Set in the 16th century in southern Bohemia, this poetic play follows the adventures of Kazimir, a cunning rogue who roams the world, assuming the identities of others to conceal his true self. Along his journey, he encounters a pure angel descended to Earth, embodying innocence and virtue. Contrasting this celestial being is a lustful and envious pastor, whose desires and jealousy drive much of the conflict. The story weaves a tapestry of love, hatred, and fiery passion, exploring the depths of human emotion.
"Про Злыдней" - украинская народная сказка. В сказке рассказывается о двух братьях: Один бедный, а другой богатый. У бедного брата под печью посилились Злыдни, от которых в доме одно горе. А богатый же живёт в достатке и припеваючи.