абордажник - (два а-а перелезли через поручни): the two boarders were over the rail
агония (т.е. предсмертная) - (биться в а-и): the creature's legs were thrashing in its death throes;
- the boar was writhing and thrashing, but the men stood firm, wrestling with its death throes;
- (корчиться в а-и): we see soldiers blown apart, drowned or writhing in death's agony;
- (пациент был в а-и): the patient was already in the death agony;
- Jesus, alone, with no help - in weakness of body and in death pangs - bore away the enormous load of human guilt
амортизация - (вибрации и ударов): stretcher racks with individual vibrations and shock damping;
- (вибрации, ударов и тряски): stretcher rack for damping of vibrations, jolts and shock;
- (зданий во время землетрясений): scientists investigating shock absorption for buildings during earthquake discovered a special polymer that was both light weight and absorbed shock and vibration;
амортизировать - (надлежащая упаковка амортизирует груз): your freight shipment will likely face forklifts, conveyor belts and multiple transport vehicles along its way to its final destination, so in addition to size, weight and climate recommendations, proper packaging also helps cushion goods to withstand ordinary care in handling;
- (полимер, который амортизирует толчок и вибрацию): a polymer that absorbs shock and vibration
амортизирущий - (хирургическая установка, а-ая вибрации и удары): vibration and shock absorbing surgical workstation
анатомировать - (мускулатуру): Leonardo da Vinci gained his expertise in the human form by exhuming corpses and dissecting their musculature
аплодировать - everyone applauded as the various chiefs of state and government walked over to shake their new ally's hand;
- the audience clapped loudly / enthusiastically at the end of the play;
- (давайте поаплодируем певцу): let's give the singer a big hand
атаковать (т.е. наброситься) - suddenly the wild animal charged at us;
- it was like a terrier pouncing a rat
аэромассаж - (т.е струями воздушных пузырьков в ванной): airpool
баламутить - (воду): he was passing over vast expanses of black mud now, which swirled murkily as he disturbed the water
балансирование - (на канате): tightrope-walking / high-wire act / funambulism
балансировать - the flamingos balanced gracefully on one leg;
- (он шёл по шкафуту, балансируя, когда корабль отплыл / тронулся): he went down into the waist of the ship, balancing himself as the ship got underway
бальзамировать - they embalmed pharaohs in ancient Egypt
барабанить - (кулаком по двери): he hammered on the door with his fists and shouted;
- (слышно было, как громко барабанят кулаками по доскам): there was a loud hammering of fists on the boards;
- (пальцами по сиденью): he drummed his fingers on the plastic seat
барахтаться - (в болоте): he was floundering in a swamp;
- (беспомощно б. в холодной воде): he was thrashing helplessly in the cold water;
- (в воде): The boat is hit dead on and foundered. Second Lieutenant and twenty others paddle around until picked up by naval craft.;
- (в воде, т.е. чтобы не утонуть): I struck out my arms, flailing in the water;
- (в грязи): who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as I dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay?;
- (в снегу): She plunged through the crust into soft snow waist-deep. She floundered about in a tired fury until he worked his way over and pulled her out;
- (в сотне ярдов от берега): Machine-gun fire brackets him, and he submerges again briefly. Never a strong swimmer, he heads back out to sea. For two hours he paddles around, two hundred or so yards from the shore.
баюкать - (т.е. держа на коленях): she rocked back and forth, cradling his head
бег - (барьерный б. / б. с барьерами): hurdling is the act of running and jumping over an obstacle at speed;
- (воды): the rush of the water and the booming of the mill bring a dreamy deafness;
- (на бегу): while running;
- (на длинные дистанции): long-distance race;
- (на коньках): speed skating;
- (на короткие дистанции): sprint;
- (на лыжах): cross-country skiing;
- (на месте): running on the spot;
- (перейти на б.): he hauled on the reins wound around each hand and broke into a run, forcing the reluctant horses to trot behind him;
- (с препятствиями, я занимаюсь б-ом с препятствиями): I do obstacle course runs;
- (с препятствиями): I love obstacle course races;
- (трусцой, перейти на б. трусцой): he broke into a jog
бега - (чистокровных лошадей): the racetrack offered fine Thoroughbred racing for 30 days a year in the spring;
- (я иду на б.): Tomorrow I go to the Races. I have 2 horses running.
бегать - (глаза бегали во все стороны): he drove slowly down West Street, doors locked, hands clutch the wheel, eyes cutting in all directions;
- (о глазах): Mike backed off, eyes flicking warily right and left, watching for a chance to get away;
- (от иллюминатора к иллюминатору): he desperately raced from porthole to porthole;
- (по площади голышом): to doff their clothes and run about a public square naked
бегать / бежать - (быстро, дети быстро бежали по улице): the children were bounding along the street;
- (быстро, собака быстро бежала за поездом): The train began to move. The dog was bounding alongside the window.;
- (вприпрыжку): смотри ниже;
- (галопом): the stag cantered to the end of the alleyway;
- (за двумя зайцамиобразно, нельзя б.з.д.з.): you can't run with the hares and hunt with the hounds;
- (галопом): as the helicopter came down, the camel panicked and cantered off;
- (когда он добрался до берега, собака стала бегать вокруг него, подпрыгивая, помахивая хвостом и облизывая его): when he reached the shore, there was his dog lolloping around him, leaping up and wagging his tail and licking him all over;
- (мужик ехал по дороге на велосипеде, а за ним бежали два пса): there was a bloke cycling on the road with two dogs lolloping approximately beside him;
- (мелкими шагами): he scurried for the hall;
- (о льве, т.е. длинными скачками): the lion loped across the grass;
- (о ящерице): a lizard scuttled up the wall;
- (поспешно): the children scuttled off / scuttled away when they saw the policeman;
- (поспешно): the mouse scurried into its hole when the cat appeared;
- (трусцой, т.е. для тренировки): at six minutes past seven he began to jog down the quiet street, another early morning fitness buff;
- смотри бежать
бегать / бежать (вприпрыжку): he was loping towards me, his kitbag over the shoulder and suitcase in the other hand;
-(зверь убежал): the beast loped away;
- the children were hastening along the street, hopping and skipping;
бегающий - (глаза): Defendants rarely tell the truth. They lie with sweaty palms and shifty eyes.;
- (животные): locomotor characteristics of animals: natatorial, fossorial, cursorial, scansorial, and volant
беглый - (заключённый): escaped con / convict;
- (раб): fugitive slave
бегом - (направиться к трапам): the mаn set off at a fast lope, round to the starboard side and straight for the steel ladders;
- (б., б., надо впустить их): hurry, hurry, let them in;
- (ты их заберёшь, потом б. к воротам): you grab'em and then run to the gates
беготня - (муравьёв): trivial hurts, tiny accidents. These are of no more significance than the scurrying of ants to the wide universe;
- (потревоженных мышей): he heard a scurrying of disturbed mice;
- (предстоит ещё немало б-и образно): this information only reached us yesterday, so we've a lot of footwork fig to do yet
бегство - (беспорядочное): this was no rout but a disciplined retreat towards the safety of the stockade;
- (из Восточной Германии): the book describes his escape from East Germany in 1968 and the events in Leipzig that forced him to leave;
- (обратиться в б.): a battle took place in which part of his army was put to flight;
- (обратиться в б., ополченцы, защищавшие крепость, были окончательно разбиты и обратились в б.): the militiamen who had defended the fortress were running, utterly routed;
- (т.е.Святого Семейства в Египет): the Flight into Egypt
бегущий - (волны): he could hear rushing waves;
- (б-ие волны в пропитанных пористых средах): traveling waves in saturated porous media;
- (б-ие по небу облака): he looked at the scudding clouds above;
- (строка, по низу экрана прокручивается б-ая с.): a banner rolls across the bottom of the screen declaring: LONDON UNDER ATTACK;
- (шум б-их ног): there was a scuttling of feet behind him
бежать - (броситься б., карабкаясь по ступенькам): he ran for it, scrabbling like a monkey up the stone steps;
- (броситься б. к кому-л): she lunged backward with her heel, caught the gunman in the shin, broke his grip and made to run towards the police agent;
- (вода бежит из крана): the sound of water running out of a bathroom faucet;
- (из тюрьмы): he's broken out of prison;
- (кровь бежит по лицу): the blood runs down the left side of his face;
- (облака бежали по небу): the clouds were scudding across the sky;
- (облака, бегущие по небу): he was gazing at the scudding clouds above;
- (т.е. спасаться бегством): millions had fled from the former German territories overrun by the Russians
беситься - (о собаке): a dog is going berserk behind the door
бесчинствовать - (болельщики бесчинствовали после проигрыша): the fans (of a football team) rioted after the loss;
- (сторонники воинствующего фермера бесчинствовали на участках генетически модифицированной кукурузы): armed with shears and machetes, supporters of the militant farmer J. B. went on a rampage through test sites for genetically modified corn
биение - (аксиальное): axial run-out the total deviation of the axial reference surface noted during one revolution of the workpiece;
- (радиальное): Radial shaft run-out is the total variation in a direction perpendicular to the axis of rotation of a reference surface from a surface of revolution. Radial shaft run-out includes both eccentricity and out-of-roundness.;
- (сердца): смотри ниже
биение (сердца) - I'm having trouble finding a heartbeat on an ultrasound;
- auscultation of a healthy 15 year old girl's heartbeat;
- ((б. мышечных клеток сердца): these impulses provide a system of intricately-timed and persistent signaling that controls the rhythmic beating of the heart muscle cells;
- (сердцебиение): your doctor will monitor your baby's heartbeat at every appointment
бинтовать - (голова была забинтована): his head was swathed in bandages;
- (рану): to dress a wound;
- (сломанную лодыжку): the doctor bandaged [up] her broken ankle
бить - (бичом / плетью / хлыстом до крови): they whipped him raw, then rubbed salt into the wounds;
- (в дверь): to pound on the door;
- (т.е. в наказание): "Have you been beaten often?";
- (т.е. в наказание): you can thwack a wake boy, but you can't thwack a dreamer;
- (волны, поднятые ветром, бушующим со скоростью более 100 миль в час, били корабль о скалы, и он быстро разбился): The ship initially grounded on a sandbank, but in the early morning of the 26th the rising tide drove her onto the rocks. Battered against the rocks by huge waves whipped up by winds of over 100 mph, she quickly broke up.;
- (головой об пол): his assailant rammed his head against the floor;
- (дубинкой): the people the warden had clubbed in the camp;
- (его била дрожь, оттого что он продрог до костей): the shivers he was experiencing were due to his spine-deep coldness;
- (его били в школе): he was beaten up at school;
- (железом по железу): iron battered iron;
- (кнутом дезертировавших матросов): Three crewmen deserted and were recaptured. The ship's master ordered them flogged.;
- (кнутом коня): he thrashed the horse with his whip;
- (кого-л свёрнутой газетой): she slapped him with a rolled-up newspaper;
- (комаров): they walked on, slapping at mosquitoes;
- (комаров / мух ): he was swatting mosquitoes and flies in the corridor;
- (копытами ): смотри ниже;
- (надзиратель бил заключённых): the people the warden had beaten in the camp;
- (крыльями): the bird beat his wings to remain airborne;
- (куда попало): to hit out at random;
- (т.е. кулаками): the boxer pummeled G. in twenty previous encounters;
- (кулаком в затылок кого-л): he slammed a fist into the nape of the hijacker's neck;
- (т.е. массажист бил по подколенным сухожилиям): The team trainer wanted to give their new quarterback a rub down. The kid was hacking at his hamstrings and R. wanted to scream. But you can't complain during a massage.; dd<> - (ногой, чтобы в регби перемещать мяч по полю, его нужно носить или б. ногой): the rugby ball can be moved up the field by either carrying it or kicking it;
dd<> - (ногой): He launches a kick before S. can straighten his arm.;
- (о барабанах): when the drums beat and the bands played;
- (о жидкости): смотри ниже;
- (палкой по икрам): she whacked him around the shins with her walking stick
- (по военным базам): American aircraft pounded Al Qaeda bases;
- (по лицу): he slaps her round the face;
- (по лицу, сильно): she slaps him hard across the face;
- (по полу руками и ногами, т.е. в истерике): he threw himself forwards on to the carpet and beat the floor with his hands and feet, giving himself over to a violent tantrum;
- (по яйцам кого-л): the security forces tortured people slamming testicles;
- (побить кого-л): we got a wiseguy this way three years ago, liked to brag in front of women how tough he was, and the guys he whacked, that sort of thing;
- (посуду): I take out my anger at him by smashing dishes around my room;
- (ракетами по стране): Hamas continued to lob rockets into southern Israel on Friday;
- (руками в воздухе, защищаясь от летучих мышей): he was screaming and beating the air above his head;
- (себя в грудь): he whacked his stringy chest with his hands;
- (себя в грудь): he thumped his chest and laughed;
- (себя в грудьобразно из-за чего-л): He's an angry, frightened, brilliant young man, who was dealt a shit hand of cards when he was born. We can all beat our breasts about it, and analyze the who, the how and the why to death - or he can move on and decide how he wants to live.;
- (т.е. сильно): the dragon slashed at him;
- (собаку): when he was gone, the dog slunk home and stayed there, and howled all the night, and was beaten for it;
- (вяленую рыбу молотком): dried and salted "dunned" fish had to be beaten with a hammer before eating;
- (тревогу): they had seen the keel and beat out a furious alarm;
- (током, пользователей бьёт т. от наушников): there are claims by users that they are getting electric shocks from the Apple's iPhones and iPod ear buds;
- (убежище для побитых жён, т.е. мужьями): she set up a sanctuary for battered wives;
- (учеников по рукам линейкой): the teacher cracked them over the knuckles with the ruler;
- (хвостом): the dragon was thrashing its spiked tail;
- (хвостом): the animal was lashing its tail as long and lithe as a cat's;
- (часы били полночь): the clock in the tower chimed midnight;
- (часы били 12): the clock chimed 12;
- (часы били шесть часов): the clock in the steeple of the Baptist church had chimed six;
- to wham
бить (копытами) - the sight of their pawing hooves was extremely unnerving;
- horses stamped their hooves;
- fearful horses whinnied and stamped;
- (бьющий к. конь): a man astride a pawing horse greeted us;
- (землю): the horse was pawing the ground nervously with its hooves;
- (б. копытами снег): the pair of bays were pawing the snow in their eagerness to be off
бить (о жидкости) - (вода била, т.е. из прорванной трубы): A large water pipe broke. Water gushed out of it.;
- (вода струёй била из трубы): water was spouting out from the pipe;
- (вода била, т.е. из скалы): he clave the rock and the waters gushed out;
- (вода бьющая из выжженной голой земли): the refreshing water, welling up in a parched and barren land, causing the desert place to blossom, is an emblem of the divine grace;
- (об источнике): a clear spring gushed up in the castle court;
- (нефть била из трубы): oil gushed out from the broken pipe;
- (кровь била из яремной вены): blood was gushing from his jugular
биться - (бутылки, бъющиеся друг о друга): clinking bottles of whiskey;
- (в агонии): the creature's legs were thrashing in its death throes;
- (в руках у кого-л): He put a hand inside his robes. The rat emerged, thrashing desperately.;
- (водопад бился через камень): the roiling 75-foot waterfall has been pummeling through some of the area's hardest rock for 10000 years;
- (волны бились о берег): waves crashed angrily on the beach;
- (волны бились о корабль): the waves buffeted the ship;
- (волны бились о скалы): the waves battered against the rocks at the bottom of the cliff;
- (волны Атлантики бились о скалы): the Atlantic swell still broke on the cliffs, thudding and slapping and splashing great fountains high in the air;
- (головами об стенку образно): we will beat our heads against the walls of our circumstances until finally we get some sense knocked into our brains;
- (головой об пол): when she doesn't get her way it turns into a major tantrum and she will throw herself on the floor and start hitting her head on the floor;
- ( головой об стенку): How to react if your baby is hitting their head against the wall. If your baby is banging their head to self-soothe, you can help by providing soothing activities before naps or nighttime.;
- (другие члены команды поднялись на мачту, пытаясь поставить парус, но холст не давался, бился в разные стороны под ударами злого ветра): more crew were aloft, trying to rig sail but the canvas was fighting back, tugged this way and that by hostile winds;
- (жилка билась на виске): a vein was throbbing in his temple;
- (крыса билась от испуга): he tried to put a frantically wiggling rat into the pocket;
- (морская вода пенилась и билась под ним): he was standing upon a high outcrop of dark rock, water foaming and churning below him;
- (о рыбе): смотри ниже;
- (о сердце): смотри ниже;
- (обезглавленная птица билась в руках): the decapitated bird fluttered in his hands;
- (пульс бился от возбуждения): my pulse was throbbing with excitement;
- ( раздался звон бьющегося фарфоре): there was a tinkle of breaking china;
- ( раздался хруст бьющегося фарфора): there was a crunch of breaking china: he had trodden on a cup;
- (существо билось в яйце): something within battered and tore a hole as if hatching from some immense egg
биться (о рыбе) - (в клюве): his beak moved from side to side as the fish darted about, flapping their tails and fins in madness as they struggled;
- (в клюве): the pelican's beak was full of wriggling fish;
- (в когтях орла): The eagle made a slow circle. The fish was flipping in its talons.;
- he bit the heads of live trout and then put the flopping bodies into the bodice of serving girl's dress;
- (в сети): the fishes thrashed about in the net;
- (в сети): fish flipping about in the net.;
- (на берегу, пытаясь дышать): the fish floundered on the river bank, struggling to breathe;
- (на земле): in the brook lay a great salmon which had got upon a dry place and dashed itself about, and could not get into the water again;
- (на земле): the fish squirmed on the ground for a few moments and then lay still
биться (о сердце) - her heart was throbbing / was pounding;
- (в состоянии покоя сердце бъётся с частотой 60-70 ударов в минуту): at rest, your heart beats at a rate of about 60 to 100 times a minute;
- (быстрее): my heart beat faster in spite of my forebodings;
- (быстро): his heart was pumping fast from excitement;
- (как барабан): his heart was thudding like a drum;
- (как рыба, вытащенная из воды): his heart flip-flops in his chest like a landed fish;