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Broken girl

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
    на мотив house of the rising sun

  your father is a coward, and your mother is a flesh-eating bitch, once you wanted to be an actress, now all you want is just to get rich, cause you'd given all for a shelter, but it's not enough no matter what you've done, and you read an obituary, and envy the one who's now gone. litlle girl, litle girl, you are forty now but who gives a fuck, you are all alone, cause all those around you suck. you severed for good all connections but one, the most childish dream, you once wanted to be a writer, cause it is what you have ever been. you are testing your luck, you are playing with chance you will pay, but for now it's just a new day, after another new day, there's no rainbow, no promise, no hope, no will to keep on, but the fire inside has that of its own, which is dragging you on, you once wanted to be a hero, but you don't have strength even to end it all, i'm sorry to tell you, you are nothing but a broken girl
   9-10 July 2019
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