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Tori attacked

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    2013.02.27, student Nishio Shigeaki vandalized TORI. 2013.05.13, director Hitoki Yoneda approved that vandalism.

TORI is acronym, and means Tools for Outstanding Research and Investigation. The site with this name had been established in march 2011 for development of scientific concepts, based on the TORI axioms. The 6 axioms of TORI are used in definition of term science.

Since 2011, site TORI had been available at http://tori.ils.uec.ac.jp/TORI

2013 February 27, at 17:30, student Nishio Shigeaki (にしお しげあき) vandalized TORI, accessing there from computer identified as gigabyte.ils.uec.ac.jp ; some staff of the institute seem to support the attacker, without to look to the content of TORI.

In 2013 May, the vandalism had been supported by the decision of the administration in short letter by the director Hitoki Yoneda; that letter seem to refer to non-existing documents. The letter is following:

Date: Mon, 13 May 2013 13:24:11 +0900
From: Hitoki Yoneda
To: 'Dmitrii Kouznetsov'
Cc: 'Morinaga Makoto'
Subject: web rule
Dr. Dmitrii Kouznetsov,
The shutdown of the tori.ils.uec.ac.jp is the university decision.
In the university, it is forbidden to open non-public web page to the public line.
Even though many alert to you, you recover this sever to the internet access, many times.
This is the final decision and there is no room to discuss.
Hitoki Yoneda
Director of Institute for Laser Science,
University of Electro-Communications

Hope, the administration of Institute and/or that of the University get good support, foundation from my opponents for each day while the TORI is not available at its original URL; there is no other reasonable explanation for the strange behavior of the administration.

In 2013 May, the content of TORI had been transferred to http://mizugadro.mydns.jp/t.

Prohibited articles

Through third persons, the attackers had indicated the articles in TORI they especially dislike:
http://samlib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/decayofrussianscience.shtml Decay of Russian science.
http://samlib.ru/k/kuznecow_d_j/science.shtml Science.

However, the attackers did not even try to correct nor to discuss the content of the articles they dislike; since the beginning, their goal seems to be just destruction. Critics of the articles mentioned should be especially appreciated.
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