гонение - (гонения на бывших эсесовцев): they propagandized the German people to the viewpoint that the SS killers were in no way deserving of the persecution to which justice and conscience have ineffectually subjected them;
- (гонения на христиан): she was martyred in 303, at the height of Diocletian's persecutions of the Christians
гонимый - (пророк): Mohammed, who had left Mecca as a persecuted prophet, entered it again in triumph
гонка - (вооружений): the continuing arms race;
- (за богатством / за властью): he pictured youth caught in the mad drive for power and wealth;
- (за рекордами): the pursuit of world records;
- (предвыборная): he formally enters the race for the election;
- (спортивная): the catamaran was in the midst of sea trials in preparation for the race
гонки - (сбой может произойти из-за явления гонок в неправильно спроектированной цифровой логической схеме): a glitch can occur in the presence of race condition in a poorly designed digital logic circuit
гонорар - (авторский, т.е. проценты с каждого экземпляра проданной книги): royalty;
- (адвоката): you can recover damages and attorney fees;
- (адвокат объяснила, каков её г.): the lawyer explained her fees;
- (единовременный, т.е. статистов в оперном в театре): G. Opera supernumeraries receive a one-time honorarium;
- (г. за выступление): an attempt to get around House rules prohibiting members from accepting speaking fees;
- (предварительный, т.е. адвоката): because D. had been negligent in paying a previous bill from the law firm for legal services, the firm insisted that he pay a $2000 monthly retainer before M. undertook the work;
- (предварительный г. адвокату начисляется из расчёта $150 в час вне суда о $300 в час в суде): the lawyer told me what it would cost - a retainer, against a fee to be billed at $150 an hour for time out of court and $300 an hour in court;
- (предварительный, т.е. врачу): A significant percent of people do not know what "concierge medicine" is. Also known as "retainer" practice, concierge is a growing type of medical practice where the patient pays the physician an up-front fee (retainer) for services. The fee can range from $100 a month to $20,000 a year, depending upon the practice and the services offered. The fee usually covers all visits to the doctor, phone calls, more prompt service and e-mail access. Labs, tests, X-rays, specialist visits, and hospitalization are not included.
гонять - (т.е. мужа роженицы по родильной палате, приказывая делать что-л): the midwife delivered the baby, ordering me around the delivery suite like a puppy;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
гоняться - (за драгоценными камнями образно): maybe it is the thrill of "hunt," chasing down those gemstones can be exciting;
- (за мной гоняется слишком много головорезов): too many cutthroats are after my hide, including one idiot, who wants to see me dead;
- (за сплетнями): he chided reporters for chasing gossip instead of hard news;
- (когда за вами гоняются папарацци, это нелегко): it can't be easy being chased by the paps and reading stories about yourself;
- (очертя голову г. за богатством и славой): people were running headlong after riches and glory;
- смотри файл DVIJENIE
гора - (горы переворачивать, т.е. делать сверхусилия): She's unreliable. That's another reason her career has tanked. She (the actress) has a history of keeping people waiting, but her agent had been moving heaven and earth to get her a job.;
- (г. с плеч свалилась, теперь, когда я погасил кредит, у меня прямо г. с плеч свалилась): now that I've paid off my bank loan that's a real load off my mind;
- (г. с плеч свалилась, когда я наконец возобновил контракт, у меня прямо г. с плеч свалилась): finally getting my contract renewed was a real load off my mind;
- (г. с плеч свалилась, у меня г. с плеч свалилась): The player's current contract was due to expire at the end of the season. But he has now committed to the S. (team) until the summer of 2016. He said: "It's been a worry because my contract was up at the end of the season, so it was important for me to get tied down. It's a weight off my mind, so now I can look to the long-term future.";
- смотри файл PEIZAJ_POGODA
гораздо - (амбиции экономиста г. выше, чем простая "зачистка" таможни): the ambitions of the economist from Lubianka go a lot further than just cleaning up the customs;
- (важнее): far more fundamental, but seldom mentioned, is that no feasible rate of reduction of emissions can do much to prevent the warming projected over the next century;
- (дешевле): Japanese cars are rather cheaper than European ones;
- (дороже): far more expensive;
- (жёстче и решительней): he had worked under 3 prime ministers, and the latest was far and away the toughest and most decisive;
- (позже): it was only much later people started to make a fuss over those Army officers
гореть - смотри файл DVIJENIE, FORMA_VID, EMOCII
горизонт - (г. был окутан дымкой): the horizon was hazy and vague;
- (на г-е): a dull, greenish tinge along the horizon;
- (на г-е): there was an airplane on the horizon;
- (заметить мельницы на г-е): we spotted a row of windmills on the horizon and suddenly realized that Don Quixote might not have been deluded after all;
- (окидывая взглядом г., он различает...): scanning the skyline, he can pick out a handful of dark shadows lying prone on the rooftops or crouching behind walls and chimney pots;
- (смотреть на г.): he stared at the skyline
горизонталь - (т.е. в картографии, горизонтали - это воображаемые линии одинаковой высоты над уровнем моря): contours are imaginary lines of equal elevation above main sea level
горизонтально - (ракета летит г.): the rocket darts horizontally like a minnow, makes one or two minor cuts to correct its course, zeroes in on that sniper's perch, up in the water tower access ladder;
- (г. расположенная поверхность земли): the escape slide is a longitudinally extending structure with a center line that extends from the head end of the slide, adjacent the egress opening, to a toe end that is located adjacent the horizontally extending ground plane
горизонтальный - (выйти из планирования в г. полёт, т.е. о ракете): the missile flattened out;
- (линия / поверхность): a horizontal line / surface;
- (полёт, перейти в г. полёт): the aircraft was on autopilot, programmed to turn, climb and level out at 39 thousand feet;
- (полёт): an aircraft in straight-and-level unaccelerated flight has four forces acting on it;
- (система координат, т.е. небесных светил): The horizontal, or altazimutal, coordinate system is based on the position of the observer on earth, which revolves around its own axis once per sidereal day (23.hours, 56 minutes and 4.091 seconds) in relation to the "fixed" star background.
горло - (бедняки готовы перерезать друг другу г.): Kenya's Poor at Each Other's Throats. Those who have nothing are looting those who have a little bit more.;
- (держать за горло кого-л образно, т.е. о шантажисте): I kept in touch with him, getting my regular rake-off from him. I had him by the neck, and I wasn't foolish enough to pass up any easy money.;
- (перерезать г.): Nebraska murder suspect slashes his own throat in court;
- (перерезать г.): the murder suspect cut his own throat during his murder trial
горнодобывающий - (промышленность): the mining industry has made great strides in eliminating silicosis
горный - (болезнь): Sometimes people get sick at high altitudes, such as in the mountains. This is called mountain sickness or high-altitude sickness;
- (дело, бурение и взрывные работы в г-ом д-е): drilling and blasting operations in mining;
- (походы): on alpine excursions she outstripped men half her age;
- (районы): I learned the difference between the montane, subalpine and alpine regions;
- (районы): mountainous regions between the Pacific Ocean and the Great Plains;
- смотри файл PEIZAJ
город-побратим - sister city
городить - (вздор / чушь): to talk nonsense;
- (ерунду): don't talk such drivel AmE
городок - all suburban units from hamlets through villages up to townlets of population less than 5000 head.
городской - (аэропорт / морг): the municipal airport / mortuary;
- (вредители, люди ругали ворон, считая их городскими в-лями): humans have feared crows as evil omens and reviled them as urban nuisances;
- (районы): in the ramshackle urban areas of B.;
- (совет): city council;
- (сточные воды): urban waste water treatment;
- (транспорт): the bill eliminates free access to urban transportation
горожанин (горожане) - many of the rebels were gentry and townsmen;
- bustling marketplace replete with townspeople
горожанка - the townswomen plural were nursing the injured
горсть - (банкнот / купюр): he held out a fistful of crumpled notes;
- (кофейных зёрен): a handful of coffee beans
горстка - (т.е. несколько, актёрских наград): he won international acclaim for his King Lear and has a fistful infml of other acting awards
горький - (ирония): poignant irony;
- (кофе): bitter coffee;
- (г-ое лекарство образно экономических реформ): between the tough medicine in my economic plan and the bad press over problems, my (president's) public approval had dropped steeply since the inauguration;
- (мысль): I could not erase from my mind the poignant thought of R. Nixon so alone and beleaguered;
- (напоминание о том, каким мог бы быть город): it's a poignant evocation of what might have been the city of that architect;
- (опыт, узнать на г-ом о-е): I know it from bitter experience;
- (опыт, узнать на г-ом о-е): the burglar had learned the hard way that a murmur is far more difficult to detect than a whisper;
- (пилюля): the Bosnian peace plan was hard-won and its particulars contained bitter pills for both sides;
- (правда): the home truths that the owners and directors of companies have forgotten are that power must come with responsibility;
- (правда): bitter truth;
- (правда): no matter how bad you do not want to state the painful truth, always be truthful;
- (разочарование): bitter disappointment;
- (разочарование): his frustration was acute when he realized that I would not let him go;
- (усмешка): his mouth twisted itself into a wry smile
горючий - (газ): hydrogen sulfide is a flammable gas
горячий - (головаобразно): as a younger man, he was known as a hothead who talked back to cops;
- (желание): a fervent desire;
- (желание): a burning desire to win larger opportunities;
- (итальянец, т.е. страстный): she was a desirable woman and he was a red-blooded Italian who loved to love women;
- (конь): a restive and fiery horse;
- (кровь дракона): dragon's fiery blood;
- (линия, т.е. связи): I gave permission to use the Hot Line;
- (люди образно): South Osetia is a very volatile region with very hot-headed people;
- (предмет г-их споров): abortion continues to be a hot topic of debate;
- (противник чего-л): a fervent opponent of something;
- (спор): they having a heated argument;
- (споры): in our family's spirited, sometimes heated discussions around the kitchen table, I learned that more than one opinion could live under the same roof;
- (точка): to seek peace in the flashpoints of the world;
- (точка): implementation of waste water treatment plants in all industrial hot spots;
- (человек, т.е. импульсивный): the youngest and most impetuous member of the team;
- смотри файл TEMPERATURA
горячо - (верить): to believe fervently;
- (мусульмане г. приветствовали арест крайне расиста): his arrest was warmly welcomed by Muslims;
- (надеяться): he fervently hoped she wouldn't discuss her adventures with her roommates
господин - (сам себе г., т.е. ни от кого не зависит): Clint Eastwood Is His Own Man: Signs On In Support Of Marriage Equality. Clint Eastwood is not your typical, 21st century, cookie-cutter Republican; meaning, his views do not necessarily follow the script or toe the expected party line. Which makes him a very unusual Republican. And his own man.;
- (слуга и г.): "Well done, you good and faithful servant!' said his master.;
- money is a good servant but a bad master;
господство - (в государстве): Mao's personal dominance of the polity he had created was all-encompassing;
- (в мире / над миром): the domination without a shot fired of the entire Third World;
- (т.е. газеты над вниманием читателей): not even Pravda enjoyed such domination of the attention of...;
- (мировое): domination on earth;
- (консервативной идеологии в Республиканской партии): the nomination of R. Nixon cemented the ascendance of a conservative over a moderate ideology within the Republican Party, a dominance that has only grown more pronounced over the years;
- (над соседними народами): what is the blend of qualities that lifts a people to dominion over neighbours of roughly comparable endowments?;
- (российское г. в украинской культуре): Russian dominance of Ukrainian culture;
- (страны во всём мире): the outcome of such a war would be domination by the Soviet Union of almost the whole world;
- (установить г., Магнус поставил себе целью попытаться установить г. Норвежского королевства над Оркнейскими и Гебридскими островами и Манном): In 1093, Magnus became King of Norway and set his sight on attempting to bring Orkney, the Hebrides, and Mann, under the control of the Kingdom of Norway.
господствовать - (безраздельно, об экономической доктрине): for proof that Keynes reigns supreme, all you have to do is watch the president hawking his tax cut as a cure for the global economic slowdown;
- (над кем-л): the room where the Politburo meets every Tuesday morning to hold sway over 250 million Soviet citizens;
- (поляки господствовали в городе): the city of Lwow was dominated by Poles;
- (помешать способности страны г. в мире): concessions in arms levels and states of preparedness, which will in no way at all hinder our capacity to dominate;
- (фармацевтическая компания господствующая на рынке транквилизаторов): that drug company dominates the tranquilizer market
- (Фатх господствовала в палестинском обществе): al-Fatah held sway over Palestinian society for many years but was unable to keep its promises
- (фундаменталистские верования господствуют в целых районах): fundamentalist beliefs hold sway over whole districts, ensuring the popularity of religious leaders
господствующий - (ветры): the ship was in the lee of the prevailing south-easterly winds;
- (занимать г-ее положение в медицине): this company is going to dominate regenerative medicine;
- (занимать г-ее положение, о странах, имеющих запасы нефти): it is those countries who will soon rule the roost infml;
- (парадигма): the reigning paradigm of the Holocaust;
- (партия): the dominant party;
- (положение, государство, занимающее г-ее п. в международной системе): a superpower is a state with a dominant position in the international system which has the ability to influence events and its own interests and project power on a worldwide scale to protect those interests;
- (положение): during the first half of the 13th century, the great Gothic cathedrals demanded artistic attention and stained glass painting achieved dominance;
- (положение компании на рынке): the company has abused its dominant position in the software market;
- (страна стала г-ей в регионе): during the World War II Thailand supported Japan when the latter's conquests made it predominant in Southeast Asia;
- (фигура в стране): he became a domineering figure accountable to no one
ГОСТ (государственный стандарт) - National Standard
гостеприимно - (налить виски): he hospitably poured the man a whisky and soda to match his own;
- (принять чужую культуру): through and in tradition, Islam aligned itself authoritatively with all it found compatible in local usages and brought hospitably and masterfully within its purview the continuity of many cultures
гостеприимный - we are a very hospitable people
гостеприимство - thank you for your hospitality;
- (злоупотреблять г-ом, мы не хотим злоупотреблять вашим г-ом): One more cup of tea and then we'll go. We don't want to outstay our welcome.;
- (оказать г. гостю): forgive me, but I cannot offer any guest fitting hospitality until our household fortunes improve
гостинец - (т.е. с ярмарки): "Ribbons and combs." A huckster planted herself in front of him. "A fairing for your lady?"
гость - (города / университета): the guest of the city / University;
- (музея): visitors to the museum;
- (незваный / непрошеный): unbidden guest;
- (т.е. о спортивной команде): early in the second half of play the visitors were awarded a penalty and took the lead;
- (т.е. о спортивной команде, защита гостей): the defence opened confidently, and with the middlefield also playing well they were soon into their attacking stride, causing the visiting defence numerous problems;
- (он был у нас частым г-тем): he was a frequent visitor to our home;
- (она не поощряла гостей): she discouraged visitors and rarely allowed the girl to attend parties or other functions;
- (официальный): official visitor;
- (почётный): distinguished / honorary guest;
- (радость при виде гостей): his pleasure at seeing visitors overcame any hesitancy, and he scrambled down from the high wall and ran forward to greet us;
- (у меня гости, домработница приходит по утрам, а её племянница помогает, когда у меня гости): "Do you manage on your own?" "Not quite. A charlady comes every morning, and her niece helps when I'm entertaining.";
- (у нас гости, т.е. самолёт преследуют): he grunted into the microphone, "We have company.";
- (у нас редко бывают гости): we seldom entertain;
- (у нас часто бывают гости): we entertain a great deal;
- (у него были гости, т.е. вечеринка): he was hosting a party;
- (ходить в гости друг к другу): the Dutch almost never visit each other without making an appointment first, even with close friends;
- (частый): смотри ниже
гость (частый) - (в Белом доме): they were frequent guests at the White House;
- (в доме): he's a frequent visitor to our house;
- (в часовне): she is a devout Christian and a regular fixture in the chapel;
- (персонаж стал частым гостем на телешоу): the character rapidly grew in popularity, and became a recurring fixture on the show
государственность - the question of Palestinian statehood;
- (Кучме удалось утвердить украинскую г.): Kuchma succeeded in firmly rooting Ukrainian statehood;
- (программа создания г-ти): the bedrock of the state-building program is the new security services trained by multinational forces Palestinians have deployed 2,600 officers in five major West Bank cities, ensuring unprecedented levels of law and order and facilitating the removal of a number of Israeli checkpoints
государственный - (администрация): public administration;
- (банк): the state-owned Polish savings bank;
- (безопасность): a politician was charged Friday with threatening public safety after suggesting that fellow Kurds would rise against the state and fight if Turkey ever attacked their Kurdish brethren in neighboring Iraq;
- (безопасность): National security advisor;
- (безопасность): the Minister of State Security;
- (важность, дела г-ой важности): Ontario passed an act that protects freedom of speech on matters of public interest;
- (важность, вопросы г-ой важности): the President and the Prime Minister engaged in ongoing dialogue with all political parties to discuss issues of national interest;
- (визит, приехать с г-ым в-ом): the President paid a state visit to Britain;
- (визит, полететь в Чили с г-ым в-ом): I flew to Chile for a state visit;
- (власть): public administration;
- (выпуск г-ых золотых монет): the United States Coin and Bullion Reserve Vault Facilities today announces the final release of 5,000 U.S. Gov't Issued Gold Coins previously held in the West Point Depository / U.S. Mint;
- (высшие г-ые чиновники): between the time the department came into being in January 2003 and last month, senior officials testified before congressional hearings;
- (газета): a state-run Chinese newspaper;
- (герб): picture of State Emblem of USA on the half dollar coin;
- (гимн): national anthem;
- (дела): the police captain and the ambassador locked horns regularly over shared affairs of state;
- (дела, говорить о г-ых д-ах): we were talking about affairs of state;
- (деятель): H. Kohl is a great European statesman;
- (долг): смотри ниже;
- (должность, выставить свою кандидатуру на г-ую д.): to run for public office;
- (доход): revenues;
- (доходы): direct economic benefits of the tourism among other factors include government earnings (income tax from employment / corporation, VAT / import duties, etc. local business taxes);
- (железная дорога): state-owned railway;
- (жильё): programs including student aid and public housing;
- (г-ые заботы): whatever cares of state or other annoyances might prey upon the monarch's mind, his story-teller was sure to send him to sleep;
- (г. заказ / госзаказ, информация о том, как получить госзаказ): information on getting a government contract;
- (г-ые закупки): government procurement in the United States is based on many of the same principles as commercial contracting, but is subject to special laws and regulation;
- (закупки): they cannot do nowadays, with a greater population than at that time, with less than 85 million tons of state buy-in;
- (защитник, т.е. назначенный судом адвокат для неимущих подсудимых): the Public Defender Service in Washington, D.C., is a proud and vibrant organization that has zealously protected the indigent for many years;
- (земельный кадастр): the Governmental Land Cadastre;
- (земля): the sale / purchase of state land;
- (земля в Англии / Канаде): Crown land;
- (измена): high treason;
- (имущество): the ministry which handles the sale of state assets;
- (компании): government-owned companies;
- (компания): Rosneft, which is state-run, plans to sell as much as $5 billion in bonds in the second half of the year;
- (корпорация): Rosatom, the Russian state-owned nuclear group;
- (налоговая инспекция, т.е. не в США): Governmental Tax Service;