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Dragon classification

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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   1) The classic dragon. The representative of this dragon family has two pairs of limbs, also a pair of very large wings stretched into a triangular or rhomboid form. A rather elegant creature however possesses a very firm skeleton. Covered in scales (the average size of the scales - of a human palm, about 15-cm in length).
   On the chest and stomach the scaling is more fine, barely covers the skin (which, however, is quite firm). The scales' colour is very varied. The internal organs of the dragon are very similar to a human's, but all dragons lack the appendix. The claws of a classical dragon resemble an eagle's. Also one should notice the fact that the classical dragon has the ability to breathe fire, for which he's often called fire breathing. During the exhalation of the fire the dragon's body temperature rises. It remains high for some time after the exhalation. And finally the most important - that some species of the classical dragon are sentient and all classical dragons possess the so-called dragon magic.
   2) The heraldic dragon. In reality the term heraldic should be applied to the classical dragon, but it didn't happen. The heraldic the most dangerous type of dragon. It has two pairs of clawed limbs, powerful fangs, bony ridge that goes through the back and a poisonous stinger on the tip of the tail. On the head is a pair of horns, externally resembling those of an ox. The wings have atrophied in the process of evolution, therefore the heraldic dragon can't fly, and the small triangular wings are for decoration only. The colour of the scales (of the same size as those of the classical dragon) is very varied - mostly dark green, brown, beige, scarlet and turquoise. It possesses a similar type of magic to the classical dragon's, however always directed towards destruction. Only species of the heraldic dragons are mindless. Is fire breathing, with the saliva poisonous to humans. Dwells in western and northern Europe, prefers to settle in caves, especially those near the cities, since it is easier to find food there.
   3) The wyvern. The body shape is extremely similar to those of birds of prey. Has one pair of limbs, similar to an eagle's, located right under the leathery wings, and a typically draconian head with horns. Possesses extremely acute eyesight. The scales colour varies vastly, usually - black, dark green, brown, black and white. Fiery-red, blue, honey-coloured dragons can be encountered. Dwells in northern Europe, Greece and Ethiopia. Prefers to settle in the mountains abounding with smooth cliffs and caves. For example, the widely known Taltzwurm, one of the most dangerous mountain drakes, living in Swiss and Austrian Alps, devouring lost cows and children. Spreads plague.
   4) The lindwurm. Have a snake-like body and one pair of paws, lacks wings, and can't fly. The head looks vaguely bird-like. The colour of the scales - most often green, sometimes beige, brown. Apparently, exactly from the lindwurms developed the bird-like dragons. Doesn't have either mind or magic. Can't breathe fire; however the saliva is poisonous to the humans. Lives in the steppes of Central Asia, Marco Polo stated that many times he had noticed there such drakes. The name apparently came from the English word "worm".
   5) The amphiptere. Has a pair of wings, but lacks the legs. Also lacking are the horns and "beak". Have powerful jaws, small eyes and ears. The scales are large (15 cm and larger), green colour, however sometimes yellow, orange, blue amphipteres are encountered. Dwells in the valley of the Nile River, guards' frankincense trees, attacking anyone, who tries to gather their tar. Lives in the air.
   6) The guivre. Lacks legs and wings, externally resembles a snake. The head is typically draconian, massive, with horns and a beard. The scales are small (less than 1 cm); green, beige or bluish covered with poisonous slime. Lives in the water. Settles most often in ponds or swamps, more rarely in active bodies of water. There are known cases when the guivres settled in water wells, causing thus immense damage - the poisonous slime poisoned the water in the wells. A very malicious and gluttonous creature doesn't possess a mind. Often attacks humans and farm animals.

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