Калинин Георгий Викторович : другие произведения.

Time ahead-is go to Mars !!! V-3 it was Zilberfogel, who grew out of the idea of using atomic decay energy to move in space

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    In this article, I describe that the V-3 was Eugen Zegner"s Silberfogel (and not a multi-chamber gun) and it also included the Werner von Braun orbital reactor with the sources of using nuclear energy, the possibility of using atomic decay energy to move Robert Goddard in space.

  The beginning of the error, or rather the spy-legend, was the assignment of the V -3 to a multi-chamber gun, since it was known that the V -3 was reserved for some German apparatus and the shooting multi-chamber gun Hochdruckpumpe was found. But if you eat the Hochdruckpumpe cipher and for short HDP, then this obviously not V-3. Moreover, V-1 is a cruise missile, V-2 is a ballistic missile, then V-3 can"t be any Hochdruckpumpe cannon, and it"s what they call now a hypersonic missile not in the sense of the anti-ballistic missile its very essence as the limit for a real wasp of real designs of speed rockets. And the "Silver Bird" - a Zegner space bomber to plan in a wave-like manner from a dense word of the atmosphere - should have had a different engine even than the modern Shuttles, and the combination of a nuclear reactor and a rocket engine in the Third Reich - based on this global of a social project to change the Society - quite "clumsy" came to more than one group of individuals or inventors of closed international laboratories such as Unit 731. From the analysis it is clear that neither Eugen Zegner nor Werner f he Brown did not possess the fullness of rocket technology and the paths of technical thought from them lead to an American rocket scientist who was interested in radioactivity Robert Goddard, who in 1904 published the work "On the possibility of moving in interplanetary space", where he expressed the idea of the possibility of using atomic decay energy for motion in space .That is, the tests in Nenoksa as an attempt to master the idea of a nuclear missile goes deep into the centuries ...
  The main deterrent as a way can be technology control and its theft by transnational banking corporations can be considered quantum physics - up to its hidden ideological mines like digitalization as the destruction of analog transmitters and radio tubes (which are resistant to radiation) or a quantum computer - which is additive in the mathematical theory of continuity -multiplicative makes incorrect focus on the "discontinuous" multiplicative side, although true continuity can be said analog-digital or alphanumeric if you find analogies in the alphabet and in the series of natural numbers (that is, a mixture of continuous continuity varying by gradient and continuous discontinuity by varying discontinuities). Why does this practically such flawed analytical generalization go into design and engineering work (conditionally chemistry is additive and physics is multiplicative according to the approach of thinking) Well, for example, they say that a nuclear explosion its energy is obtained from the loss of a part of the mass during the decay of the nucleus - as can be seen from the alleged radioactive decay or explosion of a nuclear bomb But in the case of radioactive decay, an atom accelerates a particle or particles emitted from it. And in a nuclear explosion, actinides decaying into alkaline halides give a special plasma conductivity which is obtained with a frozen-in magnetic field of a megagauss order of an accelerating particle in its magnetic field and creating an atomic hurricane. For example, for example the molten salt reactors that currently exist have the ability to work at high temperatures (in fact, salts imitate fission products - a sort of duck baked in clay) - and it is logical that if they are cooled down to cryogenic temperatures on the contrary to start fission of a mixture of lithium salts of thorium-uranium fluorides with ultracold neutrons in a nuclear bomb, then it is possible to raise the temperature of continued operation from above and lower the operating temperature in an explosive reactor, which means you can pump more ignition neutrons. That is, it is not only the flight products of a rocket with a nuclear rocket engine, but also a new type of nuclear explosive reactor - in fact, a modification of the reactor to molten salts with its transfer to the supercritical The corresponding mode of operation of a rocket with a nuclear reactor in a molten salt is the operation of a nuclear reactor through a second circuit from the first circuit of a bismuth-lead alloy. But the problem is that the rocket launchers are not nuclear reactors and firmly believe that the flow rate depends on the molecular weight, not realizing that the Brownian motion is a chaotic acceleration of the chaotic magnetic fields of electrical effects in the flame, while the difference from an ordinary chemical explosion is the explosion of a nuclear bomb gives highly conductive products of salts of alkali and alkaline-earth halides which are accelerated by a non-chaotic magnetic field and strictly along its lines of force with further involvement in the processes of the ionosphere and tellurium Earth"s currents forming the likeness of solar prominences with fungi of nuclear explosions - on the hats and legs of which there should be separation of radioisotopes as plates of distillation columns or high-vacuum pumps. In order for Zilberfogel to fly - in addition to silver potassium-sodium alloy, what is needed in Nazi Germany was made on one underground plant along with sarin and was used to produce uranium hexafluoride- this is me about N-Stoff - about chlorine trifluoride. That is, then it was already possible to assemble something impressive contemporary. Of course, then there were no porous ceramics such as alumina oxide-boron nitride or with chromium oxide and Syro Issia only experimented with china going to the USSR to sarine-pipeline, however .... There was no chromium stabilized by magnesium oxide as in the nozzles of the plasmatron, however, apparently as international experiments and rumors circulating through Eugen Zegner and Werner von Braun leaked, the secret itself did not leak until recently and hermetically kept in the Pandora's Box. Now it is advisable to use a pair of bromine trifluoride / potassium-sodium alloy fuels, especially because of the conductivity of the bromine trifluoride used in emergency cutting of oil wells and the production of uranium and thorium hexafluoride and other actinide fluorides (up to octafluorides). And letting it down in the center of the nozzle, just through the porous ceramics of the Laval nozzle, it is possible to cool with liquid metal its porous walls by increasing the heat removal when they are cooled by highly heat-conducting alkali metal ................
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