчас. Гениально звучат из уст простого мужика слова: "Аптекарь ...
Немецкие власти хотят снести сербскую деревню Рогов - Горно в славянском крае Лужица в Германии. Помогите защитить сербскую деревню лужичан с 1000 летней историей в Полабской Германии от сноса! Внесите каждый свою лепту.
زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood (Il était une fois sous le dôme bleu) https://youtu.be/nqm44ucKXp4 Musique par Bahram Dehghanyar (بهرام دهقانیار,). ...
زیر گنبد کبود Zir e Gonbade Kabood (Once upon a time under the blue dome) https://youtu.be/nqm44ucKXp4 Music by Bahram Dehghanyar (بهرام دهقانیار,). ...
A poem by a Russian artist and poet Marat Samsonov. A GOOD NEWS! AUTUMN WON`T COME BACK AGAIN! The song sung by Chinese pop star Wang Qiang (People`s Republic of China) What a beautiful song! Where`s my handkerchief, girls? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NLL8329B7x0&feature=player_ ...
A great Russian actor Spartak Mishulin (1926 - 2005) in the classical staging of the Small comedies of the big house by Andrei Mironov, Arkadiy Arkanov & Georgiy Gorin, Theatre of Satire (1974). This number staged by a groovy choreographer Vladimir Manokhin was so popular that sometimes ...
A GIRL PUZZLE ЗАГАДОЧНАЯ ДЕВУШКА A marble sculpture Die grosse Liegende (A big girl in a reclining position) by Willi Schmidt (1924-2011) in a pedestrian zone of Frankfurt am Mein, Germany. Her legs are enveloped in woolen leg warmers. Partially, it"s a result of pity and compassion, ...
For the first time `A glass of vodka on my table` was performed by the `Major Sergeyev` group led by Evgeniy `Zheka` Grigoriyev. The the song was sold to Grigoriy Leps, another singer, Zheka`s crony, just for $300. In the 90s both musicians were not the pop stars, they were the ...
A LITTLE FIR TREE IN THE WOOD В ЛЕСУ РОДИЛАСЬ ЁЛОЧКА The famous Russian carol song about a little fir tree that was born in the woods (В лесу родилась ёлочка) https://youtu.be/O9IEvXbJPmI (A classical cover of the children`s Fir Tree Song) Christmas Song- Nu Tändas Tusen Juleljus- ...
A LITTLE HOUSE IN KOLOMNA ДОМИК В КОЛОМНЕ A strophe from Alexandre Pushkin`s `A Little House in Kolomna` written in ottava rima, an eight-line stanza developed in Italy. The Ottava rima is usually associated in English with Byron, and in Russian with Pushkin and Lermontov. The standard ...
A MODERN RUSSIAN FOLKISH FARCICAL SKETCH The Comedy Woman - `A rendezvous of a Young Lady with a Hussar in the forest`. An excellent sketch played by the excellent Russian actress Nataliya Medvedeva and actor Alexandre Goodkov, my favourite ones. Unfortunately, the video ...
Yaroslav Smelyakov was a `small` classical poet of Russia. His poetic career and success reached their climax in the 60s of the 20c. The youth of that time accepted him as one of their mouthpieces despite he belonged to the generation of their parents. Yevgeniy Yevtushenko, #1 in ...
Russian Gipsy Song `Ah, you years` ("Ох, вы годы .."). Sung by Alexandre Borisov. Accompanist Sergei Sorokin. From the Russian TV Show The theatrical gatherings. Artistes of St. Petersburg in Moscow (1966) https://youtu.be/vwxscMN5pl0
FALLEN IN LOVE WITH A GOOD GIRL AISHANG NI, HAO GUNIANG A sexy beauty is arguing with her Lamborghini boyfriend, a rich businessman. We see him saying `Well!` (Hao ba!) and ordering her to return to his car (`Do take your seat!` Zuo!). Her response is, `Weishenme ne? Why then? Again?` ...
One of Pushkin`s uncles came from Moscow to see little Pushkin for the first time. The uncle was red-haired and pocky. After glancing at his nephew he couldn"t help exclaiming: `O my! He is a real little blackamore!` The five-year-old Pushkin was quick to answer: `Yeah! Not like you, ...
By Alexandre Reznikov THE WAR OF THE MANDATE OF HEAVEN. INTERLUDE-1. MARTIAN CANALS Александр Резников ВОЙНА ЗА НЕБЕСНЫЙ МАНДАТ. ИНТЕРЛЮДИЯ-1. МАРСИАНСКИЕ КАНАЛЫ. http://artofwar.ru/r/reznikov_a/nebesnii_mandat.shtml
Anarchists perform the Apple Small dance and song (a fragment from the film `Alexandre Parkhomenko`). In the beginning the Red Army commanders agreed that they had to remove the anarchists` armoured train. One of them went to meet anarchists and pursuade them to free the railway ...
Let"s watch a fragment from the motion picture The Balzamonov`s Marriage based on Alexandre Ostrovsky`s three pieces Two Dogs Fight, the Third Keep Away, Whatever You Look for, You'll Find and Holiday"s Afternoon Dream (1860s). In many respects it"s almost a replica of The Merchant's ...
Screenplay from an episode of a Leonid Zorin (Saltzmann) play `Man and Women` Leonid Ghenrokhovitch Zorin (Saltzmann) Вы можете сравнить мою переделку с оригиналом Зорина https://youtu.be/PnKYonm8Ip8 см. эпизод с 24:55-36:50, а стихи из цикла поэтессы распределены по остальным ...
The waltz `Autumn Dream` by a British composer Archibald Joyce (1873-1963) the Russian consider to be their own, because it sounds in a very Russian way. `Autumn dream` sounds as the best illustration of the Chekhovian epoch. Listening to it you feel like reading Anton Chekhov or ...
Bashana Haba-a (БАШАНА ХАБА-А) ("В следующем году"/In the year to com (Next year)). Вечнозелёная песня израильских авторов Нурит Хирш (это оказывается женщина) и Эхуда Манора (это оказывается мужчина) (не путать с Урфином Джюсом и Ланом Пиротом из сказок Frank Baum`а (по-английски, ...
BEASTLY BEAUTIFUL, OR BEAUTY IN THE BEAST Beware of the Modern 2. Sergei Rost (plays Irena, 1st Member of the Jury, Guy on Motorcycle, Nina Zadova, Mother) and Dmitry Nagiyev (he plays Father, Sergeant Zadov, Tanya, Yulia, Pasha, 2nd Member of the Jury). https://youtu.be/Z3omyX21- ...
Berem kramle (Melting into thin air). A music video fragment from the Czech feature film `Kouř ` (`Smoke&Steam`) https://youtu.be/4h-eGQa-REc (The Tomáš Vorel landmark feature film `Kouř` (`Smoke & Steam`) (Czech Republic), 1991)
SNOW WHITE ROSES, OR A SLAVIC BALLAD ABOUT THE MEAN DESTINY AND CRUEL LOVE is a golden oldie. The catchy melody, sentimental lyrics. And, of course, that song is not only about flowers. Listen to the Polish cover of the evergreen Russian song https://youtu.be/QJtMF0mG9oI
This poem has been written by a Russian author whose pen name is Andryukha, i.e., informal from Andrei, but his real name is Andrei TROKHIN (Андрей ТРОХИН), born 1971. Interestingly, the author considers his poem to be `weak`. I wish I could write such a `weak` poem! Andryukha ...
BRITTLE BEAUTY By Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Генри Ховард, Граф Суррей "ХРУПКОСТЬ КРАСОТЫ" Японо-мать, неужели этот перевод сделал я? А то! Ни фига-се! Шакеспир! Ну, раз пошла такая пьянка, режь последний огурец! Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey Two Sonnets "Set Me Whereas the Sun Doth ...
BY THE SEA, BY THE BLUE SEA У МОРЯ, У СИНЕГО МОРЯ (AFTER THE JAPANESE GREATEST HIT `KOI-NO BAKANSU `恋のバカンス) The J-pop song KOI-NO BAKANSU performed by the Peanuts duet (Sisters Itō Amy and Itō Yumi https://youtu.be/rqCAd6AZYCo) ...
`La Mèche` ("Фитиль")(1965): `Intrigue et amour`. L'acteur Boris Bibikov, les actrices Klaudia Polovikova et Tatiana Novikova (une jeune tentatrice).https://youtu.be/Ip182Hw1HCM L'actrice du théâtre Mossovet de Moscou et la chanteuse d'opéra Tatiana Novikova ...
A humorous sketch by The Ural Pelmenis theatrical company https://ok.ru/video/398386139602; https://youtu.be/lqDx1hcEzxI `Ural Pelmenis` lit. means Meat Dumplings from the Urals. The members of the company, comedians originated from Ekaterinburg, Ural Republic of the Russian Federation. ...
NAKED AIN`T ALWAYS SEXY, SEXY AIN`T ALWAYS NAKED. Chałupy welcome to sung by Zbigniew Wodecki, Poland https://youtu.be/wqXWVPP0Pmc Chałupy (Khaloop-ee) is a popular Polish sea side resort located between Władysławowo and Kuźnica on the Hel Peninsula on ...
Charlie`s ditties in the Russian folklore (based on the tune of the Titina). A music school pupil is playing a melody from a Charlie Chaplin`s film that became a part of the Russian folklore, and his respectable teacher Anatoliy Sudarev from the 29th art school and October Revolution ...
An iconic Russian children`s song from a no less iconic cartoon https://youtu.be/7EVHdRk9e4g. By this very reason it is a frequent object for the various parodies and even new interpretations https://youtu.be/t7FtxBQapn4
Mikołaj Rej or Mikołaj Rey of Nagłowice (1505-1569) was a Polish poet and writer of the Renaissance in Poland, as well as a politician and musician. He was the first Polish author to write exclusively in the Polish language, and is considered (with Biernat of Lublin ...
JOY AND FIRE! WOW! Chinese pop star and beauty Ms. Jeannie Hsieh (Republic of China, Island of Taiwan) came upon a snag during her performance. That `snag` was ... see above! It`s really funny! I would hire him as a dance backup for me if I were a singer! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHyvcIaPVpQ&list=PL12018C86ED451608 ...
In the Stance XXI of the 1st Chapter of the `Eugene Onegin` Alexandre Pushkin depicts the exact morals and manners of his time. The democratic public claps demanding to start the show. As to gentlemen the then theatrical good tone (bon ton) required to enter the hall at the last ...
Alexandre Nikolayevich Lobanovsky, one of the St. Petersburg bards composed music, having slightly changed the first line (`charmed` instead of `kissed`). (In my translation I kept Zabolotsky`s text intact. In any case it"s singable! - AAO) Declaration of Love. Music by Alexandre ...
Humbert Wolfe was an Italian-born English poet. He was one of the most popular authors of the 1920s.He was also a translator of Heinrich Heine. His career was in in the Ministry of Labour. By 1940 he had a position of high responsibility. Wolfe's verses have been set to music by ...
An episode from the Russian feature film `Ivan Vasilyevich changes his occupation` (1973) based on Mikhail Bulgakov`s comedy of `Ivan Vasilyevich`, 1936. Because of a time-machine dysfunction the house manager Ivan Vasilyevich Bunsha who occurred to be a replica of Ivan the Terrible ...
DIVE IN, MAKE HASTE . https://youtu.be/Eu5AhZNp_Ok from the Russian feature film `Operation `Y`, or the new adventures of Shurik` (film director Leonid Gaidai). And a delighted and very tasty cocktail of the melodies reminding of the French chansons, Ravel`s Bolero, Rimsky-Korsakov`s ...
An old Russian love song `Do not call up shades of the past days` by an unknown author (N.N.) was set to music by a remarkable Russian composer of the 19 c. Piotr Petrovich Bulakhov (1822-1885). Nina Isakova (1928-1981) (mezzo soprano) Piotr Bulakhov `Do not call up shades of the ...
The DOLCE GABBANA composed, written & sung by Andrei Danilko https://youtu.be/YUBxGI1986Q The `Reading the songs`series. The Dolce GABBANA is recited (played) by Viktoria Savina https://youtu.be/49-ChYi3baU The actress changed not a word of the original lyrics! (Except for an ...
The Russian love song `Don`t go away, do stay with me` was composed, written and dedicated to Anastassiya Vyaltzeva by Nikolai Vladimirovich Zubov (1867- after 1906) in 1899. IMHO, the best performers of the romance song were Varya Panina before the Revolution https://youtu.be/4fsp71A9Y5U ...
On the 23th November falls Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov`s Birthday. Nikolai Nosov (1908-1976) wrote The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends, Dunno in Sun City, and Dunno on the Moon (1964-1965) as well as other stories about Dunno, the first of those was the Vintik (lit. Screwlet), ...
Juan Eugenio de Hartzenbusch (Мадрид, 6 сентября 1806 г. - 2 августа 1880 г.) - австрийская кровь испанской поэзии. В испанском произношении Хуан Антонио Арсенбуч (а не Харценбуш)
The Na-Na group`s humorous song `Eskimo and Papuan` (1990) where `Eskimo` implies winter frost and `Papuan` implies summer heat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0wM-YUWmb_I Unlike in the West the word of `eskimo` hasn`t got a negative meaning in Russian.
ESTONIA WELCOMES TOURISTS ONLY! Eesti Laul 2015 vaheklipp - ALASTI TODE 7 - 2015 Estonian Public Service Ad For Attracting Foreign Tourists https://youtu.be/6HK_G1MeSLE Bonus: https://youtu.be/zhGnuWwpNxI
Joaquin Maria Bartrina y de Aixemus (Хоакин Мария Бартрина)(Реус, 1850 - Барселона, 1880)- двуязычный испано-каталонский поэт и драматург, предшественник испанского литературного авангарда. Чудак Бартрина хотел примирить физику и лирику. Он выдумывал и вставлял в стихи странные формулы: ...
`Faraway from home` ("Давно мы дома не были"), a Russian song created on the 8th May of 1945 in Koenigsberg. Lyrics by a Russian poet Alexei Fatyanov (1919-1959), Music by Vasiliy Soloviev-Sedoy, that very gentleman who composed music for the `Moscow Nights`. https://youtu.be/HdZS_ ...
FIRM EVIDENCE This is a parody of a poem by Vladimir Mayakovsky about the Soviet passport. It"s its substandard, lower, folksy variant. It"s a doppelganger. In Russia many classical and iconic poems and songs cast the obscene shadows sometimes more durable and lasting, but sometimes ...
Comedian Evgeniy Petrosyan & Matryona (Actor Sergei Chvanov from the famous Russian comic duet `The New Russian Grannies`): Reciting the Russian unprintable folklore in the allegoric guise of the Japanese Tankas https://youtu.be/d9-7YyMIURU
Fortuna(Vabank) A song from the same name Polsh motion picture`s soundtrack. Sung by Jacek Chmelnik (1953-2007) https://youtu.be/CdB2WmL25dQ (Before and in the midst of the song he addresses his audience: `Uwaga! Państwo Uwaga! Teraz! Teraz! Znów!`(`Attention, Messieurs ...
FOUR POOHS IN THE MORNING PINE WOOD, OR HELLO, MR. SHISHKIN https://vk.com/video377026951_456239019 `Hello, now it`s me, Olga Bars, on the the web site `MoscowGirls.TV. We continue our weekly cycle of programmes for those who are fond of fairy tales (see the translation of the story ...
FOUR VARIATIONS ON A THEME OF A POEM BY ТА САМАЯ ТАНУКА Original: http://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/10/9319 Translation: http://zhurnal.lib.ru/editors/p/prjahin_a_a/gothdress.shtml
A 1984 episode `40 чертей и одна зелёная муха` (`Fourty imps and one green bottle fly`) (#46) of the Soviet children's TV series `Eralash` (`Hotchpotch`) (1984) from the short story `La conquista della quinta C` (1939) by an Italian humourist Giovanni Mosca (1908-1983) (Un episodio ...
F&F E&E You can see a mysterious abbreviation of the E&E on the T-shirts of the Pled members. It`s but a title of their song below. Well, the Pled`s lyrics are sometimes cocky and shocking but true-to-life and highly artistic. Pled - E&E (F&F) (Red Curtains Session) https://youtu.be/FQc2zG6- ...
The cruel love song `Go away, do not look!` set to music by Sasha Davydov, a Russian star of the Armenian origin is sung by Alexandre Mikhailovich Davydov (Isroel Moiseyevich Levenson (1872-1944), a Russian operatic singer of the Jewish descent and a soloist of the Mariinsky Theatre ...
GOTHIC LOLITA`S DRESS КОСТЮМ ЛОЛИТКИ By Та самая Танука (That very Tanooka). Source: http://www.stihi.ru/2011/02/10/9319 (See also http://zhurnal.lib.ru/p/prjahin_a_a/fourvarlol.shtml). Gothic Lolita Transformation https://youtu.be/sfCRfb1Hbms Modern Princess Gothic Lolita https://youtu.be/- ... ...
HEY, DUDE! A poem by a Russian author! I doubt my being that author, but who knows? I wish I`d been! At night woman picked up a man just to spend a night together, but he fell in love at dawn and got ready to marry her! The woman behaves as a tough man, and it makes the whole bed ...
Gypsy love song `Two guitars` from `An unusual concert`. The Puppet Show (1972) of Sergei Obraztsov https://youtu.be/gf9_v-c1Bd4 (from 34:35) The refrain sung by the Gypsy choir is as in the below song https://youtu.be/uvkg7RGliFo. It`s a classical and surrealistic Gypsy refrain full ...
Hokku by Basho Matsuo. It makes me remind a Russian funny story. A farmer`s yard. Night. Famer`s wife on the porch hearing a sound of wild pissing in the dark and asking rather terribly: -Who is pissing over there like a cow? -It`s me, mommy! Farmer`s wife (endearingly: ...
Personally, I find his poems very amusing and entertaining. Julien Stebeau is an Indie poet from Magnitogorsk, Siberia born as Andrei Yevgeniyevich Mantel in 1965. Mr. Mantel is a physician by profession. Strictly speaking, he is Doc Mantel (Docteur Manteau). As a gifted humorous ...
HOW THE DANCE TOOK ITS TOLL. A `Scottish` poem by Andrei Khabrov. The Litsedeyi - Theatre of Clowns led by Slava Polunin, Moscow, Russia. The comic (and comical) Celtic Dance https://youtu.be/yWw-ScF7msg
How to grasp the volatile temper? Mikhaïl Lermontov - To a portrait. Recited by a Russian movie and theatre star Alyona Babenko https://youtu.be/TnuC-0HJn4U
Песня ХУА К`АЙ ХУА ЛО 花开花落 В исполнении бесконечно талантливой поп-певицы из Китая Ли Ихуй. У неё есть поклонники во всём мире. Тема её песен: "Жизнь и любовь" женщины" https://youtu.be/wv3efFgBqtU
`I`m heart and soul to you` follows the style of the Russian traditional songs, and is usually sung with stressed pronouncing "o" as "o", rather than as "a" which is a distinctive feature of some Russian dialects of the Volga region. https://youtu.be/taaZn_I0ZBs Maxim Gorky spoke ...
Kai Metov refused to remain only a part of the past, he still exists and acts as a succesful pop singer, a living icon still able to gather the full house http://metov.ru/ He`s a symbol of the 90s, and you can`t kill the symbol. Was he a first post-Soviet sex idol? Abso-bloody-lutely! ...
Viktor Balthasar Emil Hoffmann (Виктор Викторович Гофман) (1884-1911) was born in a family of the Austrian German citizen who owned the furniture factory in Russia. He went to the Russian classical school and finished it with honours. One of his classmates was Russian poet Vladimir ...
The picture of the music video I LIKE TO STROLL ALONG THE MOSCOW STREETS https://youtu.be/SuWLPI9C0kc shows knowledge of its authors with the Japanese lyrics of the song sung by the Dark Ducks (ダークダックス) under a title of the Kaze kaoru ...
The song 好想好想 (`I miss you`) was for the 1st time featured by a duet of Ms. Vicky Zhao (Zhao Wei 赵薇) and Mr. Leo Koo (Leo Ku Kui Kei 古巨基) https://youtu.be/9F3R3PrJycw It became a title number of the OST of TV series called ...
Yaroslav Smelyakov wrote many iconic poetic texts that made him immortal as a classical Russian poet. The Soviet hippies and yuppies of the 60s loved not only his `Lida` but also his poem `If I ever fall ill ...`. `If I ever fall ill ...` (Если я заболею...) excellently recited by ...
Initially the song `It`s snowing, it`s snowing` ("А снег идет, а снег идет") was a number of the score of the feature film `The Career of Dima Gorin` ("Карьера Димы Горина") (1961), but then the film was forgotten unlike the very song. An unforgettable song was written within three ...
The title of this song https://youtu.be/m6tyesDCEgk is the Yiddish Tango, or in original `Jüdischer Tango`. This the title it was given by its songwriter Friedrich Swartz, a Jewish German composer, himself in his last letter sent to Germany from Paris to where he`d escaped ...
A Song of Crocodile Ghena (`Jumping clumsily over...`) from a Russian animation film `Cheburashka`(Lyrics by Alexandre Timofeyevsky, Music by Vladimir Shaïnsky, Sung by Vladimir Ferapontov) https://youtu.be/EbAPd1491X8 Also Song of Gena (ゲーナの歌) ...
KABALE UND LIEBE (INTRIGUE AND LOVE) THE BURNING FUSE ("ФИТИЛЬ")(1965): `Intrigue and love`. Actor Boris Bibikov, actresses Klaudia Polovikova and Tatiana Novikova (a young temptress) https://youtu.be/Ip182Hw1HCM Actress of the Moscow Mossovet Theatre and operatic singer Tatiana ...
Igor Vasiliyevich Shenshin-Lotaryov (1887-1941)(penname Igor Severianin) is a poet of the Silver Age of the Russian poetry (first decades of the 20 c. before the Revolution). Igor Severianin preferred to write his pen name like Igor the Severianin (lit. Igor the Northener) ...
БОГАТЫРЬ СВЯТОГОР И ТЯГА ЗЕМНАЯ KNIGHT SVYATOGOR AND THE EARTH GRAVITATION I know two ancient texts that use terms of the modern physics. The first is the New Testament, the second is a collection of the ancient Russian `true stories` (shaped as folk ballads). Light, force and vector ...
Now the Koi-no Bakansu (Love Vacation, VACANCES DE L'AMOUR) composed by Miyagawa Hiroshi (宮川泰) and written by Iwatani Tokiko (岩谷時子) in 1963 is but an evergreen oldie of the J-Pop first sung by The Peanuts (ザ・ピーナッツ) ...
In 1969 Serge Gainsbourg composed and wrote the song the Helicopter for Mireille Darc. En 1969 Serge Gainsbourg compose et ecrit la chanson L'Helicoptere pour Mireille Darc https://youtu.be/WowRnp6pTVc
September 28 is Brigitte Bardot`s birthday! She`s my idol!https://youtu.be/Bbkwrf5lMqc https://youtu.be/h0xUjsxwrkE (Sorry for my complicated relationship with time, I thought it was October, so I`d written Oct. 28 before). A propos, слово la madrague означает "сеть для ловли тунца", ...
La Valse des Officiers russes, le 31 juillet 1974 chante en Russe par Serge Gainsbourg https://youtu.be/n0Gwch5FgYI IN A FRONT-LINE AREA`S FOREST https://youtu.be/D4ic7KEKG8Y
Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Small Statue Made of Dresden China - Sung by Magda Fronczewska https://youtu.be/S8cgNhzeFtI Laleczka z saskiej porcelany - Majka Jeżowska https://youtu.be/LjCdM2TJbSM Laleczka z Saskiej Porcelany - Small Statue Made of Dresden China - Sung by Majka ...