Маркова Наталья Самуиловна : другие произведения.

Русско-английский словарь движений В_Вш

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  валить - (буря валит деревья): Storm Causes Massive Power Outages, Knocks Down Trees;
  - (валил густой снег): the snow fell thick and heavy;
  - (валил снег): snow fell thick for at least half an hour;
  - (деревья, т.е. о дровосеке): to fell trees;
  - (дым валил изо рта белым столбом): smoke poured out of his mouth in a white plume;
  - (дым валил из трубы): the chimney was pouring out black smoke;
  - (в. на пол кого-л): The coxswain refuses to lower the ramp. Staff Sergeant P. jumps him, throttles him, and bears him to the floor.
  - (солдатня валила через горные перевалы): their soldiery poured throughout mountain passes and laid waste to everything between the pine woods and the sea;
  - (толпа валила к воротам): the crowd surged to the gates;
  - (толпа, которая валила со стадиона): they were caught in the crowds flooding out of the stadium;
  - (ураган валил деревья): hurricanes rampaged among the islands, flattening palm trees
  валиться - (дерево свалилось на автомобиль): a tree toppled onto his car;
  - (на колени): men dropped to their knees, casting weapons aside;
  - (на технологию валятся шишки за подрыв промышленности): technology gets the rap slang for disrupting industry after industry;
  - (от усталости): by the third hour, though, I was overwhelmed with fatigue;
  - (от усталости): he was used up by fatigue;
  - (от усталости, в. с ног): Mom was in the kitchen all day and was dead on her feet;
  - смотри свалиться
  валяться - (в постели утром): he can have a bit of lie-in;
  - (в постели утром): In broad daylight! Parents having lie-in, I suppose.;
  - (валяющиеся на полу газеты): he stared at the tangle of newspapers strewn on the floor around them;
  - (какой дурак оставил здесь в. свой рюкзак?): what kind of stupid kid leaves his pack lying around like that?;
  - (куски штукатурки - на улице): chunks of plaster lie in the street;
  - (на границе прилива валялись прибитые к берегу деревья): the tide line was strewn with huge driftwood trees;
  - (обглоданные кости валялись на берегу): picked bones littered the shore;
  - (обрывки валялись на полу): the portrait had been slashed so viciously that strips of canvas littered the floor;
  - (свитки пергамента валялись на столе): rolls of parchment littered the desk;
  - (спички валялись на земле): splintered matches littered the ground around;
  - (яблочные огрызки и конфетные обёртки валялись на полу): apple cores and sweet wrappers littered the floor
  варёный - (рис / яйца): boiled rice / eggs
  варить - Boil, grill, or fry? The healthiest way to cook food.;
  - (балки варят под углом 900): immense steel I-beams, 3 of them welded at 90-degree angle to look like enormous jacks (hedgehogs);
  - (еду): I'll do the cooking;
  - (жидкость): boil liquid rapidly for 5 to 10 minutes;
  - (картошку / мясо / овощи): to cook potatoes / meat / vegetables;
  - (кофе): to make coffee;
  - (лапшу по инструкции на пачке): prepare egg noodles according to package direction;
  - (пиво): the Pump House takes pride in brewing beer to perfection;
  - (пиво, слабое п. было сварено, чтобы освежать, а не опьянять): small beer was brewed to refresh, not to intoxicate;
  - (рис): Add chicken to strained soup, season with salt and pepper, and serve with boiled rice;
  - (стекло): the high temperatures required to melt glass;
  - (ужин): she cooked us a fancy dinner;
  - (яйцо): boil him an egg
  вариться - (овощи варятся слишком долго): these vegetables have been boiling too long; they're cooked to a pulp
  варка - (тщательная варка): thorough cooking of the product would kill these bacteria, but a risk of cross-contamination from improper handling of the raw product is still present;
  - (сульфитная, т.е. целлюлозы): by 1900 sulfite pulping had become the dominant means of producing wood pulp;
  - (сусла, т.е. пивного / пива из сусла): this invention relates to a process for the continuous boiling of wort, as well as to a process for brewing beer from said boiled wort
  ваяние - gesso is an art supply used as a surface preparation or primer for painting, gilding, and sculpting
  вбегать / вбежать - (т.е. в класс): the student storms in with an essay in her hand;
  - (он с шумом вбежал на поляну, срывая с себя клубки прицепившейся к нему растительности): he came crashing back into the glade, ripping clinging snarls of vegetation off himself with loud exasperation
  вбивать / вбить - (гвоздь по самую шляпку): to drive a nail home / to the head;
  - (кол в сердце вампира): the best known way of destroying the Vampire, is to drive a stake through the heart
  вброд - (на островок можно попасть дважды в сутки во время отлива, либо посуху, либо в крайнем случае в.): the tidal islet can be entered and left twice in every twenty-four hours, either dry-shod, or at the most by wading;
  - (перейти в. реку): he reached the river too deep to wade through and too dangerous to swim across;
  - (перейти в. реку): they were all soaked to the skin and looked like a litter of pups that had just forded a river
  вваливаться / ввалиться - (глаза ввалились): his eyes became sunken / became hollow with dark pouches beneath;
  - (в автобус впереди всех): he barged onto a bus before everyone else;
  - (в кабинет без стука): he barged into my office without knocking and started talking even though I was on the phone
  - (лучше бы вы постучали в дверь, а не просто ввалились): I wish you'd knock instead of just barging in;
  - (щёки ввалились / животы ввалились): their cheeks became hollow, their bellies sank inward, they could feel their ribs when they passed their hands over their chests
  введение (т.е. в медицине) - (буккальное / ректальное / вагинальное / местное, т.е. лекарственного препарата): Nanoparticles may be co-mixed with gums and viscous fluids for purposes of buccal, rectal or vaginal administration. Microspheres may also be co-mixed with gels and ointments for purposes of topical administration to epidermis for transdermal delivery.;
  - (вакцины в мышцу): The Importance Of Injecting Vaccines Into Muscle;
  - (выбор способа в-я вакцины / самые распространённые способы в-я вакцины / в. вакцины в мышцу / в. вакцины под кожу): Selecting the best route of administration is crucial to effective vaccination. The two most common routes of administration are intramuscular, which means injecting into the muscle, and subcutaneous, which means injecting under the skin;
  - (зонда в желудок / воды или солевого раствора через зонд): gastric lavage, commonly known as a stomach pump, is the insertion of a tube into the stomach, followed by administration of water or saline down the tube;
  - (кокаина через нос): regular intranasal use (snorting) of cocaine can lead to loss of the sense of smell and nosebleeds;
  - (лекарственного препарата через желудок): two hours after intra-stomach administration of the drug or a placebo;
  - (лекарственного препарата через желудок): effects of intra-stomach administration of the drug;
  - (пальцев в анус и вагину): This was an incident of digital penetration of the anus and vagina of the victim. As a result of that digital penetration the victim suffered a cut and an abrasion and bruising during the assault.;
  - (т.е. препарата в организм, при внутрибрюшном в-и): in mice, per intraperitoneal route, the LD-O (maximum non-lethal dose) in mice is higher than 64 mg/kg, the LD-30 (lethal dose for 30% of the treated animals) is of about 128 mg/kg, and the LD-100 (minimum lethal dose for all the treated animals) is lower than or equal to 256 mg/kg.;
  - (при в-и через желудок дозами по 50 и 150 мг/кг действующее начало не оказывает значительного воздействия на ритм сердечных сокращений): upon the intra-stomach administration in doses of 50 and 150 mg/kg the active principle provides no substantial effect on the rhythm of cardiac contractions;
  - (простагландинa в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the study was designed to investigate outcome in women who required vaginal prostaglandin E2 for cervical priming prior to labor induction;
  - (путь в-я / введение в мышцу и под кожу): Selecting the best route of administration is crucial to effective vaccination. The two most common routes of administration are intramuscular, which means injecting into the muscle, and subcutaneous, which means injecting under the skin
  ввернуть / вворачивать - (болт) I'm screwing in the bolt;
  - (стопорные винты должны быть ввёрнуты в зажим троса на одинаковую глубину): the threaded pins should all be screwed in to the same depth in the cable clamp
  ввести / вводить - (т.е. в компьютер / на клавиатуре ): смотри ниже;
  - (кого-л в столовую для руководителей): he ushers me into the executive dining room on the 38th floor of the company's world headquarters;
  - (кого-л, введите его, т.е. пленника через дверь ): "Get him inside!" And with that order, the two privates strong-armed AmE him through the doors.;
  - (управляющие стержни в активную зону, т.е. атомного реактора): control rods are a series of metal rods that can be quickly inserted into the core to absorb neutrons and rapidly terminate the nuclear reaction;
  - (что-л во что-л): смотри ниже
  ввести / вводить (т.е. в компьютер / на клавиатуре) - ( данные): there are detectives and civilian support staff, inputting data and cross-referencing the details of each crime;
  - (в. данные в системы бухгалтерского учёта и обработки данных): ability to input a variety of data to computerized record keeping / data processing systems;
  - (код): to enter a code;
  - (пароль): type the password and press ENTER;
  - (цифры): he keyed in the seven digits;
  - (в. данные на клавиатуре пользовательской панели банкомата): in operation of an ATM a user inserts a customer identifying card into the machine and then enters certain data (such as codes, quantity of currency required, type of transaction, etc.) upon one or more keyboards included in a user console of the machine
  ввести / вводить (т.е. вставить) - (врач вводит палец в прямую кишку): during a digital rectal exam, a doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and feels the prostate gland through the rectal wall to check for bumps or abnormal areas;
  - (вторичный катетер в первичный катетер): once the primary catheter was in place, the doctor inserted into it a second catheter with tiny jaws at its tip;
  - (катетер в мочевой пузырь через пенис): after the prostate gland is taken out, a catheter (a narrow rubber tube) is put through the penis into the bladder to carry urine out of the body until the area heals;
  - (катетер, т.е. в надрез яремной вены): the doctor made a small incision in his jugular vein and introduced a thin highly flexible catheter;
  - (простагландин в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the study was designed to investigate outcome in women who required vaginal prostaglandin E2 for cervical priming prior to labor induction;
  - (простагландин в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the obstetrician induced her with prostaglandin;
  - (цистоскоп и нож в катетере через пенис в мочевой пузырь): the examination and removal of the tumors will be by cystoscopic surgery, running a tiny scope and a knife in a tube through the penis into the bladder;
  - (через капельницу): Doctors removed a billion of his T-cells and gave them new genes that would program the cells to attack his cancer. Then the altered cells were dripped back into his veins.;
  - (т.е. шприцом, лекарство крысе): the lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug;
  - (т.е. шприцом, лекарство): this drug cannot be swallowed; it has to be injected;
  - (т.е. шприцом, раствор кому-л): to inject a strong solution of cyanide into her
  ввинтить / ввинчивать - (болт) I'm screwing in the bolt
  ввинчивание - (перед в-ем колёсных болтов их следует очистить): before screwing in the wheel bolts, clean them;
  - смотри ввинчиваться
  ввинчиваться - (буксировочная скоба ввинчивается в гнездо с резьбой): the towing eye is screwed into a threaded socket;
  - (Детали крепежа с сужающимся к концу стержнем ввинчиваются непосредственно в в подложку или в намеченные в подложке отверстия. В подложке при ввинчивании формируется резьба.): Fasteners with tapered shanks are designed to either be driven into a substrate directly or into a pilot hole in a substrate. Mating threads are formed in the substrate as these fasteners are driven in.;
  - (о винте): screws have a head, which is a specially formed section on one end of the screw that allows it to be turned, or driven;
  - (стопорные винты должны быть ввинчены в зажим троса на одинаковую глубину): the threaded pins should all be screwed in to the same depth in the cable clamp
  вворачивание - (перед в-ем колёсных болтов их следует очистить): before screwing in the wheel bolts, clean them;
  - (насильственное в. слишком длинного винта в глухое отверстие может повредить резьбу): forcing a screw that is too long into a blind hole will damage the threads;
  - смотри вворачиваться
  вворачиваться - (буксировочная скоба вворачивается в гнездо с резьбой): the towing eye is screwed into a threaded socket;
  - (Детали крепежа с сужающимся к концу стержнем вворачиваются непосредственно в подложку или в намеченные в подложке отверстия. В подложке при вворачивании формируется резьба.): Fasteners with tapered shanks are designed to either be driven into a substrate directly or into a pilot hole in a substrate. Mating threads are formed in the substrate as these fasteners are driven in.;
  - (о винте): screws have a head, which is a specially formed section on one end of the screw that allows it to be turned or driven
  вглядываться - (в будущее): to peer into the future;
  - (в мелкую надпись): "Look at the inscription on the ring." She peered at the tiny lettering, squinting.;
  - (в туман): he peered into that fog;
  - (в. перед собой, не мигая): he was staring unblinkingly ahead of him, trying to discern shapes through the gloom
  вгонять / вогнать - (копьё в грудь): he drove his lance through the chest of a man
  вгрызаться - (в початок кукурузы): He bought a half-dozen corn ears with cash from his pocket. Then he peeled back one of the husks, and bit into a raw ear
  вдавить / вдавливать - (в глину монетку): a dime was pressed into clay;
  - (в пластилин): he deposited the battery and its wires in the base of the square tea can and embedded the detonator deep into the plastic explosive;
  - (глубже в. предмет в грудь кого-л): the intruder pressed down again, grinding the white-hot object deeper into V.'s chest;
  - (педаль акселератора в пол): he jammed the accelerator pedal to the floor
  вдавиться / вдавливаться - (ручки выдвижных ящиков вдавливались в спину): he waited for another seizure to sweep his legs out from under him and leave him helpless on the floor his knees buckled, and he slid down the face of a cabinet, the drawer pulls gouging his back
  вдох - (боль в груди после глубокого в-а): pain in the chest upon breathing deeply;
  - (вдох, т.е. приказание): inhale!;
  - (делать в.): смотри ниже;
  - (на вдохе вытяните руку до уровня глаз): as you inhale stretch up one hand to the eye level;
  вдох (делать в.) - he started making strange noises: he was hissing and spitting without drawing breath;
  - he drew / took a deep breath;
  - the beaver can stay at the bottom about 15 minutes without taking a breath;
  - it was hard to draw a breath;
  - he took a final great gasp of clean air from the window;
  - (делая глубокие вдохи): taking deep breaths, he struck out for the light;
  - (делать неглубокие в-и): he took shallow inhalations;
  - (с трудом делать короткие в-и): he was breathing in short gasps;
  - (сделайте в. и задержите дыхание): take a breath and hold it;
  - (сделать глубокий в.): I drew in a deep breath
  вдохнуть - he drew a breath;
  - (было трудно в.): it was hard to draw a breath;
  - (вдохните!): inhale!;
  - (глубоко): he drew a deep breath;
  - (что-л случайно): She gasped at the sound. When she gasped, she pulled the lemon slice down her throat and choke to death very quickly;
  - (что-л случайно): you have breathed in something to which you are sensitive
  вдохнуть / вдыхать - (вдыхаемый кислород): inspired oxygen;
  - (воздух): I breathed in the humid, stale air;
  - (воздух, который мы вдыхаем): the air we inspire;
  - (вдохните - выдохните): inhale - exhale;
  - (вдыхаемый воздух): inhaled air contains oxygen and very little carbon dioxide;
  - (вдыхаемый через нос воздух): air that is breathed in through the nose passes through a series of airway tubes in the lungs;
  - (дым сигареты): he inhaled a draft of cigar smoke;
  - (запах): I breath in her scent, her stale perfume and sweat;
  - (запах незнакомых растений): he was smelling the unfamiliar plants;
  - (их аромат, т.е. мочек её ушей,): R. stares at her earlobes. He could nuzzle them for a few hundred years and never get bored.;
  - (клей): the glue they sniff ravages their nervous system;
  - (новую жизнь в отношения): to breathe a new life into the U.S. - Japan relationships;
  - (полные лёгкие воздуха): he was breathing in lungfuls of fresh, salty air;
  - (резко): inhale sharply;
  - (судорожно / шумно в. воздух): he lay for several minutes, whooping in great gulps of air
  вдыхание - (в. кристаллической пыли кремнезёма): silicosis is caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust;
  - (вещества, мелкая пыль которых при в-и может представлять опасность для здоровья): substances which, on inhalation as fine dust, may endanger health include asbestos and mixtures containing asbestos
  ведение - (ведЕние мяча, т.е. в баскетболе): Dribbling is bouncing the ball continuously with one hand at a time without ever holding the ball. Dribbling is required in order for a player to take steps while possessing the ball.;
  - (передача мяча, ведение его, обманный манёвр и забивание гола, т.е. в футболе): passing, dribbling, feigning and scoring goals
  везти / возить - (железная дорога возит 25% товарного транспорта): the railway system carries over 25% of the country's goods traffic;
  - (лошади возили телеги): in the 1800's, horses pulled carts;
  - (пациента на каталке): the physician beckoned to the orderlies and told them where to move the patient;
  - (пациента на каталке / на второй этаж): she could be wheeled to the elevator and taken to the second floor, where there was a sizable obstetrics staff;
  - (т.е. по городу в патрульном полицейском автомобиле): his primary motivation behind buying a car was that he refused to be driven around in his father's cruiser;
  - (пострадавшего пассажира отвезли в больницу): the injured passenger was taken to hospital;
  - (пушки на железнодорожных платформах): "What do they move on flatcars?" "Tracked vehicles and heavy guns.";
  - (тележки): salesmen were pushing carts full of extraordinary merchandise;
  - (хотите, я отвезу вас домой?): would you like me to take you home?
  - (избирателей на избирательные участки): to transport voters to the polls;
  - (т.е. на гребной лодке на корабли): innocent people were ripped from home and family and loaded into boats to be rowed out to the anchored slave ships;
  - (почту почтовой каретой): mail was carried by a stagecoach;
  - (поезда возят уголь): trains transport coal to the ports;
  - (самолёт возил первую леди по Балканам): a passenger jet ferried First Lady H.C. around the Balkans;
  - (т.е. самолётом, заключённого отвезли в Израиль): the prisoner was flown by a civilian jet to Israel;
  - (т.е. самолётом, тело президента отвезли в Калифорнию для захоронения): President's body is flown to California for burial;
  - (странствующие торговцы везли товар через горы и пустыни): the rugs were smuggled into Afghanistan by itinerant traders who hauled them over the mountains and across deserts;
  - (тележку, т.е. о старьёвщике): His grandfather was a ragman. He gave the first impetus to the family fortune by driving a tin-cart about the country.
  вертеть - (волосы на пальце, чтобы завить): she twisted her hair round her fingers to make it curl;
  - (волчок / юлу): to spin a top;
  - (головой туда-сюда): he turned his head this way and that, trying to see something;
  - (головой): he swiveled his head about, searching the sky;
  - (головой): he twisted his head round to try and see what was happening;
  - (задом): the waitress swung her bottom;
  - (кого-л, т.е. по комнате): He grabs her around the waist, spinning her around. He puts her down suddenly.;
  - (кого-л по танцплощадке): she is being spun across the dance floor and sending her dress twirling and knickers flashing;
  - (ручку, т.е. настройки локатора): she explained her work at the radar station thus: "Well, you twiddle infml this knob and that knob, and then this other knob, and...";
  - (ручку прибора туда-сюда): he twiddled the replay knob
  вертеться - (девушки вертелись под музыку): on foreshorted pillars, naked go-go girls rotated mindlessly to the rhythm of the rock music;
  - (колесо вертелось медленно): the big wheel turned slowly;
  - (колесо веретелось на оси): the wheel was spinning on its axle;
  - (т.е. о детях в церкви): first the boys were well behaved, but then they started to fidget;
  - (о проблесковом маячке на полицейской машине): there was a police car, its blue roof light twirling;
  - (т.е. о скучающем ребёнке): The girl, now aged six, was bored and squirming. As the interminably long service continued, she stuck her finger in her eye, pulled her ears, and swung her legs.;
  - (т.е. околачиваться, возле детской площадки): on frequent occasions she stopped a policeman to point out men who she thought were up to no good, as they hung around the playground;
  - (т.е. околачиваться, жильцы не видели, чтобы незнакомец вертелся возле дома): the tenants haven't seen a stranger loitering nearby;
  - (подброшенный человек вертелся в воздухе): he flailed through the air;
  - (человек вертелся на месте): looking breathless and disorientated, he spun on the spot, goggling upward at...;
  - (т.е. шевелиться в руках у гримёра / парикмахера): he had learned not to fidget too much, which made her job easier
  верховая езда - saddle horse is a lightweight horse kept for riding only;
  - His years at the Military Academy provided him with a better education than ninety-five percent of nineteenth century Americans. Although he preferred swordsmanship and horsemanship, he was proficient in mathematics, drawing, and French.;
  - (обучение в-ой е-е): Equitours offers horseback riding instruction from top instructors;
  - (одежда для в-ой е-ы): equestrian clothing;
  - (уроки в-ой е-ы): horse riding lessons
  верховой - (лошадь): the governing body of Showing for Hacks, Cobs and Riding Horses;
  - (лошадь / езда): saddle horse is a lightweight horse kept for riding only;
  - (лошадь): hack is a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport;
  - (лошадь): right before the gate a livery servant rode slowly up and down, leading a saddle horse
  верхом - (драться в.): he hated fighting on horseback, so he had practiced every day;
  - (на коне): I was astride the horse;
  - (на коне): a warrior on horseback is received by a woman holding a horn;
  - (на коне): he was graceful only when he was horsed;
  - (нас приветствовал человек в. на коне): a man astride a pawing horse greeted us;
  - (сесть в. на стул): he reversed the chair and sat astride;
  - (скакать в.): he could see tiny figures on horseback racing along the coastal roads
  вести / водить - (автомобиль): How to Drive a Car with Manual Transmission;
  - (т.е. в танце): He was revolving slowly on the spot. She was steering.;
  - (велосипед за руль): to walk a bike by the handlebars;
  - (водите кистью по длине холста): Apply the primer after the sizing is dry. Using a stiff brush, stroke parallel to the length of the canvas.;
  - (два лестничных пролёта вели с одной террасы на другую): two flights of steps led up from this terrace to the next;;
  - (кого-л куда-л): смотри ниже;
  - (по стене пальцами): he caressed the wall with his fingers;
  (посмотреть, куда ведёт корридор): she decided to see where the corridor led;
  - (самолёт): it was too much to expect a pilot both to fly the aircraft and guide the infrared laser
  - (чёлн, т.е. отталкиваясь багром от дна): Styx is the river across which Charon poled his ferry
  вести / водить (кого-л куда-л) - (быка на верёвке): the bull's owner was leading the normally placid animal on a rope at the event's opening procession;
  - (т.е. инспектора по помещениям): the inspector has come, I am showing him around;
  - (к алтарю, он повёл дочь к алтарю): he took his daughter down the aisle;
  - ( на крышу): he took me to the rooftop of the building to watch the sun rise over the beautiful Oxford skyline;
  - (на сходни): the waitress ushers him onto the gangplank;
  - (он вёл их под самой скалой): he lead the way close under the cliff;
  - (она повела его в гостиную): she led him into the living room;
  - (она повела нас в свой кабинет): she ushered us into her office and offered us a coffee;
  - (она уговорила его повести её на балет): she had prevailed on him to take her to the ballet;
  - (отец повёл его в гостиную): his father had taken him in the living room, and given him a beer;
  - (по ферме, т.е. показывать ферму): he shows us around the big farm;
  - (преступников вели как скотину на аукционе): they herded the criminals through like cattle at an auction;
  - (сына в зоопарк): his father took him to the zoo and pointed out all animals to him
  вешать - (бельё на верёвку): she was hanging the wash on a clothesline;
  - (брюки на подлокотник кресла): he stripped off his trousers and draped them over the arm of a chair;
  - (гирлянды остролиста и омёлы): thick streamers of holly and mistletoe were strung along the corridors;
  - (кого-л на столбе): Congress will hang me from the nearest lamppost;
  - (на крючок): he hung sword and scabbard from a hook in the wall;
  - (объявление о митинге): the workers put up a notice announcing a mass meeting;
  - (трубку, т.е. телефона): I rang off;
   - (трубку, т.е. телефона): hang up;
  - (трубку, т.е. телефона, если клиент использует бранные выражения): Please don't swear, sir. We have a permission to hang up on customers who use abusive language.;
  - (не вешайте трубку, т.е. телефона): please stay on the line and your call will be answered by
  вешаться - (бирка вешается на багаж, проверенный службой безопасности, т.е. аэропорта): that tag will be applied to security screened baggage only;
  - (он повесился в камере): he hung himself in his cell;
  - (я не стану в.): in any case, I won't hang myself
  веять - (в ночи веяло ароматом весны): the night breathed spring perfume;
  - (зерно): she stood there winnowing grain all day in the field;
  - (зерно): they still winnow their wheat as Abraham did - they pile it on the house-top, and then toss it by shovel-fuls into the air until the wind has blown all the chaff away;
  - (из прихожей повеяло тёплым воздухом): the door opened, and a gust of warm air flowed out of the hall
  - (от её губ веет весенними розами): as she talks, her lips breathe spring roses;
  - (т.е. отделять зерно от мякины): winnow: to separate grain from chaff
  вжаться / вжиматься - (в самый угол кушетки): I was wedged tightly into the corner of the couch, appalled at his bullying attitude;
  - (в стену): they flattened themselves against the wall
  взбаламутить - (ветер и волны от урагана взбаламутили осадки): wind and wave action from Hurricane Katrina in August 2005 stirred up sediments;
  - (взбаламученная вода из магистрального водопровода): if discolored water occurs, it is caused by iron (red water) and manganese (black water) becoming stirred up within the water main;
  - (воду): he was passing over vast expanses of black mud now, which swirled murkily as he disturbed the water;
  - (под взбаламученной поверхностью): below the roiling surface
  взбалтывание - (бетона): concrete agitation;
  - (т.е. вина в бокале путём кругового движения бокала): The large bowl of the balloon glass allows mature, full-bodied red wines to "breathe," enhancing the aromas. The large surface area of the bowl also allows for a swirl, circulating the aromas. Finally, the smaller circumference of the mouth of the bowl prevents evaporation of the alcohol.
  взбалтывать / взболтать - (баллончик перед употреблением): shake the canister well before use;
  - (бетон): On construction sites where large concrete slabs are poured they use a powerful corded immersion vibrator, but for our applications anything that agitates the wet concrete will work;
  - (бренди в рюмке, т.е. круговыми движениями): he gazed out at the brandy he twirled in his glass;
  - (жидкости и аэрозоли перед употреблением): shake liquids and aerosols before use;
  - (остатки чайной заварки в чашке, т.е. круговыми движениями): swill the dregs around the cup three times with the left hand, then turn the cup upside down on its saucer
  взбегать / взбежать - (по лестнице): I ran upstairs to my room;
  - (по лестнице): he sprinted upstairs and threw himself under the bed
  взбивать / взбить - (волосы): she powdered her face and fluffed out her hair;
  - (локоны): to fluff out her curls and put on fashionable dresses to fascinate her husband would have seemed as strange as to adorn herself to attract herself;
  - (перину): she fluffed the featherbed;
  - (подушки): I puffed up her pillows;
  - (подушки): the nurse plumped up his pillows for him;
  - (подушки): he turned down the bed-clothes and plumped the pillows;
  - (подушки): to fluff [up] pillows;
  - (сливки): to whip cream into whipped cream;
  - (яичные белки): beat / whisk the egg whites until stiff;
  - (яичные белки в пену): whisks are commonly used to whip egg whites into firm foam to make meringue;
  - (яйца в пену): breaking eggs into a bowl, she begins whisking them into a liquid froth
  взбираться / взобраться - (десантный отряд взобрался на утёсы): a daring landing party scaled the rocky cliffs;
  - (на берег): We loosed every arrow that we had, and filled the Dike with Orcs. But it will not halt them long. Already they are scaling the bank at many points, thick as marching ants.;
  - (на гимнастического коня): I clambered onto a vaulting horse;
  - (на забор): anyone trying to scale the fence will be intercepted within moments by guards;
  - (на мост): he would creep up the bridge;
  - (на скалу): I crawled out on a rock jutting over the canyon's edge to watch the sun go down;
  - (на спину коня): he hoisted himself onto the horse's back;
  - (на спину коня): he placed a foot on a stump nearby, and scrabbled clumsily onto the horse's back;
  - (на спину коня): he shoved his foot into the stirrup and hefted AmE himself onto the horse's back;
  - (на спину льва): the lion crouched down and the children climbed on to his back;
  - (на столб): he leaped onto a lamppost and shinnied AmE infml up like a monkey on a stick;
  - (на ступеньки): he climbed the last few steps and emerged onto a tiny landing
  - (в. на такую смертельно опасную высоту): men had shaken their heads at the thought of scaling such lethal height;
  - (на три лестничных пролёта): after climbing three sets of stairs, he enters a wide hallway;
  - (на уступ): he scrambled with some alacrity to a ledge;
  - (на холм): they began to climb the hill;
  - (наверх): Across the lawn, the tree house stood barely silhouetted in the night. It wasn't hard to scale the slats nailed into the tree.;
  - (перебирая руками, т.е. по верёвке): then each began to climb rapidly, hand over hand, unheeding of the submachine carbines strapped to their backs;
  - (по лестнице): they climbed stairs until T. was panting like a dog;
  - (по лестнице на крышу): he found his ladder and clambered up with a bucket of sand;
  - (по лестнице на палубу быстро): A speedboat carrying 5 men with AK-47's and rocket-propelled grenades raced toward the tanker. They fired at the ship as they approached, denting the hull. The men hitched an aluminium ladder to the railing and scampered up to the deck.;
  - (по лестнице успеха): to climb the ladder of success;
  - (по сточной трубе): a small miscalculation while shinnying up a drainpipe;
  - (по ступенькам): they climbed the tightly spiraling steps;
  - (по ступенькам): she carefully negotiated the steps;
  - (по тропинке): for an hour they a steep and winding path
  взбрыкивать - (о коне): the horse bucked and reared
  взбучка - (мы задали хорошую в-у их команде): we gave their team a real hammering;
  - (наша футбольная команда получила хорошую в-у от Бразилии): our football team took a real pounding from Brazil;
  - (т.е. физическое наказание): a good thrashing is what's needed in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred;
  - (т.е. физическое наказание ребёнка, получить в-у): if you don't stop that noise, you'll get a spanking
  взваливать / взвалить - (кого-л на плечо): he does a fireman's lift, hoisting her over his shoulder, ignoring the pain in his chest.;
  - (котомку на плечо): the stranger hoisted his pack onto his shoulder and loped off;
  - (на плечи мешок): he easily shouldered the sack;
  - (на плечи узлы ): some men shouldered packs and crossed the plains on foot;
  - (на спину рюкзак ): he hoisted his rucksack onto his back
  взвесить / взвешивать - (детей): he helped weigh malnourished children;
  - (партия окалины уже взвешена на платформенных весах): the stock of sculls, which are sold to X. has been over the weight bridge and are placed within our premises
  взвести курок / взводить курок - (взведённый курок): hammer cocked;
  - (говорят, что в положении обороны лучше не в.к. револьвера / прокурор может сказать: "У стрелявшего хватило времени и присутствия духа в.к."): People say not to cock a DA revolver in a defensive situation. It shows some level of bloodlust or premeditation, and can be used against you in court. The prosecutor can say, "The shooter had the time and presence of mind to cock his gun, and purposefully escalated the danger of the situation" or some such.;
  взвиваться / взвиться - (истребители взвились в небо): fully a hundred fighters scrambled into the air and set up their own combat air patrol over their East coast;
  - (на дыбы, перед препятствием конь взвился на дыбы): at the obstacle his horse reared;
  - (о кнуте): the overseer's whip snakes out and wraps around the offending slave's belly;
  - (птица взвилась в небо): the bird soared straight into the dark air;
  - (птица взвилась вверх): the bird was soaring upward;
  - (самолёт взвился в небо): the plane streaked towards sky;
  - (снаряды взвились вверх): the missiles streaked upward in a ballistic path to a height of over a 100 000 feet;
  - (сигнальный флаг взвился на мачте): the first of the signal flags, red saltire on a white ground, ran up the mast
  взвинтить / взвинчивать - (ставки подоходного налога): the government raised money by boosting income-tax rates
  взгляд - (бросить в.): смотри ниже;
  - (встретить чей-л в.): he met her angry little eyes and knew he would have to sit it out;
  - (выдержать в. кого-л): she glared at him, but he matched her stare for stare, refusing to blink or move;
  - (злой / хмурый): this forbidding scowl was the innocent result of her near-sightedness;
  - (их в-ы встретились): as he looked around, their eyes met;
  - (окинуть в-ом кого-л / что-л): смотри ниже;
  - (обменяться неловкими в-ами): he exchanged uneasy looks with R.;
  - (окинуть в-ом): she cast a glance over me, out of the corner of her eye, as if to show her disapproval at the shabby way I was dressed;
  - (в. остановился на чём-л): his eye paused on the birthday cards;
  - (отвести / оторвать в. от чего-л): he smirked and withdrew his gaze from the television;
  - (отвести / оторвать в. от чего-л): She looks away. I glance at her.;
  - (переводить в. с кого-л на кого-л): his eyes moved from Jack to Jill, to Bill and then back again;
  - (переводить в. с кого-л на кого-л): He looked nonplussed. He looked from B. to H. and back again, as though sure he must have misheard what B. had said.;
  - (повернуть в.): he stood still, turning his sightless eyes left and right;
  - (под бдительным в-ом кого-л): he wrote the letter under the watchful eye of M.;
  - (потупив в., робко потупив в.): she blushed, and smiled at this compliment, but still clung to her father, with shy downcast eyes;
  - (пристальный): she met his infernal gaze, unafraid;
  - (пристальный): the creature sensed his gaze;
  - (просмотреть заинтересованным в-ом): he ran an interested eye through the political news;
  - (пустой): the blank stares of a custom officer;
  - (с озабоченным в-ом): a pudgy man with worried eyes;
  - (скрестить в-ы с кем-л): I locked gazes with him;
  - (в. упал на что-л): his eyes rested on the empty chair;
  - (в. упал на что-л): his eye caught something;
  - (в-ы устремились на него): all eyes were now on him
  взгляд (бросить в. на кого-л / что-л) - (бросить испепеляющий в.): "This isn't some trading trip." He gave her a withering look;
  - (бросить испепеляющий в.): she shot him a fulminating look as she swept out of the room;
  - (бросить в. на часы): he took / cast a glance at his watch;
  - (брoсить презрительный в.): he shot her one contemptuous look;
  - (бросить суровый в.): she gave him a severe look
  взгляд (окинуть в-ом кого-л / что-л) - (вышибалы окидывали возможных клиентов оценивающим в-ом): The sound of blues was pouring out of several raucous bars. Bouncers sat on stools on the sidewalk, giving prospective customers the once-over.;
  - his eyes swept over me;
  - he gave her an insolent stare, which took in the patches on her clothes and the dilapidated suitcase;
  - she fixed him with a thunderous heavy look that meant to wilt the boy;
  - her eyes swept the cellar constantly;
  - his gaze took in his 3 crewmen with their hands behind their heads
  взглянуть - to give a glance / to take a look;
  - (бегло в. на раскинувшиеся палатки): he caught a brief glimpse of a sprawl of tents;
  - (бегло в. на ряды переключателей): his eyes flickered over the banks of switches;
  - (бегло в. на статью): I took a casual glance at the article;
  - (взгляни на этот текст, нет ли там грамматических ошибок): just cast a glance over this and see if you see any grammar mistakes;
  - (искоса в. на кого-л): she glanced sideways at him;
  - ( искоса в. на кого-л): she shot a nasty look sideways at him;
  - (в. на кого-л удивлённо): she gave a startled look at R.;
  - (в. на а кого-л украдкой): he shot a furtive glance at the others;
  - (на кого-л / что-л): he glanced at the raised hands, caught the drift of the wind and raised his own;
  - (на кого-л / что-л): to cast a glance at something;
  - (на план маршрута): the tourist glanced at his itinerary: two days in Kiev, trotting round St Sophia's Cathedral;
  - (на фигуру, т.е. чтобы подобрать портупею и кобуру): I want the Armourer to get a look at your build;
  - (на циферблат часов): he glanced down at the luminous dial of his watch. It said 6.30;
  - (на часы): I blinked at my watch;
  - (на часы): "..." H. moaned, checking her watch again;
  - (на часы): he glanced at his watch;
  - (на что -л): he found number seven easily enough and glanced at the list of tenants;
  - (строго в. на кого-л): she gave him a severe look;
  - (я только разок взгляну): I'll just take a fast peek
  взгромоздиться - (на спину коня): he shoved his foot into the stirrup, hefted himself onto the horse's back and yanked the reins so the animal turned toward the stable exit
  вздёргивать / вздёрнуть - (на дереве, т.е. разбойника): the brigand was caught with some share of spoils and strung up from the nearest tree;
  - (на рее): string him up from the yardarm;
  - (на телеграфном столбе): he was watching in horror as an enraged mob caught the man and strung him up from a telegraph pole;
  - (она вздёрнула подбородок): her chin came up, her expression one of frosty hauteur
  вздохнуть / вздыхать - (над своими грехами): let other men groan over their sins;
  - (недовольно): he heaved a grudging sigh;
  - (с большим облегчением): the plan works and they heave big sighs of relief;
  - (с облегчением): he exhaled in relief to see the conveyor belt move;
  - (с облегчением): when the Judge got to my case, my ticketing officer did not respond, so I breathed a sigh of relief;
  - (с облегчением): those who feared that... can breathe a sigh of relief;
  - (тяжело): he heaved a sigh and the animation left his face
  вздрагивать / вздрогнуть - (нервно): he shuddered wrackingly;
  - (вздрогнув, прийти в себя): he came to himself with a sudden start;
   (когда блеск стали попадает в боковое поле зрения): when the glint of steel enters his peripheral vision he does not flinch;
  - (о вЕках): her eyelids fluttered;
  - (о ребёнке): the baby had not flinched when struck with Holy Water;
  - (т.е. от грохота): outside, ground crew shuddered even in their earmuffs as the boom echoed through the hangars;
  - (от жара): to wince at the heat;
  - (от неожиданности): when she heard his voice she twitched;
  - (вздрогнув, т.е. от неожиданности): startled, she spun, dropping the key on the floor with a loud clang;
  - (вздрогнув, проснуться): he awoke with a start;
  - (от душераздирающего крика): the gut-wrenching cry of his mother made me shudder;
  - (от настойчивого стука в дверь она вздрогнула и уронила книгу): a peremptory knock on the door startled her into dropping the book;
  - (т.е. от отвращения): I revolt you. I feel you shudder when you touch me.;
  - (от прикосновения к ране): he winced at the pressure on his wound;
  - (от страха / от холода): she shivered slightly, whether from the chill of the lakeside or from fear of her own masters;
  - (при виде кого-л): she flinched at the sight of him
  вздремнуть - on the way he dozed, his head nodding forward;
  - Um? What? Sorry, I was nodding off;
  - towards dawn I began to drowse;
  - he was slumbering on his pack-frame;
  - he was snoozing, his head lolling back in the armchair;
  - (пару часов): he took a two-hour nap`;
  - I had to go kip BrE under a tree and wait for morning;
  - (чтобы немного в.): he emerged from the conference room he'd used for nap
  вздувать / вздуть - (снег фонтанчиками): the dog moved slowly now, her nose constantly at the snow, puffing it up every now and then in cold little bursts
  вздуваться / вздуться - (живот может в. от различных опасных заболеваний): Numerous dangerous medical conditions can cause the abdomen to become tense. There may be internal bleeding; appendicitis; buildup of gas in the digestive tract; damage or swelling to the liver, spleen, or intestines; or tumors present in the abdomen.;
  - (о венах, т.е. перед отбором крови): an elastic band is placed around the upper arm to apply pressure and cause the vein to swell with blood;
  - (о металле, т.е. который проплавили, и он прорвался): the soft, liquid metal at that spot puffed out, sticking out raggedly around a pea-sized hole;
  - (о реке): a river swells and overflows its banks;
  - (об ушибленном месте): a bruised part swells;
  - (промокшая одежда вздулась в воде): his waterlogged clothes billowed around him and weighed him down;
  - (штукатурка вздулась пузырями): the plaster was peeling in large blisters
  вздыматься - (волны вздымались над бортом): forty-foot waves reared above the ship's port side;
  - (о волнах): below the sea heaved in a gigantic swell;
  - (о волнах): the waves surged around me / higher and higher;
  - (о груди): she was pale, angry and her breast heaved;
  - (о море): the waves of the sea surged around me;
  - (о поверхности воды): from time to time the turbid surface heaved;
  - (океан вздымался волнами): in tempest, the ocean swells into waves;
  - (по левую сторону от нас вздымались горы Гиндукуша): we saw to our left the soaring mountains of the Hindu Kush
  вздымающийся - (волны): he saw something out there on the blue-green rolling swell between the ship and the cost, 20 miles to the south;
  - (вздымающийся океан): Watch a surfer rise several feet up on the sea. If the ocean swell under him were invisible, this rise upward would be a great mystery.
  взламывание / взлом - (замкА): lock picking is the skill of unlocking a lock by analyzing and manipulating the components of the lock device, without the original key;
  - (замкА): The pin tumbler is commonly used in cylinder locks. In this type of lock, an outer casing has a cylindrical hole in which the plug is housed. To open the lock, the plug must rotate. The plug has a straight-shaped slot known as the keyway at one end to allow the key to enter the plug; the other end may have a cam or lever which activates a mechanism to retract a locking bolt. The keyway often has protruding ledges which serve to prevent the key pins from falling into the plug, and to make the lock more resistant to picking. A series of holes, typically five or six of them, are drilled vertically into the plug. These holes contain key pins of various lengths, which are rounded to permit the key to slide over them easily.;
  - (т.е. помещения): смотри ниже;
  - (сейфа): Safe Cracking Methods. Opening a Safe Without a Combination.
  взламывать / взломать - (багажник): he pried open the trunk of her car;
  - (дверь): смотри ниже;
  - (дом с целью ограбления): to burglarize homes for food and money;
  - (замОк): смотри ниже;
  - (код / шифр образно): to crack any book or machine cipher in the world;
  - (окно "фомкой"): to force a window open with a jemmy;
  - (сейф): the thief broke the safe open and stole the diamond;
  - (сейф): to crack infml a safe;
  - (ящик ломом): crow-bar is an iron bar used to raise heavy objects off the ground, to force open a box, etc.
  взламывать / взломать (дверь) - it took 10 man to break the door down;
  - nobody forced the door;
  - (отряд спецназа взламывает дверь и берёт его под стражу): a SWAT team busts down his door and takes him into custody;
  - by the time his two escorts had smashed in the lavatory door, he was gone into the snow;
  - a barn door was pried open;
  - (тараном): Police no longer knock at the door and politely ask suspects to accompany them to the station. Instead they dress up in body armour and break the door down with battering rams.
  взламывать / взломать (замОк) - (фомкой): he jemmies the roller door lock;
  - to force a lock open with a jemmy;
  - (фомкой): regular locks can be picked, jimmied or hammered to gain entrance but quality locks often deter burglars;
  - (фомкой): if any one tried to jemmy slang the lock open the lock would scream;
  - (фомкой): The lock's still intact. It wasn't jimmied.;
  - ?(в.з. шпилькой для волос): How To Pick a Lock Using Nothing But Hairpins
  взлом (т.е. помещения) - (не было следов в-а): police said there were no signs of forced entry into his room and none of his possessions had been taken;
  - (попытка в-а): San Quentin, where he turned 21, serving 3 years for an attempted burglary;
  - (попытка в-а): it was a third-rate burglary attempt;
  - the break-in at the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate Apartment complex
  - (вертикальные задвижки препятствуют взлому двери): A variant of the standard deadbolt is the vertical deadbolt, which generally rests on top of a door. Vertical deadbolts resist jimmying (in which an intruder inserts a pry bar between the door and the frame and tries to pry the bolt out of the jamb).;
  - (не было следов взлома): police said there were no signs of forced entry into his room and none of his possessions had been taken
  взлетать / взлететь - (гимнастка взлетала над перекладиной): she soared around and above the eight foot high bar;
  - (космонавт взлетел на борту космического аппарата): on May 24, 1962, Carpenter lifted off onboard the spacecraft he dubbed Aurora 7 sitting atop the Mercury-Atlas 7 rocket;
  - (на воздух, т.е. взорваться): the house was blown sky-high;
  - (о вспугнутых птицах): their laughter echoed through the ravine, causing birds to take wing;
  - (о гусях): geese flapping wings, taking off;
  - (о птице): the dogs were ahead of us and the bird shot up;
  - (птица взлетела в небо): the bird soared straight into the dark air;
  - (птица взлетела по кругу): the bird soared in a great circle;
  - (самолёт взлетел с аэропорта): a twin-jet Tupolev-134 took off from Lvov Airport bound for Minsk;
  - (самолёт взлетел с авиабазы): a Grumman Gulfstream in the livery of a well-known commercial corporation lifted off from Andrews air force base;
  - (самолёт взлетит через 15 минут): the airplane will be taking off in 15 minutes;
  - (стрелы взлетели в небо): a cloud of arrows shot into air
  взлёт - (летательный аппарат с вертикальным в-ом и посадкой): vertical takeoff and landing aircraft;
  - (вертолёт разбился при в-е): the helicopter cracked on takeoff;
  - (взлёты и падения образно): ups and downs;
  - (к славе): the meteoric rise to fame of the Beatles;
  - (т.е. с угловой палубы авианосца): the angled flight deck allows for simultaneous launch and recovery operations without risk of aircraft colliding on deck;
  - (самолёт с вертикальным в-ом / вертикальные в-ы и посадки): jump jet is jet aircraft capable of vertical takeoffs and landings
  взмах - (волшебной палочки): one casual wave of his wand and the long tables flew to the edges of the hall;
  - (делать в. крыльями): the bird gave one sweep of its mighty wings;
  - (крыльев): смотри ниже;
  - (меча): The sword was too long for him. A particularly wild swing made him overbalance, and he landed facedown in the grass;
  - (раздавались в-и дубины): bang-bang-bang - went his huge club;
  - (руки, он отмёл возражения в-ом руки): they made noises of protest, but he overrode them with a wave of his hand;
  - (руки, в-ом руки она пригласила их пройти через дверь): "My lords, if you please." Her sweeping hand urged them through the door.;
  - (топора): the axman knew how many strokes would fell the tree;
  - (т.е. топора): they circled, swinging battle axes that sent human limbs flying with each chop;
  - (хвоста): a flick of the dragon's tail
  взмах (крыльев) - this assumption cannot explain the phenomenon of vortex merger, which occurs during the stroke of wings;
  - he discovered that bumblebee wings create temporary powerful forces that appear at the beginning and end of each stroke):;
  - a few flaps): of its long wings and the bird was gone;
  - a single flutter of the dragon's wings stirred enough wind to topple the head huntsman backward out of his saddle;
  - (взмахи): a bird can be radar-detected by the flapping): of her wings
  взмахивать / взмахнуть - (битой, т.е. когда избивал кого-л): he must have worked up an appetite, swinging that bat;
  - (волшебной палочкой): the conjurer waved his magic wand;
  - (клинком): sweeping the blade in a circle, he cleared a path through them;
  - (крыльями ): a small bird flapped its wings furiously and flew upwards;
  - (лесоруб взмахивает топором): the axman is swinging his blade;
  - (ногой): he saw her foot swing out of nowhere;
  - (руками): смотри ниже;
  - (рукой): смотри ниже;
  - (топором): how to swing an axe to split wood;
  - (топором): the murderer must have crept up behind him, swung the chopper, and...
  взмахивать / взмахнуть (руками) - he fluttered his hands;
  - Her dance moves were flamboyant, to say the least. She threw her arms in the air and accidentally knocked the bottle of beer I was holding straight into my mouth, knocking half my front tooth out.;
  - (вверх): the figure arched as if kicked in the spine, threw up its arms, pitched forward, rolled once and came to rest half-obscured beneath the inspection catwalk;
  - (): "She will have air!" he decreed, sweeping his arms out before him
  взмахивать / взмахнуть (рукой) - she waved her hand as she left;
  - (в. рукой вверх): in the fluid motion, he leaped up, swinging his arm skyward, launching the thing straight up towards the dome above;
  - (в. рукой и поймать что-л): one hand flicked out negligently and caught the thick shaft;
  - the mage flung up a hand and swirl of light halted the man's headlong tumble, righting him just before the final drop
  взметнуться - (о пламени): as fresh air rushed in through the broken masonry, the fire surged upward;
  - (пламя взметнулось в небо): flames shot up into the air;
  - (пламя взметнулось на 500 футов): the flames shot 500 feet in the sky
  взмывать / взмыть - (истребители взмыли в небо): fully a hundred fighters scrambled into the air and set up their own combat air patrol over their East coast;
  - (птица взмыла в небо): the bird soared straight into the dark air;
  - (птица взмыла вверх): the bird was soaring upward;
  - (ракеты взмыли вверх): the missiles streaked upward in a ballistic path to a height of over a 100 000 feet
  взнуздать - (кони оседланы и взнузданы): the horses are saddled and bridled
  взойти / всходить - (о солнце): смотри ниже;
  - (на гору): to climb a mountain;
  - (о пшенице): the wheat crop in a small portion of the Soviet Union is coming up defective;
  - (о тесте): a lean, moist dough in a warm kitchen will probably rise in 45 minutes;
  - (на борт): just after dawn the pilot boarded;
  - (на трон): mad king A. ascended the throne;
  - (о растении): the seedlings come up, if at all, stunted, sparse and mottled brown;
  - (семена взошли после пожара): the seeds germinated immediately after the fire
  взойти / всходить (о солнце) - (когда взошло солнце): when the sun came up;
  - (наблюдать, как восходит солнце): he took me to the rooftop of the building to watch the sun rise over the beautiful Oxford skyline;
  - (солнце взошло): the sun is up / the sun was up;
  - (солнце взошло над холмами): the sun rose over the eastern hills
  взорвать / взрывать - (бомбу): he failed to detonate the bomb;
  - (бомбы взорвали бетон): the first set of bombs fell true, rupturing the hundreds of tons of concrete around it like so much porcelain;
  - (заграждения динамитом): Colonel B. was hardly needed. There were no ditches to for his sappers to fill in, nor obstructions to be blown away with dynamite, nor concrete bollards to be bulldozed;
  - (заряды взрывчатки): The charges are laid and primed. I pray to God we never set them off.;
  - (мину): The object of the game is to clear a minefield without detonating a mine;
  - (мины): he destroys the stockpile by setting off mines planted around it;
  - (мост / самолёт): to blow up a bridge / a plane;
  - (орудийные установки): war ships swept through the screen of protecting islands to blast Japanese installations;
  - (террорист взорвал себя): the bomber blew himself up as the commando stormed his hideout
  взорваться / взрываться - (боеголовка взрывается до того, как долетит до ракеты): the SAM's warhead has to go off well before it gets to where the RV is;
  - (граната взрывается через небольшое время после броска): a hand grenade is an anti-personnel weapon that explodes a short time after release;
  - (комната взорвалась смехом): he told a joke and the room erupted in laughter;
  - (не взорваться, о бомбе): the bomb failed to explode;
  - (не взорваться, о бомбе): Counter-terrorist authorities are speculating on why the suspect failed to detonate this device. Some believe the device may have misfired or he could have had second thoughts about committing suicide.;
  - (о бомбе): the bomb had gone off in the park;
  - (о бомбе): bombs with fuses set to go off a hundredth of a second after impact;
  - (о бомбе): the bomb blew up;
  - (о мине): a powerful landmine exploded in a busy market;
  - (самолёт взорвался в воздухе): the plane blew up in midair;
  - (самолёт взорвался в воздухе): the aircraft exploded in mid-air
  взрыв - (атомный, город был уничтожен одним атомным в-ом): the city disintegrated in a single atomic blast;
  - (бомба, издающая зловоние при в-е): a small bomb, often in the form of a capsule, that emits a foul odor on detonation;
  - (бомбы): a burst of a bomb;
  - (бомбы в автомобиле): a car bomb blast;
  - (бомбы в гостинице): the court has ordered the release of the suspects charged with the hotel bombing;
  - (бомбы на улице): sidewalk bombing;
  - (в солнечной атмосфере): explosions and eruptions in the sun's atmosphere;
  - (дирижабля): the explosion of the airship;
  - (его посадили пожизненно за в. бомбы в посольстве): he was jailed for life for the bombing of American Embassy;
  - (из-за в-а бензобака): the car was blown to pieces, apparently by an exploding gas tank;
  - (мины): a landmine exploded in the market, a vehicle was damaged in the blast;
  - (на заводе): the blast at the chemical fertilizer factory killed many people;
  - (от в-а лопались барабанные перепонки): the bang blew the eardrums out;
  - (при в-е в посольстве погибли 8 человек): the blast at Jordanian embassy is reported to have killed at least 8 people;
  - (смеха): he could hear their shrill gales of mocking laughter;
  - (смеха): an eruption of jeering laughter;
  - (т.е. шум в-а): a long bang echoed from the edge of the wood;
  - (ядерный): after a nuclear explosion
  взрывной - (волна): blast wave / shockwave;
  - (работы, бурение и в-ые работы в горном деле): drilling and blasting operations in mining;
  - (работы, на в. работы для канала ушло 61 млн тонн динамита): 61 million pounds of dynamite were used to blast open the canal
  взрывобезопасный / взрывозащищённый - (район боевых действий, район технического обслуживания, ремонтные мастерские и казармы): our experience at military facilities includes design and construction of fully blast resistant operations areas, maintenance areas, repair shops, and barracks
  взрывоопасный - (очень в-ые газы): they are volatile gases, highly explosive
  взъерошивать / взъерошить - (волосы): she ran the towel over her head bristling her short hair;
  - (ветер взъерошил волосы): his hair was ruffled by the bitter breeze;
  - (волосы): to ruffle / rumple somebody's hair;
  - (перья): the owl ruffled its feathers importantly
  взъерошиться - (волосы взъерошились во сне): her fine hair is tousled by sleep
  взять - (в. его!, т.е. арестовать): get him!;
  - (возьми шарик): help yourself to a balloon;
  - (в. всё, до чего мог дотянуться, т.е. еду со стола в тарелку): he helped himself to everything he could reach;
  - (документы и отнести их): he picked up the application forms and approval slips waiting for collection and took the sheaf to Major J.
  - (ежа уголком мантии): pick the hedge-pig up in a corner of your mantle so as not to prick your hands;
  - (за талию кого-л): he took hold of her waist and lifted her down to the ground (off a horse);
  - (из свёртка газетную вырезку): he picked up the clipping, smoothed it out and read;
  - (из ящика письменного стола пистолет): he took an old Luger from the bottom drawer;
  - (кого-л за волосы): he cut the thongs round Pippin's legs and ankles, picked him up by his hair and stood him on his feet;
  - (крепко в. метлу за хвост): grasp your broom firmly by the tail;
  - (кувалду): he spat on his hands and picked up a heavy maul;
  - (кусочек картошки, т.е. из тарелки): she picked up a French fry, dabbed it in ketchup, and nibbled slowly;
  - (мазок, у них взяли мазок из носа): they were given a nasal swab test;
  - (монету из корзины): everybody moved forward to collect a coin from the basket;
  - (музыканты взяли инструменты, т.е. в начале концерта): the musicians picked up their instruments;
  - (нагнуться, чтобы в. ветку): he bent to retrieve a blackened rotten branch;
  - (ноги в руки разг, т.е. быстро побежать) - when the shooting started we hauled ass slang vulgar out of there;
  - (ноги в руки) she planned to lift the money at the last second and haul ass;
  - (палку): he picked up his walking stick;
  - (перо, т.е. писчее): he returned to his table and took up his pen;
  - (под руки): each of them seized her under an arm and heaved her back into the cabin;
  - (рифы, т.е. уменьшить площадь паруса, свертывая его снизу и подвязывая свернутую часть риф-штертами у косых и шлюпочных парусов или подбирая парус кверху и прихватывая его риф-сезнями к лееру на рее у прямых парусов): he learned to splice ropes and reef the sails;
  - (рука взяла карты): the sunburned hand reached out into the green pool of the centre table and gathered up the four cards;
  - (рюмку / стакан): he picked up the glass and drained it in one gulp;
  - (себе кусочек тоста, т.е. угоститься): he helped himself to a piece of toast;
  - (след): One of the community scouts saw two people hunting a lame buffalo in the reserve. The rangers immediately called in the tracker dogs, and the dogs picked up the track and followed it for about 12-15 km.;
  - (трубку телефона): he slammed down the phone, then raised it and dialled a number in N.;
  - (флягу): he picked up the flask of juice and drained it
  взяться - (за перо, т.е. писчее): he returned to his table and took up his pen;
  - (за перо образно): the colonists picked up their pens and began to write;
  - (за руки): to join hands;
  - (крепко в. за ручку): he took a firm grip on the handle;
  - (крепче в. за палку): he took a firmer grip upon his walking stick
  вибрация - (косилки): Once, when I was mowing the lawn, I looked down to see a rattle snake sliding along with the lawn mower, apparently captivated by the vibrations. I didn't like the vibes infml, so I ran like crazy and escaped unscathed;
  - (т.е. космической капсулы, по начавшейся в-и космонавт понял, что капсула начинает входить в плотные слои атмосферы / в. стала усиливаться): The astronaut felt the first oscillations that told him the capsule was encountering the heavy atmosphere. Despite worries it was a beautiful reentry. The oscillations were beginning to build up and he could feel them swinging the capsule from side to side.;
  - (полимер, который смягчает толчки и в-ю): a polymer that absorbs shock and vibration;
  - (самолёта): the troops were lulled into stuporous lassitude by the unchanging vibration of the aircraft
  вибрировать - (на высоких оборотах): at high revs, everything starts to tingle and vibrate
  вибрирующий - (голос): his voice was at once booming and shaking;
  - (вибрирующий звук): he heard the final, quavering note from the bagpipe with relief
  виброустойчивость - these electrolytic capacitors offer excellent vibration resistance
  виброустойчивый - (крепёжная деталь): the company developed a vibration-resistant fastener under funding from NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  вилять - (корабль кренился и вилял, как мечущийся конь): the ship heeled and jinked like a bolting horse;
  - (о велосипеде): the bike wobbled;
  - (о хвосте): the dog's tail was wagging happily;
  - (об автомобиле, т.е. когда его заносит): the car fishtailed around, skidding to a stop;
  - (собака виляет хвостом): the happy dog wagged his tail;
  - (хвостом): waggle is to move something with short, quick motions
  вираж (делать в.) - (автопилот был запрограммирован сделать в., набрать высоту и перейти в полёт на эшелоне): the aircraft was on autopilot, programmed to turn, climb and level out at 39 thousand feet;
  - (реактивный самолётик делал в. над городом): a small jet banked high over the fishing town of A.;
  - (самолёт сделал в. в сторону моря): the airplane banked away to the see
  висеть - (бусы висели на шее): innumerable beads hung around her neck;
  - (в чёрном небе висел дождь): the sky was black with waiting rain;
  - (висящие за спиной на ремне карабины): then each began to climb rapidly, hand over hand, unheeding of the submachine carbines strapped to their backs;
  - (дверь висела на петлях): the door was hinged on the left side by silent steel hinges;
  - (дверь висит на петлях): the lock has been smashed open and the door sags on rusting hinges;
  - (в воздухе висело облако дыма): a cloud of smoke was suspended in the air;
  - (звонок висел в изголовьи больного): The call-bell (at the hospital) was draped over the head of his bed;
  - (колчан и лук висели через плечо): a quiverful of arrows and a long bow were slung over his shoulders;
  - (лампа висела на крюке): an oil lamp hung from a hook on the low ceiling;
  - (мгла висела над берегом): the haze hang over the shore;
  - (на верёвке для просушки висели мокрые комбинезоны): wet overalls were hanging from the clothesline;
  - (на верёвке, о человеке): as the launch moved on, both men were swept off the cabin roof to hang by the ropes;
  - (на волоске / ниточке образно): he is holding on by a thread in the face of a fifty-per cent hostile Politburo;
  - (на волоске): his Presidency and my marriage hung in the balance;
  - (на тонком волоске образно): peace there was, but it hung by a fragile thread;
  - (в. на хвосте образно, т.е. ехать слишком близко): he failed to notice the car that tailed him;
  - (в. на хвосте образно разг): most driving instructors will tell you not to tailgate other vehicles for several reasons. Following too closely is a factor in about 40% of collisions;
  - (низка бус висела на зеркале водителя): a string of worry beads hung from the driver's mirror;
  - (о верёвке): at the fortress gate there hung a bell cord, at which N. tugged vigorously;
  - (одежда висела в гардеробе): he takes me into the cloakroom, where no coats are hung;
  - (пальто висели на крючке): coats were hanging on pegs;
  - (паутина висела на люстрах): the tarnished chandeliers were hung with cobwebs;
  - (т.е. повешенный, висевший на столбе): she was trying not to look at the gruesome shape hanging from the post by the mile-marker;
  - (радуга висела над местностью): there was a rainbow poised across U.;
  - (распятие, висевшее у него на шее): he twirled a crucifix around his neck;
  - (солнце, висевшее над головой): the sun poised high overhead;
  - (туман висел над берегом): the haze hung over the shore;
  - (стетоскоп, висящий на шее): a stethoscope draped around her neck;
  - (у неё на поясе висит дубинка): a nightstick swings from her belt;
  - (фотография висела у него в спальне): the photo of me with the President made my Father very happy; he had it hanging in his bedroom;
  - (человек, закинувший кошку с катера на палубу судна, висел на верёвке): as the launch moved on, both men were swept off the cabin roof to hang by the ropes;
  - (электрическая лампочка висела на шнуре): the electric bulb hung by a long cord
  витать - (в воздухе витал соблазнительный аромат пряностей): the air was luscious with tantalizing spices;
  - (в переговорах витает атмосфера двуличия и обмана): an air of double-dealing and deceit hangs over the negotiations;
  - (дух витал около кого-л): she wondered if her spirit wasn't hovering nearby her older sister;
  - (облачка пара витали вокруг него): hot and foamy water with clouds of different-colored steam wafting all around him;
  - (казалось, около меня витает чьё-то присутствие образно): a presence of some kind seemed to hover near me
  вить - (гнездо, птицы вьют гнёзда из веток и перьев): birds weave their nests out of sticks and feathers;
  - (гнездо, птицы вьют гнёзда на деревьях): most birds nest in trees;
  - (гнездо, самки чаек вили гнёзда с самками): in 1977 female gulls in California were nesting with females
  виться - (волосы вились, как проволока): the paws were covered with dense brown hair that curled and coiled like wire;
  - (дорога вилась вдоль реки): the road snaked along the river;
  - (дороги и реки вились по пейзажу): on and on they flew, over roads and rivers winding through the landscape like strips of matt and glossy ribbons;
  - (дым вился в небо): smoke was curling up into the frosty sky from the red-tiled roof;
  - (дым из труб): smoke spiralled from a couple of chimneys;
  - (дым вился через дверь землянки): the smoke swirled through the trap;
  - (о растениях): the gardener could be seen pottering around the flower-beds in fine weather, even though the weeds were starting to creep up on him, try as he might to suppress them;
  - (о тропинке): the path wound (to wind) through a pine wood;
  - (осы вились вокруг кого-л тучей): the wasps swarmed around him like a cloud;
  - (струйки дыма вились из труб): thin wisps of smoke curl from chimneys, drifting west across the river;
  - (туман вился вокруг него): a thick white fog was swirling around him;
  - (о туннеле): the tunnel wound on and on
  вихлять - (бёдрами): a generously endowed young woman gyrating her hips in the centre of the floor;
  - (животом): her belly wobbled;
  - (задом): the waitress swung her bottom
  вихревой - (токи): eddy currents are electric currents induced in conductors when a conductor is exposed to a changing magnetic field
  вихрь - (богатства и славы): the swirl of wealth and celebrity surrounding the case spawned numerous television specials;
  - (в пространственно-временном континууме): eddies in the space-time continuum;
  - (водяного смерча): color slides and zoom movies of both waterspout vortices plural (vortex singular) on the sea surface and aloft were obtained;
  - (вихрем кружиться): he saw the other image swirl beneath the surface beauty;
  - (вихрем кружиться вокруг кого-л): a thick white fog was swirling around him;
  - (вихрем кружиться, снег вихрем кружился в темноте): snow eddied in the darkness like the passage of a white horse;
  - (вихри мира политики): the whirling world of politics;
  - (подозрений образно): in a tornado of suspicion about to overwhelm us, my appeal to idealism would sound vacuous if not cynical;
  - (приёмов на работу и увольнений образно): they were keen to hear the latest in the furious round of hiring and firing by their new chief executive
  вкладывать / вложить - (в письма были часто вложены фотографии): often the letters enclosed a photo;
  - (в. документ в уничтожитель): he memorized the message and passed it straight into a shredder;
  - (лист бумаги в досье): the new intern eased the last sheet out of the file and inserted in its place one of his own;
  - (лист бумаги в папку): a looseleaf folder with stiff covers, and a series of clips down the spine so that the leaves of the books could be extracted or further leaves inserted, if necessary;
  - (меч в ножны): he put his sword back in its scabbard;
  - (меч в ножны): male nude sheathing a sword;
  - (рукоятку кинжала в руку): The killer brushed the bloody dagger across her skirt and reached for her hand. Then he wrapped her fingers around the hilt.;
  - (сигарету в рот): he put a cigarette in his mouth
  вкопанный (как в.) - horrified, transfixed, he stared at the snake;
  - (стоять, как в.): he stood transfixed before the picture by Rembrandt;
  - (стоять, как в.): S. wanted to run, but she stood transfixed
  вкрутить / вкручивать - (электрическую лампочку): How to Screw in a Lightbulb
  вкручиваться - (буксировочная скоба вкручивается в гнездо с резьбой): the towing eye is screwed into a threaded socket
  вкусить / вкушать - (Ева вкусила от яблока): the orb from which Eve partook, incurring the Holy wrath of God
  вламываться / вломиться - (в дом, т.е. из баловства): once the children broke into the house for a dare;
  - (в дом, т.е. зайти без разрешения): in Afghanistan a home is a fort, and if we try to barge in they'll shoot us;
  - (в дом, т.е. с целью ограбления): to break into a house and commit burglary;
  - (в дом соседа): the boy was caught breaking into a neighbor's home;
  - (в квартиру): the lawyer hired the thugs who barged into her apartment at such an hour;
  - (т.е. в квартиру): some cretin breaks in there...;
  - (в окно): to smash in the window;
  - (через дверь в туалет): by the time his two escorts had smashed in the lavatory door, he was gone into the snow;
  влезать / влезть - (т.е. забраться): смотри ниже;
  - (т.е. помещаться): смотри ниже
  влезать / влезть (т.е. забраться) - (в. в автобус впереди всех): he barged onto a bus before everyone else;
  - (на стремянку): For forty years now he had hung expensive paper in the finest homes. He cut precisely, like a surgeon, then applied glue like an artist. He ascended the stepladder and instructed her to hand her a roll of paper.;
  - (на стремянку): ignoring his fear of heights, he bravely scaled the stepladder;
  - (человек влез в отверстие, т.е. снизу вверх): he hoisted himself into the hole headfirst, and pushed himself forward;
  - (человек влез на забор): anyone trying to scale the fence will be intercepted within moments by guards who materialize out of the trees;
  - (человек влез на мост): he would creep up the bridge
  влезать / влезть (т.е. помещаться) - (беременная стала слишком толстой, чтобы в. в спортивный автомобиль): his wife grew too pregnant to fit into the car;
  - (в джинсы): he scrambled into his jeans;
  - (продукты были расставлены рядами на полках, там, где они могли в.): products were stashed in rows on shelves where they could fit;
  - (сумки влезают в багажник): all my bags fit easily into the trunk of the cruiser;
  - (чемодан влезает под кровать): the suit case fits beautifully under the bed;
  - (ящик хорошо влезал под кровать): I pushed the box under the bed, saying what a nice fit it was
  влететь / влетать - (т.е. прибежать, он с шумом влетел на поляну, срывая с себя клубки прицепившейся к нему растительности): he came crashing back into the glade, ripping clinging snarls of vegetation off himself with loud exasperation
  вливание - (внутривенное в. иммуноглобулина): infusions of intravenous immune globulin;
  - (донорских лейкоцитов мед ): donor lymphocyte infusions to displace residual host hematopoietic cells after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation;
  - (капельное внутривенное в. глюкозы / физраствора): concentrated glucose drip for nourishment, saline drip to offset the shock;
  - (внутривенное): chemotherapy given by intravenous injection;
  - (темп в-я): the infusion rate of the prescribed therapy
  вливать / влить - stir well and pour the remaining milk;
  - is it really possible to pour poison into the ear of a sleeping person without waking them up?;
  - neither do people put new wine into old wineskins, or else the skins would burst, and the wine be spilled, and the skins ruined;
  - (никто не вливает молодого вина в мехи ветхие): no man putteth old use new wine into old wineskins
  вливаться - (дорога шла вверх, вливаясь в скоростную автодорогу): the cloverleaf where the road climbed to join the motorway;
  - (река Миннесота вливается в Миссиссиппи у Твин Ситиз): the Mississippi is joined by the Minnesota River in the Twin Cities;
  - (океан вливается в шлюз): the sluices were opened and with a thundering roar the western Pacific began to flow in
  вливаться / влиться - (в толпу): he joined the throng, wending his way between the Ministry workers
  вмуровать / вмуровывать - (кирпичи в стальной лист): the four-square-foot area of brickwork was set in a steel tray that formed a door
  водить - (гвоздём по школьной доске): the sound was offending the black room like a nail drawn down a chalkboard;
  - (гребнем по волосам): she stroke an ivory comb through his hair;
  - (гребнем по волосам): she loved to work through her hair with an ivory comb;
  - (кого-л куда-л): смотри вести / водить;
  - (кулоном на цепочке над чашей): She reached into the neck of her dress and pulled out a metallic black crystal pendant on a silver chain. Lifting it over her hand she dangled it above the bowl;
  - (лучом фонарика по полу туда-сюда): she swung the beam back and forth across the floor, searching for any hint of luminescent ink;
  - (пальцами по стене): he caressed the wall with his fingers;
  - (пальцем перед носом у кого-л): his finger wavered in front of her nose;
  - (пальцем туда-сюда): "You are a very important man in this town and you are dressed like, uh, well..." "A student." "No," he said, wagging an index finger back and forth as if no student had ever looked that bad.;
  - (смычком по струнам): as you draw the bow over the strings, you'll want to focus on keeping the bow as straight as possible;
  - (смычком по струнам): you'll start to hear a clear pitch emitted as the bow is drawn over the strings;
  - (языком по щеке кого-л): her tongue lolled along my jawline
  водоворот - (богатства и славы): the swirl of wealth and celebrity surrounding the case spawned numerous television specials;
  - (крутящийся): forty-foot waves reared above the ship's port side, hovered for a moment, then crashed down to obscure her gigantic deck in a swirling maelstrom of white foam;
  - (лодочка попала в в.): the little boat was caught in an eddy and spun round and round in the water;
  - (мира политики образно): the whirling world of politics;
  - (попасть в в.): he had been caught up in the maelstrom;
  - (сильный в. потока): the dog yelped as he slipped and vanished in the heavy whirlpool of current;
  - the chimneys were like deep weels running up to the roof
  вождение - (т.е. автомобиля, за нарушение правил в-я штраф взимается на месте): on-the-spot fines are enforced for driving offences;
  - (в состоянии опьянения): according to the Virginia State Police, almost 25 thousand drivers were arrested for driving while intoxicated in 2005;
  - (повреждения от камешков, вылетающих из-под колёс, мешает в-ю, т.е. автомобиля): stone chipping which affects driving;
  - (школа в-я): the A. is the only national driving school to use ONLY 100% fully qualified driving instructors;
  - (школа в-я, т.е. для переподготовки нарушителей ПДД): Traffic school is the generic common term for remedial courses in traffic safety and safe driving practices. In the United States, these are offered as part of pretrial diversion programs to traffic violators by traffic courts, in the interest of improving general safety.;
  - (школа в-я, т.е. для переподготовки нарушителей ПДД): Signing up for traffic school does not lower your fine, in fact it increases the fine by $30 and then costs an additional $40 and the investment of a day. Traffic school is a desirable option because it will keep the violation off of your driving record.;
  - (экзамен по в-ю): driving test
  возвести / возводить - (башню поверх существующего здания): to erect a 30-story glass tower atop the existing building
  возвратно-поступательный - (совершающие в-е движение поршни преобразуют давление во вращательное движение): a piston engine, is a heat engine that uses one or more reciprocating pistons to convert pressure into a rotating motion
  возвышаться - (горный хребет возвышался над городом): a ridge overlooked the city;
  - (дом возвышался на крутом склоне холма): the house perched on a steep hillside;
  - (здание возвышалось над площадью): he was looking up the hill at the single building which dominated the whole square;
  - (Мао возвышался над всеми): Mao towered above everyone;
  - (надстройка возвышалась / надпалубные сооружения возвышались над палубой на 5 этажей): the vessel was 90 metres broad, from scupper to scupper and her superstructure reared 5 stories into the air above her deck;
  - (небоскрёбы возвышаются над городом): the skyscrapers tower over the city;
  - (о пирамиде): towering pyramid;
  - (о фабричной трубе): an immense chimney, relic of a disused mill, reared up, shadowy and ominous;
  - (подмостки возвышались слева от чего-л): to its left rose a white scaffolding;
  - (статуи возвышаются на 60 футов над пустыней): the statues rise nearly 60 feet above the desert floor;
  - (студенческое общежитие возвышалось на берегу озера): my dorm perched on the shores above lake W.;
  - (фигура возвышалась до потолка): a cloaked figure that towered to the ceiling;
  - (холм возвышался над деревней): the house stood on a hill overlooking the village;
  - (холмы круто возвышались над пустыней): featureless hills that rise abruptly from the Saharan sands
  возгоняться - mercuric chloride is not a salt but a linear triatomic molecule, hence its tendency to sublime
  возгораться / возгореться - (о нефтяных испарениях): A petrol tanker became stranded on rocks near the village of K. The motor vessel had discharged its cargo in Plymouth, but coastguards feared petrol vapors in its holds could be ignited, scattering metal shrapnel across a wide area;
  - (шрот может самопроизвольно в.): seed cake may also ignite spontaneously if it becomes wet
  возделать / возделывать - (поля): the fields were not tilled, they were torn up by shelling;
  - (товарные зерновые культуры): farmers who produce annually tilled agricultural commodity crops on highly erodible cropland without adequate erosion protection;
  - (участок тщательно возделанной земли): a plot of carefully cultivated land
  возделывание - (неплодородных земель): the cultivation of more marginal areas tended to increase vulnerability to climatic changes, crop diseases and bad harvests
  воздушный поцелуй - (послать в.п.): when Madonna threw a kiss to her fans, they cheered;
  - (посылать в-ые п-и): he was blowing me kisses, winking
  возить - (избирателей на избирательные участки): to transport voters to the polls;
  - (странствующие торговцы возили ковры через горы и пустыни): itinerant traders hauled the rugs over the mountains and across deserts;
  - (экипаж самолёта привык в. людей на секретные задания в странные места): the crew were accustomed to taking people on covert missions to odd places
  возиться - (в грязи): who shall conceive the horrors of my secret toil as dabbled among the unhallowed damps of the grave or tortured the living animal to animate the lifeless clay?;
  - (в сарае, т.е. работать): she spent the afternoon tinkering about in the garden shed;
  - (дрожащими руками она возилась с замком): her trembling hands worked at the lock;
  - (медсестра возилась с проводами и электродами, т.е. измерительной аппаратуры): the nurse was fussing over the wires and electrodes;
  - (рабочие возились около паровоза): I saw some workmen fussing beside the engine;
  - (с чем-л): if I chopped off the ends of the mirror - parts that you instinctively knew I was wasting my time fiddling around infml with - it would hardly affect the length of the final arrow representing probability vector;
  - ( т.е. чинить, в. с автомобилем, ): passers-by assume he is tinkering with his own car;
  - (т.е. чинить, мичман возился с мотором на правом борту): warrant officer B. was still fiddling with the starboard engine;
  - (т.е. чинить, в. с мотором, ): he's been tinkering with that engine for hours, but it still won't go;
  - if I'd got to him, I wouldn't have messed around with wands - I'd have ripped him limb-from-limb
  возлагать / возложить - (венок павшим): the veterans stopped at the American Cemetery to lay a wreath for their fallen;
  - (цветы у памятника ): he laid flowers at the monument
  возлияние - (совершить в.): to make a libation to Jupiter;
  - (совершить в.): Apollo executing a libation
  возложение - (венков): a wreath-laying ceremony
  - (венков): a drizzly day set a somber mood for the wreath-laying;
  - (короны на голову монарха): a coronation is a ceremony marking the formal investiture of a monarch with regal power, usually involving the placement of a crown upon their head, and the presentation of other items of regalia
  вознести / возносить - (выставка вознесла художника на высочайший уровень): one of those rare art shows that change our perception of an artist's oeuvre and hoist him to the highest level;
  - (эрудиция и искусство вознесли его до звания царя поэтов): suddenly, this man, whose erudition and art had elevated him to the status of prince of poets of his time, was reduced to an invalid unable to rise from his bed
  возня - (мышиная образно): rat race;
  - (пьяная в. на заднем сиденьи автомобиля, т.е. сексуальные отношения): I have had one affair, not counting a drunken tossing in the back of a station wagon;
  - (т.е. шумная игра детишек): you can enjoy barbecues and romp of children on our large lawn
  войти / входить - (без разрешения в замок): Grendel would harm no man who did not trespass in the hall;
  - (в гостиную): a maid had entered the drawing room to find him dead;
  - (в зал): we entered a large reception hall;
  - (в зацепление, о зубчатых колёсах): when the two wheels engage the smaller one will start to turn;
  - (в пике): he had gone into a dive;
  - (в плотные слои атмосферы): the spaceship re-entered the Earth's atmosphere and disintegrated;
  - (в самолёт): He went inside the aircraft. There he buckled in.;
  - (в храм): a certain man lame from his mother's womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple to ask alms of them that entered into the temple;
  - (войти в вираж, о самолёте): to enter a banked turn;
  - (дверь была приоткрыта, словно приглашая его в.): the door was already ajar, welcoming him in;
  - (когда враг был дезорганизован, вошла пехота): when the enemy was completely disorganized, the infantry moved in;
  - (корабль вошёл в порт): the ship anchored for the night and entered port at Istanbul the following morning;
  - (Магомет вошёл в Мекку): Mohammed, who had left Mecca as a persecuted prophet, entered it again in triumph;
  - (не в. в частные владения): a barred gate held in place by a steel catch with a notice board to one side saying "Private property, keep out";
  - (не в. на место преступления): Crime scene. Do not enter.;
  - (один за другим): he looked over the shoulder and saw the others filing in behind him;
  - (он вошёл первым, я - за ним): "In we go," ordered S. He was in first, me next.;
  - (полностью загруженные супертанкеры не входили в порт): fully loaded ULCCs never entered ports;
  - (пригласить в.): You haven't invited me in;
  - (супертанкер не войдёт в Ламанш, т.е. не поместится): the English Channel will never take the supertanker;
  - (танки входили в город, чтобы подавить восстание): Soviet tanks moved into Budapest to put down the revolt;
  - смотри входить
  волнение (т.е. на море) - (в. на море): right now a choppy sea and some very high waves have made it relatively difficult to fight the oil slick;
  - (небольшое в.): "I hope your journey was trouble-free." "A bit of chop the last few days. Nothing too awful.";
  - (океана): the Atlantic swell still broke on the cliffs, thudding and slapping and splashing great fountains high in the air
  волноваться - (о море): the waves of the sea surged around me
  волнующийся - (радуга образно из человеческих тел): fanning themselves in their sapphire-, emerald- and ruby-colored saris, the women looked like an undulating human rainbow
  волочить - (байдарку к воде): he dragged the canoe down to the water;
  - (ветку): he was dragging a great branch along;
  - (за собой, кошка, т.е. абордажная, утонула, волоча за собой канат): each unhooked his grapnel and heaved it into the sea, where it sank trailing rope;
  - (ноги, уйти, волоча н.): he shuffled away muttering under his breath;
  - (ноги): he scuffled his feet / dragged his feet as he walked;
  - (стул за собой): pick the chair up instead of dragging it behind you!;
  - (что-л в руке): his hand trailed something
  волочиться - (подол платья волочился в пыли): the bottom of her long dress dragged [along] in the dust;
  - (провода волочились по земле): he taped the wires out of the way at the side of the engine compartment, so they would not trail on the ground and be rubbed through by abrasion against the road surface;
  - (свиток пергамента волочился по земле): he was reading a long parchment that was trailing on the ground;
  - (хвост волочился по снегу): the tail was trailing in the snow;
  - (шлейф волочился по полу): the train was carried over the left arm, except in the presence of royalty, when it trailed on the floor
  вонзать / вонзить - (вилку в мясо): she stuck her fork into the meat;
  - (зубы в кого-л): a hatred so powerful that he would like to sink his fangs into the man before him;
  - (зубы в ногу): the dog sank his teeth into her leg;
  - (зубы в ногу): the monkey dropped out of a tree and dug its fangs into the unsuspecting policeman's leg;
  - (каблуки в бока коню): he shoved his foot into the stirrup, hefted himself onto the horse's back, yanked the reins so the animal turned toward the stable exit, and dug his heels deep into its sides;
  - (корсар вонзил ему меч в спину и проткнул сердце): the corsair plunged his long sword into his back to skewer his heart;
  - (нож в брюхо зверя): he stabbed the belly of the beast with the dagger;
  - (нож в спину): she plunged the knife into his back;
  - (пятки в бока коня): I dug my heels into the flanks of the beast and we tore across the open land;
  - (шпору в коню бок): he dug a spur in the horse's flank
  вонзаться / вонзиться - (гвозди вонзились в неё): nails stuck into her;
  - (когти вонзились в руку): both sets of front claws had sunk themselves deep into his arm;
  - (скважина вонзилась в земную кору на 6 км): the hole they drilled pierces 6 km into the earth's crust;
  - (стрела арбалета вонзилась в лопатку): a crossbolt had stabbed his shoulder blade;
  - (шип вонзился в палец): a thorn stuck in her finger
  ворваться / врываться - (в автобус впереди всех): he barged onto a bus before everyone else;
  - (в кабинет): the student storms in with an essay in her hand demanding explanation;
  - (в кабинет): R. came bursting into the office;
  - (в комнату): "What were you saying?" "Later," H. muttered as P. stormed in;
  - (грабители ворвались в банк): the men rushed into the bank at about 9:30 a.m., all wearing dark clothing, gloves and disguising their faces;
  - (грабители ворвались в банк): three masked men stormed into the bank, screaming words he couldn't make out;
  - (о солдатах): At the last minute a small group of the SS tried to burn the records. They got through about 10 per cent before the American soldiers rushed in and stopped them.;
  - (порыв ледяного ветра со свистом ворвался в зал): as the door swung open, a blast of icy air hissed into the hall and hit him in the face;
  - (солдаты ворвались через ворота мечети): soldiers blasted through the shrine's massive gates and walls
  ворочанье - (в постели): The others were abed. Shifting and muttering ceased.
  ворочать - (тяжёлые камни): how the Incas, moved heavy stones;
  - (тяжёлые шкафы): he shifted heavy cabinets to fasten them in place
  ворочаться - (в постели): he shifted in his bed burying his head into the pillows;
  - (т.е. в постели): he rolled over and tried to get back to sleep;
  - (т.е. в постели): he tossed and turned for hours, but he could not sleep;
  - (во сне): ...as a man might stir in bad dreams;
  - (во сне): those who sleep along the river banks can feel the boats arrive - and roll silently in their dreams;
  - (словно камни ворочались в голове): thinking well had always been very hard work for him. It made him feel as if boulders were rolling around in his head.
  ворошить - (огонь): he stoke the fire vigorously to bring the kettle back to boil;
  - (тлеющие угольки): he poked up the peat embers with his knife point;
  - (страницы): to ruffle pages;
  - (угли): to stoke the embers of crisis
  воспламенить / воспламенять - (ракетный двигатель): it ignited its tiny rocket motor and soared away into the pale blue sky
  воспламениться / воспламеняться - (о бумаге): the pile of paper couldn't catch fire by itself, someone must have set fire to it deliberately;
  - (о воздушном шаре): gas balloon may go up in flames;
  - (о нефтяных испарениях): A petrol tanker became stranded on rocks near the village of K. The motor vessel had discharged its cargo in Plymouth, but coastguards feared petrol vapors in its holds could be ignited, scattering metal shrapnel across a wide area;
  - (шрот может самопроизвольно в.): seed cake may also ignite spontaneously if it becomes wet
  воспламеняющийся - (легко в. газ водород): highly inflammable hydrogen gas
  восходящий - (музыкальная гамма): an ascending scale of [musical] notes;
  - (солнце): rising sun
  восхождение - (на Эверест): he made his first successful ascent of Everest last year
  воткнуть / втыкать - (булавку в карту): we decided where to go for our holiday by closing our eyes and sticking a pin in the map;
  - (вилку в мясо): she stuck her fork into the meat;
  - (вилку в мясо): to dig a fork into the meat;
  - (вилы в рёбра кому-л): he promised to take his pitchfork and jab it into his ribs;
  - (иглу в руку): she stuck the needle into my arm;
  - (кусок шоколада в рот): she stuffed a large chunk of chocolate into his mouth;
  - (меч в песок): he jammed the sword into the sand;
  - (нож в спину образно): G. deserves to be chief. If I helped to put K. in his place, all the judges would feel I stabbed them in the back.;
  - (нож в спину образно): colleagues who stab you in the back;
  - (флаг): it was here that the king planted his flag
  воткнуться / втыкаться - (шип воткнулся в палец): a thorn stuck in her finger
  впадать - (вены, отводящие кровь от головы и верхней части торса, впадают в полую верхнюю вену): veins from the head and upper torso drain into the superior vena cava;
  - (дорога шла вверх, впадая в скоростную автомагистраль): the cloverleaf where the road climbed to join the motorway;
  - (лимфатические капилляры впадают в лимфатические сосуды): lymph is drained from the tissues by lymph capillaries, which empty into larger lymph vessels (lymhatics);
  - (река Миннесота впадает в Миссиссиппи у Твин Ситиз): the Mississippi is joined by the Minnesota River in the Twin Cities;
  - (река впадает в море): ten miles beyond the mole the River Dniester flowed into the sea through the swampy marshes;
  - (река впадает в озеро): the Niagara River drains into Lake Ontario
  вперевалку - (за пингвинами так забавно наблюдать, потому что они так мило ходят в. ): penguins are so much fun to watch, because they walk in such a cute waddling way;
  - (идти / ходить в.): he came waddling down the hall;
  - (идти / ходить в.): don't be so quick to judge the way penguins shuffle when they waddle;
  - (он в. пошёл за дом): he waddled off into the back of the house to tell his wife...;
  - (он ходил в., отчего становился похож на утку): he walked with a rolling waddle that made him look like a duck;
  - (походка в. выдавала в нём моряка): his rolling gait proclaimed him a man of the sea;
  - (походка в.): a giant of a fellow with a rolling, free-and-easy gait
  впериться - (глаза вперились в экран): his piggy eyes were fixed on the screen;
  - (в глаза кого-л): her tiny bloodshot eyes fixed on his;
  - (в потолок): the man stared stubbornly at the ceiling
  впиваться / впиться - (в губы поцелуем): he sank his lips into her lips kissing till they were out of breath;
  - (взглядом в кого-л): the eyes of the table riveted on him;
  - (взглядом в горизонт): he fixed his gaze on the horizon;
  - (зубами в кого-л): a hatred so powerful that he would like to sink his fangs into the man before him;
  - (зубами в ногу): the dog sank his teeth into her leg;
  - (как крючок в грудь): the question snags like a hook in my chest;
  - (когтями в руку): both sets of front claws had sunk themselves deep into his arm;
  - (ручки выдвижных ящиков впивались в спину): he waited for another seizure to sweep his legs out from under him and leave him helpless on the floor his knees buckled, and he slid down the face of a cabinet, the drawer pulls gouging his back;
  - (шип впился в палец): a thorn stuck in her finger
  впитать / впитывать - (губкой): the nurse sponged up the blood from the wound;
  - (земля впитала дождь): the ground soaked up the rain;
  - (идеи): to absorb new ideas;
  - (кровь платком): he got out his handkerchief to soak up the blood;
  - (т.е. древесный уголь в противогазе впитывает ядовитый газ): the chemical gear with charcoal inside the lining to absorb and neutralize toxic gas;
  - (семена должны в. влагу перед прорастанием): seeds of most plants must imbibe moisture from the soil before they germinate;
  - (соль впитывает влагу): salt absorbs moisture from the air;
  - (стены дома впитывают тепло): the walls of the house absorb heat during the day
  впитаться / впитываться - (вещество быстрее впитывалось листвой, чем корнями): the substance was absorbed more rapidly by foliage of corn and soybean than by their roots;
  - (позволяя воде в. в землю): contour furrows on these areas hold the rain water, allowing it to soak into the ground where it is available for plants to use;
  - (т.е. жидкость впиталась в дерево): He slammed his fists on the table. The liquid slopped over the bowl's rim to sink into the wood.;
  - (жидкость впиталась в рис): cook rice until liquid is absorbed;
  - (лекарство впитывается в ногтевую пластинку): amorolphine from the nail lacquer penetrates into the nail plate;
  - (пигмент впитывается штукатуркой): fresco is the technique of painting on wet plaster so that the pigments are absorbed by the plaster, becoming a part of the wall itself;
  - (препарат впитывался в тонком кишечнике): a high proportion of anthocyanin glycosides was absorbed through the small intestine after perfusion;
  - (химические вещества впитались в стены завода): chemical agents have penetrated deep into the building walls
  впитывание - (питательных веществ в желудке и кишечнике): soluble fiber slows digestion and nutrient absorption from the stomach and intestine
  вплавь - (добираться в. / отправиться в.): Robinson Crusoe strips naked, swims out to the foundering ship that has marooned him, and fills hid pockets with all sorts of goodies
  вплести / вплетать - (жемчужины в волосы): rich women would weave pearls into their hair;
  - (ленту в волосы): she plaited a red ribbon into her hair
  вплестись / вплетаться - (нити вплетались в политику образно): for years, all these strands have been woven through our Indochina policy
  вправить / вправлять - (головку вывихнутого сустава в суставную впадину): your provider will reposition the head or ball of the joint back into the joint socket;
  - (кость, т.е. после падения): she doesn't believe in doctors. She set the bone herself.;
  - (сломанную кость): the finest orthopedic surgeon operated to set her broken femur
  вприпрыжку - (убежать): the beast loped away;
  - (бежать): he made out the figure of D. was loping towards him;
  - (бежать): the children were hastening along the street, hopping and skipping;
  - (направиться к трапам): the mаn set off at a fast lope, round to the starboard side and straight for the steel ladders;
  - (пробираться через улицу): moving at a half-jog, he weaves through N. Street
  впрыск - (послойный в. топлива): other factors being equal, an FSI (Fuel Stratified Injection) engine needs higher-capacity injectors to achieve the same power as a conventional engine;
  - (топлива): a process for improving fuel-injection technology;
  - (?топлива): electronic fuel injection systems for racing engines;
  - (турбированный двигатель с прямым впрыском): TDI or Turbocharged Direct Injection is a design of turbodiesel engines, which feature turbocharging and cylinder-direct fuel injection
  впрыскивание - (из ингалятора, сделайте два в-я лекарства): take two puffs of the medicine;
  - (внутрикожное / подкожное): intradermal / hypodermic injection;
  - (топлива в печь): apparatus for atomizing and injecting fuel into a furnace
  впрыскивать / впрыснуть - (морфий): he injected morphine to dull the pain;
  - (горючее в цилиндр, т.е. двигателя): the TDI engine uses direct injection, where a fuel injector sprays atomised fuel directly into the main combustion chamber of each cylinder
  впрягать / впрячь - (лошадь была впряжена в фургон): the horse was hitched to the wagon
  вразвалку / вразвалочку - (за пингвинами так забавно наблюдать, потому что они так мило ходят в. ): penguins are so much fun to watch, because they walk in such a cute waddling way;
  - (идти / ходить в.): he came waddling down the hall;
  - (идти / ходить в.): don't be so quick to judge the way penguins shuffle when they waddle;
  - (он в. пошёл за дом): he waddled off into the back of the house to tell his wife...;
  - (он ходил в., отчего становился похож на утку): he walked with a rolling waddle that made him look like a duck;
  - (походка в. выдавала в нём моряка): his rolling gait proclaimed him a man of the sea;
  - (походка в.): a giant of a fellow with a rolling, free-and-easy gait
  вразнос - (пойти в., о турбине): the turbine has no RPM control whatsoever and can very easily overspeed and explode into lethal shrapnel;
  - (пойти в., т.е. потерять самообладание и буйствовать): a worker went berserk and killed his boss
  врастать / врасти - (о ногтях на пальцах ног): to suffer from in-growing toenails is a common complaint;
  - (вросшие ногти / ногти, которые вросли в мясо): in-growing toenails are toenails that have grown inwards into the flesh, often at the top corners;
  - (вросшие ногти / ногти могут в. в ткань пальца): in-growing toenails often begin by simply exerting pressure onto the skin, but as they develop, can pierce the skin and embed into the tissue of the toe
  вращательный (движение) - a piston engine is a heat engine that uses one or more reciprocating pistons to convert pressure into a rotating motion;
  - (винта): the thread pitch of a screw is chosen so that friction is sufficient to prevent linear motion being converted to rotary, that is so the screw does not slip even when linear force is applied so long as no external rotational force is present;
  - (лопастей): the rotary movement of the blades;
  - (равномерное в-ое д.): uniform circular movement
  вращать - (бёдрами): a generously endowed young woman gyrating her hips in the centre of the floor;
  - (вектор, в. один в. вокруг другого): rotating one vector about another;
  - (вектор на n0): to rotate vector A around by n degrees;
  - (воздушный винт самолёта): to drive a propeller;
  - (горячий газ вращает вал турбины): the hot gas turns the turbine shaft;
  - (глазами): to roll one's eyes;
  - (головой): he swiveled his head about, searching the sky;
  - (двигатель вращает пропеллер): the motor is driving the propeller;
  - (колыбель): nine times circled he the bed back and forth, seeding the spells;
  - (пар вращает турбину): the steam spins a turbine to produce electricity;
  - (стойку с газетами): he was standing at a comic rack, spinning it idly to see if there were any new Batmans
  вращаться - "rotate" actually is used to describe a celestial body's spin, and "revolve" is used to describe its orbital motion. For example, the Earth completes one rotation about its axis about every 24 hours, but it completes one revolution around the Sun about every 365 days.;
  - (автомобиль вращался на льду): the car hit a patch of ice and slewed around violently;
  - (в любом направлении, о стреле крана): the slipring assembly permits the crane to slew in either direction without restriction;
  - (вал вращается на подшипниках): the shaft is carried / runs in bearings;
  - (т.е. вокруг своей оси): смотри ниже;
  - (глаз вращался во все стороны): the eye was rolling in all directions;
  - (Земля вращается вокруг Солнца): the Earth revolves around the sun;
  - (Земля вращается вокруг Солнца, Луна вращается вокруг Земли): the Earth goes round the Sun, the Moon goes round the Earth;
  - (Земля вращается с постоянной скоростью): the Earth rotates at an approximately constant rate;
  - (лазер вращается по кругу): for the modern missiles, the fusing system is a small, but powerful laser, which "nutates" or turns in a circle to project its beam in a cone forward of its flight path, until the beam hits and reflects of a target;
  - (Луна вращается вокруг Земли в том же направлении, что Земля вращается вокруг своей оси): the Moon orbits the Earth in the same direction as the Earth rotates on its axis;
  - (о бобинах магнитофона): the slowly turning spools of a tape recorder;
  - (о глазах): his eyes were rolling and bulging;
  - (о глазах): her eyes rolled and she said...;
  - (о колёсах): the wheels started to turn;
  - (планеты вращаются вокруг солнца/ Луна вращается вокруг Земли): Why do the planets orbit the sun? The basic reason why the planets revolve around / orbit, the Sun, is that the gravity of the Sun keeps them in their orbits. Just as the Moon orbits the Earth because of the pull of Earth's gravity, the Earth orbits the Sun because of the pull of the Sun's gravity.;
  - (ротор вращается в статоре): the rotor revolves in the stator;
  - (стены стали вращаться вокруг середины комнаты): the wall of the circular room began to revolve;
  - (течения вращаются против часовой стрелки): the currents screw anti-clockwise round the Black Sea
  вращаться (т.е. вокруг своей оси) - (о вертолёте): the helicopter pivoted in the air and he salvoed his remaining rockets into the barracks;
  - (о волчке): when spun, the top would continue to spin for a while in a normal fashion;
  - (о Земле): the Earth takes 24 hours to rotate. This is what causes day and night.;
  - (о Земле): the Earth revolves around its own axis;
  - (о козле на вертеле): I watch the goat spin slowly on a spit;
  - (о колесе): the wheel was spinning on its axle;
  - (о проблесковом маячке на полицейской машине): a police car, blue light spinning a warning, was parked at the edge of the road;
  - (сиденье, которое вращается): do not use the car seat that pivots;
  - (центрифуги вращаются с огромной скоростью): the giant centrifuges that spin at tremendous speeds;
  вращающий - (момент, двигатель передаёт больший в. момент на колёса): when you floor the gas pedal in the middle of the turn - your engine sends a lot more torque to the wheels;
  - (мускул): a rotatory muscle;
  - (сила): the thread pitch of a screw is chosen so that friction is sufficient to prevent linear motion being converted to rotary, that is so the screw does not slip even when linear force is applied so long as no external rotational force is present
  вращающийся - (глаз, в. в глазнице): the eye rolling in its socket;
  - (дверь): he had become trapped in a revolving door;
  - (дверь): pushing through the revolving door, he descended the staircase into the pyramid;
  - (лопасти винта вертолёта): he ducked under the whirling blades;
  - (лопасти турбины): in a jet engine, thrust derives from the propulsive force of the rotating blades of a turbine compressing air, which is then expanded by the combustion of introduced fuel and exhausted from the engine;
  - (насадка, т.е. швабры для натирания полов): swivel head makes waxing around hard-to-reach areas easy;
  - (стул): high-back swivel chair;
  - (цилиндр): a tube mill is a revolving cylinder of up to five diameters in length used for fine pulverization of ore, rock, and other such materials;
  - (частицы соли, ила и гравия, т.е. в леднике): spinning particles of salt, silt and gravel have worked like diamond drills, carving out potholes and tunnels
  вращение - (винт затягивается и отвинчивается в-ем головки): a screw is an externally threaded fastener capable of being inserted into holes in assembled parts, of mating with a preformed internal thread or forming its own thread, and of being tightened or released by torquing the head;
  - (Земли вокруг своей оси): the rotation of the Earth on its axis;
  - (Земли вокруг солнца): the revolution of the Earth around the sun was proposed by Copernicus;
  - (т.е. небесного тела вокруг своей оси): Pretend we're a satellite of Vesta - which we are. We have our own period of revolution and of rotation.;
  - (обратное в. / в. теннисного мяча): Backspin is a spin of a tennis ball that causes the ball to slow down and/or bounce low;
  - (обратное в. т.е. теннисного мяча): Backspin (also known as slice or underspin), is a shot such that the ball rotates backwards after it is hit. The trajectory of the shot involves an upward force that lifts the ball.;
  - (ось в-я): axis of rotation;
  - (ось в-я крана): the inertial Y axis is along the crane's slew axis;
  - (отрезка прямой вокруг точки): this angle is said to be generated by the continuous counterclockwise rotation of a line segment about the point V from the position VP to the position VQ;
  - (при в-и формы тепло превращает жидкость в плёнку на внутренней поверхности формы): rotation of the mold while heat converts the liquid into a continuous film on the interior surface of the mold;
  - (придать в. мячу): to put a spin on a ball;
  - (пропеллера): in reciprocating of turboprop-powered aircraft thrust derives from the propulsive force caused by the rotation of the propeller;
  - (количество оборотов и в-й, т.е. прыгуна в воду): the primary factors affecting the scoring are the proper amounts of rotation and revolution upon completion of the dive and entry into the water;
  - (скорость в-я): Revolutions per minute (RPM) is used as a measure of rotational speed of a mechanical component;
  - (тело в-я / в. плоской кривой вокруг оси): a solid of revolution is a solid figure obtained by rotating a plane curve around the axis that lies on the same plane
  врезать (врЕзать / врезАть) - (замки, которые врезают в выемку в двери): mortise locks are box-shaped locks which fit in a mortise in the door stile;
  - (замок): he chiseled a hole in the door to fit a new lock;
  - (т.е. ударить): смотри ниже
  врезать (врЕзать, т.е. ударить) - (кулаком в живот разг кому-л): she slammed a left fist into his stomach;
  - (кулаком кому-л): An argument between J.D. and Mr B. started at the Bay Horse. D. punched out at Mr B., but then found himself in a headlock.;
  - (кулаком по голове разг кому-л): He snatched me, right in the front, and he walloped infml me with his fist up the side of my head so hard I was just stunned!;
  - (он мне так врезал, что я ничего не соображала): He'd just lumped me one infml. I wasn't thinking straight.
  врезаться - (автомобиль врезался во что-л): смотри ниже;
  - (в память): смотри ниже;
  - (в стену со всего размаха): the cat's face looked grumpy and oddly squashed as though it had run headlong into a brick wall;
  - (в стену со всего размаха): he ran headfirst at the wall;
  - (в толпу, расталкивая детей): he muscled his way into the crowd of children, punching them aside;
  - (в хвост товарного поезда): a passenger train slammed into the back of stopped freight train;
  - (винты судна врезаются в воду образно): her great twin propellers bit into the waters to bring her out to the western Pacific for sea trials;
  - (в фонарный столб): he ran into a lamppost;
  - (истребитель врезался в авиалайнер): aviation experts think the fighter pilot misjudged a turn and hit the airliner by accident;
  - (колючки, врезающиеся в кожу): I cannot bear the thought of jagged barbs cutting your sweet skin;
  - (корабль врезался в каменистую отмель): the ship rammed into the rocky shoal;
  - (кулак врезался в дерево): his fist crunched into the tree;
  - (кулак врезался в основание черепа): a hammer fist crashed into the base of his scull;
  - (лямки рюкзака врезались в плечи): the shoulder straps of his bag were cutting into his shoulders;
  - (ногти, врезавшиеся в тело): the blood ran from where her nails trenched deep in his flesh;
  - (птица врезалась в оконное стекло): I'm caring for a bird that collided against a window pane;
  - (самолёт врезался в толпу): a fighter jet crashed into the crowd at an air show;
  - (т.е. человек врезался в книжный шкаф): he smashed into a bookcase;
  - (что-то врезалось в автомобиль): something whammed into the side of the car and glass went flying;
  - (шипы, врезавшиеся в тело): a leather belt studded with sharp metal barbs that cut into the flesh as a perpetual reminder of Christ's suffering;
  - (шипы врезались в тело): he cinched the buckle one notch tighter, wincing as the barbs dug deeper into his flesh
  врезаться (об автомобиле) - (автомобиль и грузовик врезались друг в друга): the car and truck crashed into each other;
  - (автомобиль чуть не врезался во встречную машину): the car swerved around a dog lying in the middle of the street and almost hit another car coming from the opposite direction;
  - (в автомобиль / в твёрдую поверхность): as a rule of thumb, impacting into another car is equivalent to impacting into a rigid surface at half of the speed;
  - (в автомобиль): a local driver rammed him from the front offside;
  - (в автомобиль): I threw my car into reverse, almost hitting another car in my haste;
  - (в автомобиль): A rear-end collision is a traffic accident where a vehicle impacts the vehicle in front of it. Typical scenarios for rear-ends are a sudden deceleration by the first car, the following car does not have the time to brake and impacts the first.;
  - (в витрину магазина): he crashed his car into a shop front;
  - (в ворота): to ram the gate with a jeep;
  - (в дерево / стену): the car crashed into` a tree / the wall;
  - (в забор из проволочной сетки): the vehicle hits the chain-link fence;
  - (в насыпь): as I was turning into the right lane my car hydro-planed and spun out and hit the embankment on the right shoulder;
  - (в стеклянную витрину): he smashed the car through a plate glass window;
  - (в толпу): a car slammed into a crowd of people;
  - (в транспортное средство): a rear-end collision (often called simply a rear-end) is a traffic accident where a vehicle (usually an automobile or a truck) impacts the vehicle in front of it.;
  - (грузовик врезался в легковой автомобиль): a lorry collided against a car;
  - (грузовик врезался в автомобиль сзади, т.е. намеренно): the lorry driver rammed the back of her car;
  - (грузовик врезался в фургон сзади): as the horses were struggling up a hill, a motorized truck plowed AmE into the back of the wagon, crushing his legs;
  - (его автомобиль врезался в фонарный столб): he smashed his car into the lamppost;
  - (крыло автомобиля врезалось ей в бедро): the wing of the vehicle crashed into her hip, bowling her over in the gutter;
  - (в. сзади в автомобиль): for purposes of insurance and policing, the driver of the car that rear-ends the other car is almost always considered to be at fault due to not being within stopping distance or lack of attention;
  - (в. сзади в автомобиль): the driver of the car that was rear-ended files a claim against the driver who hit him;
  - (террорист-самоубийца в микроавтобусе, начинённом взрывчаткой, врезался в бетонный барьер): a suicide bomber rammed a white Suzuki van, packed with explosives into a concrete barrier in front if the U.S. consulate
  врукопашную - (драться): At last, we can fight as warriors. Hand-to-hand: it is the basis of all combat. Only a fool trusts his life to a weapon.;
  - (сражаться в.): in the rubble-strewn lanes the town militia were fighting hand to hand with his men
  вручать / вручить - (верительные грамоты): the new Ambassador presented his credentials;
  - (документ): he had a beaming smile as he handed the paper over;
  - (записку): midway through the meeting, an usher knocked on the door and handed him a note;
  - (заявление): before initialing the Paris Agreement, Kissinger handed Le Duc Tho a statement to the effect that...;
  - (каждой из нас вручили по пачке списков): we were each handed a stack of voter registration lists;
  - (медаль): he read the minutes in a tone of unctuous flattery, like a man awarding a medal;
  - (обвинительное заключение): the first indictments spawned by Watergate had been handed down;
  - (отчёт президенту): the confidential report has been turned over to the President
  - (подарок): he handed Mr. C a box with a Rolex watch;
  - (списки, вручённые делегации): the lists handed over to the delegation were complete
  всадить / всаживать - (капельницу в руку разг): they stuck an IV in my arm;
  - (пулю между глаз): these two heels take the poor slob of a husband for a ride and the boyfriend puts a bullet between his eyes
  всасывать / всосать - (влагу): to imbibe moisture;
  - (воздух): he sucked rank but reviving air into his body;
  - (насос всасывает воду): the pump sucks water from the well;
  - (подвиги с молоком матери): he has drunk in such deeds with mother's milk
  всасывание - powerful suction machines for sucking wheat out of the hold of the ship and straight into a grain silo
  всасывающий - (машина): powerful suction machines for sucking wheat out of the hold of the ship into a grain silo;
  - (окно / отверстие): intake opening / port
  вскакивать / вскочить - (в автобус на светофоре): I hopped on the bus at the traffic lights;
  - (в автомобиль): I bounded, with improper haste I reflected later, into the jeep;
  - (в лимузин): with the image recorded by a half-dozen photographers Bush lingered for a few minutes against the backdrop of local color and hopped back into his limousine;
  - (в поезд): she dashed onto the train;
  - (в седло): he leaped into the saddle of his waiting horse;
  - (в седло): to vault into a saddle;
  - (в седло): he sprang competently into the saddle;
  - (в. кобыле на спину): the mare bolted, but he managed to grab her mane and vault himself onto her back;
  - (на задние ноги): the dog scrabbles on its hind legs, trying to wrench itself free;
  - (на мост): she dodged easily, bounding onto the bridge;
  - (на ноги): смотри ниже;
  - (на поезд): he hopped a freight train to Chicago;
  - (о насекомом, которое притворялось мёртвым): after lying in the death-feigning attitude for some time the sand-flea quickly jumps up and scampers away;
  - (о сидящем): when their headmistress entered, the pupils leapt to their feet;
  - (о сидящем): he jumped to his feet waving at a man who was striding to him;
  - (по стойке смирно): when I walk into a room, you leap to attention;
  - (с кровати): he scrambled out of bed for a better look;
  - (с кровати): he leapt up from his bed;
  - (со стула): he shot out of his chair, ramrodding to attention;
  - (со стула): she swept impetuously from her seat and came over to our table;
  - (с табуретки): the dozing guard sprang from his stool as the door opened to reveal a watchman
  вскакивать / вскочить (на ноги) - he sprang to his feet;
  - A man is crouched behind a fallen tree. He scrambles to his feet and begins to run.;
  - (т.е. из-за стола): he got quickly to his feet and followed V. to the front door;
  - thereupon the twelve dwarves jumped to their feet
  вскапывание - (т.е. земли мотыгой): then came planting, and following the planting came summer's work: hoeing
  вскапывать / вскопать - (грядки, т.е. мотыгой): he could hoe his rows of beans;
  - (землю): to loosen the soil;
  - (землю): by the time he'd dug it and plowed it, he'd unearthed thirty-two bodies of grown men;
  - (землю, т.е. лопатой): he spaded up the first bite of earth for the mile-long cut;
  - (сад): to dig the garden
  вскарабкаться - (на скалу): I crawled out on a rock jutting over the canyon's edge to watch the sun go down;
  - (на спину коня): he hoisted himself onto the horse's back;
  - (на спину коня): he placed a foot on a stump nearby, and scrabbled clumsily onto the horse's back;
  - (на столб): he leaped onto a lamppost and shinnied AmE infml up like a monkey on a stick;
  - (на утёсы): a daring landing party scaled the rocky cliffs;
  - (на холм): they began to climb the hill;
  - (по водосточной трубе): he tried to climb a drainpipe;
  - (по лестнице на крышу): he found the ladder and clambered up;
  - (по ступенькам крутой винтовой лестницы ): they climbed the tightly spiraling steps
  вскачь - (конь пустился в.): the horse set off at a gallop
  вскидывать / вскинуть - (голову): he jerked his head up;
  - (голову): the tethered beasts were tossing their fierce heads;
  - (конь вскидывал голову): the horse tossed his head and neighed;
  - (конь вскидывал голову): the horse was throwing back its head
  вскипать / вскипеть - (о воде): the water came to a boil;
  - (об эфире): the ether came to the boil, and a colorless finely crystalline precipitate formed
  вскипятить - (воду): if you give water to a small baby to drink, you have to boil it first
  вскрывать / вскрыть - (замок): regular locks can be picked;
  - (конверт карандашом): he took the envelope and slit it open raggedly with a pencil;
  - (конверт / письмо): he took the letter and slit it open;
  - (ланцетом рану): to lance, salve and dress the wound;
  - (могилу): last night someone tried to open her tomb;
  - (сейф): the thief broke the safe open and stole the diamond;
  - (сейф): to crack infml a safe;
  - (трупы): the actor prepared for his role as a pathologist in Channel 10's show NCIS, by cutting up real dead bodies;
  - (ящик ломом): crow-bar: an iron bar used to raise heavy objects off the ground, to force open a box, etc.
  вскрытие - (конвертов, т.е. с заявками на тендер): opening of bids;
  - (т.е. трупа): смотри ниже
  вскрытие (т.е. трупа) - post-mortem examination;
  - (т.е. животного): When S. received a package from a Minnesota park ranger containing the frozen carcass of a gray wolf, he suited up with latex gloves and a lab coat to perform a necropsy, or animal autopsy. S. begins the necropsy by placing the wolf on an examining table.;
  - (потребовать в.): his wife demanded an independent post-mortem;
  - (производить в.): when performing the necropsy, remember: the quality of the specimen submitted for histopathology (microscopic study) will be no better than the care taken to preserve the specimen;
  - (результаты в-я): the results of her post-mortem come back and it transpires that she died of anaphylactic shock - an allergic reaction to nuts
  всматриваться / всмотреться - (в будущее): to peer into the future;
  - (в зеркало): he opened the wardrobe and peered into the mirror on the inside of the door;
  - (в зеркало): she looked intently into the mirror;
  - (в лица): he was standing inside the front doors, checking off names against a long list, peering suspiciously into every face;
  - (в мелкую надпись): "Look at the inscription on the ring." She peered at the tiny lettering, squinting.;
  - (в небо): he stared up at the brilliant blue sky;
  - (в окно): he peered intently out of the window;
  - (в спины проходящих мимо людей): He stopped with a jolt and turned around. He fixed his sights on the backs of people walking past. None of the backs looked familiar.;
  - (в темноту в поисках кого-л): he scanned the darkness for the person that...;
  - (в туман): he peered into that fog;
  - (в экран): he jerked forward in his chair, staring intently at the screen;
  - (внимательно): the people below were crowded at the foot of the stairs gazing intently up at him;
  - (напряжённо): he was watching intently;
  - (перед собой): he was staring unblinkingly ahead of him, trying to discern shapes through the gloom;
  - (поверх голов): he peered over the heads in front of him;
  - (через запотевший плексиглас): he peered suspiciously through the steaming perspex;
  - unable to see it again, he trotted up the upper deck, mounted the outside ladders to the wing of the bridge and peered again
  всовывать / всунуть - (быстро в. пилюли в рот): he popped the pills into the mouth;
  - (голову в петлю, т.е. чтобы повеситься): no warrior worth the name would let his allies stick their heads into a hangman's noose;
  - (записку в руку): I slipped a note into her hand under the table;
  - (кляп в рот): a rolled-up pair of socks was stuffed in his mouth;
  - (кусок шоколада в рот): she stuffed a large chunk of chocolate into his mouth;
  - (между витками пружины): he jammed it between two of the coils of the stout spring that formed the front near-side suspension;
  - (неожиданно в. лицо в дверь): she popped her stupid face round the door and reminded J. that he had another meeting before close of play;
  - (ногу в стремя): he shoved his foot into the stirrup;
  - (палец в ухо): he inserted a gnarled finger into his ear and rotated it;
  - (палец в ухо): he dug his finger still more vigorously into his ear;
  - (сигарету в рот): he put a cigarette in his mouth
  вспархивать / вспорхнуть - (о вспугнутых птицах): their laughter echoed through the ravine, causing birds to take wing;
  - (птица вспорхнула на руку): the owl fluttered down onto the arm;
  - (птица вспорхнула на клетку): the owl fluttered down on top of the cage
  вспарывать / вспороть - (живот): seppuku is a Japanese ritual where a samurai kills himself by cutting into his belly;
  - (живот): as the human spirit was believed to reside in the stomach, slitting the stomach open was considered to be the most straightforward, and bravest, way to die;
  - (живот): Picasso usually portrays the bull as triumphant and the horse consistently mauled, disemboweled, or impaled
  - (живот, т.е. рыбы): starting at the anus, insert the tip of the knife into the fish and draw the knife up to the head end, cutting open the belly;
  - (подушку): to cut open a feather pillow
  вспахать / вспахивать - (борозды): contour furrows are deep furrows ploughed along level lines across the slopes and spaced 3 to 5 metres apart;
  - (землю): by the time he'd dug it and plowed AmE / ploughed BrE it, he'd unearthed thirty-two bodies of grown men;
  - (землю): you need to till / loosen the soil to create a good seed bed;
  - (поглубже): the best way to construct furrows is to plough as deeply as possible, using single furrow plough;
  - (поля): the fields were not tilled, they were torn up by shelling;
  - (склон): how to furrow a hillside to plant sweet potatoes
  вспахивание / вспашка - (контурная): a number of paddocks in the North East District were treated with contour furrowing in the early 1980's;
  - (контурная): contour furrowing to control water erosion;
  - (контурная): the basic aim in controlling water erosion on sloping land by contour furrowing is to hold the rainwater where it falls;
  - (в. оказывает на почву три вида вредных воздействий): there are three major damaging effects that tilling can have on soil;
  - (в. слишком влажной или слишком сухой почвы): tilling the soil when it is too wet or too dry can cause the soil to become either clumpy or turn it into a powder;
  - (участки земли без признаков в-и или пастбиш): patches of land that showed any sign of tillage or grazing
  вспенивать / вспенить - (винты корабля вспенивают воду): deep in the water, as the great propellers churn, those who sleep along the river banks can feel the boats arrive
  всплеск - (брошенного якоря): they heard the splash of an anchor being thrown down in the shallows;
  - (гусь со в-ом садился на воду): each goose created its own wave as it splashed to a landing;
  - (рухнуть на залитый водой пол с сильным в-ом): he collapsed on the waterlogged floor with a great splash
  всплывать / всплыть - (водолазы стали в. на поверхность): the divers have begun to ascend to the surface of the water;
  - (кольцо дыма всплыло в воздух): a ring of smoke sailed up into the air;
  - (всплывая, кит набирает кислород через дыхало): when surfacing, the whale takes in oxygen through the blowhole on top of its head;
  - (об облачках пара): faint ghosts of steam drifted upward;
  - (пузырьками): the gas bubbled [up] to the surface of the water;
  - (рыбы всплывали за насекомыми): fish were surfacing to catch insects;
  - (судно в доке всплыло с колодок): the giants were built in dry docks, so that when ready for launching the sea was let in through dock sluices and the ship simply floated off her blocks and rode water inside the dock
  вспотеть - (извините, я немного вспотел): I'm sorry, I'm a little sweaty;
  - (он вспотел от страха / после бега): he was sweating with fear / after his run;
  - ( я весь вспотел): I'm all perspired;
  - (я весь вспотел от беспокойства): I'm all sweaty with the worry
  вспыхивать / вспыхнуть - (автомобиль вспыхнет пламенем): with the bomb I have in mind, the car will go up in flames;
  - (глаза вспыхнули гневом): anger flashed in his tawny eyes;
  - (дирижабль вспыхнул пламенем): the airship burst into flames;
  - (искры в глазах вспыхли от удара): the back of his head slammed into a stone wall behind him, tiny lights burst in front of his eyes;
  - (о дровах): to gaze at the logs flickering in the open fire;
  - (о молнии): purplish-blue lightning flared;
  - (об огне в каминах): fire blazed up in the hearth;
  - (пламя вспыхнуло в камине): bright green flames burst into life in the empty grate beneath the marble mantelpiece;
  - (свеча вспыхнула зелёным светом): the candle flared a brilliant green and then went out;
  - (факелы ярко вспыхивали один за другим): the torches flared one by one into life
  вставать / встать - (в очередь): he would come into a camp, line up at the cookshed with the rest of the loggers, get a bowl of stew, and eat it;
  - (в очередь): he joined the queue;
  - (в очередь, т.е. в столовой): the students got in the line to buy food;
  - (шатаясь): he had barely staggered upright when two large hands reached through the open window and closed tightly around his neck;
  - (во весь рост): he drew himself up to his full height;
  - (во весь рост): before he could draw himself up to full height;
  - (вставай!): Up with you! Hustle. We've got a king's rider pacing the yard.;
  - (вставший с табуретки): he is standing in front of me, a little like a boxer off his stool before the bell sounds;
  - (встать, суд идёт): all rise, the court is now in session;
  - (дыбом): a shriek that made the hair on his head stand on end;
  - (дыбом): the cat's fur suddenly stood on the end;
  - (дыбом): something about the voice made the sparse hairs on the back of his neck stand up;
  - (т.е. из положения сидя): he tripped over his robes as he stood up;
  - (т.е. из положения сидя): if he was in a board meeting with the eyes of the world on him, he would rise to his feet, shove his thumbs into his waistband and meander round the room;
  - (из-за стола): full to bursting with Christmas dinner, he got up from the table;
  - everyone had got to their feet, and slowly crowded around his table;
  - (т.е. к ребёнку ночью): More than often the baby is awake throughout the night, more than often screaming. I seem to get off lightly as I work nights now and again, but it is my wife who is really suffering.;
  - (коробейник встал перед кем-л): "Ribbons and combs." A huckster planted himself in front of him. "A fairing for your lady?";
  - (король встал с коронационного кресла): as the King sat up from the Coronation Chair, a bishop trod on his robe, almost causing him to fall over until the King ordered him pretty sharply to get off it;
  - (лицом друг к другу): the combatants step up to face each other;
  - (на дыбы, закусив удила, конь встал на дыбы): His roar of pain was too much for his panicked horse. Bit clamped between its teeth, the animal reared up.;
  - (на дыбы, о коне): he yanked on the reins and the horse reared;
  - (на дыбы, о лодке образно): the boat bucked and spun with the gathering winds whipping up the seas around us;
  - (на задние лапы): the dog reared onto its hind legs and placed its front paws on her shoulders;
  - (на колено): he got down on bended knee / went on bended knee to ask for her hand in marriage;
  - (поздно, по выходным я люблю поздно в.): on weekends I like to sleep in;
  - (наблюдать, как встаёт солнце): he took me to the rooftop of the building to watch the sun rise over the beautiful Oxford skyline;
  - (солнце встало): the sun was up;
  - (на задние ноги): many animals rear up on their hind legs whilst fighting or copulating;
  - (на колени): he knelt on the floor;
  - (на колени перед кем-л): he knelt by the dog and told her that she must take up the scent again;
  - (на колени): he was kneeling next to her;
  - (на колено): the man came up to one knee and turned, aiming his weapon at the car;
  - (на ноги): смотри ниже;
  - (на якорь): the ship anchored for the night and entered port at Istanbul the following morning;
  - b>на якорь, в. на мёртвый якорь): the ship was brought into the port and moored alongside;
  - (на четвереньки): the bear dropped to all fours;
  - (о половом члене, у него встаёт, каждый раз как мимо проезжает танк): The Ministry of Defence wants to take over the investigation. I told them to fuck off. This is my investigation. I'm not going to back off on the say-so of some pencil dick in khakis who gets a hard-on slang every time a tank rolls by.;
  - (о половом члене, у него тут же встаёт): Her tongue caresses his. His hard-on slang is instantaneous.;
  - (о солнце): he took me to the rooftop of the building to watch the sun rise over the beautiful Oxford skyline;
  - (о солнце): as the sun rose, he hobbled the camel;
  - (о солнце, с. только что встало, и он увидел): now, with the sun newly risen, he could see...;
  - (после падения): he stood up, dusting stable yard grime from his hands;
  - (пристав помог преступнику в.): the criminal was helped to his feet by a bailiff;
  - (т.е. проснувшись, с постели): смотри ниже;
  - (с кровати): he could not even summon the energy to get up and turn on his bedroom light;
  - (с кровати): he got up, dressed, and walked quietly out of the dormitory;
  - (с постели, я не мог сам ни лечь в постель, ни встать с п.): I couldn't get in and out of bed myself. I couldn't walk very well. I needed a constant supervision.;
  - (с сиденья): he rose from his seat and approached the stewardess;
  - (с трудом в. на ноги): he struggled to his feet;
  - (по стойке смирно): when I walk into a room, you leap to attention;
  - (по стойке смирно): he pulled himself to attention;
  - (прямо): assume an assertive stance, stand up straight, head up;
  - (со стула): the Fed chairmen has been known to rise from his chair in mid-conversation and read aloud relevant passages for visitors;
  - (со стула): he rose and stretched;
  - (твёрдо в. на землю ногами): he placed his feet firmly on the ground
  вставать / встать (на ноги) - he got clumsily / slowly to his feet;
  - he had risen heavily to his feet;
  - (неуверенно / пошатываясь): to lurch to one's feet;
  - (с трудом): he struggled to his feet
  вставать / встать (т.е. проснувшись, с постели) - why do we have to be up so early?;
  - in India, road sweepers are usually up at an ungodly hour, sweeping the streets of garbage and feces;
  - (когда прозвучал гонг, все уже встали и ждали зова): when the gong sounded for breakfast it found everyone up and awaiting the summons;
  - that morning he was up before me;
  - (поздно): he can have a bit of lie-in;
  - (поздно): on weekends I like to sleep in
  вставить / вставлять - (анкерные болты в отверстия в колоннах, т.е. противошумной стены): Once the shafts are drilled and lined, crews place anchor bolts vertically into the holes. After the anchor bolts are inserted, cement is poured over the bolts to form the structural support for the noise panels.;
  - (взрыватели в заряды взрывчатки): the charges are laid and primed;
  - (вилку в розетку): you simply plug the converter into the wall outlet, plug your appliance into the converter and turn on your appliance;
  - (вилку в розетку): if the pins on the back of this converter do not fit the outlet, insert converter into the appropriate adapter plug and insert into wall outlet;
  - (заводную ручку автомобиля): he slipped the crank into the socket at the base of the radiator;
  - (инкрустацию): then he simply flipped the piece over, and laid it in;
  - (капельницы в руки): drip-feed tubes that entered both the man's arms;
  - (картину в нишу): the painting was set into an arched recess above the tomb;
  - (карточку в банкомат): in operation of an ATM a user inserts a customer identifying card into the machine and then enters certain data;
  - (катетер в надрез яремной вены): the doctor made a small incision in his jugular vein and introduced a thin highly flexible catheter;
  - (ключ в замОк): to insert a key into a lock;
  - (ключ в замок): he inserted the shaft of the key into the hole;
  - (кляп в рот): he bound and gagged her;
  - (лампочку между отрезками полотна ножовки): to make sure there was a little more resistance than air to prevent their touching, he lodged the light bulb between the open jaws, fixing it in place with a generous blob of glue;
  - (лист бумаги в папку): a looseleaf folder with stiff covers of cardboard bound in a dull black vinyl, and a series of clips down the spine so that the leaves of the books could be extracted or further leaves inserted, if necessary;
  - (лист бумаги в досье): the intern eased the last sheet out of the file and inserted in its place one of his own;
  - (носилки в направляющие машины скорой помощи): as the ambulance men reached the door of the vehicle, the first one hitched his end of the stretcher into the runners and the second prepared to shove it inside;
  - (обойму в пистолет): he grabbed a driver's pistol from the rack, put in a clip, and stuffed it in the holster;
  - (переходник в розетку / электроприбор в переходник): you simply plug the converter into the wall outlet, plug your appliance into the converter and turn on your appliance;
  - (ремень безопасности в прорези): insert the shoulder belt into both notches;
  - (стеклоочиститель в гнездо): to fit windscreen wipers into the sockets;
  - (хирург вставил челюсть, выращенную на спине из клеток пациента, в лицо): the surgeon had removed the jaw from his back and fitted it into his face;
  - (шнур питания в розетку): to plug the power cord into a socket;
  - (штепсель в розетку): if the pins on the back of this converter do not fit the outlet, insert converter into the appropriate adapter plug and insert into wall outlet
  вставиться / вставляться - (на стволе винтовки были канавки, в которые вставлялся телескопический прицел): the rifle had grooves along the upper side of its barrel to take a telescopic sight for target practice;
  - (он подпиливал зажимы, чтобы усилитель изображения вставлялся в эти канавки, т.е. см. выше): working with a file and a vice screwed to the edge of the kitchen table, he began to convert the clips of the image intensifier to fit into these grooves;
  - (в некоторых странах штырьки переходника не вставляются в розетку): in some countries, you may encounter other shapes of wall outlets which the converter pins do not fit;
  - (я ломаю себе голову, пытаясь сообразить... какое устройство куда вставляется): I'm going off my head trying to work out the alignment of these devices, trying to figure out which one fitted into which
  встрепенуться - (при упоминании чего-л): at the mention of number theory the mathematician perked up
  встряска - (в-ой вывести население из апатии): the exposure of the dossier would lead to a welter of prosecutions that could only jerk the population out of its growing apathy toward the question of continuing pursuit of wanted SS-men;
  - (после пережитой в. я был на удивление спокоен): the shock I have suffered has left a strange quietness in me;
  - (почувствовать в-у, когда самолёт коснулся земли): we felt a series of jolts as the plane touched down;
  - the two fugitives were just about to dive into the sea when the Shark sneezed very suddenly and, as he sneezed, he gave Pinocchio and Geppetto such a jolt that they found themselves thrown on their backs and dashed once more and very unceremoniously into the stomach of the monster
  встряхивать / встряхнуть - (закостенелое мышление образно): his early efforts to shake up ossified thinking in the Pentagon have been thwarted by the resistance of senior military commanders;
  - (лекарство перед употреблением): the medicine must be well shaken before use;
  - (на каждой выбоине пассажиров встряхивало): every pothole jolted the passengers;
  - (падение встряхнуло все кости в теле): the fall jolted every bone in his body
  вступать / вступить - (в лужу рвоты): he avoided stepping in the pool of sick;
  - (в ямку): I stepped in a hole and went in up to my knees;
  вталкивать / втолкнуть - (книги в ящик): "I'm trying to get some more books into this box." "Don't force them; you'll break the box.";
  - (кого-л в комнату ): I turn and there's Wade, getting hustled into the room by a couple of cops, guns out, full on;
  - (носилки в автомобиль скорой помощи): as the ambulance men reached the door of the vehicle, the first one hitched his end of the stretcher into the runners and the second prepared to shove it inside;
  - (пробку в бутылку): to push the cork into the bottle
  втаптывать / втоптать - (в грязь): смотри файл EMOCII;
  - (ленты со знамён в грязь): standards were dipped so their streamers could be torn off and stamped into the mud
  втаскивать / втащить - (кого-л в автомобиль): before the slumping man had hit the pavement, the plain-clothes colonel had him under the armpits, dragging him physically into the recess of the rear seat of the car;
  - (кого-л в хижину): he was rescued by R. and H., who each seized him under an arm and heaved him back into the cabin;
  - (тяжёлый ящик на пять лестничных пролётов наверх): he and his friend had schlepped slang that enormous, heavy box up five flights
  втекать - (море втекало в расщелины): here the land is shattered into a thousand fragments and between the shards the sea has flowed in to form a million creeks, gullies, bays and gorges;
  - (океан втекал в шлюз): the sluices were opened and with a thundering roar the western Pacific began to flow in;
  - (т.е. реки втекают в Миссиссиппи): the Mississippi is joined by the Minnesota River in the Twin Cities, the Wisconsin River in Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, the Des Moines River in Keokuk, Iowa, the Illinois River and the Missouri river near St. Louis, Missouri, and the Ohio River at Cairo, Illinois
  втереть / втирать - (краску в волосы): he rubbed a darkening agent into his hair;
  - (лосьон для загара в нос): he was rubbing suntan lotion onto his nose;
  - (мазь в обгоревшее на солнце место): he rubbed the ointment on his sunburn;
  - (мазь в кожу): he worked the salve into the skin;
  - (соль в капусту, т.е. для квашения): pack cabbage mixed with the salt into a large stone jar (crock), tamping down with a wooden mallet working salt in until juicy;
  - (уксус и соль в раны): beaten senseless, slaves might be briefly revived by the agony of having vinegar and salt rubbed into their wounds to keep flies away
  втискивать / втиснуть - (ванную в маленькое пространство): my bathroom is cleverly shoehorned infml into the tiniest space;
  - (втиснутый в куртку): B., squeezed into his tight horn-buttoned jacket, was perspiring in torrents;
  - (4 кровати в комнату): he was edging his way between two of the four beds that had been squeezed into the room;
  - (кровать в комнату): I had a roll-away bed shoehorned into a room with four other women;
  - (100 нелегальных иммигрантов в маленькое судно): about 100 immigrants had been packed onto the 15-meter wooden boat;
  - (ноги в туфли, которые ей малы): she tries to squeeze her feet into shoes that are too small;
  - (парту в класс): they could not squeeze another desk into the class;
  - (пассажира в автобус): the drivers can skim some cash off the top by cramming in another body into a minibus taxi;
  - (3 полосы в одну, т.е. при ремонте платной автодороги): In hospital terminology, the C. Turnpike was in a constant state of intensive care. There was always a huge construction project going on somewhere along the way, the kind of project that meant cramming three lanes into only one, causing inevitable traffic jams.;
  - (пустыня, втиснутая между горами): a wild yellow desert hemmed in by rocky hills;
  - (столы в кабинет): two desks had been crammed inside the office
  втискиваться / втиснуться - (автомобиль втиснулся передо мной): I had to stop when another car nipped in BrE infml in front of me;
  - (в дверь): he was so fat that he could only just squeeze through the door;
  - (в джинсы): he scrambled into his jeans;
  - (в скафандр): he wormed fig into the spacesuit;
  - (тесновато, но мы втиснемся): we'll be a bit cramped, but I think we'll all squeeze in
  втягивать / втянуть - (воздух): he sucked rank but reviving air into his body;
  - (воздух): to draw in air;
  - (дым сигареты в лёгкие): he inhaled a draft of cigar smoke;
  - (живот): he sucked his belly in as much as he could;
  - (живот): You've put on a few pounds. Stop trying to hold your stomach in.;
  - (живот): The singer's stomach overhanged her dress at her show last night. It was a stark contrast to the opening night of the tour when she showed off an enviably toned stomach. But a girl can only hold it in for so long, and Miss Spears, who has surprised critics with her performances, was happy to adopt the slouched pose at the show in Newark.;
  - (кот втянул когти): the cat retracted his claws;
  - (кот боится пылесоса, хотя он недостаточно сильный, чтобы его втянуть): my cat is terrified of the vacuum cleaner, even though it's certainly not strong enough to suck him in;
  - (с шумом / судорожно в. воздух большими глотками): he lay for several minutes, whooping in great gulps of air
  втягиваться / втянуться - (о манипуляторе): gently now, the retrieval arm set down the crate, and retracted
  входить (т.е. вставляться) - (в некоторых странах штырьки переходника не входят в розетку): in some countries, you may encounter other shapes of wall outlets which the converter pins do not fit;
  - (колёса входят в зацепление): when the two wheels engage the smaller one will start to turn;
  - (на стволе винтовки были канавки, в которые входил телескопический прицел): the rifle had grooves along the upper side of its barrel to take a telescopic sight for target practice;
  - (он подпиливал зажимы, чтобы усилитель изображения входил в эти канавки, т.е. см. выше): working with a file and a vice screwed to the edge of the kitchen table, he began to convert the clips of the image intensifier to fit into these grooves;
  - (штырьки штепселя не входят в розетку): the continental pins on the back of this converter do not fit the outlet
  вцепиться / вцепляться - (в волосы): he clutches his victim's hair, spewing rage as he is about to hit;
  - (в поручень): I clang to the rail;
  - (в шею своего коня): the knight clung to the neck of his mount, obviously wounded;
  - (т.е. ведущий вцепился в приглашённого на телепередачу образно): But then he hung up on me. Or as a sympathetic e-mailer wrote: "I was particularly offended by the way he cut you off just before his tirade - as if to give the listening audience the impression you had been struck silent, like some whipped pup, by the brilliance of his argument and the morality of his tone."
  - (клыками в кого-л): a hatred so powerful that he would like to sink his fangs into the man before him;
  - (зубами в ногу): the dog sank his teeth into her leg;
  - (когтями в руку): both sets of front claws had sunk themselves deep into his arm;
  - (кот вцепился когтями в мантию): the cat sank his claws into his robes;
  - (мёртвой хваткой в-иться в горло): he hurled himself fiercely at the intruder, getting a death grip on his throat;
  - (руками в. в руль): both hands clutching the wheel
  вшивать / вшить - (капсулу с антинаркотическим средством): Implanted Capsule Helping Addicts Kick Habit
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