- (т.е. щадить): to spare the women / somebody's feelings
жалеть (т.е. скупиться) - (Москва жалела средства на поддержку дела арабов): Sadat agreed that Moscow had been grudging in its support for the Arab cause;
- (мы не жалеем для бедных их долю): American's hostility to welfare emanates not from selfishness but rather from the sense that current welfare origrams are unfair. It is not that we begrudge the deserving poor an equitable share. It is that we feel hardworking taxpayers are being duped by too many welfare cheats.;
- (не ж. пива): when R. went a-hunting, he took a great lot of beer with him, and he was not stingy with it;
- (не ж. расходов): the United Arab Emirats has spared no expense in building their pavilion;
жалеть (т.е. сожалеть, о чём-л) - (о том, что могло бы быть): there's no point now in regretting the might-have-beens;
- he is a genuine SS captain who sincerely regretted what was done;
- we've always regretted selling the farm;
- he was not sorry about this;
- I worked my half day in the afternoon from one to five. Because the committee hearings and other businesses often ran beyond that, I often stayed after 5 o'clock and never begrudged it.;
- (об утраченной игрушке): of all the childish things she left behind, the one she regretted most was the doll's house;
- (ты ещё пожалеешь): you'll be sorry, he mumbles;
- (ж., что проговорился): he wished he'd not let his tongue slip;
- (ж., что сделал что-л): you are regretting that you ever returned to me;
- (я жалел, что не взял фотоаппарат): I wish I had brought the camera;
- (я жалел, что мы не принимаем участия в...): I hated not to be part of the international agreement
жалеть (т.е. сочувствовать, ж. кого-л) - he was too busy feeling sorry for her to notice immediately that he had a letter too;
- (кого-л): imagine me feeling sorry for Thomas;
- to feel pity for somebody;
- she thought of him as a son and pitied him;
- you pity someone because you have an unhealthy need to feel superior
жалко / жаль - (т.е. о скупости): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. о сочувствии): смотри ниже;
- (т.е. сожаление): смотри ниже
жалко / жаль (т.е. о скупости) - (ему было ж. столько платить): he grudged paying so much for such bad food;
- (не то, чтобы нам было ж. для бедных их долю): American's hostility to welfare emanates not from selfishness but rather from the sense that current welfare origrams are unfair. It is not that we begrudge the deserving poor an equitable share. It is that we feel hardworking taxpayers are being duped by too many welfare cheats.;
- (не ж. никаких жертв): no sacrifice is too great to save this painting
жалко / жаль (т.е. о сочувствии) - (ему было её ж.): he felt sorry for her;
- (мне его ж.): I sympathize with him / I feel for him;
- (мне ж. тех, кто...): I feel it's good the city is changing, but I feel bad about people who can't afford to stay
жалко / жаль (т.е. сожаление) - (мне было страшно ж. потерять его, т.е. хорошего сотрудника): I was heartsick about losing him;
- (очень ж., что я не знал...): it's а pity / too bad we didn't know you were in New York;
- (очень ж., что я не знал...): it's a shame I didn't know he was looking for a job - there was an opening in our firm which would have been perfect for him;
- (очень ж., что я не мог...): too bad I couldn't print all the wonderful gossip we heard;
- (ж., что он этого не сделал): He looked like he was gonna rip her head off. Too bad he didn't.
жалоба - (ж. на беспорядок в избирательной кампании): there were a lot of complaints about the disarray in the (presidential) campaign.;
- (ж. на железные дороги): to investigate complaints against railroads;
- (ж.на нарушение прав человека): other U.S. grievances include Beijing's human rights abuses;
- (т.е. за несправедливое увольнение): if you are past your ninety-day probation period, and if you have been fired for work performance without being given a written notice, you probably have cause for a grievance;
- (ж. на непристойное поведение): that's the list of every complaint of indecent behaviour on over the past two years, including nude sunbathing and flashing;
- (инцидент вызвал поток жалоб в министерство обороны / в адрес министерства обороны): the incident has triggered a barrage of complaints to the Ministry of Defence;
- (ж.на незаконную дискриминацию): complaints of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should be filed with the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs;
- (т.е. на несправедливое увольнение): in any grievance, the burden of proof is on the grievant;
- (ж. на отказ обеспечить бесплатную перевозку детей из школы): the appellant submitted an appeal against the refusal of the Authority to provide free transport for their children home from their respective schools in the afternoon to their grandparents;
- (ж. на стиль руководства): after complaints over his management style he was fired;
- (ж. на учителя): the class burst at once into an explosion of complaints about his behavior while the teacher had been ill;
- (обоснованная): to have a legitimate grievance;
- (подать ж-у): смотри ниже;
- (прекратить разбор ж-ы): New Zealand Privacy Commissioner, Case Note 006A, Аpril 1994. A debt collection agency faxed to the complainant's place of employ a notice stating "Unpaid accounts. Please contact us urgently." The Commissioner discontinued the complaint when the debt collector changed its policies so as to not allow faxes to places of employment except at a debtor's request.;
- (разбор / рассмотрение ж-ы, все участвующие в разборе / рассмотрении ж-ы должны соблюдать конфиденциальность и неприкосновенность личной жизни других): all those involved in a grievance procedure will respect the confidentiality and privacy of others;
- (разбор жалоб): Resolving Grievances for University Staff Employees. This policy provides a process for orderly and prompt resolution of work-related problems for University Staff employees.;
- (ж-ы управдому от жильцов): Are you sure it's so cold? I haven't had any other gripes AmE slang
жалоба (подать ж-у) - If she lodges a complaint, he's screwed. Parole revoked.;
- I don't want to lodge a complaint;
- (подать ж-у на кого-л за преступное причинение ущерба): I'm going to file a complaint against him for criminal mischief;
- (ж-ы на незаконную дискриминацию следует подавать в Бюро программ равных возможностей): complaints of prohibited discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should be filed with the Office of Equal Opportunity Programs;
- (ж. на основании неправильного напутствия присяжных): an appeal was lodged on the ground of misdirection;
- (служащие должны иметь возможность подать ж-у, не боясь преследований): employees raising a grievance should be able to do so without fear of victimisation;
- (фирма подала на него ж-у в Коллегию адвокатов Арканзаса за выставление клиентам завышенных счетов): the firm filed a complaint against him with the Arkansas Bar Association for allegedly overcharging his clients and padding his expenses
жалобщик - (т.е. на несправедливое увольнение): in any grievance, the burden of proof is on the grievant
жалованье - (на жалованьи у мафии): one of the trusted police leaders is in the pay of the mob;
- any office, the emoluments fml whereof shall have been increased during...;
- (получать ж.): he shall not receive within that period any other emolument fml from the US
жаловать - (ж. дворянский титул): to grant a title of nobility;
- (ж. дворянство кому-л): the Queen bestowed honorary knighthood on him;
- (ж. личное / наследственное дворянство): Achieving a certain level in the Table resulted in acquiring that or another grade of nobility. A civil servant promoted to the fourteenth grade was endowed with personal nobility (dvoryanstvo), and holding an office in the eighth grade endowed the office holder with hereditary nobility.;
- (я не жалую тех, кто лезет в мою систему безопасности): I do not take kindly to people tampering with my security system
жаловаться - (ж.во время массажа): The team trainer wanted to give their new quarterback a rub down. The kid was hacking at his hamstrings and R. wanted to scream. But you can't complain during a massage.;
- (иностранные инвесторы жаловались на рост препятствий к предпринимательству): a chorus of foreign investors has been grumbling fig about the mounting obstacles to doing business in Chinese market;
- (кому-л): Someone stole Cassius Clay's bicycle when he was 12, and he groused to a policeman that he'd whup the culprit. The cop told him he'd better learn to fight.;
- (ж. кому-л на что-л): he groused to an aide about having had to speak to a "bigoted woman";
- (ж. на архаичные порядки университета): we soon chafed at the University's archaic rules and demanded to be treated like adults;
- (ж. на боли в груди): he complained of chest pains;
- (ж. на всё): he continually complains about everything;
- (ж. на кого-л): he had moaned continually about his pet;
- (ж. на кого-л): the doctor's sister used to grumble about all these animals and said they made the house untidy;
- (ж. на купленный товар): I have to complain about one of your products;
- (ж. на недостаток рвения у кого-л): he was lamenting that Truman had insufficient cold-war zeal;
- (ж. на нехватку еды): the victuals and drink had run out, and the knights were grumbling loudly;
- (ж. на питание, т.е. в ресторане): he complained all the way down about the lousy food upstairs;
- (ж. на плохое отношение средств массовой информации к Хиллари Клинтон): the Democratic primary is still in full swing, and Hillary's husband has just finished railing against media mistreatment of his wife;
- (ж. на свою работу): stop whining fig about your job;
- (ж. на свою работу): although she constantly moans fig about her job, the truth, however, is that she loves it;
- (ж.на СМИ за неточности в репортажах): he railed against the media for alleged reporting inaccuracies;
- (ж. на то, что от тюремной еды у него понос): he complained the prison diet had given him diarrhea;
- (ж. на то, что редакторы жадно хватаются за любую новость, какой бы невероятной она ни была): He lamented the "eagerness with which editors seized upon every story, however improbable, and blazoned it forth to their readers, to excite their wonder or impose upon their credulity. How such articles of "news" originate, it is not always easy to tell. Perhaps the favorite of the tall stories was that of the sea monster.;
- (ж. на холод): he thought 20 degrees was a bracing temperature and believed that only sissies complained about the cold;
- (ж. на что-л): not even the Soviets would have the gall to complain of our fleet's moving to a point where the Soviet squadron had been manoeuvering for days;
- (ж. на что-л): anyone who bleats about fig the effect of the fiscal stimulus on the future budget surplus or the Social Security trust fund is missing the point
- (ж. на работу / трудности): to grumble about the job / the difficulties;
- (ж. на что-л): not even the Soviets would have the gall to complain of our fleet's moving to a point where the Soviet squadron had been manoeuvering for days;
- (ж. на что-л, т.е. возмущаться): people complain of the barbarism;
- (она не жаловалась и не ждала сочувствия): she wasn't whining and she wasn't looking for sympathy;
- (ж. учителю на обидчика): Jerry tells Logan to do his homework for him. Jerry says he will make fun of Logan in front of their class if Logan doesn't do it. What should Logan do? Logan should say "no" and tell the teacher on the bully.;
- (ж. учителю на обидчика): telling the teacher on a bully would only bring more focus on the one being picked on;
- She read an article last week in which the writer said he was recklessly distorted by the Press. She thought, "Oh, for heaven's sake, there's Martin whingeing BrE infml again."
жаль - (ему было явно ж. времени, которое он уделял Тому): he was obviously grudging the time he was giving to Tom;
- (как ж., что...): what a pity that such riches should fall to a people without the wit to make proper use of them;
- (мне ж. тех, кто...): I feel it's good the city is changing, but I feel bad about people who can't afford to stay;
- (Не вижу - Ж.): "Can you see which is the Queen Bee from down there?" "No." "A pity.";
- (ж., что не могу вспомнить): too bad that I couldn't remember that today;
- (ж., что я не взял фотоаппарат): I wish I had brought the camera;
- (ж., что я не мог...): too bad I couldn't print all the wonderful gossip we heard
жанр - (искусства): every genre is covered - sculpture, painting, drawing, ceramics;
- (литературные произведения различных ж-ов): discussions on the difficulties of translating literary works from various languages and genres;
- (художественная литература всех ж-ов): fiction in any genre
жар - (задать ж-у образно, афганцы задали ж-у английской армии): the encyclopedia was written by an Englishman who was totally perplexed as to how we Afghans have managed to thrash daylights out of English armies;
- смотри файл TEMPERATURA
жаргон - (т.е. агентов ЦРУ, спецназовцев и наёмных охранников): with his convincing patter and combat garb, J. blended easily into the circle of spooks, bearded US special forces and burly private security contractors, who form part of the cast of America's war on terror;
- (ВВС): for an Air Force officer who'd flunked out of pilot training, making him forever an "unrated weenie" in Air Force parlance, a fourth-class citizen in the Air Force pecking order - below even helicopter pilots - he was earning his keeping more and better than he'd ever done;
- (воровской): thieves' cant;
- (ковбойский): Top is a highly complimentary adjective in rodeo lingo. A "top hand" is a mighty good cowboy.;
- (коммерческий): the telephone lines being open, they used the commercial parlance that was habitual;
- (компьютерный): "snow crash" is a computer lingo;
- (модный): he is a fan of trendy slang
жара - смотри файл TEMPERATURA
жаркий - (перебранка): Two chartered buses filled with Parma fans arrived after the team and made a rowdy entrance into the stadium. Before long, the two sides were engaged in a rousing shouting match.;
- (предмет ж-их споров): abortion continues to be a hot topic of debate;
- (разговоры): the country buzzed with heated speculations about whether he would survive as a President;
- (обсуждения / споры): during the course of long and heated debate over the tariff;
- (споры, утверждение судьи в сенате вызвало ж-ие споры): the Justice's Senate confirmation was a slugfest;
- (спор): they were having a heated argument;
- смотри файл TEMPERATURA
жарко - смотри файл TEMPERATURA
ждать - (встречи, т.е. с нетерпением): tonight's meeting had been one he was very looking forward to;
- (его ждала апелляция со стороны обвинения): he still had to face an appeal by the prosecution;
- (ждать-не-дождаться): I was anxious to learn what he had come about;
- (ждать-не-дождаться, жду-не-дождусьирония): "You will receive the results of your inspection in 7 days' time." "I can hardly wait.";
- (ждать-не-дождаться, они ждут-не дождутся, когда это им достанется): If my family knew I was showing you... They can't wait to get their hands on this;
- (не ж. ответа): he asks after my wife, but he does not await my answer;
- (т.е. о телефонном звонке, "Вас ждут к телефону" - "Пусть подождут"): "The caller is on hold." "Put him on hold.";
- (он давно ждал этого момента): for him, this moment had been a long-time in coming;
- (повышения зарплаты приходилось ж. долго): raises (in salary) were minuscule and slow in coming;
- (т.е. предстоять): смотри ниже;
- (ребёнка, т.е. о беременной): she's with child;
- (с нетерпением ж. новостей): he was hungry for news;
- (с нетерпением ж.): he had been looking forward to the weekend trip to the village;
- (только и ж. предлога, чтобы её побить): the woman treated her stepdaughter worse than ever, and was always on the watch for some pretext for beating her;
- (я могу терпеливо ж., пока не найду работу в моей области, т.е. не идти на работу не по специальности): I just graduated college with no job lined up. That means I have one of two options. I can keep holding out for a job in my field. Or I can find an unrelated job.
ждать (т.е. предстоять) - (автомобили ждёт серьёзное состязание): the cars are now in for serious competition;
- (его ждало потрясение): when the king was back to his castle he was in for shock;
- (его ждало разочарование / его ждал сюрприз): he was in for a letdown / surprise;
- (заговорщиков ждало особое обращение): Canaris and other plotters were designated for special treatment;
- (их ждала неожиданность): but there a terrible surprise awaited them;
- (сомнительно, чтобы их ждал справедливый суд): it is questionable whether Mr I. and his co-defendants will get a fair trial;
- (сюрприз ждал их): when they arrived to the pool there was a surprise in store for them;
- (тебя ждёт несколько сюрпризов): there are some surprises in stock for you
же - (как же он победит на выборах, когда...): how indeed will he win the vote when he's facing opposition within his own party?;
- (кто же не слышал о Кандагаре?): I've heard of Kandahar. Who hasn't?;
- (кто же это сделал?): You're not well. Who did that to you then?;
- (много же ты знашь об акцентах т.е. с иронией): His brogue! A fat lot infml you know about brogues;
- (мы же не были такими): we definitely weren't that rude when we were in first year;
- (мы же не рассказали ему всё): it's not as if we've told him the full story;
- (наёмники грабят страну с тех пор как вы их отпустили, после того, что вы же их и наняли): mercenaries are plundering the country ever since you cut them loose after recruiting them in the first place;
- (нельзя же ожидать): one could not really expect great things to happen on the cheap;
- (ты же на нём ездил): "The horse is still a bit scary, isn't he?" "Come off it, you've ridden him, haven't you?";
- (ты же хотел железный повод, чтобы туда поехать): you wanted a copper-bottomed excuse to go to K., didn't you?
- (т.е. уговаривая выпить спиртного, так зима же): George, a bracer: come. It's winter, after all. A nip of something?;
- (что жe делать?): "Then what shall we do?" enquired the boy.;
- (я же сказал): "You would swear away my life if you could" "I would be quit of you, and would be relieved if you were dead." "I know it. I said so, didn't I?"
желаемое - (получить ж.): she was not above using her smile and beauty to get what she wanted.;
- (желание принимать ж. за действительное): his speech may be construed as wishful thinking
желаемый - (приданиe ж-ых свойств, т.е. бетону): the specific proportions of cement, aggregate (sand and gravel) and water can be varied to yield the desired properties;
- (привести к ж-ому результату / произвести ж-ое действие): I called Security to request that our two marines be excused from duty, and although I met with loud protest, my threat to involve the acting ambassador turned the trick;
- (свойства): classical plant breeding uses deliberate interbreeding (crossing) of closely or distantly related species to produce new crops with desirable properties;
- (эффект): the intended effect
желание - (беременной женщины): a pregnant woman is having unusual cravings;
- (бороться с ж-ем, т.е. сильным): he has to fight the urge to look up and wave at the CCTV camera;
- (было бы ж., а возможность найдётся): where there's a will, there's a way;
- (ж. взять всё под контроль): the event seemed to have only intensified her furious desire to bring every aspect of life at the school under her personal control
- (выдвигаться на второй срок): Republican chances for victory depended upon his willingness to run for a second term;
- (выжить): intense desire to survive;
- (вызывать ж. к загадочным женским фигурам): I was aching with the mystery of sex, with the terrible allure that such undulating figures could evoke;
- (выразить ж. сотрудничать): he expressed his willingness to co-operate;
- (выразить ж. увидеть документы): he expressed the desire to see the papers;
- (гореть ж-ем): смотри ниже;
- (добиться больших возможностей): a burning desire to win larger opportunities;
- (если у меня появится ж.): I'll bear that in mind if I ever get the urge to go in there;
- (исполнить ж.): смотри ниже;
- (непреодолимое, мною овладело непреодолимое ж. спать): the urge to sleep overpowered me;
- (министр ушёл с поста по собственному ж-ю): the Minister wished it to be known that he had left the cabinet out of his own volition fml;
- (по ж-ю): the mind is not a book, to be opened at will and examined at leisure;
- (подавив ж. задушить её): suppressing the urge to choke her, I instead forced a smile and thanked her for the explanation;
- (ответить на сарказм тем же): he curbed an urge to answer her sarcasm in similar fashion;
- (подтвердить ж. вести переговоры): they affirmed their willingness to negotiate;
- (ж. политиков улучшить отношения): the leaders spoke of their desire for improved relations;
- (т.е. политиков): both approaches have been proven to work and only lack political will to become more widely used;
- (помочь): "Yes, sahib?" he said with a deft combination of willingness to help and studiousness not to appear too eager;
- (почувствовать ж. ударить кого-л): she felt a sudden compulsion to hit him;
- (почувствовать ж.): he felt an urge to go there and heeded it;
- (превращаться по ж-ю): wizards who could transform at will into animals;
- (предмет мужских ж-й): Marilyn Monroe, the most tragic object of male yearning;
- (ж. пукнуть): The medicine gave me a diarrhea that lasts a couple of days. I fought to resist the urge to fart at all cost.;
- (сексуальное): he drank the potion off at a single gulp, and an evil lust fell on him;
- (сильное ж. повидать мир): I possess a powerful lust to see the world;
- (сильное ж. прыгнуть от радости): he walked toward the living room, fighting the urge to jump into and whoop;
- (ж. служить своей стране): the politics of the 19960s awakened my sense of obligation to my country and my commitment to service;
- (снова действовать по своему ж-ю): he needed to return to his own volition;
- (ж. страны присоединиться к организации): Russia's desire to join the World Trade Organization;
- (т.е. страстное): holding this job had seemed for years to be one of his futile yearnings;
- ("Трамвай ж." Теннесси Уильямса): A Streetcar Named Desire by Tennessee Williams;
- (умирающего): you must grant his dying wish;
- (ж. фигурировать в телерадионовостях): the insatiable appetite for news coverage;
- (ж. шахматной программы выиграть материал): Kasparov recognized that the program's compulsion to win material overweighs...;
- (шокировать): stories which try to make up for uninteresting content by "going for the gross-out"
желание (гореть ж-ем) - (иметь детей): some women are so desperate to have children they are resorting to desperate measures by getting pregnant on one-night stands;
- (т.е. ж. стать капитаном команды по крикету): Why don't we ask Tom to captain the cricket team? He's as keen as mustard infml.;
- (ж. улучшить образование в Британии): he is passionate about improving British education;
- (я не горю ж. помогать ему): I'm still mad at R. for the trick he pulled on me at the beginning of the summer so I'm really not looking to do him any favours
желание (исполнить ж.) - he granted her wishes;
- grim tales of kings sacrificing their sons to gain their desires;
- the stag could give you wishes if you caught him;
- I will see to it that your wishes are carried out
желанный - she was the most desirable woman in the town because of her combination of looks and money;
- Chinese laborers were welcome additions to the labor supply;
- he was about as welcome in their house as dry rot;
- coveted though they are, unused refugee slots go to waste
желательно - (держаться подальше): it is advisable to stand out of the way;
- (мы ищем удобную для обороны позицию, ж. с хорошим обзором береговой линии): we want to find some defensible position, somewhere with a vantage point on the shoreline would be best;