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    Copypast from http://mizugadro.mydns.jp

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Dear Donald J. Trump.
I got your message from Thu, 6 Oct 2016 12:01:33 -0400 (EDT).
I am not the USA citizen, and I am not in the USA.
So, I am a little bit surprised that you ask me for the advice,
how is it better to become the USA president.
However, I shall try to answer your request.

I think, one of the most serious errors of your proposals for the USA is related with Russia.
You have many advisers; so I think, it is sufficient, if I mention only this in my message.

Neither the Russian fuhrer ("president") [[Vladimir Putin]], nor members of the Russian "parliament" (so-called "duma") represent the people of Russia. They got their position due to [[election fraud]]. So, in his case, I use the German word "Fuhrer" instead of international term "president".

My estimates indicate, that only of order of one percent of electors had voted for Putin and his party "United Russia"; other 50-70 percents are due to the fake ballots, injected and counted by the corrupted election committees. The exact number of fake votes is not so important: do they alter the result for one percent or for 99 percent, in any of these caces they should go to the jail, not to parliament. Their behaviour falls into definition of term "[[fascism]]".
Any relations with Russian fascists by any politician drop his rating. Many authors condemn you in these relations, and they seem to have reason for this. I think, it is your serious error, to give them reasons for this.
The people of Russia are friendly to people of the USA, and the people in the USA are friendly with people of Russia. But the Russian fuhrer and his government try to destroy this friendship. They seem to be against any civilisation, and the USA is not exception. Unfortunately, the Russian people cannot resist the bandits in the government. The most honest and powerful part of my people had been exterminated by bolsheviks in the past century, during the USSR.
Vladimir Putin continues this tradition with series of political murders.
I suggests only few examples in articles
I think, any relation or negotiation with the seriаl murderer, fascist, terrorist, agent of KGB,.. should be suspended, cancelled. I think, it is important for any politician of your rank and higher.
Any money you get from collaboration with Putin's regime is "blood money", and everyone, who does this, becomes to smell terrorism, fascism, murdering, crime, death.

Many Russians indicate, that some assistance from the Western countries and, in particular, from the USA, is very important for Russia. In some sense, it is so.

The USA can not establish the democracy in any foreign country. Twelve years ago, I had expressed this opinion meaning Iraq,
and now I could repeat the same about Russia.

But the USA, and other civilised countries are not supposed to help the aggressor, even if in the short time perspective the collaboration with the murderer, with the terrorist seems to bring some benefits.

Vladimir Kara-Mudsa Jr. had explained this in this talk; I doubt if I can express this better:
https://oslofreedomforum.com/talks/russians-are-ready-for-democracy Russians Are Ready for Democracy. Vladimir Kara-Murza. 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum May 24, 2016. The Russian government doesn"t love activist Vladimir Kara-Murza, but he loves Russia. That"s why he is devoting his life to the fight for democracy in Russia, even though it might get him killed. Hear him deliver a powerful call for change from the stage at the 2016 Oslo Freedom Forum. .. .. Of our friends in the West we ask only one thing. Stay true to your values. We are not asking for your support. It is our task to change Russia, and we will to it ourselves. The only thing we ask from you is that you stop supporting Mr.Putin by treating him as respectable and worthy partner on the world stage. And above all, by allowing his cronies to use your countries as havens for their looted wealth. And please stop falling for the lie that Russians are somehow uniquely unsuited, incapable, not ready for democracy. We are suited. We are capable. We are ready. And we will get there, just like you. ..

I think, the practical program of the successful USA candidate should include the following:

1. All the accounts or Putins's of-shores should be suspended in the USA banks and confiscated by the resolutions of the USA courts. The USA code qualifies the high non-declared income as sponsorship of terrorism. At least part of these money could be spent for the compensations to the Putin's victims and their relatives.

2. All Russian administrators, including the law-makers, who approved the Herod Law
the Russian invasion into Georgia, Russian invasion into Ukraine, Russian invasion into Syria should be qualified as terrorists and arrested and interrogated upon arrival at the territory of the USA.

3. All Russian state founds, stored in the USA banks, should be confiscated, as Russia is qualified state sponsor of terrorism. American banks should not, in their turn, participate in sponsoring of terrorism.

4. Russian warplanes fly with damaged (or switched out) transponders.
The Russian warplanes without transponders terrorise the civil aviation, as the passenger liners are not allowed to fly with high accelerations, as the warplanes can; in addition, the staff of warplanes have parachutes. I think, the USA should suggest the international law, that prohibits flights (excluding ultralights) without transponders. I think, the absence of transponder should be qualified as sufficient reason to shut-down the warplane, even if it has not yet violated the airspace of other country.

5. Some Russian troops participate in war, having no identification on bodies of their war vehicles (watercrafts, aircrafts, ..) nor on their clothes. I think, they should be qualified as terrorists, and attacked by the military forces of any civilised country by default.

I suspect, the points 1-5 above are important to show, that the signature of the USA president at the international document, I mean, the Budapest memorandum has certain value and significance.

I think, including of the points 1-5 into proposals of any candidate could greatly increase his chances at the debate and the election. Recently, I observe from you certain moves to the direction specified above, but I do not think that your moves in this are sufficiently strong and robust.

Few notes about economics and internal politics of the USA. As I understand, President of any country should help his nation to follow the LAW. Not to dig into specific economical cases. If the Law is good, and it all the nation follow this Law, this should bring the economics (and the nation) to prosperity. I think, the USA is not exception. Especially, I think, the international documents, signed by the USA are important. I know one crying example of this - [[Budapest memorandum]]. It seems, neither Hillary, nor you suggest a way to enforce fulfilling of its statement in the near future. I think, it is serious failure.

Feel free to communicate me if any of my proposals cause any doubts or questions.

P.S. I am researcher, not politician; I am not against Hillary Clinton;
I keep my right to give the similar advice to her or to anybody of her team upon their request.

Sincerely, Dmitrii Kouznetsov, 2016.10.07.
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