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Overcoming the inside continental local anti-missile defense

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    As the war in Ukraine has shown, modern warfare has become even more dependent on logistics. Moreover, the war of the logistics was won the one who was able to force the enemy to move his logistics centers as far as possible from the front line and force him to conduct supply chains from a distance more them 50-200 km from warehouses, under continuous and targeted enemy fire.

      All innovations declared here are the property of the author and cannot be used without his consent.
   I will talk about this topic only with a specific customer and on condition of prepayment.
   Generals are always prepared to fight the last war.
   Words from British Prime Minister Winston Churchill
   As I wrote earlier - after Soviet Union collapse, for the United States, there was a loss of a threat that stimulated its development and as result of that a loss of general cognitive level.
   (C) Russia has degraded to such level that there is nothing left to steal from it - there are no creative ideas or competent people there.
   Scientists from developing countries are sought after at home and quite successfully find well-paid and interesting jobs there.
   The level of education and mentality in the United States produces people who are not interested in anything other than alcohol, drugs and computer games.
   Moreover, the most "creative" of them are only capable, following the example of the Great Rocketeer certain Matt Walker from the Air breathing Propulsion division at NAWCWD of Lockheed Martin, to steal someone else's intellectual property from the Internet and then modestly hide in a corner, like that innocent girl, who became pregnant while working as a prostitute and now hopes that its paunch resolving itself.
   As a result of this, in the early 80s, the US entered what I call the era of Gang rule with shaggy handles which see around its only "pink elephants."
   (C) "Gang rule - actions that go beyond any boundaries of written and unwritten laws; extreme degree of lawlessness and disorder."
   (C) "shaggy handles - a euphemism for corruption"
   (C) "The expression "pink elephant" serves as an example of the illusory nature of an object or situation in which what is desired is presented as reality."
   The US has entered into the era in which its society, which is corrupt and no longer capable of development, had was firmly came to believe that it can set fire and plunder chicken coops on any ranch in the world with impunity, if the owners of this ranch don't consent, absolutely of course voluntarily, to give its to the racketeers from the US their chickens.
   Moreover, having named these actions, performed in the traditions of cowboys of the 18th century, for some reason in honor of the thermodynamic theory - "the theory of controlled chaos", which initially was not at all connected with purposeful wreaking of havoc for any of subjects in the world, especially to promote the requests of corrupt structures.
   This degradation is especially well characterized by the state of the US Military-Industrial Complex and the technical level of its armed forces.
   Well, what to do if in the Research and Development (R&D) of the military-industrial complex there are only individuals like Great Rocketeer certain Matt Walker from the Air breathing Propulsion division at NAWCWD of Lockheed Martin, whose level of creativity does not even allow them to correctly understand other people's developments from the open internet that they stole.
   This situation is very indicative of the example of the widely publicized pride of the US military industry - the Abrams tanks; the F16 fighters and the Patriot missile defense systems.
   US politicians have to beg Ukraine, which is fighting at the limit of its capabilities, to keep these "pink elephants" away from the battle line so that the reputation of these Wunderwaffe (literally "wonder weapons" - a term coined by the German Ministry of Propaganda) will be not completely destroyed.
   The inconsistency of the US military doctrine with modern realities is clearly demonstrated by the fact that its "holy cows" and the main propaganda horror story, heavy nuclear aircraft carriers and strategic bombers, no longer dare to enter the zone of real combat operations.
   But, we let's move from talking about thieving cowboys and let's return to the main topic of this series of articles - "MEDIUM AND LONG RANGE TACTICAL STRIKE WEAPONS".
   As the war in Ukraine has shown, modern warfare has become even more dependent on logistics.
   Moreover, the war of the logistics was won the one who was able to force the enemy to move his logistics centers as far as possible from the front line and force him to conduct supply chains from a distance more them 50-200 km from warehouses, under continuous and targeted enemy fire.
   Barrel artillery cannot cope with such tasks.
   The use of aviation for this, in the context of the use of modern air defense, leads to large and unjustified losses.
   The most effective is the use in the front-line zone of autonomous drones or, for attacks behind enemy lines, high-precision cruise missiles, medium-weight class and medium-range, with high guidance autonomy, working in mode of "fire-and-forget" and which are capable of maneuvers with high overload at low altitude.
   Why did I specify "with high guidance autonomy"?
   Considering the importance that, based on the results of the Russian-Ukrainian war will being attach to radio countermeasures systems, we can forget about guidance "in real time" and using GPS or satellites (in my opinion, Russia in Ukraine has already begun to use similar suppression systems and their improvement is only a matter of time).
   Medium-range cruise missiles must be completely autonomous and be able to carry out during the marching stage geodetic locating to the terrain and independently searching for specific targets at the final stage.
   Why did I specify - "it should being capable of maneuvers with high overloads at low altitude"?
   The US, persistently acting as a trendsetter in this field, led the development of any aircraft along an absolutely unpromising path of reducing their radar signature. (however, and in this matter, it has already lost its primacy to China, which has moved from usage of an interference of a radio signal from reflective, volumetric planes not of an aerodynamically pure form, to the use of a holographic, conductive mesh, typographically applied to an arbitrary surface of the aircraft)
   To reduce the true detection and likelihood of interception of such cruise missiles by air defense systems, they must not just formally follow the terrain, such as an outdated Tomahawk cruise missile, flying at an altitude of 60-100 meters, but visual control systems must be able to guide them like a snake, carrying out bypassing obstacles and air defense units at an altitude of 10-15 meters in the "ground effect" zone and under the cover of the "shadow" of obstacles, protecting them from detection and tracking by means of radar stations.
   This manner of propulsion requires the cruise missile to be capable of performing maneuvers in two planes with overloads of more than 30G.
   Consequently, at such overloads during performing of maneuvers, neither the airframe of a cruise missile nor its engine should break into abnormal modes.
   It is impossible to control such missiles using traditional controlled aerodynamic planes.
   Why do I pay so much attention to "medium-weight, medium-range" cruise missiles?
   Considering the accuracy of a modern supersonic cruise missile, the combat capabilities of a 35-40 kg warhead of the "shock core" type are quite enough to cause a series of secondary detonations in a logistics center covered by less than 1-1.5 m of concrete or a hit by a warhead carrying a dozen secondary, cumulative or fragmentation, homing submunitions are quite sufficient to guarantee the destruction of a distributed target.
   Why is the flight range of the base module of a tactical cruise missile on distance above 250-300 km usually not required?
   Today, this is the maximum reasonable distance for the location of tactical logistics centers from the front line.
   In case if there is a need to hit a target in the deep rear, the design of the missile should allow the use of either a detachable "marching booster", increasing the range to 350-400 km or, with a greater required range, or to use a scheme with a subsonic "mother rocket" carrying up as far the guaranteed destruction zone, at a distance of 1000-1500 km, several medium-range supersonic cruise missiles.
   In both the first and second cases, such a scheme is very effective and cheap, since both the sustainer booster and the carrier rocket consist only of an accelerator or one or two pulsating, valveless, detonation engines and an external fuel tank.
   All other flight control and stabilization functions are provided by the main rocket, to which, as an auxiliary element, a sustainer booster is attached, or by the combined action of the main rockets delivered by the carrier rocket at the detachment distance.
   I would like to immediately explain why the Tomahawk cruise missile and its analogues, despite their high declared range, I classify as middle class.
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   This missile, according to the ideology of its usage, is intended for use as an operational-tactical one.
   (C) "an operational-tactical type of missile weapon, is designed to destroy enemy targets at an operational depth relative to the front line (up to 500 km).
   In present day, extremely expensive carriers of this type missiles (ships, submarines, strategic bombers, etc.) are not capable of approaching to the theater of operations to a distance of less than 600 km without the risk of being guaranteed to be destroyed.
   Considering that most of the combat operations will be carried out in the interior of the continents, the Tomahawk will be significantly inferior in its effectiveness even to existing medium-class supersonic missiles.
   This problem is well demonstrated by the US attempt in Syria to organize a political demonstration with the help of these missile s or the destruction by Ukraine of the most combat-ready ships of the Russian Black Sea Fleet.
   Even taking into account that Syria did not have combat-ready modern air defense and the complete unpreparedness of the Russian military, which supposedly ensured its security, to intercept these missiles; even taking into account low professional competence of the Black Sea Fleet command - the all results were extremely shameful and did not correspond to the costs and wastage.
   Most NATO cruise missiles have approximately the similar of the Tomahawk low combat effectiveness.
   What is the problem?
   As in everything connected with the US - with the Gang rule of pink elephants, with shaggy handles".
   (C) In January 1977, the administration of President Jimmy Carter initiated a program called JCMP (Joint Cruise Missile Project)..
   Moreover, the very unsuccessful Williams turbofan engine that was offered for it and, as I assume, the TERCOM terrain correction systems were imposed as a standard on the entire NATO.
   Russian/Soviet Kh-55 cruise missile; its other Russian analogues for various purposes and its Iranian copy "Sumar" are ideological copies of "Tomahawk" and has all the disadvantages arising from such retry.
   Just like the American cruise missiles, they are "weapons of political pressure" - despite of the fact that, unlike the Tomahawk, these missiles have a booster and can be used for low-altitude air launch and for ground launching, their effectiveness on the battlefield is very low.
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   The more modern cruise missiles of Germany and the Anglo-French production look somewhat better in comparison to them.
   "Taurus" - Its year of adoption is 2004
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   Storm Shadow - Its year of adoption is 2001
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   The problems of these missiles are engines that are unable to support sudden changes in flight modes and a control system complex that is not suitable for controlling missiles which are flying at extremely low altitudes and rounding obstacles on the ground (This refers to flight at altitudes below radio shadows of obstacles on the ground, that is, in radar invisibility zone for air defense detection and guidance systems).
   When maneuvering carry out with 30G, their wings will simply fall off, not to mention the fact that when it trying to perform such a maneuver, the flow will be disrupted from the control planes and a complete loss of controllability will occur.
   There are several more models of such missiles from different countries, including hypersonic ones, but these are mostly either completely outdated copies of the above described or prototypes of aeroballistics missiles that are completely incapable of maneuvering with rounding obstacles on the ground.
   The most shameful in this series are Putin's computer malingering, which it tries to pass off as a production model and the Lockheed Martin aeroballistics flying stick, the engine of which, judging by the optical characteristics of the jet stream, operates on the verge of a critical mode and is kept from destruction only by completely refusing to perform maneuvers and by usage of advanced engine control electronics.
   It's completely pointless to talk about of flight of this missile by method of the terrain following of this rocket and, even more so, about rounding obstacles.
   The design and parameters of Turkish middle-class cruise missiles are quite adequate to modern views on tactical support for the "battlefield," although they are low-maneuverable and unable to flight in manner of "terrain following" and rounding obstacles at low altitude.
   Chinese supersonic/hypersonic missiles look more promising. Although the Chinese military classifies this type of missiles as more likely to be unmanned aerial vehicles.
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   The left picture is a Turkish cruise missile.
   The right picture is a hypothetical Chinese unmanned aerial vehicle.
   If this is not an animation or a mock-up model, it seems that Chinese designers have followed the same path as me - abandoning controlled aerodynamic surfaces.
   It is not clear how the device is positioned.
   The engine, apparently, is not an air-jet and not a two-medium.
   The test of the North Korean prototype of a "hypersonic maneuvering warhead" looks very interesting.
   More precisely, it is not the warhead itself that is interesting, but the type of engine that was used for the upper stage.
   Judging by the appearance of the exhaust jet, it is quite possible that this is a detonation engine with the formation of a gas layer that protects the nozzle from burning out.
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   I think that England, Germany and Australia need to finally abandon the contract regarding the purchase of a Lockheed Martin aeroballistic flying stick, which is not suitable for a real combat flight, and try to agree on the purchase of missiles developed and produced by North Korea.
   I think that under certain conditions, she will agree to this... ;))
   Why don't I adhere to the classification generally accepted for this type of weapon?
   Because this classification is the main mistake of the US military-industrial complex, advertised and imposed on its NATO minions - "a tactical cruise missile is the same aeroballistic missile, but just smaller and with retractable wings".
   This is very beneficial for reducing development and production costs, in conditions of mass imposition of the Most Fashionable Glass Beads to their "clients", but, as the Ukrainian War showed, which may well turn into the Third World War, they are not very effective on the battlefield: high visibility, despite for all tricks and high hitting with modern air defense systems.
   Why do I have several quite different types of shock systems combined into one topic?
   They are all united by the use of: general methods of positioning in space; the use of unified types of modules that perform positioning in space and at the same time perform the functions of a warhead of the "shock core" type (the auxiliary warhead is installed depending on the task being performed); using unified route control and final target guidance systems
   I discussed methods of positioning in space in sufficient detail in previous chapters.
   It are remain consider engine problems and control specifics for such cruise missiles: choice of optimum course; control of tilt angle; and control of roll.
   As I wrote above, the type of cruise missiles intended for tactical support of the "battlefield" and overcoming inside the continental local anti-missile defense is characterized by performing maneuvers with overloads of more than 30G.
   In addition, this will apparently be the most widespread and widely used type of tactical strike weapons.
   Such a weapon should be: extremely cheap and extremely easy to use; and, at the same time, by choosing the configuration and method of usage (use of a booster, carrier rocket and auxiliary warhead) it should be most adaptive for a specific task.
   As I noted earlier - In my opinion, the main today's problems with medium-range tactical cruise missiles lie in the design of the engines and the way the missile maneuvers on course.
   I have already spoken about the need to perform maneuvers with high overloads and abandon aerodynamic control planes in previous chapters.
   In present day, there are two types of engines that are considered suitable for cruise missiles, these types are the widely used small turbojet engines, such as the Williams turbojet or its equivalent; and experimental, with input flow injection, which is based on an innovation stolen from me by Lockheed Martin.
   Why these engines are not suitable for maneuvers with overloads greater than 30G?
   The Williams turbojet engine, like all turbojet engines, does not tolerate for alternating and perpendicular to the axis mechanical loads on the engine and is quite expensive for mass use.
   Great Rocketeer certain Matt Walker from the Air breathing Propulsion division at NAWCWD of Lockheed Martin could not understand the features of what he stole by copying from the Internet.
   As a result of his efforts, the result was a flying log, the engine of which would burn through in place of the second third of the chamber and should collapse during any intense maneuver.
   In my opinion, the modernized pulse jet engine is most suitable as an engine for tactical cruise missiles.
   Similar work with pulsating jet engines is being carried out in many countries, but, judging by publications and photographs, these are either copies of the German free-valve Argus, from the Second World War, made by usage of modern materials; or experimental valveless pulsating engines with two resonant pipes
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   The formers are capable of providing sufficient traction, but their efficiency is lower than that of a steam locomotive, and they are not operational at altitudes above 3-4 thousand meters and at speeds near sound.
   The latter are completely unsuitable for practical use.
   I managed to solve the design problems of creating a single-pipe, valveless pulsating jet engine using a double-circuit detonation circuit.
   Such an engine, don't has moving parts; it can be produced by stamping or gluing in according to a template; by efficiency it is not inferior to a turboprop engine; It has good power control and is capable of operating over a wide range of speeds and altitudes.
   The engine has direct-flow and forced modes, which allows it to operate at altitudes up to 12,000 m and speeds up to 2.5-3 max.
   Once again, I would like to remind you that the main flight mode of such a cruise missile is assumed to be at altitudes of 10-25 meters and at initial supersonic speed.
   The needing of high-altitude flight mode and high supersonic speed may arise only for aviation launch and for work at long distances.
   The design of this cruise missile, in general terms, repeats all the technical solutions I used in the previous paragraphs when detail "medium and long range tactical strike weapons".
   The fiberglass body is manufactured together with the wings in the form of one or two parts; double-action rotating warhead (depending on the settings/communication of the fuses, it can work either as a "shock core" or as a high-explosive one).
   Pitch positioning is performed by a rotating warhead; Roll positioning is performed either by an auxiliary gyroscope or an auxiliary rotating warhead.
   There is no division of the case into internal compartments. The entire cavity of the hull and wing is filled with a flexible, pressured by air pressure, sectional fuel tank, in which cases of warheads and auxiliary equipment are installed on dampers directly in the fuel.
   The high adaptability and low cost of such engines and airframe, together with the proposed control scheme using a rotating warhead, allows such weapons to be widely used, both in the version of a supersonic cruise missile and in the version of subsonic unmanned aerial vehicles and FPV (First Person View) kamikaze drones.
   I assume that it would be rational to use an additional high aspect ratio wing in the design of FPV kamikaze drones, installed above the body, to perform loitering mode at heights unattainable for small arms.
   Such a wing can be shoot off before carry out before an attack on a target.
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   Left picture - FPV drone kamikaze in the process of attack.
   The drone/cruise missile should automatically perform serpentine movement and get round obstacles.
   Course and target selection can be done either by AI or by an operator using a gyro-stabilized camera.
   The drone/cruise missile can be equipped with a main 30-40kg high-explosive or impact core warhead and a 10-15kg auxiliary thermobaric warhead.
   It is possible, when a strike carries out not at the maximum range and without preliminary loitering, to inject into one of the sections of the flexible fuel tank not used for its intended purpose an additional charge of plastic explosive or thermal chemical mixture.
   Subject to certain conditions, the total weight of the explosive can be up to 35%-45% of the weight of the FPV cruise missile/kamikaze drone
   The duration of loitering in manner of "standing patrol", in a simplified configuration of missele, is 2.5-3 hours at an altitude of 2-3 km and a speed of 350-450 km/h (at 35% of maximum thrust).
   The duration of loitering with usage an additional wing is 4-5 hours at an altitude of 8-10 km and a speed of 200-250 km/h (at 35% of maximum thrust).
   Attack speed against a target detected and stored during loitering mode is up to 600-1200 km/h, at an altitude of 10-15 m.
   The approach to the target is carried out by diving in a spiral, with the transition to serpentine movement, at an extremely low altitude and, at the end of the attack, the transition to movement in a downward spiral from a nosing-up jump
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   Structurally, the cruise missile consists of a fiberglass body coated with carbon "wool" to reduce thermal and radar signature.
   The entire volume of the hull is occupied by sectioned soft fuel tanks.
   The panel on which are installed the engine and fuel equipment is designed like an access hatch cover in the camber of the wings. It is possible to use an additional casing to mask the thermal signature of the engine.
   Warheads and all auxiliary equipment, except for guidance systems, are installed inside the fuel tanks (if the configuration is changed, they are replaced along with the tanks).
   Guidance and communication systems are installed to the hull using quick-release connections.
   The main functional elements are: A - the main, rotating warhead, capable of CONTROLLEDLY changing its position in the body to change the pitch angle; B - auxiliary rotating warhead or gyroscope, capable of CONTROLLEDLY changing the position of its axis of rotation relative to the body to change the roll angle; D - hardware compartment.
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   The propulsion system consists of a single-pipe, valveless, direct-flow, pulsating engine with a high bypass ratio.
   The engine operates in detonation mode, with the possibility of boosting, by supplying fuel to the second circuit, as in the afterburner.
   Kerosene is used as fuel.
   This article discusses the most applicable type of engine - an engine with a cruising thrust of approximately 100 kg. Its total weight is 6-10 kg (excluding fuel equipment) .
   This engine option is disposable, with a time between failures of 3-5 hours.
   Designed engine weight and a time between failures depend on the presumptive flight duration and assumption percentage of usage of afterburner mode.
   Fuel Consumption for such an engine is no more then1850ml/min under 90% of tractive force (without using afterburner).
   Estimated maximum cruising altitude: when using the simplest configuration - up to 6,000m; when using an ejected wings and in afterburning mode - up to 10,000m.
   As I wrote above - (C) Attack speed against a target detected and stored during loitering mode is up to 600-1200 km/h, at an altitude of 10-15 m.
   The approach to the target is carried out by diving in a spiral, with the transition to serpentine movement, at an extremely low altitude and, at the end of the attack, the transition to movement in a downward spiral from a nosing-up jump.
   The engine design is easily scalable and adaptable to specific tasks.
   Why I will to talk about the features of its design only with a specific customer and on condition of prepayment?
   Today, many countries have declared at the legislative level the refusal to respect intellectual property rights if this does not correspond to their interests.
   The US and Putin's Russia have become especially famous for this.
   I've encountered in such situation several times already.
   As a last example - the appropriation of my intellectual property by the Great Rocketeer certain Matt Walker from the Air breathing Propulsion division at NAWCWD of Lockheed Martin (although, I have to give it my due, it was their impudence that provoked me to this series of articles and I want summarize this work by writing, in manner of "tactical simulation" the article - "Collapse of the US").
   I have already carried out such simulations, although not with such a large volume, with a lesser degree of specification and not with such detailed technical explanations.
   As an example -The military aspect of the Korean gambit or Does Syria have the military ability to stop the aggression of United States!?
   Perhaps I will offer this article carried out as "tactical simulation " on Tik-Tok as a basis for a computer multiplayer game of the same name.
   Please only take into account that I categorically object to this name being translated/interpreted as "The Death of America" - US is not America, US is a parasitic formation on the body of the American continent, destabilizing World society).
   As I already wrote above - (С) FPV drone/cruise missile can be equipped with a main 30-40kg high-explosive or impact core warhead and a 10-15kg auxiliary thermobaric warhead.
   It is possible, when a strike carries out not at the maximum range and without preliminary loitering, to inject into one of the sections of the flexible fuel tank not used for its intended purpose an additional charge of plastic explosive or thermal chemical mixture.
   Subject to certain conditions, the total weight of the explosive can be up to 35%-45% of the weight of the FPV cruise missile/kamikaze droneКак я уже писал в предыдущем параграфе - (С) It is possible to use a warhead of both conventional and nuclear types.
   I have developed concept of a 30-50 kiloton nuclear warhead, which can be rotated at high speed, having a hypothetically high ratio of usage of fission material and can be produced from a non-weapon's plutonium and by simplified technology.
   But, I will talk about this topic only with a specific customer authorized by its State and on condition of prepayment.
   Presumably, such a nuclear warhead can be made not only in the form of a "spherical explosion" ammunition, which is generally used today, but also in the form of an "impact core" type ammunition, in which the entire power of the explosion will be concentrated in the form two oppositely directed cone-jets of plasma, 35*-45* each.
   This makes it possible, on the basis of such a "thermonuclear strike core," to produce a very specific anti-bunker munition.
   If in the nose part of such ammunition, with a total power of approximately 20-25 KT, a container is placed with approximately 100 kg of tungsten carbide shot, made by powder metallurgy by usage of a cobalt binder, then, when ammunition is detonated, the plasma explosion front is capable of introducing and MELTING the resulting sinters onto depth, approximately up to 300-400 meters, creating a CLOSED area of lethal radiation that will be not destroyed by natural phenomena for several decades.
   Such ammunition will be relatively safe for civilian objects surrounding the attacked "a depth depository of scoundrels," but will neutralize everything which can be inside.
   The attack can be divided into two phases: the first - before the separation of the "carrier" and the "tactical cruise missile" and the second - after they separation.
   After separation, the "carrier" and the "tactical cruise missile" begin to operate as two independent units.
   The carrier, moving along a formal trajectory and without maneuvers' performing, begins to shoot out optical traps and containers which contain foil strips.
   At this moment, defeat of the carrier by air defense means does not affect to performance of this function.
   After separation, the attack of "tactical cruise missile" should be carried out along the trajectories of "collapsing spirals", with the end point in the area of transport tunnel portals.
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   A - "carrier's" trajectory; B - "tactical cruise missile" trajectory
   Another non-standard option for using cruise missiles of this type is possible - as a carrier of short-range air defense missiles or manpads air defense missiles for organizing attacks on strategic bombers, AWACS aircraft and group air targets.
   In general terms, this is an adaptation to modern technology of an old German idea from the Second World War - "Mutterrakete" (a guided heavy anti-aircraft missile carrying several small-caliber anti-aircraft missiles as a warhead).
   Apparently, a similar scheme was used by Ukraine for destroying Russian A-50.
   The "tactical cruise missile" proposed above can be used as a launch vehicle, on the upper surface of which, two simplified tubular launchers for manpads air defense missiles are installed on each side of the engine.
   All command-launch electronics and the container with reserve of cooling agent are located in the launch vehicle body.
   The carrier, by a coded laser pulse, requests MANPADS missiles about their orientation in space and, based on this information; analysis of the position of false targets; analysis of the moment and manner of occurrence of the response (slant range and elevation angle) - builds a trajectory of movement, controlling MANPADS missiles until the optical guidance heads true capture the target.
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   A - main target (strategic bomber); B - auxiliary target (cover fighter); 1 - zone in which capture of target A is guaranteed; 2 - zone in which capture of target B is guaranteed; 3 - zone covered by active and passive interference.
   To simplify the drawing, scales and distances are not followed
   The "tactical cruise missiles" and their ground partners determine the presence and position of attacking targets and their position, both relative to attacking MANPADS missiles and relative to counteractions' zones by usage the "hand bell method".
   The method is based on an old German strategy, reworked with modern materials and tactics of use - revelation the enemy by hand-bell usage.
   The strategy was that any movement by the enemy should cause the hand-bell nois.
   The strategy was not implemented due to the fact that several tactical and technical errors were made.
   The subject of defense (designated - "Mauschen") had to install a hand-bell on a conditional enemy (designated - "Kater").
   The tactical mistake was that the hand-bell was going to be installed on the most protected, front hemisphere.
   The technical error was in the number of hand-bells and the method of their installation.
   There should be as minimum two hand-bells and they should be installed to the "geschlechtsorganes", as the most traumatic way as possible, forcing "Kater", without hesitation, to immediately try to get away from the traumatic impact.

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