валить - (буря валит деревья): Storm Causes Massive Power Outages, Knocks Down Trees;
- (валил густой снег): the snow fell thick and heavy;
- (валил снег): snow fell thick for at least half an hour;
- (деревья, т.е. о дровосеке): to fell trees;
- (дым валил изо рта белым столбом): smoke poured out of his mouth in a white plume;
- (дым валил из трубы): the chimney was pouring out black smoke;
- (в. на пол кого-л): The coxswain refuses to lower the ramp. Staff Sergeant P. jumps him, throttles him, and bears him to the floor.
- (солдатня валила через горные перевалы): their soldiery poured throughout mountain passes and laid waste to everything between the pine woods and the sea;
- (толпа валила к воротам): the crowd surged to the gates;
- (толпа, которая валила со стадиона): they were caught in the crowds flooding out of the stadium;
- (ураган валил деревья): hurricanes rampaged among the islands, flattening palm trees
валиться - (дерево свалилось на автомобиль): a tree toppled onto his car;
- (на колени): men dropped to their knees, casting weapons aside;
- (на технологию валятся шишки за подрыв промышленности): technology gets the rap slang for disrupting industry after industry;
- (от усталости): by the third hour, though, I was overwhelmed with fatigue;
- (от усталости): he was used up by fatigue;
- (от усталости, в. с ног): Mom was in the kitchen all day and was dead on her feet;
- смотри свалиться
валяться - (в постели утром): he can have a bit of lie-in;
- (в постели утром): In broad daylight! Parents having lie-in, I suppose.;
- (валяющиеся на полу газеты): he stared at the tangle of newspapers strewn on the floor around them;
- (какой дурак оставил здесь в. свой рюкзак?): what kind of stupid kid leaves his pack lying around like that?;
- (куски штукатурки - на улице): chunks of plaster lie in the street;
- (на границе прилива валялись прибитые к берегу деревья): the tide line was strewn with huge driftwood trees;
- (обглоданные кости валялись на берегу): picked bones littered the shore;
- (обрывки валялись на полу): the portrait had been slashed so viciously that strips of canvas littered the floor;
- (свитки пергамента валялись на столе): rolls of parchment littered the desk;
- (спички валялись на земле): splintered matches littered the ground around;
- (яблочные огрызки и конфетные обёртки валялись на полу): apple cores and sweet wrappers littered the floor
варёный - (рис / яйца): boiled rice / eggs
варить - Boil, grill, or fry? The healthiest way to cook food.;
- (балки варят под углом 900): immense steel I-beams, 3 of them welded at 90-degree angle to look like enormous jacks (hedgehogs);
- (еду): I'll do the cooking;
- (жидкость): boil liquid rapidly for 5 to 10 minutes;
- (лапшу по инструкции на пачке): prepare egg noodles according to package direction;
- (пиво): the Pump House takes pride in brewing beer to perfection;
- (пиво, слабое п. было сварено, чтобы освежать, а не опьянять): small beer was brewed to refresh, not to intoxicate;
- (рис): Add chicken to strained soup, season with salt and pepper, and serve with boiled rice;
- (стекло): the high temperatures required to melt glass;
- (ужин): she cooked us a fancy dinner;
- (яйцо): boil him an egg
вариться - (овощи варятся слишком долго): these vegetables have been boiling too long; they're cooked to a pulp
варка - (тщательная варка): thorough cooking of the product would kill these bacteria, but a risk of cross-contamination from improper handling of the raw product is still present;
- (сульфитная, т.е. целлюлозы): by 1900 sulfite pulping had become the dominant means of producing wood pulp;
- (сусла, т.е. пивного / пива из сусла): this invention relates to a process for the continuous boiling of wort, as well as to a process for brewing beer from said boiled wort
ваяние - gesso is an art supply used as a surface preparation or primer for painting, gilding, and sculpting
вбегать / вбежать - (т.е. в класс): the student storms in with an essay in her hand;
- (он с шумом вбежал на поляну, срывая с себя клубки прицепившейся к нему растительности): he came crashing back into the glade, ripping clinging snarls of vegetation off himself with loud exasperation
вбивать / вбить - (гвоздь по самую шляпку): to drive a nail home / to the head;
- (кол в сердце вампира): the best known way of destroying the Vampire, is to drive a stake through the heart
вброд - (на островок можно попасть дважды в сутки во время отлива, либо посуху, либо в крайнем случае в.): the tidal islet can be entered and left twice in every twenty-four hours, either dry-shod, or at the most by wading;
- (перейти в. реку): he reached the river too deep to wade through and too dangerous to swim across;
- (перейти в. реку): they were all soaked to the skin and looked like a litter of pups that had just forded a river
вваливаться / ввалиться - (глаза ввалились): his eyes became sunken / became hollow with dark pouches beneath;
- (в автобус впереди всех): he barged onto a bus before everyone else;
- (в кабинет без стука): he barged into my office without knocking and started talking even though I was on the phone
- (лучше бы вы постучали в дверь, а не просто ввалились): I wish you'd knock instead of just barging in;
- (щёки ввалились / животы ввалились): their cheeks became hollow, their bellies sank inward, they could feel their ribs when they passed their hands over their chests
введение (т.е. в медицине) - (буккальное / ректальное / вагинальное / местное, т.е. лекарственного препарата): Nanoparticles may be co-mixed with gums and viscous fluids for purposes of buccal, rectal or vaginal administration. Microspheres may also be co-mixed with gels and ointments for purposes of topical administration to epidermis for transdermal delivery.;
- (вакцины в мышцу): The Importance Of Injecting Vaccines Into Muscle;
- (выбор способа в-я вакцины / самые распространённые способы в-я вакцины / в. вакцины в мышцу / в. вакцины под кожу): Selecting the best route of administration is crucial to effective vaccination. The two most common routes of administration are intramuscular, which means injecting into the muscle, and subcutaneous, which means injecting under the skin;
- (зонда в желудок / воды или солевого раствора через зонд): gastric lavage, commonly known as a stomach pump, is the insertion of a tube into the stomach, followed by administration of water or saline down the tube;
- (кокаина через нос): regular intranasal use (snorting) of cocaine can lead to loss of the sense of smell and nosebleeds;
- (лекарственного препарата через желудок): two hours after intra-stomach administration of the drug or a placebo;
- (лекарственного препарата через желудок): effects of intra-stomach administration of the drug;
- (пальцев в анус и вагину): This was an incident of digital penetration of the anus and vagina of the victim. As a result of that digital penetration the victim suffered a cut and an abrasion and bruising during the assault.;
- (т.е. препарата в организм, при внутрибрюшном в-и): in mice, per intraperitoneal route, the LD-O (maximum non-lethal dose) in mice is higher than 64 mg/kg, the LD-30 (lethal dose for 30% of the treated animals) is of about 128 mg/kg, and the LD-100 (minimum lethal dose for all the treated animals) is lower than or equal to 256 mg/kg.;
- (при в-и через желудок дозами по 50 и 150 мг/кг действующее начало не оказывает значительного воздействия на ритм сердечных сокращений): upon the intra-stomach administration in doses of 50 and 150 mg/kg the active principle provides no substantial effect on the rhythm of cardiac contractions;
- (простагландинa в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the study was designed to investigate outcome in women who required vaginal prostaglandin E2 for cervical priming prior to labor induction;
- (путь в-я / введение в мышцу и под кожу): Selecting the best route of administration is crucial to effective vaccination. The two most common routes of administration are intramuscular, which means injecting into the muscle, and subcutaneous, which means injecting under the skin
ввернуть / вворачивать - (болт) I'm screwing in the bolt;
- (стопорные винты должны быть ввёрнуты в зажим троса на одинаковую глубину): the threaded pins should all be screwed in to the same depth in the cable clamp
ввести / вводить - (т.е. в компьютер / на клавиатуре ): смотри ниже;
- (кого-л в столовую для руководителей): he ushers me into the executive dining room on the 38th floor of the company's world headquarters;
- (кого-л, введите его, т.е. пленника через дверь ): "Get him inside!" And with that order, the two privates strong-armed AmE him through the doors.;
- (управляющие стержни в активную зону, т.е. атомного реактора): control rods are a series of metal rods that can be quickly inserted into the core to absorb neutrons and rapidly terminate the nuclear reaction;
- (что-л во что-л): смотри ниже
ввести / вводить (т.е. в компьютер / на клавиатуре) - ( данные): there are detectives and civilian support staff, inputting data and cross-referencing the details of each crime;
- (в. данные в системы бухгалтерского учёта и обработки данных): ability to input a variety of data to computerized record keeping / data processing systems;
- (код): to enter a code;
- (пароль): type the password and press ENTER;
- (цифры): he keyed in the seven digits;
- (в. данные на клавиатуре пользовательской панели банкомата): in operation of an ATM a user inserts a customer identifying card into the machine and then enters certain data (such as codes, quantity of currency required, type of transaction, etc.) upon one or more keyboards included in a user console of the machine
ввести / вводить (т.е. вставить) - (врач вводит палец в прямую кишку): during a digital rectal exam, a doctor inserts a gloved finger into the rectum and feels the prostate gland through the rectal wall to check for bumps or abnormal areas;
- (вторичный катетер в первичный катетер): once the primary catheter was in place, the doctor inserted into it a second catheter with tiny jaws at its tip;
- (катетер в мочевой пузырь через пенис): after the prostate gland is taken out, a catheter (a narrow rubber tube) is put through the penis into the bladder to carry urine out of the body until the area heals;
- (катетер, т.е. в надрез яремной вены): the doctor made a small incision in his jugular vein and introduced a thin highly flexible catheter;
- (простагландин в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the study was designed to investigate outcome in women who required vaginal prostaglandin E2 for cervical priming prior to labor induction;
- (простагландин в шейку матки, т.е. роженицам): the obstetrician induced her with prostaglandin;
- (цистоскоп и нож в катетере через пенис в мочевой пузырь): the examination and removal of the tumors will be by cystoscopic surgery, running a tiny scope and a knife in a tube through the penis into the bladder;
- (через капельницу): Doctors removed a billion of his T-cells and gave them new genes that would program the cells to attack his cancer. Then the altered cells were dripped back into his veins.;
- (т.е. шприцом, лекарство крысе): the lab assistant injected the rat with the new drug;
- (т.е. шприцом, лекарство): this drug cannot be swallowed; it has to be injected;
- (т.е. шприцом, раствор кому-л): to inject a strong solution of cyanide into her
ввинтить / ввинчивать - (болт) I'm screwing in the bolt
ввинчивание - (перед в-ем колёсных болтов их следует очистить): before screwing in the wheel bolts, clean them;
- смотри ввинчиваться
ввинчиваться - (буксировочная скоба ввинчивается в гнездо с резьбой): the towing eye is screwed into a threaded socket;
- (Детали крепежа с сужающимся к концу стержнем ввинчиваются непосредственно в в подложку или в намеченные в подложке отверстия. В подложке при ввинчивании формируется резьба.): Fasteners with tapered shanks are designed to either be driven into a substrate directly or into a pilot hole in a substrate. Mating threads are formed in the substrate as these fasteners are driven in.;
- (о винте): screws have a head, which is a specially formed section on one end of the screw that allows it to be turned, or driven;
- (стопорные винты должны быть ввинчены в зажим троса на одинаковую глубину): the threaded pins should all be screwed in to the same depth in the cable clamp
вворачивание - (перед в-ем колёсных болтов их следует очистить): before screwing in the wheel bolts, clean them;
- (насильственное в. слишком длинного винта в глухое отверстие может повредить резьбу): forcing a screw that is too long into a blind hole will damage the threads;
- смотри вворачиваться
вворачиваться - (буксировочная скоба вворачивается в гнездо с резьбой): the towing eye is screwed into a threaded socket;
- (Детали крепежа с сужающимся к концу стержнем вворачиваются непосредственно в подложку или в намеченные в подложке отверстия. В подложке при вворачивании формируется резьба.): Fasteners with tapered shanks are designed to either be driven into a substrate directly or into a pilot hole in a substrate. Mating threads are formed in the substrate as these fasteners are driven in.;
- (о винте): screws have a head, which is a specially formed section on one end of the screw that allows it to be turned or driven
вглядываться - (в будущее): to peer into the future;
- (в мелкую надпись): "Look at the inscription on the ring." She peered at the tiny lettering, squinting.;
- (в туман): he peered into that fog;
- (в. перед собой, не мигая): he was staring unblinkingly ahead of him, trying to discern shapes through the gloom
вгонять / вогнать - (копьё в грудь): he drove his lance through the chest of a man
вгрызаться - (в початок кукурузы): He bought a half-dozen corn ears with cash from his pocket. Then he peeled back one of the husks, and bit into a raw ear
вдавить / вдавливать - (в глину монетку): a dime was pressed into clay;
- (в пластилин): he deposited the battery and its wires in the base of the square tea can and embedded the detonator deep into the plastic explosive;
- (глубже в. предмет в грудь кого-л): the intruder pressed down again, grinding the white-hot object deeper into V.'s chest;
- (педаль акселератора в пол): he jammed the accelerator pedal to the floor
вдавиться / вдавливаться - (ручки выдвижных ящиков вдавливались в спину): he waited for another seizure to sweep his legs out from under him and leave him helpless on the floor his knees buckled, and he slid down the face of a cabinet, the drawer pulls gouging his back
вдох - (боль в груди после глубокого в-а): pain in the chest upon breathing deeply;
- (вдох, т.е. приказание): inhale!;
- (делать в.): смотри ниже;
- (на вдохе вытяните руку до уровня глаз): as you inhale stretch up one hand to the eye level;
вдох (делать в.) - he started making strange noises: he was hissing and spitting without drawing breath;
- he drew / took a deep breath;
- the beaver can stay at the bottom about 15 minutes without taking a breath;
- it was hard to draw a breath;
- he took a final great gasp of clean air from the window;
- (делая глубокие вдохи): taking deep breaths, he struck out for the light;
- (делать неглубокие в-и): he took shallow inhalations;
- (с трудом делать короткие в-и): he was breathing in short gasps;
- (сделайте в. и задержите дыхание): take a breath and hold it;
- (сделать глубокий в.): I drew in a deep breath
вдохнуть - he drew a breath;
- (было трудно в.): it was hard to draw a breath;
- (вдохните!): inhale!;
- (глубоко): he drew a deep breath;
- (что-л случайно): She gasped at the sound. When she gasped, she pulled the lemon slice down her throat and choke to death very quickly;
- (что-л случайно): you have breathed in something to which you are sensitive
- (воздух, который мы вдыхаем): the air we inspire;
- (вдохните - выдохните): inhale - exhale;
- (вдыхаемый воздух): inhaled air contains oxygen and very little carbon dioxide;
- (вдыхаемый через нос воздух): air that is breathed in through the nose passes through a series of airway tubes in the lungs;
- (дым сигареты): he inhaled a draft of cigar smoke;
- (запах): I breath in her scent, her stale perfume and sweat;
- (запах незнакомых растений): he was smelling the unfamiliar plants;
- (их аромат, т.е. мочек её ушей,): R. stares at her earlobes. He could nuzzle them for a few hundred years and never get bored.;
- (клей): the glue they sniff ravages their nervous system;
- (новую жизнь в отношения): to breathe a new life into the U.S. - Japan relationships;
- (полные лёгкие воздуха): he was breathing in lungfuls of fresh, salty air;
- (резко): inhale sharply;
- (судорожно / шумно в. воздух): he lay for several minutes, whooping in great gulps of air
вдыхание - (в. кристаллической пыли кремнезёма): silicosis is caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust;
- (вещества, мелкая пыль которых при в-и может представлять опасность для здоровья): substances which, on inhalation as fine dust, may endanger health include asbestos and mixtures containing asbestos
ведение - (ведЕние мяча, т.е. в баскетболе): Dribbling is bouncing the ball continuously with one hand at a time without ever holding the ball. Dribbling is required in order for a player to take steps while possessing the ball.;
- (передача мяча, ведение его, обманный манёвр и забивание гола, т.е. в футболе): passing, dribbling, feigning and scoring goals
везти / возить - (железная дорога возит 25% товарного транспорта): the railway system carries over 25% of the country's goods traffic;
- (лошади возили телеги): in the 1800's, horses pulled carts;
- (пациента на каталке): the physician beckoned to the orderlies and told them where to move the patient;
- (пациента на каталке / на второй этаж): she could be wheeled to the elevator and taken to the second floor, where there was a sizable obstetrics staff;
- (т.е. по городу в патрульном полицейском автомобиле): his primary motivation behind buying a car was that he refused to be driven around in his father's cruiser;
- (пострадавшего пассажира отвезли в больницу): the injured passenger was taken to hospital;
- (пушки на железнодорожных платформах): "What do they move on flatcars?" "Tracked vehicles and heavy guns.";
- (тележки): salesmen were pushing carts full of extraordinary merchandise;
- (хотите, я отвезу вас домой?): would you like me to take you home?
- (избирателей на избирательные участки): to transport voters to the polls;
- (т.е. на гребной лодке на корабли): innocent people were ripped from home and family and loaded into boats to be rowed out to the anchored slave ships;
- (почту почтовой каретой): mail was carried by a stagecoach;
- (поезда возят уголь): trains transport coal to the ports;
- (самолёт возил первую леди по Балканам): a passenger jet ferried First Lady H.C. around the Balkans;
- (т.е. самолётом, заключённого отвезли в Израиль): the prisoner was flown by a civilian jet to Israel;
- (т.е. самолётом, тело президента отвезли в Калифорнию для захоронения): President's body is flown to California for burial;
- (странствующие торговцы везли товар через горы и пустыни): the rugs were smuggled into Afghanistan by itinerant traders who hauled them over the mountains and across deserts;
- (тележку, т.е. о старьёвщике): His grandfather was a ragman. He gave the first impetus to the family fortune by driving a tin-cart about the country.
вертеть - (волосы на пальце, чтобы завить): she twisted her hair round her fingers to make it curl;
- (волчок / юлу): to spin a top;
- (головой туда-сюда): he turned his head this way and that, trying to see something;
- (головой): he swiveled his head about, searching the sky;
- (головой): he twisted his head round to try and see what was happening;
- (задом): the waitress swung her bottom;
- (кого-л, т.е. по комнате): He grabs her around the waist, spinning her around. He puts her down suddenly.;
- (кого-л по танцплощадке): she is being spun across the dance floor and sending her dress twirling and knickers flashing;
- (ручку, т.е. настройки локатора): she explained her work at the radar station thus: "Well, you twiddle infml this knob and that knob, and then this other knob, and...";
- (ручку прибора туда-сюда): he twiddled the replay knob
вертеться - (девушки вертелись под музыку): on foreshorted pillars, naked go-go girls rotated mindlessly to the rhythm of the rock music;
- (колесо вертелось медленно): the big wheel turned slowly;
- (колесо веретелось на оси): the wheel was spinning on its axle;
- (т.е. о детях в церкви): first the boys were well behaved, but then they started to fidget;
- (о проблесковом маячке на полицейской машине): there was a police car, its blue roof light twirling;
- (т.е. о скучающем ребёнке): The girl, now aged six, was bored and squirming. As the interminably long service continued, she stuck her finger in her eye, pulled her ears, and swung her legs.;
- (т.е. околачиваться, возле детской площадки): on frequent occasions she stopped a policeman to point out men who she thought were up to no good, as they hung around the playground;
- (т.е. околачиваться, жильцы не видели, чтобы незнакомец вертелся возле дома): the tenants haven't seen a stranger loitering nearby;
- (подброшенный человек вертелся в воздухе): he flailed through the air;
- (человек вертелся на месте): looking breathless and disorientated, he spun on the spot, goggling upward at...;
- (т.е. шевелиться в руках у гримёра / парикмахера): he had learned not to fidget too much, which made her job easier
верховая езда - saddle horse is a lightweight horse kept for riding only;
- His years at the Military Academy provided him with a better education than ninety-five percent of nineteenth century Americans. Although he preferred swordsmanship and horsemanship, he was proficient in mathematics, drawing, and French.;
- (обучение в-ой е-е): Equitours offers horseback riding instruction from top instructors;
- (одежда для в-ой е-ы): equestrian clothing;
- (уроки в-ой е-ы): horse riding lessons
верховой - (лошадь): the governing body of Showing for Hacks, Cobs and Riding Horses;
- (лошадь / езда): saddle horse is a lightweight horse kept for riding only;
- (лошадь): hack is a saddle horse used for transportation rather than sport;
- (лошадь): right before the gate a livery servant rode slowly up and down, leading a saddle horse
верхом - (драться в.): he hated fighting on horseback, so he had practiced every day;
- (на коне): I was astride the horse;
- (на коне): a warrior on horseback is received by a woman holding a horn;
- (на коне): he was graceful only when he was horsed;
- (нас приветствовал человек в. на коне): a man astride a pawing horse greeted us;
- (сесть в. на стул): he reversed the chair and sat astride;
- (скакать в.): he could see tiny figures on horseback racing along the coastal roads