Политпросвет: Кремляди vs лохторат. (Инвектива. Хайку. Из циклов "Кристаллы времени", "Волчьи ягоды". Авторский перевод на английский.) Pol. Educ.: The Kremlin whores vs the electorate dupes. (An invective. A haiku. From the "Time crystals", "Dogberry" cycles. The author's translation ...
15 апреля 2020 года русскоязычные писатели поднимут Знамя Мира в Москве на Проспекте мира и представят новый альманах "Русские сезоны" в библиотечном центре Правительства Москвы. Мы обозначим свой вклад в международном движении World Day of Culture и присоединиться к движению может ...
Горло до хрипа сжал добиблейский хаос. Ты кислоты мне трижды на темя капни. Что там от нашей прошлой любви осталось? Время такое - бросать в огород камни.
Рубаи Омара Хайяма. Комментарии мои. Рубаи уже набрала. Может дополню попозже жизнеописанием Хайяма или другими не поэтическими или поэтическими, но попозже.
This is the first file for additions by followers on the theme, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 999. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, various languages.
This is the first additional file for Limericks in Bulgarian, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be many such files, which can be later closed for additions and made as books and the names changed to, say, follwrs_8\@1_poebul , and so on. Keywords: Myrski, friends, ...
This is the first file for additions by followers on the theme, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 899. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, in Bulgarian.
This is the first additional file for miniatures, namely Haiku, in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, haiku, in Russian.
This is the first additional file for Acrostics in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, acrostics, in Russian.
This is the second additional file for Acrostics in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, acrostics, in Russian.
This is the first additional file for Limericks in Russian, open for all and beginning with the template. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, Limericks, in Russian.
Некоторые мысли по поводу предстоящего народного голосования по поправкам в Конституцию. Вызывают недоумение не сами поправки, а те методы, какими их хотят узаконить. Не люблю, когда меня держат за дурака.
This is the first file for additions by followers on the theme, open for all and beginning with the template; there can be opened more such files at least till 799. Keywords: Myrski, friends, followers, make yourself, poetry, light verse, funny, in Russian.