Протасов Дмитрий Николаевич : другие произведения.

По следам Профессора Бонк

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Одно из самых выдающихся достижений Наталии Анатольевны Лукьяновой, которая и разработала все упражнения - "Употребление артиклей"
   Любое грамматическое явление, которого нет в родном языке, но есть в языке изучаемом, необходимо сначала, объяснять на родном.
   Но сколько не публикуй таблиц, сколько не давай комментариев, сколько не объясняй на уроках. Всё - бесполезно! Бесполезно до тех пор, пока ученики сами не сделают таблицы, и сами не напишут комментарии.
   Неопределённый артикль - только перед исчисляемыми существительными
   только в единственном числе.
   Так как неопределённый артикль произошед от числительного один.
   Определённый артикль -
   (когда бы ни употреблялся всегда имеет оттенок уникальности)
  -- перед единственными и неповторимыми в природе:
   солнце, земля, луна. The sun. the moon, the Earth.
  -- перед единственными в стандартных ситуациях: середина, начало, конец. The middle, the beginning, the end;
  -- В сутках одно утро, один день, один вечер. in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.
  -- В нормальной комнате всегда один пол и потолок.
   1. Первое упоминание
   1. Перед единственными в контрено взятой ситуации. Если предложение начинается с существительного.
   1. перед исчисляемыми существительными во множественном числе.
   34/VI/1 - стр./упр./предложение
   В порт прибыл пароход.
   День был чудесный.
   They are students.
   2. Существительное + прилагательное
   2. Второе упоминание существительного.
   2. Существительное + количественное числительное
   Это был чудесный день.
   This is a cap. The cap is black.
   Read page ten please.
   3. Перед профессиями
   3. часто оборот "именно эту ..." переводится определённым артиклем:
   дай мне именно ЭТУ ручку
   3. перед прилагательными
   40/VII/5 * 77/V/4
   Мой брат инжинер
   Give me the pen Kate.
   Please open the window.
   This cup is not red
   4. Второе упоминание оборота существительное + прилагательное
   4. ни до, ни после притяжательных местоимений
   This is a cup. It is a red cup. The red cup is on the table.
   Alice is my friend.
   4. Если перед существительными, которые обозначают не предмет, а процесс.
   To go to college, to go hospital, to go to church
   ставится прилагательное
   5. Место положение
   5. Часто после оборота существительное + of ...
   a piece of ...
   what kind of...
   a lot of ...
   a cup of ...
   a game of ...
   Mary's two children are at college. The boy is at a medical school, and the girl is at a teacher training college.
   This is a cup. It is a red cup. The red cup is on the table.
   Is he giving you
   a piece of chalk?
   To have a good lunch
   6.оборот "именно эту ..." может употребляться и перед оборотом существительное + прилагательное
   6. Перед предметами
   English, History, Chemistry и перед языками French, Russian, Armenian
   88/VIII/ 3 пропуск
   This is a black tie, and that is a white tie. Please give me the white tie not the black tie.
   They learn English
   7. Поcле оборота
   where is ...
   7. В устойчивых оборотах
   Where is the yellow tie?
   I am at home
   8. Перед прилагательными, которые конкретизируют существительное
   8. Перед названиями городов
   107/VIII/5 пропуск
   Are you writing the new words?
   The factory is a long way
   from Moscow.
   9. Перед существительными, если они обозначают не предмет, а процесс.
   To go to college, to go hospital, to go to church.
   I often go to church. I last went to church yesterday.
   Примеры, выделенные курсивом из основного курса.


   УРОК 1
   be - bee; meet-mete
   Сразу, в первом же уроке, объясняется, что в английском языке есть слова, которые читаются одинаково, но пишутся по-разному. К сожалению, этот приём больше не анализируется.
   Write the words:
  -- [pi:s][nju:][ra?t][П??] [s?n][f??]['flau?]['au?] [mi:t] [h??] [w?n][n?t][s?u] [tu:][?:] [?n]
   flower pleasant son important foreign there yesterday peace telegrammes in sistant certainly quarter tomorrow not really probably sew terrible dialogue pleasure awe ore minutes knot or wright shining mete journey canteen knew language so won our meet one hour here right their sun decide meat promises piece lunch fair permission as theatre customer hear between new difficult fare two immediately inn enough too write flour toothache rite oar
   Плата за проезд
  -- [?:]
  -- [?n]
  -- [n?t]
  -- [tu:]
  -- [w?n]
  -- ['au?]


  -- ['flau?]
  -- [mi:t]


  -- [h??]
  -- [П??]
  -- [s?n]
  -- [f??]
  -- [nju:]
  -- [s?u]
  -- [pi:s]
  -- [ra?t]
   Профессия в сложных словах


   Good a that boy is
   That is a good boy.
   Is that a good boy?
   Nice this city is a
   This a green pen is
   That pencil a black is

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   This green pen is
   This pen is green.
   Is this pen green?
   Nice this city is
   Good that boy is
   That pencil black is

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Good are those boys
   Those are good boys.
   Are those good boys?
   Nice these cities are
   green These pens are
   black pencils Those are

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   These green pens are
   These pens are green.
   Are these pens green?
   Nice these cities are
   Good are those boys
   Those pencils black are

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   She is reading a book now.
   Is she reading a book now?
   What is she doing now?
   I am closing the door.
   They are looking at Alice.
   We are going out of the room.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   This is his brother.
   Is this his brother?
   Whose brother is this?
   These are my sisters.
   Those are your houses.
   That is her flat.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Open ten page please
   Open page ten, please
   Would you open page ten, please?
   Room Five to please go
   Exercise Seven please read
   Poem Two please heart learn by

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Spoons table on the the are
   The spoons are on the table.
   Are the spoons on the table?
   In that the are students room
   bag in the books are The.
   bags floor. The are the on

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Small big in is room the table the
   The big table is in the small room.
   Is the big table in the small room?
   In TV set big corner the is the
   On the picture the beautiful is wall front
   in. bag yellow the The is pen

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Black. The is floor
   The floor is black.
   Is the floor black?
   pen green. is The
   is boy The clever.
   beautiful. The is girl

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   is is a cap. cap black. The This
   This is a cap. The cap is black.
   Is the cap black?
   pen. pen is is This The green. a
   clever. A That The boy boy. is is
   These The nice. are are girls girls.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   me the please pen, Give Kate.
   Kate! Give me the pen, please.
   Would you give me the pen Kate?
   please window. open the Jack,
   the Basil, door please. close
   Five please. read Text Mary,

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   # 13
   piece is He of giving chalk. a you
   He is giving you
   a piece of chalk.
   Is he giving you
   a piece of chalk?
   table. are cup on putting the tea You a of
   game are a playing golf. They of
   book reading? he What of is kind
   There table. Books lot are on of the A

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   yellow is tie? Where the
   Where is the yellow tie?
   The yellow tie is on the bed.
   the Where are books new
   on the table.
   girl? the Where dirty is
   in her room.
   clever Where the boys? are
   in the house.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   is doctor Fred is
   Fred is a doctor. // a student
   Is Fred a doctor or a student?
   new. are These books
   cups Those bad are
   students. are They

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   book is table. My the on
   My book is on the table.
   Is my book on the table?
   table. the bag under is His
   brief- her case. Her in is pen
   blackboard. student The is the at

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Five, Go please. Room to
   Go to Room Five, please.
   Would you go to Room Five?
   Eight, into please. Room Go
   please. table, from the Take the book
   Alice book the Take from

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   out he Go of to please. house,
   Go out of the house, please.
   Would you go out of the house, please?
   please. off Take the the table, books
   bag, Take please. of books out the the
   cup on the please. table, your Put

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   The rules, we had not known before doing the exercises,
   The rules, we have already learned,
   The rules, we will never forget ....


I am a teacher

   I am a teacher. My wife is not a teacher, she is an .. 1.. and her brother is a factory worker.
   Her brother is ..2..married, he is single.
   We have ..3.. two children. A son and a daughter.
   They are ..4.. clever and very obedient. In the ..5. they go to school and they are never late ..6. classes.
   They ..7.. like studying, and we are ..8.. happy about that.
   My wife and I ..9.. playing chess,
   but our children are keen on ..10.. noisy games such as football, table tennis and tennis.
   We are a very friendly family.

This is our classroom

   This is our classroom, but we are not ..1..a lesson now.
   The lesson will begin ..2..seven minutes.
   So we have got some time to tell you ..3.. our classroom.
   The room is large and clean.
   The ceiling is ..4.. and the floor is ..5.. .
   The walls are ..6.. blue. And there are three big windows in the classroom.
   On the walls there are some ..7.. and a calendar.
   In this classroom we study foreign ..8.. .
   And there are a lot of books and dictionaries on the shelves.
   There is even a ..9.. for every student and the ..10.. is always available.
   Physics languages
   [ba?] [bre?k] [a?] [a?l] [h?m] [n??] [?ru?] [n?n] [pi?t] [h??l][de?z] [ge?t] [pi?k] [r??d] [b??]
   flower know pleasant break son important peat foreign whole there yesterday peace road telegrammes brake in hymn certainly quarter gait tomorrow not really boy probably sew terrible eye dialogue pleasure awe ore minutes knot daze or shining hole mete bye journey none
   canteen threw knew language aisle so won our meet rode one hour here buoy right their sun decide days meat Him promises through piece lunch fair buy permission Pete as nun theatre customer gate hear I'll between I new isle difficult by fare peek two immediately peak inn enough too write flour no toothache rite aisle
   тв. падеж
   Ехал верхом
   я буду

Основной Курс


(К УРОКАМ С 1 ПО 12)

   N1 Урок 1
   I engineer meet here. this often
   I often meet this engineer here.
   Do I often meet this engineer here?
   newspapers day. read You every
   questions We at home. write
   read. Their sisters us give books often to

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   We often meet those girls there.
   We always meet those girls there.
   Do we always meet those girls there?
   I to often write my brothers.
   They often send me English newspapers.
   My go often there. sisters

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   We often meet those girls there.
   We usually meet those girls there.
   Do we usually meet those girls there?
   I often write to my brothers.
   They often send me English newspapers
   My sisters often go there.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   We sometimes meet those girls there.
   Sometimes we meet those girls there.
   Do we sometimes meet those girls there?
   I sometimes write to my brothers.
   They sometimes send me English newspapers
   My sisters sometimes go to the theatre.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   We don't often copy out texts in class.
   We don't always copy out texts in class.
   Don't we always copy out texts in class?
   They don't often meet their friends at school.
   Alice and Mary don't often read English books.
   I don't often go to the cinema.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   We don't often copy out texts in class.
   We don't usually copy out texts in class.
   Don't we usually copy out texts in class?
   They don't often meet their friends at school.
   Alice and Mary don't often read English books.
   I don't often go to the bar.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   English. My learn brothers
   My brothers learn English.
   Do my brothers learn English?
   Mary Physics. and Alice study
   Biology. and You study Chemistry
   Children These Mathematics. study

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   usually They classes the morning. have in
   They usually have classes in the morning.
   Do they usually have classes in the morning?
   school always in We home the from go afternoon.
   learn in brothers evening. English My the
   and morning.Mary go in the Alice school to

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N1 Урок 2
   Moscow lives Her sister in
   Her sister lives in Moscow
   Does her sister live in Moscow?
   speaks Our Spanish. father
   our works school. teacher Their in
   does exercises classes. friend My after

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N2 !!!
   Her sister lives in Moscow
   Who lives in Moscow?
   Whose sister lives in Moscow?
   Spanish. father Our speaks
   works in Their our school. teacher
   My exercises after does classes. friend

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Moscow live Her sisters in
   Her sisters live in Moscow
   Do her sisters live in Moscow?
   speak Our Spanish. teachers
   our work school. teachers These in
   do exercises classes. friends My after

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Her sisters live in Moscow
   Who lives in Moscow?
   Whose sisters live in Moscow?
   Our fathers speak Spanish.
   Their teachers work in our school.
   My friends do exercises after classes

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Her sister works in this school.
   Does her sister work in this school?
   Where does her sister work?
   Our father learns French.
   What ...
   Alice lives in London.
   Basil reads foreign books

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   You read interesting books.
   Do you read interesting books?
   What kind of books do you read?
   Their flat is large and clean.
   Basil is a good and very clever student.
   He lives in a big and modern house.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   My brother Peter is a clever student.
   Is my brother Peter a clever student?
   Which of my brothers is a clever student?
   My friend Peter has lessons in the morning.
   Alice has lessons in the morning.
   Basil speaks Italian very well.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   for in is time lunch. always Mary
   Mary is always in time for lunch.
   Is Mary always in time for lunch?
   in to the often goes class. Alice blackboard
   Alice Basil home now. and at are
   he work to the After bar. usually goes

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   You get to your office by bus.
   Do you get to your office by bus?
   How do you get to your office?
   You do your morning exercises very slowly.
   Alice often goes home by taxi.
   Peter reads morning newspapers quickly.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 1 !!! Урок 3
   please. Take Peter, the it book to and give
   Take the book and give it to Peter, please.
   Whom will I give the book to?
   her. Alice English well I with my doing and knows like homework
   this I She with us. girl. works know
   teacher in him see This our I in the library. firm. works often

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 2 !!!
   He translates a lot of letters into French.
   Does he translate many letters into French?
   No, he does not translate many letters into French.
   work. gives of a lot teacher The us
   a work lot. They
   a newspapers. friends lot Your of read

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 3!!!
   Alice works only on Monday and Friday.
   Does Alice work only on Monday and Friday?
   Which days does Alice only work on?
   book is " men boat Three in a". favourite His
   Frank likes Sinatra "the Stones Rolling" not He but
   but not - or
   Italian Basil cuisine. prefers

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4 !!!
   This film lasts two hours.
   Does this film last two hours?
   What lasts two hours?
   Wednesday They work at finish o'clock on afternoon. three often
   Who ...
   half. an lessons hour The a last and
   8 go in They the the office at morning. to o'clock at

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 5!!!
   Her working day lasts 7 hours.
   Does her working day last 7 hours?
   How long does her working day last?
   The long. film two hours is
   minutes. show forty-five lasts The
   is two The long weeks holiday

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 6
   We are going to the theatre in the evening. Every Saturday
   We go to the theatre every Saturday.
   Do we go to the theatre every Saturday?
   Basil is bringing some medovukha. Seldom.
   Alice is staying in a five star hotel in London. Always.
   Ann is writing to her brother. Often.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 7
   Ann and Basil play chess every evening. Right now.
   Ann and Basil are playing chess right now.
   Are Ann and Basil playing chess right now?
   Alice reads English newspapers every morning. At the moment.
   I play tennis on Sundays.
   This Sunday.
   My mother cooks chickens every week. Now.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 1 !!! Урок 4
   Ann opened the windows before classes.
   Did Ann open the windows
   before classes?
   Who opened the windows before classes?
   of a letters Bill last week. lot translated
   in ago. 8 Novosibirsk lived years He
   books read new last Pete month. the finished to

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 2
   My working day usually lasts seven hours.
   My working day lasted seven hours last year.
   Did my working day last seven hours last year?
   We discuss a lot of questions.
   They don't stay at the factory after 6 o'clock.
   He always does well in Spanish.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 3
   This is a room of my friend.
   This is my friend's room.
   Whose room is this?
   These are the sisters of Peter.
   Those are the flowers of Alice.
   They are the teachers of Alex.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4
   month. you last London? did When go to
   When did you go to London? last month.
   You went to London last month.
   ago. buy tie? year did When A you this
   perestroika 1991. When end? In did the
   hour When office? did ago. Mary An get to the

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 5
   Didn't you buy a dictionary last year?
   Yes, I bought a dictionary last year.
   But I have not bought a dictionary this year.
   I will buy one next year.
   Didn't Alice read a detective story last month?
   Didn't Peter write 5 letters last week?
   Did not Alice and Ann play chess last winter?

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 6
   They serve Indian tea at the Orient Restaurant. I like Indian tea.
   Last year they served Indian tea at the Orient Restaurant. I liked Indian tea.
   I liked the Indian tea, which they served at the Orient Restaurant last year
   My sister plays the flute. I like music.
   ... when she was a child.
   Alice and Ann grow vegetables in their gardens. I like vegetables.
   ... two years ago
   Our friend cooks chickens. I like chickens.
   ... last picnic.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 7
   piece is He of giving chalk. a you
   He is giving you
   a piece of chalk.
   Is he giving you
   a piece of chalk?
   table. are cup on putting the tea You a of
   game are a playing golf. They of
   book reading? he What of is kind
   table. Books lot are on of the A

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 1 Урок 5
   I am drinking tea but not coffee now.
   When did you last drink coffee?
   I last drank coffee a week ago.
   You are going to the theatre but not to the cinema this Sunday.
   ... last month.
   We are speaking French but not Italian now.
   ... two days ago.
   They are going by bus now but not by taxi.
   Last winter

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   This green pen is
   This pen is green.
   Is this pen green?
   Nice this city is
   Good that boy is
   That pencil black is

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Large and his flat clean is
   His flat is large and clean.
   Is his flat large and clean?
   That dirty is bad girl and
   worker is clever and That young.
   teachers These good are

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4
  -- 1
   Read these telegrammes to Jane.
  -- 2
   Read these telegrammes to her.
  -- 3
   Read them to Jane.
  -- 4
   Read them to her.


   Read Jane these telegrammes.


   Read her these telegrammes.
   N 5
   Send this book to Tom.
   N 6
   Give the newspapers to the students.
   N 7
   Write a letter to our parents.
   N 8
   Show the letters to our boss.
   N 9
   Cook the chicken for Ann.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 1 Урок 6
   You have green eyes.
   Do you have green eyes?
   Do you have green or black eyes?
   You usually have a good time with your girl-friends.
   You usually have a lot of money in your bag.
   ... little
   You always have fruit for lunch.
   ... chocolate

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 2
   Your neighbour has got a dog.
   Has your neighbour got a dog?
   How many dogs has your neighbour got?
   You have got 3 brothers.
   You have got €77 in your bag
   Alice has got three houses in London.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 3
   Mondays. have on You usually work much do to
   You usually have much work to do on Mondays.
   Which day do you have much work to do on?
   often at for weekend. time to have go a You picnic the
   Which days
   You money lot have go for always a a holiday in to of July.
   Which month
   in children colds always Your have winter.
   Which season

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4
   do now. much have work to You got
   You have got a lot of work to do now.
   Have you got much work to do now?
   got to go to for a July. money enough You have this hoilday
   have cold got a terrible You now.
   this picnic have go got time weekend. a to You for enough

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 5
   My friend's son is 17.
   Whose son is 17?
   Whose friend's son is 17?
   Their children's uncles are doctors.
   Her brothers' girl-friends are actresses.
   Our teacher's colleagues are well-off.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 6
   read Do newspapers? they Generally.
   Do they read newspapers? Generally.
   They generally read newspapers.
   Do the you theatre? to go
   7 in Do at the evening? have you dinner
   Do delicious? you something cook Always.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 7
   We want some chocolate.
   Champagne .
   Do we want any champagne?
   No, we don't want any champagne.
   They eat some ice cream.
   Alice drinks some medovoukha.
   German beer.
   Basil watches some films.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 1 Урок 7
   There are some books on the table.
   Are there any books on the table?
   No, there are not any books on the table.
   There will be a good concert at the Tchaikovski Hall next week.
   There was a fight in our street last month.
   I am short of time. There are some other things to do.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 2
   It is very cold in here.
   Is it very cold in here?
   No, it is not very cold in here.
   It is five kilometres from here to Moscow.
   It is 4 pm now.
   It was terribly hot in Moscow last summer.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 3
   The bend is near the forest.
   There is a bend in the road near the forest.
   Is there a bend in the road near the forest?
   The flower-beds are near the Post Office Tower.
   ... on the way to.
   The flowers are in the garden.
   ... along the path in the garden.
   The questions are very difficult.
   ... in the exercise.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4
   Alice has just bought a bottle of kvas.
   Alice and Ann have just bought bottles of kvas.
   Have Alice and Ann just bought bottles of kvas?
   The advice, this girl has given to that actor, was absurd.
   He has left his furniture in that palace.
   That red cup is made of wood.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 5
   Mary the Unregistered always buys fresh water for her whisky.
   There is always a supply of fresh water for Mary's whisky.
   Is there always a supply of fresh water for her whisky?
   One can see a good ballet at the Bolshoi next weekend.
   You can enjoy delicious cakes at the restaurant.
   It is possible to read some interesting books in the library.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 6
   His wife knows French perfectly.
   Does his wife know French perfectly?
   How well does his wife know French?
   Basil knows London as a Londoner.
   She sings Italian songs beautifully.
   My sister speaks German better than French.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 7
   for in is time lunch. always Mary
   Mary is always in time for lunch.
   Is Mary always in time for lunch?
   in to the often goes class. Alice blackboard
   Alice Basil home now. and at are
   he work to the After bar. usually goes

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 1 Урок 8
   You have already been to London.
   Have you been to London yet?
   No, I have not been to London yet.
   You have already eaten the chicken.
   You have already read all the 154 sonnets.
   They have already sung the songs.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 2
   Peter works in our firm.
   How long has he worked in our firm? 2003
   He has worked in our firm since 2003.
   Jane sells bananas at the market.
   ...for 7 years
   Alice travels abroad.
   ... since 1995
   Basil writes books.
   ... for 5 years

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 3
   Do you smoke?
   No, I last smoked a cigarette two months ago.
   You have not smoked a cigarette for two months.
   Do you play football?
   ... 3 years ago.
   Do you go to the cinema?
   ... in 2008.
   Do you watch TV?
   ... in 1999

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4
   Are you still reading the book?
   No, I have already finished it.
   Oh, have you finished it already?!
   Is he coming to London right now?
   Is your wife cooking spaghetti at the moment?
   Is John finishing writing his new book?

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   My brothers Peter and Bill are clever students.
   Are my brothers Peter and Bill clever students?
   Which of my brothers is a clever student?
   My friends have lessons in the morning.
   Alice and Ann have German in the morning.
   Basil and Pete speak Italian very well.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   You are going to have English in the morning.
   Are you going to have English in the morning?
   When are you going to have English?
   is film evening. to going see He the a in
   Novosibirsk Moscow friend days. Their coming from to in is three
   to book am at going read night. new I this

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   You have got to your office by bus this week.
   Have you got to your office by bus this week?
   How have you got to your office this week?
   You have done your morning exercises very slowly this summer.
   Alice has gone home by taxi five times this month.
   Peter has read morning newspapers very quickly.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   His wife knows French perfectly.
   Does his wife know French perfectly?
   How well does his wife know French?
   Basil knows London as a Londoner.
   She sings Russian folk songs beautifully.
   My sister speaks German better than French.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   for in is time lunch. always Mary
   Mary is always in time for lunch.
   Is Mary always in time for lunch?
   in to the often goes class. Alice blackboard
   Alice Basil home now. and at are
   he work to the After bar. usually goes

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 1 Урок 9
   their obey children All must parents.
   All children must obey their parents.
   I wonder if all children must obey their parents.
   us. and go with see the You must monument
   wash eating. We hands before must
   You see in our cottage must come and France.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 2
   You must do right now. it
   You must do it right now.
   Who must do it right now?
   must. there Go you if
   be Felix You Gratt. must
   If Speak must. him to you

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 3
   Must now? there I go right
   Must I go there right now?
   I wonder if I must go there right now?
   Right Shall go there I now?
   I tonight? DVD Must bring a
   tonight? a Shall I DVD bring

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4
   mustn't You out. go
   You mustn't go out.
   Who mustn't go out?
   mustn't You football. play
   All for be mustn't late classes. of us
   of to us be rude All teachers mustn't the

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 5
   My wife has to stay at home with our three children.
   Does my wife have to stay at home with our three children?
   No, my wife does not have to stay at home with our three children.
   My wife has got to stay at home with our three children.
   I have got to leave soon.
   I have to leave soon.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 6
   She has got to go shopping next.
   Has she got to go shopping next?
   What has she got to do next?
   She has to go shopping next.
   I have to do some baby-sitting
   I have got to do some baby-sitting

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 7
   My wife had to stay at home with our three children.
   Did my wife have to stay at home with our three children?
   What did my wife have to do?
   I had to leave soon.
   She had to go shopping.
   I had to do some baby-sitting.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Урок 10 N 1
   You will be in tomorrow.
   Will you be in tomorrow?
   No, I won't be in tomorrow.
   She will be out on Sunday morning.
   I will have to hurry.
   There will be a lot of work to do tomorrow.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples


.N 2

   She has just read the book, which I advised her.
   Has she just read the book, which I advised her?
   Which book has she just read?
   The girl, you want to meet, is coming in two days.
   The village, where Alice was born, is a town now.
   This is the school, my children go to.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples


.N 3

   Alice will come back home and I will go to the cinema.
   I will go to the cinema, when Alice comes back home.
   When will I go to the cinema?
   Everyone will be ready and we will leave for Paris.
   ... as soon as ...
   My mother will give me enough money and I will go to Paris.
   ... if ...
   I will see the monument and I will take a picture.
   ... the moment ...

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   N 4
   It will rain. I will go by bus to the office.
   If it rains, I will go by bus to the office.
   What will you do, if it rains?
   I will eat out.
   I will go to a restaurant.
   The weather will be bad tomorrow.
   I will stay at home.
   There will be a first night at the theatre.
   I will go there.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples


.N 5

   It rains. I go by bus to the office.
   If it rains, I go by bus to the office.
   What do you do, if it rains?
   I eat out.
   I go to a restaurant.
   The weather is bad.
   I stay at home.
   There is a first night at the theatre.
   I go there.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples


.N 6

   If it rains, I will go by bus to the office.
   Whenever ...
   Whenever it rains, I go by bus to the office.
   If there is a first night I will go to the theatre.
   Every time ...
   If I eat out.I will
   go to a restaurant.
   Whenever ...
   If the weather is bad, I will stay at home.
   Every time ...

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples


.N 7

   Whenever it rains, I go by bus to the office.
   Whenever it rained, I went by bus to the office.
   What did you do, when it rained?
   Every time there is a first night I go to the theatre.
   Whenever I eat out, I go to a restaurant.
   Every time the weather is bad.
   I stay at home.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Урок 11
   He will work at this factory next year.
   F I
   He works at this factory.
   PR I
   I know that
   He is still working in this garden
   PR C
   PR I
   He has already worked in this factory for the last five years.
   PR PF
   He worked at this factory a year ago.
   PS I
   He would work at that factory a year later.
   F I PS
   He worked at that factory.
   PS I
   I knew that
   He was still working in that garden
   PS C
   PS I
   He had already worked in that factory for five years.
   PS PF
   He had worked at that factory a year before.
   PS PF
   Who will go to the theatre tomorrow.
   Who always goes to the theatre.
   I will tell you
   Who is going to the theatre tonight.
   Who has already gone to the theatre 5 times this year.
   Who went to the theatre a week ago.
   I told you
   Who will come to see you in London ....
   I want to know
   Who would come to see you in London ....
   I wanted to know
   We have just been told
   Who always drinks our whisky
   Before Mary came
   We had been told

To sing songs// to do this work// to read the new books//

to swim in the swimming-pool// to skate on the river


Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Our teacher has just explained to us that
   The Earth goes round the Sun; Magnet attracts iron; ice floats on the water, but iron doesn't float; in spring the days become warmer and the nights shorter.
   He has already introduced me his girl-friend
   Who is English.
   I always tell you
   that your son drives madly.
   Our teacher explained to us yesterday that
   The Earth _____ round the Sun; Magnet _______ iron; ice floats on the water, but iron ______ float; in spring the days _______ warmer and the nights shorter.
   Yesterday he introduced me his girl-friend
   Who_______ English.
   I told you two days ago
   that your son ________ madly.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Do discussing?you what know are they
   Do you know what they are discussing?
   Do you know that they are discussing their plans?
   Have what they you heard decided do?to
   to go to Moscow?
   I'm you, what you should do. Telling
   go out for a walk every evening.
   said. I didn't Sorry, you hear what
   I what going feel to he is say.
   ... something interesting.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   My That has told friend ill. me is his mother
   My friend has told me that his mother is ill.
   My friend has told me what had happened with his mother.
   I is heard that Рeter to coming have Moscow. back
   ... what city ...
   I much. I liked the say, that very book can't
   ... what ... in the book.
   that feel I right is he
   ... makes me sure ...

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   It usually takes her a half and an hour to get to Red Square.
   Does it usually take her a half and an hour to get to Red Square.
   How long does it usually take her to get to Red Square.
   It has taken me three weeks to read the book.
   It took us two days to get to London last year.
   It will take me an hour to finish my work.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   Урок 12 N 1
   I would like to get some money, just enough to buy a flat in the centre of London.
   I would like to get a little money, just enough to buy a flat in the centre of London.
   How much money would you like to get to buy a flat in the centre of London.
   All I want to open a business is some help from my uncle.
   Alice would try to save some thousands of roubles a week, and it adds up quite quickly.
   Some people we know have no financial problems, but not many.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples


.N 2

   They opened a business 4 years ago, but they have not had any success at all.
   They opened a business 4 years ago, but they have had little success.
   Had they thought, that they would have little success in their business?
   He is a theatre - goer. There are not many performances he has not seen yet.
   They have no chance of ever being famous, none at all.
   Some people understand international politics.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   .N 3
   I am too short of time these days, but I could find some time for you next month.
   I am too short of time these days, but I could find a little time for you next month.
   Oh, really! I had never thought that you could spend a little time on me.
   There is no whisky left, but you could have some milk.
   The weather is cloudy and windy.
   There is not any hope to find it now.
   He was so lazy. He had no interest in playing games.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   .N 4
   Not too many people understand international politics, although a lot of them study this subject.
   Few people understand international politics, although a lot of them study this subject.
   How many people understand international politics?
   The holiday, we spent in Spain, turned out to be very cheap. It cost only some thousand roubles.
   Not many of the students understood what the professor was talking about.
   The exam was incredibly difficult, but some of the students did succeed.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   .N 5__________________________________________________________________________
   My brothers Peter and Bill are clever students.
   Are my brothers Peter and Bill clever students?
   Which of my brothers is a clever student?
   My friends have lessons in the morning.
   My girl-friends Alice and Ann have German in the morning.
   My cousins Basil and Pete speak Italian very well.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   You are going to have English in the morning.
   Are you going to have English in the morning?
   When are you going to have English?
   is film evening. to going see He the a in
   Novosibirsk Moscow friend days. Their in is coming from to three
   to book am at going read night. new I this

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   His wife knows French perfectly.
   Does his wife know French perfectly?
   How well does his wife know French?
   Basil knows London as a Londoner.
   She sings Italian songs beautifully.
   My sister speaks German better than French.

Work out the grammar rule and give a few of your own examples

   They have just seen "Romeo and Juliet" at the Gorki MHAT.
   Have they just seen "Romeo and Juliet" at the Gorki MHAT?
   I would like to know if they have just seen "Romeo and Juliet" at the Gorki MHAT.
   You first taught your students 12 years ago.
   Did you first taught your students 12 years ago?
   I would like to know if you first taught your students 12 years ago.
   They like to teach mixed groups.
   Do they like to teach mixed groups?
   I would like to know if they like to teach mixed groups.
   Most exciting part of Alice's job is getting to know new and new people.
   Her best student is a musician.
   He plays the French horn.
   The best performance they have ever seen was "Il Trovatore" with Lydia Myasnikova in the leading part.
   Have they just seen "Romeo and Juliet" at the Gorki MHAT?
   I would like to know if they have just seen "Romeo and Juliet" at the Gorki MHAT.
   I would like to know which theatre they have just seen "Romeo and Juliet" at.
   Did you first taught your students 12 years ago?
   I would like to know if you first taught your students 12 years ago.
   I would like to know when you first taught your students.
   Do they like to teach mixed groups?
   I would like to know if they like to teach mixed groups.
   I would like to know what kind of group they like to teach.
   Is the most exciting part of Alice's job getting to know new and new people?
   Is her best student a musician?
   Does he plays the French horn?
   Was the best performance they have ever seen "Il Trovatore" with Lydia Myasnikova in the leading part.

Основной Курс

Дружеские Пародии



   Lesson #1
   My name is Eliza Growns. I live in Moscow, in the very outskirts of Russia's beautiful   capital. The nearest underground station   is Kuzminki and   it takes me  some fifteen to fifty-five minutes, (fifteen, if I go by bus and there are no traffic jams) to get to a four-room  flat where I rent a room.  As you have already guessed I am not a Muscovite, I am from Novosibirsk. I came here more than three years ago and I have lived here since then. And all this time I have worked for JDF - 3 Company.
    I like my work, and my work likes me. Everything is fine, but there is one thing that spoils everything. The problem  is that I have lived in Moscow for more than three years unregistered, because nobody wants to register me. My close friends call me Eliza the Unregistered.
    I am an English language teacher. I am at a lesson now. My students are highly qualified specialists. They work for one of the most prestigious companies in Russia. Alex is a project manager. He is writing something in his exercise-book. I am not writing.  I am listening to two other students. They are speaking about their jobs and their holidays.
    I never ask my students to write on the white board, because I   know they will never do it. I don't want to change anything in my teaching techniques.
    Our lessons are not unusual. We speak, read and write   English. Sometimes we  watch films or listen to radio recordings. We never have dictations in class, because the students don't like it. They like speaking and so we spend most of the time on  oral practice. We do try to speak English in class;   but my students  usually speak Russian after classes.
    My students are generally very good, but from time to time they are late for classes.  Another big problem is that they can miss a lot of lessons because they  often go on business trips. Their attendance is unpredictable. It has always been. And I am sure it will always be.
   - What is your name?
   - My name is Eliza Growns.
   - What do you do?
   - I am an English language teacher.
   - Do you speak any other foreign languages?
   - Seven years ago I spoke Italian, but I forgot everything.
   - Are you learning any other foreign languages? 
   - No, I am not.
   - Do you live in the centre of Moscow?
   - Unfortunately, I don't.
   - Where do you live then?
   - I live in the very outskirts of our fair capital. The nearest underground station  is Kuzminki.
   Lesson 2
   My friend is also an English language teacher. We work together in the same firm. He is a good mixer and you can always rely on him. He made me come here three years ago and helped me greatly with the work and accommodation. But teaching is not his first priority. In 2009  he published his first book and he has specialised in writing since then. He doesn't speak only English, he speaks Spanish, Italian, German and French. I make my students read his books, and it helps us a lot in studying. We live in different parts of Moscow.  I live  in the very outskirts of our fair capital. The underground station  nearest to me is Kuzminki. But he lives in one of the picturesque parts of Moscow . It only takes him 2 minutes to walk to the National Reserve Kolomenskoie.
   - Which of you is a writer?
   - My friend is.
   - Does he know English?
   - Yes, he does.
   - Does he know only English?
   - No, he can speak five foreign languages.
   - Such as ...
   - ... such as French, German, Spanish, Italian and he can read Latin.
   - What does he often speak about with you?
   - We usually speak about our work.
   - What is he going to do tonight?
   - He is going to continue writing a new book.
   - Do you go to work by car?
   - No, I don't.
   - And what about your bosom friend? Does he go to work by car?
   - No.
   - Why not? Can't he   afford it?
   - Of course he can, but he doesn't want to, because for him it is much faster to go by underground.
   Lesson 3
   Larisa Alexeyeva is one of the best teachers of English in Siberia. She  is a pensioner, but she still works a lot. She  works in one of the most prestigious schools in   Novosibirsk - School #110.
   Her students like her very much. Before working in the school she had worked for nearly twenty years at the Teacher-Training College as a lecturer and for  ten years as a dean's assistant. At the school she works  six days a week. She works on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday.  She does not work only on Sunday. But it is only at the school. She also gives private lessons. Sometimes she translates contracts for joint ventures. Her former students are now directors and presidents of  big      international  firms and they don't want to give them to any other translators, because they can trust only her. After translating contracts they discuss a lot of questions with her.
   She usually begins work at eight a.m. and she usually finishes it at 7 p.m.
   - Who works at School # 110?
   -  Larisa Alexeyeva does.
   - Does she work very much?
   - Yes, she works a lot.
   - Whom does she often receive at home?
   - After her lessons at school she often receives her former students, who are presidents and directors of joint ventures.
   - What does she do it for?
   - Because they  ask her to translate contracts.
   - Why do they ask  her and not other translators?
   - Because they trust only her.
   - How long does her working day last?
   - It is always unpredictable.

Lesson 4

Lydia Myasnikova (1911-2005)

   The Honoured Artist of RSFSR (1951); the People's Artist of RSFSR (1955); the People's Artist of the USSR (1960)
   Lydia Myasnikova is a Soviet Russian mezzo-soprano.  At  the height of her fame she was acknowledged as one of the greatest opera singers, thanks to her outstanding stage presence and her vocal abilities.
   She was born in a small Siberian town Tomsk, Russia, on September 21st (8th) 1911. She was the fourth child in the family of a well-known Siberian doctor.
   At the age of 21 she graduated from the Tomsk Musical Technical School. When a student she performed her first opera part - Lyudmila in "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by Glinka.
   When she was 22 she left for Leningrad, where she successfully passed the entrance examinations to the conservatoire and became a student of the vocal department. In the class of Professor M.I. Brian. After graduating from the conservatoire she, as one of the best students, became a post graduate student. But she had to leave the post graduate studies unfinished and move back to Tomsk because the Great Patriotic War broke. There she became a soloist of MosConcert and performed in hospitals for the wounded soldiers.
   In 1944 she was invited to perform in the Novosibirsk Opera and Ballet Theatre. Her first part was Carmen in the opera Carmen by Bizet. She played many roles throughout her career such as Marina Mnishek  "Boris Godunov", Marfa "Hovanshchina", Ljubasha "The zar's bride", Azucena " il Trovatore", Eboli "Don Carlos", Amneris "Aida", Countess  "The Queen of Spades", Djachiha "Her stepdaughter" Leosh Janachek, the first performance in the USSR, 1958.
   Her interpretation of Azucena " il Trovatore" was acknowledged as the best in the USSR. She was one of the best tour-soloists of the Bolshoi Theatre of the 20th century.
   She also went on tour abroad in Czechoslovakia in 1959.
   In spite of being a provincial singer she made a lot of recordings under the baton of such leading conductors as Maestro Guliaev (Russian songs and romances) and Maestro Katz (opera arias).
   She also appeared in the film "Lydia Myasnikova sings"
   On December, 9th 1960 she was the first performer in the Asian part of the USSR (from the Urals to the Far East) to be awarded the title of the People's Artist of USSR.
   From 1966 till 1997 she taught in the Novosibirsk Conservatoire (from 1981 the Professor).
     In 1983 she became the fifth Honourable Citizen in Novosibirsk's 90-year history.
   In honour of Myasnikova is named the audience where she taught in the Novosibirsk Conservatoire .
   In 2008 the First Myasnikova Inter-Regional Competition of the academic singing held place.
   Awards:         Order of the Labour Red Banner (1967)
   Lesson 5
   When I get home after work I enjoy searching through my favourite web sites, such as "Love.ru", "Loveplanet.ru", "Mylove.ru", and a few other sites of a similar nature.
   About a month ago, I made an acquaintance with a Canadian girl. To my surprise, just a day later she promised to come to Moscow for a weekend. I, in turn, promised I would do my best to show her the best sights, take her to our best theatres, and treat her to a special meal in one of the most prestigious restaurants of our capital. She asked me all about sight-seeing in Moscow, as well as our traditions and culture. Then, three days before the trip, Catherine (that was the girl's name) changed her tune and our conversations began to revolve around one thing only - food.
   She went out of her way trying to convince me that the best food as well as the best eating habits were only in North America. You see, born in Canada, she had recently moved to live in the US, so she now believed she belonged to that country. She kept on telling me, that there was nothing like American food, `in the whole wide world'.
    Four days ago she arrived in Russia.
   I met her at Sheremetievo and instead of heading straight to my house we decided to visit a few sights in the city centre.
   First, we went to Pushkin Square.
   If you think that Catherine, like many other foreigners, had heard nothing about Pushkin, you are absolutely wrong.
   The very first question   she asked me, standing with her back to the monument, was: "Dmitry, do you often go to the world's well-known restaurants the Tourandot and the Pushkin?"
   "Yes, three or four times a week, but ..."
   "But what ...?"
   "But it   was before we met, or better to say before   the heated argument we had on healthy eating, which you really managed to win! You did persuade me that the healthiest food is in America and nowhere else, but in America.
   So I go only to McDonald's. In fact, since the day of your   triumph I have  been there every day twice a day.
   "And where are we going to have lunch?" she asked me timidly.
   "To have lunch, to have a good lunch, to have the best lunch one can find in Moscow we are going to ...."
   " ... to the Tourandot? Let's go there, Dmitry, it is quite near!"
   " No, not to  the Tourandot!"
   "To the Pushkin then?"
   "Where? Where are you taking me then?" she asked me, almost in tears.
   Thanks to you I DO enjoy your American food, so DO be patriotic as much as you can and enjoy my enjoyment."
   And naturally, we went to McDonald's.
   After eating well a rather enjoyable meal we decided to go to the theatre. Of course it was the Bolshoi, but the dancers were from Novosibirsk. They performed three short American ballets. The performance was quite good and not very long. We did not want to go home so early and decided to have dinner in a luxurious restaurant. So we went to ... McDonald's.  Not to the one we went to in the afternoon, but  a different one this time, the one in Tverskaia Street near the Central Post Office.
    At dinner she asked me twice as timidly as before: "Dmitry, why are you only eating French fries? Why have you ordered no Big-Macs, no cheeseburgers, no hamburgers?   It seems strange, after all your words of admiration for the American eating culture."
   "Dear Catherine, I am on my way to perfection! To the perfection in my eating habits. I do want to enjoy the very health of your healthiest food, but I can't.  At least not yet. You are a clever girl, and you surely understand that one can't perfect oneself in two or three days. It takes a much longer period. So  fries are quite enough for me for the time being, but you... you can order anything you wish, anything you desire, anything you strive for .
   After that we finally got home.
   The following morning we woke up late, very late, we didn't get up until about one in the afternoon.  It seemed unreasonable to waste time on cooking, so we decided to have lunch in a restaurant. We went to ... McDonald's. Surely it was a new one. It was the one in Old Arbat Street, a pedestrian street, famous all over the world.  Catherine ate so much, that she could not even taste the cake in the Prague Restaurant. But I could.
   Then we took a rather long walk to the Kremlin. Sitting on a bench in the Alexander Garden, Catherine told me that there was only three and a half hours left before her flight back to Canada.
   We still had some time before going to the airport by underground,  so I asked her: "Dear Catherine, what would you enjoy more in these thirty minutes, a visit to Red Square and Saint Basil Cathedral, or  a nice meal?"
   ...  five minutes later we   were enjoying the ever healthiest food in McDonald's.
   That time it was not just any ordinary McDonald's, but the most prestigious one,   the one in front of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.
   Where else on Earth can one find a McDonald's less than 100 metres away from the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier?
   Unfortunately, we had no time to go to the Bolshoi again, but Dear Catherine didn't mind that at all - she was incredibly happy that she had managed to change my eating habits.
   On the way to the airport, I made her a solemn promise, (as you already know,  if I promise to do something, I do  it),
   `Dear Catherine', I said, `if you agree to marry me, I promise I'll book a table in our favourite restaurant ... in McDonald's.
   I was watching the big silver bird take my dear Catherine far away from me and I knew then that I was too old for changes of any kind, let alone changing my eating habits.
    It's been two days since her departure and I still haven't heard from her. Perhaps it isn't such a bad thing after all!?
    Lesson 6
   This man is my friend. His name is Basil. He is a cook in a luxurious restaurant in  Moscow. And this is his wife Helen. She is  a cook too. Eleven years ago they were both students of mine at the university, but in his third year Basil met someone who offered him a job, translating recipes from some exotic cookery books. He enjoyed the work so much, that he decided to cook himself and got his wife interested in cooking.
   Since then they both have specialised in this work.
   Every afternoon on week days they go to the restaurant and prepare delicious dishes. It is not easy to book a table in their five star restaurant, as there are a lot of regular customers. They like their regular customers very much, and the regular customers like them even more.
   My friend and his wife work too much. Sometimes they have no days off. In the morning when they have some free time they like walking in the park or riding bicycles.
  -- What is your friend's name?
  -- What does he do for a living?
  -- Is he married?
  -- What did they both do 11 years  ago?
  -- What happened in their third year at the university?
  -- What kind of restaurant do they both work in?
   Lesson 7
   My brother graduated from his university in Moscow 15 years ago and went to work in Irkutsk. He is a lawyer. At first he worked for an Italian-Russian joint venture for two years. He liked his work very much; he learned Italian and went on business trips to Italy quite often and also to Italian Switzerland.  In  Switzerland he learned both German and French. As for English  he had learned it before going to Irkutsk. So he became a polyglot; and being both a good lawyer and a polyglot he managed to return to Moscow. Only six months after his coming back he started his business, which is now prosperous.  By the way, before going to Irkutsk he had also managed to get married his group-mate.
   Or rather his group-mate had managed to make him marry her.
   Now they have got three children. Two boys and a girl.
   This is a plan of my brother's flat. It is a two-storeyed flat.
   On the first floor there is a lounge, a bathroom, a sitting-room and a dining-room.
   On the second floor there are four bedrooms (for each child and for the parents), a guest room and there is also a living room, where you could enjoy a home cinema.
   Look at the plan, please.
   In the middle of the lounge there is a glass square table with a gigantic vase of fruit on it. In the corner next to the window there is a big TV-set and a DVD-recorder.
   My brother prefers the cinema to the theatre and he has got a whole collection of Russian, French, Italian and American films.
   He agrees that it is much better to see a film at the cinema, but he is too short of time.
   His wife is a theatre-goer, she is a lawyer too, a very good lawyer but she has to stay at home with their three children. But she has never regretted, that she decided to devote all her life to the children, who are intelligent, noisy and not too obedient.
   Professionally she helps my brother a lot.
   Frankly, I can't make out how she manages to cope with everything.
   The eldest son Peter is fifteen years old. He goes to an English school and he knows English perfectly; he can read M. Twain and Ch. Dickens in the original, to say nothing of  "Alice in Wonderland", which was his first book read  in English.
    The second son Alex is two years younger. He doesn't like school and studying too much, but  he is crazy about tennis and football.  He is not fond of reading and spends all his time on tennis trying to improve his game.  Alex  wants to become a professional tennis-player when he grows up. If the weather is more or less good, he never stays indoors. He immediately rushes out to play with his friends.
   Even if he reads books, or rather he has to read, he prefers to do it in the park.
   Their third child is a pretty girl, who is only five years old, but she can  read and write.
   All of us adore her, because she is the family's greatest treasure.
  -- What is in the middle of the sitting-room?
  -- In the middle of the sitting-room there is a big table.
  -- What is in the corner near the window?
  -- There is a TV-set with a DVD-recorder under it.
  -- What is next to the TV-set?
  --  Next  to the TV-set there is a sofa.
  -- How many chairs are there in the sitting-room?
  -- In the sitting-room there are five big chairs.
  -- Which style of furniture does my brother prefer?
  -- My brother prefers the Russian style of the 19th  century.
  -- Where does he get his furniture from?
  -- I have asked him many times about it, but ...
  -- ... but what?
  -- But he always refuses to tell me anything.
  -- How many rooms are there in your brother's flat?
  -- I have never counted.
   Lesson 8
    We all like watching old foreign films. But it is so hard to find a good old film, that all of us go to the videoteca which is near our office.
   There are only good copies, so you can be sure, that you will enjoy both the picture and the sound.
    Eliza the Unregistered likes going  there more than anybody in our firm. Frankly speaking,  she goes there twice as often as any of us, because she has not got any DVDs at home.
    Right now Eliza the Unregistered is in the  videoteca speaking to a librarian
  -- Good morning.
  -- Good morning.
  -- Are there any interesting DVDs in at the moment?
  -- What kind of films are you interested in?
  -- I would like to watch some American films.
  -- The modern or the classical ones?
  -- I do prefer the classical films.
  -- Which, may I ask, are your favourite?
  -- I adore "My Fair Lady", "Cleopatra" and "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels".
  -- What a taste you have got! But do you know, that you can borrow only one film at a time, and not more than for three days. For three days only.
  -- Unfortunately, I do know it.
  -- Why are you so unfortunate?
  -- Because I have been fined a few times for delaying.
  -- Oh, how thrilling! How many times have you been unfortunate?
  -- Three.
  -- And may I ask you, how much it has been?
  -- Oh, it has always been different. The first time it was 100 rubles a day, the second time 300, and the third time 500.  Isn't it enormous?
  -- I am afraid it is not!
  -- But it is! 500 rubles is a little less than $20!!!
  -- And have you always paid in cash?
  -- No! Of course not! My firm has paid all the three times, but then they have taken the money from my salary.
  -- So, which film would you like to see?
  -- I do wish to see "My Fair Lady".
  -- Have you never seen it?
  -- Of course, I have. I have seen it 7 times, but the film is so wonderful, that I would enjoy seeing  it again and again.

The librarian goes away and soon comes back.

  -- I am really sorry, but all the films with your favourite actress are out at the moment. Can I bring you "Dirty Rotten Scoundrels"?
  -- Oh, yes. Do please!
   So the librarian brings the film, Eliza the Unregistered takes it and leaves the videoteca.

Lesson 9

 (a telephone conversation)

  -- Hallo. Excuse me please, could I speak to Eliza Growns?
  -- That is me.
  -- Is that you?! What has happened? Your voice is hardly recognizable.
  -- So I am likely to become rich, incredibly rich.
  -- Let it be so, but why did you not come to work yesterday?
  -- Oh, I felt very bad yesterday. I woke up three hours later than usual, I did want to get up and to go straight to work, but I simply was not able to.
  -- I have already guessed that it was beyond your ability, but what had happened to you before you could not get up?
  -- I can't tell you. The doctor is coming today.
  -- Have you got a temperature?
  -- Oh, I have not taken it yet.
  -- Have you got a headache?
  -- A terrible one.  Absolutely unbearable.
   - Are you suffering from coughing or sneezing?
   - Last night I coughed so loudly, that I was afraid I could wake up my neighbours.
   - But where on Earth have you got all that from?
   - The day before yesterday I went to a party organised by my former students. They celebrated their firm's anniversary.
   - Oh, did they?
   - Oh, yes they did! We ate a lot, we drank a lot, we sang beautiful songs, unfortunately we could not dance ...
   - ... why not?
   - We  could not dance because we had eaten a lot and we had drunk a lot.
   - How much have you drunk?
   - You see  I am a hearty eater, but I usually don't drink much. But that very evening was something special, and it became an exception.
   - Why was it?
   - It was a hard choice to make. To enjoy either French champagne, or Armenian cognac, or Russian vodka. In the end I did enjoy cocktails.
   - How did you get back home?
   - After the party I decided to go on foot.
   - I see you had enjoyed the alcohol so much, that you forgot, that you don't live in the centre. Which restaurant was the party in?
   - I do not remember.
   - Really?
   - Do not ask me again about it. I can say that I had to walk about three kilometres on a windy, rainy night. Yesterday I could not get up to go to work, and today you woke me up and now you know everything.
   - So you must see the doctor as soon as possible. And please let me know what he tells you.
   Lesson # 10
   Dear Susan,
   I beg your pardon, that I did not write you a week ago as I had promised, but I had really been involved in too  many problems.
   Frankly speaking I did not want to write you a few lines,  but a very good and long letter, as you always do,  telling you how adventurous our moving to the   new flat was.
   But now I have got a little  spare time to write a few invitations to our friends. And  right now I am writing my first letter;  I am writing it to you.
   I think you could come  to our house warming party  in spite of the lack of warning. You perfectly know the house we moved  in. It  is near to the Bolshoi Theatre. The house is old, but very comfortable.
   When we were students, we, being excited after the performances of our beloved theatre,  used to make long walks in the centre, dreaming that one day we could buy some property in one of those houses.
   And now I can tell you that my dream has come true!
   So you are the first of the guests.
   If you can come, let us know as soon as possible. You could stay for a night. We could put you up in the guestroom.
   My parents will be also very happy to see you.
    Hope to hear from you soon.
   Love to all
   Basil and Alice.
   Lesson 11
   Mr. Peters and Mr. Jones are middle-aged English gentlemen. They came here to Moscow to witness quite a special occasion. We met   on May, 21. It was the Cup of Europe. The final. MU versus  Chelsea.  Mr. Peters is  a Chelsea fan, Mr. Jones is a fan of Manchester United. They are bosom friends and work for the same company in Paris. They decided to come to Russia for such a match. But speaking to us they complained that on their way to the final,  they had had to overcome plenty of difficulties.
   The first one - visas.
   At first there had been  some fears that the Russian Embassy would not be able to cope with issuing visas to all the fans, but the Russian Government did help greatly and the English fans were grateful for that.
   The second - accommodation in Moscow, which appeared to be closely connected with the third - how to get to Moscow.
   Going by train - too much time. From London it could take up to 2 and a half days. From Manchester even three. They could not afford to waste so much time.      
   Going by plane - much faster, no doubt about it, but it is   so unpredictable. It has always been and it will always be.
   If they leave for Moscow on the day of the final, no doubt the flight will be delayed. Being informed of the traffic jams on week days in the capital of Russia they decided to try something else.
   If they come the day before the match, it could be  twice as expensive as on an ordinary day even if they were lucky enough to find a cheap hotel. But cheap hotels can never be found in Moscow, even on ordinary days, and on that day all the prices were doubled.
   They were completely at a loss. But unexpectedly they were given some good advice by their Russian colleague:
   "Why not come to St Petersburg by plane the first thing in the morning. If the flight is not delayed you will have the whole day to see the sights. And then take a night train to Moscow. Even the first class, or the sleeper as we call it, is much cheaper than the "cheapest" hotel in Moscow. So you won't have to think of accommodation".
   They liked the idea.
    We were sitting in the bar, having four hours left before the match.
   "And all the troubles are in the past, are not  they?" we asked politely.
   "Almost, but there has still been  one. In a foreign country we do like to  taste some local beer, but by the time we entered the bar, all the beer  had been drunk"
   We wanted to take them round the capital and to show them some of the sights, but at that very moment a manager from the firm called us and we had to go to the office.
   Lesson 12
   I work in the very centre of Moscow near underground station Mayakovskaya. Usually I have lunch at 1 p.m., but yesterday we received our Australian colleague, a professor from Canberra, and I wanted to show her the best restaurant in Moscow.
   What will do for a girl from Canada will not necessarily do for a professor from the evergreen continent. So I took her to the Pushkin.
   Business lunch there is rather pricey, but the cuisine is superb. Everything there could be enjoyed: the food, which is the best I have ever eaten, the service, the waiters are the  most friendly, I have ever met   and the decoration of the halls is absolutely lovely.
   Right after taking seats we were given the menu, there were three choices for business lunch (or   the table d'hТte) one better than another. 
    I preferred a Siberian salad, ocroshka and salmon with vegetables. Our Australian friend chose  a European  variant. But  we both drank a lot of kvas.
   Kvas was quite a surprise for her. She had heard a lot about this typical Russian drink before coming.  But as soon as she had tasted it she kept on drinking it one glass after another.
  -- Do you always go to this restaurant for the table d'hТte?
  -- Surely. I do try to.
  -- And you never miss it?
  -- I may not go, if I have to work during the lunch hour, or if I stay at home, but if I am in the centre, and I have some forty to fifty spare minutes, there can't be any other choice for me. The Pushkin and nothing but the Pushkin.
  -- Before leaving for Russia I had heard a lot about a few other masterpieces of Russian cuisine which one can never get in western countries ...
  -- .. such as ...
  -- ... such as tvorog, kefir, sguschenka, seledka and medovukha. Could you advise me a restaurant, where I could enjoy all that?
  -- I would love to.
   We did want to stay at the restaurant a bit longer and enjoy the typical Russian dessert as well, but we were too short of time. I had to go back to the office and the professor went to the university.
   Истинно английские слова - 3
   Sum been be made where would pair week grown way quays dear key some read sea weather reed red witch metre meter bee groan wood stair dun done strait flue queue bean wrest bare
   flew maid dew due soul cue wearweak deer see whether sole night / ice cream / bear read rest farther father lo low mite might stare which straight pear heir air Rome roam blew blue weigh knight / I scream/ flu
   Я кричу
   пристальный взгляд

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   Mary... to sing ... songs
   To sing sang sung.
   Jack... to write ... letters
   To write wrote written
   Jane ...to do ...this work
   To do did done
   Mary often sings songs.
   Jack often writes letters
   Jane often does this work
   Last year Mary often sang songs.
   Jack wrote a letter yesterday
   Jane did this work yesterday.
   Next year Mary will often sing songs.
   Jack will write a letter tomorrow.
   Jane will do this work tomorrow.
   It is 5 pm now.
   Mary is singing a song.
   It is 5 pm now.
   Jack is writing a letter.
   Jane is doing this work
   Mary was singing a song yesterday at 5 pm.
   Jack was writing a letter yesterday at 5 pm.
   Jane was doing this work yesterday at 5 pm.
   Mary will be singing a song tomorrow at 5 pm.
   Jack will be writing a letter tomorrow at 5 pm.
   Jane will be doing this work tomorrow at 5 pm.
   It is 7 pm now.
   Mary has already sung a song.
   It is 7 pm now.
   Jack has already written a letter.
   Jane has already done this work.
   Yesterday by 7 pm Mary had already sung a song.
   Yesterday by 7 pm Jack had already written a letter.
   Jane had done this work yesterday by 7 pm.
   By 7 pm tomorrow Mary will have already sung a song.
   By 7 pm tomorrow Jack will have already written a letter
   Jane will have already done this work by 7 pm tomorrow.
   It is 5 pm now.
   Mary has been singing songs for an hour.
   It is 5 pm now.
   Jack has been writing a letter for an hour.
   Jane has been doing this work for an hour.
   By 5 pm yesterday Mary had been singing songs for an hour.
   By 5 pm yesterday Jack had been writing a letter for an hour.
   By 5 pm yesterday Jane had been doing this work for an hour
   By 5 pm tomorrow Mary will have been singing songs for an hour.
   By 5 pm tomorrow Jack will have been writing a letter for an hour.
   By 5 pm tomorrow Jane will have been doing this work for an hour


   Ann likes watching TV programs so she watches TV every day. She begins work early in the morning and finishes it at 7 pm, so she usually watches TV in the evening, but she never watches it in the morning.
   2010. South Africa. World Cup.

Ann watched the final on TV yesterday. She likes watching football very much so Ann watched TV every day last month. All the matches began at 20-00 and Ann always watched TV in the evening and she never watched TV in the morning last month.

   Tomorrow there will be the first hockey match on TV and Ann will watch it. The championship will last for a week and next week Ann will watch TV every day.
   Now it is 8-25 pm Ann is watching TV. It is a football match. It will end in five minutes.
   Her mother is cooking dinner right now but she is going to watch a soap opera on TV on the other channel. So in a few minutes her mother is watching TV. Ann likes soap operas too, but it is so irritating that her mother is always watching TV at night.
   Yesterday it was 8-20 pm. and Ann was going to watch TV.
   Yesterday it was 8-25 pm. and Ann was watching TV.
   Tomorrow at 8-25 pm Ann will be watching TV.
   This week Ann has worked a lot. In fact she has worked overtime four days from Monday to Thursday. So this week she has not watched TV yet.
   But during the last three weeks there were a lot of football matches and Ann watched football on TV 15 times; in other words this month Ann has already watched football on TV 15 times.
   When I called Ann yesterday at 11 pm, she was already in bed reading. In other words by 11-00 pm Ann had already watched a football match on TV.
   Tomorrow by 10-00 pm Ann will have watched a football match on TV.
   Now it is 8-25 pm Ann has been watching TV for 20 minutes.
   Yesterday at 8-25 pm. Ann had been watching TV for 20 minutes.
   Tomorrow by 8-25 pm Ann will have been watching TV for 20 minutes.

Rewrite Table #2, using Table 1.

   Mary likes singing songs so she sings songs every day. She begins her work early in the morning and finishes it at 7 pm, so she usually sings songs in the evening, but she never sings songs in the morning.

Камни преткновения

   - любые явления, будь то грамматические, фонетические, лексические, которые в одном языке есть, а в другом отсутствуют.
   Первый из камушков преткновения для изучающих язык Шекспира -- артикли.
   В Русском их нет, и надо понять, чем, какими средствами они заменяются.
   В грамматике камней преткновения немало, есть маленькие, есть побольше, есть крупные, есть микроскопические, есть критические, а есть и незначительные.
   Английские времена так досконально изучены, с разнообразных точек зрения, о них так много написано, что, кажется, невозможно найти в толковании их структур нечто оригинальное.
   Но давайте попробуем.
   Английские времена выражают, в отличие от русских, не действие, а к данному действию отношение. Отношение говорящего. Отношение субъективное, но, все-таки, прежде всего отношение к действию, а не само действие.
   То есть в английских временах субъективность на первом месте.
   Так как говорящий, рассказывая о действии, рассказывает не обо всём действии, он предоставляет лишь дозированную информацию. Иногда крайне дозированную.

Для англоговорящих, если судить по их временам, намного важнее то, что они думают о действии, нежели само действие.

   Jane watches TV every day.
   Jane is watching TV now.
   Jane has watched TV twice this week.
   Jane has been watching TV for an hour.
   Джейн смотрит телевизор каждый день.
   Джейн смотрит телевизор сейчас.
   Джейн смотрела телевизор дважды на этой неделе.
   Джейн смотрит телевизор целый час.
   Из 4 русских примеров 3 в настоящем времени.
   Почему в 3-м примере время прошедшее?
   Потому что перевод неправильный, точнее неполноценный.
   Если переводить буквально, то -
   Джейн смотрела телевизор дважды на этой неделе и, возможно ещё посмотрит.
   Jane watched TV yesterday.
   Jane was watching TV yesterday at 5 p.m.
   Jane had watched TV by 7 p.m. yesterday.
   Jane had been watching TV for an hour before my coming.
   Джейн смотрела телевизор вчера.
   Джейн смотрела телевизор вчера в 5 часов вечера.
   Джейн посмотрела телевизор до 7 часов вечера вчера.
   Джейн смотрела телевизор час, до того как я пришёл.
   Present Indefinite - Present Continuous
   He often listens to pop music. Постоянно повторяющееся действие.
   He is not listening to pop music now. Действие, происходящее в данный момент.
   Peter is smiling. He always smiles when he is happy.
   Jane is laughing. She is watching Benny Hill on TV. She always laughs when she watches Benny.
   Но есть ситуации, когда переход Present Indefinite - Present Continuous - больше, чем переход, так как появляются дополнительные оттенки значений, дополнительные нюансы.
   He speaks English very well. He is speaking English very well.
   Where do you come from? Where are you coming from?
   He often listens to loud music. He is always listening to loud music.
   Every time he speaks English he speaks very well.
   Whenever he speaks English he speaks very well.
   He is speaking English very well.
   В данный момент он говорит по-английски хорошо, а как хорош его английский был до и как хорош он будет после настоящего момента ....
   Where do you come from? = Where are you from? // Откуда Вы родом? Какое Ваше происхождение?
   Where are you coming from? // Откуда Вы приедите? Из какого пункта?
   He often listens to loud music. - Постоянно повторяющееся действие.
   He is always listening to loud music.
   Тоже постоянно повторяющееся действие, но оно вызывает у говорящего раздражение.
   Очень часто задают вопрос: "Как настоящее время может выражать будущее?"

Jane is watching TV now. Jane is watching TV tonight.

   Повторюсь, английские времена выражают, в отличии от русских, не действие, а к данному действию отношение.
   Для русских это действие -- будущее, а для англичан -- настоящее.

Jane is watching TV tonight.

   Значит, что у Джейн вечер уже спланирован. Она очень хочет посмотреть телевизор сегодня вечером, и свои планы менять не собирается. То есть, действие уже происходит, происходит в данный момент (поэтому и Present), оно в процессе развития (поэтому и Continuous). Пусть действие происходит не фактически, а морально, психологически, но оно происходит. И вечером Джейн останется удобно устроиться перед телевизором и включить его.
   - Could I invite you to the theatre tonight?
   - I would like to go with you, but I can't.
   - Why?
   - Because today is the Сup of Europe so I am watching TV tonight.
   1996 г.
   Задолго до 3 июля, задолго до президентских выборов вся страна только и думала за кого голосовать. То есть процесс шел задолго до события. А 3 июля всем оставалось только прийти на избирательный участок и поставить галочку.
   We are having the presidential elections on the third of July.
   Та же ситуация и в самолёте. Вас интересует, когда будет посадка. А так как посадка самолета -- действие, спланированное -- то вопрос (на английском) можно задать только в Present Continuous.
   When are we landing?
   1. He is having dinner with Alice tonight.
   2. He is going to have dinner with Alice tonight.
   3. He will have dinner with Alice tonight.
   4. He would have dinner with Alice tonight.
      -- Значит, что действие было спланировано до того, как об этом говорится.
   То есть и он, и Алиса запланировали сегодня вечером ужин.
   Вероятность того, что действие будет реализовано, очень высокая.
      -- Значит, что говорящий собирается совершить действие лишь в данный момент. А знает ли Алиса о его планах ...
   Вероятность того, что действие будет реализовано, ниже, чем в первом случае, но тоже достаточно высока.
      -- Will - просто желание. И будет ли оно реализовано ...
      -- Would -- желание ещё меньшее.
   Dialogue 1
  -- What __________ you __________ (to do) this Sunday?
  -- I __________ (to meet) Julia at the station. She _________ (to come) to Moscow.
   Her train ________________ (to arrive) at 19-19.
   Dialogue 2
  -- Will you do// Are you doing anything special this evening?
  -- Yes, Alice will come// is coming// wants to come to my place for a cup of tea
   She will bring// is bringing// is going to bring some cakes.
  -- Are you sure?
  -- Yes, I gave her the money yesterday
   Dialogue 3
  -- Could you meet me at 17-09 at the station?
  -- No, I can't. I am working// will work// am going to work till 19-00.
   #1. My name is Eliza Groans I live in Moscow, in the very outskirts of our fair   capital. The underground station nearest to me is Kuzminki and then it takes me  some fifteen to fifty-five minutes, (fifteen, if I go by bus and there are no traffic jams) to get to a four-room flat where I rent a room.
   I am from Novosibirsk. I came here more than three years ago and I have lived here since then. And all this time I have worked for JDF - 3 Company.
   a. I am unemployed.
   b. I don't live in the centre  of Moscow.
   c. As you have already guessed I am not a Muscovite,
   d. I have got a lot of friends.
    #2. I am an English Language teacher. I am at a lesson now.
   They work for one of the most prestigious companies in Russia. Alex is a project manager. He is writing something in his exercise-book. I am not writing.  I am listening to two other students. They are speaking about their jobs and their holidays.
    a. I like my work very much.
   b. my students don't work because they were fired last year.
   c. our classroom is large.
   d. My students are highly qualified specialists.
    #3. Our lessons are not unusual. We speak, read and write English. Sometimes we  watch films or listen to radio recordings in English. We never have dictations in class, because the students don't like it. They like speaking and so ______________________________ .
    We do try to speak English in class;   they usually speak Russian after classes.
   a. we spend most of the time on  oral practice.
   b. they like writing more than speaking.
   c. we usually have tea at 5 o'clock.
   d.      they are native speakers.
          -- Draw a triangle with two lines
          -- Write something here

        Complete the text

           My friend's name is David. We are opera singers now, but twenty-five years ago we were ____________1____________ at the College of Arts in Siberia.
           We did not live far from the college, but we ______2________ every fifth day.
           Our classes usually lasted till 3 p.m. and then we did try to work hard at the ____3____.
           Sometimes we stayed at the college after classes to listen to the _________4______in the library. In the evenings we went to the theatre quite often.
           In his fourth year David decided to take ____5_____ in the international contest in England. And after that he became one of the best known singers in the world.
           N 2
           N 3
           N 4
           N 5
           A) Producers
           b) Professors
           c) students
           d) journalists
           A) overworked
           b) overdid
           c) overheard
           d) overslept
           A) rest house
           b) hospital
           c) hostel
           d) hotel
           A) records
           b) Professors
           c) Producers
           d) radio
           a) Grand-Prix
           b) part
           c) advantage
           d) a lot of money
          -- Whose name is David?
          -- My friend's.
          -- What does he do?
          -- He is ____________1______________.
          -- Was he an opera singer twenty five years ago?
          -- No, he was a student then.
          -- When did he decide to take part in the __________2_______contest?
          -- In his fourth year at the College of Arts.
          -- Does he like his work?
          -- Yes, he adores it.
          -- And what about the _________3_________? Do they like how he does his work?
          -- Yes, they adore it too.
           N 2
           N 3
           a) physicist
           b) an opera singer
           c) ballet dancer
           d) conductor
           a) local
           b) regional
           c) national
           d) international
           a) opera-lovers
           b) democrats
           c) employees
           1. Continue the row
           S M T W ... ... ...
              -- Draw a square with three lines
              -- Write anything here
               Представьте, сегодня Вы улетаете в Норильск в 17-00.
              -- А нельзя ли представить, что мы улетаем в Лондон или Сан-Франциско?
              -- Представить-то можно, но в педагогических целях, для улучшения морального климата у студентов, для повышения мотивации рекомендуется помнить, что кроме лазурного побережья Калифорнии и Австралии, есть и такие города, как Норильск и Анадырь.
              -- ???
              -- А что? Они тоже расположены на берегу океана. Итак, какое Вы употребите время?
              -- I am leaving for Norilsk at 5 pm. this evening.
              -- Ответ правильный, но не полный.
              -- ???
              -- А как вы скажите "My plane leaves for Norilsk at 5 pm. this evening" or
               "My plane is leaving for Norilsk at 5 pm. this evening"?
              -- Правильны, конечно, два варианта, раз эти два варианта дали Вы Дмитрий Николаевич, то они правильны оба; но пока не улавливаю разницу.
              -- Если Вы летите на регулярном самолёте, который сегодня отправляется по расписанию, то "My plane leaves for Norilsk at 5 pm. this evening"
              -- I am leaving = My plane leaves ???
              -- Для вас это действие одноразовое, а для регулярного рейса -- постоянно повторяющееся.
              -- А если сказать "My plane is leaving for Norilsk at 5 pm. this evening" Как тогда меня поймут?
              -- Поймут, что и для Вас и для самолёта поездка в Норильск -- действие одноразовое. И могут понять Вас буквально, могут подумать, что самолёт действительно Ваш, Вы его владелец, то есть Вы улетаете в славный город Норильск не на казённом самолёте, а на личном.
                      -- Draw a circle with no lines
                      -- Write nothing here
                            -- Write something important here
                             Elisabeth Grooms
                              Hi, my name is Elisabeth Grooms. I live in St Petersburg, but I am from ..1.. .
                              I came here two years .. 2 .., after  I graduated from a teacher training university. 
                              I did want to work as an actress in a theatre.  But my dream has not come true ..3.. .  Now I teach Italian in one of the  opera theatres.
                              My students are .. 4 ..-known opera singers.   They like studying Italian, but there is one thing, that .. 5 .. everything:  they are often late  for classes and they .. 6 .. every fourth lesson, because  they are on .. 7 .. quite often.
                             Our lessons  are .. 8 .. .  They like reading and translating, but they don't like ..9 .. .We  never write dictations in class, because they .. 10 .. do it.
                             yet before well unusual can't usual speaking Siberia badly better miss ago spoils business tours busy  
                              My friend Basil
                             My friend Basil is a .. 1 .. worker. .. 2 .. we don't work in the same firm, but we see each other quite often. 
                             From time to time  I   work as a .. 3 .. in the factory where he works. He made me come here two years ago, and helped me with .. 4 .. .
                             But working in the factory is not his first .. 5 .. .  In the evenings he sings in the .. 6 .. .
                             I live not in the .. 7 ..  of St Petersburg, but in the very outskirts of the Northern Capital.
                             He lives in a .. 8 .. for workers. It .. 9 .. him only 15  minutes to walk to Nevsky Prospect.
                             We are quite .. 10 .. , and so are our jobs, but we are close friends.
                             Unfortunately hostel hotel priority different same Fortunately centre suburb Vice - President factory accommodation takes gives translation restaurants opera translator
                                    -- Continue the row
                             J F M A ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
                             2. Write anything you like here
                             This is a dialogue between Eliza Groans and a human resources manager.
                             Eliza is calling Moscow, because she wants to make sure that there is some good work available for her.
                             ? Why are you thinking of working in Moscow?
                             ? Because in Moscow one can get much more money.
                             Eliza is thinking of working in Moscow, because she wants to make much more money.
                             ? Does the trip from Novosibirsk to Moscow take long?
                             ? No, not at all. It only takes two days  by train.
                             The trip from Novosibirsk to Moscow is not  long, it only takes two days by train.
                             ? Do you like big and noisy cities?
                             ? No.
                             ? How are you going to  survive here then?
                             ? I do hope to get accustomed to it, because I think, I will be very busy with work.
                             ? Have you found any accommodation yet?
                             ? No.
                             ? Do you like all food, or are you particular about something?
                             ? I can cook and I hate the food in cheap canteens such as the Hkru-Hkru and the Lopaty.
                             ? Oh! For us they are quite good, and not cheap at all. If you have got some free time, what are thinking of doing in Moscow?
                             ? I like the theatre and the cinema.
                             ? Which do you prefer?
                             ? The cinema.
                             - Then, why not stay in Siberia for ever?! The cinema is anywhere the cinema, even in Siberia?! Are you thinking of coming here alone? Or could somebody accompany you?
                             ? My boyfriend could go with me.
                             ? Does he like your idea of coming here?
                             ? No, he is absolutely against it.
                             ? Could he make you not come here?
                             ? I really don't think so, because he is only half, oh what I am saying! Not a half, a quarter  as rich as I need.
                             ? Really? Is he only a quarter as rich as you need? Why is he your boyfriend then?
                             ? He is rich enough, but only for N-sk. But in Moscow ...
                             ? What is the difference between N-sk and Moscow?
                             ? Moscow is too unpredictable, is not it?
                              L 6
                             This lady is my sister-in-law. Her name is Kate. She is an archeologist and works for a small company. She has got a husband. Since they first met, Kate has got him interested in the job of archeologist and they have worked together for five years. ______________________________ because they are often on business trips in hot countries. They simply like their job. 
                              -- They are quite professional.
                              -- Unfortunately I see them only from time to time
                              -- I saw them a lot.
                              -- The job of archeologist is not an easy one.
                             L 7
                             My mother graduated from a secondary school in Irkutsk and then moved to Moscow.  She passed all the entrance exams with excellent marks and became a student of The Financial University.
                             Unfortunately she did not study English at school, so she had to work hard at it at the university. She even went to the evening courses of the Foreign Ministry. In her fourth year she married a group-mate. ______________________________________.  She has worked there for about 7 years. My father works in a bank. He is the head of the international department.
                             a. Now she works in a big French company as a financial director.
                             b. My mother doesn't work, she is a housewife.
                             c. She did not like her job.
                             d. They have got two children.
                             L 8
                             There is a supermarket near our school. It sells not only food, but also a lot of other useful things such as stickers, gadgets and newspapers.  Many of my class-mates go there __________________. But there is a boy from our class, who goes shopping even more often. He usually buys stickers. His collection is enormous, it is the biggest collection in school, and it is becoming bigger and bigger every day. He is in the supermarket now.
                             a. during the lessons.
                             b. every day twice a day.
                             c. at midnight.
                              -- before going to school.

                          Камни преткновения

                             - любые явления, будь то грамматические, фонетические, лексические, которые в одном языке есть, а в другом отсутствуют.
                             Первый из камушков преткновения для изучающих язык Шекспира -- артикли.
                             В Русском их нет, и надо понять, чем, какими средствами они заменяются.
                             В грамматике камней преткновения немало, есть маленькие, есть побольше, есть крупные, есть микроскопические, есть критические, а есть и незначительные.
                             Но первый из значимых - Present Perfect -Past Indefinite
                             Эти времена путают, путают постоянно, и не только Русские.
                             Англичане же не понимают, в чем проблема. Для них эти времена абсолютно разные. И они не понимают, как эти времена вообще можно путать!
                             Present Perfect - включает настоящий момент, а Past Indefinite настоящий момент исключает.
                             То есть, все действия, выраженные в Present Perfect можно изменить.
                             Если действие совершается, то его можно прекратить, или продолжать делать.
                             I have been to Italy twice.
                             То есть, я могу приехать в Италию ещё и раз и два и три....а могу и прекратить поездки.
                             I have not been to Italy yet.
                             То есть я в Италии ещё не был, но могу приехать.
                             I have worked for this foreign company for two years. I have been married three times.
                             I have not worked for this foreign company. I have not been married.
                             I was in Italy last summer. I was not in Italy last summer.
                             I did not work for this foreign company last year. I was not married when I lived in London.
                             last summer; last year; when I lived in London - все эти периоды закончены, и у нас нет машины времени, чтобы вернуться в прошлое лето, в прошлый год, или в то время, когда я жил в Лондоне, и побывать в Италии, и поработать на иностранную компанию, и жениться.
                             Вот и вся разница!
                             Давайте проанализируем!
                             My parents have been married for 25 years.
                             My parents got married 25 years ago.
                             Мои родители 25 лет назад поженились, оба живы, и 25 лет живут вместе.
                             Мои родители 25 лет назад поженились. А живут ли они вместе до сих пор, и живы ли они?
                             Прежде чем перевернуть страницу, попробуйте объяснить разницу:
                             Представьте, Вы провожаете иностранных гостей в аэропорту. Как Вы их спросите?
                             What did you see in Moscow? // What have you seen in Moscow?
                             Если ... did you see ... то это очень грубо.
                             Это значит, либо их в Москву больше не пустят, либо вы им глаза выколете ...
                             Если ... have you seen ... то это нейтрально.
                             Это значит, что у них есть ещё возможность, пусть даже и теоритическая, ещё раз приехать в Москву и продолжить осмотр достопримечательностей.
                             Но если добавить обстоятельство времени, то грубость исчезает.
                             What did you see in Moscow during your visit?
                             И фраза звучит нейтрально.
                             I have been given a pay rise twice this year.
                             I was given a pay rise twice this year.
                             Это значит, что у вас есть ещё возможность, пусть даже и теоритическая, ещё раз получить прибавку к зарплате в этом году.
                             Это значит, что вы не верите, что есть ещё возможность, пусть даже и теоретическая, ещё раз получить прибавку к зарплате, несмотря на то, что год ещё не кончился.
                             - А разве могут такие слова как this week, this month, this year употребляться с Past Indefinite?
                             - Могут. И не только такие как this week, this month, this year, но даже и today, если речь идёт о действии по своей природе - одноразовом.
                             - На пример?
                             - Сегодня я проснулся в 7 утра, в 7-15 моя жена принесла мне кофе в постель, я позавтракал, встал, умылся, оделся и пошёл на работу.
                             В данной ситуации today звучит естественно. Но "I was given a pay rise twice this year". - отдаёт безысходностью.
                             Present Perfect - включает настоящий момент, и, естественно, употребляется только с обстоятельствами времени, которые настоящий момент включают:
                             recently; in the last few days; already; so far; today; not yet...
                             Past Indefinite настоящий момент исключает и, естественно, употребляется только с обстоятельствами времени, которые настоящий момент исключают.
                             Yesterday; on Friday; last year (month, week); a week (month, year) ago; in 1999...
                             Но есть обстоятельства времени, которые требуют уточнения:
                             At 10 a.m. What have you done this morning? At 1 p.m. What did you do this morning?
                             At 1 p.m. What have you done this afternoon? At 7 p.m. What did you do this afternoon?
                             Ask at any time "What have you done this evening?"
                             Но, насколько я хорошо знаю потомков Шекспира, любой англичанин даже 31 декабря в 23-59 скажет: On December, 31 at 23-59 ...I have been given a pay rise twice this year.
                             Complete the dialogue
                             - Good Morning.
                             ? Good Morning.
                             ? Are there any new stickers?
                             ? Yes, there are, but most of them _____________1____
                             ? How many are there for boys?
                             ? What kind of stickers do you prefer?
                             ? I prefer stickers with planes.
                             ? You are very_______2____, we have got them.
                             ? Could I have a look at them?
                             The shop assistant goes away and then comes back with the stickers.
                             ? Excuse me, but I have already got all of them in my ____3___________.
                             ? What a beautiful __3____ you have got! How many stickers are there?
                             ? More than 5,000.
                             1) a. are handmade and very expensive. // b. of poor quality
                             c. are for girls. // d. out of fashion
                             2) a. unlucky b. strong enough
                             c. lucky // d. healthy
                             3) a. collection b. choice
                             c. museum // d. exhibition
                             NB. Одна из самых часто повторяемых ошибок.
                             Прежде чем перевернуть страницу, попробуйте объяснить разницу:
                             I have thought of going to Spain again. I thought of going to Spain again.
                             I thought of going to Spain again, but I have already been there five times, and I would like to try somewhere new.
                             I have already been five times to Spain, but I have thought of going to this wonderful country again, because I miss it greatly.
                             Всё что в курсиве, можно и не произносить. Более того, эти объяснения пишут исключительно для иностранцев. У англичан подобные мысли возникают сами по себе.
                             Часто выбор времени субъективен:
                             I have spent a lot of money this year.
                             I bought a lot of books last month.
                             В этом году я потратил много денег, и траты ещё предстоят.
                             Я купил много книг в прошлом месяце и больше книг покупать не собираюсь.
                             I have lived in London for 5 years.// Я уже 5 лет как живу в Лондоне.
                             I lived in London for 5 years.// Я жил в Лондоне 5 лет.
                             I have lived and worked in London for 5 years, and I would like to change it for some warmer climate. But my work is so important, that I can't.
                             I lived in London for 5 years. Now I live in Moscow and like it much better.
                             To be
                             - Камень преткновения в Камне преткновения.
                             have been + to = Past Indefinite.
                             have been + in = Present Perfect у нормальных глаголов.
                             I have been to Rome and I have been to Paris, but I have never been to Uryupinsk yet!?
                             I have lived in London for 5 years. = I have been in London for 5 years.
                             I lived in London for 5 years. = I stayed in London for 5 years.
                             I have seen Alisa Freindlich on the stage. // I saw Faina Ranevskaya on the stage.
                             Так как Алиса Фрейндлих, дай Бог ей здоровья, здравствует и в великолепной актёрской форме, значит, что у всех у нас есть ещё возможность, пусть даже и теоритическая, ещё раз увидеть её на сцене.
                             Фаина Раневская, к величайшему сожалению, уже в лучшем из миров, и наслаждаться её мастерством можно только в записях.
                             William Shakespeare wrote 36 plays.
                             Nikolai Soliary has written three volumes of the novel "The Magician's Great Mystery"
                             Present Indefinite - Present Perfect
                             The neighbous are very kind to us.
                             The neighbous have been very kind to us.
                             Значит, что соседи к нам доброжелательны всегда.
                             Значит, что соседи к нам доброжелательны лишь на данный момент.
                             Do you ever listen to ABBA? Have you listened to all the albums of ABBA?
                             Do you read English books in the original? Have you read English books in the original?
                             Answer the question as many times as you can:
                             Have you seen "Romeo and Juliet" at the Gorky MHAT with Elena Korobeinikova in the leading part?
                             Already; twice so far; yesterday, five or six times; three times up to now, last month, four times since March; once this month, a week ago, last month, a day before yesterday.
                             - А почему на 10 вариантов 12 строк?
                             - Это я у Вас должен спрашивать, господа мои хорошие!?
                             Перепишите текст из урока N 6, добавив информацию, что Василий и его жена
                             . нашли много преимуществ в работе в ресторане;
                             . сначала они работали год во французском ресторане;
                             . потом их пригласили в итальянский ресторан, где они проработали три года;
                             . после чего они получили работу в Русском ресторане, где и работают уже седьмой год;
                             . в Русском ресторане они сначала работали помощниками шеф повара два года;
                             . когда шеф-повар ушёл на пенсию, они надеялись занять его место;
                             . однако хозяин пригласил повара из Парижа, который проработал четыре года;
                             . после этого они заняли должность шеф повара;
                             . с самого первого дня они приобретают опыт не только в Русской, итальянской и французской, но и в бразильской, армянской и эфиопской кухнях;
                             . они учили и учатся у иностранных коллег и учат их особенностям Русской кухни;
                             . они ни разу не пожалели, что выбрали такую профессию.
                             This man is my friend. His name is Basil. He is a cook in a luxurious restaurant in  Moscow. And this is his wife Helen. She is a cook too. Eleven years ago they were both students of mine at the university, but in his third year Basil met someone who offered him a job,
                             translating recipes from some exotic cookery books. He enjoyed the work so much, that he
                             decided to cook himself and got his wife interested in cooking.
                             Since then they have specialised in this work. They have both found that there are a lot of advantages in that work. The best of the advantages is that it enables them to get in touch with Very Important People.
                             First they worked in a French restaurant for a year; then they were invited to an Italian
                              restaurant, where they worked for three years. After that they got the job in one of the best
                             Russian restaurants of the capital, where they have worked for the last 7 years.
                             For the first two years they worked as chef assistants. Then when the chef retired,
                             they hoped that they would become the first cooks in the restaurant, but the owner invited
                             another chef from Paris, who worked in the restaurant for four years.
                             And only after that they were appointed the chefs and they have worked as the first cooks in the restaurant for a year.
                             Since their first day of working they have experienced not only in French, Italian and
                             Russian cuisine, but from time to time they have collaborated with Brazilian, Chinese and Ethiopian restaurants.
                             They have learned a lot from their foreign colleagues, and in turn they have taught their colleagues some peculiarities of the Russian cuisine.
                             Every afternoon on week days they go to the restaurant and prepare delicious dishes. It is not easy to book a table in their five star restaurant, as there are a lot of regular customers. They like their regular customers very much, and the regular customers like them even more.
                             My friend and his wife work too much. Sometimes they have no days off. In the morning when they have some free time they like walking in the park or riding bicycles.
                             They adore their job and they have never regretted their decision to follow this career.


                          Present Perfect -Past Indefinite

                             Here are some dialogues between Eliza and a human resources manager.
                             Here is an example with four spaces which has been done for you.

                          To do - did - done


                             ? Could you be so kind as to tell us which city  ..1.. your teacher training course in.
                             ? I ..2.. it in Novosibirsk.
                             ? Since then ..3.. any studying?
                             ? No, ..4.. no other courses since the last day at the University.
                             ? Why? Would not you like to?
                             ? I would, but the trouble is that I am so lazy.
                             A. you did B. have you done C. did D. I have done
                             1-A; 2-C; 3-B; 4- D
                             Dialogue N 1

                          to teach - taught- taught

                             ? When ..1.. first  ... your students?
                             ? For the first time  ..2..  my students twelve years ago.
                             ? How many students have you ..3.. since then?
                             ? I have never counted, but I think, ..4..more than 300.
                             ? You must be very experienced then!? What kind of students do you like to ..5.. more? Adults, children or pensioners?
                             ? I really prefer ..6.. mixed groups.
                             ? ..7.. a mixed group at the beginning?
                             ? No, strangely enough they were all pensioners.
                               A. teaching; B  I have taught; C I taught; D. did you ... teach;  E Did you teach;  F teach; G. taught;
                             Dialogue N2
                             to get - got - got
                             ? Do you like teaching?
                             ? Oh yes, I adore it.
                             ? Then what is the most exciting part of your job?
                             ? ..1.. new and new people is without any doubt the most thrilling for me. This year for example ..2.. 12 people and last year  ..3..  27.
                             ? So you are a good mixer, are not you? Is it always easy for you ..4.. new people? Or are there any difficulties?
                             ? No, no difficulties at all! I simply enjoy ..5.. somebody new.
                             ? ..6..  anybody which you have regretted afterward?
                             ? Yes, but you learn. Today, for example, .. 7.. hardly ... a middle-aged woman, when I understood that she is not my type of student.
                             A. I have got to know B. to get to know C. Have you ever got to know D. I got to know E. Getting to know F. I had ... got to know G. getting to know
                             Dialogue N 3
                             to be - was, were - been
                             ? Could you tell us about your best student?
                             ? Oh,  ..1.. a musician. He plays the French horn.
                             ? When ..2.. your first lesson? ..3... good friends since then?
                             ? Our first lesson  was five years ago and .. 4 .. here 4 times since then.
                             ? If I am not mistaken, you ..5.. with him in the theatre. I was at the same performance.
                             It was quite difficult to say that ..6.. your student. But how good is his English? I mean .. 7 ..  always good at foreign languages?
                             ? Oh, no! He had  not been  good at all. His weakest point before coming here had been grammar.
                             A. Have you been B. has he been C. was D. were E. he has been F. he was  G. he is
                             истинно английские слова - 4
                             Sum been be made where would pair week grown way quays dear key some read sea weather reed red witch metre meter bee groan wood stair dun done strait flue queue bean wrest bare
                             flew maid dew due soul cue wearweak deer see whether sole night / ice cream / bear read rest farther father lo low mite might stare which straight pear heir air Rome roam blew blue weigh knight / I scream/ flu
                             РР be
                             Sum been be made wright where would pair week grown way quays dear key some read sea weather reed red find witch metre meter bee groan wood stair dun done strait flue queue bean wrest bare flew maid dew due soul cue wearweak deer see whether sole night / ice cream / bear read rest farther father lo low mite might stare which fined straight pear heir air Rome roam blew blue weigh knight / I scream/ flu write
                             Профессия в сложных словах
                             Dialogue N 4
                             to see - saw - seen
                             ? Dmitry, you are a theatre-goer, are not you? What is the best Performance you ..1..?
                             ? It is "Il Trovatore" with Lydia Myasnikova in the leading part. ..2..  it some 37 years ago.
                             ? ..3.. this performance in any other theatre since then?
                             ? Unfortunately not. The opera is incredibly difficult.
                             ? Where ... 4... it?
                             ? I  ... 5 ...it in  Novosibirsk.
                             ? If I am not mistaken  Lydia Myasnikova was acknowledged as the best Azucena in the USSR?
                             ? You are right.
                             ? How many times did you ..6..  the Siberian Super Star in this performance?
                             ? I saw her twice. And I can truly say, that I ..7.. anything more impressive.
                             ? Oh! Is it possible to listen to any of Lydia Myasnikova's recordings?
                             ? Yes! If you search through some musical web sites, using search engines such as Yandex and UTube. The recordings are far from being perfect, but you will greatly enjoy the Genius of Opera from Siberia.
                             A. have never seen B. have ever seen  C. did you see D. I saw E. Have you seen F   see  G saw

                          А теперь я предлагаю Вам, господа мои хорошие,

                             сделать упражнение, о котором Вы, не побоюсь такого звонкого слова, давным-давно мечтали, но учебники, все, как один, эту тему, игнорировали.
                             Многие из нас бывали на банкетах с иностранцами, и многим из нас приходилось произносить тосты, но дальше косноязычных "At your health!!!" + "To our friendship!!!" ...
                             Предлагаю, в качестве тренинга для будущих банкетов, перевести телеграммы:
                             Творческий вечер в театре, посвящённый 70-летию со дня рождения Мясниковой и 50-летию творческой деятельности, состоялся 29 октября 1981 г. В программе вечера были: Графиня из 2-го действия "Пиковой дамы" и Азучена из 4-го действия "Трубадура".

                          Translate the telegrams in writing:

                             - "МОСКВА. Приветствую Вас, Лидия Владимировна, и ваших коллег с праздником в искусстве. Это общая радость всех, кто ему служит, и тех, на кого направлен наш труд. Желаю радости в искусстве, значит - и в жизни.

                          Народный артист СССР Иван Козловский".

                             colleague [-li?g]
                             радость (эмоция)
                             joy; gladness
                             (радостное событие)
                             delightful/joyous event;
                             Serve, work; act (as smb)
                             direct (at, to), turn (to)
                             значит (итак)
                             so, then, well then
                             consequently; which means that; therefore,
                             - "МОСКВА. Глубокоуважаемая Лидия Владимировна! Примите сердечные поздравления, пожелания доброго здоровья, успехов Вам и вашим ученикам.

                          Народный артист СССР Евгений Нестеренко".

                             глубоко уважать
                             hold in high respect
                             принимать (близко) к сердцу --
                             take to heart
                             глубокоуважаемый (как обращение);
                             warm-hearted; cordial
                             (в письмах)
                             поздравление (с достижением)
                             Take, accept
                             (с праздником)
                             wish; desire
                             "КИШИНЁВ. Замечательную певицу и человека Лидию Владимировну поздравляю со славным юбилеем - 70-летием. От души желаю крепкого здоровья и 100. Ваш голос и ваше искусство всегда вдохновляли людей на труд и подвиги.

                          С уважением, Народная артистка СССР Мария Биешу".

                             remarkable; splendid;
                             от души
                             от <всей> души
                             whole-heartedly; with all one's heart.
                             wonderful ['w?- ];
                             sound, strong,
                             перешагнуть далеко за
                             Live more than
                             glorious, famous, renowned
                             inspire; invigorate
                             anniversary; jubilee;
                             feat; exploit; deed

                          Поздравления, полученные Л. В. Мясниковой к девяностолетнему юбилею

                          Правительственная телеграмма

                          Народной Артистке СССР

                          Лидии Владимировне Мясниковой.


                          Глубокоуважаемая Лидия Владимировна!

                             Примите наши искренние поздравления в день Вашего юбилея. Не одному поколению благодарных зрителей дарил Ваш талант радость прикосновения с прекрасным искусством театра.
                             Созданные Вами сценические образы стали заметным явлением в музыкальной жизни России. Ваше имя в списке выдающихся мастеров русской оперной сцены.
                             От всей души желаю Вам здоровья, счастья, оптимизма и всего самого наилучшего.

                          Министр Культуры России Швыдкой М.Е.

                             governmental [g?- ]; government ['g?-]
                             grateful, thankful
                             give; present; grant
                             outstanding; distinguished
                             fine; excellent

                          Дорогая Лидия Владимировна, любимая наша Лялечка,

                             Cердечно поздравляем с грандиозным юбилеем. Желаем здоровья отличного настроения. Всегда помним твои роли и наши незабываемые творческие встречи.
                             Обнимаем, целуем.

                          Народная артистка СССР Ирина Архипова,

                          Народный артист СССР Владислав Пьявко

                             beloved; darling

                          Что из того, что к девяти мы приписали ноль!?

                          Для счастья нашего мы принимаем это как пароль!

                          Живите, радуясь, что есть друзья у вас.

                          Мы любим, поздравляем с юбилеем Вас.

                          Народный артист СССР Павел Лисициан

                             perceive [-'si?v]
                             be glad; rejoice

                          ... я живослышал Мясникову

                             Расположенный на скрещении двух главных артерий России -- транссибирской магистрали и могучей реки Обь, Новосибирск вобрал в себя энергию севера и юга, запада и востока.
                             И невозможно, побывав в великом граде сибирском, не впитать в себя хоть частицу уникальной животворящей энергии.
                             Но среди граждан Новосибирска есть избранные из избранных, кто впитывая энергию города, стоящего на пересечении биоритмов Великой России, возвращал ее городу с необыкновенной щедростью сибирской.
                             Я бывалый театрал. Я живослышал многие шедевры, которые навсегда вписаны золотыми буквами в историю Русского театра, Русского искусства. Я живослышал Миронова, Папанова, Смоктуновского, Леонова, Янковского, Образцову, Атлантова,Милашкину.
                             Но два самых больших потрясения -- живослышанье спектаклей "Трубадур" в Новосибирском Театре Оперы и Балета и "А дальше тишина" в театре Моссовета с Фаиной Раневской и Ростиславом Пляттом.
                             Впервые я испытал неизмеримую гордость за родной город и великое счастье от живослышанья гениальной русской певицы в 1974 г. Это был "Трубадур". Ее любимая роль. Она была признана лучшей исполнительницей роли Азучены в СССР. И мне так понравился спектакль, что я до сих пор помню все мизансцены.
                             Лидия Владимировна Мясникова. Ее взлет в элиту русского театра был стремителен. Стремителен, даже по нынешним столичным меркам. А что уж говорить о далеких послевоенных годах провинциального сибирского города.
                             1945 -- первое выступление в роли Кармен.
                             1951 -- заслуженная артистка России.
                             1955 -- народная артистка России.
                             И наконец 1960 год. Год триумфа. В 49 лет Лидии Владимировне Мясниковой первой за Уралом было присвоено звание Народной Артистки СССР.
                             Кому в России, хоть что-нибудь удалось сделать впервые, поймет, какой это был великий гражданский подвиг.
                             Она подняла театр на высоту лучших столичных. Многие коллеги откровенно говорят, что обязаны ей своими званиями и наградами. И спустя всего три года за ее триумфом был уже и триумф театра.
                             В 1963 г. театру (первому из провинциальных) было присвоено звание "Академический". Потом были другие победы театра. Не менее значимые, не менее славные ..., но в каждой из побед чувствовался ее вклад, ее базис, ее творческий стержень.
                             Ее значимость для театра и для города трудно переоценить. Достаточно вспомнить на одном из юбилеев театра слова академика Лаврентьева М.А.:
                             "Когда было принято решение о строительстве Академгородка, то вариантов было много. Но мы ученые выбрали Новосибирск. Потому что здесь есть такой замечательный театр".
                             Лидия Владимировна Мясникова. В 1983 г. она стала пятым за девяностолетнюю историю почетным гражданином города!
                             Почти 30 лет прошло с последнего выступления, но не угасает память о ней в сердцах благодарных поклонников.
                             И сейчас, когда разорваны все границы, когда по интернету можно выкупить билеты и в Ла Скала, и в Метрополитен Опера ...
                             ... до острой боли хочется сесть в машину времени и вернуться в далекий 1974 год, в Новосибирск, в театр оперы и балета, на спектакль "Трубадур", где блистала великая русская трагическая актриса, гениальная певица Лидия Владимировна Мясникова.
                             Протасов Дмитрий Николаевич
                             Автор оригинальной разработки
                             "Методика Двойного Чтения", которая на январь 2011 включает 21 книгу на 4 языках.
                             (12 книг на английском, 4 на французском, 3 на немецком и 2 на итальянском).
                             Все эти книги продаются в самых престижных магазинах Москвы:
                             Библио-Глобус, Москва, Арбат, Молодая Гвардия, Медведково.
                             В издательстве "Центрполиграф" готовятся к выпуску книги
                             "Основной закон Рекламы"- издание третье переработанное и дополненное.
                             из серии "Методика Двойного Чтения"
                             О'Генри - сборник рассказов;
                             М. Твен - сборник рассказов;
                             Б. Шоу - сборник рассказов;
                             В издательстве "Героика и спорт" ("ГИС")
                             готовится к выпуску:
                             "Чрез рифы риторики" - ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
                             Протасов Дмитрий Николаевич - автор переводов:
                             Агаты Кристи "Мистер Паркер Пайн - частный детектив" 2001 г. Новосибирск;
                             и книг по риторике:
                             "Как слово из твёрдого состояния превращается в жидкое, из жидкого в газообразное, а из газообразного в твёрдое" 2001 г. Новосибирск;
                             "222 Великие Метафоры" 2003 г. Новосибирск;
                             "Основной Закон Рекламы" 2004 г. Москва

                          Методика двойного чтения.

                             Basic Elementary
                             Грамматика в скороговорках -- 1
                             Elementary - Pre-Intermediate.
                             Грамматика в скороговорках -- 2
                             Идея этой книги проста. Проста настолько, что просто удивительно,
                             как никто из моих коллег не догадался использовав её коммерчески ...
                             В английском языке, как говорят остряки: "Пишется Манчестер, а читается Ливерпуль".
                             И на базовом этапе львиная доля внимания уделяется фонетике. Сначала звуковые упражнения, потом правила чтения, и потом скороговорки.
                             Далее мы приступаем к изучению грамматики. И примеры, во всех учебниках, как на подбор, - простые, даже примитивные.
                             Но почему бы не использовать тот капитал, который мы накопили выучив многие
                             сложнейшие скороговорки наизусть?
                             Ведь в них столько грамматических примеров. Примеров четких, ясных и многогранных!
                             Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate
                             Стивен Ликок. Моя финансовая карьера
                             Забавный рассказ о первом и последнем визите в банк. О всевозможных неурядицах и недопонимании.
                             Кэтрин Мэнсфилд. Чашка чая.
                             Кэтрин Мэнсфилд - одна из немногих писателей, принадлежащих к золотым перам английского языка, которая обожала русскую литературу. Всегда считавшая себя ученицей Антона Павловича Чехова она даже первого сына назвала Антон. Всемирную славу ей принесли короткие рассказы. "Чашка чая" - излюбленный (чемпион по адаптированию и сокращениям) рассказ авторов учебников английского языка во всём мире.
                             "Чашка чая" - относится к тому редчайшему жанру, где окончание намного более интригующе и захватывающе, чем начало.
                             О.Генри. Дары волхвов.
                             Любовь и бедность!
                             Как часто в мировой литературе трактовались эти две крайности нашего грешного мира. И как по-разному!
                             О.Генри связывает их многочисленными парадами метафор от плохого к мимолетной надежде, и от плохого к самому худшему, перемешивая возвышенное с ежедневной рутиной, и усиливает их многочисленными
                             эмоциональными конструкциями.
                             А введение в произведение библейских персонажей превращает данный рассказ - в рассказ проповедника.
                             Intermediate - Higher Intermediate
                             Марк Твен. Как я баллотировался в губернаторы.
                             Выборы. Борьба за власть.
                             Выборы. Право избирать и быть избранным.
                             Выборы. Плюрализм мнений. Многопартийность и чёрный пиар.
                             С 1863 года многое, очень многое изменилось в нашей грешной жизни; и многое, очень много занесено в список достижений цивилизации.
                             А в политических баталиях?! Изменилось ли что-нибудь в политике с тех пор, как Марк Твен сделал первую и, увы, последнюю попытку стать слугой народа?! Эта книга - настольная для всех тех, кто хочет овладеть языком черного пиара, чтобы на нем разговаривать с избирателями, и для всех тех, кому этот язык необходимо научиться понимать.
                             О.Генри. Маленькое пятнышко на добытых фруктах.
                             Любовь. Романтика. Самопожертвование.
                             Нелегальное казино. Полицейский налёт. Разорение. Крушение карьер. Исковерканные судьбы.
                             В этой книге есть все, чем знаменит талант О.Генри.
                             И парадоксальные определения, и метафоры, достойные пера Шеккспира, и мимолетная смена декораций.
                             А финал - неожиданность из неожиданностей.
                             Маленькое пятнышко на добытых фруктах относится к редкому жанру, где Логика низвергается сама собой в самом последнем предложении.
                             О.Генри. Погребок и роза.
                             Успех. Мегауспех в мегаполисе! Логика успеха.
                             Логика превращений из бедности в середнячка, из середнячка в баловня судьбы. Из баловня судьбы в познавшего богатство и славу. Логика лишений, лишений изнурительных и многоступенчатых, дабы реализовать мечту и стать звездой, кумиром для миллионов. И когда в лабиринтах логики перед выходом в свет, кажется, остаётся лишь последний шаг...
                             Погребок и роза -- относится к редкому жанру, где Логика изнурительных многоступенчатых лишений низвергается сама собой в самом последнем предложении.
                             Марк Твен. Как я редактировал сельскохозяйственную газету.
                             Успех любой ценой.
                             Успех любыми средствами.
                             И совсем неважно, что потом хоть катастрофа за катастрофой!?
                             Как достичь псевдоуспеха, написано на языке гротеска и метафор. На языке, который стал вторым родным для любителей новаторства ради новаторства.
                             У которых на простую и во многом оправданную реакцию непонимания всегда найдутся в собственную защиту монологи, полные пафоса и надменности.
                             Higher-Intermediate - Аdvanced
                             Сонеты. Вильям Шекспир
                             Шекспир! Легче представить целую эпоху, чем одного человека. А сонеты - одна из вершин творчества. Из вершин многогранных и недосягаемых. О сонетах написаны книги, диссертации и даже энциклопедии. А что можно сделать в одной брошюре?!
                             Много! Очень много!
                             Методикой двойного чтения мы докажем, что Шекспира в оригинале можно читать и понимать, наслаждаясь каждым словом!!!
                             И пусть это станет всего лишь первым, но решительным шагом к изучению творений гения из гениев.
                             Моя прекрасная леди. Отрывки из фильма
                             Невозможно выучить английский язык, не зная как к нему относятся англичане.
                             Это самая добротная из всех 10 книг, представленных методикой двойного чтения, представляющая 5 отрывков. 5 мини-сюжетов, которые показывают путь бедной девушки от продажи цветов до триумфа на балу в посольстве.
                             Марк Твен. Одна из биографий в стиле фарс.
                             Американцы никогда не говорят о соотечественниках отрицательно.
                             Никогда не выносят сор из избы.
                             А если подданный Соединённых Штатов неправ?!
                             Мягко говоря, неправ?! Если он был осуждён на каторгу?!
                             Брошен в тюрьму?! Если он был приговорён к смерти?!
                             Тогда ...???
                             Даже тогда американцы говорят о соотечественниках исключительно по-доброму.
                             Эта книга, хоть и написана в середине позапрошлого века, - фундаментальная, чтобы воспринять один из важнейших языков современности - ВНУТРИАМЕРИКАНСКИЙ
                             Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate Моцарт. Волшебная Флейта
                             Intermediate - Higher Intermediate Братья Гримм. Золушка.
                             Higher-Intermediate - Аdvanced Шедевры немецкой поэзии.
                             Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate Знаменитые итальянские арии
                             Higher-Intermediate - Аdvanced Верди. Трубадур
                             Pre-Intermediate - Intermediate Бизе. Кармен
                             Intermediate - Higher Intermediate Шарль Перро. Золушка. Ростан. Сирано де Бержерак.
                             Higher-Intermediate - Аdvanced Собака и лошадь. Вольтер Ф.-М. А.

                          Методика двойного чтения.

                             Память, память и ещё раз память!
                             Вот что определяет наш успех в изучении иностранного языка.
                             Удивлены? Огорчены? Или пока не знаете, соглашаться или подискутировать?!
                             Тогда проведём небольшой опрос!
                             Согласны ли Вы, что память на родном языке и на иностранном - две большие разницы!?
                             нет Да
                             Согласны ли Вы, что Английский в современном бешеном мире - не только первый язык международного общения, но и второй родной!? (Так что хочешь - не хочешь, а учить придётся).
                             нет Да
                             Согласны ли Вы, что память не шар из резины, который легко меняет объём от раздувания, а уникальный, индивидуальный продукт мозга, для увеличения которого необходимо затратить усилия, и немалые?!
                             нет Да
                             Согласны ли Вы, что в мегаполисах профессиональная память уникальна, уникальна настолько, что профессионализм забирает весь объём Её Величества Памяти, и на английский не остаётся ничего, или почти ничего.
                             Нет Да
                             Согласны ли Вы, что проблема памяти - проблема N 1 и, не решив её, язык не выучишь.
                             нет Да
                             Методика Двойного Чтения: текст даётся два раза. Сначала с детальным переводом, а второй раз с комментариями. Но чтобы воспользоваться преимуществами этой методики в
                             полном объёме, нужно вооружиться двумя фломастерами (лучше всего жёлтым и зелёным) и канцелярской скрепкой.
                             Читая рассказ с переводом, вы подчёркиваете незнакомые слова жёлтым. Прочитав, скрепляете первую часть, и прежде чем перейти к комментариям, читаете тот же самый текст во второй части. Выученные слова подчеркиваете зелёным, а желтым -2недоученные. Обычно отношение жёлтого к зелёному - 3 : 1.
                             Значит, эффективность Вашей памяти на иностранном языке - 25%.
                             Согласны ли Вы, что это и есть корень зла. Что это та проблема, не решив которую, язык не выучишь?!
                             Да Да
                             В студии "Звуковая Книга" готовятся к выпуску:
                             "Впервые на русском языке полное собрание рассказов Агаты Кристи "Мистер Паркер Пайн -- частный детектив" в переводе Дмитрия Протасова"
                             Плюс супер бонус!!!
                             Рассказ "N 9 "Дом в окрестностях Шираза" в авторском исполнении.
                             Народная Артистка СССР Лидия Мясникова
                             "Жизнь во славу Родины"
                             "Чрез рифы риторики" - ЕГЭ по английскому языку.
                            -- оглавление
                             истинно английские слова - 1
                             вводный курс образцы речи
                             English usage
                             истинно английские слова - 2
                             основной курс упражнения
                             урок 1
                             урок 2
                             урок 3
                             урок 4
                             урок 5
                             урок 6
                             урок 7
                             урок 8
                             урок 9
                             урок 10
                             урок 11
                             урок 12
                             основной курс Дружеские Пародии на Тексты
                             урок 1
                             урок 2
                             урок 3
                             урок 4
                             урок 5
                             урок 6
                             урок 7
                             урок 8
                             урок 9
                             урок 10
                             урок 11
                             урок 12
                             Table #1
                             Table # 2
                             Дополнительные упражнения для исключительно-одарённых.
                             .... я живослышал Мясникову
                             Методика двойного чтения







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